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Detective Conan World

Emy Ulfsdotter

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Status Updates posted by Emy Ulfsdotter

  1. The black organization sounds fun, detective Conan is always more interesting when they are involved

  2. The next whodunit is up!

  3. The part about the polar bear is not true, we don't even have polar bears as far as I know, if it was true we would be awesome^^. The part about blond hair and blue eyes is almost true, but not entirely^^it's just very common

  4. We did have a lot of rain, the weather was nice however when we first got there on Friday afternoon. And apparently your spring are much earlier then ours, because everything was in bloom, and there was these beautiful lilac hedges all over the place. Do you live near Faaborg?

  5. Well I had, a lot of things happened so I have not been here for months. Kind of spooky that you had written to me only two days before i decide to log on again^^ How have you been?

  6. What do you think about it?

  7. Yes I do have blue eyes ^^, it's very common here. I think that on a site about prejudice towards other countries one of the main things people say about Sweden is that we are all blond with blue eyes, oh, and apparently we all ride polar bears! ^^

  8. Yes, it looks a little like me anyway, and yes I wear hats like that all the time, I have about four of them^^ I'm glad you like it, found a site that lets you make your own avatar, it's really fun, I could link it if you like

  9. You misspelled it^^ Did you know that bord means table in Swedish?

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