Heiji Hattori and Kazuha Toyama

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Revision as of 21:16, 25 May 2011 by (talk) (Episode 263: The Osaka Double Mystery- The Swordsman and Toyotami's Castle)
Heiji and Kazuha

Heiji Hattori and Kazuha Toyama serve as the beta couple for Detective Conan and a foil for Shinichi and Ran's relationship.


Detective Conan

Heiji and Kazuha have been best friends since childhood and has kept close together throughout the years. Kazuha is perhaps the most important and Closest person to him out of everyone in the series, and Heiji being the most important person in her world as well. They go just about everywhere together from Vacations to Dinner dates and Mystery Cases, There are very rare episodes where the two aren't together because they always travel together to most of the places they go to. Kazuha and Heiji both share Twin Good - Luck charms that has the chain that kept them bonded together from when they where children and have worn them throughout the years. Heiji has been shown to be very jealous when another man takes a intrest in her, as seen when he was clearly jealous when she told him she was hugging another man. In Their Love life status, Kazuha seems to be a few levels ahead of Heiji, She has her feelings for him made out pretty clear (Love) while Heiji is still at a kindergarden level in the feelings department, however, recently, he's has begun to understand his feelings for Kazuha, that's grown into love. Although, Heiji still can't find a way to express them to her, parallel to Shinichi's delimma.


Episode 263: The Osaka Double Mystery- The Swordsman and Toyotami's Castle

  • Kazuha finds Heiji so he can arrive to his kendo tournament on time, even though he was in the BOYS BATHROOM, and she purposely DROPPED a bucket on his head.
  • Kazuha thought she was the reason Heiji skipped a few preliminaries, because she gave him a scar on Bikuni Island, but instead he made a joke out of it, causing Kazuha, not surprisingly, to walk off angry.
  • Kazuha cheered Heiji on, when his match was about to begin.
  • Later, after the first murder was committed, Kazuha found Heiji, to remind to eat his lunch, so he can have his strength and energy for the semi-preliminary games.
  • Kazuha is searching and yelling for Heiji.
  • Kazuha grabs Heiji, after the case is solved, so he can compete in the tournament, but are too late.
  • Kazuha falls asleep, onto Heiji's shoulder, before she could even eat the blowfish, Shizuka Hattori had made. Shizuka tells her son that it was because she kept looking for him all day.
  • While in the car, Kazuha overhears her father, Detective Toyama, telling Heiji's father,Heizo Hattori, that since Kazuha is "reaching the age of marriage", he wants Heiji to be with her, and not some, "irresponsible punk". Kazuha is slightly angry at her father's statement, but this scene showed that Kazuha's father wishes that his daughter and Heiji marry, meaning he trusts Heiji with Kazuha.
  • Heiji lets Kazuha give Kogoro Kouri, Ran Mouri, and Conan Edogawa a tour of Osaka, but sarcastically states he regrets it. Then, he comes very close to her face, when he scolded her, Kazuha then would defend herself, in a "girlfriend" way.
  • Heiji grabs Kazuha's arm, by surprie, telling her not to help the tourist group they met, or as Heiji called them, "weirdos".
  • Heiji and Kazuha have another "love quarrel", about Kazuha's misplaced wallet, which she stated was because Heiji kept rushing her to leave. When he suggested that she forget about, Kazuha told him it had her "lucky charm" inside, and raindrop hits her face. Heiji mistakes this as tears, and tells her not cry, until he realizes the rain pouring down. As the two look up at the skt about to rain, the viewers notice how close they are to each other.
  • Kazuha tell Heiji that she isn't lying about the "treasure" their fathers were talking anout before the current case started.
  • Detective Toyama arrives to help in the case, courtesy of Kazuha, so Heiji wouldn't be too preoccupied and they could have a delicious dinner. However, Heiji reacts badly and immaturely to her proposal, and begins berating her out loud and in front of her father, who reminds Heiji to be polite to Kazuha, when he's around, with a menacing glare.Getting the idea, Heiji quiclky changes his attiude, and "respectfully" declined her invite, and tells her to go eat with Ran, which she does in irritation. This is a bit of irony, that a girl's boyfriend is expected be nice to a man's daughter, especially if he looks tough and is a police officer, even though they're not offically a couple. Although, as Kazuha leaves with Ran, she looks back at Heiji and smiles, secretly happy of his decision.
  • At the restaurant, Ran figures out that Kazuha called her father to HELP Heiji, and she tried to cover up, sp she wouldn't be embrassed.After this, Kazuha admits it was true, but she wanted to see Heiji's expression when he solved a case, that being the trait she admires and LOVES the most about him.
  • Heiji hears Kazuha's scream, and quickly is worried.
  • Heiji asks Kazuha questions about the supposed "suicide".
  • After the detective duo left, solving the case, Kazuha tells them Heiji and Conan, that they solved. Everyone wonders how she knows.Without hesitation,Kazuha smiled and blushed, while simply saying that ,"Heiji had that look on his face, whenever he solved case".

Episode 406-408: Conan and Heiji's Mysterious Magic Arc

  • Heiji accompanies Kazuha to a magic show in Osaka.(Part 1)
  • Kazuha became noticebly irritated at Heiji, when he stated the women in the magic show were "beauties". (Part 1)
  • Conan and Heiji dash worriedly to where they heard Ran and Kazuha scream. (Part 1)
  • Heiji teases Kazuha about wanting to see a magic show.(Part2)
  • Kazuha tells Heiji that Hoshikawa couldn't be the criminal, because she hugged him, causing Heiji to become frustrated, and chastise her for bieng "intimate" with an adult man briefly. (Part 2)
  • After Kazuha comments on how "brilliant and cool" Shinichi Kudo is, Heiji is jealous and before taking Ran's cellphon, with an excuse, he roughly grabs Conan, and sarcastically asks what "the great Kudo", has come up with during the investigation. (Part 2)
  • Heiji confides in Conan, that whenever Kazuha speaks with anothe guy, he starts getting agitated and not able to concentrate. Conan realizes that Heiji has fallen in love with Kazuha, without even knowing it himself, but instead of telling him the truth, Conan sadis the reason Heiji is feeling this way is because he's a "brat".

Movies and OVAs

In The 7th movie Crossroad in the Ancient Capital Heiji realizes that Kazuha was his first love and remains to be his true love from that day. Though they may bicker and make fun of each other, Heiji and Kazuha both care for each other very deeply and cares for the others safety and would even risk their own safety for the cost of the others.


  • Fans of the Heiji-Kazuha pairing sometimes refer to them as "KazuHei."
  • Kazuha's father once told Heiji's father that he would prefer for Kazuha to marry Heiji than any other boy.
  • In most openings, the couple have been shown together.
  • Their habit of calling each other, "Ahou", might be their own little "pet name", for each other.

See Also