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Detective Conan World

Detective Conan/Batman Crossover

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 68

Uncertain Results

The clock continued to tick from the wall above. What was expected to be a short wait turned into minutes. He kept his eyes on all of the guests who were standing on the other side of the room, watching as Officer Celek made his way back along with the other four at his side.

"What's this all about," Aldon asked upon reaching them. "Did you find out who stole the diamond?"

"We have a good idea who did," James said in response. "But first we'd like to have a look through all of your accessories."

"You mean our belongings," Matthew questioned. "Do you think one of us is the one who took it?"

"The evidence seems to be pointing into that direction," James replied. "The sooner we get through this process the better, I'm sure most everyone would like to leave at this point in time."

"Truly spoken," Catheron said stepping forward. "Here, you can start by checking my bag."

"Officer Herman, would you take the honor of getting us started?" James asked looking to his side.

"Of course." Herman agreed before sliding on a pair of plastic gloves.

He took the purse from her hand before walking it over to the table to examine all of the contents inside. Everyone patiently waited as the process began. He took this time to watch her, not seeing any hesitation or concern in her posture.

"None of this seems to be bothering her, not even a bit," Heiji thought to himself. "It gives you a solid vibe she didn't do it."

Officer Herman returned a short while later, handing her the purse back before zipping it shut.

"She's all cleared," Officer Herman said. "I found nothing suspicious from within her bag."

"That's one down," James said. "Who would like to go next?"

"You can check mine next," Matthew said pulling up a large blue back from down at his side. "I have a lot that I carry around, so you might as well get mine out of the way."

"Good idea." Officer Herman said reaching down to grab it.

"Here, let me help you," Heiji said lifting it up from the other end. "We'll get done a lot faster if we search his bag together."

Herman then turned to Gordon who gave him the go ahead nod.

"You heard the man, we'll get through this much sooner if the two of you work together."

"Understood sir."

The two of them took the bag over to the table, placing it beside the glass case before zipping the top pocket open. The first thing they laid their eyes upon was a long cloth, removing it to come across several jars. Each were filled with a different type of metal. Neither knew what to think, carefully taking them out one by one before laying them out across the table.

"What do you think is the meaning behind this small collection he's got here?"

"Don't know," Heiji replied. "That's something we'll have to address with Mr. Thompson once we're done here."

After emptying out the jars from the bag he turned his attention to the side pocket, pulling it open to find a couple more items.

"What do we have now?" Officer Herman asked watching from across the way.

"Things I was expecting we'd find." Heiji replied.

He pulled out a set of head phones along with a music device, followed up with an empty spray can. He continued to feel his way around, pulling out a compass and a half used pack of gum.

"Is that it?" Officer Herman asked.

"Still looking."

There was one last thing in the far corner of the bag, bringing it into his hand to find a hankerchief wrapped around something. The two of them shared quick glance, wondering what could be wrapped away inside.

"Could this be it?"

He slowly removed the hankerchief, unraveling what was hidden from beneath.

"What is it?" Officer Herman asked coming to his side.

"Most certainly not a diamond," Heiji said. "It's some kind of rock, and from its condition I'd say Mr. Thompson has taken good care of it."

"You wait here, I'll go and get him," Officer Herman said. "I think we both would like an explanation for his jar collection he's got going."

"Take your time."

He rechecked all the pockets, wanting to be sure there was nothing he missed.

"Looks like he's cleared as well." Heiji said before focusing his attention back to the items upon the table.

It was the empty spray can in particular that caught his eye, leaning in closer to see exactly what was inside.

"Oven cleaner," Heiji thought. "Who carries around oven cleaner, or any empty spray can for that matter?"

He then checked the tops of each of the jars, discovering just how tight the lids were locked down. Officer Herman returned moments later with Matthew at his side.

"You wanted to speak with me?"

"We've searched your entire bag," Heiji said. "We didn't uncover the diamond, so that means you're all cleared."

"But we have a few simple questions." Officer Herman added.

"Go right on ahead, I'm listening."

"Alright then, how about we start with the jars," Heiji began. "What's with the collection of metal's you've got stored away?"

"I actually plan on running a small experiment," Matt replied. "That is once I get all of this stuff back to the lab."

"A lab?"

"We also found this empty bottle amongst your belongings," Officer Herman pointed out. "Is that something you do often?"

He couldn't help but laugh at this.

"I didn't even realize that was in there," Matt said. "Where did you find it?"

"In the side pocket along with your head phones, compass, and a pack of gum." Heiji replied.

"So you had no reason for keeping the empty spray bottle?"

"Not at all officer."

"I guess that means you wouldn't mind if I take it?"

"Be my guest," Matt responded. "I have no further use for it."

"You're free to go back and rejoin the others," Officer Herman said. "We'll get your bag back to you as soon as we repack everything."

"Thanks, I'll be waiting."

With that he headed back to where the others awaited. They took no time in setting everything back in place before zipping the bag shut once again.

"So what do you think?"

"He was cooperative enough, regardless of some of the questionable continents in his bag," Heiji said. "That means our thief is one of the other two."

"Earlier you said you had an idea who it was, has anything changed since then?"

He didn't get the chance to respond, looking over his shoulder to see Gordon heading over with Aileen at his side.

"She has volunteered to go next." James said resting her purse atop the table.

"I'll let the two of you handle this one," Officer Herman said. "I'm going to go ahead and return Mr. Thompson's bag to him."

"And while you're at it, go and see if they've collected all surveillance camera's just like I asked." James added.

"Will do Commissioner."

He lifted the heavy bag from there, steadily positioning over his shoulder before making his way to the other side of the room. James then turned to Heiji who did the same in return.

"What do you say we get this over with?"

"I helped with the last one, would you like to handle this one yourself Commissioner?"

"You've done a good job up till this point, I think you're entitled to finishing it."

"Loud and clear," Heiji said before turning to Aileen. "And you're ok with me searching your bag?"

"I didn't know I had a choice."

"You always have a choice."

"Permission granted, I have nothing to hide from you or anyone for that matter."

"That's all I needed to hear."

He tightened the gloves around his hands before reaching down to grab the zipper. As expected there was much to be found inside, taking his time to carefully maneuver his way through. The first thing he came across was a crumpled receipt and and a bottle of perfume. He placed both items aside after removing them from the bag, followed by billfold and a container of chapstick. He froze at what he saw next, not expecting to see what came to his eye.

"What's wrong," James asked taking notice of the hesitation. "Is that all she had in her purse?"

It took a few moments for him to recollect himself, looking toward Gordon as he lifted the eye grabbing gem from inside the bag.

"This is it," Heiji informed. "This is the diamond that went missing after the lights blacked out."

"Are you sure?" James asked.

".. Positive."

He then turned to Aileen who still stood at his side, coming to find a surprised look on her face. Not only surprised, but just as shocked as he seemed to be.

"I swear I had nothing to do with this," Aileen said. "I didn't even know it was in there."

"I'm sorry to say, but I'm going to have to ask you to come on a little ride with me," James said. "One which will take us down to the police station, unfortunately."

"You have to belive me," Aileen plead. "Why would I want to take something I have no use for?"

"There's not much I can do at this point, especially since the diamond was discovered within your belongings," James stated. "We'll discuss this further once we get to the station, but right now I'm going to have Officer Celek escort you out to the car."

"You don't believe me, do you?"

"You're innocent until proven guilty," James replied. "And that's where I stand on the matter."

He called for Officer Celek who almost immediately responded.

"What's going on Gordon," Officer Celek asked upon reaching him. "Have you retrieved the missing diamond yet?"

"As a matter a fact we did," James said holding it up. "Turns out it was hidden at the bottom of Ms. Aileen's purse."

"I see," Officer Celek said. "What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to take her down to the station," James replied. "We'll begin further procedure from there."

"How long should I expect until your arrival?"

"No longer than an hour," James replied. "I'd like to make sure everyone is cleared out of here before I leave."

"Understood, then I'll see you then."

The others watched on from where they stood, speechless at the sight of her hands being cuffed together. She kept her head down the whole way out, too embarrassed to face any of her comrades. He shook his head as he looked on, feeling a strong hand touch down to his shoulder from behind. He turned, not surprised to find him standing before him.

"What's wrong, you don't look too satisfied with the results."

"That's because she wasn't the one who did it, someone must be setting her up," Heiji said. "Though the diamond was found amongst her belongings, I there's not much evidence that supports she was the one who put it there."

"Then tell me," Bruce said taking a step back. "Out of the four, who do you think put it there?"

"I thought for sure I would find it in Mr. Thompson's bag."

"What lead you to believe that?"

"A series of things, but most in particular the cut on his cheek," Heiji replied. "He claimed he received it after the glass case was broken in the dark, but the angle of his cut tells another story."

"What do you mean?"

"The cut on Matthew's cheek is slanted downward, so wouldn't that imply that shards of glass fell down at him instead of upward like he's claiming?"

"You make a good point," Bruce said. "After all Matthew did say he stood up from his seat after hearing the window shatter, so I don't see how the glass case being busted could have got his cheek cut if he was standing."

"Which means he could have only gotten the cut while standing under the window after using the rope hook to shatter it."

"But that still doesn't explain how or why the diamond wound up in Aileen's hand bag."

"I see, you're not sold on it are you," Heiji asked. "You think that she's the one who actually set this all up."

"No, there's just one small detail you've neglected to pay any mind to up til this point."

"One small detail?"

"Their foot attire," Bruce said. "Out of the four of them Aileen was the only one wearing high heels, I doubt she would have been able to shatter the glass window and then run all the way back to the glass case to do the same in such a short time."

"You're right," Heiji said. "It was only a matter of seconds in between each incident."

"That's not the only thing," Bruce said. "I came across a few foot prints on the ground when I went to go check out the fuse box, they belonged to someone wearing a pair of shoes, not high heels."

"In other words, you think our thief visited that room before you did?"

"Exactly," Bruce said before reaching into his jacket. "I found this on the ground after running a search of the room."

"A piece of glass?"

"That's what I first thought as well," Bruce said. "But after giving it a closer look I've come to find it's actually part of a light bulb, whoever was in that room before Officer Celek and I arrived must have knocked it down."

"Why would someone want to do that?"

"To hide the trick they had set in place," Bruce replied. "I don't know the full extent of how they got the lights to go off for that brief amount of time, but I know it all begins and ends with that room."

"Besides the foot prints and light bulb piece you found, was there anything else eye grabbing?"

"I did come across some tape on the wall, not to mention the lever to the fuse box was wet."

"I'm guessing the floor was wet as well, considering you were able to make out the shoe prints," Heiji said. "But what do you think caused the floor to become wet?"

"I didn't have enough time to figure that one out," Bruce replied. "My search was cut short after Officer Celek returned from his phone conversation."

"You knew from the beginning didn't you," Heiji asked. "You knew she wasn't the one who took the diamond, so how come you didn't say anything before they took her away?"

"The same reason you didn't, the lack of conclusive evidence," Bruce replied. "But don't worry, I'll have her out as soon as we can."

"Which means the true thief is either Aldon, Matt, or Catheron," Heiji thought to himself. "But if that's the case, why hide the diamond in Aileen's bag where it could easily be discovered?"

"I have no idea what that means, but that was most incredible to watch." Someone said from behind.

The two of them turned at the sound of her voice, looking to see who had joined them at the center of the room.

"Ms. Fournier," Bruce said. "I was wondering when I'd see you again."

"Sorry about that, I got caught up in something."

"Who's this with you?" Bruce asked taking notice of the man next to her.

"Nathan Bennet," Bernadea replied. "My fiance."

"Nice to meet you Wayne."

"To you as well," Bruce said shaking his hand. "How long have the two of you been engaged?"

"Next Monday makes a month," Bernadea replied. "But enough about that, who's your detective friend?"

"His names Heiji, he's actually here on a little trip from Japan."

"Long way from home I see," Nathan said. "Though I must say it was more than entertaining to watch you handle that case."

"You were watching?" Heiji asked.

"Weren't we all?" Bernadea remarked.

"Wasn't there something you wanted me to see Ms. Fournier?"

"Bernadea, call me Bernadea."

"Of course."

She reached down to her side from there, pulling out a small card which she handed to him.

"What's this?"

"My fathers business card," Bernadea replied. "I would love to further elaborate, but we're running late as it is."

"Where to?"

"We agreed to meet with some friends at at a theater across town," Bernadea replied. "But you'll be hearing from me soon, as early as tomorrow even."

"I look forward to it."

"See you guys around." Nathan said.

The both of them headed toward the exit from there, waving back to the two of them before walking out.

"They seemed like a nice bunch," Heiji said looking over at him. "Any idea what she plans to call you about?"

"Your guess is as good as mine."

"So where's Kudo," Heiji asked. "I thought for sure he'd be here tonight, at least that's what Grayson said."

"I didn't think we'd need his assistance, so I had him stay behind at the manor," Bruce informed. "But you'll see him when we get there."

"But I thought I was staying with Drake?"

"Did Dick tell you that as well?"

"Why, does Drake not know I'm here?"

He did his best to hold back a smile as he turned to walk.

"What do you say we go and find Dick," Bruce suggested. "I'm sure he's found a parking space by now."

"You lead the way."

"Of course."

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 69

Mini Lon

He had been up for the previous hour, thinking of what the day might have in store for him. There was something off, something he couldn't quite wrap his finger around. He headed for the door after tossing on a shirt, arriving out to find Alfred roaming the hall.

"I see you're up early today."

"Not to worry, I'm feeling much better now."

"I'm glad to hear that's the case, what about your temperature," Alfred asked. "Has it stayed mellowed down?"

"As normal as it's going to get." Conan replied.

"That's nice to know," Alfred said before stepping aside. "Why don't you head down to the study, Master Wayne told me to let you know to meet him there when you awoke."

"Any idea what it's about?"

"He said he had something to give you," Alfred replied. "That's all I was told on the matter."

"Thanks for letting me know, I'll head down there right away."

He walked past him from there, wondering just it was he had to give him. He took his time as he made his way down the stairs, heading straight to the right after reaching the bottom. He stopped once reaching the door, raising his hand to give it a knock.

"You're up fairly early." Bruce said walking up from behind.

"Oh," Conan said turning to face him. "I thought you were in there already."

"I was, there was just a little something I had to attend to." Bruce said reaching for the door knob.

The two of them stepped into the room from there.

"Alfred said you had something to give me."

"Oh yes." Bruce said heading to the right of the room.

He stopped once reaching the desk, grabbing something that rested atop a pile of papers he had laid out on the left side.

"Your glasses," Bruce said returning them to him. "You left them in the TV room last night."

"Thanks, there's no telling when I might need these," Conan said sliding them into place. "So, how did things turn out at the city hall last night?"

The sound of the phone ringing buzzed loud to their ears, putting their conversation on hold for the time being.

"Give me a moment," Bruce said heading back toward the desk. "There's an important call I'm expecting."

He waited from where he stood, watching as he answered the phone. The conversation was brief, lasting only a few seconds. He placed the phone back onto the hook once finished, grabbing his jacket from the hook before heading for the door.

"Where are you rushing off to in such a hurry?" Conan asked before stepping off to the side.

"There's someone I'm supposed to meet with at Wayne enterprises," Bruce replied. "There's a position that recently opened up they're interested in applying for."

"I see."

"You're free to come along if you'd like," Bruce said. "If nothing else, it will get you out of the house for a little while."

"You know, I think I'll take you up on that," Conan said. "You can count me in."

"Right this way," Bruce said taking lead. "We have less than forty minutes before our scheduled meeting is set to begin."

The two of them left the room from there. They didn't get very far, stopped upon reaching the front door.

"Where are the two of you heading off to?" Alfred asked on his way down from the upper floor.

"To Wayne Enterprises," Bruce answered. "I'm on my way to meet with Mr. Barron for the first time."

"I hope that turns out well as you've been anticipating," Alfred said after finally making his way down. "Will you be needing a ride?"

"Not this time, I've got it covered," Bruce replied. "There's no telling how long this meet will take."

"You also received a call from Mrs. Elotte while you were out on your jog earlier."

"I'll get back to her some time tonight, if anyone else calls while I'm away just have them leave a message," Bruce said. "I should be gone no longer than two hours tops."


The two of them headed out past the door from there, walking down the long set of stairs toward the awaiting car. The first ten minutes was a quiet one as they cruised along the road, keeping a firm grip to the steering wheel as he looked over to see him change the radio station for a second time within the past minute.

"Is there something in particular you were looking for?"

"Not as much as becoming familiar with each station," Conan replied. "But since you asked, which are the stations that broadcast the news?"

"Three, four, nine, sixteen, twenty two, and thirty six," Bruce replied. "Though two of those stations deal with predominantly the weather."

"That's good to know, now I won't have to search around," Conan said before leaning back in his seat. "So, how did things go last night?"

"Not as expected."

This caused him to turn in his seat, not sure what to take from the straight forward expression across his face.

"Care to enlighten me?"

"She never showed."

"Oh, guess it can't get any simpler than that," Conan said. "Any idea why she didn't come?"

"Tim's looking into that as we speak." Bruce informed.

"And how do you think he plans to do that?"

"By starting with what we have in front of us," Bruce replied. "Which means finding out the names of those who were scheduled to be there last night who didn't show up."

"Good plan," Conan said. "There's always a chance she was there to meet with someone in particular, someone we might be able to single out."

"That's one option, but there's also the back up plan."

"Back up plan?"

"We'll only result to it if need be." Bruce said looking back to the road as the street light turned green.

He found his attention drawn to several sites they passed while continuing to drive, lost in thought as the minutes passed. Before he knew it they had arrived. He sat up in his seat as they came upon a large gate, watching as he swiped a card along a the top of a security panel which then allowed them access to a private parking lot. The two of them stepped out of the car after finding a spot, which didn't take very long.

"Right this way, we're almost there."

He did as he instructed, following him along the sidewalk as they made their way toward the entrance just up ahead. He gazed up at the massive structure as they approached, admiring its many features. Most eye catching of all was the set up of the layout itself. The doors slid aside upon reaching them, allowing for the two of them to head straight in.

"Well, this is it," Bruce said looking down at him. "Welcome to Wayne Enterprises, this is where almost all my business decisions are made on a daily basis."

He was a little lost for words, not sure how to respond as he continued to follow him through the building. He found himself fascinated by the floor of marble as they walked, taking a small time to look it over. They finally came to a stop after taking a right at the end of the hall which brought them in front a large service desk.

"You're early." A young woman said from where she sat behind the desk.

"I always try to be."

"Who's this with you?" She smilingly asked taking notice of him.

"Renae, meet Conan." Bruce introduced.

"Hi?" Conan greeted with a friendly wave.

"Hello to you as well," Renae waved back before facing Bruce once again. "If you don't mind me asking, is he family of yours?"

"Not quite," Bruce replied. "I'm actually watching him for a good friend for the next week or so."

"Oh, how nice of you."

"I actually don't mind it," Bruce said leaning forward. "The kid's been problem free thus far."

"I've got to hand it to him, he's good on the fly."

"I just received a call from Mr. Barron roughly three minutes ago, he should be here any minute now."

"You can send him up to the art room on the sixth floor when he arrives, I'll meet him there as soon as I can." Bruce said before turning to walk.

"Will do, but before I forget there's someone who wishes to speak with you," Renae informed. "I told him to set up an appointment, but he insisted he would only take up a moment of your time so I let him through."

"Where is he now?" Bruce asked turning back to face her once again.

"I directed him to the lobby," Renae replied. "That was no longer than two minutes ago, he should still be there waiting for you."

He turned to the right with Conan keeping pace with him as they began walking once more. They made their way down a short hall which lead them to a larger room than the one they had previously been in. The wall to the left side was made of glass, allowing for a perfect view of the neighboring buildings. On the right side of the room is where all the chairs were located, lined up from across the solid wall. The two of them headed over as they watched someone stand up from the nearest chair to them.

"James Gordon, what a surprise this is." Bruce said after coming to a stop.

"I hope this isn't a bad time, but there's something I'd like to ask of you."

"Is this about what happened last night?"

"As a matter a fact it is," James confirmed. "By now I'm sure you've heard the updates on the case, it was all over the news through this morning."

"What case?"

"I did happen to catch a little of it," Bruce said. "But what does any of that have to do with me, I already gave my written statement before I left last night."

"That's not exactly what I wanted to speak with you about."

"It's not?"

"It's about that kid," James clarafied. "You seem to know more about him than I."

"A little."

"Then perhaps there's a chance you know where he's currently staying, if so would you be kind enough to give this to him," James asked reaching into his jacket. "Here's my card, have him call me whenever he gets the chance."

"Just curious," Bruce said after accepting the card. "What is it you want to talk to him about?"

"With this case far from closed I thought he might be interested in helping lock it up," James replied. "After all, he was there to witness the whole thing unfold."

"I'll let him know," Bruce said. "You should hear from him within the next day."

"Thanks for the talk Wayne," James nodded before stepping in between the two of them. "I won't take up any more of your time."

"Nonsense, you're always free to stop by Gordon."

"I'll keep that in mind," James said before turning to walk. "Give detective Hattori my best, and I hope to hear from him soon."

The both of them watched as he made his way toward the exit through the hall they had come. After he was no longer in sight he looked up at Bruce who had a pretty good idea of what was on his mind.

"Who was that man?"

"Gordon, commissioner of the Gotham police force."

"That would explain," Conan said. "I heard him mention a Hattori, it wouldn't happen to be."

"The same detective Hattori from Osaka Japan," Bruce finished. "That'd be the one."

He couldn't help but roll his eyes at the thought of being left behind only to find out he had been there in his his place.

"What else don't I know?"

"And before you ask, no I didn't know he'd be there," Bruce said. "It came as a surprise to me as well."

"I heard Commissioner Gordon mention a case to you," Conan stated. "You said that woman never showed up, so what exactly happened yesterday night?"

"A high priced diamond was stolen," Bruce replied. "It was amongst other jewels concealed behind a glass case which all awaited to be auctioned off."

"A bidding?"

"That was the plan."

"So what happened?"

"With the use of the fuse box in one of the other rooms someone was able to shut off the electricity for a brief period," Bruce replied. "Within that short time they stole a diamond from the large collection."

"Was that it," Conan asked. "Are you positive nothing else was taken?"

"If so, it wasn't reported."

"Any idea who may have taken it?"

Within that instant the two of them turned at the sound of someone entering the room, looking just in time to see a smiling man heading their way.

"Hope you don't mind me meeting you here, the kind woman at the front desk said I would find you in here."

"You must be Antonio Barron," Bruce said stepping forward to shake his hand. "Pleasure to finally meet you."

"Tony, call me Tony," Antonio said in response. "I brought in all the required paperwork you'll need to see."

He held up a folder that rested down at his side.

"Don't bother, I've already looked into everything I need to know about you," Bruce said. "And with you being here before the scheduled time and prepared, I must say I'm more than excited to have you aboard."

"I see he's not one for small talk." Conan thought.

"So that's it," Antonio questioned. "I'm hired?"

"I made up my mind long before you arrived," Bruce informed. "I've already talked with several of those you jotted down as references, they all had good things to say."

"So where do we begin?"

"They're making space for your office as we speak, it should be ready anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour," Bruce replied. "But I wouldn't return until this evening."

"Why's that?"

"Mr. Fox is currently out at the moment but should be back anytime after five," Bruce informed. "He has a few things he needs to go over with you, after that's taken care of you're free to get situated."

"Sounds like a plan," Antonio said before turning back the way he had come. "Hope to see you soon."

"Come to me if you have any questions or concerns."

"Loud and clear."

He walked down the hall from there, leaving them as the only two in the room for the second time.

"He seemed nice enough, what position did you hire him for?" Conan asked out of curiosity.

"As our new CCO, Chief Compliance Officer," Bruce replied. "Now what do you say we head back to the manor?"

"Sounds good to me, but I do have one question," Conan began as they walked forward. "Where's Heiji staying?"

"Not quite sure, he did leave with Dick last night," Bruce replied. "But I do have a good idea of where he might be."

They made their way out from there, finding themselves back on the road a short time later. He decided not to switch on the radio this time around, sitting back in silence as they continued to drive. He then looked over at him after passing by another street corner.

"You never did get the chance to answer my question."

"About what?"

"About the person who stole the diamond," Conan replied. "Did you ever round up any suspects?"

"We did, they even arrested someone," Bruce informed. "Turns out she wasn't the thief."

"What do you mean?"

"Upon further investigation the police came to find the diamond found in Ms. Aileen's hand bag was nothing but a decoy," Bruce replied. "It was nothing but a fake replica of the real diamond stolen, and a good one at that."

"It must have been if it was able to fool you both."

"Something that won't happen again."

"That would explain why the Commissioner came to you about contacting Heiji," Conan said. "Any idea's on who the real thief might be?"

"We've got our suspects lined up."

"What's so special about this diamond anyway that they would only take it and not anything else?"

"I don't know about special, but it was most certainly rare," Bruce replied. "Turns out that diamond was a type IIb, which happens to make up only 0.1% of all natural diamonds worldwide."

"Bet it's worth a high price too."

They paved the way down the roadside, arriving to their destination after several minutes of driving. He caught sight of a familiar car parked a few feet away from where he stood after stepping out. He looked over his shoulder to see Bruce already heading up the stairs toward the front door, wasting no time in following after him. They entered to find him sitting at the bottom of the staircase.

"How'd things go at Wayne Enterprises?"

"Dick," Conan said walking toward him. "I knew I recognized your car out there."

"Things went well," Bruce said replying to his question. "I'd say Mr. Barron is as advertised."

"Where's Heiji," Conan asked. "I thought he'd be with you."

"So I see you've heard," Dick said sitting up from where he sat. "He's actually staying with Tim."

"I'm surprised to see you, I thought you had business across town today." Bruce said.

"I do, but there was something important I thought the two of you would like to know," Dick said. "And I think it would be best if I told you in person."

"Is this about what happened last night?"

"Not exactly," Dick replied looking down at Conan. "It's actually about that man you saw just moments before he died."

"You mean the guy who wore the eye patch?"

He nodded in response.

"What did you find out?"

"Some interesting information, very interesting at that," Dick replied. "After running an autopsy they found out that he had over fifteen face surgeries while he was alive, and that's just the beginning."

"Can't wait to hear this."

"When the authorities searched his apartment they found over seventy two different ID's he had gone under," Dick informed. "Not to mention several latex fabrics hidden beneath the kitchen sink which he probably used to change up his facial features from time to time."

"Sounds like this guy was hard on disguises," Conan said before lowering his hands into his pocket. "A whole new twist has just been added to this already complex puzzle."

"But that still doesn't explain why that woman didn't show up at the city hall last night," Dick said resting a hand under his chin. "She's our only real link to this guy at this point."

"Wouldn't worry, we might not have to wait too much longer to find out why."

Both Conan and Dick immediately turned to Bruce who stood with a reassuring look on his face.

"I talked with Tim earlier this morning, he came upon a source which might lead us right to her."

"What kind of source?" Dick asked.

"It's called the Mini Lon," Bruce replied. "I'm sure Tim will be more than willing to elaborate further when he gets here, which shouldn't be too long from now."

"A Mini Lon... what's a Mini Lon?"

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 70

One Lead to Another

"A Mini Lon huh, sounds intriguing," Dick said before checking the time on his watch. "How soon did he say he would be here?"

"Around twelve O'clock."

"Which is only fifteen minutes from now," Dick said rechecking the time. "I guess I can wait it out for a little longer."

"Better make that twenty five," Conan said after removing his hands from his pocket. "We all know how forgetful he can be when it comes to time."

At that very moment a booming sound could be heard from outside. They weren't sure what it was at first, taking the time to have a look out the window to see him slowly trailing in past the gate on a motor cycle. He removed the helmet after parking aside the lawn, hanging it upon the handle before pushing up.

"Ok, I stand corrected." Conan said as he headed their way.

Dick opened the door on his way up the stairs, stepping off to the side to leave a clear path.

"Nice bike." Conan commented.

"Thanks, I've only had it for about a month now." Tim said as the door closed from behind.

"What do you say we dive right into it," Dick said. "I don't have much time as it is."

"Why, do you have somewhere to be?"

"Business down town," Dick replied. "I have another hour before I need to be there."

"So tell us," Conan said. "What is it you were able to find out?"

"I actually started off by going over the guest list, there were only five people on there who didn't show," Tim informed. "Of the five, only two of them sparked my interest."

"Please do continue." Dick said.

"Herman Richardson and a Wes Barnett," Tim replied. "Wes is the CEO of a major constructions company, in fact they've been doing a lot of work here in Gotham for the past few months."

"I think I've seen of few of the sites while we were driving around," Conan said. "What about Herman Richardson?"

"An up and coming politician, he actually plans to run for senator at the next election."

"So which one's the odd man out?" Dick asked.

"Herman," Tim replied. "He was virtually unknown to the public eye a few months ago, but has surged at a vast rate in just these past few weeks."

"And what's the problem in that?" Conan questioned.

"That's not what bothers me, but rather where the money's been coming from," Tim replied. "I wasn't able to find who's been funding all these events he been hosting, and that's something that shouldn't be to hard to find."

"Did you check his bank records?" Bruce asked.

"Only to find small sums of money going in and out, most certainly not enough to account for what he's currently got going," Tim replied. "That must mean whatever money he's collecting must mostly be through cash."

"That would explain the lack of records," Dick said. "Whoever's been funding him must have a good deal of money."

"That's all good and said, but what does any of that have to do with the woman we've been searching for?" Conan asked.

"I'm glad that you asked," Tim said looking his way. "Beileve it or not as popular as he's become, he still has his very straight forward non supporters."

"Any threats?" Dick asked.

"That's exactly what lead me to my latest find," Tim replied. "After filtering Herman's name through my search function I came across a private lan network, well something like it."

"Were you able to gain access to this network?" Bruce asked.

"Not until overriding the security fire walls," Tim replied. "It was no walk in the park."

"What did you see once you got through?"

"More than what I was expecting to find," Tim answered. "It was a network full of names, with a list of assignments directly in the column across."

"Names and assignments," Conan questioned. "What exactly were they set up for?"

"Hits, several hits at that."

"So let me guess," Conan said. "Herman Richardson was one of the targets listed?"

"That's not all , I even found out who was assigned the task," Tim informed. "Screen named SLNoir."

"And you think this SLNoir person is the woman you've been searching for."

"I don't think, I know it's her," Tim said turning toward Dick. "I checked a folder which read 'completions', once inside I was able to find information on former assignments along with the outcomes of each."

"Kind of like a time table?" Conan asked

"Exactly," Tim confirmed. "Once inside I searched for the screen name 'SLNoir', and sure enough it lead straight back to our eye patched friend."

"Was the location of the hit listed?"

He nodded in response.

"They even had the cause of death recorded," Tim informed. "Exactly the same as what the police reported."

"So SLNoir was hired to kill him at that public event, which means we've got her locked in," Conan said stepping forward. "All we have to do is keep an eye on Mr. Richardson, it's only a matter of time before she'll find another opportunity to make her move."

"What about this Mini Lon Bruce told us about," Dick asked. "Does this have anything to do with what you discovered as well?"

"It's actually the name of the main storage area," Tim replied. "Which just so happens to link several other running networks through a data link layer."

"Like a network bridge?" Bruce asked.

"Perfectly put," Tim said. "There were approximately twenty other networks bridged to the Mini Lon, how many users who were connected to those is unknown at this time."

"What about the other targets," Bruce asked. "If you still have access to this list, I'd like to account for every planned hit of theirs."

"As dumb as this may sound, I was kind of limited on time frame," Tim smilingly said. "Not even two minutes in the computer sensors picked up a circulating virus, which I'm assuming came from one of the other linked networks."

"And what was the problem in that, weren't your safety walls active?"

"Didn't want to take the risk," Tim said. "If my computer became even remotely affected it could have exposed my location."

"Don't you have a VPN system set up?" Bruce asked.

"I do, but some of these viruses can be very elastic as you already know."

"Ok, now they're completely talking in another language."

"I'm doing the best I can to find out what kind of virus it is, and once I do I'm going to set up a counter wall."

"Why don't you give me the information to the Mini Lon as well," Bruce said. "I'll try and set up an anti virus of my own, that way we can gain a solution to this set back much sooner."

"Sure thing," Tim said before looking back toward Dick. "I guess I better link you to the Mini Lon as well, with the three of us working at it we'll have this taken care of in no time."

He immediately shook his head in decline.

"You know I'm not a computer guy, if you need any additional help why don't you try contacting Barbara," Dick suggested. "She'll be back in town in the next few days."

"I'll keep that option in mind."

"Regardless, The two of you should be able to handle this," Dick said before looking down at his watch. "I better get going, keep me updated on last nights case."

"The video footage from the camera's I set up are processing back at the house as we speak," Tim informed. "I'll let you know what turns up."

"Until then."

He walked toward the door from there, calmly closing it on his way out.

"I have a phone call to make to Mrs. Ellote about a small dispute that took place earlier in the week," Bruce said before turning for the kitchen. "I won't be long."

He watched as he made his way past the kitchen door, feeling a tug at his pant leg in the following moments.

"You were so quiet I almost forgot you were there for a second."

"Could you rehash what the Mini Lon is exactly?"

"Weren't you listening?"

"It's not my fault I couldn't keep up with half of what you were saying." Conan admitted.

"I'm disappointed," Tim grinningly said. "With both Haibara and the good doctor at your disposal I thought you would have picked up with a lot of this stuff by now."

"I really don't have interest in computers to that kind of level."

"Obviously," Tim said removing his hands from within his jacket. "So how about I give you the basic layout of how the system runs down?"

"That will work."

"It's all kind of like a spiderweb used for plotting out ideas, I'm sure you've created one for a class project before," Tim began. "Think of the Mini Lon as the main heading or system, then you have all the other computer networks branched off of it."

"That clears it up a bit, but why is everything linked through several separate networks," Conan asked. "Why don't they all just connect straight to the Mini Lon itself?"

"I would be lying if I told I knew the answer to that, but I may I have a good idea why," Tim replied. "I'm thinking each network is set for a certain group of individuals, making it easier for preparation."

"By certain groups, you mean the guys setting up the hit lists right?"


"Now I get it," Conan said. "You believe each person running a given network constructs their part of the plan before uploading it up on the Mini Lon for the others to see, which then allows for the next group of guys to set up the next step."

"This can range from who's handling the locations and dates, to those providing weaponry if necessary," Tim added. "Glad to see you caught on."

"If your hunch turns out to be true, that still doesn't answer the other half of the question," Conan said. "We still don't know why they chose to plot everything out through separate systems, especially since everything ends up at the same location."

"And we might not know for some time, gaining the information for that might actually require an inside guy."

"Easier said than done," Conan stated. "Fact is we don't even know who's running the tables, let alone who their accomplices are."

"I never said they would be a willing participant."

He looked toward him for a third time, pausing at his comment for the next few moments.

"I'm not even going to ask what that's supposed to mean," Conan said deciding to switch gears. "So where's Heiji, how come he didn't come with you."

"I see you've heard, was wondering when you'd ask."

"So what's the deal," Conan asked. "Was this whole thing supposed to be some kind of big surprise?"

"If it was, mission accomplished," Tim said. "I didn't find out he was here until last night, it wasn't long after that I was informed that he would be staying with me."

"I guess that'd be the second time for you this week," Conan said finding some humor in the situation. "So where is he now?"

"He was still asleep when I left," Tim replied. "Last I saw him was at mid night, that's around where he headed to bed."

"No telling when he'll be up."

"You could try giving him a call," Tim suggested. "If he doesn't answer I could bring him over once he awakes."

"We'll let him have his sleep," Conan said after giving it some thought. "The last thing I'd want is for him to explode over the phone."

"You really think he would?"

"Believe me, it's best this way."

"I'll take your word for it."

The kitchen door reopened soon after with both Bruce and Alfred making their way out toward the front door.

"That was relatively quick, how'd your call with Mrs. Ellote go?"

"She wasn't able to make it to the phone at the time, so I left a message," Bruce replied. "I'm going out for a little drive, do you think you can have the Mini Lon attached to the main computer by the time I return?"

"Won't be a problem," Tim replied stepping back as he made his way by. "Where are the two of you headed off to anyway?"

"There's actually a couple stops I need to make, starting with a visit to Nano High."

"Sounds like your kind of place." Conan said looking up at Tim.

"Never heard of it."

"It's the name of the company owned by Lonard Fournier," Bruce informed. "Father of Bernadea, the woman I met last night while at the city hall."

"What business do you have there?"

"Won't know until I get there," Bruce replied. "It's Mr. Fournier who called for this little arrangement, but I'm sure he has an expansion in mind."

"What makes you think that?" Tim asked.

"I did some research on the company, most signs would indicate this," Bruce replied. "Not only on a business stand point, but for more depth as well."

"I'll set everything up for you while you're away," Tim said. "How long until I should expect your return?"

"Some time after one," Bruce replied before heading for the door. "There's something I need to check on in the garage Alfred, I'll meet you out at the car as soon as I'm finished."

"I'll see you there."

He pushed past the door from there. The three of them then turned at the sound of someone heading up the stairs from the other side of the room, watching as he wiped the sweat from the back of his neck with the use of a cloth.

"That would explain all the racket." Damian said looking toward Tim who did the same in return.

"Damian, we're taking a drive up to a place called Nano High," Alfred informed. "From what I've heard you might be interested."

"I'll pass, I still have a couple sessions to burn as it is."

"Where were you anyway," Conan asked as he neared. "Back down in the armory?"

"So, I see you're still alive." Damian said walking past him toward the stairs.

The three of them watched as he headed up, watching as he walked past the first door at the top of the stairs. Silence ensued in the moments that followed.

"Why do I even try?"

Just as he was to turn a hand touched down to the side of his shoulder.

"Try not to take in everything he says, a lot of his comments have no true meaning behind them." Alfred said.

"Not to worry," Conan said in response. "I think I've realized that by now."

"I'm going to go start up the car," Alfred said turning for the door. "You're welcome to come along if you so choose."

"I'd take him up on that offer if I were you," Tim said. "Nine out ten says you'd be more interested in what Nano High has to showcase rather than watching me get the Mini Lon loaded up onto the server."

He took a few seconds to weigh both options, looking up at him after coming to a decision.

"Do you still think you'll be here once we return?"

"Most likely not," Tim replied. "But I'll try and drop by some time later, our sleeping friend should be awake by then."

"So does that mean you're coming?" Alfred asked after reopening the front door.

"Right behind you." Conan said before following after him.

They closed the door on their way out, heading straight for the car which sat parked at the side of the gate. Once there he found himself a seat in the back like most other times, strapping in as he leaned back in wait. They sat for approximately two minutes before he made his way out of the garage toward them.

"What exactly was he doing in there?" Conan asked.

"Just the daily check up."

"A daily check up?"

He joined them soon after, having a seat to the passenger side before buckling in himself. It wasn't until the car started up that he took notice of him from behind.

"I see you've decided to come along."

"It wasn't a hard decision to make."

"I've been meaning to ask," Bruce said after facing forward. "Have you contacted anyone to let them know how you're doing?"

"Not since the first day I arrived," Conan replied. "Why do you ask, did someone try to call?"

"No, just checking to see if you were touching base with them."

"Now that you mention it, I probably am due for another check up," Conan said before looking down at his watch. "It's one something in the morning there, so I'll have to wait until tonight to call."

He eased back once again, resting his head to the top of his hands as they made their way past the gate.

"How far is this place from here?"

"I don't know the exact distance," Alfred replied. "But since traffic shouldn't be to backed up at this time of day it should take us no longer than twenty minutes to get there."

They took off from there. The roads were steady as anticipated, making for a clear path for the most part. After several minutes of driving down the roadside they reached their destination, looking up at the large structure which towered over all other buildings that surrounded it. He found an empty spot at the side of the street before coming to a stop.

"I'll let the both of you out from here, I shouldn't be parked too far away when you return."

"I'll call you once we're on our way back out." Bruce said before stepping out of the car.

Conan did the same, closing the door to the car before following him toward the entrance to the building which was only a few yards away. He caught sight of a large emblem on the side of the building, getting mixed emotions about its look.

"What is that supposed to be," Conan thought keeping his focus on the crammed together figures. "Perhaps it's a form of scattered electrolytes."

A few people exited out through the doors as they neared, causing the two of them to take a step off to the side. They continued on once all was cleared, entering to be welcomed by a cool breeze from the vents above.

"Love the fixtures they've got laid out in here."

"I'm inclined to agree." Bruce said in response.

"Any idea where you're supposed to meet with Mr. Fournier?"

"I wasn't told over the phone," Bruce replied. "But I'm sure we can get that all sorted out at the front desk."

Without further ado the two of them headed toward the large desk which was clear across the room from where they stood. He continued to observe the room as they walked, taking notice of a set of elevators to the right of the room. He then looked to the left to see what appeared to be a waiting area, filled with several comforting chairs which all surrounded sat around a small table. Upon looking away he took note of a fish tank at the far corner of that side.

"Not too shabby."

Before he knew it they were in front of the desk.

"There's no one here," Conan said. "Any idea where they might be?"

"I saw someone head through that back door there when we first walked in," Bruce pointed. "I'm sure they'll be back momentarily."

"That would explain." Conan said before hearing the buzz from his phone.

Without thought he pulled it from out of his pocket, surprised at the incoming call.

"It's Mitsuhiko, but it's only about to be two in the morning in Tokyo," Conan thought to himself. "Why would he be calling at a time like this, unless... unless something is wrong."

Most everything had been quiet throughout the house as he worked, leaving him too almost forget he was not alone. The sound of the door sliding aside alerted him of his presence, looking away from the computer to see him approaching.

"Damian, what are you doing in here?"

"I overheard your conversation with the others a bit ago," Damian said. "About that... Mini Lon?"


"You said there was a virus that could potentially expose your location," Damian continued. "If that's the case, why not work from anther computer that's not connected to your system?"

"Believe me, that's something that crossed my mind," Tim said. "The only problem is is would still present the problem of them knowing someone was trying to hack hack into their network."

"Triggering them to become suspicious," Damian finished. "Looks like that route won't work after all."

He sat back in the chair as he watched him think for the next few seconds.

"Why are you really in here," Tim asked. "I know you didn't come here to flip notes back and forth with me about the Mini Lon."

"Didn't know it was that obvious." Damian said before placing a picture onto the table.

Tim glimpsed down at it, looking back toward Damian in confusion.

"What's this?"

"A lead," Damian replied before rotating the photo. "Tell me, do you recognize either of these two men?"

He took the time to give the image a harder look, bringing it into his hand as he sat up.

"The man on the right, that's Herman Richardson," Tim realized almost instantly. "Where did you get this photo?"

"I've been doing a little digging of my own." Damian replied.

"Who's the guy next to him?" Tim asked after looking back at the photo.

"His names Jefferson Eldelmon," Damian replied. "A business partner and well trusted friend of Mr. Richardson."

"That's nice to know and all, but why are you telling this?"

"Always so impatient." Damian said before pushing his way to the computer.

"What are you doing?"

"Sit still," Damian said. "This will only take a moment."

He opened up a new window, navigating to the folder set up for all video files. It was only a matter of seconds before he found what he was looking for, clicking down to the play button.

"This is the recorded footage from the night club where that woman was last seen," Tim said. "Why do I need to see this again?"

Damian didn't reply, simply pausing the video after twenty seconds in.

"There," Damian pointed. "Look at who our mystery hooded woman is talking with."

Tim did as he said, blowing up the imagery to get an even better look. It took a few seconds for everything to connect, looking back down at the photo then back to the screen.

"The man she was meeting with was."

"Jefferson Eldelmon," Damian completed. "It can't be coincidence, he's got to be the one who's hired that woman to assassinate Herman."

"Now I see, that's why you brought all this to me" Tim said. "You heard me mention Herman to these others, but why me?"


"Out of all people, why tell me," Tim asked. "I thought Bruce would have been your first choice, or Dick for that matter."

"It's simple," Damian said. "He told me he doesn't want me involved in this one, for whatever reason it may be."

"I wonder why that is," Tim thought. "Is there something about this that I don't know..?"

"And if I had gone to Grayson, he'd have told my father even if I had asked him not to," Damian continued. "That just leaves you.... I want in Drake."

"Now just hold on a second," Tim said sitting up from where he sat. "Before we discuss any of that, I want to know how you found out Jefferson's name."

"My father asked me to run a search with the image we had of him from the night club footage," Damian replied. "To see if we could find a match."

"Let me guess," Tim said fixating his eyes to his. "You lied to him about the results you found."

"I refuse to be sidelined, especially with a light task as this one."

"You know he'll probably look into it himself at some point," Tim said. "Regardless of that, is there anything else you know?"

"I might know when and where Mr. Eldelmon plans to be on Monday night, I just need your word," Damian said. "So what's it going to be, Drake?"

He took a few moments to think it through, give him a nod before turning his back to him.

"Let's make one thing clear," Tim said. "We do things my way, got it?"

"Fine by me," Damian said in acceptance. "Here's the deal, Jefferson plans to attend the birthday party of his friends wife at a bowling alley."

"Where at?"

"The one located at the east end of Gotham," Damian replied. "They just finished construction a month ago, you can't miss it."

"So if he's going to be at this party, then that means we're going to be there," Tim said. "It's our one opportunity to milk some information out of him."

"You don't mean inside the bowling alley do you?"

"Of course," Tim replied. "How else are we going supposed to get in close?"

"You're too high profile," Damian said in disagreement. "You'll draw in way too much unwanted attention, which is what we don't need."

"Who said I was going to be the one attending the party," Tim questioned while turning back to face him. "I just happen to know a certain visiting friend who fits the bill perfectly."

"Don't tell me you're referring to Kudo," Damian said. "I'm still amazed how you let that simpering wimp find out your secret, the guy can't even keep his footing."

"Perhaps you'll change your mind about him over time," Tim said. "And to answer your question, no that's not who I referring to."

"This better be good Drake."

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 71

Nano High

It was only a matter of seconds after the call was received that he brought the phone to his ear, listening to the sound of a faded beep from the other line. He tried speaking out his name, gaining no one response in return.

"Did he hang up?"

He placed his phone back into his pocket from there, looking up just in time to see someone arrive at the front of the desk.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," A young man greeted after appearing. "I hope you haven't been waiting here too long."

"Not at all Mr. Hamilton," Bruce said after glimpsing down at his name tag. "We just arrived under a minute ago."

"So what is it I can help you with today?"

"I'm actually here to meet with Mr. Fournier," Bruce replied. "Would you happen to know which floor I might find him on?"

"Wait a minute," Mr. Hamilton said giving him a closer look. "You're Bruce Wayne aren't you, Lonard said I should be expecting you."

"Any idea where he might be at this given time?"

"The eighth floor," Hamilton replied. "First door on the left, no way you can miss him."

"Thank you for your time Mr. Hamilton." Bruce said before turning for the elevators.

"Anthony," He stated. "Call me Anthony."

"Alright then Anthony," Bruce said looking at him for a last time. "Until next time."

With that the two of them made their way to where the elevators were located. They didn't have to wait very long after pressing down to the button. The elevator door to the right slid open after only a couple seconds, allowing for them to step in. The first few moments up was filled with nothing but silence.

"Who was it that tried to calling you back there?"

"Say again." Conan replied looking up at him.

"When we were back in the lobby someone tried calling you," Bruce replied. "I didn't hear you engage in any kind of conversation, is everything ok?"

"It was just a friend of mine, he didn't respond when I said his name," Conan replied. "It's nothing to worry about, he might have called by accident."

He nodded before looking forward once again. They arrived to the eighth floor a short time later, taking a left just like they were instructed to do. The door was already opened as they approached, looking inside to see a man in the center of the room directing several others around.

"Do you think that's him?"

"Only one way to find out." Bruce said walking forward.

He turned at the sound of the two of them stopping from behind, a look of confusion coming to his face after doing so.

"Is there something I can assist you with?"

"We're looking for Mr. Fournier," Bruce replied. "Would you happen to know where we can find him?"

"Then you've come to the right place," He said with the extention of his hand. "I am Mr. Mr. Fournier, that must make you Bruce Wayne."

"It's good to finally get the chance to meet with you." Bruce confirmed with the shake of his hand.

"Indeed," Lonard said before looking down at his side. "And who might this young fellow be with you?"

"His names Conan, I'm watching him for a friend for the next week or so," Bruce answered. "I thought I'd give him a tour of the city, I hope you don't mind me bringing him along."

"Not at all," Lonard said brushing a hand past his scruffy mustache. "I have an idea, why don't we continue this in my office?"

"Where's that?" Conan asked.

"On the final floor," Lonard replied looking down at him. "The 50th floor to be exact."

"We're ready when you are."

"No better time than now," Lonard said before turning for the door. "They're busy in here as it is, best to give them some space."

The two of them followed him out, heading straight back for the elevator they had come. On the way up Conan looked over to see him adjusting the tie around his neck, pushing away from the wall before tapping his leg to get his attention.

"Mr. Fournier, can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can kid," Lonard replied looking down to face him. "You can ask anything you want."

"What exactly were those guys doing back in that room we were just in?"

"Just a little rearranging," Lonard replied. "It's something we do once a year, especially when we bring in any new merchandise."

"What kind of merchandise?" Conan asked out of curiosity.

"Upgrades needed for the company video software, windows, furniture, you name it," Lonard replied. "Don't be surprised if you see any high priced paintings around, I have a soft spot for that kind of stuff as well."

"I think we all take delight to art in some fashion or another." Bruce said.

The elevator came to a stop a short time later. One by one the three of them stepped out, entering a well spaced room. It was a hard sight to miss, the wall to the right was made of glass which allowed for a great view of much of the city.

"This is it," Lonard declared. "Welcome to my office."

"It doesn't get much better than this." Conan said marching forward.

He didn't come to a stop until reaching the glass wall, looking from one side to the other as he observed several areas of the city from where he stood. Lonard joined at his side moments later, letting out a smile as he too looked on.

"Magnificat, isn't it?"

"I'd say so," Conan said still looking into the distance. "How often do you find yourself standing here?"

"Believe it or not, almost every night," Lonard replied. "My daughter could even clarify that if you asked her, it helps me to relax my mind after many long days."

"Can't really blame you," Conan said. "With a view like this I might be prompted to do the same."

"I have a little business to discuss with Mr. Wayne, you're free to stay right here if you choose."

With that he turned back for the other side of the room before leaving his side. Conan stood there for minutes to come, looking over his shoulder to see the two of them had taken a seat at a couch nearby where they had engaged in conversation. He focused his attention back to everything beyond the glass wall, finding himself lost within the moment. It was the sound of his phone that leveled him back into reality seconds after dosing of. He quickly reached for it, answering it as soon as he read the number.

"Mitsuhiko, are you there?"

"Well of course," Mitsuhiko replied. "I am the one who called after all."

"Is everything ok?"

"I was just thinking of asking you the same thing," Mitsuhiko said. "I haven't heard from you since you left, most of us didn't find about your trip until after the fact."

"It was kind of a last minute thing," Conan said. "But why are you calling so early, shouldn't you be asleep?"

"I guess you could say I was a little worried about you, I just wanted to make sure everything was ok."

"I'm doing just fine," Conan assured. "You tried calling me a little earlier, when I picked up all I could hear was a ring."

"Sorry about that," Mitsuhiko apologized. "I thought I heard something dash past my window, it gave me a little scare."

"That would explain."

"So when are you coming back?"

"Don't know to tell you the truth," Conan replied. "No longer than three weeks I'd presume."

"That's good to know," Mitsuhiko said. "I'll call you later, don't want to wake up my parents by accident."

"Better yet, I'll call you next time," Conan said in response. "Be sure to tell the others I said hi when you see them."


With that the two of them hung up.

"That went well," Conan thought to himself. "At least that puts my brief concern to rest."

He slid his phone back into his pocket from there, turning away from the glass wall to still see the two of them chatting. wondering excatly what it was they were discussing. It wasn't long after that he heard the sound of a soft voice from his left side.

"Where is it coming from?"

There was no one to be seen upon his first look. He then took notice of a door, deciding to head toward it with little hesitation. The sound of another voice could be heard followed by something slamming as he neared, reaching his hand out to turn the knob. He pulled the door aside to reveal a smaller room, looking inside to see two men sitting at a table at the center of the room. It was difficult to hear what was being, watching as the man with his back turned to him looked to face him.

"Who are you?" He asked.

He was surprised at what he saw, resulting in him pausing for a short period.

"You look exactly like Mr. Fournier." Conan finally replied.

"If you mean Lonard, then of course, he's my twin brother," He laughingly said while sitting up from the chair. "I'm Grahm Fournier, are you looking for my brother?"

"Not at all," Conan replied. "I heard something slam and came to see what it was, I hope I didn't interrupt anything."

"You're fine kid, we were just about done here as it is," Grahm said. "What are you doing here anyway?"

Before he had the chance to respond he felt a hand touch down to the his shoulder, looking up to see Lonard standing at his side.

"I see you've met my brother." Lonard said.

"Lonard, what are you doing here," Grahm asked. "I thought you were down stairs directing the arrangements for next weeks sit down."

"I was, but put it on hold upon the arrival of Mr. Wayne." Lonard said as Bruce walked in from behind.

"You must be Grahm," Bruce said. "Your brother was just telling me about your work here at Nano High, I'm looking forward to seeing some of your stuff first hand."

"So I see you've agreed to terms."

"Just about, though we still have a few details to go over." Bruce said.

"What are you doing in here," Lonard asked. "I thought you would be down in the computer room, don't you still have to calculate the costs for the improvements for building b?"

"I was just about to head down there after my discussion with Mr. Bennet."

He waved to the two of them from where he sat, standing to his feet right after.

"Welcome to Nano High."

Lonard walked over to his side from there, dropping a hand to the back of his neck before letting out a huge smile.

"This is Nathan, the CCO of the company," Lonard said. "And soon to be husband of my daughter."

"As I was told at the city hall," Bruce said stepping forward with the lift of his hand. "It's good to see you again Mr. Bennet."

"I'm glad you decided to come." Nathan said shaking his hand in response. "Bernadea said you would."

"The two of you are practically identical to one another," Conan said looking from one brother to the other. "So how do most people tell the both of you apart?"

"I'm afraid I'm unable to answer that." Lonard replied after giving it some thought.

"I still have a hard time with it myself." Nathan admitted.

"Are there any distinguishing differences between the two of you?" Conan asked.

"Nothing that can be seen at first glance," Lonard replied. "One difference between Grahm and I is that I'm left handed and he's not."

"Not much of a difference at all." Bruce said.

He made his way back toward the door, coughing as he did.

"Did you spray that air freshener again," Lonard asked looking directly to his brother. "You know I'm allergic to that stuff."

"Sorry about that," Grahm apologized. "I spilled a bit of vinegar earlier and sprayed a little something to clear out the smell."

"Just open a window next time," Grahm said tapping him on the shoulder. "I'm going to head back down stairs, I'll leave everything else to you."

He turned for the door, heading out with Bruce at his side. Conan was just about to do the same, catching sight of Grahm clutching a green slip of paper in his left hand.

"Just remember what we discussed," Grahm said. "We only have one shot at this, so don't mess it up."

"..Of course."

Grahm headed out from there, stepping to the side of Conan who was in his path. That left just the two of them. He looked over at Nathan who had made his way to a window near the far corner. He watched him for the next few seconds, deciding to exit out of the room himself soon after.

"I wonder what that was all about."

He made his way across the room, heading straight to the doors where both Bruce and Lonard waited the elevator.

"There you are," Lonard said as he approached. "I knew something was missing."

"I just wanted to have one last look at the city from up here before we left."

"You're free to come back anytime, that is of course if it is alright with Mr. Wayne," Lonard said. "I'm positive you'd find the view past night fall most promising."

The elevator doors slid open from there. The three of them quickly settled in before the doors had a chance to reclose. It was quiet on the way down, each keeping to themselves. He was still thinking about what he had seen, not sure if he should be concerned or not.

"I wonder what that slip of paper in his hand was... It's probably nothing." Conan thought to himself.

They reached the first floor soon after. Conan was the first to walk out closely followed by Bruce just a few steps behind.

"So when would you be interested in meeting for the final touches?"

"How about next Thursday," Bruce suggested. "I should have everything lined up by then."

"That plays perfectly into my schedule," Lonard said. "I'm looking forward to see what materials Wayne Enterprises has to offer."

"I'll give you a time as soon as I can, which will most likely be after noon." Bruce said as they neared the entrance doors.

"Whatever works best for you," Lonard said. "Thursday it is."

He nodded before walking past the entrance doors with Conan at his side. They followed the same path from earlier, leading them back to the roadway. He pulled his phone out to make a call, which didn't last long. Once finished he placed the phone back into the pouch of his jacket.

"I just spoke with Alfred, he should be here within the next minute."

"Where is he now?" Conan asked.

"Just a few blocks down," Bruce replied. "He'd have parked closer if there had been a spot available."

"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly was it you and Mr. Fournier were meeting about?"

"An expansion in resources," Bruce replied. "Particularly in what our science department has to offer."

"What do you have to gain out of all of this?"

"Much more minor in comparison," Bruce replied. "But it's always good to keep good relations, there's always benefits down the line no matter how you look at it."

It wasn't long after that the car pulled up to the side of the street. The two of them got in, buckling up before taking off.

"From the look on your face I'd say all went well."

"As expected," Bruce replied. "I plan to meet with him again next Thursday some time."

"Where to now?"

"We can head back to the manor," Bruce replied. "There's something I put on hold and would like to get on right away."

"The manor it is."

The next few minutes brought a period of silence. He reached forward to turn down the volume on the radio as they continued to drive, sitting back after doing so.

"You seemed uneasy just before we left Mr. Fournier's office," Bruce said still facing forward. "Was something wrong?"

"I'm surprised you noticed."

"Did it have anything to do with Grahm or Mr. Bennet?"

"They shared a noticeable exchange just as I was about to leave," Conan replied. "Not to mention the slam I heard which lured me to the room in the first place."

"What did you make of it?"

"I sensed some disagreement between the two, but I could be wrong," Conan replied. "It's probably nothing to worry about."

"Things can become stressful over time," Bruce said. "Especially when working for a company like Nano High, with all the responsibilities that come with the job it can take its toll."

"I guess you'd know a little something about that."

"We have several great staff members at Wayne Enterprises, so that's not something I worry about too often," Bruce said. "As they say, it's always good to keep good company."

"A very true statement." Alfred said in agreement.

"What about Grahm," Conan asked. "What is his position at Nano High?"

"He was promoted to vice president of the company roughly a month ago, what his former role was is unknown to me," Bruce replied. "But I wouldn't worry too much about what you saw between he and Mr. Bennet."

He rolled the window up from there, feeling the incoming cool breeze from the east side.

"Maybe he's right," Conan thought. "They did seem to be working on a tight schedule, not to mention Grahm being in such a hurry."

He laid it to rest for the time being, tilting his head back as he turned to look out the window. The clouds could be seen in the far distance cluttering together, hinting at a shift in weather. Not much was said the rest of the way there, all three listening to what was being broadcasted over the radio. He sat up as the house came into view after a margin of driving, looking down to his watch.

"We were gone longer than I thought," Conan said. "Only ten minutes until three O'clock."

"What do you plan to do for the rest of the day?" Alfred asked as they entered past the gate.

"Don't know for sure," Conan replied. "But I've got a few ideas in mind."

"Be sure to let me know if there's anything you need."

"I'll keep that in mind."

The two of them got out from there, heading for the house as Alfred continued toward the garage. As they made their way up the stairs to the front door they heard the sound of a loud motor, turning just in time to see a car heading up from down the road. It slowed up as it neared the gate, coming to a complete stop shortly there after. The two of them continued to watch as someone in a white suit capped off with a white hat stepped out from the vehicle, holding a briefcase in hand. Conan then looked to Bruce who was still at his side.

"Do you know who that man?"

"Never met him, nor do I know what he's doing here," Bruce replied. "But I suppose we'll find out soon enough."

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 72

Off to the Club

He took a step down from the fleet of stairs, looking toward Conan after doing so.

"You stay here," Bruce instructed. "I'll go find out who our guest is."

With that he made his way back down. A couple birds flew overhead as he approached the gate. He reopened the after reaching, walking over to confront the man in the suit of white.

"Can I help you with something?" Bruce asked.

He didn't respond, simply continuing over to the other side of the car. He opened the door to the back seat, handing the briefcase to whoever was seated inside. Bruce took another step forward, wanting to know exactly what was going on. He didn't have long to wait, watching on as a woman in a black sweater stepped out from the car.

"Hello Bruce."

"Leslie," Bruce said removing his hands from within his pockets. "What a surprise this is."

"I need your help with something," Leslie said making her way around the car. "Are you busy?"

"Not at all," Bruce replied. "There's nothing too important that I can't put on hold for the time being."

"Good," Leslie said. "Then you wouldn't mind if we discussed this inside, I promise this won't take long."

"Right this way." Bruce said turning back for the house.

He watched from afar as the two made their way into his direction.

"From their exchange, I'd say he knows her."

It didn't take long for them to reach the stairs, only making it up halfway before she stopped at the sight of him.

"Bruce, who is this?" Leslie asked.

"Oh, this is Conan," Bruce replied. "I'm watching him for a friend for about the next week."

"Is that so," Leslie said before looking down at him once again. "I'm Dr. Leslie Thompkins, a long time friend of Bruce."

"Nice to meet you." Conan said holding out his hand to meet hers.

She smiled, shaking it in return.

"You have really soft hands you know," Leslie commented before turning back to Bruce. "What do you say we head inside?"

"Right after you."

She took him up on his offer, leading the way as they continued up the stairs toward the house.

"So Conan, how have you been enjoying your stay here thus far?"

"There's been plenty to keep me occupied, I especially enjoy hanging in the book room," Conan replied. "No complaints from me."

"So you like to read huh, a very good trait to have."

"What's inside the the briefcase?" Bruce asked after closing the front door.

"Why don't we take this into the kitchen," Leslie suggested. "It will only take a minute for me to explain."

Knowing the situation that it was he decided to make his way toward the staircase.

"I'll be up stairs if you need me." Conan said before walking to the upper floor.

Bruce wasted no time in heading to the kitchen with Leslie right behind. She placed the briefcase atop the table after reaching it.

"It's not like you to drop in unannounced," Bruce said. "I would have at least expected a call before hand."

"That would usually be the case, but I felt the need to get to you about this as soon as possible."

"What seems to be the problem?"

"Danielle Walden, a patient of mine since the beginning of this year has gone missing," Leslie began. "He was scheduled to meet with me at my office two days ago."

"Let me guess, you haven't been able to get a hold of him."

"And if things couldn't get any worse," Leslie continued. "His daughter Mera, she's missing as well."

"How old is she?"

"She turns eleven two weeks from tomorrow."

"Are there any immediate relatives you've tried contacting?"

"It was actually Kalein, the mother of Mera and the ex-wife of Danielle who reported him missing."

"When was the last time she saw either of the two?" Bruce asked.

"Four days ago when she dropped Mera off to stay with him for a couple days."

"Was she the last to see them before they went missing?"

Leslie nodded.

"Which means we've got a time table strapped within a four day period in which the two of them could have gone missing."

She decided now was the time to reveal what was inside the briefcase. He looked on as she pulled out a folder stuffed with a stack of papers.

"What's all this?" Bruce asked.

"Everything you need to know about Danielle," Leslie replied. "I've even got a photo of him in there, I know how important visuals can be."

"I'll get on it right away." Bruce said accepting the folder.

"He might have his problems, but he's been seeking to better himself which always makes the difference," Leslie said. "Please Bruce, try and find he and Mera."

"You know me well enough Leslie," Bruce said. "I will."

She smiled at his response, closing the brief case before taking it back into her possession.

"You're right Bruce," Leslie said with the cross of her arms. "I do know you all too well."

He didn't know what to make of her change in posture, a look of confusion coming to his face. She quickly took notice of this.

"You know you can't hide anything from me."

"Excuse me?"

"That boy, Conan," Leslie said. "You're not one to babysit, so why's he really here?"

"I was wondering when you'd ask," Bruce said. "It's all complex, but if you've got the time I'd be willing to tell you."

"And time isn't something I have, another patient is coming in at four thirty" Leslie said looking down at her watch. "But next time you stop by, I'd love for you to share."

"I'll make it soon," Bruce said. "Here, let me escort you back to the car."

"Thanks, but I think you have enough on your hands as it is," Leslie declined. "I'll see myself out."

"I'll keep you updated."

"And I'll be waiting."

She exited out of the kitchen from there, heading straight for the door. He stood there for awhile longer, looking over the folder of papers she had given to him.

"He lives right outside of Devil's Square, If there's any place to start it would be there."

A damp fog drifted in from the north side as the day progressed, leaving the sky in a gloomy state. He had been up in the room for a measurable time, setting the book aside in his hand before dropping down from the bed.

"I wonder what's going on with everyone down stairs."

He decided he'd head down to go have a look, checking the time on his watch after walking out into the hallway. It was a little past six, less than thirty minutes until the evening news was to begin. The sound of a TV from the left side could be heard as he made his way down. Paying little attention to this, he chose to head straight to the study. Unlike most other times he came to find the door open upon reaching it. He took a peak inside to see him sitting at the desk with all focus on the computer screen.

"I see you've finally decided to come down," Bruce said. "What were you doing up in that room for the past hour?"

"Got a well enjoyed session of reading in," Conan replied. "Would have continued, but I want to see what's on the evening news."

"I see."

"So how are things going in here," Conan asked. "Have you taken a look at this Mini Lon yourself?"

"I've put it on hold for the time being," Bruce replied. "When I accessed the network, the virus Tim spoke of was not detected by my security."

"So I see you're playing it safe."

"Tim's on his way now, and I'm running a scan as we speak," Bruce informed. "All the blanks should be filled in soon enough."

"But don't the both of you operate from the same network," Conan asked. "If he was able to detect this virus, shouldn't you have been able to detect it almost instantly?"

"We have several networks we use, having a variety keeps things flexible," Bruce replied directing his attention back to the computer screen. "And to answer the other part to your question, that's why I'm holding off on any further activity until we've cleared everything."

"Smart move, definitely can't disagree with that." Conan said while looking down at his watch.

Six thirty was fast approaching, every minute seemingly passing by faster than the last. He turned back for the door, taking a couple steps before coming to a stop. He was going to say something, but lost track of what was on his mind. He left the room from there, trailing about halfway across the room before stopping infront of the staircase. He took a seat at the step above the last before looking at his watch yet again.

"Fifteen minutes until six thirty, no need to rush to the TV room just yet."

He sat there for minutes to come, the events of the past few days circulating throughout his mind. Before he knew it the clock struck twenty two after six, prompting him to push up from where he sat. He took a deep breath to help clear his ravaging thoughts, heading toward the door leading to the dinning room.

"I wonder what this evenings broadcast has to offer," Conan thought to himself. "Here's hoping for a light night on any uproaring activity."

He walked forward, unaware that someone had arrived at the front door. It wasn't until he reached for the knob that he heard the front door swing open, recognizing the sound of the voice that spoke from behind.

"So this is where you've been staying for the past few days, so how goes the alteration in environment Kudo?"

"Heiji." Conan said turning to face him.

"He was finally awake by the time I went back to check on him," Tim said with the close of the door. "I gave him a brief tour of the city before deciding to bring him here."

"This place is a lot bigger than I was expecting," Heiji said beginning to have a look around. "So Kudo, where's your room?"

"Upstairs," Conan pointed. "Right past that door there, second room on the right."

"Where's Bruce?" Tim asked.

"Still in the study," Conan replied. "He was running a scan on the Mini Lon last I checked."

"He told me he would."

"What's the Mini Lon?" Heiji asked looking to the both of them in slight confusion.

"It's a secretive network used by several individuals who have been plotting out hits for multiple targets," Tim replied. "What else they might be trying to accomplish is still under investigation, not to mention we have yet to completely bypass their security walls they have currently running."

"Oh.. kay."

"In short, it's a long story." Conan added.

"Maybe I'd have a better understanding if I saw it for myself."

"That can be arranged," Tim said before turning back to Conan. "You said he was in the study right?"

He nodded in reassurance.

"I'm going to go and speak with him about the server they're working from, in the mean time you're free to show Heiji around if you'd like."

"That can wait," Heiji rejected. "It's not like we're in a complete rush, besides I'd like to find out a little more about that Mini Lon you just mentioned."

"Right this way."

Tim turned to the opposite side of the room, heading straight to the door leading to the study.

"So Kudo, how come you didn't let me know you'd be coming to Gotham before you left Tokyo?" Heiji asked as they followed from behind.

"It was only a matter of minutes between me finding out myself, and then packing to leave shortly there after," Conan replied. "I planned on contacting you as soon as I settled in."

"It's no big deal, at this point it doesn't really matter anyway."

They reached the door in the moments that followed, opening it to find a pitch dark room.

"I thought you said Bruce was in here," Tim said switching on the lights. "You sure he didn't go out for a evening drive?"

"I was sitting at the bottom of the stairs the whole time," Conan stated. "I would have seen if he had left."

"Are you sure he was in here," Heiji questioned giving the room an in depth look. "This is the only door leading out of here."

"I'm positive."

"Maybe he did come out, you probably just missed him."

"And how would I do that?" Conan asked looking up at him with the cross of his arms.

"Not saying that you did, but you do have the tendency to dose off while you're thinking." Heiji smilingly replied.

"Don't we all." Conan thought with the roll of his eyes.

He looked away from there.

"Well since he's not here, how about that tour?" Heiji asked.

"That's fine with me," Tim replied. "Wherever he is I'm sure he'll be back soon, we'll discuss things further when he does."

"Now, where to start." Heiji said giving it a seconds thought.

"Didn't you want to see the room I'm staying in?"

"That works."

"Follow me." Conan said before turning back for the stairs.

"Right behind you."

With that the two of them made their way toward the stairs. He watched on from the side of the entryway to the study as they did, deciding not to follow after them. After standing there for the next few moments, he looked back into the room with one question on his mind.

"So I see he hasn't completely let him in on everything about the manor, I wonder why that is."

Silence ensued in the following moments. He walked into the study, heading straight toward the grandfather clock beside the fireplace before stopping in his tracks.

"And it's not my place to tell him, I'll leave that up to him."

After reaching the top of the staircase he followed him to the right, taking a step to the side as he watched him open a door.

"Come on, we're almost there."

Conan lead him down the dark hall, taking each step at a time as they neared the room. He reached for the knob upon reaching the door, twisting it as he pulled back to force it aside.

"Well, this is it." Conan said flipping up the light switch.

It took all but a few seconds for him to take it all in, stepping further into the room to get an all around look.

"Not bad, it's much more spaced out than I was expecting," Heiji commented. "How much time do you usually spend in here a day?"

"Besides when I'm asleep, up to around two hours," Conan replied. "I've spent a majority of my time in the book room since arriving."

"The book room?"

"We past by it on the way up, I'll show it to you when we go back down."

He looked to his side before looking back to the door.

"What's wrong?" Conan asked taking note of this.

"Where's Drake?"

"Your guess is as good as mine, I thought he was behind you the whole time," Conan replied. "That is of course until we got in here."

"He's probably still down in by the study."

"Wouldn't doubt it," Conan said looking to switch gears. "I heard about that incident that occurred at the city hall."

"Don't remind me, I'm still a little sour with how things unfolded."

"Have you spoken with the Commissioner since then?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"He came looking for you when we were up at Wayne Enterprises earlier," Conan informed. "He wanted to talk to you about further investigating what happened."

"I heard they had released Aileen from custody, but this is my first time hearing about this."

"You can talk to Bruce about it, he might know more about what he expects from you."

"Then what do you say we go and find him?"

"I had a feeling you'd say that."

"Why don't you try calling him?" Heiji suggested.

"I haven't added his number to my contacts yet, and don't remember where I put that slip of paper given to me."

"Don't sweat it, I'll talk to him about it the next time I see him," Heiji said. "So what do you say we head back down stairs?"

"Your call."

With that the two of them exited the room, shutting off the light on the way out. They headed back down the hall they had come, arriving back to the top of the staircase shortly there after.

"So, have you spoken with anyone back home since arriving here?" Heiji asked as they made their way down.

"I've made a call or two," Conan replied. "I plan to check in later tonight some time, everyone should be up by then."

"Good call."

They made it to the bottom within the next couple steps taken, looking just in time to see the door to the study slide open. He raised a brow at who he saw, watching as a young boy headed their way.

"Hey Kudo," Heiji whispered almost instantly after looking down at him. "Who's the kid?"

"Damian." Conan drily answered.

Heiji turned back upon hearing this, smiling as he neared the two of them.

"Hello there," Heiji said holding out his hand to greet him. "I hope you don't mind me."

He stopped in mid sentence, watching as he simply walked past them without even acknowledging their presence. This left him completely speechless, continuing to watch as he made his way up the stairs before disappearing after walking past the first door.

"Oh... kay, was it something I said?"

"Don't see the big deal," Conan said with a smile coming to his face. "You got off easy."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Let's just say he's not exactly a peoples person."

"A fair warning would have been nice."

"I guess my change in tone wasn't enough to alert you."

"I take it you two don't get along?"

"That's an understatement."

It wasn't long after that the door to the study reopened, this time with Tim being the one to walk out.

"Done with the tour already?" Tim asked heading their way.

"We've actually put it on hold for the time being." Heiji replied.

"If you don't mind me asking, what were you and Damian doing in there?" Conan asked out of curiosity.

"Just discussing something we plan to do later," Tim replied before turning for the door. "Speaking of time we better get going, we only have about two hours before he plans to be at the chess club."

"You're right," Heiji said looking down at his watch."How long do you think it will take for us to get there from here?"

"No longer than an hour." Tim replied.

"Hold on a second," Conan said looking from one to the other. "Why are you going to a chess club, and who are you planning on meeting with?"

"Hopefully to gain some headway," Tim replied. "There's a man by the name of Jefferson Eldelmon who's going to be there, an acquaintance of Herman."

"You mean the same Herman who's name was listed on the Mini Lon?"

He nodded in response.

"So you think this Jefferson guy is some how involved?"

"It's no longer a hunch at this point, we know for a fact he was the one who hired someone to have Mr. Richardson exposed of," Tim said. "The why is the only unanswered question as of now."

"How did you find out all of this?"

"I had a little help, but don't have much time to explain," Tim replied. "If you'd like, we can go over the details when we return."

"Would it be ok if I came along with you guys?"

"It would prove to be useless," Heiji stated. "They won't allow anyone under the age of sixteen into the building where the club happens to be."

"Makes you wonder what kind of chest club it is." Conan said in disappointment.

"Guess we'll find out when we get there." Heiji said.

"What do you hope to accomplish by going to this club meet," Conan asked. "Is the plan to confront Jefferson in conversation?"

"Yea, I was wondering that myself." Heiji said.

"This is nothing but a light task," Tim replied. "The key is to learn as much about him as we can without engaging him directly."

"And how do you propose we do that?" Heiji asked.

"By keeping it simple of course," Tim answered before turning for the door. "I'll let you know what we're going to do once we get there."

"Right behind you." Heiji said resulting to follow after him.

"Wait a minute," Conan said gaining their attention for a final time. "I didn't hear you guys park after arriving, so how did you get here?"

"We took a cab," Heiji replied. "The guy left shortly after dropping us."

"Why didn't you just call Alfred to give you a ride?"

"We spent most of the time walking around the city as it was, didn't feel the need to drag him along," Tim replied. "Besides, he's out doing something."

"That would explain why I haven't seen him since this morning."

"He should be back anytime now, you can let him know we stopped by when he does," Tim said before reaching out to open the door. "If we don't return later tonight you can expect to see us some time tomorrow morning."

"Keep your head up Kudo," Heiji teasingly said before patting him on the shoulder on his way out. "Look on the bright side, you've got Damian here to keep you company."

"Don't remind me." Conan muttered as he watched the door close before him.

He stood there for the next couple seconds before looking down at his watch. It was now forty three after six. From there he headed into the TV room like he previously planned to, having a seat at the couch before flipping on the television to see the news was already in full swing. Most of what was being shown was the weather report for the next few days.

"Looks like things are really going to start cooling down in the next couple days, not surprising with October just around the corner."

He rested the remote to the side before laying back, watching on to see what the local news had to offer.

They had spent over an hour driving along, passing by one road block to the next as the traffic continued to heat up. After reaching the already crowded city park he tapped the back of the drives seat which caused him to look back to face him.

"This will be far enough, we can walk the rest of the way from here."

"As you wish."

He maneuvered around a bit, finding an empty space at the side of the road before pulling over. The two of them stepped out of the cab from there, closing the door in the process. He had no idea how much further they had to go, keeping pace with him as they trotted down the sidewalk. He found himself becoming increasingly interested in what was inside the bag that hanging from his shoulder, hearing the sound of several items sliding back and forth from within. They finally came to a stop upon reaching a semi beat down building, looking up to the roof to see someone walking from one side to the other.

"This is it."

"Are you sure," Heiji questioned. "Not exactly your ideal location for a club like this."

"I doubled checked the address before we left, this is defiantly the place," Tim confirmed. "Hope you're up to date on your chess, it's time to play."

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 73

Gotham's Black Bird

The sky gradually darkened as they waited for his arrival. He continued to watch the figure moving from one side of the roof to the other, almost as if they were on the look out for something. The lack of light made it difficult to see what was happening in the surrounding area.

"We've been out here for the past twenty minutes now," Heiji said turning to see him leaned up against the wall. "He should have been here over five minutes ago, you sure we didn't miss him?"

"He drives a Chevy Camaro, I would have seen if he past by," Tim said. "We'll give it a couple more, in the mean time what do you say we set up?"

He pushed away from the wall, removing the bag from his shoulder before placing it onto the ground.

"I was wondering what you had stored away in there."

"Just a couple props to make sure everything goes through smoothly." Tim said before zipping it open.

He reached inside the bag to pull out a leather jacket out along with a ski cap, placing both items on before reaching back in to pull out two small electronic devices.

"What are those?"

"For communication," Tim replied before standing up and pinning one of them under the collar of his jacket. "This will allow me to hear anything you can once you're inside."

"Looks simple enough," Heiji said glimpsing down at it. "But how do I contact you with this thing, don't exactly see an on or off switch."

"That's not the intended design, this task won't require any communication between us," Tim said. "Don't panic if anything goes wrong, I've already got something set up if that's the case."

"That explains that, but what's with the cap and jacket," Heiji asked. "Not exactly your usual night apparel."

"Just a light shield for disguise, and since I'm watching the lower levels this will have to do," Tim replied. "I'd rather not take the chance of anyone noticing me."

"Where exactly will you be once I'm inside?"

"In this general area, there's no need to move around too much."

"I was expecting you'd be on the look out from up above," Heiji said before turning toward the other side of the street. "Speaking of which, what do you think's going on up on that roof there?"

"I was was wondering that myself, they've been up their since the time we arrived."

"Think they might be associated with those involved with the chess club?"

"Defiantly a possibility," Tim said. "But that would then raise the question why they're out here rather than inside."

A cool breeze glided past his left side resulting in him reaching down, zipping the jacket up to the bottom of his neck. He adjusted the ski cap atop his head as well, making sure it was tightly in place.

"Usually you set up shop on the roof, why the sudden change in tactic?"

"I've got it covered."

"How's that?"

The light shined bright as the car gashed past the side of the road, causing the both of them to turn in that direction.

"Looks like our guy has finally arrived," Tim said catching sight of the car as it slowed up upon reaching the building across the way. "No doubt, that's the same green Chevy Camaro that is registered to Jefferson."

"So what happens from here?"

"We wait," Tim replied. "I don't want you heading in too soon after his arrival."

"You afraid they might become suspicious?"

"No need for us to take the chance."

"Your call."

The car finally came to a stop after reaching the curb, the headlights shutting off in the passing moments that followed. It wasn't long after that the door on the passenger side slid open, the two watching as a man in a suit of white along with a top hat stepped out from the vehicle.

"Is that him?" Heiji asked.


His claim was confirmed as the two watched him head straight for the stairwell on the right side of the building.

"We'll give it a couple minutes," Tim said turning back to Heiji. "I think it's time I let you in on the plan."

"The carpet's all yours."

Though his attention was driven elsewhere the TV continued to run. He slid down from the couch, walking over to the window located at the left side of the room. He stared out at the night sky, frozen at the sight of the fuming stars in the distance. It was at that moment that she came to mind, the sparkle from the stars giving him the same feel he got whenever looking into her eyes.


It was now fifteen after seven, making it a little past eight in the morning clear across the globe. He pulled out his phone, staring down at her number for the first few moments before hitting dial. He instantly heard her voice, lowering the phone from his ear after being taken directly to the answering machine. He placed it back into his pocket before turning back for the couch.

"She's usually up for her morning jog by now, perhaps she hasn't returned from that event she's participating in," Conan said before retaking a seat. "I'll try again tomorrow some time, that is of course if she doesn't call back first."

The temperature only continued to drop as they continued to let the time pass. He checked his watch for about the fourth time in the past few minutes before giving him the nod.

"This will do, we've waited long enough," Tim said. "Remember what we discussed, keep everything in front of you."

"I think I've got it all down."

"Good, now make sure you hang onto this."

"What's is it?" Heiji asked taking a laminated card into his hand.

He flipped it over to the other side to see an image of himself.

"It's a card that will allow you clearance to get inside."

"That's a lot to enforce, especially for something as little as a chess club," Heiji said placing the card into his jacket. "Makes you wonder what else they might have going on inside."

"They're a private bunch, I don't think there's anything to worry about."

"I would ask how you know all this, but I'm sure you'd rather we get started."

"Remember not to make any eye contact with him once you're in," Tim reminded. "All we need is to hear what is said between he and his comrades."

"And what should I be listening for?"

"You'll know when you hear it, I'll be listening in as well so don't worry about it too much about it," Tim said. "Just make sure you're within ten feet of him, that way we have a clear transition."

"Loud and clear," Heiji said. "Anything else I need to know?"

"That's about it," Tim replied. "Now what do you say we get this thing going?"

"Agreed, I think we've delayed for long enough." Heiji said before turning to walk.

He came to a stop after only taking a few steps, turning back to face him for a final time.

"Almost forgot to ask, any idea what the layout of this place is like inside?"

"Haven't been in myself, but from the photos I looked over this morning I'd say it's pretty spaced out," Tim replied. "You should have plenty of room to operate with."

"Just what I was hoping for," Heiji said while turning away. "I'll see you soon."

"I'll be here."

With that he made his way to the side of the street, looking both ways before carefully making his way across. The figure from above could still be seen as he approached. He payed little mind to this, not wanting to bring any unwanted attention to himself. He stopped on his path soon after, turning to the right to see a stairwell leading down to another door besides the one sitting in front of him.

"Jefferson went down that way, that must be where their chest meet is being held."

Without giving it much thought he headed down the small set of stairs, coming to a stop after reaching the bottom. He could hear the voices bouncing across the room from the other side of the door as he lifted his hand, reaching forward with a hard and impenetrable knock. He took a step back, watching as the door slowly cracked open to reveal an imposing figure. He tilted his head downward, giving him a long hard look.

"And you are?"

"I'm here to meet with someone," Heiji replied. "I promissed a friend I'd play him and a couple of friends in a game of chess tonight."


"Of course," Heiji said with the shake of his head. "How could I forget."

He reached into his jacket from where it was stored, puling it out before handing it to the doorman who took the time to look it over. It wasn't long after that he gave him the nod, handing him the clearance card back.

"You're free to pass."

"Thanks." Heiji said before walking in past him.

Within the first moments of entering a strong scent drifted by, causing him to turn to the left to see someone standing in the far corner with a cigar in hand. He then looked to the other side to see a set of door beads hanging from the ceiling. Several voices could be heard coming from in that direction, prompting him to head that way. He entered another room after pushing past the beads, coming to find multiple tables set up throughout the large room.

"This place is more packed than I was expecting," Heiji said looking into the heart of the pack. "Now, where to find Jefferson."

He dropped his hands back into his pockets before stepping further into the room, keeping his eyes peeled as he began his search of the room. He checked to make sure the device beneath his collar was tightly in place, facing back up after doing so. He continued to look for the man in the suit of white, having a hard time sighting him with all those roaming about. Upon reaching the other end of the room he came to a halt, carefully scouring each side of the room. It wasn't until then that he felt a hand rest down to his right shoulder.

"Well speak of the devil, I was just talking about you."

He turned at the sound of their voice, coming to find an unfamiliar face.

"Have we met?"

"No, but I saw what went down at the city hall the other night," He said holding out a hand. "Allow me to introduce myself, Salomon Green."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Green." Heiji said shaking his hand in response.

"Like I said, I was just telling the guys about your talents," Salomon said. "It's not every day you get to witness something unfold like that, is it true you're a pro?"

"A pro?"

"Word is you're a top notch detective working for the GCPD."

"GCPD... I wonder what that stands for?"

"In any case, why don't you come have a seat with us," Salomon suggested. "I'll introduce you to the guys."

"Sure," Heiji accepted after giving it some thought. "I don't see why not."

"Now that's what I was hoping to hear, now if you would," Salomon said turning for the other side of the room. "Follow me."

He did as instructed, doing his best to remain at his side as they maneuvered around those standing amongst them.

"So tell me, how long have you been signed up here at the inn house," Salomon asked. "This is my first time seeing you around here."

"I registered three weeks ago, this is only my second time coming here," Heiji came up with after a slight pause. "It's not too often that I come to this side of town."

"Is that right."

Nothing further was said on the matter as they walked on. They came upon a large round table soon after, joining a group of men who were already seated. It took all but a few seconds for him to lock eyes with the man sitting at the left end of the table, freezing within the moment.

"And this is exactly what we didn't want."

"Salomon," The man from the far side of the table spoke. "Who is this with you?"

"He's the guy I was telling you about," Salomon replied before turning to him. "Heiji, right?"

"That'd be me."

"Why don't you have seat, we were just about to get started," He said with the tip of his hat. "Call me Eldelmon, Jefferson Eldelmon."

He took him up on his offer, finding an empty seat next to Salomon who sat next to him.

"Where's Tony," Jefferson asked looking their way once more. "He's been gone for minutes now."

"He went to take a smoke break, he should be here soon enough."

"They must be referring to the guy I came across in the other room."

The others that sat around the table were quiet. This came to his attention almost instantly, being the fact all others in the room were engaged in some kind of conversation. Things remained this way for seconds to come. It wasn't until the sound of his phone ringing from inside his jacket that called for any reaction. The conversation that ensued lasted all but a few moments, stashing the phone back into his pocket once finished.

"Who was that?"

"Norio Hue," Salomon replied. "The straight shot who arrived from Michigan just yesterday."

"What did he say?"

"He's come to terms as anticipated, we agreed we'd meet tomorrow to discuss payment for the extra utilities," Salomon answered. "Of course I'll still have to go over the latest details with our third party friend."

"You still have yet to introduce me." Jefferson said.

"I've been trying to set something up," Salomon stated. "He tends to keep a busy schedule from week to week, so it can make it difficult to get in touch with him."

He reached into his pocket after finishing his last line, pulling something out before sliding it across the table toward him.

"What's this?"

"His card," Salomon replied. "It's even got his number on the back if you wish to call him."

He gave the card an in depth look, flipping it from one side to the other to look over the front and back. He sat in silence, feeling as if they had forgotten about his presence.

"Sounds big," Heiji thought. "But what exactly is going on here?"

Within that moment he felt a ailing pain surge through his chest, feeling the card drop from his hand as he gripped his left side.

"Mr. Eldelmon, are you ok?" The man seated to the left of him asked in concern.

He held up his hand in response, taking a few seconds to collect himself before taking a deep breath.

"I'm fine, just a little chest pain." Jefferson said before sitting up from the table.

"Isn't that your second one this week," Salomon questioned. "I think it would benefit you if you went in for a check up."

"Forget it Green, I'll be fine." Jefferson said before stepping away. "I'll grab Tony on my way out."

Those who sat around the table opted to follow in his tracks.

"Where are you going?" Salomon asked.

"Out for a little ride," Jefferson replied. "The night's still young, I could use a breath of fresh air."

With that he made his way to the exit, with the others right behind. He was just about to do the same, looking down to face him one last time before doing so.

"Sorry about that, looks like there's been a change in plan," Salomon apologized. "Who knows, maybe I'll catch you the next time you're here."

"I'll keep an eye out for you whenever I'm around." Heiji said.

"Perhaps we can get in a game of chess the next time," Salomon said before turning to the other side of the room. "Until then."

He turned in his seat to watch Eldelmon and the group of men with him heading out, catching Jefferson clutching the left side of his chest for a second time. He didn't know what to make of this, leaving him rather mute on the matter. He stood up from where he sat, taking notice of something across the table as he turned to head for the exit himself. It was at that point that he saw the card laying there.

"That's the card Salomon had given to Eldelmon," Heiji said making his way around the table. "He must have forgotten it on his rush out of here."

He reached down to grab it after reaching the other side of the table, slowly reeling it up to his eye level.

"Nothing has made much sense up until this point, let's see if this card can shed some much needed light on this whole ordeal."

He stared down at what was written on the front of the card, finding the name of something written in bold print along with a small image of what appeared to be a black bird in the top corner.

"Iceberg Lounge, interesting name for a business."

He then flipped it to the back to find a number across the bottom. That's not what caught his attention, but rather the name written directly in the center of the card.

"Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot.... he must be the guy Salomon was referring to," Heiji thought. "But who is he, and how does he tie into whatever it is they've got going on?"

He stared down at the card for moments to pass before finally stashing it away.

"I think it's about time to report in, there's a chance Drake might know something about this Iceberg Lounge," Heiji thought looking toward the exit across the room. "But more importantly, Oswald Cobblepot."

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 74

Phase One Complete

Little could be heard throughout the house, only the buzzing of the furnace rambling above came to his ear. He had been walking from one side of the room to the other for the past few minutes. It wasn't until he heard the door bell echo through the walls that he came to a stop. He paused for the next couple moments, listening as the ring could be heard for a second time.

"Who could that be?"

After hearing it ring for a third time he decided to head that way, walking past the dinning room to the door on the far side.

"I wonder why no one's answered the door yet, am I the only one here?"

He continued to head toward the front door, seeing the shadow of someone standing on the other side. He opened the door with little hesitation to find two men holding up a large box.

"Great, I was hoping I wouldn't have to drop by again some time later." The one to the right said.

They slowly placed the box down at his feet, doing their best not to cause any damage.

"You can take over from here, I'll be in the car."

"No problem," The man on the right said before looking down at him. "Is there anyone else here besides you, I need someone to sign off on this before we can take off."

"Who's it for," Conan asked. "I could go and see if they're here."

"Good question," He said pulling up the clip board strapped at the side of his belt. "Say's here it's for a Pennyworth, would he happen to be around?"

"I have no idea," Conan replied. "It won't take me long if you'd like me to go have a look."

"That would be great, considering the busy schedule we're on."

"Don't mind yourself," Alfred said heading down from upstairs. "I'm right here."

"Perfect timing." Conan said.

He joined the two of them at the front door after reaching the bottom of the stairs.

"All I need is for you to sign here."

He handed him the clipboard along with a pen, taking him all but a few seconds to sign and return both items.

"Is that all that is required of me?"

"That will do," He confirmed with a nod. "Thank you for your brief time, I'll let you get back to whatever it was you were doing before I arrived."

"You're no bother, it's always good to have a visit around here from time to time."

He smiled in response, heading for his car which was sitting on the other side of the gate. Alfred closed the door from there, trying to lift the aquired purchase into his arms.

"Hmm, it's much heavier than I thought it would be."

"What's in the box?" Conan asked coming to his side.

"Why don't you help me carry this to the kitchen and I'll show you."

"Deal." Conan said grabbing hold of one end.

"You ready?"

"You bet."

With that the two of them lifted the heavy box from the ground, immediately heading for the kitchen.

"No kidding, this thing is heavy."

The temperature noticeably dropped upon making his way back out to the stairwell. He sank his hands into the warmth of his pockets before heading up the small set of stairs. The cars parked aside the road drove off just as he made his way to the top, turning his head to see him standing across the way where he said he'd be. He stepped up to the curve, looking both ways before walking across. He could see him observing something from above as he neared, wondering exactly what it was.

"I see you've found something to entertain yourself for the time being."

"Still keeping an eye on that guy on the roof," Tim said before looking down to face him. "How'd things go inside?"

"Not as expected, as you probably already know I had a run in with Jefferson," Heiji said. "I know you asked me to stay out of sight, but."

"Some times it can't be helped, I understand."

"So from what was said, what do you make of it?"

"Hard to tell, we won't know until we do a little digging," Tim replied. "Finding out who this third party friend of theirs is will be our first assignment."

"No need to look any further than this card, it has the name and number of the guy they mentioned," Heiji said reaching into his jacket. "I was able to get ahold of it after Jefferson just happened to drop it."

"Nice going," Tim commented. "So what's it say?"

"Here," Heiji said holding it out. "Why don't you have a look yourself."

He accepted the card, taking the next few moments to give it a look himself. The expression on his face quickly changed.


"Say what?"

He stuck the card into his pocket from there, looking back up to face him after doing so.

"What's wrong," Heiji asked. "You heard of this guy?"

"You could say that."

"Mind filling me in?"

"He's not exactly your model citizen, we'll leave it at that for now."

"I'll take that," Heiji said. "On the flipped side, I was wondering if there was one question you could answer for me."

"Go ahead."

"When Salomon was talking with Eldelmon he mentioned a straight shot, referring to someone who works with him," Heiji said. "I wasn't sure what to think, and was wondering what your take on it is."

"Someone dead on, accurate.... percussion," Tim said in response. "I'm guessing the person he spoke of has skilled talents in the field of working with firearms."

"Makes a lot of sense when you put it that way," Heiji said. "If I'm not mistaken, Salomon addressed him by the name of Norio Hue."

"I don't know where, but I feel I've heard that name before." Tim said with a pause.

"How recent would you say?"

Seconds past as he tried rehashing his first time hearing the name.

"I don't know," Tim replied. "I can't remember exactly."

"I'm sure everything we'll come back to you as soon as you run a search of this guy," Heiji said. "In regards to Eldelmon and his pals, what do you propose we do from here?"

"We let them meet with Cobblepot," Someone said from behind. "It's essential we find out what kind of business deal they've got going."

He immediately turned at the sound of the voice, finding it hard to make out who it was through the dark.

"Who's this?"

His eyes gradually adjusted to the darkened area, watching as the figurre moved in closer. He could see the shape of a hood along with what appeared to be a cape hanging from the side of someones shoulder. The clouds from overhead continued to drift toward the west which made way for the bright moon. It was then that he got a clear view of their face.

"Damian... is that you?"

"That's no way to refer to me while in suit," He confirmed with another step forward. "Call me Robin."

A bizarre look came to his face, standing there in surprise.

"Wait, hold on," Heiji said turning to Tim in mid sentence. "How old is he now?"

"Mature enough to know what death is." Robin answered stepping in between them.

"He may be young and a little inexperienced, but he's skilled enough to handle a lot of the light work."

"But he's a kid," Heiji stated. "Shouldn't he be in school with other children?"

"Naturally you would think," Tim replied. "But that's not an option in this case."

"Why don't we drop this debacle of a discussion and focus in on the task at hand?" Robin interrupted.

"Alright then," Tim said in agreement. "You did get a good look at that man on the roof, right?"

"I was watching him the whole time."

"Besides pacing around, I didn't see him do anything out of the ordinary," Tim said. "What about from your angle?"

"The only thing note worthy was when those guys drove off a minute ago," Robin informed. "I saw him signal something to the driver at the front of the pack just before they took off."

"Did that happen to be to the person driving the green Chevy Camaro?"

"That'd be the one."

"Which means his message was directed toward Eldelmon."

"Any idea what it might have meant?" Heiji asked.

"I could go over there and find out." Robin said looking across the way.

"That won't be necessary," Tim shot down. "We have enough on our plate as it is, we'll leave that to rest for the time being."

"So what now?"

"You should probably report in with Bruce," Tim replied. "After all he's not currently aware of your whereabouts."

"What about me?" Heiji asked.

"I want you to head back to the house, we'll discuss things further when I return," Tim replied. "You do remember the address right?"

He nodded.

"What about you?"

"There's something that I'm going to go check out, I should be no longer than an hour," Tim answered before turning to walk. "I'll see you soon."

The two of them stood there for the next few seconds, watching as he disappeared once turning the corner at the end of the block. He then looked down to see he was still at his side.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Make it quick, I have somewhere to be."

"When you first arrived, you mentioned Cobblepot," Heiji began. "How did you know he was the guy we were talking about?"

"I could see and hear everything said between the two of you from my position on the roof, that shouldn't be hard for you to figure" Robin replied while reaching down for his belt. "Oh, and one last thing before I go."

"What's that?"

"You should worry less about me, and more about yourself," Robin stated. "You'll survive a lot longer around here if you do."

With that he sprung free, using his grappler to take him to the high ends of the roofs. He fell out of sight shortly there after. It was then that he found himself alone for the first time of the night. He looked down at his watch to check the the time, walking along the roadside as he did.

"What a dysfunctional bunch."

The kitchen was pitch dark upon the two of them entering. The first thing he did was switch on the light, taking their time as they maneuvered their way to the table before setting the box down. Alfred headed to the right side of the room after doing so.

"Where are you going?" Conan asked.

"To fetch the box cutter."

He came to a stop after reaching an apron hanging from one of the cabinet doors, digging into the front pocket to pull out the tucked away blade.

"Where were you for most of the day," Conan asked. "I didn't see you around much."

"One thing here, another there," Alfred said in response after reaching the table. "One of those busier days of the week in short."

"I know what you mean."

With as much effort as before they lifted the box for a second time, carefully laying it down to the ground.

"Here," Alfred said holding out the box cutter. "Why don't you give it a go."

"Oh.. ok."

He accepted the box cutter, forcing out the blade before lining it up atop the tape.

"Here goes nothing."

He pushed forward, slicing the tape in the process. He stood back to his feet after doing so, returning the box cutter to him in the process.

"Now, why don't you have a look at what's inside?"

"I thought you might want to have the honor, but if you say so."

He did just that, taking to a knee before lifting up the sides of the box to find several pieces of crumpled pieces of paper stacked around what appeared to be a screen of some kind.

"What is this?"

"A TV of course," Alfred replied. "When I heard we'd be having a guest I took the liberty of ordering an extra for your room."

"How thoughtful of you." Conan smilingly said.

"I have something that requires my immediate attention," Alfred informed. "So if you don't mind, I'll have it up to your room tomorrow."

"That works for me, I was just about to turn in as it is."

"At this time of hour," Alfred thought looking to the clock located above the stove. "It's only five after eight."

"If anyone needs me, I'll be upstairs."

"Of course."

He left the room from there, dragging himself along as he made his way to the stairs. It all had come within the past few moments, feeling the urge to close his eyes on the way up.

"Why, why am I so tired all of a sudden?"

He walked all the way to the room, heading straight for the bed before falling over in exhaustion. He laid there for minutes to come, finding himself slowly drifting off into a deep sleep. He slept through the night, undisturbed by any of the tampering sounds in the surrounding area. The light shined bright that coming morning, waking him from his unsound sleep. He immediately raised his head to see he had forgotten to slide the curtain shut the previous night.

"Rise and shine it is."

He lowered himself to the ground, heading straight to the dresser. He could hear voices coming from the main room as he laid out a pair of clothes for the day.

"I wonder who's all here."

He finished up within the next two minutes, snapping his watch into place before walking out. He made his way down the hall, pushing past the door to see them standing past the end of the staircase.

"Well look who's decided to join us." He said looking up to face him.

"I remember you," Conan said heading down the stairs. "I saw you just the other day, what's your name again?"

"Conner." He reminded.

"He came to hang with us for the day," Tim informed. "I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not," Conan said reaching the final step. "Are we going somewhere?"

"That's the plan." Conner replied.

"Where to?"

"We haven't quite decided on that one." Tim answered.

"In the mean time, why don't we get this up to your room." Conner said reaching down for the box at his feet.

"What's inside?"

"The TV for your room of course," Conner replied before lifting it up onto his left shoulder. "I volunteered to take it up stairs for you."

Conan looked at him in surprise.

"What's wrong," Conner asked. "Is it something I said?"

"... It's nothing."

"Alright then," Conner said. "Now what do you say we get this up to your room?"

"I'll show you the way."

"Right behind you."

He watched as the two of them trotted up the stairs, finding it hard to hold back grin.

"This bout is all but over."

He followed him down the hall after making it to the upper floor, stopping once they reached the second door on the right.

"This is it." Conan said.

He took a step off to the side, allowing for him to open the door. Conan walked in first with Conner right behind.

"So this is it huh, not a bad little space to hang," Conner said giving the room a look. "So where would you like me to set this thing?"

"The bed will do for now," Conan replied. "We can always move it later."

"Your call." Conner said heading for the bed.

He placed the large box onto the bed, turning back for the door once finished.

"So what do you say we get a move on?"

"One thing," Conan said stepping forward. "There's something I'd like to ask you."

"Sure, you can ask me anything."

"It's about your glasses."

"My glasses?"

"They don't look like the ones you were wearing before."

"That's because they're not, the ones I had on the other day were for reading," Conner explained. "These pair are for long distance, it would be difficult to see anything far ahead if I were wearing the others."

"Oh, I see."

"So are you about ready to go?"

"No more questions here."

"I'll take that as a yes."

The two of them left the room with that said, closing the door on their way out. They arrived back to the staircase a short time later, coming to find him waiting near the front door.

"Have you decided on where we're going to go?"

"Me," Tim questioned. "I thought it was your call."

"I might have an idea, but I'm not sure if they're open today," Conner said. "Why don't we head to town and give it a look?"

"And what might this place be?" Tim asked.

"Why ruin the surprise, you'll see when we get there," Conner stated. "Trust me, you guys will love this."

"Ok, we'll take your word for it." Tim said on their way out the door. "But if it's something disinteresting, I might have an idea of my own."

"Don't worry, this is something not many people get the chance to experience."

"Great, another surprise," Conan thought to himself. "This should be fun."

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 75

A Look into the Eye of Fate

Over an hour had passed from the time he begun his search. Every route taken leading back to where he started. He leaned back in the chair, going over all the details in his mind for yet another time. The door to the room slid open in the following moments, looking up to see him enter with a sheet of paper in hand.

"You received several calls over the past hour," Alfred informed approaching the desk. "I took the liberty of taking note of the important ones since you chose not to answer."

"I don't have time to put this on hold Alfred," Bruce said. "This case is running on ice as it is."

"And what case might that be?"

"Dr. Leslie dropped by for a little visit yesterday," Bruce informed. "She came to report a patient of her's missing."

"Do the police know about this?"

"They were the first to find out," Bruce replied. "And since they weren't able to come up with any leads she brought it to me."

"How much do you know about this person?"

"What I need to," Bruce answered. "I have a file with all the details covering all that happened leading up to his disappearance."

"By this time I'm sure you've already checked his home."

"That was where my investigation began as of last night," Bruce confirmed. "Nothing seemed out of place on my first visit, but that doesn't mean I won't go back."

"Do you think there's something you might have missed?"

"There's always that chance," Bruce said. "But regardless of that, I wasn't able to find any leads after searching the general neighborhood."

"Do you think he's still here in Gotham?"

"Until something points otherwise, that's where I'll continue my search."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Yes," Bruce replied. "I want you to go and pick up Heiji here, there's something I need to touch base with him about."

"Where is he now?"

"He wasn't here when Tim stopped by this morning, so I'd assume he still at the house."

"I'll go and retrieve him," Alfred said. "Will that be all, or is there anything else you need of me?"

"That will do for now."

"Then I'll be on my way out."

He laid the sheet of paper with the list of numbers onto the table before turning for the door.

They had finally arrived to the city side after a margin of time, walking down one street to the next. He chose to monitor the time on his watch, glimpsing down every few minutes that passed. Nothing had been spoken between the three for several minutes. He could see him from the side of his eye, looking up at him with the next step taken.

"I wonder what happened last night," Conan thought facing forward. "Can't exactly ask with his friend present."

They reached the end of the block shortly there after, taking yet another left.

"Ok," Tim said looking toward him. "We've been at this for almost twenty minutes now, how much longer until we reach this place you spoke of?"

"We're not even a minute away, it's just past that large building there." Conner pointed.

"Care to drop us a hint on where you're taking us?"

"Asks the guy who walks these streets on a daily basis," Conner stated. "I'm surprised you haven't been able to figure it out."

"Is it some place that was recently built?"

"It's been there since the beginning of last year as far as I know," Conner replied. "I've been there a total of four times since."

They continued in the direction he had pointed, traveling around the side of the building before reaching the other side to find a smaller structure.

"This is it guys," Conner said looking up at the sign. "Sky Limits."

"Sounds intriguing enough," Conan said. "Makes you wonder what's inside."

"What do you say we find out?"

"Right after you." Tim said.

He took the lead from there, walking toward the building as the automatic doors slid off to the side. They followed from close behind, entering to see what they weren't expecting to find. On all sides there were several kinds of plants set up throughout the store, easily identifiable by the labeled tags strapped to each of them. Tim and Conan shared a brief glance, turning toward Conner who could see the lack of enthusiasm in their faces.

"So this is the special place you wanted to show us," Tim questioned. "A flower shop?"

"It's not a flower shop."

The sound of the doors opening from behind caused the three of them to turn to see a man and a woman enter in behind them.

"Conan, is that you?" The man asked.

"Hey Shinichi," Tim whispered. "You know this guy?"

He moved in closer, his claim confirmed after getting a clear look at his face.

"I knew it," He said coming to a stop. "It is you."

"Oh yea," Conan said recognizing him as well. "You're Mr. Bennet from Nano High, who's this with you?"

"Bernadea Fournier," Nathan replied. "And soon to be wife."

"Hi there." Bernadea greeted with a wave.

He then looked up at the two standing at his side.

"Hold on a sec, you're one of Wayne's boys," Nathan stated. "Tim, right?"

"That'd be me," Tim confirmed. "Can't say I'm surprised you noticed."

"Nathan," Bernadea said stepping up to his side. "Where did you meet this boy?"

"Up at the office yesterday afternoon."

"Oh, I see."

"So what brings the two of you here?" Conner asked.

"I actually brought her here to see the Pin of Heights."

"I brought them here for the same reason," Conner said. "Then I guess we can all head in together."

"Pin of Heights," Conan questioned. "What's that?"

"You'll know soon enough," Conner replied. "It's just around back."

"And here I thought we were here to observe a bunch of plants." Conan commented as they began walking.

"You weren't the only one." Tim said.

They made their way toward the back of the store, passing the many different plants that surrounded them. About halfway through the store they came to a stop after reaching an area filled with dozens of trees.

"Wow," Bernadea said gliding her hand across one of them. "It's so smooth."

"Ouch," Nathan grunted after doing the same to the one across it. "Your description of smooth differs from what most would think."

"Are we almost there?" Bernadea asked.

"Yep, the door to the pin is right over there." Conner pointed.

A branch from one of the trees swung past the side of his cheek as they began walking once again.

"Geez," Conan thought to himself. "I feel like I'm taking part in a wild safari."

They came upon the back wall a short time later, approaching a steel door which lead to another room.

"This is it." Nathan said.

"Are you sure we're allowed back there," Tim questioned. "Doesn't exactly look like a place for customers to enter."

"It'll be fine, I do it all the time," Nathan said. "Jay's probably back there as it is."

"Who's Jay?" Conan asked.

"The store owner of course." Conner replied.

With that they stepped up to the door. It was then that the sign hanging from the side of the door came into view.

"What's this here," Bernadea said. "The print's so small, makes it hard to read what it says."

"No kidding." Tim said.

"Just a list of warnings," Nathan stated. "That's all."

"No smoking, camera's, or food beyond these door," Conner read off. "Hope that helps."

"Now what do you say we head in?" Nathan suggested.

"Right after you." Conner said holding the door wide.

They all walked in past him, entering a massive room filled with several more trees spaced out from one another. The ground from beneath was nothing but grass, furthering the forest theme already in place. The ceiling span much further up than the previous room had been. Not a single window was visible, only the lights from the tops of the ceiling provided for any source of light. The walls were thick and wide, leaving for much space.

"So... this is the Pin of Heights." Conan thought.

He closed the door on his way in before joining the rest of the group a few feet away. They stood in silence for seconds to come, observing all features throughout the room.

"So," Bernadea said looking from one end to the other. "What's so special about this place that you brought me all the way here?"

"Why don't you let me have the honor of showing you." Conner said stepping forward.

"What are you going to do?" Conan asked.

"You'll see, this won't take long."

He took a couple steps forward, rolling up the sleeve on his right arm before looking back to face them.

"Are you ready?" Conner asked.

"... Sure," Bernadea replied. "Go for it."

"Am I the only one who doesn't get what's going on?" Conan whispered.

"Nope, you're not the only one." Tim whispered back.

All they could do was stand in wait, watching as he lifted his now exposed arm out in front of him. He took the next few seconds to listen to the clutter in the surrounding area, picking his spot before whistling out into that direction. Nothing but silence stood in the following moments. Just as he was to give it a second go, the sound of something flapping could be heard.

"What is that?"

It got louder as it neared, everyone bracing themselves for what was to come. Then it appeared, darting from the mist of the trees before making a daring landing onto the side of his arm. Bernadea yelped out in fear before rushing to the back.

"What is that thing?!!"

"Relax Bernadea," Nathan said struggling to contain his laughter. "It's only a hawk."

"Her name's Flops," Conner added. "Probably the most friendly of the bunch."

She gripped his shirt as she slowly peaked her head over his left shoulder to see its fully extended wings slowly fall down into place.

"Oh," Bernadea said noticing it wasn't Nathan she was holding onto. "Sorry about that."

"No apology needed." Tim said.

The sound of foot steps approaching from the right side grabbed their attention. As they got louder the hawk took flight once again, finding its way past the many trees it had come. It was then that he appeared, a man in a cowboy hat stepped from behind a set of trees that were stacked up together.

"Well I'll be dammed, if it isn't two of my favorite customers."

"I thought we might find you back here." Conner said reaching forward to shake his hand.

"I had no idea you and Mr. Bennet here were acquainted with one another."

"Actually this is our first time meeting," Nathan said. "We both just happened to be dropping in at the same time."

"Funny how things work out, by the way did you see Tesse on your way in?"

"Didn't see her," Conner replied. "Unless she was working on the other side of the store somewhere."

"Never mind, I'll catch up with her when I return to the front."

"Nathan, what did you say his name was again?" Bernadea asked.

"Jaylob," He answered. "But most who know me usually refer to me as Jay."

"And this is Bernadea, my fiance." Nathan informed.

"So you're getting married, that's great news to hear."

"Love the set up you've got here," Tim said stepping forward. "But what is this place exactly?"

"Isn't it obvious," Nathan said. "It's an inside exhibit, if you want to call it that."

"For that hawk we saw?"

"Hawks," Conner corrected. "There are five of them in all, three females and two males."

"So I see you've all gotten the chance to see one of them," Jaylob said. "What do you say I go and grab the aluminized protective gloves?"

"That would be great," Nathan said in response. "That's even better than I was hoping."

"I thought you might say that, wait here," Jaylob instructed. "I'll be no more than a minute."

"We'll be right here." Nate assured.

He headed back into the direction he had come, walking around a couple trees and plants that laid in his path.

"Nathan," Bernadea said tapping the side of his shoulder. "What did he say he was going to go and get?"

"A pair of aluminized gloves." Nathan replied.

"For what?"

"Why don't you wait and see," Nathan smilingly replied. "The best is just about to come."

"The protective gloves are a giveaway," Conan thought. "It's pretty self explanatory what he's got in mind."

The meter continued to gradually increase as he looked on. After completing seventy two percent of the scan it finally raised past the danger zone like he had been anticipating from the start.

"Alert; Danger Level: Shallow Red_(8)."

The computer repeated this three times more before finally falling mute.

"Tim was right, whatever virus the Mini Lon has found itself plagued with has the potential to cause lethal damage... not only to the main system, but to any of those connected to it."

He sat back in the chair, watching as the computer diagnosed the virus as unknown.

"There's still something that doesn't quite line up... why is it my computer wasn't able to pick up this virus sooner then it did?"

This rested on his mind for minutes to come. It wasn't until the door slid open that he looked up from the desk to see the two of them enter.

"I hope we're not interrupting anything." Alfred said.

"No, I was just doing some thinking." Bruce said turning in his seat.

"You wanted to see me." Heiji said walking forward.

"I'm glad you could make it, I've got something for you." Bruce said before reaching across the desk for a small sheet of paper.

"What is is?" Heiji asked.

"The number to the Commissioners office," Bruce replied. "I'm sure you've been told about his interest in you."

"Yea, I heard about it from the others yesterday," Heiji said accepting the paper. "Do you know exactly what he wishes to talk with me about?"

"I'd assume it has something to do with that mystery that went down at the city hall a few nights ago."

"Wouldn't doubt it," Heiji said looking down at the slip of paper. "So what would you say is a good time to give him a call?"

"Couldn't really tell you," Bruce said sitting up from the chair. "I prefer my transactions in person rather than over the phone."

"You know... I think I'll do just that." Heiji said.

"Did you ever call the office back?"

"About what?" Bruce asked making his way around the desk.

"The minor presentation that's being held in the board room of Wayne Enterprises."

"What time?"

"4 P.M."

"Call Tim and have him sub in for me, I have too much on my plate as it is."

"Will do sir."

He stopped after reaching the door, turning back to Heiji who was still standing near the desk.

"You're free to stick around for awhile if you'd like," Bruce said. "The others should be back anytime."

"Thanks, I'll be here."

He nodded, turning for the door before exiting out.

They could see them gliding from above as they waited. He had been absent for no more than a minute, returning with a bulky pair of gloves in his right hand. In his left hanged a bucket, filled with something no one could see at first glance.

"So, who wants to go first?" Jaylob asked.

"First for what?" Bernadea asked.

"You didn't tell them?"

"I thought it would be best if we kept it a surprise," Nathan said. "But since you're here I'll let you have the honor."

"Wouldn't have it any other way," Jaylob said lowering the bucket to the ground. "But before we can begin, I'll need a volunteer."

"Come on princess, this is your time to shine." Nathan said pushing her forward.

"What is this all about," Bernadea questioned. "Are we trying to summon that bird again?"

"That's the plan." Jaylob said holding out the gloves.

"I'll have to pass," Bernadea kindly declined. "This isn't something I'm interested in doing."

"Come on Bernadea," Nathan plead. "I didn't bring you all the way here to just sit back and watch."

"Maybe I'd feel better about giving it a try if you went first."

"That works for me," Nathan said. "Hand them on over partner."

"With pleasure." Jaylob said giving him the set of gloves.

He slid them on from there, making sure they were tightly fitted into place.

"Alright, I'm all good to go." Nathan said giving him the nod.

Jaylob reached into the bucket, pulling out something wet and slimy.

"What is that?" Tim asked after laying eyes on it.

"A treat if you will, it helps to get their attention,." Jaylob replied. "Now what do you say we get things started?"

"I'm all good to go."

Jaylob walked up to his side, handing him the piece of salmon before stepping back.

"So what happens from here?" Bernadea asked.

"We send out a signal, something simple as a hand gesture or light tune," Jaylob replied. "But since they're not too familiar with most, a whistle usually does the trick."

"Just like this." Nathan said raising his head.

He took no time in whistling for all to hear, holding the salmon out in front of him as he waited for a response. It took all but a few moments for one of them to come soaring down, finding a spot on his arm before accepting the treat hanging from the tips of his finger.

"You see, it's not all that bad." Nathan said handing her the other glove.

"This one looks like the same as the one we saw earlier." Conan said.

"That's because she is," Conner confirmed. "Like I mentioned earlier, Flops is the most forthcoming of the bunch."

"Come on Bernadea, why don't you give it a try ?"

"Do they bite?"

"Given that they don't have teeth, I think you should be pretty safe on that account."

"You know what I mean." Bernadea said narrowing her eyes over at him.

"I can assure you Ms.Fournier, there's nothing to worry about," Jaylob said. "None of the hawks here are aggressive in any way... except for the youngest who has yet to lighten up to me, let alone anyone else."

"The youngest?" Conan asked stepping forward.

"That's right," Jaylob said with the shake of his head. "I've had him for about six months, he should be about two years of age now."

"What's his name?"

"We call him Cyres," Jaylob replied. "A very rare but fitting name."

"Is he really aggressive?"

"Not aggressive per say.. just not much of a socializer."

She finally gave in after giving it some thought, tightening the glove around her left hand before turning back to face them.

"Ok, I'm all ready." Bernadea said.

"Great, I'm glad you decided to give it a try."

He reached into the bucket for a second time, pulling out another piece of fresh dipped salmon.

"Here you are," Jaylob said placing it into the palm of the glove. "Make sure you hold onto this."

"So now all I have to do is call out to one of them?"

"That is correct," Jaylob nodded in confirmation. "Now why don't you give it a shot?"

She looked down at the salmon laying in place, a feeling of hesitation coming over her.

"Could you perhaps do it for me?" Bernadea asked

"What seems to be the problem?"

"It's just, I'm not sure if I'll be able to whistle loud enough."

"Geez," Nathan muttered. "Does she always have to make things so difficult?"

It was at that moment that Flops launched from the side of his arm, taking a full swing before latching down onto the side of her wrist. This caught Bernadea by surprise, resulting in a scream escaping her lips. They looked on as the hawk took the salmon before taking flight to the higher ends of the room.

"Sorry about that," Jaylob laughingly apologized. "I was not expecting that, I don't think any of us were."

"You can say that again." Nathan said removing the glove from his hand.

"Would you be interested in giving it another try Ms. Fournier?"

"I'm afraid I'll have to pass," Bernadea replied. "I think I've had enough excitement to last for the rest of the day."

"Very well," Jaylob said before turning back to face the others."What about the rest of you, would someone else like to give it a try?"

"Hey Conan," Conner said giving him a nudge. "Why don't you give it a go?"

"This isn't exactly my kind of thing."

"Come on, it'll be fun," Conner stated. "Besides, there's no telling when this opportunity may arise again."

He took a few steps toward the center of the room, coming to a quick decision after giving it some thought.

"Ok, but only one time."

"I knew you'd make the right call." Conner said.

"Here," Nathan said removing the glove from his hand. "I think this'll benefit you."

"You're right."

He placed the glove onto his right hand, holding it out in front of him as he looked to the ceiling.

"Here goes nothing."

With the lift of his chest he took a deep breath, releasing with a tuneful whistle that sprouted throughout the room. He felt all through the body fall to a rest, holding firm to the stance taken moments prior.

"Wait a second, I forgot to give you a piece of salmon," Jaylob said before turning back for the bucket. "One moment my boy."

In the flash of time it came gliding downward, locking eyes with him almost instantly. He felt its talons clamp down to the top of his arm, giving the black eyed bird his full attention as it did in return. The others looked on from where they stood, none more engaged than the headman himself.

"I don't believe it, this is the first time." Jaylob softly spoke.

"First time," Tim questioned. "What do you mean?"

"Cyres has never responded to anyone but myself, and that's only when it's feeding time."

"That's Cyres?"

"That's him all right." Nathan said from behind. "The one and only."

He gazed into his eyes, looking into the darkness which gave him a sense of emptiness. But that was only at first. It was almost as if something was whispering to him, giving him a message that was yet to be unlocked... something from within his subconscious. The grip around his arm seemed to tighten with each passing moment, this fostered no response, not even a a blink between the two. Without as little as a warning the hold was released, expanding his wings before finding his way back to where to the higher ends of the room. He stood there for the next few seconds, casually lowering his arm as he removed the glove from his hand.

"So, what did you think?" Jaylob asked resting a hand atop his shoulder.

"It's not what I expected," Conan replied looking up to him. "Seeing their wingspan in person is a lot different than what you see on TV."

"Indeed it is," Jaylob said. "It was something to see when Cyres responded to your call, there must be something special between the two of you."

"That was Cyres?"

He nodded in confirmation.

"Perhaps you could come back some time," Jaylob said. "I could teach you a couple commands if you would like."

"That would be great."


"Here, I better return this to you before I forget." Conan said holding out the glove.

"Thank you."

He then turned back to face the others after doing so, walking over to see Tim having a conversation with someone over the phone. It was only a matter of seconds before this came to an end.

"Looks like I better get going."

"Who was that?" Conner asked.

"Bruce, he wants me to attend a meeting at four later today." Tim replied.

"That's not for another couple hours." Conner said after checking the time on his watch.

"There's a lot that needs to be organized before then," Tim said. "Would you mind taking Conan back to the manor?"

"Not at all, I've got it all covered."

"Where is this meeting being held?" Conan asked out of curiosity.

"Wayne Enterprises," Tim replied. "I'll catch up with you as soon as I'm done."

"I''ll be sure to keep my phone on."

"Good, then I'll talk to you soon."

He walked toward the door exiting out of room, closing it on his way out.

"I guess we better be on our way as well," Nathan said checking the time. "The train to the east side of town will be leaving within the next twenty minutes."

"It just so happens we'll be walking past there," Conner said. "Mind if we tag along for part of the way?"

"That would be great, we could use the company." Bernadea said.

"What do you say Conan?" Conner asked looking his way.

"Sounds good to me."

"Hold on," Jaylob said as he approached the two. "When should I expect to see either of you again?"

"Whenever my schedule allows for it I'll try and drop in," Nathan replied. "And from the way things have been as of late, it should be real soon."

"I look forward to it."

"Until next time." Conner waved as they too headed for the door.

He rested his hands into the depths of his pocket after stepping back into the main area of the store, facing forward as they made their way to the front end. It wasn't until they were halfway through that he looked down to his side to see he was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Conan?"

"Not to worry," Bernadea said. "I saw him stop to look at one of those trees on our way up."

"Phew, I thought he might have got lost or something."

"Take your time," Bernadea said. "We'll wait for you out front."

"I won't be long."

With that both Bernadea and Nathan continued toward the exit while Conner headed in the opposite direction. He back tracked all the way to where the trees were located, and there he was, massaging the ends of one of the trees.

"Conan, what are you doing," Conner asked. "We have to go."

"Why don't you try giving it a feel," Conan suggested. "It's so smooth."

".. Ok."

He did just that, stopping in front of the tree directly across before reaching out to touch its limbs. It took all but a few strokes for him to shake his head in agreement.

"You're right, it is quite smooth."

This all but confirmed it, bringing a grin to his face.

"Now, what do you say we head out," Conner said. "Both Nathan and Ms. Fournier are waiting for us out front."

"Sure, but I have one question for you first," Conan said. "When we first entered the exhibit, how come you rolled up your sleeves before signaling for the hawk to come?"

"So my shirt wouldn't have gotten any holes in it from the hawks talons." Conner quickly replied.

It took a few moments for it all to sink in, realizing he had just been had. He didn't know what to say, standing there as he waited for him to make the next call.

"I guess Ms. Fournier was right about this tree," Conan said. "They're so delight to the hand, I found it hard that Mr. Bennet didn't feel the same way."

"Why don't we head up to the front and ask him?"

"That was only at first," Conan continued with his eyes still glued to the tree. "Then I realized they're actually different in a few ways."

"What do you mean?"

"This tree here is a Grand Fir, commonly known as the Christmas Tree," Conan informed. "Their needles are pretty harmless and don't poke you upon touching them, not like some other trees in its family."

He had no idea where he was going with this, deciding not to say anything as he spoke once again.

"The tree Nathan came into contact with isn't a Grand Fir, though it may look like one," Conan stated. "Turns out it's a close cousin, one which will give you a sting if touched."

"That would explain why he was poked when he reached down to touch that tree earlier," Conner said. "Nice little deduction there Conan."

"Thanks, but that still doesn't explain why you didn't feel the affects of touching the tree?"

"What do you mean?"

"That tree you just proclaimed as smooth is the same tree Bennet hurt his hand on after stroking it," Conan informed slightly raising his head. "I wonder why it had no affect on you?"

As expected he received nothing from him in return.

"Then there's the part where you whistled for one of the hawks to come, it amazes me how no one noticed you didn't have on a protective glove," Conan said removing his hands from his jacket. "That's something that isn't easy to apprehend on a normal stand point."

"What are you trying to say?"

He smiled at his response, slowly turning back to face him with the grin heavily in place.

"It's up to you if you'd like to save me the trouble, if not I'll figure it out myself," Conan softly spoke. "Regardless of your choice... only one truth prevails."

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 76


There was little left to hide, everything slowly leaking out with every second that past. It was at that moment that the keenness of his eyes became apparent, realizing just how cunning he was. He smiled, deciding it was now time to give in to the outcome.

"You win."

He reached up to the side of his eye, removing the glasses from where they rested.

"I guess that's one roller coaster trend the two of us have in common, wouldn't you say... ?"

"Excuse me?"

"It's just like any coin," Conner stated. "That everlasting task to keep it all hidden, that wildcard wrapped away inside your conscious you try hiding from most others."

"Me," Conan laughingly said pointing to himself. "I have nothing to hide."

"We all have something kept secret, it's time we removed the guises Conan," Conner stated. "Or do you prefer I call you Shinichi?"

He fell stone still, not expecting to hear the words spoken from his mouth. He didn't remain tense for long, dropping his hands back to his sides before smiling up at him.

"So, you know," Conan said the slightest surprised. "I can only assume Tim was the one who told you."

"Hope it doesn't bother you at all."

"That raises a question more than anything," Conan said. "You're good friends, but how well do you."

"How closely associated are we," Conner said. "I had a feeling that would be one of your first questions."

"Is it too much to ask."

"Not at all, I'll tell you what," Conner said placing the glasses back over his eye. "After we walk Nathan and Bernadea to the train station I'll tell you anything you want to know."

"That works for me."

"Then let's go," Conner said turning for the front of the store. "I think we've kept them waiting for long enough."

"And we don't want them to become worried." Conan said as they began walking.

"My thoughts exactly."

They moved on from there, walking around the many plants and shelves set out across the way. They arrived at the front of the store shortly there after, heading out past the doors to see the both of them standing at the right side.

"What took you guys so long?" Nathan questioned.

"Sorry about that," Conner apologized. "Conan was just showing me something he came across at the back of the store."

"But we're all good to go now," Conan said. "So where's the train station located from here?"

"About a half mile east," Nathan replied. "I hope you don't mind the walk."

"Of course not." Conan said.

"I do a lot of walking myself, so no problem here."

"Then let us be going."

He took to the front from there, leading the four of them down the side of the walkway.

"So," Bernadea said turning his way. "Do you live around here?"

"No, but I do drop in quite frequently," Conner replied. "I actually do a lot of traveling around as it is."

"I bet that's a lot of fun," Bernadea said. "What for?"

".. My studies," Conner quickly came up with. "I try my best to get a good feel for most of the things we're covering in class, which some times results in small trips here and there."

"And which class might that be?"

"Particularly in architecture," Conner replied. "Material and form varies from one city to the next."

"Very true statement." Nathan said.

"I know the two of you are going to the train station," Conan said. "I was wondering where you plan on going from there?"

"There's a shooting range about three miles from here," Bernadea replied with a smile. "Of course, I'll just be there to watch?"

"A shooting range?" Conan questioned

"I guess we all have our hidden talents and hobbies," Nathan said walking up to his side. "From my time in the military I became very crafty with several different firearms, and choose to go to shooting ranges to keep up with my skills as a bit of an exersise if you will."

"I see." Conner said.

"You should see him use the rifle, his aim is pin point to say the least," Bernadea stated. "I've never seen someone as poised and direct when firing, one of the best there is."

"I wouldn't go that far, I'm a slouch in comparison with the true elites."

"What is it with you," Bernadea said swinging her head around. "You're always selling yourself short when speaking of your achievements."

"What achievement?." Nathan mumbled.

"What was that?" Bernadea asked with the cross of her arms.

"And here we go."

He looked up at him from there, receiving his attention in the seconds that past.

"I think we better stay out of this one." Conan said as they continued on.

"Good call."

It had come and gone, listening to the tune of the clock upon the arrival of the next hour. He stood leaned to the wall in the front room, looking to the ground as he continued to wait it out. The TV from the upper floor could be heard, occasionally picking up on the topic that was being discussed. It was then that something crept past his ear, softly discreet... yet familiar. He pushed away from the wall, doing his best to pin point where it was coming from. As he walked, the sound gradually became more clear.

"It's coming from down there."

He stared down the fleet of stairs, slowly and quietly making his way down. The sound pierced through the air, almost as if he could feel the vibration with each taken swipe. He reached the bottom after another couple steps taken, coming to find him standing in the center of the room with a weapon in hand.

"So, I see you use the sword."

He had heard him on his way down, not one bit surprised to be joined by him.

"What are you doing here?" Damian asked turning to face him.

"Bokken?" Heiji asked looking over at the sword of wood in his possession.

"So I see you're familiar with this piece," Damian confirmed swinging it across his body to his free hand. "One of the better practice swords if you ask most."

"I had no idea you were a sword user," Heiji admitted. "How long have you been at this for?"

"Longer than you may think."

It was then that he took notice of the several other weapons throughout the room.

"What is this place excatly?"

"The armory."

"Mind if I take a look around?"

"Be my guest" Damian said turning away with another swing of the sword.

He began his search on the left side of the room, coming across a set of shurikens along the side of the wall. That wasn't the brightest of things that caught his attention.

"Who'd have thought, they even have the a set of Wakizashi's swords."

He continued to walk along that side of the room, coming to a stop after reaching a blade unfamiliar to him. He reached down to grab it, pulling it from the sword case it laid in. The weight of the blade came as a surprise upon raising it, studying it from handle to tip.

"That's a Cinquedea," Damian said noticing his curiosity. "It's rare that you'll find any of those around nowadays."

"No kidding, I don't believe I've seen a sword quite like this." Heiji said rotating it to the other side.

"Some actually refer to it as a long dagger, depending on who you ask."

"Is that so," Heiji said looking his way. "Any idea where it originated?"

"In northern Italy around the late 15th century," Damian replied. "Its name 'Cinquedea' means five fingers, which would explain the width of the blade right under the guard."

"I noticed that," Heiji said before carefully laying it back into place. "Thanks for the history lesson."

He focused his attention back to his practices, leaving him to explore the room once again. He came across several other unfamiliar weapons, taking delight at the many different suits of armor that were present throughout the room. Each slash taken was filled with undisputed control, with undeniable force to match it. His eyes rolled to the right upon watching him head to the other side, wondering exactly what it was he was hoping to find.

"There's a lot of unique weaponry in here, but I must ask," Heiji said looking his way. "How long has all of this stuff been here?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Just curious is all," Heiji replied. "Was most of this stuff imported in from the same location?"

"To my knowledge only the set of kama's and steel armors were purchased from the same region," Damian answered. "Everything else.. no idea."

"I see."

He turned back to the right, noticing something of interest. He reached forward to grab it, pulling it from the wall clamp that securely held it in place. It took all but a few moments for him to identify the type, bringing both hands to the handle as he raised it upward.

"I don't recall the last time I used a tulwar sword, one of the better blades that offers for a secure and flexible hold," Heiji thought lowering his left hand. "Not to mention its design for very effective draw cuts."

He took the next passing moments to give it one final look before carefully sliding it back into place. It was then that he spoke from behind once again.

"I've noticed your affection for the sword," Damian pointed out. "Now my question to you..."

A slight pause ensued, barely hearing the sound of it sailing his way. He turned just in time, catching the handle of the Bokken before it could hit. He looked toward him in surprise, finding he to had a Bokken in hand.

"How well can you use one," Damian asked lowering the weapon to his side. "If at all."

He sharply maneuvered the handle around his wrist in response, letting it fall into the palm of his hand before holding it out in front of him. Damian took delight to this.

"I guess your form answers that."

"What do you mean?"

"Your feet are shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent," Damian began. "And you have the sword leveled across your body, not too high nor too low."

The look in his eyes was evident, knowing what was to come next.

"I see, you're referring to my stance," Heiji said keeping his position. "But I should warn you, I've been doing this for a long time myself."

"Love the confident mentality." Damian said before holding the Bokken out in front of him as well.

"Come on, are you really sure you want to do this?"

"Try me."

The two stood there for seconds to come, gripping the hilts as they locked eyes. Everything else fell blank within the moment, anticipating whether the other would be the first to make a move. This was short lived, turning at the sound of someone stepping down into the room from the set of stairs.

"Might I suggest putting on the protective kevlar suits before engaging in any Fencing bout?"

"Forget it Pennyworth, we were just about done here," Damian said standing up straight. "I just remembered something of importance that requires my immediate attention."

He returned the wooden sword to the wall where it belonged before turning back to face the two of them.

"And where is it you are going?" Alfred questioned.

"Not far," Damian replied walking toward the stairs. "I left something unfinished right outside the gate."

"How long until I should expect your return?"

"Twenty minutes." Damian replied before walking past the two.

He took his time on the way up, showing no sign of any kind of rush.

"First he challenges me, then walks away," Heiji said turning away. "I don't get it."

"Perhaps he was testing your inner shrewdness."

"You could be right, that boy is one hard guy to figure."

"Damian has a strange way of bonding with others, give it some time," Alfred said. "You've been here for a bit now, would you like me to drive you up to the station soon?"

"We'll give it a little longer, I'm sure they'll be here soon," Heiji said in response. "Besides, there's something I need to clarify with Drake in regards with tonight."

"Understood," Alfred said before turning away. "I'll be upstairs if you need me."

"Hold on, I'll come with you," Heiji said before noticing the Bokken still in his hand. "Well, as soon as I put this away that is."

"Right next to the other," Alfred pointed before turning for the stairs. "I'll see you up there."

With that he made his way up.

Eight minutes had gone by from the time they began walking. The station finally came into view after passing the second street intersection in the past minute. Several people could be seen as they headed down the staircase leading to the subway.

"Well, I guess this is it." Bernadea said looking their way.

"Maybe we'll see the two of you around some time." Nathan added.

"Let's hope that's the case," Conner said checking the time on his watch. "We've actually arrived with plenty of time to spare, the train you're waiting for won't be here for at least another ten minutes."

"If you want, we could stay and keep the both of you company until then." Conan offered.

"Nonsense," Bernadea declined. "I'm sure you have better things to do, no need for either of you to stick around any longer."

"You heard the lady, feel free to leave," Nathan said in agreement. "I'm sure we'll cross paths soon enough."

"We'll be looking forward to it."

"Until then."

They didn't waste any time from there, both Nathan and Bernadea heading down the stairs leading to the subway after giving the two of them a goodbye wave. They both looked on, watching as the two of them quickly became lost amongst the crowd.

"Not bad, that was actually a little fun."

"Can't argue with you there," Conan agreed. "So... what happens from here?"

"I think we both know, just not here," Conner replied. "You look hungry, what do you say we go and stop somewhere for something."

"...Sure, why not."

"I know just the place." Conner said as they began walking once again.

"How far is this place from here?"

"About a quarter of a mile, we'll be there in no time," Conner replied. "But before I answer what you'd like to know, I have a question for you."

"Go ahead."

"What made you become wary of me in the first place?"

He smiled at this, looking forward as they continued down the sidewalk.

"You'd be surprised," Conan replied. "I'll tell you as soon as we get there."

"Fair enough." Conner said before looking forward as well.

Nothing further was said as the two of them set out once more.

After treading around the room for a long period of time he finally decided to have a seat at the bottom of the staircase, remaining there for minutes to come. There was little to no sun light left to be seen, making headway for the stars in the far distance. He could hear the door to the right slide open, turning his head to see him step out from the room.

"I see the others have yet to arrive."

"And it's almost seven thirty," Heiji added. "I've already tried calling, they must be caught up in something."

"No use in sitting around here any longer," Alfred said. "Would you like to head down to the station now?"

"You know, I think that might be a good idea," Heiji said standing to his feet. "I can always catch up with the others later."

"Then so shall it be." Alfred said heading for the door.

He came to a stop after reaching the coat rack stand aside the door, lifting the jacket from where it rested before sliding it on.

"How far away is this place?" Heiji asked.

"The GCPD?" Alfred asked placing on a hat.

"GCPD," Heiji questioned. "I've heard that somewhere, what is that abbreviated for?"

"For the 'Gotham City Police Department' of course," Alfred replied after opening the door. "And to answer the other part of your question, it should be about a thirty to fifty minute drive depending on the traffic."

"Then we better get going."

"I had the same thought in mind," Alfred said holding the door in place. "After you."

He nodded in acceptance, walking out past him. Alfred headed out from close behind, taking a right upon reaching the bottom of the stairs.

"I'll go and bring the car around," Alfred said. "If you want to wait here, I'll be all but a minute or so."

"No rush here," Heiji said. "Take your time."

"Very well." Alfred said before heading for the garage.

A chilled current of air soared past, causing him to place his hands into the warmth of his jacket. He stood there for seconds to come, staring down the roadside past the dark forest that surrounded the perimeter. A small grin came to his face as he took a step forward.

"GCPD, here I come."

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 77

Heart Stricken

The sun had completely descended to the other side by the time they had arrived out, coming to find the sidewalk crowded by several others.

"Not a bad little place."

"I thought you might like it," Conner said. "Looks like everyone's out, must be that time of night."

"Was just thinking the same thing," Conan said looking down at his watch. "It's ten after eight, I think I better start planning on heading back."

"Didn't realize that, time sure does fly by."

"Very true statement."

"Come on." Conner said turning to the left.

"Where are we going?"

"To the bus stop of course."

He wasted no time in following him as they made their way into that direction.

"Now, why don't you tell me what gave you the go ahead nod."


"What conspired that made you inspect me in the first place?"

"Oh that, it was actually a number of things," Conan replied. "Starting from day one to tell you the truth."

"That far back huh."

"It wasn't until you lifted that TV up to the room today that I really took notice."

"The TV, why's that?"

"It's rather heavy for one person to lift by themself, let alone carrying it with the use of only one arm," Conan replied. "Alfred and I already had troubles with it the night before."

"I see."

"Then there's the glasses," Conan continued. "You claimed to have two pairs, one for distance and the other for reading correct?"

"That's right."

"When we arrived at Sky Limits Bernadea had a hard time reading what was written on the sign beside the back door, I think it was hard for all of us to make out for that matter," Conan stated. "Earlier you had said you were wearing your glasses for distance, not the ones for reading."

"So that prompted you to focus in on me, which then lead to you noticing the absence of a protective glove when handling the hawk," Conner said. "That's when you decided to set up that whole tree trial for me to confirm your suspicions, right?"

"That's pretty much it in a nut shell." Conan said with a nod.

"Well I'm impressed, and that's to say the least."

"So, that raises the question," Conan said. "Why the false story about the glasses and all?"

"I guess I do owe you an explanation." Conner said as a low tune from within his pocket could be heard.

"What's that?"

"My phone," Conner replied before reaching into his pocket. "This will only take a moment."

"I'll still be here." Conan said having a step back.

He answered the call from there, looking away as he took part in a brief conversation which lasted all but a minute. He then turned back to face him, dropping the phone back into his pocket.

"Sorry, but I have to go."

"Who was that?" Conan asked.

"A good friend," Conner replied. "It seems something important has come up."

"Is everything ok?"

"Nothing to worry about," Conner assured. "Just something I really need to look into."

"I guess this is where we part ways."

"Sorry about all this, here take this," Conner said pulling a card out from within his pocket. "It's a bus pass, this should at least get you halfway to where you need to be."

"Thanks." Conan said accepting the red card.

"Here's a map to go with it," Conner said handing it to him from his side pocket. "We're currently located by the R.H. Kane building, if you take the '72' bus it will take you all the way past Robbinsville all the way to the Robert Kane Memorial bridge."

"Where's that in relation to here?"

"All the way across town," Conner replied. "That will put you less than an hour away from the manor, you could probably call and have them pick you up from there."

"Thanks for the tip."

"Anytime," Conner said. "Will you be ok riding alone?"

"No problems here," Conan replied. "I do it all the time."

"I know you were hoping to have your questions answered, but with the limited time table I'm on I think we better hold off on that until next time."

"I understand."

"If you'd rather not wait for my next visit, I'm sure Tim would be willing to tell you anything you'd like to know."

"I'll keep that option open."

"Good, then I better get going," Conner said. "You're free to sit on the bench there, the bus should be here any time now."

"Thanks, but I prefer to stand."

"Keeping it on the fly I see," Conner said before turning to walk. "Until next time, Conan."

He watched him as he headed down the street, slowly losing him within the larger group of those walking along. He found himself a spot up against the light post a few feet back, looking up to the night sky as he waited for the arrival of the bus.

"So, I wonder what happens from here."

The clouds could be seen floating above the skyline as they drove. Not much registered to him no matter what flashed by his sight. He only thought of what the meeting may hold, what may be said or asked of him. Just as he sat up to look out the window the car incidentally began to slow up. He knew exactly where they were, seeing the flickering lights atop one of the cars that pulled in right before they did.

"This is it," Alfred said finding a space aside the walkway. "Would you like me to wait for your return?"

"Don't bother, there's no telling how long this will take," Heiji said unbuckling the seat belt. "Thanks for the ride, I'll let you know how everything goes the next time I see you."

"Be careful in there," Alfred said. "There's no telling who's coming in and out at this time of night."

"Thanks for the heads up." Heiji said before pushing the door open.

With that he stepped out from the car, closing the door before turning to see the front entrance across the lot. He took the next few moments to take it all in, looking from one side of the building to the other.

"Well, this is it."

He took a couple shallow breaths, exhaling just as steadily before walking forward. Commotion from the other side of the door could clearly be heard as he neared. He reached out to grab the handle, pulling the door open to allow himself in. He looked to the left side of the room to see two officers in a scuffle with another man.

"What's going on here?"

He watched as the two officers continued to try and gain control, forcing his upper body onto the desk in front of them.

"Hold him, steady now!!" One of them yelled.

Regardless of their efforts he was too much for the two to handle, knocking both men to the ground before making a break for the door.

"This is not what I was hoping for." Heiji thought as he sprinted full speed into his direction.

He braced himself for what was to come, calculating what to do to deny him a free pass. It was then that the door from behind flew wide, feeling the rush of the air as someone darted past. He watched as they leaped forward with a kick, sending the running fugitive to the ground. Everything had happened so fast, almost spontaneously.

"Book him."

Their voice was low and unruffled, taking a few moments for him to realize it was a woman who had taken him down at the point of attack. He watched as she cuffed the unconscious fugitives hands together before standing to her feet.

"I have to go back and arrange the paper work from yesterdays case, I take it the two of you can handle this on your own."

Getting a look at her face was next to none, watching as she made her way to the right side of the room. Not once did she look back, only stopping after reaching a door which lead to another room. He found himself fixed in that position for the moments that followed.

"Is there something we can help you with?"

He turned at the sound of his voice, looking to see he had been joined by the two officers who had been involved in the small tussle just seconds prior.

"Oh yes," Heiji said getting back on track. "I'm here to meet with the Commissioner, would you happen to know where I might find him?"

"I'm not sure if he's here to tell you the truth."

"Last time I checked he was up in his office," The other said. "If you'd like I could walk you up there to go have a look."

"That would be most appreciated."

"Then come, the stairwells right this way," He directed. "I'll leave this to you Officer Sal."

"I've got it covered," Sal said before carefully lifting the body of the cuffed man. "I'll go ahead and find him an empty cell for him to rest until he awakes."

"I'll be back shortly to assist you."

He didn't waste anymore time, leading him to the door at the far end of the room. He pulled a key from the many that hung from the side of his belt before unlocking the door. They walked into the dark stairwell, only guided by the very few lights present on each floor.

"Do you always keep this door locked?" Heiji asked as they began their ascension to the next floor.

"For most of the time, yes."

"Don't you take the risk of someone potentially getting locked in here?"

"That's never been a problem, being the fact all officers here have a key to this entryway."

"Makes sense."

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you meeting with Gordon about?"

"I'm not completely sure to be honest," Heiji replied. "He's the one who wanted to see me."

"So it's one of those things."

They arrived to the next floor shortly there after, continuing up to the next. They stopped upon reaching the top, stepping aside as he watched him use the key once again to unlock the another door.

"We're almost there, his office is right down this hall." He said leading the way once again.

They walked down the long and narrow hall, taking a left once reaching the end to find a single door sitting right in front of them.

"This is it."

He gave the door a knock from there, only to have it push off to the side.

"Hmm, he's not here."

"Where do you think he could be?" Heiji asked.

"I'll tell you what, why don't you come in and have a seat," The officer suggested heading into the room. "And I'll go and let him know you're here."

"You'd do that?"

"Of course, there's not too much on my agenda at this very hour."

"Thanks officer..?"

"Basell," He replied. "It's officer Basell."

"Sorry about that," Heiji apologized. "I couldn't see your name tag there."

"No worries my boy, now why don't you have a seat," Officer Basell pointed. "I'll be back shortly."

"And I'll be waiting." Heiji said as he watched him exit the room.

It wasn't until he fell out of sight that he turned to the other side of the room. He moved further in, having a seat in a cushioned chair across from the large desk set in place. It didn't take long for him to take note of the name tag on the right side, confirming this was indeed the Commissioners office. He quickly found himself relaxed, looking to the left side of the room to see a window near the far corner. It was slightly pinned up, allowing for a small dose of cool air to drift right in. He leaned back with approval after taking it all in.

"Not a bad office, I could get used to something like this."

The traffic mellowed down with each passing minute, the sight of fewer vehicles becoming very evident. The time had become lost to him, looking down at the card given to him to check for the number of the bus he awaited.

"It says here the '72' bus passes by every thirty two minutes or so," Conan read before looking back to the road once again. "I've been standing here for nearly twenty minutes, which means the bus should here any time now."

He kept his grip to the card upon lowering his arm, turning just in time to see a bus heading down from the left side of the street. It slowed up as it continued into his direction, coming to a complete stop after reaching the pole right beyond the bus stop. He rechecked for the card, making sure the number matched the one stamped on the side of the bus before heading for the door.

"Welcome aboard." The driver said with the tip of his hat.

"Good evening." Conan said in response with the raise of the card.

"So I see you're a frequent rider, feel free to sit anywhere you please."

He nodded before doing just that. There weren't too many others present on the bus besides himself. Located in the very first seat on the right side sat a woman who was working with something on her phone. Three seats back and on the opposite side sat two young men who were engaged in conversation. He decided to head past them toward the back, finding himself a spot two rows away from the last row. He looked out the window as the engine started up once again, leaning to the comfort of the seat with his hands falling to the back of his head.

"I wonder how that meeting went for him," Conan thought. "He's probably returned to the house by now, maybe I'll see him there."

Not much was on his mind as they moved down the side of the road. They drove for minutes to come before making their first stop. He peaked from around the corner of the seat, watching as a small group of three teens took a seat near the front.

"Looks like they're having a good time."

Just as he was to sit back someone else stepped onto the bus.

"Who's this guy?"

They were next to unidentifiable, being the fact of the dark rugged ski cap pulled down to right above his eyes. He watched as they headed back, all the way past him to the final seat on the right side. It was then that he noticed the tight leather gloves upon their hands. There was something that left him uneasy about this person, something he had sensed from their entrance.

"A very sturdy and well polished figure, I'd say this guy spends a good time at the gym," Conan thought. "But what's with the gloves and heavy sweater, the weathers more than acceptable tonight."

It was then that he noticed a small streak of red around the left sleeve of their black jacket.He spun around in attempt not to gain his attention in return after seeing his head slightly raise, leaning back to the seat as the bus began moving along once again.

".. Blood, could that have been blood," Conan thought. "Looks like I might have run into somewhat of a predicament."

A tune played in the back of his mind as he sat in the room of silence, one which he had heard over the radio hours ago over the radio. Something flashed by his left eye, just bright enough to call for his attention. He looked toward the window across the room to see a light flickering on and off for the next couple.

"I wonder what's going on out there?"

He contemplated on whether he should go and have a look. Before coming to a decision the sound of the door from clear across the hall could be heard sliding open.

"Looks like the waits over."

He eased up at the sound of foot steps heading his way, gradually becoming louder as they got closer. He slightly repositioned himself, looking toward the door to watch it scooch aside moments later.

"You wanted to see me?"

"I'm glad you decided to join me, though I was expecting you'd call to be honest."

"I felt it would be better if I met you in person." Heiji said as he watched him make his way around the desk before having a seat.

"I'd have taken that same route myself, having a direct conversation always results with a more polished transaction," James said resting his hands atop the table. "Now, where to begin."

"I've got all night, any starting point is as good as any other."

"Very well," James said looking directly to him. "Why don't we start with how long you plan on being here for."

"Good question," Heiji said. "A week.. perhaps two even, maybe even a month, can't say to tell you the truth."

"I thought that much."

"Why do you ask?"

"I might have a little something for you to do," James replied. "Would you be interested?"

"Is this about what happened at the city hall building?"

"Not exactly, but it might be something of interest to you."

"Lay it down Commissioner," Heiji said leaning forward. "I'm listening."

"There's been a series of of theft's across town, a simple task really."

"What's the soul element of these burglaries?"

"Diamonds and high priced pendants," James replied. "I've already got Detective Gates working the case, but with the sharp skills you displayed the other night you could prove to be a valuable asset."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Come again?"

"I mean, why are you offering me an opportunity in all of this," Heiji questioned. "I'm sure there are several others you could have gone to besides me for assistance."

"Upon talking to your father for a second time he recommended I offer you something to do while here."

"That would explain," Heiji said pushing back just a tad. "So, is there anything special or unique about these pendants taken that singles them out from any of the common bunch?"

"I see you've accepted the challenge," James said. "I'll have someone go over the details with you in full soon enough."

"Why not now," Heiji asked. "Do you have somewhere to be?"

"Not that I have somewhere to be, more so to do with what needs to be done here," James replied. "Between looking over some file work and returning a few calls, I've got a lot on my schedule as it is."

"Then I'll let you get to that," Heiji said standing to his feet. "I guess I better give you my number, that way you can reach me if need be."

"Don't bother, I already have it stored to the memory base."

"Staying a step ahead I see."

"Whenever possible."

He turned for the the opposite side of the room, walking straight for the door only to come to a stop after reaching it.

"What's wrong?" James asked upon seeing his delay.

"One question," Heiji said turning back to face him. "If you already had my number, why didn't you call?"

"You coming here was your choice to make," James answered. "Not mine."

"Thanks for your time," Heiji said with a nod. "Hope to see you soon."

With that he turned for the door, softly closing it on his way out.

It became harder to see with each minute that past, using the street street lights surveying the streets to pin point where each street sign was located. He hadn't payed much my mind to anything else around, still weary of the man sitting two rows from behind. His phone vibrated from his side pocket, checking to see he had received a new message.

"It's from Haibara, unfortunately I don't have time to check it now," Conan thought to himself. "Have to stay focused."

Their voices were low and discrete, some how managing to find its way all the way to the to where he sat. This did more than grab his attention. He looked to the front to see the two men who had been on the bus before his arrival locked in a conversation.

"Why are they whispering to one another," Conan thought. "Especially being the fact they're right next to each other."

It was then that one of them looked to the left side of the bus, a grin coming to his face as he turned back to his comrade who seemed to smile in some kind of agreement. As little as it may have been, it called for concern in his mind. Without drawing any attention he peaked from around the seat yet again, doing his best to see what they could have been possibly looking at just moments prior.

"Don't see anything that calls for suspicion," Conan thought taking back to his seat. "Maybe it was something they saw from outside the window."

He did just that, scooting over to the left to have a look out of the window. They weren't moving all that fast at this point, making it easy to see anything they had previously passed.

"Just a gas station and a couple of business buildings, I doubt their sights were fixated to anything of that matter," Conan thought falling back to give it a seconds thought. "Hold on, maybe.."

He took the time to look around the seat for a second time, keeping his focus to everything directly in front of him.

"That group of teens must have exited off at the last stop when I wasn't looking."

He continued to trail his eyes up each row, coming to a stop after seeing her still sitting to the seat at the very front. That's when it all began to come together, looking over to the two men who were still whispering amongst each other. He watched them for a time to come, seeing if their was any truth to his thought. Not much time went by before all was confirmed, looking on as the two glimpsed over to the left for yet another time. The intent across their smirks was most apparent.

"Now I see, they've been following that woman this whole time... but why," Conan thought. "As if I didn't already have enough on my hands with Mr. sunshine a few rows back."

He looked out the window as they approached a street light, knowing they were just two stops away from completing the bus's scheduled route for the night.

"Only two more to go, which means everyone will be getting off between this next stop and the last," Conan thought to himself. "It's clear what the pair up front are after, but there's no telling with this guy behind."

He looked to the two men sitting toward the front, then to the lone man in the back while plotting out a plan.

"There's a chance they all won't get off at the same time, which means I'll have to make my move first."

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 78

Uncommon Case

It was just as quiet on his trip back down as it had been going up. He continued down the way, stopping after reaching bottom of the stairwell. The door was unlocked as expected, giving it a slight push which lead back to the lobby.

"Welcome back."

"Officer Basell." Heiji said turning to see the smile on his face.

"How'd things go between you and the Commissioner just now?"

"Not what I was expecting, but all went well considering."

"That's good to hear," Basell commented. "Not that I really care to know, but what were the two of you discussing anyway?"

"He gave me information on a series of burglaries that have been taking place throughout the city from the beginning of this month," Heiji replied. "Though I don't have all the fine details, I've decided to give it a go."

"So he called you here to help with a case, that was unexpected," Basell said. "Who exactly are you?"

"Detective," Heiji replied with the tip of his hat. "Detective Hattori."

"A detective huh," Basell remarked. "You're a young one aren't you?"

"In some terms yes."

"Can't say I'm too familiar with your name," Basell admitted "What part of town do you originate from?"

"Not anywhere from around here," Heiji replied. "I'm a good deal away from home, can't say how long I'll be here at the moment."

"Is that so?"

He heard his name called in the seconds that passed from clear across the room, turning to see one of the other officers waving over at him.

"Looks like I'm needed elsewhere," Basell said giving him a last look. "Are you about to leave?"

"That's the plan, there's someone I'm supposed to meet with not too far from here."

"Need a ride?"

"Thanks, but no," Heiji kindly declined. "I've already got that covered."

"Well then, next time you're around let me know how things turn out with that case."

"Sure thing officer." Heiji said.

He watched as he made his way to the other side of the room. He then turned for the left, making his way toward the exit. Not once did he turn to look back, following through the whole way. The weather came as a bit of a surprise upon reaching the outside, expecting it to be cooler than it had been over the past hour. The cars paved the way along side the road, looking down as he reached for his phone.

"Why the bother when we can just take a taxi?" Someone questioned from off to the side.

"Tim," Heiji said turning to see him standing under a nearby tree. "How'd you know I was here?"

"I heard it from Alfred after finishing up with that event at Wayne Enterprises."

"So that's where you've been all this time," Heiji said. "I've been trying to reach you for most of the day."

"Yea, I know."

"Today's Monday," Heiji said. "Also the day I was supposed to go to that party celebration at the bowling alley, on behalf of Mr. Eldelmon of course."

"No need to worry," Tim said. "Jefferson never showed up, he had a little accident."

"Accident, what kind of accident?" Heiji asked.

"I don't have the full report, but they're calling it a heart attack."

"Is he going to be ok?"

"Didn't sound too serious, so I'd say so."

"About what time did this heart attack of his occur?"

"Between noon and one is what I've been told." Tim replied.

"That's much sooner than when the party was scheduled."

"So," Tim said stepping from under the tree. "How'd things go between you and Gordon?"

"Relatively well," Heiji replied. "He even offered me an opportunity to help handle a case."

"Did you accept?"

"Of course," Heiji replied. "This is in my element, no way was I going to turn it down."

"I thought that much," Tim said before turning for the road. "I'd love to hear what you're set to investigate, but first what do you say we go and catch ourselves a cab?"

"Can't say no to that idea." Heiji said before following him across the parking lot.

The street light switched after a brief period of waiting. They fast approached the next stop and he was still unclear what he was to do. Things had finally fallen silent between the two men toward the front, resulting in him looking to the back to see the ski capped man still with his sights set to the floor below. He continued to think things through, coming to a dead end with each new idea.

"From the layout of this map I'd say we have less than a minute before reaching the next stopping point," Conan thought as he looked it over. "Times running short, better think of something fast."

It was now a game of wait, checking all what he had in his possession as he thought up every possible outcome that could possibly play out in the next few minutes.

"Don't have my enhanced shoes but I've got six remaining stunners, that should be good enough if things do in fact turn sour."

He took a peak out the window side, watching as they closed in on the next stop. The bus gradually slowed as they neared the sidewalk, hearing the sound of him pushing up from behind.

"Looks like he's getting off here," Conan said glancing back. "Now, what about the others?"

He looked back to the front at about the same time the bus finally came to a stop. He remained seated for the first couple seconds, allowing for the man from behind to walk past. It was then that he took notice of something stashed in the side of his left boot, keeping his eyes glued to it as he made his way to the front.

"That looks like the handle to something... I'm betting it's a knife or scalpel of some kind."

It was only a matter of seconds after that the woman several seats ahead from where he sat stood to her feet. She too made her way to the door located on the right side. Seeing this he immediately turned his head to the other side to see the two men who sat on the opposite side step up from where they had been sitting.

"Perfect, this is exactly what I was hoping for," Conan said dropping down from the seat before hurrying his way to the front. "Now's the time to make my move."

He smiled on his way out, waving to the bus driver as he did.

"Appreciate the ride." Conan thanked.

"Any time kid." He said in response.

The sound of the doors sliding shut from behind rang clear to his ears after touching down to the sidewalk. The woman who had been on the bus headed straight for the left, pulling out a phone as she began walking down the side of the street. It was no surprise when the two men who had been seated across from her resulted to following her. He then looked to the left to see the man with the ski cap walking into the opposite direction.

"Looks like I'll have to make a choice after all," Conan said with the lift of his arm. "But first thing's first."

He grabbed hold of his wrist, tapering his eyes as he focused in on the target.

"One down." Conan said after pressing down to the side of his watch. "Now for Mr..."

He turned with one full motion, coming to find he was nowhere to be seen. There were very few people walking in the general area, and it was a good few yards away before the next intersection. He then looked to the street, finding no sign of him crossing the way to the other side.

"I only took my eye off of him for nothing but a second, where could he could he have gone to?"

He observed the surrounding area for a final time, giving up after coming up empty once again.

"Don't exactly have time to try and relocate him, I better stay on the others while I can."

He wasted no further time in activating the tracker, turning into the opposite direction before following after the others. He looked back as he skipped along, hoping he'd catch sight of him. He checked the time on his watch, surprised to see how late it had become.

"It's already five after nine, whatever I'm going to do I better make it quick." Conan thought continuing to follow the signal. "The others might become worried if I don't return or call soon."

They came back into view shortly there after, maneuvering around a small group of people to see the two men from right up ahead.

"I don't see that woman from earlier," Conan said checking each side. "Maybe I was wrong about their intent after all."

He finally caught sight of her walking from a distance up after continuing his search.

"Now I see, they're just keeping a space of comfort between her and themselves," Conan said. "The question now becomes when and where they plan to make their move."

He stayed with them step for step, doing his best not to be noticed by either of the two. Minutes passed as they continued on. He watched as the man he had placed the tracker on pulled out a phone, bringing it to his ear in the moments that followed. The length of their steps became shortened as he talked, causing Conan to slow up just as well.

"I wonder what's going on here."

The woman came to a stop upon reaching a stop light a little ways up, triggering them to come to a halt as well. He quickly found himself a spot behind a newspaper stand just as one of them flashed their sights into his direction.

"That was close, gotta be more careful from here on out."

He couldn't help but look to see what was taking place in the surrounding area as he waited, hearing the sound of an alarm go off directly across the road from where he stood.

"That can't be good." Conan said looking that way.

It was only a matter of seconds before he witnessed someone storm out of a liquor store with a gun in hand, racing down the left side of the street. He then took notice of the large bag strapped across their shoulder.

"Now I see, this is nothing but a burglary," Conan said taking aim once again. "They may get away now, but that doesn't mean it will be for long."

A thunderous sound soared past all who were present, causing most to seek cover. He was no stranger to what was heard, trying to make out where it was coming from as it struck once again.

"Someone's firing a gun, and from the sounds of it I'd say they're no more than a block away from here."

And with that split second of time he had completely forgotten about the gunman who had exited the liquor store, looking to see they had vanished out of sight.

"Dammit, I should have taken the shot when I had it."

There was no time for regret, before he knew it the tracker alerted him of movement concerning the tracer he had planted on one of the men he was still pursuing.

"Here we go again."

He peaked from behind the newsstand to see the two men heading toward the street light where she once stood. The street light had turned red, signaling for all to cross over. He made his way across before the light could fall green once again, following the two men of interest as they made their way into a darker part of the city. The lack of light poles ahead was more than apparent.

"I could use my wrist light," Conan thought weighing in on his option. "But then I take the chance of potentially being spotted."

He quickly decided against this, using the limited light from the moon above to keep his sights to the woman who was a good distance ahead. He took notice of a sign to the left as he walked, taking a quick second to read what it said.

"Robert Kane Memorial Bridge," Conan read. "If I'm not mistaken that's the same bridge that we usually always take on the way to the manor."

The longer they went on the more uneasy he became, getting the feeling that something unexpected was going to occur at any moment. The decrease in their pace became most evident as they walked down the longest street they had come by that night. He didn't know what to make of it at first, glancing ahead to see a group of about five men heading to their side of the street further up.

"What's this all about?"

The posture which they expressed in their movement sent a clear message. He looked on, watching as they settled in at the end of the block.

"Now I see what this is all about, these guys must be associated with the two guys I've tailed with a tracker," Conan thought. "If I'm not mistaken they're waiting in hopes of cornering this woman, that must have been what he was planning for when I saw him make that phone call just a bit ago."

There was no doubt in his mind what they had in mind. What to do next was the question.

"There's seven of them in all and I've only got six stunners, not to mention the chance of a missing if I do in fact decide to take a shot," Conan said as he walked. "And even if I did connect that would still leave one guy remaining, and who knows what any of them might be carrying."

He contemplated on what to do for seconds to come. There were very few cars parked at the side of the road, something he took note of as he continued to plot out a plan of action. By this point the two men came to a full stop after watching the woman they followed have a seat at a bench aside a stop sign. Thinking quickly, Conan found himself a spot behind a car for a form of cover.

"This is it, whatever they've got planned is bound to happen any time now."

He peaked around from where he crouched, watching as everything began to unfold. The five men who stood at the end of the block looked to one another before making their way down.

"Here they come, and I'm not exactly fully equipped with all my gadgets," Conan said. "Which puts limitations to what I can do as it is."

He looked back into the direction of the bench, coming to find she was now sorting through her bag for something unknown to him.

"I don't get it, why did she stop here," Conan thought. "You would think she would be on her way home or something to that affect."

The two men he had been following from the get go began to move once again, heading straight for the bench where she sat. The other five did the same, continuing to head down from the other side.

"Looks like times up, got to make a move before they do," Conan said with the raise of his arm. "I could take out these first two which would then stir the attention of the others, leaving them open... but that would still leave one remaining if all does go as planned."

The longer he took to decide the closer they moved in.

"It's now or never."

He wasted no further time, seizing the opportunity of a surprise attack. Just as he was to let loose the woman sprung up from where she sat, pulling out a bottle of some kind. What happened next caught everyone by surprise. Within the flash of the moment several rubber looking balls fell from above, releasing a wave of smoke that expanded in all directions. It blew past where he hid as well, trying his best not to inhale any of the unknown substance.

"Now what's going on?!"

This all but caused the seven men to flee off into the night, none looking back on their departure. He continued to hold back, feeling the stress beginning to mount from within himself. He could still see the gas flourishing from all sides, feeling the ground leave him from beneath as he finally breathed in after seconds of holding back. Everything was happing so fast, not realizing he was levitating to the building above until about half way up. It was darker than it had been from the streets below, the moon just barely peaking from around a set of cruising clouds. As dark as it may have seemed, the polarizing winged figure that spanned wide could clearly be seen. He slightly raised his head, feeling the grip around his collar as he was further lifted. It was then that his eyes became locked with his, seeing the clear look of disapproval across his face.

"I can explain."

"Don't bother," Batman said. "But let's get one thing straight, there will be no more traveling alone at night, got it?"

"Those men were following after that woman," Conan explained. "I couldn't just stand by and do noth..."

His voiced dropped in mid sentence, feeling a cold chill come over him as he slowly felt his arms give out on him.

"So... feel so weak," Conan said with his vision beginning to flutter away. "What's wrong with me?"

"You breathed in a portion of the smoke."

"What was that stuff?" Conan asked as his eyes gradually began to close.

"A light incapacitating agent," Batman replied. "You'll be fine come the crack of dawn."

His head staggered forward in exhaustion, everything falling to a complete darkness as he drifted off within that moment.

The night had come and gone, the next morning bringing a cloudy sky just as the previous night had. A small strand of light from the lower half of the sheet emitted bright, taking only minutes for it to make its way up. It only took the sound of something tapping to the window to awake him, rolling to his side to see it was only a branch touching down from the forceful wind.

"That's one way to start the day." Conan said sitting up from where he laid.

The events of last nights occasion poured in with the seconds that followed, from the bus ride all the way up to his encounter on the roof. This continued to loop through his mind upon dropping down from the bed. Then there was also the missed call, something he wanted to get addressed first and foremost. He took little time to get dressed, pulling out his phone to see he had one unread message still sitting in place.

"Perhaps it's an update on that guy we've been trying to track for months now."

He wasted no time in opening it, more than surprised to see what the message said.

"a Day to Commence," Conan read with a long pause ensuing. "Why would Haibara send me a message like this?"

He didn't know what to make of it, placing the phone into his pocket before walking out of the room.

"That was a bit from the left field, I'll defiantly have to give her a call about that."

He headed down the hall, a little taken back by how quiet it was throughout. It wasn't until he reached the main room that he found that he wasn't the only one in the house, glancing down to see him standing at the bottom of the stairs with something in his hand.

"You're awake, good," Bruce said turning to face him. "Because you and I need to have a talk."

"I had a feeling you'd want to."

"It's not about what you may think," Bruce assured. "I'll talk to you about your little stroll soon enough, but this has something to do with what unfolded on the streets."

"You mean with those men I was following after?"

"Not exactly," Bruce replied. "There was an incident that occurred outside of the the Knights Dome Sporting complex."

"What kind of incident?"

"Nine men were found dead in a parking lot nearby, six of them shot and another three died from puncture wounds."

"Any idea if any of the men were connected?" Conan asked.

"They were all members of the Sprang Bridge Soldiers," Bruce confirmed. "I recognized two of them almost immediately after seeing the bodies."

"Sorry for sounding a little misinformed, but who are the Sprang Bridge Soldiers?"

"They're one of the many gangs that inhabit the streets of Gotham," Bruce replied. "Particularly Robbinsville."

"So you're thinking they were taken out by a rival gang?"


"I guess we truly won't know until we find the weapons used huh?"

"A Mauser M67 was the rifle used," Bruce informed. "And the other three were fatly wounded by that of a Kirpan knife."

"Wow, you're really on top of this."

"It didn't take much," Bruce said. "Being the fact the killer responsible left both weapons behind."

"Say what?"

"The knife was still buried into one of the victims chest upon finding the bodies," Bruce informed. "And the rifle used was discovered on a roof nearby."

"Were there any witnesses?" Conan asked.

"If there are, none of them have come forward."

"What a strange case this is."

"And if that wasn't enough, I found a set of gloves aside the rifle," Bruce added. "Which means our killer left them behind for us to find."

"Who does that," Conan questioned. "What about the serial number, the rifle did have one right?"

"I already traced it back to it's owner only to find him dead as well," Bruce informed. "I found his body sitting in that of a rocking chair."

"How did he die?"

"One shot to the head, the weapon used was an automatic pistol which was also registered to him," Bruce replied. "I found the gun laying on a table a few feet away from his body."

"That pretty much rules out suicide," Conan said. "Anything else note worthy?"

"Near the gun was another set of gloves, a small cloth, and a silencer," Bruce answered. "I believe whoever killed him stole his rifle which ended up in our second case of murders."

"Was he also a Sprang Bridge Soldier?"

Bruce nodded in confirmation.

"It's not often a killer leaves behind the weapon or weapons used in a crime, whoever we're dealing with must really know what they're doing," Conan said. "But I must ask, why did you decide to tell me about all of this?"

"You were on the other side of town from what I was told," Bruce replied. "On the bus ride back you should have passed by the sporting complex where it all took place."

"And you're wondering if I saw anything."

"Did you?"

"I didn't see anything, but I did hear the sound of shots fired."

"And when would you say that was?" Bruce asked.

"After getting off the bus and walking a couple blocks."

"That puts you a couple miles away from the sporting complex," Bruce said. "That must have been a separate incident."

He took the next few moments to try and rehash the full events of last night, looking back up to him with the shake of his head.

"Sorry, I don't recall seeing anything out of the ordinary while we drove," Conan replied. "But there was.."

"Was what," Bruce asked. "Anything you may have heard or seen could prove useful."

"There was this man," Conan informed. "Dressed in a heavy jacket and dark ski cap that rode the bus along with me."

"Was there something he did or said?"

"No," Conan replied. "It's what was on the sleeve of his jacket that caught my attention."

"What did you see?"

"It was a dark red stain," Conan replied. "From my angle it looked like it could have been blood that dried."

"Is that so," Bruce said. "Anything else that seemed less than normal?"

"When we were getting off the bus I saw something rested in the side of his boot," Conan replied. "From what I could tell I'd say it was a knife or dagger of some kind."

"That might just be the lead I was looking for," Bruce said before turning for the other side of the room. "Come, we have work to do."

"Where are we going?"

"To start from the bottom up, which requires us to create a time table."

"If you don't mind, there's something I wanted to ask," Conan said following after him. "How'd you know where to find me last night, there's no way you just happened to come across me by coincidence."

He stopped in his tracks, looking back down at him.

"Do you remember that night you collapsed in the kitchen?"

It took a few seconds for him to recall, shaking his head in response.

"That was the night you had gone to the city hall."

"When I arrived home that night I came across your glasses in the TV room," Bruce informed. "It was then that I learned of their tracking capabilities."

"Let me guess, you linked them to your system which then allows you to track me at any given time."

"Only when your tracking system is active." Bruce confirmed. "Now come, I'd like to get started right away."

"You don't have to tell me, I think we're both on the same page."

With that the two of them made their way across the room, entering past the door into the study. They headed straight for the desk where he reached for a pen and paper. He sorted out a few other things before then looking down to face him.

"Before we begin, I want you to tell me everything," Bruce said. "Every single detail about that man you can remember."

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 79


Everything was done with persuasion and patience, making sure every detail matched what was said down to the last detail. After nearly twenty minutes of working every angle he turned around to show him the completed drawing.

"I did the best to make out what you described, so tell me," Bruce said handing him the sheet of paper. "Does this look like the man you crossed paths with on the bus?"

He took the next couple seconds to look over the finished drawing, giving him a nod in response.

"I'd say this is about as close as we're going to get without having an actual photo of him."

"And you're sure you didn't get a clearer look at his face?"

"Like I said before, he had on that ski cap which made it difficult to do so," Conan replied. "But do you recognize him at all?"

"I can't say for sure, there's several others who run around in this type of attire," Bruce replied. "I'd need a distinct look at his face to confirm anything."

"You also said we'd be constructing a time table," Conan reminded. "I was curious to know when we'd start from, you never did say."

"From the estimated time of death involving the nine men who were found," Bruce said in response. "Which is said to have been around thirty five after seven."

"I was still waiting for the 72 bus to appear around that time."

"How long did you wait before it finally arrived?"

"Roughly twenty minutes." Conan replied.

"And that man you saw, was he already seated when you entered?"

"No, he didn't board until after we made our first stop about four minutes later."

"At about what time would you say that was?"

"Can't recall, but I know it was some time after seven forty five," Conan replied. "I remember checking the time minutes before the bus had arrived."

"And you said this mystery man entered the bus after making your first stop," Bruce said giving it some thought. "Which was a good distance away from the sporting complex which is at least a twenty minute dive, pending any heavy traffic."

"So, I guess that eliminates him from our list of suspects."

"Not necessarily, there are several other ways to travel that don't require going through traffic," Bruce said. "But if he is indeed involved, that raises the question of why he would backtrack to the Kane building where you were located only to pass by where the crime originally took place."

"Good point," Conan said. "And we probably won't get the answer to that unless we find him."

"What about the handle you saw stashed away in his boot," Bruce asked. "Did it have a significant detail that could separate it from most common knives?"

"It was just a plain solid black," Conan replied. "Nothing we can use to try and track him."

"As expected," Bruce said. "So at about what time did you finally get off the bus?"

"Exactly five after nine," Conan replied. "I remember checking the time right after losing sight of him."

"That's when you proceeded to follow after the other two, correct?"

"That pretty much sums it up," Conan confirmed. "But I must ask.. from your knowledge of the streets here, do you think he could have made it all the way from the sporting complex to where he was in such a short amount of time?"

"Do you mean by bus or taxi?"

Conan nodded.

"Being that the murders occurred after five and before nine I'd say no," Bruce replied. "Traffic is at its height in between those times."

"But isn't there the chance more than one person was involved with these killings," Conan questioned. "I mean, taking out nine guys isn't exactly a piece of cake, especially given their background."

"From the evidence collected, it seems to be pointing to one culprit at this given time," Bruce said. "But that doesn't mean someone didn't set it up to appear that way."

"So what do we do now?"

"I may go back and recheck the crime scene, but in the mean time I'm going to dissect what we have even further," Bruce replied while making his way around the desk. "If you happen to remember anything you forgot to mention, just let me know."

"Of course."

He turned for the door, only taking a few steps before coming to a stop at the center of the room. He stood there for seconds to pass, looking back to see he was already jotting down notes about what they had just discussed.

"What's wrong?" Bruce asked taking notice of this.

"About last night.. I'm sorry," Conan apologized. "I should have called and let you know what was going on."

"No need for an apology, it's your present state which called for concern," Bruce said. "The last thing I'd want is to call home and let them know of any unplanned incidents involving your wellbeing."


"Whatever it may mean, you did a decent job for what it was," Bruce said. "With the way you pursued after those two men, but."

"There's always a but."

"You were on point with your main objective, but you missed one important detail."

"What do you mean?" Conan asked.

"As you came to find, the two men you were following after were part of a larger group."

"Were they also members of the Sprang Bridge Soldiers?"

"No, but they are linked with a smaller group."

"So what was it I failed to notice?"

"Stressing the importance of your surroundings while here should have been a top priority," Bruce said. "As you saw, an additional five men joined the fray."

"That's right," Conan said. "They crossed over from the other side of the road a distance ahead once she took a seat at that bench."

"What you failed to do was look back from where you trailed."

"You don't mean.."

"That's right," Bruce said. "There were four additional men coming from behind, if I hadn't shown when I did who knows what would have happened."

"Can't believe I didn't see or hear them coming." Conan said with the shake of his head.

"Don't pay it too much mind, the only thing that matters at the end of the day is the outcome."

"There's just one thing about last nights events that doesn't sit straight," Conan said. "Why did that woman stop at that bench when she did, it's not like it was a bus stop."

"Never question a woman's acute flexibility when it comes to her whereabouts, especially when walking alone at the time it was."

"Are you saying she knew?"

"Not from the start, but she must have caught on at some point," Bruce confirmed. "When she took a seat at that bench she knew what was to come, wanting no more than to lure them in."

"That makes little sense, why would she want that?"

"Naturally it wouldn't," Bruce agreed. "But she was equipped with a bottle of pepper spray and a taser."

"Pepper spray and a taser," Conan exclaimed. "Is that even permitted to have around here?"

"With a license, then yes," Bruce replied. "Whether she had one or not is unknown to me, but I commend anyone who's prepared and not too reliant on others when situations like that arise."

"Maybe I should start carrying a set of those around." Conan jokingly commented.

"Don't you think a slingshot would be more age appropriate?" Someone spoke from behind.

He didn't even have to look, already knowing who had joined the two of them.

"How long have you been standing there?" Conan asked turning to face him.

"Merely a second or two." Damian replied.

"Where have you been," Conan asked. "I didn't hear or see you on my way down a couple minutes ago."

"Out in the garage."

"What were you doing in there?"

"Here he goes with another one of his interrogations." Damian said finding his way around him.

"Did you look over that video footage like I asked?"

"All four angles," Damian confirmed. "There was nothing of high importance visually."

"I was afraid that'd be the case."

"What video footage?" Conan asked out of curiosity.

"We retrieved copies of four survaliance camera's that were near last nights crime scene," Bruce replied. "Apparently nothing was caught on tape."

"As I said before, not visually," Damian corrected. "I had a hard time with the ambiguous audio from each of them at first, but after diluting out the guttural like sounds I was able to pick up something said right before the shooting began."

"What did you hear?" Bruce asked putting a hold to things once again.

"It's him," Damian replied. "That's what one of the men spoke right before all hell broke lose, I have it saved as its own file if you'd like to hear it for yourself."

"Interesting," Bruce said. "That all but adds more weight to our claim of there being only one culprit."

"He's right," Conan thought. "If there had been more than one person who had engaged them, why say 'it's him' rather than them?"

"This should shorten our line of suspects as well," Damian added. "From what was said I think it's safe to assume at least one of them knew their attacker."

"The next step will be to come up with a list of any known acquaintances," Bruce said. "Which of course will include all members of the Sprang Bridge Soldiers."

"Wait a minute," Conan questioned. "Do you actually think it would be one of their own?"

"Not the most likely answer, but most certainly a probability." Bruce replied.

"I guess it's smart to keep all possible options open," Conan said. "On another note, where's Alfred?"

"I saw him leave earlier this morning," Damian answered. "And before you ask, no, I don't know where he strolled off to."

"He went to Crime Alley." Bruce informed.

"What's he doing there?" Damian asked looking his way.

"To meet with Heiji," Bruce replied. "He's taking him to a place near the station to meet with the commissioner for a second time."

"That quick huh, sounds like progress if you ask me," Conan said. "Any idea what they're meeting about this time?"

"It's just as you pointed," Bruce said in response. "They're making progress."

"Now that I've completed that whole video sequence, what would you like for me to do next?" Damian asked.

"I'll let you know as soon as I'm finished with this timeline."

"Call me if you need me sooner, I'll be down stairs." Damian said before heading for the door.

He moved aside as he passed, hearing the sound of the door close from behind on his way out. He stood there for the next minute or so, continuing to watch as he wrote down the remaining details of the case. He looked up once finished, stepping up from the chair before making his way around the desk.

"Before I head out, there's one thing I'd like to ask," Bruce stated. "You said you took your eyes off of the individual in question, exactly how long would you say that was for?"

"It happened right after getting off the bus, I turned to place a tracker onto one of the two men following the woman," Conan replied. "And once I turned back he was nowhere to be seen, couldn't have been more than five seconds."

"You may not have seen him, but tell me," Bruce asked. "What did you see?"

The sun was shinning brighter than it had been any of the past couple days, tempting him to slide down the window to gaze out. It was the perfect time of day, making it easy for them to switch lanes as they drove along the way.

"It's a beautiful day?"

"I'd say so myself, though I wouldn't get too used to it," Alfred said in repsonse. "Especially with the colder months just up ahead."

"All we can do is enjoy it while it lasts." Heiji said before leaning back in the seat.

He heard little of what was said over the radio, more focused to those who drove along as well. He knew they were getting close, glancing out as they passed by the Grant Park on the right side. He continued to look on, pleased to see the police headquarters come into view within the next few.

"We got here a lot sooner than I was expecting."

"It always seems to be that way after the first trip around," Alfred said. "So where exactly are you supposed to be meeting him?"

"Just up that way," Heiji pointed. "It should be two blocks away from our current position, I'll let you know when to stop."

He did just that, heading into that direction only to be met by a red light not too far ahead. They were stalled all but a but a minute or so. He kept his eyes pealed after they took a right at the next intersection, waving his hand after seeing the visual hierarchy of the of the sign clamped down onto the front of the small shop.

"There it is," Heiji pointed. "Starlest."

"And this is the place you were told the two of you would meet?"

"No doubt," Heiji said more than assured. "This is it alright."

He pulled over from there, finding himself an empty spot at the side of the road before looking over at him.

"I have no idea how long you will be, but do call once you've finished."

"That's the plan," Heiji said opening the door. "Again, thanks for the ride."

"Any time."

He unbuckled his belt before stepping out, closing the door in the process. He immediately headed for the entrance to the store, still wondering why they were meeting here rather than at the station like they had done the last time around.

"This is it."

He removed his hands from his pockets upon reaching the door, adjusting his hat before reaching forward to push the door off to the side. He found himself looking from one half of the room to the other. There were glass cases on all sides, filled with jewelary of different varieties in all corners. He then took notice of the fleet of stairs located near the back of the room.

"I wonder where those lead to."

He wasted no time in giving it a check, looking to the second floor to see a row of shoes and clothes lined up on separate sides. There weren't too many people in the store, making it easy for him to walk further into the room without incident.

"But why here," Heiji thought. "Why would the commissioner want to meet here of all places?"

It was just as he reached the stairs that he felt a hand fall down to the side of his shoulder, turning to see someone completely unfamiliar. The man standing before him was a few inches taller than himself, wearing a well broomed suit and tie, with a white under shirt to top it off.

"So I see you're good with time, he said you would be here within the minute."

"And you are?" Heiji asked.

"Detective Gates," He greeted holding out his hand. "But you can call me Rick."

"Then detective Rick it is," Heiji said shaking his hand in return. "I remember hearing your name from Gordon, he mentioned you as the detective working the case involving the recent heists?"

"That'd be me."

"So where is he now," Heiji asked searching the general area."Is the commissioner not here?"

"He had something come up, thus ejecting himself from the fronts for the time being," Rick replied. "But from what I've heard, you and I should be more than enough to tackle this on our own."

"That leaves me with one remaining question."

"Go ahead, I'm hear to answer anything that may cross your mind."

"Why are we meeting here instead of at the Gotham City Police Station?"

"A very good question indeed," Rick said while turning for the stairs. "Walk with me, all will be answered soon enough."

This caught him by a bit of a surprise, none the less doing as instructed. They made their way up to the second floor, continuing to follow him as he headed to the right side. They stepped around several clothes racks in their path, finally reaching a door located near the back corner.

"This is it," Rick said giving him the nod. "This should only take a second."

He took a step forward with three convincing knocks. The sound of voices followed up in return, which then turned into the sound of foot steps heading their way. The door slid open within moments as a man appeared before the two of them.

"Good to see you again detective Gates," The man spoke. "I'm hoping you have some good news for me."

"We're working on it," Rick said. "But rest assured we'll have this predicament settled in no time."

"Who's this with you?" He asked looking to the side of him.

"Heiji Hattori," Rick replied. "He'll be helping with this investigation."

"Well, it's a pleasure to have you aboard Mr. Hattori," He said with the shake of his hand. "The names Ellson."

"I'm glad to be taking a part in this," Heiji acknowledged. "But what exactly are we investigating?"

"The burglaries of course," Rick replied. "And from the note received, it all but confirms we here at Starlest are their next target."

"Hold on," Heiji said. "What note?"

"It seems you haven't been given the full details of the case at hand." Rick said.

"Gordon said he planned on letting someone else fill me in," Heiji informed. "And from theses circumstances, I'd say right now is as good as any other time for an update."

"But first, why don't the two of you step on in," Ellson suggested. "I'd rather we do this in private."

"Well noted." Rick said in agreement.

The two of them stepped into the small enclosed room, following Ellson who lead them to the left, stopping after reaching the center where another man sat in front of two computer screens.

"What is this place?" Heiji asked.

"The security back room," Ellson replied. "And this is Ed, the man who keeps a watchful eye for what goes on in and outside of the store."

"Welcome." Ed said looking his way with the nod of his head.

"So what's this note you mentioned?"

"The one who's been going around stealing from small companies such as ourselves has been been leaving small notes before hand, riddles if you will."

"This has occurred to five separate stores now," Rick added. "This would make the sixth if they are indeed successful with their next planned heist."

"What exactly do these riddles elude to," Heiji asked. "And if possible, do you think I could have a look at the most recent one written?"

"Each note left behind has ultimately pointed to the where and what," Ellson replied. "Meaning the location and item they plan to acquire."

"Here you go," Rick said reaching into his side pocket. "This was the note slipped in with yesterday nights imports to this very store."

He accepted the slip of paper, unfolding it to lay his eyes onto the message before him.

"i am soley for the eye beyond all affiliated kins, a tune to Hear with a misdirection Red (1)," Heiji read before dropping down to the second line. "superior to my the Deceiver, at the Affair shall I appear.."

He found himself reading over the message several times over, trying his best to make sense of what was written.

"That's some twisted stuff if you ask me," Rick said from his side. "I don't even know where to begin to make sense of that jitter."

"What do you think, detective Heiji?" Ellson asked.

"..I don't know, at least not yet," Heiji said finally looking up from the note. "In the mean time, are there any possible suspects that have come to mind?"

"My first initial thought was Nigma, but then I remembered he's currently locked away within that dammed aslyum."

"Nigma," Heiji questioned. "Who's that?"

"Don't worry about it kid," Rick said patting him on the shoulder. "We've already eliminated that route as a potential lead."

"Mind if I hold onto this?" Heiji asked.

"Be my guest," Rick replied. "We've already got a copy of that note stored away at the station."

He wasted no time in tucking it away.

"Now that we've got him all caught up, why don't I let you know why I really brought you two back here."

"The stage is yours." Rick said in response.

"Then if you would, please direct your sights to the screen."

"What should we be looking for?" Heiji asked.

"Nothing in particular," Ed replied. "This is all the views we have set around the premises with the use of our surveillance cameras."

"Just staying on top of things," Ellson added. "We have to be prepared, especially if this mystery person does in fact try to go through with their plan."

"So what would you like us to do from here?" Rick asked.

"That's quite simple," Ellson replied. "If it's not too much to ask, I'd like for the two of you to look out for any suspicious people or activity for the next hour or so."

"I see, you're anticipating the thief will come here to try and size up things for their heist," Rick said. "I'd be more than willing to give you some of our extra added time."

"You can count me in as well." Heiji said with a nod.

"Good," Ellson said pleased to hear. "I was hoping I'd get your involvement."

"So how do you want us to play this?" Rick asked.

"Simple," Ellson replied. "Just act if you are another one of the customers, no one will notice."

"Sounds easy enough," Rick said. "We'll report back to you if anything should be brought to our attention."

"And I'll be waiting."

"Come Hattori," Rick said turning back for the door. "Let us see if we can make anything out of this."

Ellson lead the way with the two of them following from behind, reopening the door before stepping off to the side.

"Report back to me if you find anything to be questioning or suspicious," Ellson stated. "Ed and I will be watching on from the cameras shown to you, just be sure to stay discreet as discussed."

"That's the plan." Rick said.

"Then I'll let the two of you run loose, good luck detectives." Ellson said before closing the door.

The two looked to one another in the seconds that followed.

"How would you like to press on from here?"

"I'll go and monitor things down on the first floor," Rick replied. "I'll leave everything up here to you."

"Fair enough."

"Keep your eyes peeled kid, the easiest way to put an end to this is to catch this guy in his tracks," Rick said. "I'll touch base with you in the next half hour or so."

"I'll see you then."

"If you see or find anything before hand, come and let me know," Rick said while turning for the other side of the room. "I'll see you soon."

Rick left from there, leaving him to stand alone. He didn't move for the first couple moments, simply pulling out the note to give it a second look. He read over it once again, finding it in himself to try and disect every part of the message down piece by piece. Coming to a conclusion wasn't going to be easy, feeling there were questions that needed to be answered before he could unravel the true meaning.

"According to detective Gates there were five other riddle based notes left behind at the other locations before the thief struck," Heiji thought. "Maybe I'd have a better understanding of what they're planning if I had a look at the other notes, along with what was stolen of course."

He raised the slip of paper to his eyes, soley focusing in on the first part of the message.

"i am soley for the eye beyond all affiliated kins, a tune to Hear with a misdirection Red (1)."

He allowed nothing else to enter the mind, keeping his concentration to what was in front of him.

"Affiliated kins... this could prove to be an important detail," Heiji thought. "I'm almost certain it doesn't symbolizes the connection of siblings, but rather different items of interest or perhaps separate locations.. something we aren't expected to take note of."

Wasting no time he looked to the last part of the riddle.

"The 'H' on hear and the 'R' on red are capitalized, giving them an imposing presence amongst the other figures," Heiji thought continuing his examination. "Then there's the single interval, defiantly the most unclear element featured in the note."

He took no time to look at the riddle written on the second line, sticking the slip of paper back into his pocket.

"No use in trying to solve the other riddle, I'm betting the two are linked together in some way," Heiji said. "Which means in all likelihood I'll have to solve the first to understand the second."

He laid his hands to his pocket before finally deciding to walk. There were very few present on the second floor besides him, beginning to study the layout of the room as he stepped around a rack of socks. Everything that came to his sight he tried relating back to the riddle, feeling there was something to find. He stopped once reaching the center of the room next to a small shelf of cosmetics.

"One thing's for certain.. detective Gates and Mr. Ellson are wrong, no way after leaving that note would the culprit take the risk of coming back," Heiji thought. "If anything, they might be visiting the location of the next place they plan to breach if successful here... but where?"

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 80

Two Within One

With the sun shinning bright, the view of the moving stream from far below could clearly be seen as it pushed its way through the hanging valley. He had been standing there for a period of time. The thought of how everything would play out circulated through his mind. He took a step away from the balcony railing, turning to head back inside. The room was dark upon entering, closing the screen door before making his way over to a desk at the right side. He took a seat, sitting there for a period of time.

"No use in camouflaging yourself," He softly spoke with the raise of his head. "I know you're here."

A figure faintly appeared from a dark corner of the room, moving only a few feet before stopping.

"Something has occurred, I thought I'd bring it to your attention."

"I suspect this has something to do with the boy?"

"He's already found his way to the grounds you had hoped to bring him," A shallow voice spoke in return. "Sheltered by none other than the detective."

"I see."

No words were exchanged. between the two for seconds to come. He found himself looking back toward the balcony side, a whole new set of scenarios beginning to run through his mind at that given moment.

"What about the false S.O.S sent, it's only a matter of time before we get a response from the two of them."

"It's too late to back out now, everything has already spiraled into motion... besides, this may prove to be better."

"How so?"

"These turn of events may make for a more complete evaluation."

"But aren't you in the least bit concerned that the others will some how get inserted into the fray?"

"That's to be expected, their involvement will be calculated accordingly."

"Would you like for unit B to carry out with luring the two to the location discussed?"

"Put it on hold for a day or so, and let them know to loosen up on security until I say otherwise."

"Loud and clear."

"Now leave me to be alone, I'd like to take this time to reiterate the situation."

No words needed to be spoken, taking all but a couple of seconds for the dark figure to fall out of sight once again. He closed his eyes, sitting there for minutes to come. Things were becoming more and more complex by the day, but regardless of this he was one step closer to setting things in place. Through the darkness of the room he reached acrossthe desk, hauling in a small image. He stared down at it, looking into the eyes of the young man he knew so much about.. yet so little.

"You've failed to disappoint me as of yet, but your true test has yet to undertake.. may the next weeks show your true worthiness to me, boy of Japan."

It had been a good amount of time since either had spoken a word. The phone from atop the desk was what finally broke the silence. He wasted no time in answering the call, the conversation lasting no longer than a minute. He placed the phone back onto the hook once finished.

"You sounded more attentive than usual," Conan commented from his position aside the wall. "Who was that you spoke with?"

"Dick, and he's on his way now." Bruce informed.

"That was unexpected," Conan said. "I would have thought he'd be busy around this time of day."

"Something important has come up," Bruce stated. "Apparently Eldelmon was found unresponsive in his hospital bed earlier today."


"Jefferson Eldelmon."

"Oh yea, that's the politician you've been keeping tabs on," Conan said. "What was he doing in the hospital to begin with?"

"He had a heart attack some time yesterday."

"So I'm guessing that played a hand in his death."

"That's what's been reported," Bruce confirmed. "They're probably covering it on the news as we speak."

"Which means we should probably have a look in, at least until Dick arrives."

"My thoughts exact." Bruce said leading the way as the two headed out of the room.

"Maybe we'll gain some insight to what took place." Conan thought following from behind.

Nearly every square inch of the top floor had been looked over, and yet he was still no further along then he had been from the moment he had laid his eyes to the two written riddles. He came to a stop once reaching a set of shoes from his right side, pulling out the sheet of paper to give it yet another read.

"i am soley for the eye beyond all affiliated kins, a tune to Hear with a misdirection Red (1)."

He found himself sinking further in each with each read, there was that subtle piece stashed within it all that he couldn't quite wrap his finger around. Thinking quickly he tucked the note away as a customer passed, trying to remain unsuspicious like they had discussed.

"Beyond all, I don't quite understand our thief's motive," Heiji said. "Why leave behind clues to their planned agenda, perhaps if we knew that we'd have a better understanding of what they plan to take next."

He didn't stand in place for long, continuing his second trip around the top area of the store. It was in that moment that everything became clouded from within. He stepped after passing another clothes rack. Not realizing someone was heading into the opposite direction, contact was made between him and another. He immediately looked forward to see a woman in a casual red dress and a matching cloche hat atop her head standing directly across.

"My apologies, I didn't see you there." Heiji apologized before dropping to a knee to pick up the items he'd caused to drop.

He reached for the laying purse before grabbing the two pieces of clothing wear beside it. Unintentionally he found his sights fixated to her figure as he positioned back to his feet, doing more than enough not to show any unwanted signals. But most alluring of all were her eyes, doing no less than captivating him without warning.

The news continued to pour in with any new information gained. The two of them remained watchful throughout, waiting to hear a confirmation on his death being that of a heart attack. The door bell rang within the next couple seconds, alerting them he had arrived. He pressed the power button on the remote, shutting down the TV before placing it onto the shelf next to where he stood.

"He's here." Bruce said turning for the other side of the room.

"And much sooner than I thought he'd be," Conan said. "He must have already been on the way here when he called."

The two of them headed out from there, walking past the dinning room toward the door on the opposite side. They entered back into the main room to see he had already entered in through the front door.

"Hope I didn't keep you guys waiting too long."

"I'm assuming you used a key to let yourself in, being that the door was locked last I checked," Conan said. "If that's the case, then why ring the door bell?"

"Just letting the both of you know I'm here," Dick replied before taking a slight look to the other side. "Where Damian?"

"He's around somewhere."

"Have the two of you been following the broadcast of what's been reported?"

"We've been watching it from the time you called, nothing additional was learned on the matter aside from what you had already told me over the phone." Bruce replied.

"So is it true his death was the result of a heart attack?"

"We won't know for certain until the test results come back," Dick replied. "But there is some raise for concern, being that his time of death was shortly after he received a visit."

"A visit?" Conan questioned.

"Between the times of nine fifty two and six after ten last night, Eldelmon had three guests come in and see him."

"Did they all enter the room at the same time?" Bruce asked.

"Only the first two visitors," Dick replied. "The third didn't arrive until after the first two had left."

"And what is the estimated time of death?" Bruce asked.

"Ten seventeen is what has been reported," Dick answered. "Four minutes after the lone visitor had left the room."

"None of this was reported on the news, so how did you gain all of this insight?" Conan asked out of curiosity.

"Simple," Dick replied. "When Tim heard that Mr. Eldelmon had been hospitalized he took the liberty of installing a small surveillance device in his room to keep a watch out."

"So where's this surveillance footage now?" Conan asked.

"Tim's already on his way," Dick replied. "We'll all be able to have a look at the video feed for ourselves when he arrives."

"I'll go and get the computer started up." Bruce said turning for the study.

"Right behind you," Dick said before looking down at Conan. "You coming?"

"Right after you." Conan said in response.

The length of time he stood there became lost to him. It wasn't until the sight of a hand waving back and forth across his face that he snapped back into the moment.

"Oh, sorry about that," Heiji said finally handing her the purse and two folded shirts. "You'll have to excuse me, it's been one of those starts."

"I think we're all entitled to a dawdling start every so often," She said in response. "I've seen you looking around for the past minute or so, is there something in particular you were looking for?"

He took a step back, finding a casual smile come to his face.

"Well you see, I'm actually looking for something for a friend," Heiji quickly improvised. "Though I haven't quite found what she described to me this morning."

"And what is it you're looking for," The woman asked. "Perhaps I could at least point you in the right direction."

"A jacket made of leather with a pair of gloves," Heiji replied. "All three branded by one of the more well known sports brands, the exact name leaves me at the moment."

"Sports merchandise at Starlest," The woman said with an awkward look. "You're not around from here, are you?"

"I guess that gave it away."

"You won't find any of that here, but I could refer you to another place or two where you might have better luck," The woman said unzipping her purse to grab a pen. "Would you happen to have a spare piece of paper?"

"One second." Heiji said before reaching into his pocket to have a look.

All he could feel was the slip of paper with the riddle written on it, shaking his head in response.

"Afraid not."

"No worries, we can always check with the clerk on the first floor," She said turning for the stairs. "Come, this shouldn't take up much time."

With little hesitation he to followed her to the other side of the room.

"And this is what I didn't want."

They made their way down the stairs, sticking to the right side as someone headed up from the left. Upon reaching the first floor he looked from one part of the room to the other, trying to locate where Rick was.

"I wonder what's going on over there." Heiji pointed out.

She looked as well, seeing a group of people gathered around one of the glass cases in particular.

"No surprise there, they're all checking out the newly imported Synthetic Diamonds."

"And by newly imported, you mean as in today?"

"They were actually brought in yesterday," She informed. "But they weren't put on display for purchase until this morning."

"From that, I'd say she comes here frequently."

They reached the register within the next few seconds of walking.

"Hold on," She said looking over to see the clerk who was working with another customer across the way. "It shouldn't take long for him to finish."

"No problem here, I'm in no rush." Heiji said casually resting his hands into his jacket.

He continued to scour the small area of the room, finally sighting Rick who stood directly across next to another glass case. It didn't take long for him to notice him as well, slowly heading his way. It was at that moment that the clerk finished helping with the other customer to see the two of them standing at the register.

"You see, I told you he wouldn't be long," She said. "Just sit back, I'll do the talking."

"Your call."

The clerk wasted no time in coming to their assist, politely smiling after reaching the two.

"And how may I help you today?"

Heiji turned to the other side of the room, looking just in time to see Rick come to a stop at the left of him.

"What are you doing down here," Rick whispered with no given eye contact as not to show association. "I thought we agreed you'd monitor the upper floor."

"There's been a little tweak," Heiji whispered back. "Mind swapping positions for a bit?"

"No problem," Rick replied with a nod. "Remember, contact me if anything is brought to your attention."


He left him to take over from there, making his way to the stairs leading to the next floor. Just as he was to turn around he felt a tap at his right shoulder.

"Here you are," The woman said handing him a folded paper. "I listed three places you might have luck finding what you're looking for."

"Thanks," Heiji said placing the paper into his pocket. "I really appreciate the help."

"It was nothing, besides" She said turning back for the stairs. "I have plenty of time to spare."

"Wait," Heiji said removing his hands from his pocket. "I didn't catch your name."

She stopped after taking another steps, looking back at him with that same concealed look in her eyes.

"Call me Selina," She replied. "Selina Kyle."

"Of course," Heiji said. "It was nice to meet you, Selina."

"Maybe I'll see you around some time."

"Most certainly.. I mean, that would be nice."

"Until next time," Selina said heading back for the stairs. "Heiji, Hattori."

He stood there for seconds to pass, watching as she trotted her way back to the second floor.

"Did she... did she just say my name?"

There was little to no time to comprehend on the matter, hearing the sound of the store alarm go off in the following seconds. He immediately turned to the entryway to see a man come to a stop, finding a confused look on his face. Two security quickly closed in on him, taking no time in beginning to question him. Seeing this, Heiji headed over to investigate himself. As he neared he could see them running a search of the man's belongings.

"What seems to be the problem?" Heiji asked.

"He ringed up when he was just about to exit," One of the security guards informed. "Which requires us to orchestrate a search."

"But I paid for everything I have, look here," The man said holding out his hand. "You can check my receipt."

"Mind if I have a look?" Heiji asked.

"I don't see the harm in it." The other security guard said giving him the nod.

He took the receipt from there, reading over the list of items bought before looking over to the clerk.

"Can you confirm the listed items were all purchased?" Heiji asked holding out the receipt for him to see.

He nodded his head after seeing it for himself.

"That is correct."

Heiji then tuned back to see the security guards were still at work with their search. Minutes passed as this continued on.

"What's going on down here?" A voice spoke from behind.

He turned to see Mr. Ellson heading down from the upper floor with Rick trailing from close behind.

"This man here happened to trip off the alarm on his way out," One of the guards informed. "We haven't quite gotten to the source of the problem."

"Mr. Ellson if it's alright with you, do you think I could run a search of my own?" Heiji asked.


"But sir." One of the guards said standing to his feet.

"I've made my decision, now step aside," Ellson instructed. "You've had plenty of time, It's time we gave the young detective a go at this."


The two of them pushed off to the side from there, giving him a clear path to begin.

"Alright kid," Ellson said looking to him. "Take her away."

The roads had slightly slickened after reaching the hillside, something that caught him by a bit of a surprise. He drove steadily from there on up, not exactly sure what had caused the wetness throughout the way. The destination to which he seeked came into view not long after, driving up to the gate to find it was already set off to the side. He pulled in closer to the house before coming to a full stop, removing the helmet from his head before side stepping to the ground.

"Looks like he beat me here." Tim said taking notice of his car a few yards away.

He wasted no time in making his way to the front door, not surprised to find it unlocked. He walked in to see him sitting at the bottom of the stairs, closing the door before advancing toward him.

"They're waiting for you in the study." Damian informed.

"And what of you," Tim asked. "Why are you sitting out here alone?"

"Whatever information you may have acquired may prove useful, I'd like to have a look at it myself once you've finished," Damian said. "But I'd rather not stand in that already cluttered room."

"Your call," Tim said turning for the left. "I'll leave a copy of the footage recorded into the video folder, then you can view it whenever you so please."

He headed toward the study from there, removing the bag from his shoulder upon reaching the door. The three looked his way as he entered.

"That didn't take long," Dick said. "Not long at all."

"I was actually on the road when you called, and just happened to be heading into this direction," Tim said. "Which brings up a question."

"Did something happen?"

"It actually has more to do with the condition of the streets than anything."

"Yea, I felt it too," Dick said. "Almost as if it had recently been raining."

"Any idea of what it could have caused it?"

"Not a clue, but why don't we save that for a later time to discuss," Dick suggested. "We're all anxious to see what you uncovered from the surveillance camera."

"Oh yea," Tim said unzipping the top pocket. "I guess I got a little side tracked."

He stepped up to the desk, handing a small device to Bruce who plugged it into one of the open ports.

"I'll have this ready in no time." Bruce said.

"Before we begin, I do have one quick question," Conan said pushing away from where he leaned. "How did you get into Eldelmon's room without him noticing, or past security for that matter?"

"I actually planted the cam before hand, being that I had inside information which room they'd be placing him in," Tim replied. "As far as getting past security, using the typical disguise to blend in for a short period of time did more than the trick."

"I assumed it was something to that affect," Conan said before looking back to the desk. "Have you started uploading the video feed?"

"Almost finished bypassing the barrier," Bruce replied. "This device is encrypted."

"You could have just asked for the password you know," Tim stated. "BlackEye90Tw0."

He completed the process within the next couple seconds as the three of them gathered around the chair. Bruce sat back, watching as all contents saved to the device began to appear on screen.

"And which folder contains the recent recordings?" Bruce asked looking over his shoulder.

"The one titled RE-Hos(2) and 4," Tim replied. "Those are the two which hold the most relevance to finding out what Mr. Eldelmon had himself caught up in."

"Well what are we waiting for," Dick said laying a hand onto the desk. "Let's get this thing rolling."

"Approximately fifty seconds until the upload is complete," Bruce said after clicking the video link. "We don't have long to wait."

The room had fallen silent from the time he had begun his search of the bag. Every pocket was checked, starting with the two located on the sides which turned up nothing. He then zipped the top open, reaching into the depths of the bag to grab hold of something.

"Have you found something?" Ellson asked stepping up to his side.

"Nothing that could have caused the alarm to go off," Heiji replied. "It's just a folder of files and a container of graphite."

He searched the rest of the bag, coming to find there was nothing else. He reached for the folder and container once finished, neatly placing both back into place.

"There was nothing found unpaid for in in his pockets, nor in his bag," Heiji thought. "So what could have caused the security alarm to go off like it did?"

This ran through his mind for seconds to come. Just as he was to standing back to his feet he caught sight of something he had failed to notice at first glance.

"What's that?"

He took hold of the bag for a second time, focusing his attention to the right handle.

"Is something wrong?" Ellson asked.

"Is this what I think it is," Heiji asked pointing out something attached to the handle. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say this is a security tag for clothes."

"Let me have a look at it," Ellson said grabbing hold of the bag to have a look himself. "You're right, this is a security clothes tag."

"Is it one of yours?" Heiji asked.

He gave him a nod in confirmation.

"I came in with that bag," The customer in question stated. "I've had it for a little over a year now."

"Are there any bags sold in here?" Rick asked jumping into the fray.

"We have a small selection in the back corner of the second floor." Ellson replied.

"Any of this type?" Heiji asked holding out the duffel bag.

"No, we don't," Ellson replied. "Most of what we carry here at Starlest are baguette based."

"Can you confirm that he walked in with this bag?" Heiji asked looking toward the clerk who watched on from behind the desk.

"He sure did, that was the first thing I noticed when he walked in."

"So does that mean I'm free to go?"

A long pause ensued with Ellson looking to him, giving him the nod after giving it some thought.

"Yes, but why don't you go over and get that security tag removed first."

"Right away." He said before reaching down to retrieve his bag.

The three of them stepped aside as he made his way toward the register. It was in that moment when he finally realized why the room had become so quiet, glimpsing over his shoulder to see most everyone present in the room had been observing what had taken place. He headed back their way after getting the security tag removed.

"I'm deeply sorry about this misconvenience," Ellson apologized. "I hope this won't damage your outlook of us here at Starlest."

"Not at all."

"That's great to hear, because we'd love to be of service to you at some point in the near future."

"And I look forward to coming back soon."


With that he turned for the door, gripping both handles to the bag before making his way out with no incident. Those who stood around slowly began going back to what they had previously been doing before the minor disturbance.

"What a start this has been," Rick commented. "Any idea how that security tag might have gotten onto his bag, not exactly something that just happens."

"I can't say for sure," Ellson replied. "But we can always check the security cameras, that might explain this whole fiasco."

"I was thinking the same thing."

"I'm going to go and see if Ed has a recording of what happened," Ellson said. "You're free to come along if you'd like."

"I'd have it no other way," Rick replied before turning to his side. "Hey Hattori, you coming as well?"

"Of course," Heiji replied. "I'll be right behind you."

Ellson took the lead as the three of them made their way back to the stairs. Most everyone throughout the room watched as they made their way past.

"I don't know what the motive is, but one thing's for certain.. Ellson was wrong," Heiji thought to himself. "This was no misconvenience, someone intentionally clamped that security tag to his bag... but why?"

It was just as he had said, the video taking no longer than a minute to appear on the screen. Getting a clear view of things from where he stood was difficult. He tried switching positions, still having no luck.

"You ok down there," Tim asked looking his way. "You seem rather rambunctious."

"I'm having a hard time seeing the screen from here."

"All you had to do was ask for a lift," Tim said. "Unless of course it makes you feel uncomfortable."

"Why would I feel uncomfortable?"

"Never mind." Tim said reaching down to grab him.

"Well appreciated." Conan thanked.

"Don't mention it," Tim said lifting him upward. "Look on the bright side, the winter's just around the corner."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"That's when many children hit their growth spurt," Tim replied. "Which is right before spring hits."

"Are you implying something?" Conan asked looking up at him with the narrow of his eyes.

"Time to get focused you two," Dick stated. "The video has started."

It started with something expected, footage of him laying in the room of silence. This lasted for a little over a minute before two men appeared onto the screen, entering through the door.

"And this was around nine fifty two, correct?" Dick asked.

"That's right," Tim confirmed. "It's not recorded here, but the time is present on the original copy."

It didn't take long for the two men on screen to engage in conversation with Eldelmon who made little to no movement. This encounter lasted for a little over three minutes before the two men stood up from where they sat, wasting no time in exiting the room.

"Where's the audio on this thing," Dick asked. "We can't hear a word of what was said."

"I cut it out, it's saved as a separate file," Tim informed. "But there was nothing said between the three of importance, more on the lines of the two expressing their concerns."

"What about the third visitor," Conan asked. "How long after until they showed up?"

"Three minutes later, which put the time at nine fifty eight," Tim replied. "And they didn't leave until six after ten."

"And which file name would that be under?" Bruce asked.


He clicked down to it, triggering yet another video file to take over. They watched on, seeing a difference in his body posture from the previous video.

"He's asleep," Dick said. "That's usually not the case so soon after having visitors."

"I had the same thought, but I have another question," Conan said. "What were they doing there so late, aren't visiting hours usually over before then?"

"Eight thirty sharp." Bruce answered.

"Any idea how they got in past security?" Dick asked.

"Only had his room accounted for," Tim replied. "But that doesn't mean I can't go back and check the hospitals surveillance."

"We'll worry about that soon enough, but right now we need to focus in on the video." Bruce said reestablishing their attention back to the screen.

They watched as the door opened once again, looking as the third guest made their way into the room. It took all but a second for everything to finally fall into place, recognizing the dark obsolete sweater worn by the third and final guest.

"Isn't that her," Dick questioned. "The same woman hidden behind that hood we've been trying to track?"

"It most certainly is," Bruce said not surprised in the least. "Her appearance and apparel matches that of what we've already got recorded."

"No matter how many steps we take, everything seems to lead straight back to her," Conan said. "Question is, what was she meeting him about?"

"Look no further than the tape," Tim replied. "You're about to find out."

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 81

All Neatly Wrapped

There was no one to be seen upon reaching the second floor, seeing everyone had traveled to the lower levels. They continued toward the back corner of the room, stopping once reaching the door to the security room. He was the last to enter, closing the door on his way in. They found him sitting in front of the computer desk like he had been on their previous visit.

"Edward, I need you to take a look into something." Ellson said walking up to his side.

"Sure thing," Ed said turning in the chair. "Did you get that problem taken care of?"

"It was a misunderstanding," Ellson replied. "Some how one of our security tags got pinned onto a customers bag."

"Which in result triggered the store alarm to go off." Rick added.

"Well that's a new one." Ed said.

"That's why I want you to go back through the last hour of the recordings to see if you can pick up how that tag got there."

"I had a feeling you'd ask that of me," Ed said turning back for the screen. "Which is why I took the liberty of backtracking the tapes."


"Before I forget, the system had another glitch about two minutes after you departed the room," Ed informed. "So I went ahead and started another reboot."

"Another glitch?" Heiji questioned.

"Oh yes," Ellson said facing him. "We've been having minor problems with the new security system we set up."

"How long ago did you install this new security?" Rick asked.

"Five days from now will make a month." Ellson replied.

"What exactly is affected by this glitch?" Heiji asked.

"Nothing too serious," Ellson replied. "Just the inability to record anything throughout the store."

"But that doesn't mean we can't see what's going on from here," Ed added. "As long as someone is sitting in front of the screen of course."

"So is it possible for us to watch footage of the past hour while the system reboots?" Rick asked.

"No problem," Ed replied. "You can use the computer on the right, I'll continue to observe things from here."

"That works for me," Rick said stepping around him to the other side. "So how does this thing work?"

"Hold on," Ed replied. "I'll get it all set up for you."

It was at that moment that his phone vibrated from the side of his belt, taking the time to see who was on the other line before answering it.

"Hello, this is Ellson."

Not another word came from his mouth, only listening to what was said. This took all but a few seconds before lowering the phone from his ear.

"What was that about?" Ed asked.

"It seems we have yet another problem down stairs," Ellson informed. "I better go and have a look."

"Mind if I tag along?" Heiji asked.

"I see no problem in that," Ellson answered before turning to Ed. "Get detective Gates here started with the video, we'll be back shortly."

"Of course." Ed said with a nod.

The video played back for a third time, watching as Eldelmon whispered something into the ear of the woman knelt down at the side of his bed before handing her a check. This then lead to her leaving the room. They didn't gain anything further than what they had from their first two observations of the tape.

"I'd say outside of their business deal they're not too associated," Dick said. "The duration of the time she entered the room up until when she left is only a mere thirty two seconds, if they were truly acquainted I'd have expected a longer visit."

"My thoughts exactly," Tim agreed. "Their conversation was filled with only business, nothing to regard anything on a personal level between the two."

They watched it for a fourth time, trying to gain a new perspective with each attempt.

"Finish the job, no mistakes," Conan repeated from what was said. "It's clear what Eldelmon was referring to, he obviously still has it out for his political colleague."

"That's one way to look at it," Dick said. "But there's also the possibility he hired her for multiple tasks."

"Then there's the whispering," Tim said. "Why try and keep things so discreet if they were the only two in the room, it's not like anyone else was near."

"I caught that as well." Conan said.

"What about the written check," Bruce asked. "Have you given it an in depth look?"

"The audio is the only thing I've made any adjustments to," Tim answered. "I never did get around to messing with the imagery."

"Leave that to me," Bruce said pausing the video. "If we know the amount of the check given, we might be able to track her whenever she deposits it."

"That crossed my mind."

"It's not a guaranteed we'll catch her this way, but it's defiantly worth giving a shot." Bruce said.

He zoomed in on the frozen shot, locking in on the check as it was being held out to the hooded woman. He wasted no time in saving the image. He then clicked on a program sitting on the desktop, taking a few moments for it to appear on the screen.

"What are you doing now?" Conan asked.

"The plans to enhance the photo," Bruce replied. "Enough to where I can make out these numbers."

"Which shouldn't take long," Tim said lowering Conan back to the ground. "Show and tell's over for now, I think it's about time we planned our next move."

"Ditto," Dick agreed. "I'll start us off by returning to the hospital, there's got to be an explanation for how they got past security last night."

"I think it's safe to conclude Jefferson Eldelmon died from something related to his sudden heart condition," Conan said. "From the video footage observed, there wasn't anything that pointed to any kind of foul play."

"It's a wait and see approach at this point," Tim said. "Nothing's a lock until the final results come back in from the lab."

"I think we're about done here, call me if anything else important comes up," Dick said before turning for the door. "Once I'm finished at the hospital I plan to go look into an incident that occurred last night."

"Anything we should know about?" Tim asked.

"Completely unrelated."

"Before you go, could you go up and connect that TV to the wall," Bruce asked looking his way. "I've been meaning to get to it."

"What TV?"

"The one for our guest," Bruce replied. "The wall mounts already been set in place, the only thing left to do is attach the TV to it."

"Sure why not, I've got time to spare."

"I'll come with you," Conan said. "There's actually something I'd like to ask."

"You first." Dick said stepping off to the side.

With that the both of them cleared out, with the door falling shut on its own.

"You know, I could have gone and set that up instead."

"That won't be necessary," Bruce said turning to face him. "Besides, there's something I wanted to discuss with you."


"The night you first came into contact with Jefferson Eldelmon," Bruce replied. "I want to know everything that took place."

It was unknown to them what they would find upon reaching the scene. Things only became more puzzling as they made their way down the stairs, looking to see all customers currently in the store standing to the right side of the room guarded by the two security officers.

"What's going on now?" Ellson asked baffled by this new development.

"Something has gone missing," The clerk informed stepping around from the glass case on the left side. "Two of the synthetic diamonds to be precise."

"Missing," Ellson exclaimed. "Are you saying they've been stolen?"

"It appears that way sir."

"Has anyone been searched?"

"We were actually awaiting your word." One of the security guards replied from behind.

"Well you have my word now," Ellson said looking his way. "You're free to begin."

"Yes, of course."

"Now," Ellson said turning back to face the clerk. "Show me which glass case the diamonds went missing from."

"Right over here."

Heiji followed as well they made their way around the first set of glass cases. They stopped after reaching one at the center of it all.

"This is it," The clerk pointed out. "I found the case door hanging off to the side when I came over here."

"How do you suppose that happened?"

"It's almost as if they had a key of their own," The clerk answered. "There is no visual damage to the lock, which would imply there was no force used to gain access."

"And you're sure only two diamonds are missing?"

"Positive, I just finished with the count this morning," The clerk replied. "After all, more than half of the set here was brought in last night."

"Did you see anyone suspicious lurking around," Ellson asked. "Anyone who might have been hanging around this glass case for a period of time?"

"I don't believe so," The clerk replied. "Most everyone seemed to be looking around for the most part."

"Maybe he didn't catch anything, but that doesn't mean the surveillance camera's didn't," Heiji said. "I think we better head back up and have a look."

"We will, just as soon as the search is completed of all the customers."

"These diamonds, the ones missing," Heiji said stepping forward. "Was there anything special about them?"

"Nope, just your typical synthetic diamonds."

He then turned to the other side of the room, looking to see the security guards had begun their search.

"Looks like it will come down to this," Heiji thought to himself. "If they don't find anything amongst the customers, the surveillance tapes might be our only link to unraveling what happened."

The image gained clarity with each adjustment made, leaning back in the chair as he gave the completed product a look.

"How is it?"

"The enhancements are complete, we've got a clear amount for the check," Bruce replied. "28,585."

"Not a common amount, shouldn't be too hard to track when she deposits the check." Tim said pleased to hear.

"I'll keep an eye on that," Bruce said. "In the mean time, we need to find another way in now that Jefferson Eldelmon has been eliminated from the equation."

"I was thinking the same thing."

"Which is why I want to know who he's recently been associating himself with."

In that instant he walked up to the desk, reaching into his pocket before placing a card onto the table.

"What's this?" Bruce asked.

"Somewhere to start," Tim replied. "It's one of Cobblepot's business cards, it was actually given to Jefferson who left it behind that night."

"So, this is where we pursue on to."

"Not quite," Tim said. "The card was given to Eldelmon on the behalf of a Salomon Green, an acquaintance of his."

"That must mean he's the one connected to the Penguin," Bruce said. "What do you know about Mr. Green?"

"Little to nothing, I haven't run any searches on him at this point," Tim replied. "But that's not the only thing, he also brought up someone else during their conversation."

"Anyone we know?"

"Not yet, he's actually someone hired from out of town."

"What's his occupation?"

"Can't say for sure, Salomon referred to him as a straight shot," Tim informed. "There's a couple of directions you can take from that."

"And what's the name of this, straight shot?"

"Norio, Norio Hue."

"Looks like we have some work to do," Bruce said. "Starting now."

They waited patiently from the side, watching as the search of the customers continued on. This lasted for over ten minutes before one of the security guards looked their way with the shake of his head.

"There's nothing here to find," He said walking toward them. "They all came up clean."

"I see."

"What now Mr. Ellson?" The clerk asked.

"I'm going to go review this further in the surveillance room," Ellson replied. "I'll leave it to you to handle things down here."

"What about the customers?" The officer asked.

"They're free to leave whenever they so choose, just make sure to get contact information from each of them," Ellson replied. "If we find anything incriminating on any of the tapes we can always summon them back."

"I understand," The clerk said. "But shouldn't we at least hold them here until you look over the tapes?"

"I can't enforce that."

"He's right," Heiji said. "Everyone's already been searched."

"Now what?"

"You just stay here and keep a look out on things," Ellson replied while turning for the stairs. "A sharp look out."

"Hold on," Heiji said following after him. "I'm coming with you."

It was a silent walk back up, neither saying a word to the other as they pressed on toward the back corner. He reached for his keys after reaching the door, unlocking the door in a matter of moments.

"What happened down there," Ed asked looking toward them as they entered the room. "We've been watching from here."

"Was something stolen," Rick asked. "We saw the security guards searching the customers."

"Afraid that might be the case," Heiji replied. "A pair of synthetic diamonds have gone missing, no leads to where they might be as of now."

"Which is why we need to go through and look over the recordings," Ellson said. "With any luck, we should have our unsub on tape."

"Aren't we getting a little ahead of ourselves there," Heiji said before turning to Rick. "What about that security clothes tag, did you guys find out how it got onto his bag?"

"Negative," Ed replied. "We checked all cameras, the instant when the security tag was connected to his bag happened off screen."

"How so," Heiji asked. "Don't you have every square inch of this store accounted for."

"True, but each of the cameras pivots from one side to another while on their look out," Ed informed. "Which leaves a slight gap in time where certain areas can't be seen."

"So much for top notch security." Heiji muttered.

"We'll worry about the clothes tag in time," Ellson stated. "But right now I want to find out what happened to those diamonds, as in last week."

"Already on it," Ed said twirling in his chair to face the computer. "I'll rewind the tapes, I'm most certain whatever happened is on tape."

"How can you be so sure?" Rick asked.

"We've always got a clear shot on the register, as with any of the glass cases," Ellson replied. "We don't know what happened with those diamonds, but we'll know soon enough."

He stood from directly behind as the recorded footage was set into reverse, hoping that was indeed the case.

"I was assembled here to handle my first official case here in Gotham, funny how that turned into three in such a short amount of time," Heiji thought to himself. "One thing's for sure, there's more to this whole thing than meets the eye."

Everything was tightly locked into place, double checking to make sure this was indeed the case. He then took a step back to gaze up at the completed product, shaking his head in acceptance.

"So, what do you think," Dick said looking down at him "I think it's the perfect spot."

"I was just thinking the same thing," Conan replied. "Nothing better than waking up to a TV across the way."

"Not that I really care to know, but was this TV your idea," Dick asked. "To be honest, I always took you as more of a book person."

"Your spot on with your deduction, reading is one of my favored mediums," Conan said in response. "It was actually Alfred who saw the TV idea through."

"That comes as no surprise," Dick said. "So tell me, what is it you wanted to ask me?"

"Oh, that's right," Conan said. "I actually wanted to know something about that case you mentioned."

"What case?"

"The incident that occurred last night."

"Oh that," Dick said. "What did you want to know?"

"What happened," Conan asked. "Was someone hurt?"

"Three people to be exact."

"How badly?"

"Fatally shot," Dick replied. "Which is always unfortunate, not one of your normal cases of the week."

"What do you mean by that?"

"The weapon used to kill the three was left behind at the scene, along with a pair of gloves apparently used by the shooter," Dick replied. "An AWC G2 rifle."

"The weapon used was left behind at the scene?!"

"Yea, that's right."

"Looks like our culprit was busier than we thought."

"Say what?"

"Bruce came across similar incident last night," Conan informed. "Nine men were found dead along the street, six shot and another three stabbed."

"Where did this happen?"

"Outside of some sporting complex."

"I think I know of it."

"I find it strange none of what you saw was reported on the news," Conan said. "If it had, the rest of us would have known."

"It got over shadowed by most everything else going on."

"Any chance this could be the same guy?" Conan asked.

"Only one way to find out," Dick replied. "We'll have to cross reference details between both cases."

"Which means going back to the study," Conan said. "Bruce wrote down everything there is to know about what happened."

"Come, there's no time to waste," Dick said. "If there's a potential lead, I'd like to get on it right away."

"You read my mind."

After a seemingly long period of time, the video was finally put to a stop. They stood in silence for the moments that followed, unsure where to progress from there.

"Now what," Rick said. "The process in which the diamonds were taken was not recorded."

"Not to worry," Heiji said. "It only means the diamonds were taken after the reboot of the computers was launched."

"Which would have been some time after that security tag caused the alarms to react." Ellson said.

"If that's the case I would have seen what took place," Ed said. "Not once did I see anyone messing around near that glass case."

"There's just no way," Ellson exclaimed with the shake of his head. "Diamonds don't just get up and walk out on their own with no trace, there has to be an explanation for this!"

"Don't jump the gun just yet," Rick calmingly said. "This investigation is far from over."

"Ed, was there ever a time you left this room?" Heiji asked.

"Earlier I left for an important visit to the." Ed began only to be cut off.

"I meant after the surveillance was put on lock," Heiji clarified. "At any time, did you leave this room?"

"I... did." Ed admitted after slight hesitation.

"Edward, why would you do that," Ellson snapped. "You knew the security cameras would be down for a period!"

"I'm sorry," Ed apologized. "But.. but I heard something."

"You heard something," Rick questioned. "What excaly did you hear?"

"The sound of a young child weeping, it was faint," Ed replied with a pause. "That's what prompted me to leave the room, but I was only gone for a second or two."

"I take it you didn't find any distressed child," Heiji said. "So tell us what you did come to discover."

"This," Ed said pulling something out from his jacket wrapped in a cloth. "It was laying on the ground."

He carefully unwrapped the cloth, laying his eyes on an unfamiliar device.

"So, what is that thing?" Ellson asked coming to his side.

"Not quite sure," Heiji replied. "But if I'm not mistaken, I'd say it's some kind of sound device."

"Now I see," Rick said with a snap of his finger. "Whoever laid that thing there must have wanted to lure him out, leaving them clear to move on with their heist."

"Are you saying this was planned by the one who took the diamonds?" Ellson asked.

"No doubt in my mind," Rick said with confidence. "And now that we have it, we can use it as a means of tracking it back to them."

"Not possible," Heiji stated upon further review. "Unless we have finger prints that is."

"Well don't stop there," Rick said looking his way. "Enlighten us Hattori."

"No tags, no bar code," Heiji informed. "That can only mean this was hand created, customized."

"Then what do we do now," Ellson questioned. "How are we supposed to find the diamonds with no leads?"

".. I don't know," Rick replied. "I truly don't know."

He wrapped the cloth back around the device, finding a secure spot for it in his jacket. He stood there for moments to come, keeping to himself as he collected his thoughts.

"The sound recorder all but links the the security tag and the disappearance of the diamonds as a whole," Heiji thought to himself. "But what about that note with the riddles... could this be their first anticipated move?"

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 82

A Face to Remember

The search took no longer than a minute to produce results, finding exactly what they hoped they would.

"Salomon Anderson Green," Bruce said turning in his seat. "Is this the man you saw with Eldelmon that night?"

"I didn't actually see him," Tim replied. "Only heard his voice over a conmlink."

"He's the only registered Salomon Green who lives here in Gotham," Bruce said. "Unless he's using that name as an alias, this looks to be our guy."

"Got an address?"

"His residents is overlooking the Sprang river on the west side of town."

"Can't say I disapprove of the view," Tim said. "You plan on paying him a visit in the next few days?"

"Tonight is as good as any."

"You want me to tag along?"

"I'd rather you focus in on our other man of interest," Bruce answered. "The one they referred to as the straight shot."

"Your call," Tim said. "Now all we have to do is run a search on Mr. Hue."

"And we will," Bruce said. "But first, I wanted to touch base with you about something."

"The carpet's yours."

"The main computer was finally able to pick up that virus," Bruce informed. "The one flowing throughout the Mini Lon."

"Any luck diagnosing what or where it originated?"

"No, but I did find something to be odd," Bruce said. "It took days to finally find traces of the virus, when it took all but a few moments for your security system to pick it up."

"Now that you mention it, that does present a question," Tim said giving it some thought. "There's a difference between instantly picking up a virus."

"And going to great lengths to dig for one." Bruce finished.

"Do you think this virus is regressing some how," Tim questioned. "That would explain why it took you so long to sight it."

"Not this one," Bruce replied. "It was only spreading, just not in the usual way most viruses do."

"How long before those using the Mini Lon take notice of the spread of a virus?"

"Days, weeks, months even," Bruce answered. "It's hard to tell, given its erratic nature."

"I'll take another look at it when I get the chance."

"As will I."

"There's something else I've been meaning to, why have you been operating from here rather than down in the cave?"

The door flew open in that instance, the both of them turning to see the two of them re-enter the room.

"Finished with that TV so soon, I thought it would have taken a bit longer." Bruce said.

"We need to talk." Dick said walking forward.

The minutes that followed from the time they had learned of the sound recorder brought a rally of silence. Without clear evidence linking someone specific to the crime, it left them at an untimely dead end.

"I think we better head down to the station," Rick said looking down at his watch. "It's fifteen past three already, and I would like to get that device found examined as soon as possible."

"I understand," Ellson said. "Keep us informed, I'd like to know what the verdict on that thing as soon as you do."

"That's the plan."

"I do have one last question," Heiji said turning toward Ed. "That cloth, was it wrapped around that recorder when you first discovered it?"

"No, I actually used that handkerchief to haul it in," Ed informed. "I wasn't sure what it was and wanted to be careful as possible."

"Well you made the right decision," Heiji said. "Now we won't have to worry about excluding your finger prints from any others that might be on it."

"Do you really think you'll find something," Ellson questioned. "It's not that I don't have my trust in the process, it's just whoever set this up has been next to flawless in their preparation."

"There's a possibility we won't find any prints," Rick acknowledged. "But we'll hold off on any reaction until we've got it tested."

"How long until we should hear back from you?"

"Before the days end," Rick answered. "We'll keep you up to speed on any progressions made."

"I appreciate that," Ellson said. "But I must know, do you beileve this whole scenario was pre meditated by the one who left the riddle for us to find?"

"It's much too early to come to any conclusions," Rick replied. "But it is most certainly a possibility."

"I figured that much," Ellson said. "Then I guess we better let the two of you get going, if anything happens from our end we'll call immediately."

"And we'll respond as soon as we can." Rick declared with a nod.

The two of them then turned for the door with nothing further, making their way out for yet another time. It was apparent most things had returned to normal on their way down, coming into contact with one of the security guards from earlier after reaching the first floor.

"How did things unfold up there, were you able to see who took the diamonds from the videos?"

"Unfortunately not," Rick replied. "But the good news is we found something that might be viable to solving who did."

"That's better than no leads."

"How's everything been holding up down here?" Rick asked

"We've sharpened up security, we even called in another guy from our unit," The security guard informed. "He's outside looking on for any unusual activity while we've got everything covered inside."

"Couldn't have planned that better myself."

"Well good luck with whatever it is you uncovered, we hope to hear back from you soon."

"And you will," Rick assured. "Thanks."

The two of them moved on from there, finding a clear path to the exit. The sky had slightly darkened from the time they had arrived, finding a horde of clouds floating across the way.

"What an affair this has turned out to be," Rick remarked as they walked. "One of the most fluctuant cases I've handled in awhile."

"Which one," Heiji asked. "The first, or the second?"

"What do you mean," Rick asked. "There's only one thing we were brought here to solve, and we let that thief skip right past us to their chosen prize."

"There was not one thing that happened here today that convinces me that the note left behind was related to what just occurred."

"You don't mean?"

"I believe this was a separate incident," Heiji said. "Our riddle leaving culprit has yet to play their card."

"How can you be so sure?"

"If you read in between the lines of what was written, none of it adds up to what just conspired."

"So you're saying we're dealing with two thieves," Rick said not quite convinced. "And they just so happen to be targeting the same company, that can't be coincidence."

"Maybe not, but here," Heiji said reaching into his pocket. "The sound recorder found is yours now, I trust that you'll get it into the right hands for examination."

"Of course." Rick said accepting the device.

He wasted no time in storing it away in his jacket. He then pulled out a pair of keys from within his pocket.

"Need a ride." Rick asked as they neared a car aside the road.

"I'd hate to put a hold on anything."

"Don't mind yourself," Rick stated. "Besides, I've got a little time to spare."

".. Sure," Heiji accepted after a seconds thought. "Why not."

He listened to what he had to say, which didn't take long. He then compared it to what he had come across the previous night.

"So, what's the final verdict?"

"It sounds like we're dealing with the same shooter," Bruce replied. "It's not often you have two separate individuals intentionally leave behind the weapons used in a murder all in the same night."

"My thoughts exact." Dick said.

"Might I suggest a timetable," Tim said adding his input. "That would give us a correlation of the time in between each sequence."

"The three dead men were found a couple blocks away from Amusement Mile," Dick informed. "The time of death is estimated at twelve after nine."

"Which is a solid length after the first set of deaths," Bruce said. "That would have given the killer plenty of time to travel across town to commit the next set of murders."

"I failed to ask earlier,’ Conan said. “But did you happen to run a background check on any of the deceased men, it could prove key.”

"Why’s that?” Dick asked.

"The nine men found outside of the sporting complex were all members of the Sprang Bridge Soldiers,” Bruce informed. “If the three men you found are part of the same group that would give us a direct connection.”

"Now I see,” Dick said. “I haven’t quite looked into any of that as of yet.”

"What about the weapon used in the assault,” Tim asked. “Have you attempted to trace it back to its owner?”

"Haven’t got to that either,” Dick replied. “Like I said before, I planned on cracking down on things as soon as I pay a visit to that hospital.”

"I’d go with you,” Tim said. “But I have something to attend to myself.”

"Now all we have to do is gather enough information to dish out a list of suspects.” Dick said.

"We won't have to start completely from scratch,” Bruce said. “Conan encountered someone last night.”

“Someone involved?”

"A possibility is where we stand."

"It was a man I saw while riding the bus," Conan said. "It didn't take much for him to attract my attention."

"What was so eye grabbing about this individual?" Dick asked.

"Besides the handle I saw hanging from out of his boot, the redness on his sleeve," Conan replied. "From my angle I'd say it was blood that had dried recently."

"He sounds more than suspicious," Dick said. "Please tell me you put a tracer on this guy."

"I didn't get the chance to," Conan said. "I took my eyes off of him for one second, and the next moment he was gone."

"That always seems to be the case doesn't it."

"Where again did you say these murders occurred?" Bruce asked.

"Right outside of Amusement Mile," Dick repeated. "Why, is there some relevance to that?"

".. Maybe," Bruce said looking toward Conan. "Tell me, what stop did you finally get off of the bus?"

"I don't remember the street name, but I do know the bus only had one more stop to make before completing its scheduled route."

"And you were on the '72' bus, correct?"

"That'd be the one."

"Elmer street, six minutes away from Amusement High," Bruce stated. "And you exited the bus at about five after nine right?"

"Five exact." Conan confirmed.

"And the estimated time of death for the three men was fourteen after," Dick said. "Anyone who got off of that bus could have made it over to where those killings took place before fourteen after."

"That only raises this mystery man on our list of suspects." Tim said.

"So what do we know about this guy?" Dick asked.

"Besides a drawn out sketch, nothing," Bruce replied before turning to Conan. "You couldn't have gotten very far from when you got off the bus up until fourteen after."

"That's right, you should have heard something." Dick said.

"Come to think of it, I did hear shots fired," Conan recalled. "It was right after witnessing a burglary unfold right across from where I hid behind a news stand."

"Why were you hiding behind a newsstand?" Tim asked.

"That's a whole nother story."

"How many shots do you remember hearing?" Dick asked.

"More than three, less than seven."

"Close," Dick said. "Five were fired to be exact, all connecting with the three victims except for one."

"One missed," Tim questioned. "Where did it hit?"

"It took out one of the street lights," Dick replied. "Anyone who may have been standing nearby would have found it hard to see what was going on."

"So now we have a sharp marksman and a strategist."

"Now I see," Conan said. "That would explain why he took off so fast after getting off the bus, he must have been anticipating he'd run into those three."

"Tell me, at any point on the bus ride did you see him engage in any kind of activity?" Bruce asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Did he call or perhaps text anyone during the time on the bus?"

"Not at all," Conan replied. "He was pretty mute throughout, rarely did he react to anything."

"If he is indeed our guy, that raises a question," Tim said. "How did he know exactly where those three men would be if he didn't formally contact them?"

"First thing's first," Bruce said. "We need to see if there is a connection between them and the other nine men."

"Agreed," Dick said in response. "Things will go a lot smoother if that's determined, I'll try and have an answer to that by night fall."

"Be sure to let us know what those tapes reveal at the hospital," Tim reminded. "I think it's time we put an end to our hooded woman's little venture."

"Long overdue," Dick said turning for the door. "Keep me updated on anything learned, I'll do the same."

He left from there, closing the door on his way out.

"I guess this is the part where we dissect what we have."

"Right you are," Bruce said. "Now that we have the times set out, I think it's time we focused in on the victims."

"Shouldn't our attention be more directed on the weapons used?" Tim asked.

"I've already given that angle a peak, only to come to a dead end," Bruce said in response. "I think we'll have better luck confirming who did this by focusing in on their personal lives."

"I'm inclined to agree," Conan said. "Let's not forget the first set of nine men knew who their attacker was."

"And if we're able to connect these three additional killings with the first ones that may clear up some things." Bruce added.

"I don't have to leave until four, which is twenty minutes from now," Tim said checking his watch. "Would you like me to look into each of their backgrounds?"

"We'll leave that for Dick to handle," Bruce replied. "I want you to find as much as you can on Norio Hue."

"Why don't we run a light search on him now," Tim suggested. "I've got plenty of time."

"I'd like to have a look at this guy myself." Conan agreed.

"I don't see the problem in that."

He closed all open programs before opening a new window. The two of them stood in wait as he launched a search. The results they were hoping to gain came to the screen within seconds after typing in his name.

"There he is," Bruce said. "Norio Hue."

Though he could not see from where he stood, the expression on his face was very apparent.

"What's wrong?" Conan asked.

"Why don't you have a look for yourself." Tim said reaching down to grab him.

He looked forward while being lifted, laying his eyes onto the image before him. Not much registered to the mind upon having his first look. It wasn't until everything mellowed in that it finally came back to him.

"This man," Conan said giving the image a hard long look. "I don't know where, but I've seen him somewhere before."

"Are you sure?" Bruce asked.

"No doubt."

"He's right," Tim said still holding him in place. "Because I've seen him as well."

They continued to move on, following the path instructed to him. The police headquaters came into view as they drove, finding his way to the parking lot before coming to a stop.

"Why are we stopping here?"

"For that device of course," Rick replied. "I'd like to get it to the lab for examination as soon as possible."

"Oh, that's right."

"You wait here, I'll only be a moment," Rick said. "If anyone try's to radio me let it be, I'll get back to them in time."

With nothing further he exited the car, heading straight for the entryway. There was much weighing in on his mind as he sat in wait. There was the uncertainty of the riddles along with the successful heist he had failed to sniff out before it was launched. He pulled out the slip of paper once again to give it yet another read.

"i am solely for the eye beyond all affiliated kins, a tune to Hear with a misdirection Red (1)."

The seconds that followed were used to try and comprehend what it all meant. Whether the diamonds stolen had anything to do with the riddles left behind was still a mystery. He then looked to the second part of the written riddle.

"superior to my the Deceiver, at the Affair shall I appear.."

It was at second that he really took notice, something he hadn't given much thought to earlier.

"An affair," Heiji thought. "What could that possibly refer to?"

This ran through his mind for minutes to come. The door on the driver side reopened a short time later, turning just in time to see detective Gates retake the wheel.

"Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

"Not at all," Heiji said. "So how'd things go inside?"

"As planned," Rick replied. "The examination process will begin shortly."

"Good, maybe we'll catch a break with some left behind prints."

"What's wrong," Rick questioned. "You don't sound all that confident."

"Whoever took those diamonds set out with a solid plan, and executed just as well," Heiji added. "What's the chance they left behind finger prints on something they know would most certainly get examined?"

"..Good point," Rick said facing forward. "So what now?"

"We wait," Heiji replied. "And in the mean time I'll try to unravel the true meaning of the riddles, I'm almost certain todays events were nothing short of a side ploy."

"You still want me to drive you across town?"

"Yes," Heiji replied. "The best thing for us to do at this point is reevaluate all that we have."

"Well stated," Rick agreed. "Things have taken a turn from the moment we took on this case."

He stuck the key into the ignition from there, pulling out of the lot with a turn for the road. The two fell quiet in that instance, both wondering what would be the next made move by the thief on their hands.

There was no mistaking it, there was no doubt in their mind that they had seen this man.

"Norio Hue," Tim said. "I knew I had heard his name somewhere before."

"It took a few seconds for it to come back to me as well."

"You both seem sure you've seen this man somewhere before," Bruce said. "Now where did you?"

"It was when we were aboard the Seawolf," Conan informed. "A cruise we went on back in Japan months ago."

"A cruise?"

"It's a long story." Tim said.

"Well, you can give me the scoop in time," Bruce said. "Right now I'd like for you to tell me everything you know about Mr. Hue, what did you learn about him while on this cruise?"

"We didn't actually talk with him all that much," Conan replied. "He was more recluse than anything throughout the ride, though we did occasionally see him in the pool room along with a few others."

"He never did mention his last name during the introduction process," Tim said. "That's what took so long for everything to finally register back to me."

"Besides a few pool matches, was there anything else you found out about him," Bruce asked. "Any tendencies perhaps?"

"Nothing to that degree," Conan replied. "But we do know he has a solid military background, he said so himself."

"That's a start."

"With all that in mind, it does raise one alarming question," Conan said. "What's he doing here in Gotham, clear across the globe from home?"

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 83

Lead Into The Ashes

Gaining further access to his file wasn't hard to accomplish after some extra searching.

"He's got a little nice history there," Tim commented. "No run ins with the law at all."

"That, or he's extremely careful about how he carries himself." Conan said.

"His billing history shows little to no activity within the past four months." Bruce said.

"There must be a good reason for that."

"He received a check for thirty thousand, only to deposit that same amount two days after," Bruce said. "That was three months ago."

"Which would explain why there hasn't been any recent activity in his account," Tim said. "He must be living off of that thirty two thousand for the time being."

"Which makes it difficult to track his whereabouts," Conan said. "That also means every transaction made within the last few months was done through cash, meaning we won't be able to check for any of his recent spendings."

"One thing we do know is that he was recently working in Michigan." Tim said.

"What part?" Bruce asked.

"Don't know," Tim replied. "But it sounded like he was out there on business."

"With the lack of information regarding his recent activities, there's no telling how many other cities he might have inhabited for a period of time." Conan added.

"He's now here in Gotham," Bruce said. "Which means it's time we tracked him down."

"And how do we do that," Conan asked. "We have nothing on him."

"The easy way." Tim said lowering him back to the ground.

"The easy way," Conan questioned. "I'm betting more complicated."

"Isn't that the fun part?"

"Didn't say I was complaining."

"Fair enough," Tim said before turning toward Bruce. "Looks like we have more on our hands than at first glance."

"Then we better get started."

"Which means it's time to hit the road," Tim said turning for the other side of the room. "I'll contact you with any information in regards to Hue, if I'm able to dig up anything additional."

"Wait up," Conan said following after him. "I'll walk you to the door."

The two of them exited out from there, heading straight for the front door.

"What's up," Tim questioned. "Is there something you wanted to ask?"

"It's about your friend."

"You mean Conner?"

"Yea, that'd be the one." Conan confirmed.

"Ok, what about him?"

"I found out about his secret," Conan said. "Well, sort of."

"That's more than good to hear," Tim said. "Because we had a little wager on how long it'd take you."

"He didn't really tell me anything," Conan stated. "We were in the mist of parting ways before he could, so I didn't get any real details."

"And he told you to ask me, right?"

"Pretty much."

"I'm in a bit of a rush myself," Tim said stopping after reaching the front door. "But here."

He reached into his pocket, pulling out a mini device before turning and tossing it to him.

"What's this?"

"A web database if you will," Tim replied. "It has anything you may want or need to know."

"A database?"

"I spent months renewing it from the old one I had created, it has all the names of everyone in good status," Tim informed. "As well as profiles of the lower branched criminals all the way to the high level ends."

"So why are you giving it to me," Conan asked. "Don't you need it for yourself?"

"I've got it set up on my main computer," Tim replied. "Not to mention a couple of spares."

"So why give me a copy?"

"For a couple of reasons," Tim replied. "But none more important than for the task at hand."

"What do you mean?"

"I want you to go and search through each profile," Tim answered. "If we're lucky maybe he's already on our radar of fugitives."

"You mean the guy from the bus I encountered?"

"That'd be the one."

"So what happens in the case that I do pick him out," Conan asked. "Do you have a way of tracking him down?"

"That's the plan," Tim said. "I thought you might want a little something to do, beats sitting around with nothing to do?"

"Of course I don't mind," Conan answered. "Anything note worthy you need to let me know, perhaps with the navigation process?"

"It's all pretty self explanatory, nothing you shouldn't be able to figure out on your own."

"Sounds simple enough."

"If any questions may arise, be sure to give me a call," Tim said before opening the front door. "I'll do my best to answer anything that may come to mind."

He exited from there, only taking a couple steps out before turning around to face him for a final time.

"What's wrong?" Conan asked.

"Typing in his public name won't produce you any wanted results," Tim informed. "If you wish to know more about Conner, you'll have to type in his classified name."

"Classified name?"

"Kon El," Tim informed. "That being with a 'k'."

"Gotcha, I'll keep that in mind."

"Gotta get going, but I'll be stopping by soon enough," Tim said. "Good luck hunting down our guy, if you're unable to reach me you can always ask for assistance from any of the others."

He nodded in response, watching as he walked off from there. He closed the door in the seconds that followed, turning back for the house in the process.

"I don't know who we should be more worried about," Conan thought. "The hooded woman who seems to be in every direction we arrive, or the mystery man running rabid with no clear motive at this given point."

This remained on his mind as he made his way back in the direction of the study. There was no one to be seen upon his return, only the sight of the laptop computer which still sat in place was present in the room.

"That's strange.... where," Conan thought. "I don't recall him leaving the room, and I'm more than certain I would have seen if he had gone by."

He looked from one end of the room to the other before laying his eyes back to the desk.

"Everyone seems to be in a hurry today," Conan said placing the device given to him into his pocket. "Everyone but me that is."

He gave the room a last look as he stepped out, closing the door behind him. The next hours were spent accounting for everything laid out, piecing it all together was the difficult part. He wrote down every detail that had been learned in the process, adding anything that came to mind in relation to each case. Before he knew it another hour had passed, hearing the subtle sound of the crooning clock in the next room.

"Nine O'clock," Conan said checking his watch. "Which makes it just past eleven in Tokyo."

He pulled up his phone which rested at his side, wasting no time in giving her the go ahead call. It rang for the first few moments, waiting it out till the sound of her voice spoke from the other end.


"Haibara, it's me."

"I was wondering when I'd hear from you again."

"It hasn't been that long since our last discussion," Conan stated. "Two days if I can recall."

"That sounds about right."

"Anyway, I called on behalf of your message received last night," Conan said. "Is everything ok?"

"A message," Ai questioned. "I never sent you a message."

"Are you sure," Conan asked. "The message I received was transmitted from your phone."

"What did this message say?"

"I remember it clearly, being how far field it was," Conan said. "A day to commence."

"A day to commence?"

"That's right," Conan confirmed. "That's what the message read."

"That's strange, I don't remember sending out any messages like that," Ai said. "Let alone anything to you."

"At any time did you lose sight of your phone," Conan asked. "While out of the house perhaps?"

"I don't recall, no."

A brief moment of silence ensued.

"It''s probably nothing," Conan finally said pushing the topic aside. "So, how's everyone else been doing?"

"They're doing fine," Ai replied. "They stopped by just yesterday in fact."

"What about Agasa," Conan asked. "Is he currently available, there's something I'd like to ask of him."

"He's not here now, but I could forward the message to him."

"That will work," Conan said. "Here's the thing, I'm going to need a little insurance."

The higher up he went, the more daring the nightly wind pressed. His destination was well within grasp, pulling his way up to the top of the large city building he climbed to see the grand mansion across the way. He stood there for minutes to come, not because there was a problem per say, but to observe the very layout of its perimeter. It didn't take long for him to pin point all security measures, knowing he'd have to carefully move in at the point of attack. It was within that moment that the common light shined bright from the far distance, signaling for his attention.

"Looks like I'm needed at the other end of town, don't have time to answer the call," Batman said looking back toward the mansion. "I have an important meet here to attend."

He relocated the few security cameras from where he stood, three to be exact. He took note of this as he planned what his next move would be.

"Two on the right, one on the left," Batman said completing his scour of the area. "I'm betting there's more around the front side of the house as well."

He looked on for a time to come, every seconds used to plot out how he'd get in undetected. It was the cameras in particular that had the luxury of his attention, watching their every movement as they pivoted from one side to another.

"There's about a twenty second gap in between the time where none of the camera's have the mid section of the yard accounted for," Batman said reaching to the side of his belt. "From this given spot I'm approximately 56.6 meters away from the mansion, which is about sixty two yards."

He held the line gun out in front of him, taking aim at the roof across the way.

"If I can get a decent initiation I should be able to zip over there in under fifteen seconds," Batman said. "Timing will be key."

Finding the right spot was the question, keeping his eyes set to the mid section of the roof.

"There, that's about as clear of a path I'm going to get."

He kept his eyes to each of the cameras as he took aim once more, knowing his timing had to be second to none. He waited for their routine rotation to pass once more, wanting to be sure about his earlier observations.

"Only have one shot to make this work."

He took aim once more, steadily holding it in place. He kept his poise up until the moment it was time to release.


He launched forward with the spring of the hook line, precisely connecting with the chosen spot of the roof as he found himself soaring down to his destination. He touched down with little to no sound, pleased after looking back to see he had beaten the rotation of the security cameras.

"Now," Batman said standing from where he hunkered. "To get some answers."

The stream from nearby echoed past his ears, picking up its fresh scent throughout the air. He took note of something at the right side of the roof just as he was to walk. It was too dark to tell what it was from his position.

"What do we have here?"

He strolled over to come across something he was not expecting to find, kneeling down to give it a closer look.

"Just as I thought, a velux," Batman said turning to see another further up. "Now to see if it's unlocked."

He placed his hand onto the window, feeling his way around to become familiarized with its set up. He felt something standing in place as he outlined the right side of the window, uncertain of what it was.

"It feels like some kind of handle, maybe if I," Batman said giving it a tug to pull it aside. "It doesn't get any easier than that."

He looked down into the dark room below, unable to see anything from where he stood. He switched the cowl's lenses to night vision, coming to find what appeared to be a storage room of some kind. With that in mind he dropped down with a light thump, standing to his feet soon after.

"Now to have a word with Mr. Green."

Even with the lenses set to night vision it was still difficult to make out several of the items scattered throughout the room. Crates were stacked on each side, doing his best to carefully manuver around each with little to no sound. He finally reached the door at the opposite side of the room before turning back to notice something printed on one of the crates.

"What's this?"

He moved in to get a closer look, focusing in on the visible print.

"Ocean Sea Bound Labs," Batman read. "I don't believe I've heard of this company."

He then checked the other crates, confirming they as well had the same name stamped upon them. More than curious he stepped up to one of the crates, giving the top a slight tug to remove it. What he found inside was nothing short of the unexpected.

"Gnome yard decorations and several pounds of enclosed cocaine," Batman said before laying the top back into place. "Not exactly your common heavy artillery, I wonder if this is the case with the rest of the crates."

He turned back for the door, reaching out to grab the handle with a turn.

"Don't have time to check them all, but I'll make it a priority to ask Salomon about his pricey collection he's got concealed here."

He quietly closed the door after stepping out, finding himself standing atop a fleet of curving stairs that lead to the lower levels. He moved with care, as not to make any sound on his way down. Though he had not detected it upon entering, the further he descended the more he felt something was off. It was then that he picked up the faint scent, knowing something had happened.

"That odor... could it be?"

He reached the base of the stairs a short time later, stepping down to the next floor. He turned to the right, following the scent which continued down the long hall. His guard was now higher than ever, glancing up at a portrait on the left wall as he walked. The odor only became stronger, coming to a stop after reaching a door on the right side.

"This is it, it's coming from inside this room."

He turned the handle to find it unlocked, slowly cracking the door open to have a peak inside. The light generated from the moon gazed in from the left window, lighting a small portion of the room. It was then that he saw it, looking to the center of the room to see someone strapped down to a chair. He didn't have to move in any closer, already knowing it was too late.

"Not exactly the encounter I was hoping for."

He took a step in, caught by the surprise of a splash from under foot. He wasn't sure what it was, more concerned with the condition of the dead man tied to the chair. He reached the body with a couple steps taken, wasting no time in beginning his examination.

"No clothes, and strapped down with barb wire," Batman said leaning in for a clear look at his face. "This is Salomon Green alright, but what could have conspired that lead to this?"

He knelt down to a knee to give the rest of the body a look. And just when he thought things couldn't get any worse he took notice of the disturbance from below.

"His genitals are missing, that changes the outlook of of this whole occurrence."

The sound of something touching down to the ground grabbed his attention. It was then that he noticed a tube hanging out from his right rib, watching as what remained of his blood continued to drip down to the ground. Everything became clear at that point, knowing what he had stepped on upon entering the room.

"He's nearly been drained dry, with the floor being filled with his blood," Batman thought. "But who would do this, and why go to such extreme lengths."

The bitter smell continued to kick in with each second. He slightly leveled his head up to see something had been drawn out along the wall, wasting no time in recording a shot of it with the use of his cowl. As he stood back to his feet to go and give the drawings a closer look he took note of other shoe prints embedded in the blood soaked floor besides his own.

"There's at least three different sets of prints there other than my own," Batman said. "Which means there was more than one person involved in this little episode, now to try and determine the time of death."

He turned to face the body once again, laying his hand on the side of his neck to check the temperature of the body.

"Algor mortis has long kicked in," Batman said. "I'd say he's been dead for at least an hour and a half, maybe two."

Yet another odor came to his senses within the next moment, though not quite as potent in its scent as that of the blood.

"That stench..... gasoline," Batman thought. "But where, where is it coming from?"

He then looked to the ground once again, reaching down to swap a portion of the blood into the palm of his hand. After giving it a smell it was clear where he had picked up the additional aroma.

"There's gasoline mixed in with his blood, this whole visit is becoming more complex by the second," Batman said. "The question is, why drain him of his blood?"

He then took notice of something stretched out across the ground toward the darker ends of the room., moving in closer to find what appeared to be two cords.

"I wonder where these lead to."

He followed the trail of the cords, glimpsing over at the drawing on the wall as he did. They eventually lead him to a closet in the far right corner. He reached out to pull it open, finding it to be rather stiff as he did. The path of the cords came to an end, coming to find that they were connected to two separate fairly large propane tanks.

"So I see, they're not cords after all," Batman said. "But rather thick wires connected to these tanks."

It was then that all fell into place, gaining a spark of realization within that very moment.

"A murder scene, gasoline mixed blood, and a batch of loaded tanks," Batman thought. "This can only mean..."

The sound of the door cracked open from behind, almost instantly spinning around to see someone standing in the doorway. His view of the figure was something of a blur, memorizing what details he could as he watched them raise a hand.

"Who are you?!" Batman demanded.

He received nothing in return, only that of the figure switching on a lighter which they held in their left raised hand.

"The devil dances, till dawns beginning." A soft voices poke.

The mystery man then tossed the lighter into the air before falling out of sight back into the hall. He had no time to chase after him, darting straight for the window on the left side before the lighter could reach the ground. He lunged forward with a leap, shattering the glass on his narrow escape out. The mansion exploded on his descend down to the river below, holding his breath just before crashing into the water. He resufaced moments later to see the whole area had disbursed into flames from the explosion, knowing he had just let one go.

"Looks like I was more than late."

He continued to gaze up at the sight of destruction as he flowed down stream.

"Who was that man, and what was he doing there," Batman thought. "I may have failed tonight, but... this is far from over."

The night had come and gone. Only fragments and the ashes remained of the Green mansion come that next morning, small portions being carried away by the daily breeze come dawn.

It was an early start for him that next morning, navigating from page to page with an increased pace every minute that past. He leaned back in the chair after observing yet another page.

"Giving in so soon?" Damian asked from aside one of the many book shelves.

"I've looked through many of the profiles on this device for over an hour now, and haven't found anything," Conan said in response. "I think a break at this point is warranted."

"I would take over, but I have no idea what this guy looks like."

"I'm having a hard time remembering myself," Conan said. "Everything happened so fast."

"I still don't see how you didn't get a clear view of his face," Damian said. "Being that you were on the bus with him for a period of time."

"Like I said before, he had a ski cap over his eyes," Conan reminded. "That made it difficult to see his face."

"What about his arms, any distinct details," Damian asked. "Scars, tattoos perhaps?"

"Can't say for sure, he had on a jacket," Conan replied. "He was basically covered from head to toe."

"And going off of his choice of garbs isn't going to gain anything," Damian said. "That is unless he wore anything custom made."

"No depth there either," Conan said. "Nothing he wore from what I could tell had his name sewn on it."

"Not even initials?"

"No, but even then that would have been pushing it," Conan said. "For now we're stuck with a sketch, and this database of possible suspects."

"And to think, you couldn't even plant a tracker on this no named bloke," Damian remarked. "Can't get anymore incompetent than that."

"That didn't take long." Conan muttered.

He quickly brushed this off, attending back to the profiles just as the door to the room slid open.

"I thought I might find the both of you here in the book room," Alfred said stepping in. "What is it you're working on there?"

"I'm using this computer to navigate through a series of profiles within a database that Tim set up."

"May I ask why?"

"To see if anyone within this database resembles the man I saw the night before last."

"If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know."

"Of course," Conan said. "Speaking of which, have you heard from Tim anytime today?"

"Oh yes, he's currently at Wayne Enterprises awaiting an important meet."

"What about my father," Damian asked. "I haven't seen him all morning."

"He never returned from last nights occasion, he only called," Alfred informed. "He said he had something important to look into."

"So he never returned, at all?" Conan questioned.

"If he did it would have been after I turned in for the night," Alfred replied. "Which would have been after two some time."

"Any idea what happened last night," Conan asked. "I mean, he must have a good reason for not returning."

"The man he had hoped to speak with was found dead in his home last night," Alfred informed. "Salomon Green."

"And there goes our link," Conan thought. "Right down the drain."

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 84

Unexpected Results

The door advanced to the side upon him reaching it. He stopped once inside, taking the time to survey the large room from top to bottom. He shook his head in approval. He then looked ahead to see the front desk where someone stood guard. He steadily walked over with the release of his hands from the sides of his pocket.

"How may I help you today?" The clerk asked.

"Where might I find the waiting area?"

"Right down that hall there," The clerk pointed. "If you follow the trail it will lead you straight to it."

"Thanks, I appreciate your time."

He listened to what was instructed, heading toward the left side of the room. He strolled down a long hall, hearing the sound of many voices echoing throughout the large facility. He reached the waiting area soon after, entering to see him sitting at one of the many chairs throughout. He wasted little time in walking over to join him.

"You're thirty five minutes early," Tim said looking up. "We weren't supposed to meet here until eleven."

"Is there a problem?"

"Not at all," Tim replied. "Why don't rest a pair and have a seat?"

"With pleasure," Heiji said taking him up on his offer with another look around the room. "So, this is Wayne Enterprises."

"What do you think?"

"Not bad from what I've seen."

"How did you get here so soon?"

"A cab of course," Heiji replied. "How else would I have gotten here?"

"I thought you might have had one of your friends from the station give you a lift," Tim replied. "Speaking of which, how did things go with your meet with Gordon yesterday?"

"Turns out he wasn't there when I arrived," Heiji informed. "I ended up being accompanied by a man known as Detective Gates."

"I've heard of him, he's been with the GCPD for a little over a year now," Tim said. "So what exactly did you meet with Gates about?"

"He was summoned to handle a case at a place known as Starlest," Heiji replied. "I came in as the extra set of eyes, if you want to put it that way."

"What kind of case?"

"Someone's been stealing valuable jewels from companies similar to that of Starlest," Heiji informed. "They just happened to be the next chosen target."

"The next target," Tim questioned. "Is this a pattern of robberies?"

"Wasn't hard to figure, being that the one pulling the strings sends a note to each facility they plan to steal from next."

"Our list of suspects narrows down with that known mo," Tim said. "Leaving clues behind to any planned heist doesn't happen all that often."

"Sounds like you might have an idea who we're dealing with."

"Maybe," Tim said. "But I'll need to know a little more before anything can be determined."

"I actually have the note left at Starlest with me if you'd like to give it a look yourself."

"Now is as good as anytime."

"Great, I was hoping I could get your input."

He reached down to his side, searching the contents of his pocket for the folded slip of paper. It didn't take long for him to retrieve it, holding the written riddle out for him to observe.

"Here it is, this is what was left for us to find."

He took the slip of paper into his hand, setting his sights to the first riddle.

"i am solely for the eye beyond all affiliated kins, a tune to Hear with a misdirection Red (1)."

He glanced down at it for a period to come. After gaining small ground he finally looked to the second riddle beneath it.

"superior to my the Deceiver, at the Affair shall I appear.."

Both left him in a state of thought. He looked on from his side, tapping him on the shoulder to regain his attention.

"So what do you think?" Heiji asked.

"Too early to tell," Tim replied. "But whatever this person has planned sounds big."

"My thoughts exact," Heiji agreed. "No matter how you read in between the lines, it seems to be pointing to something... something to a bigger stage than most."

"I was getting that same vibe, there next move could in deed be their true coming out party."

"That might be true."

"None of these incidents have yet to appear on the evening news," Tim said. "That may be due to what was taken, and where these events occurred."

"So you're thinking these incidents were overshadowed by the many others."

"To a certain degree, yes," Tim said in response. "Burglary has been a rising avocation, in these past couple weeks in particular."

"That might explain."

"Tell me, what happened at this Starlest?"

"That all depends," Heiji said. "Which case are we talking?"

"There was another case?"

"Turns out during our investigation of the riddles someone stole a pair of diamonds from right under us."

"Did you catch who did it?"

"Unfortunately not, they cleanly got away."

"How did that happen," Tim questioned. "Didn't they have surveillance rolling throughout?"

"They did," Heiji said. "But let's just say they were experiencing some.. technical difficulties."

"And these technical difficulties just happened to occur on the same day someone sought out a set of diamonds," Tim remarked. "Doubt it's coincidence."

"Maybe not," Heiji said. "But they had already been dealing with problems regarding their security system."

"Perhaps the one responsible knew this, taking advantage of the situation."

"Are you suggesting one of the employees?"

"Or anyone who had knowledge the security deficiencies."

"Not a large handful to say the least."

"What's your diagnoses of the situation," Tim asked. "After all you were there at the time of the crime."

"There wasn't much that called for my attention," Heiji said. "Other than this woman I crossed paths with."

"A woman huh, why don't you start from the beginning."

"The first thing I did after meeting with detective Gates was following him up to the security back room," Heiji began. "It was there where I was introduced to both Ed and Ellson the store manager."

"Did they know you'd be coming in to help?"

"Not me in particular, but they knew there'd be two of us," Heiji replied. "That's when they informed me of their plan to blend in amongst the other customers, acting as one of them."

"While checking for any suspicious activity, got it."

"Gates and I agreed to play along, it wasn't long after that I encountered the woman mentioned," Heiji continued. "We had a little run in if you know what I mean."

"All plans can't be perfect."

"The story I came up with for why I was there didn't quite hold up, thus resulting in her referring me to a few other stores I might try for better luck."

"So she gives you a list of of places, then what happened?"

"We parted ways."

"So what's the big deal," Tim asked. "I don't see what was so alarming."

"My name, she knew my name," Heiji said. "Right before returning to the second floor she addressed me by my name, without any pre knowledge of it."

"Was that all?"

"Of course not," Heiji replied. "It wasn't until after the fact that I recalled her little speech about the newly acquired synthetic diamonds Starlest had just imported in."

"And the diamonds stolen were synthetic, right?"


"Sounds like someone we should defiantly check up on, by any chance did you happen to catch her name?"

"I remember it clearly," Heiji replied. "Selina Kyle."

"I'd say we've hit the bullseye."

"I take it you know her?"

"You could say that."

"Think she was the one who stole the diamonds?"

"The fact she knew your name is an eye opener, she might have known you'd be there to investigate those riddles."

"Are you suggesting she knew about the riddles before hand," Heiji questioned. "You'd have to have inside information to know about that."

"She's a very resourceful woman."

"At first I believed both cases to be separate, but maybe..," Heiji said with a pause. "Maybe she wrote out those riddles in hopes of luring us there."

"You can put that idea to rest," Tim said. "Not her style, nor does she usually operate during that time of day."

"So now you're saying it's not her?"

"Never said she was, nor am I ready to draw any conclusions," Tim replied. "But from what I've heard from you, it alludes away from her mo how she operates."

"You're giving me a erratic mixture of possibility, forgive me if I don't follow."

"Didn't say she wasn't up to something, just not convinced she took the diamonds."

"I see."

"There's something I would like you to elaborate on," Tim asked taking a step back. "I'm still finding it hard to believe someone getting past security undetected with merchandise, shouldn't the alarms have gone off?"

"Their security linked system was experiencing a reboot at the time, in direct result of the store alarms going off," Heiji informed. "There was a man who walked out with a clothes tag clamped onto the side of his bag."

"Which I'm guessing erupted the whole scenario," Tim said. "Any idea how it got there?"

"No, and the camera's didn't pick it up how it got there either."


"It was about that time we presume the diamonds were taken from the glass case," Heiji said. "I was too busy examining the gentleman's baggage to really focus in on what was going on from behind."

"While you were investigating I'd assume someone was keeping guard from the security room, shouldn't they have seen something?"

"Ed was at the time, but he heard something that prompted him to depart from the room for a brief moment," Heiji replied. "Once out, he found some sound based device laying on the ground."

"Was it custom made?"


"Clever move by the thief if I must say."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're taking a delight to all of this."

"The road to untwine is always the fun part, not even you can deny that Heiji."

"So what now," Heiji questioned. "In the case that Selina wasn't the one who did it, who should we be looking for?"

"I've got an idea or two," Tim said. "Of course anyone else in that store could have pulled it off."

"So we're in agreement that the diamonds taken and the riddles left at the scene are unrelated."

"Agreed, I haven't heard anything that would point other wise," Tim said in response. "So what's your call, think you can tackle this one on your own or would you like my extended assistance?"

"I'm more than capable of handling this along with Gates, you have a lot on your agenda as is," Heiji replied. "But if you do happen to come across anything incriminating be sure to let me know."


"Mind telling me why you chose to invite me here," Heiji asked. "It's an interesting sight don't get me wrong."

"Wasn't my call, but he's here now." Tim said with the nod of his head.

"He?" Heiji question turning his head back into the direction he had come.

He looked just in time to see him enter the room, remaining seated as he approached.

"I see you both have already arrived, good," Bruce said finding a spot across from the two. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

"Not at all," Tim said. "We kept ourselves entertained for what it was."

"I had a feeling you would."

"You wanted to see me?" Heiji asked leaning forward.

"Yes," Bruce said looking his way. "You came into direct contact with Salomon Green the night you tracked down Mr. Eldelmon, correct?"

"Yea, that's right."

"Tell me, what did you make of him," Bruce asked. "What was he like?"

".. He seemed pretty casual, like an every day guy even."

"And his relationship with Eldelmon?"

"He was one of the few to show concern for Jefferson when he showed chest complications that night."

"I see."

"I thought we were investigating the death of Jefferson Eldelmon," Heiji said. "So why do you want to know about Salomon?"

"I went to pay him a visit last night," Bruce informed. "When I arrived he was dead, strapped to a chair in barb wire."

"These guys within this circle are dropping like flies," Tim said. "I saw his home went up in flames after watching the morning news, but I didn't know we'd be dealing with something quite as disturbing as this."

"Disturbing would be putting it lightly," Bruce stated. "His genitals were missing, and someone drained him of his blood with the use of some tube which I found hanging out of his side."

"I think it's safe to say he found himself caught up in something," Heiji commented. "Any idea where they took his blood?"

"Nowhere," Bruce replied. "They allowed it to drain onto the ground where his body rested."

"And his genitals?" Tim asked.

"Nowhere to be found." Bruce replied.

"So I take it you infiltrated his home before the explosion erupted," Tim said. "At about what time was that?"

"Around midnight."

"I didn't catch the story this morning," Heiji admitted. "But I must ask, were you there at the time when the house went up in smoke?"

"Yes, but fortunately I was able to have a look around before that occured." Bruce confirmed.

"Which leads into my next question, being the how," Heiji said. "What caused the explosion in the first place?"

"Believe it or not, the blood found on the ground was mixed in with a dose of gasoline."

"This just keeps getting stranger by the second."

"It wasn't until then that I noticed a pair of wires leading to a closet in the back corner," Bruce continued. "What I found on the other side was two tanks from where the wires were attached."

"So what happened then," Heiji asked. "Some kind of timer went off?"

"Not exactly, there was someone else there besides me," Bruce informed. "The gasoline soaked floor was ignited by a lighter tossed to the ground, which of course advanced toward the tanks."

"Got it," Heiji said. "So what about this mystery guy, did you get a look at his face?"

"Too dark, but it's nothing to worry about," Bruce assured. "I collected enough from the scene which could help lead to us finding him, and anyone else involved."

"Do you know why someone would want him dead?" Heiji asked.

"I have a few ideas, but some things just aren't adding up."

"So we have a dead victim, his missing genitals, and the floor marinated in his blood," Tim said. "Did I miss any other important details?"

"There's more, I happened to come across a hidden collection of his while in the attic," Bruce informed. "There were several crates stacked about, seeing this I decided to give one of them a peak."

"And what did you find?"

"Drugs, which can be expected when you find large shipment like that," Bruce said. "But what I was surprised to see was the gnome decoratives that filled the crate as well."

"Gnomes," Heiji questioned. "You mean like the ones people use to decorate their yards?"

"That'd be the ones."

"I see, you're thinking those drugs might have had something to do with his death?"

"At first, but if that were true," Bruce said. "Why not remove the crates from the home before the explosion, there could have been much profit to gain."

"Good point," Heiji agreed. "That almost kills that as motive."

"There was one final detail I came across while examining the body."

"Can't wait to hear this."

"There was something drawn out on the wall, some kind of emblem if I'm not mistaken."

"You think it's some kind of a message left behind?" Heiji asked.

"Not a message, but rather a marking to represent their presence."

"And what did this drawing look like?" Tim asked.

"Here, why don't you have a look for yourself," Bruce said tossing a small device toward him. "I managed to take a shot of what was printed on the wall before everything went south."

He caught the squared device in hand, taking the time to look it over.

"How do you turn this thing on?"

"The power button is located on the bottom left side, holding it down should turn it on.."

He did just that, watching as an image appeared on the screen.

"What is that?" Heiji questioned after getting a look himself.

"Looks like an eye with a triangular colon in the center, representing the pupil."

"That's what I made of it." Bruce said.

"Any idea what was used to draw this out," Heiji asked. "I'd say it's blood, but you can never be too sure."

"I managed to get a swap of what was on that wall during my escape, I didn't get much," Bruce admitted. "But it should be enough."

"What's that supposed to mean," Heiji asked. "You running some kind of scan?"

"As a matter a fact I am, on the computer back at the manor," Bruce informed. "I'll know when the results come in."

"So what now?"

"We wait," Bruce replied. "I'd like to go over everything from last night's incident once more before we decide on what to do next."

"Your call." Tim said.

"On another note, how did things go in the board room?"

"Pretty good considering the short notice, Mr. Barron handled himself fairly well being that it was his first live presentation."

"What did you think of him?"

"He's a genuine guy, a perfect fit for the chief communications officer."

"I got that feeling from when I first spoke with him."

He looked at the image for a last time, taking in each detail as a whole.

"Could you go over what you saw once more," Heiji asked tossing the device back to him. "I know it was dark, but you should have been able to make out something about that guy."

"I got a few shots of him with the cowl, those photos are being processed as we speak," Bruce informed. "As far as any distinguishing details, there was none I was able to make out."

"How about a size," Tim asked. "How would you profile his figure?"

"As someone who participates in a daily routine to keep in shape," Bruce answered. "He couldn't have been any taller than five eleven."

"That's a start."

"I'd say so."

"While we've got time, why don't you tell Bruce about what happened at Starlest." Tim said.

"Are you referring to that burglary?"

"You already knew?" Heiji asked.

"It was something that was brought to my attention late last night," Bruce confirmed. "But I had no idea you were there."

"Mr. Wayne."

He turned at the sound of his name called, coming to find someone heading straight toward him.

"I hope this isn't a bad time."

"Not at all," Bruce said standing to his feet. "We were just talking about you Mr. Barron, I heard you did well in the small conference."

"I tried anyway."

"What is it I can help you with?"

"There's actually someone here to see you," Antonio informed. "They sent me here to let you know."

"Someone here to see me," Bruce questioned. "I don't recall having anything scheduled for now."

"Your guess is as good as mine," Antonio said. "He's waiting at the front desk for you if you do decide to meet with him."

"Let him know I'll be right there."

"Alright," Antonio said with a nod. "I'll let him know you're coming."

He took off from there, strolling back into the direction he had come.

"So what happens now, we wait for your return?" Heiji asked standing to his feet as well

"That's up to you both, I'm heading back to the mansion once I'm finished here," Bruce said. "I haven't gotten the time to really sit down and give everything an in depth look."

"I'd come with you, but I have a lot of work to do with the Red Eyed MB," Tim said pushing up from where he sat. "It should be completed within the next month or so."

"Send me a copy once you've finished, I'd like to give it a test run myself." Bruce said before turning to walk.

"Sure thing." Tim said following.

"Should I even know what that is?" Heiji asked.

"It's something I've been working on," Tim replied. "I'd show it to you, but I'm sure you'd become disinterested fairly quick."

He took a few more steps, reaching for his phone as they made their way along.

"Who are you calling?" Tim asked from behind.

"Getting the next part of this investigation underway." Bruce replied.

Each page investigated produced the same results, breathing out with a light tap of the desk before moving on once again. The sound of the clock ringed from the other room, carrying its low tuned lullaby past his ears for yet another time.

"Another hour has passed.. time sure does fly sitting around in this room."

He clicked down to the mouse once more, hearing the sound of the door slide open.

"I can't believe you're actually still in here, I thought you might have thrown the towel in on that by now."

"Never," Conan said. "This task isn't finished until we find this guy, the least I can do is go through this list of possible suspects."

"Have it your way."

"What brought you back anyway," Conan asked. "Were you hoping to find me?"

"Grayson's on his way now," Damian informed. "He said he has discovered how those visitors got past security at the hospital the other night."

"Good, at least we're making some kind of progress." Conan said as his phone rang from where it laid.

He reached over to grab it, looking down to see an incoming call from an unfamiliar number.

"Who could this be?"

After slight hesitation he decided to answer it.


"It's me."

"Bruce," Conan said recognizing the sound of his voice. "I was expecting I'd hear from you soon."

"I have a favor to ask."

"Sure, go ahead."

"Where are you now?"

"In the book room skimming through this database on the computer." Conan replied.

"Good, I want you to put that on hold on that for a bit," Bruce said. "I want you to run a search on an Ocean Sea Bound Labs."

"Ocean Sea Bound Labs?"

"It should be the name of a company."

"Loud and clear, I'll get on it right away." Conan said as an alert appeared to the screen followed by a beeping sound.

"What's that?"

"Whatever you had running has completed," Conan replied. "Looks like some kind of scan."

"Perfect," Bruce said from the other end. "Now open it and and tell me the results of the scan."

"If you don't mind me asking, what did you run a scan on?"

"There was something drawn out on the wall at Green's home, I ran the test to see if his blood was used as a prop for that very cause."

"Gotcha, I'm on it." Conan said with a click.

He slightly leaned back in the chair, watching as a new window came to the screen. He took the next few moments to make an understanding of what was sitting before him.

"What are you seeing?"

"Looks like there were high traces of solvent in whatever you got your hands on."

"Which is one of the predominant elements in paint," Bruce said. "Looks like we've got the medium diagnosed."

"That's not it," Conan continued. "There's also traces of blood."

"That must mean he used a dose of Salomon's blood to complete his work."

"Not a chance," Conan informed. "The blood doesn't match his."

"If not his, then who?"

"Not who, but rather what," Conan corrected. "Because the blood found isn't human."

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 85

Two Count

All had frozen within that instant, stopping in his path after hearing the results read off to him.

"Not human," Bruce questioned. "If the blood isn't human based, then what?"

"Can't say, it just reads as unidentifiable," Conan replied. "Is there anything I can do to find out?"

"Leave it for now, I'll attend to it when I return," Bruce said in response. "In the mean time I want you to run a search on Ocean Sea Bound Labs, find out as much as you can about who they are and what they do."

"Business line, numbers, addresses, got it," Conan said. "Anything else?"

"For now, no."

"I'll contact you with any information gained."

"If I don't answer right away it's because I'm meeting with someone."

"Thanks for the heads up," Conan said. "Let's just hope this uncovers something case worthy."

"It will," Bruce said. "I'm sure of it."

He hung up from there, lowering the phone from his ear.

"What was that all about?" Tim asked walking up to his side.

"The results came back from the scan," Bruce replied. "The materials used to create the drawing on the wall was paint and blood."

"From the same blood on the ground?"

"Negative," Bruce replied. "According to what Conan, it's not even human."

"Not human," Heiji questioned. "If the blood sample isn't human, then what?"

"We won't know until I compare the results found with a broader search," Bruce replied. "Once I've done that I'll let you know."

"Makes you wonder what other surprises await us around the corner." Tim said.

They continued through the hall in silence, reaching the lobby a short time later. He saw him standing at the front desk, instantly recognizing the visitor.

"Lonard," Bruce said wasting no time in approaching him. "Lonard Fournier, what a pleasant surprise."

"I hope this isn't a bad time," Lonard said holding up a folder. "I don't attend on staying long, just dropped in to give you the mapped out layout for the plan we discussed."

"I've been looking forward to seeing what you had in mind." Bruce said accepting the folder.

"It took all night to finish up the final touches," Lonard said. "Let me know what you think once you've sorted through it all, you can reach me at the office if you're unable to through my cell."

"Nonsense," Bruce said. "I'd love to hear what you came up with first hand."

"Let's see," Lonard said checking his watch. "I do have some time to spare, where do you propose we discuss this?"

"No better place than my office." Bruce replied.

"Very well," Lonard said noticing the two at his side. "Who are these young gentlemen with you?"

"Heiji Hattori," Heiji greeted. "I don't necessarily work here, but I have come to Gotham on business."

"Nice to meet you."

"And this is Tim," Bruce introduced. "Someone you'll occasionally see around the office from time to time."

"I look forward to working with you as well." Lonard said.

"Right this way Mr. Fournier, I think you'll find my office to be most comforting."

"Of course," Lonard said turning to follow. "Until next time."

The two of them took off from there, heading straight for the elevator on the right side.

"What now?" Heiji asked.

"We have some researching to do, but first," Tim said looking his way. "We have a stop to make."

The search carried on for several minutes before finally putting it on hold, shutting down the computer before dropping down from the chair. He left the room, softly closing the door in the process.

"I see you've finally finished."

He turned at the sound of his voice, looking to see him standing aside the staircase.

"What did you turn up?"

"I wasn't able to generate any results on Ocean Sea Bound Labs," Conan replied. "Whoever they are, they won't be found with the simple use of the search engine."

"And the profiles?"

"I put it on hold for now."

"That lab you mentioned, what relevance does it serve to us?" Damian asked.

"Don't know yet, it was something Bruce asked me to look into."

"And you're certain there was nothing to find on this place?"

"Not on a casual search," Conan replied. "If you asked me I'd say whoever is running things wishes not to be found."

"We'll see how long that works out for them."

In the mist of finishing his sentence the front door pushed open, both looking to see he had arrived.

"Got here as fast as I could," Dick said entering with the close of the door. "Where's everyone else, are you the only two here?"

"Alfred should be around, Bruce on the other hand went out on some business," Conan informed. "From the sounds of it he shouldn't be too long."

"Not surprising, he did mention something about Wayne Enterprises this morning."

"That's where he is," Conan confirmed. "Mind telling us what you've uncovered?"

"Very well," Dick said removing a bag from his shoulder. "We'll start with the captured surveillance footage."

"Do you know how those visitors the night of Jefferson's death got past security?"

"Turns out the hospital was notified before hand that they'd be coming in at that time, and had already given them the ok."

"Does that include the woman who came in minutes after the first two had left?"


"I for one find it odd they'd allow for visitations at that time of day," Damian said. "And it only adds suspicion when you end up with a dead man."

"I think we can all agree on that," Dick said. "But that's not the biggest connection I came to find upon further review."

"This should be good." Conan said watching as the bag was zipped open.

He reached inside, pulling out a a few sheets of paper.

"Here we are."

"What's this?" Damian questioned.

"The results," Dick replied. "We now have the knowledge of what caused Jefferson Eldelmon's death."

"Some more needed news," Conan commented. "So what's the scoop?"

"Why don't you have a look for yourself," Dick said holding out the folder. "It's all here in the file."

He took the set of paper into his possession, wasting little time in looking down to view the content before him.

"Says here he died from a heart attack, what a way to go," Conan said. "On the bright side, it could have been worse."

"Don't stop there," Dick said. "There's another sheet I think you better take a look at."

He did as suggested, bringing the sheet from underneath to the top to get a clear view of it.

"A cat scan of a brain," Conan said looking it over. "Is it of Mr. Eldelmon's?"

"That is correct."

"On who's request were these shots taken?"

"Upon mine," Dick answered. "Thanks to a mutual friend I was able to get in touch with."

"The volume levels in the prefrontal cortex of his brain were noticeably low at the time of his death." Conan said looking over the image once again.

"And that suggests?" Damian questioned.

"Could be a number of things, plumbism for example," Conan said with a pause. "Wait a minute.."

"What's wrong?" Damian asked.

"Low volumes in the prefrontal cortexe, isn't that just like the."

"Other victims who sustained fatal heart attacks in the past few months," Dick finished. "It seems the lead poisoning driven heart attack has claimed yet another life."

"That's right," Conan recalled. "You told me about it the first day I arrived."

"Eldelmon isn't the only one who passed away with the same shown affects in the past week," Dick informed. "Eighteen others to be precise."

"That's frequent for something that supposed to be a rare cause of death," Conan said. "I think it's time we really focused in on this."

"Don't tell me you guys actually think someone is behind this."

"Maybe not intentionally," Dick said. "But something must be causing these recent chain of events."

"Or it's just coincidence."

"You said these fatal heat attacks began in Japan, where did it escalate to next?" Conan asked.

"After the first five, the next ten occurred within the following three days," Dick informed. "Which ranged from western India all the way to Rhode Island."

"And they all showed sufficient brain damage?"

"Indeed, that's the common fact." Dick confirmed.

"How many have passed away from this up until this point." Conan asked.

"Over one twenty in the past three months combined, possibly more," Dick replied. "Several people die from heart complications on a weekly basis, it would be next to impossible to track down every incident that matches our trend."

"Not to mention running brain tests on every patient who suffered a heart attack would be next to unnecessary in most cases."

"Did any of these people have heart problems prior to their deaths?" Damian asked.

"Only a small margin." Dick replied.

"Still think this is coincidence?" Conan remarked.

"Let's say it's not," Damian said. "Who or what should we be looking for as the source of the problem?"

"That's the thing," Dick smilingly said. "I haven't quite figured that out, no one has."

"No one," Conan questioned lowering the paper down to his side. "Who else has taken notice of this besides us?"

"You might find it surprising, but quite a few people actually," Dick informed. "Most of them working in the medical field, the other small percentage being in the law enforcement."

"If that is true, then how come none of this has been broadcasted?"

"Maybe not yet," Dick said. "But at the rate we're going, it's only a matter of time before this story gets some real face time."

"Which means it is time to start producing some answers." Conan said.

Things went along smoothly. He took his time in critiquing everything that was laid out in front of him, taking a liking to most of what was presented. He reached the final sheet of mapped out blue prints, giving it a close look as he had done the others.

"So," Lonard said from across where he sat. "Which fits best for the safe house?"

"This last one intrigues me greatly," Bruce replied. "Between this and the second, I'd say we have recipe for success."

"I had a feeling you'd be locked in between the two," Lonard said. "Once you've come to a decision we can begin planning for a fitting location."

"Mind if I keep a copy, I'd like the opportunity to look into these further."

"Fine by me Mr. Wayne, these so happen to be duplicates as is," Lonard said standing from where he sat. "If you don't get back to me within the next three days, I'll be sure to contact you before the end of the week."

He turned for the door located on the far side of the room, only taking a couple steps before stopping. He stood there for seconds to come, showing no sign for the delay.

"Is something wrong?"

"This is probably something I shouldn't be coming to you about," Lonard said looking back into his direction. "But if you don't mind, I'd like your opinion on something."

"Come and have a seat," Bruce suggested. "I'd be more than willing to hear what's on your mind."

"Very well."

He took him up on his offer, retaking back to the chair from across the desk. He didn't speak for the first seconds, simply resting his hands to the top of the desk with a sequence of shallow breaths that followed.

"Talk to me."

"There's somewhat of a problem, or.. at least there might be."

"I sensed a bit of distress upon your arrival," Bruce said. "Most of my associates tend to call before coming to see me."

"I apologize for that, but I found this latest development to be urgent."

"Well then, tell me what has been brought to your attention."

"I haven't been able to confirm it as of yet," Lonard began. "But I believe there to be a conspirator within the company."

"A conspirator?"

"Yes, one of our workers to be exact."

"And what has lead you to these suspicions?"

"Several company materials have gone missing over the past two weeks," Lonard informed. "Specifically from our technologies lab."

"Don't you have surveillance?"

"We've been having some problems with that."

"And who do you believe is responsible for this recent disturbance?" Bruce asked.

"I'm still trying to figure that one out."

"Any possibility it's an outside job?"

"I don't believe so, you have to have a security card to gain clearance to the lab area," Lonard replied. "That's where most of our top notch resources are kept."

"That doesn't mean an outsider couldn't have gotten hold of one of these cards."

"True, but an eye scan is also required when entering any of the storage rooms."

"That shoots down that possibility," Bruce said leaning back. "But why come to me about all of this, why not go to the police?"

"I don't wish for any of this to get out in the open, I wish to keep this as discreet as possible."

"I understand," Bruce said. "You're afraid whoever is behind this will lay low if they see anyone snooping around."

"I've only lived here in Gotham for three years now Mr. Wayne, and a good portion of that has been spent on business trips," Lonard said. "Who you can trust is all in the measure of time."

"Very true."

"So I'm asking, who do you trust," Lonard asked. "Who would you trust enough to go to at a time like this?"

He laid his hands to the top of the desk as well, staring directly into his eyes.

"I know just the guy who can help you put this all to rest," Bruce said. "A detective, one who helped me in a time of need once."

"I knew it'd be a good idea to come here," Lonard said reaching into his jacket to pull out a piece of paper and a pen. "And how might I contact this.. detective?"

They spent the next hours going over every detail that was before them, trying to find a link between all the victims who had suffered the same fate.

"Most of those who died from this had no prior heart problems," Conan said. "Only twenty eight of the lot had a previous heart scare before hand."

"And with all the victims recorded on our agenda, the age range averages out to about twenty seven," Dick added. "No one under the age of seventeen has died from this."

"Hopefully it stays that way," Conan said. "But the age range doesn't help us pin point what is causing this outbreak."

"True, it's too wide spread," Dick said. "Which means we'll have to focus our sights elsewhere."

"It has to be something on the move that is causing this," Conan said with a pause. "Or maybe like a product of some kind."

"And what kind of product would cause lead poisoning at such a rate," Damian questioned. "Let alone lead to heart attacks?"

"That's for us to find out, if that is in fact the case."

"The key to finding out what did this is to locate the source," Dick said. "It could be something they came into contact with, inhaled even."

"Perhaps we should look to the CT scans to answer that." Damian suggested.

"We have been, there's just nothing there linking anything to the actual cause."

"Maybe it's not the scans we should be analyzing." Conan said

"What do you mean?" Dick asked.

"We've been set on examining one small area," Conan began. "I think it's about time we expanded our search."

"And what do you mean by that?"

"Their agendas, there has to be something in common they all shared," Conan replied. "Maybe something they did, somewhere they traveled."

"Smart approach," Dick commented. "You might be onto something."

"That's all well and said," Damian stated. "But how are we supposed to check every single one of their whereabouts for the past month, it's not like we were keeping tabs on any of them."

"Easy," Conan replied. "Credit cards, checks, and even flight tickets will give us a further look into what occurred in the days leading up to their deaths."

"That's a stretch."

"Of course, but it's one of the many possibilities we need to account for."

The sound of the door opening in the other room could be heard, causing them to put a hold on everything. The clang of foot steps approaching their position followed.

"I wonder who that could be."

The door opened moments later, revealing who had entered the house.

"Oh, it's just him." Conan muttered.

"Have we missed anything?" Heiji asked being the first of the two to step into the room.

"Not much," Dick replied. "Where have you been all day?"

"All over the city," Tim replied. "We've been looking into some leads, and a couple breaks here and there of course."

"Find out anything?"

"As a matter a fact we did," Heiji replied. "Turns out the woman who we've been looking for has been visiting this night club for the past few days."

"How do you figure?"

"We confirmed it with a bartender, he recognized her apparel after showing him a photo."

"How often did he claim she stopped by?"

"Every other day."

"Believe it or not, it's the same club we first gathered imagery of her." Tim added.

"What's the name of the place?" Conan asked.

"Stepler Cavern," Tim replied. "Located on the far west end of Gotham."

"Any chance she'll return again?"

"That's what we're hoping for," Tim said. "And if she does, I'll be waiting for her."

"That must mean you know her favorable visiting times." Dick said.

"Between the hours of nine and eleven." Heiji confirmed.

"Nice work," Dick commented. "What about the sniper who killed those men, any leads on him?"

"No luck in that department, I was actually hoping Shinichi here would have gained some ground in that field," Tim said looking his way. "Didn't you navigate through the database given to you?"

"I stopped searching after about two hours."

"Why's that, did you run into some difficulties?"

"No, but it would help if there was some way of narrowing down the search," Conan replied. "It was just one page after another, the same results as the last."

"Why didn't you hit control P?"

"Control P," Conan questioned. "What's that supposed to do?"

"It would have brought up the profiling dialog box," Tim informed. "From there you could have typed in any necessary information, from the height to the broadness of ones shoulders."

"That would have helped had I known before hand."

"Not to change subjects, but have you heard from Bruce," Dick asked. "I haven't been able to get into contact with him for the past few hours."

"Last time we spoke was just after six," Tim said checking his watch. "Which was a little over an hour ago."

"Any idea where he is?"

"He chose to stop by Green's place again, even though it's surrounded by the authorities," Tim replied. "My guess is he's hoping to find something he might have missed the first time around."

"He shouldn't be long, being that he said he'd meet us here from the last time we spoke," Heiji added. "Speaking of time, what have the three of you been doing here for the past hours?"

"Going over the ascending details of these recent deaths," Conan replied "The ones involving the heat attacks."

"What heart attacks?"

"There's been a series of fatal heart attacks linked to severe brain conditions," Dick detailed. "Saturnism to be exact."

"Lead poisoning and heart failure, what a rare combination," Heiji said. "I understand the concern, but what exactly is there to investigate?"

"It may seem as coincidence, but the inner details suggest otherwise."

"Let me get this straight, you think something is causing these brain deficiencies?"

"We don't have much to support it, but yes," Dick replied. "The uproar in these particular deaths does call for question."

"Which is something we'll have to put on hold for the time being."

They all turned at the sound of his voice, looking just in time to see him enter.

"Speak of the devil," Heiji said. "We were just on the topic of you."

"How did things go at the scene?" Tim asked.

"It was crowded," Bruce replied. "As expected."

"Did you find what you were hoping to see?"

"Not what I was wanting or expecting to see," Bruce replied. "But I do have something additional to share, something I had failed to come across while in the house."

"And what was it you missed?" Conan asked with a step forward.

"I should warn you, its nature is most disturbing," Bruce said. "It seems we have yet another corpse on our hands."

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 86


"Another corpse, where?" Tim asked.

"It was found beneath the rubble in the aftermath of the explosion."

"Are we to assume this person found was dead prior to the explosion?"

"I have no real insight to the circumstances," Bruce replied. "And we won't know until an autopsy is done."

"Speaking of bodies, the results came back in on Eldelmon," Dick informed. "The cause of death was a heart attack."

"What about those three who went in to see him around the time of his death," Bruce asked. "Do you believe they had any involvement?"

"Unless they used some kind of opiate, which we have no knowledge of," Dick said. "At least not at this point."

"What about the condition of the body," Heiji asked. "How would you explain its appearance?"

"I didn't see the body for myself, only overheard two officers discussing it," Bruce replied. "When asked for details they rejected to comment."

"No surprise there," Dick said. "After all, it is a murder investigation."

"And when you throw in a margin of drugs, you have a recipe for police force secrecy." Bruce stated.

"Now we'll have to wait for the inner details," Conan thought. "No telling what the time table will be for that."

"Why don't we take a drop in now," Heiji said. "I could give detective Gates a call, he should be authorized to go over any of the evidence found at the crime scene."

"Couldn't have thought of something better," Dick said in agreement. "What do you say Bruce?"

"I see no problem in it," Bruce replied. "Not only does it free up time, but cancels out another trip I planned to make tonight."

"I take that as a yes." Heiji said.

"In the case of that, why don't I give you a ride to the station," Dick offered."I had already planned on driving through that area anyway."

"There's no declining that."

"Mind if I come along," Conan asked. "I'd like a closer look at things myself."

"Fine by me." Dick said. "We might need an extra set of eyes."

"Where's this mutual friend of yours now?" Conan asked looking to his opposite shoulder.

"Last we spoke, he was at the office going over details of the case he's been handling," Heiji replied. "The one revolving around the events that occurred at Starlest."

"Good, then maybe he's still there."

"I'll give him a call."

He stepped off to the side from there, pulling out his phone in the process."

"Now that we've got that all sorted, I think it's about time I went my way as well."

"Where to?" Conan asked.

"I've got a blind date with a special woman at the Stepler Cavern." Tim replied.

"Sounds promising," Dick said. "Think she'll actually show?"

"That's what I'm hoping for," Tim said. "It's long overdue we brought this scavenger hunt to an end."

"Anything I can help with?"

"Not necessarily," Tim replied. "Regardless, getting Heiji to the evidence lab is just as important."

"What about you?" Dick asked looking toward Bruce.

"The first thing is to compare the blood found at the scene," Bruce replied. "Something has to match that blood used in the postmortem decory of the wall."

"What about that symbol found on the wall," Tim asked. "Have you found any leads to its true meaning?"

"Not yet, all searches are pending the results of the crucial blood type," Bruce replied. "The possibilities are endless, hopefully this next step will shed light on this ordeal."

"You're not suggesting?"

"A ritual is always a possibility," Bruce said. "Just keeping all possibilities open."

The door to the room reopened in that instance, all looking to see him re-enter

"Just got done speaking with detective Rick."

"And?" Dick asked.

"He gave me the ok," Heiji replied. "We're supposed to meet him in the lobby at the Gotham police department."

"Then let us not keep him waiting."

"Where is this forensics lab holding the bodies located," Conan asked. "At the station itself?"

"That's what I was told," Heiji confirmed. "Located on one of the lower levels of the facility, haven't seen it for myself though."

"There's a first time for everything," Dick said. "Now what do you say we get this thing on the road?"

"No arguments here."

"How far is the station from here?" Conan asked.

"Clear across town," Dick replied. "How long it takes to get there will depend on traffic."


"We've delayed for long enough," Dick said before turning back to face the other two. "I'll contact you with any information we're able to learn."

"Ditto." Tim said in response.

"Come," Dick said turning for the door. "We have a long trip ahead of us."

"Right behind you." Heiji said following his lead.

He took a few steps in their tracks before looking back once more.

"Good luck at the cavern." Conan said.

He then walked off, closing the door on his way out.

"Think they'll have any luck with the forensics?"

"I'm certain they will," Bruce replied. "There's always something to find."

"On another note, with both Jefferson and Salomon dead we only have two leads to whoever is responsible," Tim said. "Norio Hue and."

"Cobblepot." Bruce finished.

"Either one could have played a part in their deaths."

"There's nothing conclusive to back that claim, from what we know they were all intertwined in one large business deal," Bruce said. "That's not to say things didn't became sour between the parties involved."

"It's about time we payed these two a visit, in the coming days sounds proficient," Tim said. "The last thing we want is the rise in body count."

"Penguin is mine," Bruce declared. "I'll leave the task of hunting down and questioning Norio Hue to you."

"Loud and clear."

He then turned for the other side of the room, wasting no time in making his way around the desk to find himself a seat in front of the computer.

"What are you doing now?" Damian finally spoke after a long period of silence.

"It's time we generated some much needed results," Bruce replied. "Which means analyzing the blood."

"I still don't understand the misuse in time, why create that drawings on the wall if their intent was to blow the place," Damian questioned. "Why make the drawings in the first place if no one would see it?"

"Everything doesn't always fall in place, this is one chapter we'll have to figure for ourselves," Bruce replied. "Between the blood sample and the symbol created with its use I believe lies the hidden meaning, or message."

"What kind of meaning?"

"I think that's pretty self explanatory," Tim said. "It's to signify something, a hint to his next move even."

"Or to let us know something about himself," Bruce added on. "Whatever the case we don't have time to dawdle, there's no telling when he'll resurface."

"Let's hope we can put one of these to rest come nights end." Tim said checking his watch.

"You actually think this woman will show up at this cavern?" Damian asked.

"According to the guy who worked the bar she was there last night, and appearers every other day," Tim said. "So there's a chance she might not be there, going off of what we've been told."

"And if she does?"

"Plant a tracer on her of course," Tim replied. "There has to be others she's collaborating with, planting a tracer could lead us right to them."

"Sounds legitimate enough," Damian remarked. "Now all we need is for her to make an appearance."

"That's what I'm anticipating," Tim said. "Speaking of which, I think it's about time I headed that way."

"Why so soon," Bruce asked. "There's still an ample amount of time before nine."

"I'd like to set up before hand."

"It never does hurt to be early," Bruce said. "Would a ride be serviceable at this time?"

"Thanks for the offer, but I've got it covered," Tim replied. "You're free to focus strictly on that blood."

"Which is time," Bruce said setting his sights to the screen. "To begin the search."

The doors slid aside upon his arrival, just like any other day. He took the first few moments to scour the room from where he stood, trying to locate where he was.

"Over here." A voice spoke from across the room.

He looked to see him waving over at him

"Detective Gates, so glad to see you." Heiji said heading his way.

He walked with persuasion and a sense of care, feeling the weight bearing down just below his chest.

"You're here awfully quick from the last we spoke," Rick said. "You must have already been on the way when you called."

"That, or I had the luxury of a driver who knows the streets from in and out," Heiji said. "Short cuts always make for great time management."

"Spoken for the truth my friend," Rick said. "Why don't I get you to the lab, after all that's what has brought you here."

"Your lead." Heiji said with the nod of his head.

He followed him to the door leading to the stairwell, moving off to the side as he watched him unlock the door with the use of a key.

"Almost forgot you guys keep this door locked."

"Security measures of course."

"As I've been told."

"Right after you." Rick said stepping aside with the open of the door.

He walked in from there, stopping once reaching the stairs themselves.

"Down there, correct?"

"That'd be the location of the lab," Rick confirmed taking the lead once again. "Though I must know, why do you want to see these two bodies in particular?"

"This case interests me," Heiji replied. "I saw it being covered on the morning news and wanted to get down here as soon as I could."

"I figured it'd be something to that affect."

"So what do we know thus far, anything uncovered I should know about?"

"I know just about as much as you involving this case," Rick said in response. "This is my first time coming down here since the time the bodies were shipped to our lab."

"I see."

They continued downward. He carefully took each step at a time, tightly wrapping his arms from one side of his chest to the other. Rick took notice of his shift in posture, not entirely sure what to make of it.

"This kid sure is acting strange today."

After another spiraling turn and a sequence of stairs they finally reached the bottom. They continued down a long hall, not coming to a stop until reaching a large steel door.

"So what happens from here, we give this thing a knock?"

"In most cases, yes," Rick said reaching into his pocket. "But when you have a security level four clearance card, that's not necessary."

"Even better." Heiji said watching as he swiped the card across the handle.

A subtle beep followed with the unlock of the door.

"You first." Heiji insisted.

The two moved on once again. The pattern in the way he walked from the time they had exited the stairwell was most noticeable. They passed an automatic door on their travels which lead to another long space of area. He knew they were fast approaching, smelling the potent odor that drifted through. They finally stopped once reaching a heavily enforced glass door.

"Another task for your reliable card I presume?"

"That and typing in the right code." Rick said pointing down to a security key pad attached to the door.

He wasted no time in typing the code, finishing it off with the slide of his card.

"And here we have the GCPD forensics lab," Rick said. "Now, without further adieu."

The two stepped in, allowing the door to close from behind. He immediately brought his attention to the four steel tables lined up at the wall across from where they stood. Each had something resting on it, covered with a blanket.

"I'm betting two of those are our guys."

Something from the right caught his attention, looking to the far side of the room to see someone sitting in front of a computer.

"I see you're hard at work as always captain."

He turned at the sound of his voice.

"Detective Gates, what a surprise this is."

He stood up from where he sat, the two standing in wait as the man with long shaggy brown hair approached.

"I hope this isn't a bad time."

"Not at all, I was just rounding up the results from the latest report," He said in response. "You don't usually bring guests, who is this with you?"

"He's the kid I told you about, the one helping me take on the diamonds case," Rick clarified. "The name's Heiji."

"Nice to meet you Heiji," He said holding out his hand. "I'm Harold Jones."

"And also the laboratory analyst." Rick added.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Heiji said shaking his hand.

"So what brings you down here," Harold asked directing his attention back to Rick. "Is there something you need examined in regards to the case you're working?"

"I'm actually here on behalf of Hattori." Rick pointed out.

"And what is it I can help you with?" Harold said facing him.

"I was told the two bodies found at the recent explosion site were brought here for examination," Heiji replied. "I was wondering if you could give me the run down on what you've been able to diagnose thus far."

"I'd be more than happy to," Harold said. "But I do have one question for you."

"I'll answer anything you may want to know."

"Can you please explain to me the bulkiness of your jacket," Harold asked. "Is it a trending new style amongst your age group these days?"

"I noticed that too," Rick said. "It's a very awkward look to say the least."

"Oh that," Heiji laughingly said. "It's not exactly a style, but rather."

He reached for his zipper, pulling downward to reveal what was hidden from beneath.

"It's just this kid."

"Who the hell is that?!" Rick exclaimed watching as a young boy dropped to the ground.

"He's my.. I'm watching him for a close relative."

"That's all good and said, but why did you bring him here," Rick questioned. "This is far from authorized."

"Sorry, but I had no one to watch him for the time being."

"How nice of you to join us," Harold greeted. "And what is your name?"

"Conan, Conan Edogawa," Conan replied. "Junior detective."

"A stalled away junior detective," Rick muttered. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you had this planned from the start."

Heiji found humor to this with a light laugh in response.

"Looks like we'll have to amplify our security." Harold jokingly said.

"Would it be ok if he stayed for the procedure," Heiji asked. "He's usually good at not getting in the way."

"Usually," Rick questioned with the cross of his arms. "How many crime labs have you and your little buddy here infiltrated exactly?"

"I didn't mean it in that regard."

"I don't think that would be a good idea." Harold finally spoke on the matter.

"Come on, just this one time," Heiji plead. "Besides, he has the stomach for this kind of stuff."

"How so?" Rick asked with the narrow of his eyes.

"On the TV," Conan replied. "I've always wanted to see the real thing."

He took the next few moments to access the situation, giving him the nod after coming to a decision.

"It's against the rules for civilians to be in here, let alone minors," Harold said. "But I'll let it pass just this one time, and only this time."

"Thanks, I really appreciate that."

"As do I." Conan added.

"Let's just be thankful the surveillance in this room is currently down," Harold said. "I'd hate to have to explain myself to Lucas."

"The surveillance is down in this room?" Heiji asked.

"That's right, since the time I clocked in this morning," Harold confirmed. "Though things should be up and running by mid night."

"What a coincidence," Heiji thought. "It seems everywhere we go there's some kind of security problem."

"What do you say we get this started," Harold said turning for the other side of the room. "I have yet to make my final inspection of the bodies, so they're still resting on the lab tables there."

They followed him over to the first table, watching as he pulled the blanket to reveal what was underneath.

"This is it," Harold said. "The body of the second victim, Salomon Green."

"The second victim," Heiji questioned. "Are you saying Salomon was the second of the two to die?"

"That's right," Harold confirmed. "From the tests run, I'd say there is about a three day gap in between the time of both of their deaths."

"Guess that rules out the intruder Bruce came across." Conan thought.

"If Green died second, then who was victim number one?" Heiji asked.

"We haven't come up with an identification yet, and the severe burns from the explosion has made it difficult to do so," Harold replied. "So we've resulted to focusing in on his dental, that might be the easiest way to get a match to who they were."

"Let's hope that leads to something." Rick said.

"So can you tell us what his last hours were like," Heiji asked. "Particularly in the hours right before his death?"

"As a matter a fact I can," Harold replied. "I was able to detect certain components within the body that were unusual?"

"Some kind of drug?" Conan asked.

"Clever guess my boy, that would be it," Harold confirmed. "An over dose of atropine to be exact."

"That's unexpected."

"I also checked the physical condition of his structure."


"From what I was able to find, I'd say Mr. Green endured several hours of physical torcher leading up to his death."

"And looking at the situation, we can also assume mental tactics were applied," Conan said. "Atropine can act as a hallucinogen if over exposed to the body."

"A very clever deduction my lad," Harold commented. "You're very acute minded for someone your age if I must say."

"Thanks." Conan smilingly said in response.

"I think it's safe to assume this is more than just your every day homicide," Heiji said. "Since he was kept alive for a period, someone must have wanted something from him."

"That seems to be a rationale conclusion," Rick said. "Now to figure out the why."

"That wraps up the condition of Mr. Green," Harold said sliding the sheet back into place. "Now why don't we have a look at our second subject?"

They followed him to the next table located on the right, stopping after reaching it. He did as he had done with the last, removing the blanket from atop the body for all to see. The appearance of the figure was just as unrecognizable as the other.

"And this here my friends is our mystery man." Harold said.

"You claimed he died days before the explosion, have you been able to diagnose the cause?" Heiji asked.

"One clean blow to the chest," Harold replied. "Mini wood chips were found within the deep opening of his chest, indicating a wooden object of some kind was used in the assault."

Hearing this he looked down to the chest area, noticing the large open area.

"I get that much," Rick said. "But what was his body doing in Salomon's home?"

"I'm afraid that's something you'll have to uncover for yourself detective," Harold replied. "I have no answer for you at this moment."

He slowly walked around the table, carefully examining every detail that came to sight, Looking any distinguishing details not yet accounted for. He kept in mind the alteration in evidence in the wake of the explosion. It was about half way that he finally stopped, noticing something scattered about upon the lower part of his arm.

"Is that... is that what I think it is?"

He took the next seconds to access the situation further, coming to find the alarming details on parts of the back as well.

"Mr. Jones, I found something really interesting." Conan called out.

"Is that so." Harold said making his way to his position.

The others followed, stepping around the lab table to join him on the right side.

"What is it that has been brought to your attention?" Harold asked.

"There," Conan pointed. "On his arm."

"I don't see anything." Rick said after taking a quick look.

"Well let's see here." Harold said leaning in for a closer look.

It took seconds for his eyes to adjust to what was in front of him, everything falling clear within the moment.

"What is it," Rick asked. "Have you found something?"

"We indeed have."

He reached into the side pocket of his jacket, pulling out a set of tweezers before reaching forward to grab hold of what was embedded within the arm.

"Well, well, what a speakable finding my boy," Harold commented. "You sure have an eye for detail little detective."

"Don't keep us in suspense," Rick stated. "What have you found?"

"More wood chips, except smaller than the last," Harold replied bringing the tweezers close to his eyes.. "No doubt about it."

"Just as expected," Conan thought. "That's one more step, but there has to be something else... something that points to where it all happened."

"That's two places now where wood was found," Rick said. "He must have been trying to defend himself from the attacker, thus resulting in the wood bits on his back and arms as well."

"We can't be too sure," Conan said from below. "It needs to be tested."

"Tested, tested for what?"

"He's right," Heiji said. "We have to clarify the wood bits found on the arm match the ones found in the fatal wound."

"Ok, but what for," Rick questioned. "Are you thinking there was more than one attacker, both using separate weapons?"

"It's a possibility."

"Or it could point to something even more disturbing." Conan said.

"I'll test it right away," Harold said standing to his feet. "Sit tight, this shouldn't take too long."

He watched as he made his way across the room for the first seconds, finding his eyes drifting elsewhere. His eyes fell to him, having a feeling inside he rarely ever got.

"I don't know if it's intention or luck, but this kid is off the charts for a child his age," Rick thought. "He's good.. maybe a little too good."

He stood there in wait, glimpsing up at his comrade who looked back in return. His confidence only grew, knowing they were reeling in the truth behind the two murders.

"I can see it in his eyes, Hattori has caught on as well," Conan thought. "It's a long shot, but this might be our most prized deduction thus far in this case."

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 87

New Trail

The time seemingly dragged along, patiently awaiting his return. He looked to the clock hanging from the wall several times over in the time that passed.

"How much longer must we wait for?"

He lowered his eyes from the clock, looking just in time to see him heading back into their direction.

"The results are finally in," Harold said upon his return. "It took some time to distinguish what kind of wood was found on his arms and back."

"So what's the verdict," Rick asked. "Are the wood chips found on his arm the same as the one found in the wound?"

"Negative," Harold replied. "The two samples are different."

"As expected."

"What are the differences between the two?" Rick asked.

"The wood found in his surrounding wound was that of red oak," Harold informed. "While on the flipped side the wood present on his body was poplar based."

"So now we have two different types of woods, that probably means there were two attackers after all."

"I don't think so," Conan said stepping from behind the table. "The wood chips around his body weren't deep enough to imply he was hit."

"The boy's right," Harold said in his agreement. "The poplar found on his back and arms seem to imply something less than force."

"Like what?"

"Maybe his body dropped , or was stalled away in something made of poplar," Conan replied. "That would explain why there were several wood bits covering his body."

"Exactly what I had in mind."

"But how can we be sure," Rick questioned. "Do you have anything additional that supports this claim?"

"Then you're not looking at the details hard enough Mr. Gates," Harold said. "Everything is laid out in front of us."

"What do you mean?"

"Isn't it obvious," Heiji said. "The poplar found on his body doesn't appear to have been forced into his skin, unlike the oak."

"They said that before."

"Which in affect could imply after his death the body was laid away to be hidden," Conan said. "Perhaps in a coffin or crate."

"Made of poplar." Heiji finished.

"Ok, maybe you two are onto something."

"I'll have to examine the body further before we can draw any conclusions," Harold said. "But at least we're making progress."

"That's a plus," Conan thought. "But if his body was really stalled away in a poplar crate, what was it doing in Salomon's home?"

"What about this guy here," Heiji said looking back to the body. "Was there atropine found in his system as well?"

"Most certainly not," Harold replied. "But there is something else, I have not yet diagnosed what it is at this point."

"So we have a guy who was tortured and another who suffered a fatal blow to the chest, then both are left to explode postmortem," Rick said. "Why?"

"The simple answer would be to destroy evidence," Heiji said. "But I get the feeling there's more to it than that."

"As do I."

"I'll continue my assessment of both bodies," Harold said. "With any luck maybe something we missed will turn up."

"I better be heading back up," Rick said after checking the time. "I still have that other unsolved case file on my desk."

"We'll come with you," Heiji said. "There's not much more we can do until more is learned, which will take some time."

"You'll be the first to know if anything additional is learned."

"I look forward to that," Rick said. "I'll try to gain as much ground as I can."

With that the three of them made their way out past the door.

"That went well, considering."

"I'd say so myself," Rick said. "But to avoid any unwanted confrontation with any of the others, I'd tuck your little pal back into hiding."

He stopped in his tracks, looking back to see him trailing from behind.

"You know.. he's got a point."

The skyline fell darkened from the scouring clouds in the surrounding area. They had little difficulty finding there way to the window side of the apartment regardless of the little light. He reached for the window, finding it to be unlocked like it had been from his last visit. The two of them dropped into the dark room, making little to no sound.

"Everything looks the same, it's clear no one has been here post my last visit."

He quietly moved forward, following the path of the visible light from where the moon flashed. He walked on, looking to the contents laid out upon the kitchen table on the left side of the room.

"You still haven't told me why we're here."

"To investigate the disappearance of Danielle Walden and his daughter Mera," Batman replied. "This is a missing persons case."

"Several people go missing every day, what's so important about this case in particular?"

He stopped after taking another step, standing there for seconds to come.

"Because I made a promise," Batman replied. "A promise I'd find them."

"Am I to assume this is where our missing pair lived?" Robin asked.

"Which is warranted for a second search." Batman confirmed.

"And what is it we should be looking for?"

"Anything, from the most apparent portrait to the single scrap of yarn," Batman replied looking his way. "Every subtle detail must be taken in as a piece of an incomplete puzzle."

He then turned for the other side, heading towards a door on the far right. Each step taken was in proportion with the last, scanning the room from top to bottom as he moved.

"If they are truly alive there could be something here, something I may have missed shadowing to their whereabouts."

He stopped once reaching the door, wasting no time in examining the door nob, looking to the hinges to check for any damages. He found nothing out of the ordinary in the process.

"The lock and door are in well condition, this is looking less and less as a break in."

He then focused his sights to the other sections of the room, seeing his partner was already hard at work in his search.

"I think I've found something." Robin declared upon reaching the center of the room.

He kneeled down, holding out his hand to grab what was before him.

"False alarm," Robin said hearing him approach from behind. "It's just a loose button and a patch."

"Let me have a look."

"I don't see the importance, but if you insist."

He handed him both items with nothing further said. He looked them both over for a short period, placing them into an empty slot in his utility after doing so.

"You're not serious," Robin questioned. "Do you really think those have any relevance to their absence?"

"To the single thread of yarn." Batman said in response.

"I'd hardly call that evidence, they could have been laying there for months for all we know."

"Well noted, but needs to be taken in for consideration regardless."

"Where do you want to check next?"

"We go."

"What," Robin questioned. "You find two little specs and we're already on our way out?"

"We have what we need," Batman said. "Besides, everything in here looks unchanged from the last time I visited."

"And you're positive this was the last place where they were seen?"

"That is according to the complex cameras," Batman confirmed. "There was no footage captured of them leaving this building."

"And where are these cameras?"

"The parking lot, front entrance, and the elevators."

"What of the stairwell?"

"Where I'm assuming they exited or were apprehended," Batman said. "That is the only section of this department without the luxury of surveillance."

"And you've checked the stairs for yourself?"

"Enough not to feel the need to look again," Batman replied. "Come, we've spent enough time here as it is."

He turned back for the window, exiting just as quietly as they had upon entering. He did just the same, following in his foot steps.

"What a waste of time this turned out to be."

After a lengths time of navigating the skies, the clouds released a shallow rain which lightly touched down with a soft grace. This lasted for several hours, mellowing down into the phase of dawn. He awoke with little sun to be seen, already seated in place as he continued his examination of the samples obtained. Another sweep was ran, not taking long for the results to feed back to him.

"Still nothing."

In some ways it was what he was expecting to receive, the same results again and again. He was joined shortly there after, hearing the sound of the door crack open shortly there after.

"You're up awfully early, I expected you'd be in bed for at least another hour or so."

"I can't put this on hold any longer Alfred," Bruce said. "Finding out the connection between the blood and the emblem left on the wall is most staggering."

"Have you gotten any closer to uncovering what it means?"

"Unfortunately I'm still in the process of that," Bruce replied. "I've already scanned through multiple species, ranging from insects to even bats."

"It's only a matter of time."

"I've launched another scan, which will account for all reptilian DNA."

"And if that's not a success?"

"That would leave one final group to search," Bruce replied. "Birds."

"I wish you the best of luck," Alfred said. "But that's not why I'm here, I've come with another subject in mind."

"I'm listening."

"I received a call this morning from a representative at the Halloway Future's building, they wanted to thank you for the endorsement." Alfred informed.

"I see."

"They also wanted to know if you would be interested in attending the party opening in the coming weeks," Alfred continued. "As far as delivering a speech of your own."

"I'll look at my schedule and then get back to them, later this week of course."

"I'll let them know right away."

"Thank you."

He left the room from there, leaving the door open. The scan went underway in the seconds that followed. He closely watched as more and more reptiles were blacked out from the list of possibilities.

"What I don't understand is the use of blood completely unrelated to the crime," Bruce thought. "Something's got to give."

He sat in the company of his thoughts for a time to come. The sound of the door bell came clear to his ears while he sat in observation. He stood up, pushing the chair in as he did. He quickly left the room, heading directly for the front door.

"It's only ten after eight, who could possibly be here to see me this early?"

He reached the door after a couple more steps taken, opening it to find someone standing from across.

"Special delivery."

"A special delivery.. I don't remember ordering anything."

"All I need is for you to sign here Mr. Wayne."

He received a clip board and pen, doing as instructed before handing both items back.

"Will that be all?"

"That's is it," He confirmed with the shake of his head. "I hope you find your purchase to your liking."

It was then that a box was handed to him.

"You're free to call our office if there is anything wrong with your item, until next time."

He turned away, heading down the fleet of stairs he had come. He watched him for the first few moments only to focus his attention to the package given to him.

"Now, what do we have here?" Bruce thought with the close of the door.

The sound of someone trotting down from the floor above could be heard. Dropping the box to his side he turned to see who was to join him.

"You're awake."

"Who was that at the door?" Conan asked.

"A special delivery." Bruce replied.

"For who?"

He looked down at the package, coming to find who it was addressed to.

"Perfect timing," Bruce replied. "Says here it's for you."

"For me," Conan questioned. "From whom?"

"Here, why don't you have a look for yourself," Bruce said holding the box out in front of him. "If you're unsure of who sent it I could examine it first."

"Let's see here."

He dropped down from the staircase, walking over to have a look at the box himself.

"It has no return address," Bruce informed handing him the package. "Were you expecting to receive something from someone?"

"Now that you mention it, I was expecting a little mail," Conan said looking down at the box in hand. "Just not this soon."

"What have you been expecting to get?"

"A couple supplements, as some would call it." Conan replied.

He removed the tape from the sides of the box, feeling a sudden weakness come over him. His fingers dawdled in the moments that followed, hearing the sound of the box touch down to the ground.

"Are you alright?" Bruce asked in concern taking a step toward him.

"I'm fine," Conan assured. "Just a little tired is all."

He reached down for the box, bringing it back into his possession. He opened the box with little effort, revealing the contents from within.

"A pair of shades and some shoes, what do you needs those for," Bruce asked. "If you wanted, we could have gotten you some from the store."

"These aren't your ordinary shoes or every day shades," Conan stated. "They both allow for useful enhancements, like a gadget if you will."

"I see," Bruce said. "But why no return address?"

"I don't know," Conan replied. "I'll have to ask him about that."

"I'm going out on a little drive," Bruce said. "Would you mind keeping a watch out for the results?"

"Not at all," Conan replied. "I was just about to ask about that in fact, where do we stand on the matter?"

"All that is left to account for are reptiles and birds,." Bruce replied. "The scan is in affect now, so we should know soon enough."

"I'll keep an eye on it."

"If I'm needed, just call."

"Of course."

"Good, now if you will excuse me," Bruce said turning for the other side. "I have something I must do before I head out."

He moved aside, allowing for him to make his way to the kitchen. He then placed both items back into the box before making his way toward the study.

"Talk about fast shipping, I'll have to call and thank Dr. Agasa," Conan said. "There's no telling when I might need these."

Not much went on from the spot he worked, occasionally hearing the sound of someone moving past from the other side of the wall. Just as he was to have a seat in front of the computer the door could be heard pushing off to the side. This prompted him to turn around, coming to find the two of them entering the lab.

"Back so soon, you two must be very anxious to learn the conditions surrounding this case."

"Indeed we are."

"Where's your other little friend," Harold asked. "I was half expecting you'd bring him along again."

"Not this time, he has somewhere to hang for the time being."

"Have you learned anything since the last we met?" Rick asked.

"I try never to disappoint detective Gates," Harold replied. "I now know the true cause of death in the case of the first victim."

"Are you saying the wooden stake to his chest didn't do him in?"

"That was done postmortem, for what purposes I do not know at this time."

"Give it to us straight," Heiji said. "What happened?"

"There were high traces of orellanine found in his system," Harold informed. "From the amount found, I'd say he received regular dose of it over a few day period."

"Which ultimately lead to respiratory heart failure, correct?"

"Right you are Hattori."

"You mean to tell me he was poisoned," Rick asked. "What about the place of death, were you able to distinguish that?"

"Not an exact location, but I did find something else worth mentioning," Harold informed. "Found surrounding his body rested mushroom residue."

"Mushrooms, of course," Heiji said. "Were they all of the same brand?"

"No, I've accounted for five different types thus far."

"So the guy was slipped some poisonous mushrooms," Rick said. "I hardly see how that leads us to where he was killed."

"Then don't look at it as a whole," Heiji said. "This in the least narrows down the playing field."

"Come again."

"Like Mr. Jones said, mushroom residue was found on his body," Heiji said. "It's one thing to have poison in your system, but another to have pieces of the material used in the death connected to ones body."

"I don't follow."

"Tell me," Heiji said with a step taken. "How many facilities usually carry around poisonous mushrooms, particularly in an environment such as this?"

"You're right, stuff like that is usually imported from out of state," Rick said with the snap of his finger. "That's not something you can easily come by."

"Which means coming up with a list of all places in this city that carry or have access to mushrooms," Heiji said. "Then we'll be a step closer to finding out what played a hand in our mystery persons death."

"And you're certain some kind of mushroom is what killed him?" Rick asked looking back toward Harold.

"Not the mushroom, but rather a fungi," Heiji answered. "Orellanine is a crystalline alkaloid which is found in certain fungi's, which was most likely attached to the mushrooms the victim was forced to take."

"Thanks for the quick run down," Harold said. "And very true."

"So, he died from some kind of fungi?"

"That's right," Harold confirmed with the shake of his head. "I hope you can put this information to good use."

"More so than you may think," Heiji said. "We'll leave you to the comfort of your lab, we now have some stops to make."

"Right behind you." Rick said as both turned for the door.

"Be sure to drop in later some time," Harold said. "There's no telling what I might have for you."

"We'll keep that option open," Rick said glimpsing back. "Later captain."

He was the second of the two to make his way out, looking forward to see him gazing over something in hand.

"What's that you've got there?" Rick asked coming to his side.

"The note of riddles left for the employees at Starlest."

"Have you been able to untwine the true meaning for each one?"

"I'm still working on that," Heiji replied. "Just thinking about it left me awake for the majority of last night."

"Why don't you seek some help from that little detective friend of yours?"

"You're not serious are you?"

"Why wouldn't I be," Rick replied with a slap on the shoulder. "He's one bright kid, and that's a compliment."

"I'll be sure he receives your praise," Heiji said. "But on the topic of things, where do you suggest we begin our search?"

"That's a good question," Rick replied. "I know just the guy who might be able to point us in the right direction."

The last set of profiles had generated the same results as before, coming to yet another dead end. He sat back as the final scan proceeded, feeling the urge to fall completely under in the process of waiting. Ten minutes quickly turned into untimely hour. Before he knew it his eyes had closed, drifting away with little to the mind. It was then that the computer alarm ring loudly, flashing his eyes wide to see what was laid onto the screen.

"Match," Conan read pushing up with a renewed energy. "We now have a match to the blood that was on the wall."

He reached for the computer mouse, pressing down to view the inner details of the findings. The profile that came to the screen came as a surprise, far from what he was expecting to see.

"This is far from the left field, which raises questions more than anything," Conan said. "I better call Bruce and let him know."

"Let him know what?"

He looked across the way to see Alfred had entered the room.

"We now know the type of blood that was present at the scene," Conan informed. "It belongs to a bird known as the Resplendent Quetzal."

"A Quetzal?"

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 88

Stage Two

Mid day had fast approached, finding himself in a minor back up in traffic. His phone was set to speaker, listening to the incoming information from the other line.

"Affirmative, the sample of blood you were able to obtain belongs to that of the Resplendent Quetzal," Conan confirmed. "They are most notably found in the western parts of Panama all the way to Mexico."

"What else do you have on this bird?"

"They're part of a larger family known as the Trogonidae," Conan replied. "Thirty nine species in all within the group."

"Now we need to find out why this bird in particular was chosen for the cause."

"Not to mention the paint mixed in with it."

"See if you can find anything further on the subject."

"What did you have in mind," Conan asked. "There's a lot of directions we can take."

"Let's stick with the bird, be sure to expand your searches past the Resplendent," Bruce said. "Check the entire Trogonidae family."

"Already on it," Conan said. "I'll call if I come across anything worth mentioning."

"Good luck."

The transmission fell blank within that instance. He turned back for the road, looking ahead to see the next intersection was fast incoming. He looked down at his watch to find there were twenty minutes remaining before thirty after one.

"Not much further to go," Bruce thought. "At this rate I'll arrive with time to spare."

The sun shined bright from the window side, feeling a sense of comfort as he waited for his return. Several cars zipped by from his blindside, keeping him attentive to the task in play. Just as he was to switch on the radio he caught sight of him making his way out of the gas station.

"That didn't take long."

He continued around the car, dragging his hand along the top on his path to the driver side.

"Smooth as usual." Rick said re-entering the car.

"So, how did things go in there," Heiji asked. "Was this friend of yours able to hand us a lead?"

"He never disappoints," Rick replied. "There's a place called Living Green just two miles from here, a facility for plants."

"And they have mushrooms?"

"That's what he said, and then we've got this other joint clear across town," Rick continued. "Some place called Libits."

"Ok, where to first?"

"I say we take it to the green," Rick replied. "It requires we pass through there to reach Libits anyway."

"I'm all in."

"Sit tight, I'll have us there in no time."

He put his foot to the pedal, backing out from the lot. Within no time they were back on the freeway, finding themselves cruising along for minutes to come. They slowed up after a couple miles driven upon finding themselves in a traffic jam.

"Talk about timing," Rick said. "With this clog in traffic I doubt we make it to Living Green until at least another hour."

"I see no problem in that," Heiji said. "It's not like we're in a rush of any kind."

"I guess you're right."

"Besides, that gives me the time to look over some of this other stuff."

"What other stuff?"

He didn't respond, simply pulling out the note stashed away within pocket. He resumed from where he had left off, looking at everything as as a whole. The more he read over it, the more invigorating it became, feeling as if he was getting a clearer understanding to who may have written the note. Then something came to him, staring it dead in the eye with the raise his head.

"That's it," Heiji exclaimed. "How could I have not seen it earlier."

"What," Rick questioned looking his way. "Does this have something to do with one of the bodies?"

"The riddle," Heiji said holding up the sheet. "The thief has already let us know what their next move will be."

"The riddles from Starlest," Rick questioned. "I thought we were keeping our focus on the two dead men."

"Multi tasking never hurts."

"Ok then," Rick said. "You know where this guy will strike next?"

"Or woman, the gender of our thief is still unknown," Heiji corrected. "All we know is there's a message within the context of the riddle itself."

"I'm as clueless as the next guy," Rick admitted. "Would you be so kind to elaborate what you speak of?"

"Here," Heiji said handing him the slip of paper. "Why don't you have another look."

He accepted the sheet into hand, wasting no time in directing his focus down to the print before him.

"i am solely for the eye beyond all affiliated kins, a tune to Hear with a misdirection Red (1)."

He read through it a couple times, looking back to him with the shake of his head.

"Sorry, but I'm not seeing anything I didn't notice before."

"Read the second line," Heiji said. "It's just as important as the first."

"If you insist," Rick said taking a deep breath before setting his sights to the riddle once again. "superior to my the Deceiver, at the Affair shall I appear.."

He gained nothing from reading this, feeling just as lost as before.

"Care to throw an inflated life vest, I'm drowning here."

"That's how I felt before," Heiji said. "That was until I realized looking at it as a whole was incorrect, but rather as pieces."


"Pieces that need to be connected, and rearranged."

"Ok, now you've just added more confusion to the matter."

"Stay with me, I promise all will make sense in the coming minutes."

"I'll take your word for it."

"Alright, then let us start with the second phrase of the first riddle," Heiji said. "a tune to Hear with a misdirection Red (1), notice the key words being hear and red."

"So what of it?"

"What happens if you remove all other letters and swap the two words?"

"You end up with 'red hear'," Rick stated. "Is there some significance to this?"

"Maybe with a step forward, how about a red-herring?"

"A red herring," Rick questioned. "How did you come up with that?"

"Misdirection is due to this, the word within that sequence," Heiji replied. "Not only do I believe it was referring to its own riddle, but the message as a whole."

"As a whole?"

"With that in mind, I rearranged how I think the riddle should play out."

He reached into his jacket, pulling out a notepad that had been tightly tucked away. He took little time in writing out what he had in mind, handing him the notepad once finished.

"There," Heiji said. "Give it a read."

He gave it a look, doing as he instructed.

"a tune to Hear with a misdirection Red (1), superior to my the Deceiver," Rick read with a pause. "i am solely for the eye beyond all affiliated kins, at the Affair shall I appear."

Silence ensued for seconds to come as he read over it a few times more.

"You've rearranged the set up, now that you put it this way it does make a bit more sense," Rick admitted. "But I still don't quite get the meaning of it it all."

"Think about it," Heiji said. "The first part of the riddle is hidden with misdirection and deception, that alone links the two separate phrases together."

"Nice find," Rick commented. "But you said you knew where they would strike next, mind sharing?"


"Say what?"

"Their next showing will be at Starlest, I'm certain of it."

"But why," Rick asked. "The thief already completed a successful heist there."

"We can't be sure that last incident was done by the person who left the riddle."

"Ok, let's say this deduction of yours is correct," Rick said. "Why Starlest?"

"That's where the riddles were left to be found," Heiji replied. "But don't get too caught up in it."

"What do you mean?"

"If what I think is correct, whatever is set to occur at Starlest will be nothing but a dry run."

"Dry run," Rick questioned looking back to the road. "What do you mean by that?"

"Haven't you been following along, the culprit wants us to focus our attention to the targeted facility," Heiji continued. "In this case being Starlest, this of course is to keep our attention elsewhere while they prep for their true heist."

"And how can you be so sure of this?"

"The second part of the riddle all but confirms this," Heiji replied. "Though hints have been dropped, I'm still unsure of the where."

Rick took another look at the second part of the riddle, reading it for himself.

"i am solely for the eye beyond all affiliated kins, at the Affair shall I appear," Rick read. "You're right, it does sound as if they're planning something big."

"And I can't quite pin point the where, especially when I still haven't accounted for all elements within the riddle," Heiji said. "Particularly the (1) directly after red, I'm sure there's some significance to it."

"So what happens now," Rick asked. "We contact Mr. Ellson and let him know about this latest development?"

"We will, but first answer me this," Heiji said tucking the notepad back into place. "How many Starlest facilities are located here in Gotham?"

He was hard at work, taking ample amount of time in digging up what he could on the subject at hand. Most of what was found was typical and expected, only coming across small details worth mentioning. The door cracked open from the other side of the room, keeping his sights to the screen as the sound of someone approaching became apparent.

"How are things coming along?"

"Little progress Alfred," Conan replied. "But I might have something note worthy, in regards to the Resplendent Quetzal in particular."

"What have you learned?"

"The Resplendent is one of the more well known birds from the Trogonidae circle," Conan informed. "For starters it's the national bird of Guatemala, even having a place on their flag."

"That's quite the find."

"I also found an interesting story, a mythology if you will."

"Carry on."

"According to legend, the Resplendent Quetzal was looked upon as a figure of worship or a divine."

"Like a god?"

"Simply put," Conan confirmed. "There's much to the story, but the fine details are what stand out."

"Which is?"

"What its main feature represents," Conan replied. "For example its green tail feathers are a symbol for spring plant growth."

"I see."

"Then you have the ancient Maya and Aztecs who viewed the quetzal as the god of the air," Conan added. "Symbolizing goodness and light."

"Am I to assume this legend has something to do with the events leading to Salomon's Green's death?"

"I can't say for sure," Conan replied. "But with the blood of a resplendent quetzal making an appearance at the scene, I'd say that warrants for a look."

"I'm inclined to agree."

"If there is some kind of ritual in this regard, I haven't found it yet."

"Keep at it," Alfred said. "If there is something to find, you will."

"Hopefully something that leads us to whoever is responsible for the murder of Salomon Green," Conan replied. "From the intensity of the crime, I'm getting the vibe this was the first act of many to come."

"That's not too far fetched."

"Which means finding this guy before he kills again."

After a measurable amount of time spent on the road they had finally reached their destination, pulling into the large parking lot which was already next to full. They exited the car once parked, turning for the building standing in the wait.

"This is it," Rick said with the close of the door. "Welcome to Living Green."

"Did you call and let them know we'd be coming?"

"I've always preferred the surprise approach."

"Right after you."

The two moved on with nothing further, advancing toward the entrance with a step up to the sidewalk. They quickly gained ground, only a matter of time before they were to reach the doors. He looked to him as they walked, seeing something in him he hadn't before.

"He's so different than most, so direct and decisive.. yet calm," Rick thought in the mist of the moment. "This string of sheer raw talent is hard to come by, especially in youth such as he."

Not once did he take notice of him, his mind completely fixated on the task presented before them. They reached the doors within moments, stepping inside to see several other individuals strolling about.

"Now," Heiji said looking around. "Where to find a manager."

"That's a really good question," Rick said having a look himself. "There should be someone close we could talk with."

"How about that clerk there." Heiji pointed.

"That'll do."

The two of them made their way across the room, careful as not to make contact with some who darted past.

"A lot of someone must be in a hurry."

"Or we've walked in on a day where things are on sale." Heiji said taking note of the advertising signs.

"That to is a possibility." Rick said noticing the signs as well.

They stepped around a stand of plants which posed a strong scent, walking over to greet the clerk who stood behind the register.

"Hello there," Rick said upon coming stopping. "Could you point us in the direction of your mushrooms?"

"Most certainly," The young man said in response. "They are located in the outside part of our department."

"Which is where?"

"Follow the wall there, it will take you to a door leading to the back." He instructed pointing to the left.

"And how might we get in contact with a manager," Rick asked. "We have a couple questions we'd like to ask."

"Hold on, I'll get one to this register immediately."

"Appreciate the help."

He then turned, coming to find him looking over something that was on his phone.

"Who's that there," Rick asked coming to his side. "Someone you know?"

"Not exactly," Heiji replied. "But it is someone I'm hoping to find."

"Let me guess," Rick said. "Another case you're fiddling with on your multi task list."

"You could put it that way."

He overheard the two speak, immediately recognizing the person in question after laying his eyes down to the phone from where he stood.

"Hold on, I've seen that person before."

The two of them turned at the sound of the voice, coming to find it was the same clerk they had just spoken with.

"You've seen this woman," Heiji said holding out his phone. "Are you positive?"

"Undisputedly," He confirmed with a nod. "I recognize her apparel, she tends to wear that same outfit every time she drops in."

"And when was the last time you saw her?"

"Three days ago if I'm not mistaken."

"What do you know about her?" Heiji asked pushing for information.

"Not much, you should probably ask Steve about her," The clerk suggested. "He talks with her every time she comes in."

"Does this Steve have a last name?"

"Matthews, Steve Matthews."

"Would he happen to be working today?"

"No, and he's off for the next two days."

"What about the woman," Heiji asked. "Has he ever mentioned her name to you?"

"... Sam, I belive that's what he addressed her by," He replied. "If I'm not mistaken."

"What about a last name?"

"If he knows, never mentioned it to me," The clerk replied. "Why do you want to know, is she in some kind of trouble?"

"No, just want to talk."

It was at that moment that his phone began to ring, stepping off to the side as he answered. Heiji could only stand in wait, watching as he engaged in conversation.

"What a lucky break this is, having her name speaks volumes," Heiji thought. "Pending that the information holds true, we're just that much closer to tracking this woman down."

The conversation had been brief, setting his phone away with a deep breath. He could see the disturbance in his eyes, knowing something wasn't right.

"What's wrong, did something happen?"

"That was Mr. Ellson of Starlest," Rick answered. "He wants us to meet with him right away."

"For what?"

"It seems you were right," Rick replied. "The thief has left their next mark."

"A thief, what's going on?" The clerk asked.

"Don't worry," Heiji assured. "It has nothing to do with here."

"Who are you people anyway?"

"Detectives," Heiji replied turning back to face him before reaching into his jacket. "Here's my number, would you be so kind to have Mr. Matthews call me the next time he's in?"

"Sure thing," The clerk replied. "What about the manager, what would you like me to tell her when she arrives?"

"Let her know we had somewhere to be," Rick replied. "But rest assured, we will return."


The two turned back for the entrance, much running through each of their minds as they pressed on for the exit.

"Any idea what was taken from the scene?" Heiji asked.

"That's the thing," Rick said. "They're unsure."


"All they've found thus far is some broken glass and a few rearranged items."

"But nothing missing?"

"Not from what I was told."

"Then I guess we'll find out when we get there," Heiji said. "Which should only be about a ten twenty minute drive from our location."

"Better make that thirty five," Rick corrected. "This Starlest is not the same as before."

"I had a feeling that'd be the case."

"Let's hurry, the sooner we get there, the better."

"Nothing missing, broken glass, and a couple items rearranged," Heiji thought. "That might just be our next hint."

The last hours were spent along the road side, taking enjoyment in the ever lasting hill tops that were passed in the process. The sight of the many people gathered around the streets in the near distance gave him the clear, knowing he was closing in on his destination.

"Looks like the carnivals just getting started, this is defiantly the place."

He slowed up in the seconds that followed, finding a place next to a public tree. He dropped down from the bike, keeping the helmet to the top of his head as to keep his appearance hidden. He pulled out a piece of paper, one filled with decisive instructions to follow. He casually made his way along the sidewalk, keeping his eyes peeled for a lone phone booth.

"According to this there should be one close."

It was then that he saw it sitting directly across the way. With no vehicles currently passing by he quickly made his way to the other side. He headed directly for the phone booth once there. He stepped inside, gazing to the ground to find a batch of yellow chrysanthemum flowers tied together with an envelope attached.

"This is it."

He reached down to grab it, feeling a spec of water touch down to his wrist upon escaping a petal. He took the time to tuck the flowers away, separating it from the envelope from them in the process. Just as he was to find what was concealed inside, the phone within the booth went off. He was almost certain who was on the other line. Thinking quickly he pulled out a small device, connecting it to the phone as he answered it.

"I'm here."

"You've done well Light Knight, it's only a matter of time before they catch on."

"What happens now?"

"Open the envelope, you're next task has been set," A faded voice spoke in response. "Remember, I'm all counting on you."

The line fell dead in the passing seconds, dropping the phone back to the hook after removing the device he'd attached to the phone.

"You have my services for now, but we'll see how long that lasts."

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 89

Unfolding The Truth

He had finally arrived back after his trip to the city. He took little time trailing up the stairs, reaching for the keys stalled away within his jacket. Upon reaching the last step he had the door open before him.

"How did things turn out on your visit to the city?"

"Just fine Alfred," Bruce replied. "I past by several of the construction sights on my way back."

"And what did you make of it?"

"It's coming along well, promising even," Bruce replied. "From the looks of things that area should be cleared up by the end of next month."

"That's good to hear."

He moved off to the side, allowing for him to step into the house.

"It's queit," Bruce said listening to the door close from behind. "Where is everyone?"

"Conan was in the study for a period of time, but just recently strolled off into the book room to look into something," Alfred replied. "Damian on the other hand has yet to appear from his room."

"He's usually out by now."

"Would you like for me to go and check on him again?"

"Don't bother," Bruce said in response. "He'll be out when he's ready."

"Of course."

"I'll be right back."

"Where are you heading off to now?" Alfred asked.

"To the book room to check on our progress," Bruce replied. "The police still have no idea who killed Salomon and the other person found in the wreckage, it's up to us to help speed the process."

"I'm open if there is anything I can help with."

"I'll keep that in mind."

With nothing further he looked the other side, heading directly for the book room. The door was slightly cracked open upon reaching it, taking a look inside to see him sitting at the desk with many books piled about.

"Mind if I join you?" Bruce asked taking a step in.

"Not at all," Conan said looking his way. "Between the computer and these books, I've been digging up as much as I can on the Quetzal."

"And what have you found?"

"Stints here and there, but nothing significant that relates back to the crime," Conan replied. "It might be in our best interest to take another route, maybe with that printed symbol you mentioned."

"You mean the triangular colon inclosed within the oval?"

"Wasn't that the only emblem drawn on the wall?"

"On the wall yes, but after revisiting the imagery obtained from the scene there were other symbols marked out along the ground," Bruce informed. "I've already done a hard search on each and produced no results in conclusion."

"I guess that holds us at square one," Conan said. "What about the markings on the floor, do you think I could have a look at them for myself?"

"Of course," Bruce replied. "I'll print out a copy of them, I'll have it to you by the end of the day."

"And what of that man you saw in the dark," Conan asked. "The one who sent that place up in flames?"

"I enhanced the lighting and clarity of the image taken of him, the same symbol that was on the wall was around his neck," Bruce informed. "In the form of a necklace."

"That adds some depth to the equation," Conan said. "Anything else worth mentioning?"

"Though he had on a hood I did get a clear shot of his hair type, cut low," Bruce added. "Which is identified as a buzz cut."

"That hardly narrows down the list," Conan said. "But it does inch us in just that closer."

"Who said it was just one guy?"

"You think there were more involved?"

"Embedded within the blood on the ground were foot prints, there were at least five different sets," Bruce informed. "Possibly more."

"And the only way they could have gotten there was after Saloman was drained of his blood," Conan said. "Makes sense, now all we have to do is find out who his enemies were or anyone with cause to want him dead."

"We might not have to look too far," Bruce said. "I have a feeling this is connected to the death of Eldelmon."

"I'm almost inclined to agree, but if that is the case" Conan said. "Why the dramatic difference in the way they may have been killed, one appears to have died from a heart attack while the other endured severe abuse."

"I'm uncertain," Bruce said. "But if we can somehow find that woman, we might get the answers we're looking for."

"Is there anything else I can do to help?"

"You've done enough, but if anything comes up," Bruce said turning for the door. "I'll let you know."

He made his way out, leaving the room in a state of silence. He sat for seconds to come, rearranging the books in front of him before returning each to their proper place on the shelf. He then brought his watch to his eyes to check the time.

"It's much too early, I'll give it another hour or two."

The impasse of the roads began to mellow down as they made their way further to the south-west side of the city. He leaned back, allowing his head to fall back into the comfort of the seat. He then stared out to the right side, seeing the many cars heading in the opposite direction.

"You've been rather quiet for the past couple minutes," Rick said still facing the road. "You ok?"

"Got a lot on my mind, it's nothing to worry about."

"I guess we all do."

"How much further until we reach this place?" Heiji asked turning in his seat.

"Funny that you ask," Rick said with the nod of his head. "We're here."

He looked ahead, watching as they entered a lot located next to a large facility.

"Wow, this one is much larger than the last," Heiji commented. "Makes the other look like a convenience store in comparison."

"No big surprise there," Rick said upon bringing the car to a complete stop. "This is the most recently built of the four, the grandest of them all as they're calling it."

"Have you been here before?"

"No, this will be my first as well," Rick replied. "What a treat this should be."

The two of them exited the car in the following moments, making sure all doors were securely locked before heading for the entrance. They stepped inside, coming to find a spectacle more eye grabbing than what they had seen from the outside.

"This place is larger than I thought it'd be." Heiji said.

"No kidding."

"So where's the crime scene located?" Heiji asked.

"The third floor is where I was told," Rick replied looking around to spot a staircase on the right side of the room. "That should lead us right to it, hopefully we're not late for the party."

"I see no problem in that," Heiji said as the two headed for the stairs. "As long as we show."

His investigation had started from that point on, surveying the facility as they ascended from one floor to the next. He took note of all visible exits, including the windows overhead. Before he knew it they had arrived to the third floor, noticing a section of the room on the left side blocked off by crime scene tape.

"That didn't take long." Rick said.

"Not at all."

"Here we go again." Rick said marching forward.

He followed at his side, still observing the elements of the room as they carried on. Just as they arrived at the scene they were confronted by a police office, stopping at the sight of the raise of his hand.

"I'm sorry, but this section of the third floor is on a bit of a lock down."

"They're ok officer," A familiar voice spoke from the left side. "They're the detectives I told you would be coming on my behalf."

They looked that way, coming to find Mr. Ellson standing aside them.

"I'm glad you two were able to make it, as you can see we have ourselves a bit of a situation," Ellson said. "I don't think any of us were expecting this thief to strike here."

"Maybe not all of us," Rick corrected. "But Hattori here had it sniffed out before hand, we were just about to contact you on the matter after finishing up with a little check in we were on."

"What are you doing here anyway," Heiji asked. "Aren't you the manager of the other Starlest?"

"Once I heard of what had happened, I knew right away it had something to do with the riddles," Ellson replied. "So tell me, how did you know the thief would strike here."

"It was what was written in the riddle," Heiji replied. "Detective Gates, why don't you take the time to explain it to him while I go give the scene a look."

"Sure thing."

"Before I go," Heiji said. "Is there anything important I should know, the state of the crime perhaps?"

"They suffered surveillance problems just like we had," Ellson replied. "Other than that, the rest is for you to figure."

"That can't be coincidence."

He then looked back to the scene to see a smile across the officers face.

"Right through here." The officer instructed with the lift of the tape blocking the path.

He nodded before walking through.

"He's really on top of it, isn't he?" Ellson asked.

"It's not too hard to tell," Rick confirmed. "Hell, he's made my job just that much easier since he hopped aboard."

He followed the trace of glass shards along the ground, following the path all the way to a glass case where he accompanied four other officers.

"I heard they would be sending in reinforcements, but I had no idea you'd be one of them."

"Officer Basell," Heiji said immediately recognizing him. "So good to see you."

"I'm surprise you remembered my name, most don't for the first couple meetings."

"How could I forget, you treated me with such hospitality when we first met at the police headquarters." Heiji remarked.

"Well of course," Officer Basell said. "Are you ready for a run down?"

"I was ready from the time I stepped into this place."

"That's the spirit," Basell said turning for the glass case. "It's being reported nothing was taken, just a few set up measures tampered with."

"And what was it that was rearranged?" Heiji asked walking up to his side.

"Look here," Officer Basell said pointing downward. "This area of the case was filled with jewelery, someone moved all objects aside and placed these three diamonds in their place."

He looked at the three diamonds presented before him, diagnosing the differences in each of their properties. The one in the middle was the largest of the bunch with the two on the opposing sides being the same.

"The one on the right is near colorless, if going by a diamond color scale," Heiji said. "The one in the middle is rather clear, but with a subtle tint of blue."

"Do you think there's a meaning to this set up?"

"Possibly," Heiji replied. "Then you have the last, which is clearly a light yellow."

"You must know your diamonds."

"I know a thing or two, but we'll need more than that," Heiji said. "Starting with where each of these diamonds came from."

"Do you mean where they were imported from?"


It was then that he took notice of the unique designs, that of the rings each of the three diamonds were attached to.

"While were at it, I think we better give the rings a look up," Heiji said. "There's a possibility the message is referring to those rather than the rings themselves."

"A message.. what are you talking about?" Officer Basell asked.

Before he could answer he felt the vibration of his phone from within his pocket.

"One moment," Heiji said stepping off to the side. "I've got an incoming call."

He pulled out his phone, raising it to his eye to see an unfamiliar number.

"Who could this be?"

He answered after little hesitation.


"Great, I'm glad I was able to reach you," A voice spoke. "Was this a convenient time to call?"

"I'm in the middle of something, but I have a second," Heiji replied. "Who is this by the way?"

"It is I, Fournier Lonard," He answered. "We met at Wayne Enterprises just the other day."

"Oh yea, I remember you," Heiji said. "How may I be of service to you?"

"It wasn't until recently that you being a detective was brought to my knowledge," Lonard replied. "I have a little problem, and was wondering if you would be interested in a little job."

He had finally finished setting things back into place after a short time, spending several more minutes in the room pacing around in thought. He looked up to the clock on the far wall to see the next hour was fast approaching.

"Didn't realize I had been in here so long, I wonder what the others are up to."

He made his way for the door, stepping out to see Alfred passing by to the other side of the room.

"I take it you found what you were looking for?"

"Unfortunately not." Conan replied.

"Oh well, it happens to us all on occasion."

"Not that I'm worried, but where's Damian," Conan asked. "I haven't seen him all day."

"Still in the confinement of his room, which has been for most of the day," Alfred replied. "I was just getting ready to go and check on him."

"Don't bother," Conan said. "I'll go and give him a knock."

"Well appreciated."

He turned for the stairs, taking his time on the way up.

"What could that boy be up to now," Conan thought. "No telling when it comes to him."

He reached the next floor in no time, heading straight for the door leading to the narrow hall. He walked with his head aimed to the ground, hearing the sound of something swaying from side to side in the near distance.

"Is that.. is that coming from his room?"

He moved in closer with each step taken, listening as the sound became clearer. He pressed his ear to the door, confirming his suspicion. He then reached for the knob, giving the door a slight nudge to force it open. What he saw swiped the breath from within, gazing upward to see a long black cloth from the ceiling slowly swinging from side to side.

"Oh no!" Conan said forcing the door wide.

What he saw next left him in a state of confusion. His eyes opened at the sound of the commotion, just as surprised to see him standing before him.

"What are you doing in here?" Damian asked with the cross of his arms.

"Why are you hanging upside down connected to.. to whatever that is?"

"It's a polyester fabric, quite comforting," Damian replied. "What, did you think this was some kind of fatal hanging?"

"..Well, um."

"Sorry to break it to you Kudo, but I'm not one of your self centered emtionally damaged suicidal victims you deal with on a monthly bases," Damian said raising himself up to untie to long cloth attached to his ankles. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you have some kind of fetish for death."

"How did I get myself into this?" Conan muttered with the shake of his head.

"I understand your concern," Damian said dropping to the ground. "But if I'm ever in the clutches of danger, I'm more than capable of handling myself."

"Why were you hanging from the wall like that anyway?"

"Why did you come in unannounced?"

"I'm not here to argue, just volunteered to check on you," Conan replied. "And you?"

"It's a form of exercise," Damian replied. "I must keep in top condition, the mission requires that of us all."

"At that age I was reading novels and solving puzzles," Conan thought. "This kid is taking this whole crime fighting thing way too serious."

"I guess this makes us even."

"Even," Conan questioned. "What do you mean by that?"

"I barged into your room uninvited your first night here," Damian replied. "From here on out, we knock."

"I'll hold you to that."

"As will I," Damian said in response. "Now if you would, your presence is no longer warranted."

Not wanting to disappoint he turned away, closing the door on his exit out.

"First and last room check up, from here on out."

He shut the phone once finished, looking back to the scene to see an additional two officers had joined the fray.

"Who was that," Rick asked appearing from his blind side. "Another task to add to the already circulating list?"

"They just keep piling up." Heiji confirmed.

"Anything I can do to help?"

"I've got it covered," Heiji assuringly replied. "How'd things go with Ellson?"

"It took me a couple times to get him to understand the complexity of the riddle, it's hard enough with me still absorbing this all in."

"We better tell the others as well, the more who know about this the better."


"Speaking of the others," Heiji said looking back to the group. "Where did officer Basell run off to?"

"He went to gather some information on the rings and diamonds attached," Rick replied. "I thought you knew, he said it was on your request."

"Good, that could prove to be a key element." Heiji said moving forward.

"Where are you going?"

"To check the glass once more," Heiji replied. "There could be some significance to how the glass shards were laid out."

"Don't tell me you actually believe that?"

"Since the camera's were down, the broken glass could give us a hint to what was used to shatter it."

"Ok, you have a point." Rick said as his phone rang loudly from below.

"Hold on, this will only take a couple."

What happened next was more than alarming, gazing around the room as several other officers throughout reached for their ringing phones one by one.

"Feels like a domino affect," Heiji thought. "This can't be good."

He stood there for seconds to come, watching as the expression on his comrades face drastically changed from what it had been. He dropped the phone down to his side shortly there after.

"What's wrong," Heiji asked. "Who was that?"

"Lieutenant Lucas of the GCPD," Rick replied. "It seems we've got a problem back at the station."

"Problem, what kind of problem?"

"Someone broke into our weapons center."

"That's not good," Heiji said. "What did they take?"

"Nothing has been reported missing as of yet," Rick replied. "It's what was left behind that calls for concern?"

"I can't wait to hear this."

"A note," Rick replied. "In the form of a riddle."

"You're not serious are you?"

"Afraid so," Rick said. "Some small explosion went off alerting everyone of the situation."

"Was anyone hurt?"

"Fortunately not."

"That's a relief," Heiji said. "So what did this riddle say?"

"I wasn't told," Rick replied. "But I think it would be best if I headed down there now."

"I'd like to come along if that's alright with you," Heiji said. "I think we've seen all we need to see here."

"Are you sure?"

"We can always come back or look over the photos taken here today," Heiji said. "On the plus side, this gives us something to work on while officer Basell gathers information on those rings."

"Alrighty then," Rick said. "What do you say we go and tackle this?"

"Right at your side."

The day smoothly progressed, bringing a showering sprinkle in the coming hours. He laid rested to the bed, leaning his head back into the comfort of his palms. The phone sat to the side of him, glancing that way in the anticipation of its ring.

"I wonder what's with the hold up, he usually responds by now."

He leveled his eyes back to the ceiling, listening to the bickering of the rain tapping against the window side. He took a degree of delight to this. Just as he was to close his eyes a sound soaked through the wall, the familiar sound of someone approaching from the hall.

"Looks like I've got some company." Conan thought pushing up from where he laid.

As expected a knock came to the door in a matter of seconds.

"Come in, the door's unlocked."

He jumped down from the bed as his visitor entered the room.

"Hope this isn't a bad time." Tim said.

"Most certainly not," Conan said. "I've just been sitting around waiting for a call."

"I went to that cavern last night, she didn't show."

"I was afraid that'd be the case."

"Which was to be expected."

"So what now, you try again tonight?"

"Possibly, I'm undecided," Tim replied. "But that's not why I'm here."

"It's not?"

"That database, the one carrying the list of criminals," Tim began. "Have you found the time to navigate through it all?"

"Not as of yet, I completely spaced out on that to be honest," Conan admitted. "But we have made some progress in the case of Salomon Green, as little as it may be."

"As I've heard," Tim said. "I did a little investigating of my own on the matter."

"What were you able to find?"

"I searched his financial records for the past two years," Tim replied. "Bruce said Green had several crates stashed away in his attic, the merchandise within each must have been purchased and then brought in."

"Makes sense," Conan said. "I take it you found something?"

"Lots of pricey transactions over the past five months, I'd say he received his collection within that time span."

"Do you know where he was getting this stuff from?"

"I looked into just that, which turned out to be Miami Florida.. at first glance that is."

"What do you mean?"

"Every business deal done between him and his accomplices was through computer," Tim answered. "With that known fact I tracked all messages sent to him in the process of theses deals."


"The person sending the messages to Salomon wasn't in Miami, not even remotely close."

"If not in Miami, than where?"

"Here," Tim replied. "Here in Gotham."

"But why," Conan questioned. "There must be a reason why he lead him to believe he was in another state."

"Which could prove key."

"So, do we know anything about the people he was in contact with?"

"Though I wasn't able to trace an exact location for the computer, I did learn of its IP address," Tim informed. "Whoever is running the show shut down shop from the other end two weeks ago."

"Just our luck," Conan commented. "What about these messages you mentioned, did this mystery person ever mention their name?"

"Not by name, but by code," Tim replied. "The individual referred to them self as.. 'The Keeper'."

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 90

All Called to the Show

The tempo within that hour made for an easy path along the roadside. He periodically checked his watch as they journeyed on, pleased to see they were right on schedule. Nothing was said between the two for several minutes, the tension throughout was most apparent. He kept his eyes centered to the clear, watching as they turned at the next intersection to finally see the facility come into view.

"That didn't take long."

The sight of several officers standing outside the headquarters made it very apparent something was in progress. They carefully made their way into the lot past those standing in wait, stepping out of the car after coming to a stop.

"Why's everyone out here," Heiji asked. "Is there something going on inside?"

"It sure seems that way," Rick said looking over the crowd. "There's the commissioner over there, I'm sure he should be able to give us the answer to what is going on here."

"Right next to you." Heiji said in agreement following him across.

They made their way along, stepping around the many who stood in their path. He could see them approaching from the side of his eye, almost certain they were headed over to have a word with him.

"Well if it isn't the two men of the hour," James said watching as they stopped before him. "I was expecting your arrival would come soon."

"Gordon, what is the meaning of all of this?" Rick asked.

"For precautionary reasons of course," James replied. "We've sent in a group of experts to make sure there are not anymore hidden explosives."

"Good call."

"This explosive that went off," Heiji said relieving his hands from his inner pockets. "How lethal was it, strong enough to cause any real harm?"

"The only impact in the aftermath was a burn mark on the wall," James replied. "Other than that, there were no real casualties."

"Sounds like someone wanted attention rather than to cause any real harm."

"That's what I made of it," James said. "But we're taking additional measures just to be safe."

"We were told some kind of note was left behind," Rick said. "Would you happen to know what it had written to it?"

"I don't have the original with me," James replied. "But did elect to have copies made."

He lowered his hand down to his side, pulling out a slip of paper that rested in the side of his pocket.

"Here, you're free to have a look for yourself."

He reached out to grab the sheet, laying his eyes upon what was written on the paper. He took the next couple seconds to try and make sense of what was written, lowering the sheet with the shake of his head after a short period.

"Though I don't understand the message, there seems to be a familiar tone."

"A familiar tone," Heiji questioned. "What do you mean?"

"The feel of the message closely resembles that of the other riddles we've been handling," Rick replied. "Here, have a look for yourself."

He held out the piece of paper, giving him the luxry of looking over it himself.

"(X) the prosper of growth isn't fostered within the past or present, for the Diamonds eye is for all to see," Heiji read with a pause. "the Shows beginning shall proceed with all λ_0-(-30) 105 accounted in (Y)."

He was unsure what to make of it at first glance, looking up to see they were waiting for his opinion on the matter.

"So what do you think," Rick asked. "Seems like the same pattern of displaced words wrapped in a hidden message, think it could be the same guy?"

"It's certainly a possibility."

"Which is why I've decided to have the both of you take lead in this one," James said. "I want you to share all information gathered up to this point with everyone throughout the department."

"Understood, but I do have one question," Rick said reaching back for the riddle. "This symbol here, any idea what it represents?"

The two looked to see what he was pointing to, finding his finger directly under the 'λ'.



"It is the eleventh letter in the Greek alphabet," Heiji informed. "Of course in the context here, I'd say we're looking further into its roots."


"Minutes, degrees, and seconds," Heiji continued. "That is the denote of the Lambda when dealing with a geographic coordinate we're all quite familiar with."

"Which is?"


"Longitude," James said looking back down at the riddle. "You don't say."

"Wait, do you think he's right?" Rick asked.

"It would appear that way," James replied looking back up to face him. "The numbers after the λ would seem to indicate this."

"Let's say all of this is true," Rick said. "What could possibly be the message?"

"A location is a possibility," Heiji replied. "After all the 'λ' maps out all locations east and west of the Prime Meridian within the system."

"Ok then," Rick said. "From the numbers displayed, where do you propose we start looking?"

"That's just the thing," Heiji said dropping his hand back into his pockets. "That's too simple, nothing has been with this guy up until this point."

"If it's not referring to a location, than what?"

"I haven't quite figured that one out," Heiji admitted. "But I do believe the 0, -30, and 105 represent something significant to a location."

"Perhaps where there next move will be made."

"Exactly," Heiji said. "Let's also not forget other hints have been dropped about the unknown location."

"You're right," Rick recalled. "At the affair shall I appear."

"And most recently with this riddle," Heiji added. "With the referral of the show's beginning."

"So how are we supposed to find this place?"

"By finding out this person's motive," James replied. "That would be the best action to take at this point, we find that out.. we might just catch our thief in the clutch of their act."

"Not an easy task," Rick said. "They haven't exactly shown anything that calls for demand on their part."

"Which is why we need to get a move on."

"That's the plan sir."

Before anything further could be said between the three, the sound of a loud buzz could be heard from below.

"One moment, I need to take this."

The two of them stood in silence as they watched him answer the phone.

"I wonder who that could be."

The conversation lasted all but a couple seconds before he looked back their way.

"That didn't last long," Rick said. "Who was it?"

"It seems we weren't the only station to be ignited by this surprise," James informed. "But several police stations located here all the way to Plymouth, Minnesota."

"You're not serious?"

"I wish I wasn't."

"Did every station receive the same message?"

"That's what I was told."

"That would also explain the chain of calls received within that small period back at Starlest."

"Things are getting crazier by the minute, I can't wait to see how Basell reacts to the news." Rick said.

"Where is he now?" James asked.

"Looking into the production of some diamonds."


"It has something to do with a case we're currently working."

"Several other police stations in a mile spread received the same riddle... but why," Heiji thought. "Is this the same thief from Starlest, or something completely unrelated?"

The complexity of what to expect next was becoming more of a blur with each new task presented.

"This whole fiasco has just risen to another level," Heiji thought. "Whatever we plan to do better come soon, I don't think we have much longer until they pull out the true stops."

He took a step away from those who stood around, turning for the other side of the street.

"Where are you going?" Rick asked taking notice of this.

"There's something I'd like to revisit."

"Would you like a ride?"

"Not this time around," Heiji said in response. "Besides you're needed here, one of us has to catch everyone up on the situation."

"Ok then," Rick said. "But keep your phone active, if anything is learned you'll be the first I call."

"Ditto." Heiji said before turning away once more.

They watched on from the front of the station, taking little time for him to fall out of sight.

"I sure hope he knows what he's doing."

He reached into the depths of his thoughts, trying to rehash all that had been seen on that night. Everything slowly resurfaced to his mind in the minutes that passed, bit by bit.

"The height.. what about his height?"

"No taller than six foot," Conan replied. "It had to be somewhere in that vicinity."

He typed it into the blank field before looking down to the next.

"Weight.. that might be a little tougher to figure." Conan said.

"You can always jot down an estimation." Tim said.

He gave it some thought, leaning back in the chair as the image of the ski capped man visually came back to him.

"I'd say anywhere from 218 to 229 Ibs."

"Are you sure?"

"From what I could tell, I'd say that's defiantly within the ball park." Conan replied before filling in the empty void.

"So now we have the weight, height, gender, and body structure filled in," Tim said. "And you're positive you didn't see the color of his eyes?"

"Sorry, but no," Conan said in response. "That cap not only covered his hair, but his eyes as well."

"This guy must really want to keep his identity a secret."

"You're telling me," Conan said looking back to the screen. "Now what do you say we launch another search?"

"Ready when you are."

He did just that, clicking down to the search bar as a new set of results appeared before them. What they saw wasn't too surprising to find.

"We've narrowed down the list of suspects down to a little over one hundred ninety."

"Still too much," Tim said. "We're going to have to chop it down more than that."

"Doesn't help we know next to nothing about this guy," Conan said. "Which makes it tough to diagnose a possible occupation."

"You're right, and there's no telling where he picked up those skills he put on display."

"There has to be something we can go off of," Conan said. "The last thing we want is another count of bodies to help make a determination."

"The nature of the victims up till this point doesn't help all that much, given there gang history, " Tim said. "That leaves the possibilities wide to who may have wanted them dead."

"Which is the area of known fact," Conan said. "It would be in our best interest to stick with that angle, there's no telling what may turn up."

"That is a possibility, but still broad list to sort," Tim said. "Let's remember, it wasn't just one group that was targeted in these attacks."

"An important point," Conan acknowledged. "The odds of two separate gang groups targeted in the way that they were is more than coincidence."

"With the circumstances in each, I'm inclined to agree," Tim said. "It could be the work of another gang all together, but something about this whole thing just doesn't feel right.. I just can't quite pin point what."

"He's right, there's something about this case that doesn't quite feel right," Conan thought. "The culprits talent for shielding their presence from any surveillance at each scene is most notable, but most questioning of all... why leave behind the weapons used to commit the crime?"

His travels had lead him from one facility to the next, coming to a conclusion that brought him back to where he had started.. little progress. The feeling was subtle, in some ways what he was expecting his journeys would amount up to. He took his time up the stairs, deeply fixated on the hindering obstacles surrounding each riddle. He lost himself within the moment, not aware of the door opening before reaching it.

"How nice of you to join us."

He lifted his head at the sound of the voice, coming to find him standing in the doorway.

"You seem remotely disturbed," Alfred said. "Is everything alright?"

"For the most part."

"Did you happen to take part in the excitement at the police station?"

"You know about that?"

"It's being covered on the news as we speak," Alfred said. "Master Bruce is in the other room keeping an eye on the growing situation, you're free to join him if you'd like."

"You know, I think I'll do just that," Heiji said stepping in past him. "Thanks for the heads up."

He hurried along, heading to the right side to hear the sound of the TV passing through the wall. He opened the door leading to the dinning room, making his way to the other side to see him standing in the next room in front of the tv. He slowly approached, listening to what was being reported.

"The boy's up stairs, if that's who you're here to see."

"How'd you know it was me?" Heiji asked.

"I had a feeling you'd come," Bruce replied turning to face him. "With questions."

"As I do." Heiji confirmed.

"Not much has been reported on the matter, only that several police stations have been broken into," Bruce said. "And of course, the unexplained messages left behind."

"I might have a little extra insight for you."

"Tell me, this riddle," Bruce said with a step forward. "Do you believe it to be directly linked to the case you've been currently working?"

"How did you know the message left at the scene was in the form of a riddle?"

"The news anchor mentioned the message uncovered at the scene was still in the process of being unraveled."

"Keeping it low key until they have a clear answer, not a bad idea at this point," Heiji commented. "And to answer your question, there might be a chance the two incidents are related."

"I thought that much," Bruce said. "And how far along are you on profiling the thief in question?"

"Smoothly would be a good way of putting it," Heiji replied. "I've already got down a few of their tendencies, it's only a matter of time before this mystery person is revealed."

"I take it you heard from Mr. Fournier by now?"

"As a matter a fact I did," Heiji confirmed. "He called about a problem within his company."


"I agreed to have a look into it," Heiji replied. "He said he'd call me back with further information and a time to meet."

"And do you feel you can handle that while juggling these riddles?"

"No problem at all."

"That's all I needed to hear."

He turned back for the television within that instance, shutting it off with the remote before tossing it to the couch. He then made his way to the other side, walking through the dinning room to the door on the far side.

"Wait up." Heiji said following after him.

He pushed on with long strides, not catching up to him until reaching the bottom of the staircase in the next room.

"Where are you going in such a hurry," Heiji questioned. "Didn't you want to know what was written on the most recent riddle?"

He stopped at the sound of this.

"Didn't you say you had it all under control?"

"Yea, but I thought you.."

"Look here, I have enough to work on as it is," Bruce said tuning back to face him. "We have an unpredictable shooter running freely and a gang war in the mist just waiting to erupt, and that might just be the least of our worries."

"What are you trying to say?"

"From the beginning this was your case to handle, and I'm counting on you to deliver," Bruce said turning for the other side of the room once again. "But if at any point you feel it's too much for you to sustain on your own, you're free to pass it my way ."

He had nothing to say in response, simply watching as he continued to the other side of the room. He stood there for moments to come, feeling it all sink into place.

"Least of our worries... what did he mean by that?"

"What was that all about?" A familiar voice spoke from the right side.

"Kudo." Heiji said looking up to the staircase to see the two of them heading down.

"You never called to tell us you'd be coming." Tim said.

"It was kind of a last minute thing," Heiji said. "What are you doing here, I thought you had a lead to look into."

"I wanted to go over that database with Shinichi first," Tim said. "Looks like we're in a bit of a hole, we don't have enough to go off of to narrow down the list in the case of those shootings."

"How many suspects are we looking at currently?"

"From those registered to the database, nearly two hundred," Conan replied. "Which is still a hefty margin."

"Did you give each profile that appeared on the list a look?"

"We decided to hold off on that," Tim replied. "We couldn't be sure even if he did see a common resemblance, he wasn't able to get a clear look at the shooters face."

"How unfortunate."

"You still have yet to answer my question," Conan said. "What just happened between you and Bruce?"

"I don't know to tell you the truth," Heiji replied. "I thought he would be interested in knowing the inner details surrounding the case."

"You mean the case revolving around those riddles?"

"That'd be the one."

"And that's what you two of you were arguing about?"

"There was no argument, just a misunderstanding," Heiji clarified. "I was under the impression he wanted to help work the case."

"Did he ask you if you had everything under control?" Tim asked

"As a matter a fact he did."

"Then nothing further needed to be said," Tim stated. "When declaring you have a hold on things, it's essentially your assignment from that point on."

"So am I to believe you guys don't come to each other for opinions when handling different cases?"

"That's not what I was getting at," Tim said. ".. Let's put it this way, we only seek the assistance of one another if we're stumped or completely lost on a matter."

"What kind of team work is that," Heiji remarked. "Sounds more like a group of loners operating in the same city."

"There's no winning with you is there?"

"I didn't know we were competing."

"Ok, on a fair note I did tell Bruce I'd help work this case on your behalf," Tim informed. "So that might explain the leverage he's given you on this."

"That sheds some light," Heiji said. "But that still doesn't explain why he responded the way that he did when I furthered the discussion."

"That's his way of communicating a strong message," Tim informed. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

"One step at a time, I still haven't got past the whole donning of capes and masks," Heiji said. "I don't see the harm in representing as a police official, or private eye detective for that matter."

"It's not something you can observe or for me to explain to you, gaining a true understanding can only be obtained by walking the path which is not what we're here to discuss," Tim said quickly changing the subject. "The riddle, I'd like to see it."

"Sure thing," Heiji said reaching into his jacket. "The commissioner had a couple extra copies made and was kind enough to let me have one."

He held out his hand to receive the paper, reading the newly acquired riddle for himself. Several moments of silence passed as he tried making a diagnosis of his own.

"Hey, do you think I could have a look?" Conan asked tugging at his pant leg.

"Are you sure that will do us any good," Heiji questioned. "You haven't had the luxury of reading the previous riddles, there's a good chance this one could be connected with the."

"Tim already wrote them down for me to see," Conan said cutting him off. "He even showed me the rearrangement of the letters you orchestrated."

"What did you make of it?"

"One second," Conan said taking the slip of paper into hand. "I'll get back to you momentarily."

He too laid his eyes to the riddle, taking everything in as one piece to a larger puzzle.

"(X) the prosper of growth isn't fostered within the past or present, for the Diamonds eye is for all to see... the Shows beginning shall proceed with all λ_0-(-30) 105 accounted in (Y)."

He read through the riddle several times, doing his best to try and process a distinction between what was hidden in between the lines.

"So, what do you think?" Heiji asked looking from one to the other.

"I'd say we're most likely dealing with the same person, the speech pattern closely resembles the first set of riddles placed at Starlest," Tim said. "It also appears they're setting the stage to its highest peak, the capitalization of 'shows' would seem to point to this."

"I noticed something else, this is the second time the thief has used the word 'eye' to map out one of their riddles," Conan pointed out. "I'm sure their is some relevance to this."

"You're right," Heiji recalled. "i am solely for the 'eye' beyond all affiliated kins."


"So now that we're on the same page," Heiji said lowering his hands. "What do you say we get this thing untwined?"

"That's why we're here."

"One thing that's been bothering me about this riddle in particular is the 'x' at the beginning, and the 'y' in the closing."

"Weren't you the one who said one step at a time?" Tim reminded.

"Yea, what of it?" Heiji asked looking to him in a bit of confusion.

"We can't finish the construction of a bridge without making sure all links are securely locked in place before pushing on," Tim said. "If they're not, you can't complete the rest of the bridge."


"In other words, we can't move on until we've solved the previous riddle," Conan said. "This latest stunt is just a means of directing our attention ahead instead of piecing it from ground up like we've been doing, how we're supposed to."

"Ok then, where do you propose we start?"

"How about with the sequence you just mentioned," Conan suggested. "i am solely for the eye beyond all affiliated kins."

"I guess that spots as good as any other to begin," Heiji said in agreement. "What's your take on it?"

"Equivalent to mine," Tim said. "I've been giving this whole thing some thought since the time you presented it all to me."

"Do you have an idea where the culprit will appear next?"

"Affiliated kins," Tim said in response. "Another way of putting it would be associated cousins or a relation of ancestors in a sense, now implement that into the context of this riddle."

"i am solely for the eye beyond all affiliated kins."

He took a step to the side, feeling the need to pace as he buried his hands further into his pockets. That phrase scattered throughout his mind, feeling it all slowly fall into place right before his very eyes.

"That's it," Heiji said. "solely for the eye beyond all affiliated kins, it must be referring to something linked to Starlest.. another company or endorser even."

"Now you're thinking." Tim said with a nod.

"All I have to do is call, I should be able to get in contact with a representative," Heiji said reaching for his phone. "They should have any information I may need on the matter."

"Don't bother," Tim said. "I already took the liberty of writing out a list."

"You already knew?"

"About a day after you showed me the riddle."

"And then informed me of his findings today," Conan added. "Which in the process caught me up to where we are now."

"This list," Heiji said with a step taken back to them. "Would you happen to have it on you?"

"I had a feeling that'd be your next question," Tim said pulling out a folded paper from within his pocket. "It's all here."

He took the paper in hand, wasting no time in unfolding it to see what written.

"Let's see, what do we have here," Heiji said gliding his eyes across the list. "Cennals Inc, Delmore Industries, Scnapp Labs, Syclons, and.. Wayne Enterprises."

He stood in silent for moments to come, looking across to see him still standing in place.

"Does Bruce know about this?"

"Of course, Bruce was there when I made the deduction," Tim replied. "I too had the intention of calling Starlest just as you were going to."

"Why didn't you?"

"Bruce already knew every company associated with Starlest."

"Off the top of his head?"

"He makes it his business to know what's going on around the city," Tim said in response. "Especially anything with tides to Wayne Enterprises."

"He masterly played the part of pretending to know little about the case," Heiji thought. "That man sure is hard to figure."

"Now that we have our ducks aligned and stones placed," Conan stated. "What do you say we decoding this thing?"

To Be Continued

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The Detective Prince

Chapter 91

Breaking It Down

The tune from above struck in response to the hand moving once more, signaling the arrival of the next hour. He looked up to the clock to see it was now five, knowing he didn't have long until the chosen time was to arrive in a short time.

"Hate to cut it short but it's about time I headed out."

"Where are you going," Heiji asked. "I thought you were in on this one."

"And I'll let you know if anything comes to mind while on my travels," Tim said. "But right now I have to return to that cavern in the city, if that woman shows up I'd hate not to be there to greet her."

"Hopefully all goes well, it's about time we caught this woman in her tracks," Conan said. "In the mean time the two of us will handle this."

"Good, then I'll be going," Tim said turning for the door. "If either of you unravel a location of interest wait for my return before making any moves, we need to be as careful as possible with this."

"We wouldn't have it any other way."

"Then we're all clear," Tim said. "Keep your phones close, I'll call with any updates on the situation."

"And if we find anything," Heiji questioned. "Would you like us to call."

"I might not respond depending on the situation," Tim replied. "In that case take your findings to Bruce."

"Sounds easy enough."

"Good to know we're all on the same page." Tim said continuing on.

They stood aside which allowed him to make his way to the other side.

"I probably should have informed him about that Steve Matthews I was alerted about while visiting Living Green," Heiji thought. "But then again.. I didn't exactly learn anything, chances are he finds her tonight, leaving that whole scenario irrelevant."

He quickly refocused himself back to the task at hand, looking down to his side to see Conan closely reading through the riddle once again.

"From your expression I'd say you're onto something."

"Maybe," Conan said in response. "These numbers, there's something about them."

"Yea, I noticed that as well," Heiji said. "Coupled in with the x and y, it does seem to pertain to a hidden location."

"Or a broader area," Conan added. "0, -30, and 105 can all be found on a map of the earth drawn out in a longitude form."

"That did cross my mind," Heiji said. "But wouldn't that be a little too wide spread, it's obvious this person is focusing in on a particular area."

"But they've spread their message," Conan reminded. "Let's remember this isn't the only city to receive the riddle."

"You're right."

"But let's not let that blind us to the sought out prize," Conan stated. "The vocal point is defiantly here in Gotham, after all this is where it all began."

"And it's our job to find out the who and why."

"Let's take it a step back," Conan said reverting back. "We have two parts of the first riddle figured, 'a tune to Hear with a misdirection Red (1)' and 'i am solely for the eye beyond all affiliated kins'."

"They both happen to be the first part of the riddle for each separate sequence."

"Then we have the follow up in each," Conan continued. "..'superior to my the Deceiver' and 'at the Affair shall I appear'."

"I've given both some thought, and have a good feeling neither has yet to occur," Heiji said. "If what I believe is true, those parts of the riddle are referring to what will happen the day or night of the planned heist."

"Which then leaves us with this most recent riddle."

"Let's not forget, we still haven't accounted for the '1' inclosed in between the two brackets right after 'a misdirection Red'."

"That's something that can easily be over looked," Conan said. "It's always the subtle points that hold the deepest meaning."

"It's referring to one of two things, either a reference to the location of where they plan to hit or something about them in particular," Heiji said. "All riddles up to this point have showcased these elements."

"That's a good analogy, but let's be sure to keep our minds open to anything," Conan said. "A curveball could be handed to us at anytime."

"Which wouldn't be surprising," Heiji said. "The thief in question seems to have a nag for deception, yet another theme within the riddles."

"There's still no telling when the thief will launch their spectacle for all to see," Conan thought. "Which just means we'll have to pick it up on our search."

"With all the thought we've put into the riddle involving the Lambda, we've almost neglected to talk about the first part of the riddle."

"the prosper of growth isn't fostered within the past or present," Conan read. "for the Diamonds eye is for all to see."

"The second line fits the criteria for all the riddles we've dealt with up to this point," Heiji said. "But there's something about that first arrangement of words, it doesn't quite seem to fit in."

"Past and present are the key words," Conan said signaling them out. "So in the since we're dealing with time and distance."

"In some twisted form."

"No one ever said this was going to be easy."

"And from your expression I'd say you're taking a delight to that." Heiji commented.

"One thing still doesn't add up," Conan said looking up from the sheet. "How did the thief get all of those riddles distrubuted around from city to city, let alone have them all discovered at the same time?"

"That's a really good question," Heiji said. "Another thing to think about is the acceleration in their agenda."

"What do you mean?"

"Starlest wasn't the first company to be targeted in the past two months like I said before," Heiji reminded. "In each case after one riddle was discovered at a facility another wouldn't appear for at least another week."

"But with this last, only a matter of days," Conan said. "Their trend has defiantly picked up speed."

"This whole thing started off with some no named small shop as the first target, then escalated to a common convience store throughout the city," Heiji said. "Their trend is quite obvious at this point."

"Moving right up the ladder," Conan said catching on. "And it appears they're closing in on their ultimate target."

"Through all of these phrases and messages there seems to be one key element absent in each," Heiji said. "What is it they're after, or want for that matter?"

"Maybe it's not what they're after per say.. but rather" Conan said with a pause. "What they have to gain."

"You know, you might just be on to something," Heiji said. "That would explain the lack of any known motive."

A distant surge of energy erupted from within, sending an impulse of proportions throughout. He reached for his chest, feeling the staggering pain from the other end.

"Kudo," Heiji said taking notice of this. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Conan assured lowering his hand back to his side. "It's nothing to worry about."

"I wouldn't hold off on that, I think you'd better go in and see a doctor," Heiji suggested. "Have you experienced any other complications since coming here?"

"I'm fine, I promise," Conan said. "What matters right now is to solve this riddle, we have to."

"Alright.. so we've got a list of numbers from the most recent riddle, and the known companies associated with Starlest," Heiji said. "Between the two I believe lies our answer to where our thief will launch their finale."

"Good analysis," Conan agreed. "Now comes the part where we piece this whole thing into clarity."

"Starting with familiarizing ourselves with the layout of the city."

"Key points or popular features should be a main focus," Conan added. "It's possible the numbers could also be referring to an important structure."

"I had the same thing in mind." Heiji said. "Now, how do you propose we gather all of this information?"

"We could use the internet," Conan answered. "But with a database of limitless information in our corner, I'd say that'd be even better."

"What database?"

"The Library of course."

The hours quietly drifted along, bringing a clear sky in the wake of the night. There was little disturbance from where he sat, continuing to monitor the screen in front of him. Occasionally someone appeared as they passed by. He also keyed in on all sounds fed back to him.

"It's almost here, this is what it has all mounted to... from the day upon my arrival."

Through the darkness of the room a door cracked, listening to the sound of someone approaching from behind. He wasn't startled in the least, fully aware of who had come to his services.

"I wish not to disturb you, only to have a check in on the progress."

"We're set, on all fronts."

"And the subject?"

"Not to worry, he'll most certainly be there... they'll all be there."

"As anticipated."

"Only one final phase remains.. then the true test will begin."

The room was silent, which it had been for several minutes. There was a feel of distance and uncertainty, though the voice continued to play back in his mind.

"The devil dances, till dawns beginning."

This laid within the presence of his conscious. He knew so little about him, yet there was a level of something common. He took to the computer, bringing up the faint image of the man he had crossed on that night. There was nothing to gain, but he still felt the need to do so.

"No known name or alias," Bruce thought. "Who are you?"

They stayed hard at work from the other room, checking for anything that registered to them as a possible sight of interest.

"I've circled all local parks, big named facilities, and even the bridges," Heiji informed with the look over his shoulder. "What is that you're reading there?"

"Digging further into the city's history," Conan replied. "The answers we seek may lie within the past rather than in the present."

"There may be some truth to that, let me know what you find."

"Annotating as I go along." Conan said adding another line of notes to the sheet of paper.

It was then that his phone sitting across the table began to buzz, ejecting him from his searches for the time being. He reached across, wondering who could be trying to contact him at this hour. He brought the phone to his sights, not surprised at the incoming call.

"I've been expecting to hear from you doc," Conan said. "I wanted to thank you for sending the accessories I asked for."

"I wouldn't have had it any other way, I'm sorry for the delay it took for me to respond."

"No worries," Conan assured. "I'm fully aware of the time difference between us."

"I appreciate the thanks, but what about you?" Hiroshi asked.

"I'm coping along just fine," Conan replied dropping down from where he sat. "Enjoying myself even."

"That's good to know."

"Do you have any updates for me on the matter we discussed before my departure?"

"No, there has been no sign of him," Hiroshi replied. "I even past by the agency yesterday to take a look for further measures."

"Still laying it low I see."

"You'll be the first to know if any of that changes."

"I appreciate that," Conan commented. "Next time the others are around, be sure to give them my best."

"As always," Hiroshi said. "Hope to hear from you soon."

"I'll be in contact."

He hung up with the close of the phone all in one motion, wasting no time in heading back to his position to pick up where he had left off. Nothing was said for the first moments, simply looking across to see him skimming through the materials laid out in front of him.

"Who was that you were just speaking with?"

He put a hold to things once again to give him his attention.

"That was Agasa," Conan replied. "It was merely him checking up on me."

"I figured that much," Heiji said. "But I heard you mention some kind of disturbance, is there something I should know about?"

"So you heard."."

"Is everything ok?"

"I can't tell you to be honest," Conan replied. "Just someone we've been keeping a look out for."

"Some kind of stalker?"

"That could be one way to put," Conan confirmed. "But he's only made two appearances, so any label at this point isn't set in stone."

"Where and when exactly did you see this guy?"

"The first was across from the detective agency, which was months ago," Conan replied. "I saw him talking with Kogoro, they were obviously discussing something business related."

"And that's what lead to your suspicions?"

"It had more to do with the way they talked," Conan clarified."Of course they were open with one another, but everything seemed so discreet."

"And you're expecting this guy to make some kind of return?"

"That's what we're anticipating, but not in the case of that," Conan said. "Which leads into the second time I came across him, a day or two after seeing him the first time."

"And where did that happen to be?"

"At some pre-opening event we were attending for a company," Conan informed. "He was sitting towards the back of the room in the final row, and since I recognized him I decided to go and investigate."

"Were you able to find out what he was doing there?"

"Not fully, but did pick up some small details here and there from a device I planted under the table," Conan replied. "He was talking with someone over the phone about some.. project, I still have the recording saved away if you'd like to hear it for yourself."

"At any point did you catch the name of the man in question?"

"No, but I did gain that of one of his acquaintances," Conan said. "...Valden, if I'm not mistaken."

"Which is most certainly a code name."

"That's what I made of it."

"And you believe this project they spoke of some how relates to Mouri?"

"It wasn't him he had his eye on that night," Conan said. "It was Haibara he had his sights set on."

"And you're sure of this?"

"He was looking directly at the table, it had to have been her."

"Am I to assume this has something to do with that organization?" Heiji asked.

"Not this time around," Conan said. "From the way they spoke, it seemed as if they wanted her for something rather than to cause any harm."

"That clears out a few scenarios from the equation," Heiji said. "And this mystery man has yet to follow up with anything talked about on that night?"

"That's been the story," Conan confirmed. "But we're staying alert."

"I'd like to hear that recording whenever you get the chance," Heiji said. "I'd like to evaluate it myself."

"An evaluation of what?"

The two of them turned at the sound of his voice.

"Well if it isn't my favorite little sword expert,." Heiji commented upon seeing him aside the door. "Talk about a stealthy entrance, how long have you been standing there for?"

"Not long at all," Damian replied walking their way. "I've only come to fish from you any information you may have gained on the matter at hand."

"And you plan on catching this thief yourself?"

"If that's what it comes down to, I'll see to it that I'm successful."

"What a delusionist." Conan faintly muttered.

"So are you going to fill me in or what?"

"That all depends," Heiji said. "How much do you know thus far?"

"Very little, which is the only reason I've come to you for insight," Damian replied. "Now if you would, the sooner I'm caught up, the sooner we can sketch out a plan of counter."

"Alrighty then," Heiji said. "What do you say we start from the ground up?"

"I'd prefer to see the riddles for myself, anything further can be discussed after I've made my analogy."

"Your call." Heiji said reaching into his jacket.

"I can't believe we're actually collaborating with him, especially one with a stretched ego such as his."

He sat in place for the next moments in silence, watching as Damian laid his eyes to the riddles presented before him.

"I don't get it, he showed no signs of interest in the case prior to now," Conan thought. "Why the sudden change... could he possibly be up to something?"

He finally found it in himself to regain focus, looking back to the books stacked out in front of him.

"Each degree in the form of longitude is sub divided into sixty minutes, with each accounting for sixty seconds."

He tapped the pencil to the side of the desk, continuing his deep accession of of all points.

"This of course presents it in a sexagesimal notion, written out as 23° 27′ 30" E," Conan said jotting it down to the piece of paper. "That could be a hint in relation to the thirty."

He then focused to the other numbers.

"The Prime Meridian is defined to be 0°," Conan said. "And we've also got a zero placed in the riddle, that could be pointing to the main point."

What remained was the 105, staring down at it for seconds to come. Nothing came to him at the top of his head.

"105, could it be referring to a western location.. one within this city maybe even."

This and much more circulated throughout his mind as he continued to think.

"We have everything we need from city statues to museums accounted for, then you have the location based riddles," Conan thought to himself. "With all parts lined up there's only one thing left to do, to piece it all together."

The sky remained clear for hours to come. It was just another typical low end night. He continued to observe from where he crouched, his findings mounting up to nothing from his time spent. A gust of driven wind blew from behind just as the a ring came to his ear piece. He wasted little time in pressing down to activate it, keeping his eyes to the grounds below.

"Nightwing here."

"Where are you now?"

"The east end, no luck here either."

"I was afraid that'd be the case."

"I even checked in on a few of his contacts, he hasn't tried to reach any of them."

"Keep searching, we need to find Dent before he plays his hand."

"You really believe he's got something planned, don't you?"

"He's not one to stay hidden with nothing in mind."

"At this point I'm not sure who we should be more worried about," Nightwing said. "Harvey, or the person who busted him out of the asylum."

"Find one, we're bound to have both," Batman said. "Then we won't have either to concern ourselves with."

"My thoughts exact," Nightwing said. "What about you, find any leads on the case you're working?"

"I'm currently standing watch in front of the Iceberg Lounge," Batman informed. "If Cobblepot was truly involved with the death of Salomon Green, I'm bound to find my answers here."

"See anything out of the ordinary?"

"Few have come in and out over the past hour, most customers looking for a night out."

"Sounds normal enough."

"Besides that, a few of the employees have been carrying in crates,"

"Crates huh, sounds promising."

"They're importing them in from a pick up truck that arrived roughly thirty minutes ago," Batman informed. "Already traced all production back to an electronics company which confirms its legitimacy."

"I see," Nightwing said with a pause. "I wanted to ask you something, about the boy."


"I know it's a security and trust thing to a degree, but do you ever plan on showing either of them inner parts of the mansion," Nightwing asked. "I only ask because the resources you have to offer could prove useful in their investigation."

"I see no need for access to the cave, that would be setting the stage to higher limits and this isn't their battle to fight," Batman stated. "I allowed them freedom to work the riddles because of the low danger level, and with Red Robin's added involvement."

"You've seen them in the field of play, you know how formidable they are," Nightwing continued. "It's true we haven't seen how they'd fair under distress, but their work from the sidelines have proven to be most useful."

"Was that your intent when you brought him here, to have him help crack a case here and there?"

"Not quite," Nightwing said in response. "It was actually the spring of these recent heart attacks that originated in Japan that opted my decision, gaining his knowledge on the matter was always planned."

"You can vouch for them as much as you want, but I won't have any unneeded casualties under my watch," Batman said. "As the situation stands now, I'm fine with."

"Then your answer is.."

"This discussion is over, but if you find anything on Harvey let me know," Batman replied. "I'll be active for a majority of the night."

"Of course, Nightwing out."

The transmission between the two finally came to an end, leaving only the sounds generated by the city to be heard. He continued with what he had set out to do, monitoring the Lounge for hours to come.

The sky remained clear throughout the night, making way for an early view of the sun. They started off on a quick note, pleased to find their way down a manageable road of light traffic.

"Now this is the way to start a day, with little distraction." Rick said keeping a firm grip to the wheel.

"You're sure Living Green is open for business this early," Heiji asked checking his watch. "It's only a couple minutes past seven fifteen."

"They always open at eight on week days, I already spoke with one of the managers over the phone," Rick informed. "They've already been alerted we're headed their way."

"That clears things up a little," Heiji said. "Did you also fill them in on why we're coming?"

"Of course," Rick replied. "That was made clear right away."

"Good, then that means we can skip all introductions and get straight to the task at hand."

"Glad to see you're as prepared as always."

They drove for several minutes more, watching as the hidden areas of the city began to appear upon the continuing ascension of the sun. He paid little attention to what was being broadcasted over the radio, his mind still wrapped around the hidden messages locked within the riddles set for them to solve. His irritation that plagued him for most of the previous day had mellowed down into a form fascination, finding the growing challenge of the unknown to be a satisfying task. It didn't take long for him to see the half smile across his face, resulting in a grin of his own.

"You look pleased, has something potentially of importance come to mind?"

"I'll let you know if anything is concrete."

"I can agree to that, we can't afford to be off in any of our findings," Rick said. "Before we arrive, there's something I wanted to ask."

"I'm listening."

"It's not so much of a question as it is a clarification," Rick began. "You know how some things may not be what they appear to be, some times stepping to higher measures to see the job through?"

"That's the case in most fields, reworking or redefining the way you approach an unfamiliar task is a part of the job."

"Those you collaborate with on a frequent basis is also a key component to consider, knowing who to trust can be a difficult task in itself these days," Rick said. "People just like any case can be hard to figure at times, catch my drift?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"Your trust," Rick replied. "I want to be certain that I have it, that I can count on you at any time."

"If you didn't have my trust I wouldn't be here right now," Heiji said. "Have no doubt, I'm in your corner."

"Good," Rick said looking back to the road. "That's all I needed to hear."

He leveled back into the seat, refocusing his thoughts back to the task in the wait.

"We've got the time and cause, the only thing that remains in the unanswered death of the mystery man found in Green's home is the location it all took place," Heiji thought. "The clear may be uncertain as it has been for days, but with the recent findings we might just be near to having that answered... yet there's still something about this that doesn't quite stack up."

To Be Continued

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