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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by AiSuigetsu

  1. =_=''

    no, but you can call me so/ so-chan

    most ppl call me ai-chan

    but i guess from my title you call call me her sadness :P

  2. =_=

    and urs too ----> :3

  3. =_=

    anyways gtg and pretend like i was reading this whole time instead of chatting with a boy that i dont even know


  4. =_=

    dont do that either

    and everyone seems to have longer mouths than mine

  5. =_=

    fine, so it was about SOMEONE and me watching the sunset from like a rooftop and he grabbed my hand and whispered "I love you" in my ear


  6. =_=

    stop calling me boze, ojiisan

  7. =_=

    ur status is creepy

  8. =_=

    ya know theres something called idreallyliketogetsomeusefulinformationouttayabutiwontsayanythingcuzumightignoremeagain right? :V


    How's ur day? :V

  9. ==

    her as a sister would be annoying as hell

    you will not understand how it feels like to be an older sibling with a "cute" younger sibling

  10. ==

    i'll let you call me that if you let my slap you for entertainment :V

  11. ==

    school yet...or at last home sick?

  12. ==

    You told people you were 13

  13. >:D

    lol~ well...my weekend was plain havoc :/

  14. actually, i sat in the front row =_=

    the teacher saw me but i guess she said nothing cuz im usually a good student and that lesson was truly boring

  15. actually, lets not get off topic

    if you trace it back its actually to deduct why u sensed sarcasm

    logic, men, logic...

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