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Revision as of 04:53, 8 January 2012 by Sophiana (talk | contribs) (Interests)



Japanese name: 陳ソフィア
English name: Sophia Chen
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Height: 5 foot 4/ 162.5 cm
Weight: 110 lb/ 49.895 kg
Date of birth: December 31, 1997
Relatives: Mom, Dad, Sister
Nicknames: Ai/ Ai-chan (Various)
AiL (Various)
ALC (Various)
Sophia (Various)
AiLoC (Jovan-kun)
AiLove/ AiLuv (Various)
Ai<3Conan (xXEdogawa-KunXx)
Aiko-chan (Anime Girl 4 Eva)
So-chan (KudoShinichi)
Sensei (Secret Student)
(Pro)Stalker (Various)
Aliases: Sophiana
Ai Suigetsu
Sophia Chen
First appearance: July 20, 2011
Appearances: Numerous
Cases solved: Several

Sophia is a relatively active member of DCW and is relatively friendly toward most members of DCW. She joined DCW on July 20, 2011. After an incident that she wouldn't talk about, she was absent for nearly a month, but has recently returned. Sophia announced of another 2 week break but was back 8 days early.


Sophia has two personalities, one is like Ai and one like Yukiko.

She is generally a sad person by nature and is often asked "Why are you sad?" She usually answers this question with "I don't know why" or "It's in my blood." Her sadness is also the reason for her member title of "DCW's Sad Princess." Sophia has also decided that when she turns 17 she will change her member title to "DCW's Ice Queen" for personal reasons. She has a quick temper and her stubbornness is well known to her close friends and family and often claims herself "stubborner than a mule." Sophia was told that she acts and speaks very maturely for her age. She is often cold to people that she doesn't know well and shuts herself behind walls. She likes to hide her feelings inside and is unwilling to share her weaknesses with others. Sophia is also often pessimistic.

Sophia is a dreamer and loves reading fantasy and romance. She often tells herself it is foolish to read about things that she can never have. It is believed that she reads them to escape from reality, even for a little while. She knows she will never be the hero. You can often find her whining about lack of sleep due to reading too late.

Sophia has very little faith in love. She vows to never fall for ANYONE again.

Sophia is also sometimes a very bold person and has strong opinions on some subjects such as magic and ghosts. Sophia has revealed her weight in the wiki and was once asked why she did that since she is a lady. Her answer to that question is "so what? I'm skinny and I'm proud of my weight...what's wrong with a girl telling the whole world [what she weighs]?"

Similar to Emiko, Sophia is also a bit conceited and more-than-average perverted.

From her name you can tell that Sophia is an AiCon, however, this does not prove that she is not a ShinRan also. She simply does not know if Shinichi and Ran's friendship can be considered real love.


Sophia was born in Fuzhou, China and moved to New York at the age of 8. She can speak and read Chinese fluently but is not good with writing from lack of practice. Last year Sophia moved to New Jersey due to the purchase her father made of a restaurant. She currently works in the restaurant doing everything from answering calls, taking money, packing orders, being a waitress, and occasionally making deliveries.

Sophia lives with her mom, dad, and her sister. Her sister often annoys her with her own presence. The only times when she actually likes her sister is "when she's asleep."


Art is one of Sophia's greatest interests. She has attended art school for more than three years and mainly focuses on anime and sketch. She likes and appreciates all kinds of art from visual to musical to performance.

Math is Sophia's passion. She loves the way her heart beats faster when she is in a mathematical competition. Math, in her opinion (which is probably biased), is awesome OwOd.

Relationship Analysis

Sophia does not have many friends due to her cold and stubborn personalities. Her few close friends are:

Emiko Seiei

Emiko is one of Sophia's good friends from sixth grade and is also a member of DCW. She has a very optimistic personality and is also friends with Sophia's other close friend, Nyu. Emiko is an easy person to talk to and is a total Otaku. She also has a habit of suggesting others to eat tons of cakes on their birthdays.


Nyu, sometimes referred to as Nyu Dragon, is another of Sophia's close friends from New York and is generally the victim of Sophia's stubbornness. She is a tomboy and has very little understanding of the word "love." However, she has shown that she has the ability to think like a normal girl during one of her chats with Sophia and her words were recorded in Sophia's signature. Nyu is also an expert on the Japanese language, Sophia often seeks help from her when she doesn't know a word.


Luka Megurine Cifer is Sophia's weird and super-disturbing friend. She is best friends with Emiko and they bring out each others' weirdness.


Rin Kagamine is a girl with an innocent baby-face. However, her looks are nothing like her personality! Rin is very religious and a proud Korean.


Misaki is one of Sophia's best friends on DCW. She is also one of Sophia's stalkees. Misaki and Sophia are very similar in personality (other than the fact that Misaki is much more positive than the latter). She always has an unlimited supply of hugs and cookies (dumplings have also been recently added to the list). Misaki is a cling-on!


KudoShinichi is another one of Sophia's best friends on DCW (though she doesn't know if she's one of HIS best friends). Kudo-kun is a very sweet person and has helped Sophia greatly during her healing process. He is often creeped out by Sophia's "sources" and thinks she is a stalker <---this has been recently admitted by herself.


[This section will be an analysis on Ryuuji since whatever he said about his personality isn't is only partially true.]

Ryuuji does like to be himself, as his wiki states. However, this does not mean he always is himself. Ryuuji likes to pretend like he's okay when he is not, but is not very *cough* good at it. If you ever notice him being extremely cheerful or using many :D emoticons, you can expect something to be up. Ryuuji is often very immature but can now and then show his mature side as well, and has attempted to comfort Sophia when she was down (too bad he wasn't bright enough to realize Sophia has lost all hope and will never gain any back :V).

Ryuuji is often creeped out by Sophia's stalking skills. She often likes to give him random facts she has learned from her sources. Despite this, Ryuuji and Sophia have formed a somewhat tolerable relationship.


  • Sophia considers herself a grammar freak, so when you chat with her, be careful with your grammar because she will be a meanie and correct you.
  • Sophia likes to use the =_= face an awful lot, and she blames it on Nyu.
  • Some of Sophia's frequently used expressions are: "I want you have chocolate?"(This line is often said to her friend Nyu, who ignores it and continues with her own business, getting on Sophia's nerves.); "=_=""""""...drowns in own sweat" (She can't remember how many times she has died); and "logic, men, logic" (because people can't seem to follow what she says).
  • Sophia is a very random person, and likes to say stuff out of nowhere, someone once said that she "comes up with the weirdest conclusions." If you're saying that to her, then apparently you're not explaining thoroughly enough.
  • Sophia has a blog [1]
  • Sophia likes stalking people and creeping them out with the information she obtains.
  • Sophia never puts her pictures online, therefore, you may ask her for any account that she has and she will gladly give it to you.
  • Sophia is a Lemony Snicket fan and considers her own life a series of unfortunate events.
  • Sophia is pagan.
  • Sophia is Player 1.

See Also