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Posts posted by iHeartSerenade

  1. On 8/7/2018 at 5:11 AM, NymphadoraTheTemplar said:

    I'm new to this community but welcome back none the less.
    waaah! that's amazing!! 

    I'm not sure if it's a good recommendation but based on what I saw on twitter, if you happen to visit Osaka (which is known for great food and historic attractions, not to mention home of the Detective of the West ) perhaps check out the yTV station at Shiromi, Chūō-ku, Osaka; where apparently the Kaitou KID has stolen the Conan statue, leaving a note in its place. It appears to be a temporary event hyping for the 2019 movie.

    Hope you have a pleasant and safe trip and happy early birthday!


    Thank you for your response.
    Yes, I heard about it too..and I'm definitely looking forward to visit Osaka.. one of these days, hopefully... :*

  2. Not that anybody notice about my comeback.. well.. Anyways hahahahahahaha
    I am a member of this website since 2012 and recently I am again starting my track and coping up with Detective Conan episodes and manga updates.


    I miss the whole DC crew.. and have never ever hooked with other anime series.

    Thus, it makes me super duper happy to let you know that I will be traveling to Japan this upcoming SEPTEMBER (my birthdate) and I will stay there for 3 months. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!


    Anyone who has visited Japan before.. please kindly recommend to me, places that I should visit specially DC related places..


    feel free to send me message and we'll talk about DC all the way.
    have a great day everyone

  3. hello there! nice to meet you, and welcome to DCW! :D


    wooaaah! :o you're awesome! you actually keep it up with both manga and anime *-*

    Thank you. Every chapter/episode is so interesting and yeah exciting that's why I can't stop and should keep up despite having busy schedules sometimes :))

  4.  *facepalm* Look at her location


     Hello, I am M. I am active only in IRL, due to a quite unpleasant past. And I do recommend that you go explore in the world of anime. Although DC is good, there are animes (IMO) that are better. I'm not forcing you to, thhough.

    Something wrong with my location?

  5. Hohohohoho... Hi there!

    Welcome...back! Hope you have a great time here. Stay active. I finished the manga and is currently waiting for new releases but i have a hard time keeping up with the anime. :P Busy.

    Taga saan po kayo?


    I am indeed having a great time :)) Why are you having hard time keeping up with the anime? :)

    I'm from Davao, how about you?

  6. Hello! I'm a newbie in this website :)

    I just retrieve my account here, hoping that I could gain new friends and people to spazz with  :wub: 

    Just recently, I am back to DC Fandom, my one and only fandom when it comes to the world of anime.  :D 


    Done re-tracking the episodes/manga chapters that I missed.

    So, currently I am now on the 735th episode and 816th manga chapter  :rolleyes: 


    Oh yeah! I would love to meet more DC Fans :D

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