
From Detective Conan Wiki
Revision as of 14:33, 17 February 2012 by Thebananas3000 (talk | contribs) (Relationship Analysis)

A recently new member of DCW who posts quite often. He joined on January 27, 2012. He prefers people to call him AL.


AL likes to wear very simple clothes. His favorite would be a striped shirt with full sleeves. He wears a track suit most of the time as it is quite comfy over jeans. His favorite clothing is blue and he'd like a nice jacket instead of a hood. In all reality he could care less on how he looks or what people think of his physical appearance. He only thinks about his school uniform which should be perfect on all accounts.


AL believes that there must be a God to govern the world around us. The stability of an atom, the relation of elements, the mass of a Quark, there must be an entity to control this Universe. He also believes in Religious Tolerance. All people are the same; no question of race. gender etc- and every one deserves a chance at forgiveness.


You can't fake it and you can't buy it. AL believes his personality is the first thought, completely void of contradictions, that comes into his mind as an opinion is a part of his true personality. He wonders deeply the possibilities of everyone's mind; how he would feel if presented in their reflection. He's not afraid to voice his opinions and has, on more than one occasion spoken out during speeches in the School Morning Assembly. He also has a string habit of speaking of the truth and has no patience for lies. He's determined to forgive even the killers of someone close to him. Respect elders and teach the young.


AL likes to do creative things. That includes from making drawings to creating his own developments in science. He also likes to play Duel Masters; a dead card game in most of the world. One of his hobbies is Yo-Yos, and he has about 3 of them. He often wanders out the house, walking aimlessly while thinking. If he has the time he will pick up some color pencils and decorate his homework. He also like to make his own quotes and will study his school books if he is bored. There are no manga in the place where he lives and Anime is heck expensive since it is imported from the other side of the world. He likes to make AMVs but has a hard time with Fanfiction.

Search Of Knowledge

AL likes to study and is also a researcher. He will go into the depths of what is written in a nutshell in his textbooks. His favorite subject would be Chemistry and Biology. One thing to remember is that if he is concentrating don't disturb him. He will be extremely snappy or throw whatever comes in his hand and will even skip dinners when preparing for a test. His family doesn't take nicely to hear him at 2 O'clock in the morning going "All done, time for dinner."

Relationship Analysis

== Valkyrie == AL's first friend of on DCW. AL trusts her the most. In his opinion she is like Sodium; so soft that it can be cut with a knife and very reactive to the air around her. She also scolds him a lot. AL likes to call her Rin. She is Roseburg Secret Keeper.

== Meitantei Kaitou == Someone who likes soccer. He is The Awesome person. MK's is a nice person who helped AL raise his spirit. AL now calls him Niisama because he acts like an older brother towards him.

== Whispers == Twix lover. Also the queen of Roseburg whom AL acts under as an State Alchemist. He and she tend to have some disagreements.

== Shim Cheon Minri == Someone who like AL likes Duel Masters. She doesn't know how to play them though but she likes Light Civilization.

== Cindy-Chen == The first one to greet AL on DCW. AL think it's best to stay out of her sniper's range. AL calls her C2


== Emiko Seiei == AL was introduced as a stalker to her though he was not. She helped him make this Wiki Page.

== IHKF == She's creating an army of AyuCon. AL likes to chat with her and also calls her Auntie in comparison to his age.

== Mohorovicic == AL is currently investigating why he uses girly pics. MxA~

== Koizumi Akako == She was the one who told him to make an account on DCW. AL knows her on Youtube and too. They both love chocolate.

== RoMa == She speaks the same second language as AL. He likes to communicate in a way only they understand.

== Kazei-Rei == Mr Perfect. AL gets a sudden desire to kick himself because he always gets full marks. Too bad AL has official cutting in his school so he can't get 100% for languages. A good friend nonetheless.

== Erza Scarlet == An insane person AL met. AL will call her Ezzy. Somewhat friendly.