User talk:Ushiwakamaru

From Detective Conan Wiki
Revision as of 15:40, 3 May 2023 by Ushiwakamaru (talk | contribs) (In reply to: Translations request)

Translation Request

Translation Request for Postcard ~Yuchi


I'm sorry, Nakamura, but I had think that those things where unnecessary, then... Please, can you unblock my account? Thank you.

I'll unblock you, but revert everything you removed in galleries that did not contain watermarks, restore "unnamed law enforcers", restore links in "minor law enforcement", remove any unsourced statements you have made and refrain from deleting too much. This wiki needs to be as informative as it can. If this is not done, I will block you again. I will also notify Jefflie, --Nakamura talk 4 February 2023, 14:41 (EST)
Thank you, Nakamura.
Put back all the images without subs or watermarks that you removed in galleries. Stop monopolizing them and let other users' files in there or I'll just block you again Sine Qua non. --Nakamura talk 7 February 2023, 17:14 (EST)
Ok, sorry. I'll remove only those with subs or watermarks.
You don't understand. I'm asking you to PUT BACK the images from other users you removed without reason. Please understand and consider the work of others.--Nakamura talk 8 February 2023, 15:15 (EST)

I'm very sorry, Nakamura, but I thought that those information were only superficial and unnecessary for the pages, and indeed I had always explained it as "motivation" for my edits, then it wasn't like a very vandalism. I will not do it now that you have informed me of the problem, then, please, can you unblock me now or, in alternative, reduce the current indefinite user:block in some days or weeks? Thank you very much, and already my sincere apologies for the inconvenient that I've caused to you.

Thank you very much, Nakamura. In any case, to avoid future blocks, I left to you to control if in all other pages there're superficial and unnecessary infos to delete. Moreover, until next Sunday, can you help me with "Translation request" and "Movie 19 gallery"?
I need to tell you that we can't really help you with those things you requested for now. Our main job is to mantain and update the wiki with some necessary information. So you better not asking much about it.--Jefflie (talk) 05:42, 17 April 2023 (UTC)

In reply to: Translations request

Hi Ushiwakamaru,

I apologize that I cannot understand what "other guests from episodes 363, 431-432, 458, 468, 475, 1076" means. Could you tell me what you want me to do in other words?

Here are some lists of translations, but I've not done about episodes 1058 and 1070 and movie 20. (I actually could not find where's the scene of Conan's smartphone in movie 20 because the movie was too long. I would like you to tell me more details about the scene if you can.)

The list of fishing participants in episode 352-353
Japanese family name Japanese given name Possible family name(s) Possible given name(s)
森脇 Moriwaki Makoto
沼田 [† 1] Numata Manabu
岩井 伸介[† 2] Iwai Shinsuke
平野 千絵 Hirano Chie
曽根 直人 Sone Naoto
片桐 秀介 Katagiri
北田 修一 Kitada Shūichi
The uncompleted list of Matsue Castle's visitants in episode 420
Japanese family name Japanese given name Possible family name(s) Posible given name(s) Prefecture City/District Comment Comment translation
山田 一郎 Yamada Ichirō Tokyo 成瀬市[† 3]
(Naruse City)
育実 Hayashi Ikumi Shizuoka Shimizu City 大っきいー! Biiig!
大岩 法隆 Ōiwa Noritaka Tokyo Bunkyō City シロいい~スね~ Castles are gooood
田中 康裕 Tanaka Yasuhiro Tokyo Nakano City 城は大好きです。また来ます。 I love castles. I'll visit here again.
和美 Kazumi Same as above 私も城好きです。 I love castles, too.
吉岡 昌仁 Yoshioka Masahito Nagasaki Nagasaki City 松江には感激したぞ! I was impressed with Matsue!
藤堂 真孝 Tōdō Masataka Kagawa Takamatsu City 城、めしとったり~ (probably) ??
草間 知香子 Kusama Chikako Saga Takeo City キレイだー! It's beautiful!
清水 天利子 Shimizu
?? (rare name) Tokyo Adachi City 新しくねぇ? Isn't it new?
県境 越洋 Kenzakai Koshihiro Yamanashi Yamanashi City やっと越えれたー。 I was finally able to cross it.
戸? ?? ?? ?? Hyōgo Nishinomiya City な??う~ ??
?海 ?? ?? ?? ?? Pref.[† 4] Minamata City 森に… To the forest...
林栗 二久 Hayashikuri
Tsuguhisa Saitama Saitama City 埼玉からはるばる来たよ。 I came all the way from Saitama.
岡畑 Okahata Akira
Osaka Osaka City 30年ぶりに来ました。 I came here for the first time in 30 years.
加藤 俊一 Katō Shun'ichi
Yamaguchi Yamaguchi City 近所に評判も広げます! I'll recommend it for neighbors!
俊美 Toshimi Yamaguchi Yamaguchi City 素晴しい景色に感動しました I was moved by the wonderful view
金岡 慎也 Kanaoka
Shin'ya Hiroshima 三鷹市[† 5]
(Mitaka City)
景色最高じゃけー、また来ます。 The view is wonderful, so I'll visit here again.
駒井 徳造 Komai Tokuzō Aichi Nagoya City 歴史っていいなあと思います… I feel history is good...
河野 隼也 Kōno
Kyoto Uji City 今夜は冷えますなあ。心温まる場所と海に乾杯! It's cold tonight. Here's to the heartwarming place and the sea!
藤江 竹彦 Fujie Takehiko Shimane Izumo City いつ来ても素晴しい It's wonderful whenever I visit
宗像 千綜 Munakata Chisō Tokyo Katsushika City 明日結婚します。 I'm going to get married tomorrow.
岩井 伸介[† 2] Iwai Shinsuke
Hyōgo Nishinomiya City 林さん好きです!! I love you, Hayashi-san!!
土肥 浄海 Dohi
Jōkai? (rare) Kagawa Kagawa District 今日は彼女の誕生日!! いい思い出っス Today is her birthday!! It was a pleasant memory.
土肥 Ai
Kagawa Kagawa District 香川の次にいいところだわ♡ It's the second best place after Kagawa.
山川 剛史 Yamakawa
Shiga Higashiōmi City YURIE LOVE I love Yurie
沼田 [† 1] Numata Manabu
Hyōgo Kobe City ?しいところだ It's a ?? place
ねこた しょう Nekota Shō Shimane Shimane City[† 6] おもしろかった It was interesting
  1. ^ a b The same kanji are used (沼田学).
  2. ^ a b The same kanji are used (岩井伸介).
  3. ^ Naruse City does not exist.
  4. ^ Minamata is a city in Kumamoto Prefecture, but the kanji here does not look like Kumamoto (熊本).
  5. ^ 三鷹市 is a city in Tokyo.
  6. ^ Shimane City does not exist.
The names of paintings' kids in episode 544
Japanese name Possible reading(s) Painting Notes
吾妻 一郎 Azuma Ichirō
Agatsuma Ichirō
A brown dog-ish animal
川端 浩輔 Kawabata Kōsuke Apple trees
逢田黒 公平
逢田 黒公平
Aidaguro Kōhei
Aida Kurokōhei
A plane Neither Aidaguro or Kurokōhei are popular, so I can't say the kanji 黒 is in his family name or given name.
神田 洋平 Kanda Yōhei A mountain
小林 みのり Kobayashi Minori Traffic lights and two people
井田 めぐみ Ida Megumi The sun and trees
小泉 広太 Koizumi Kōta A turtle or tortoise
田上 茜 Tagami Akane
Tanoue Akane
Tokyo Tower
金子 昇 Kaneko Noboru
Kaneko Shō
Mount Fuji
大橋 みちよ Ōhashi Michiyo Sunflowers
鈴木 洋子 Suzuki Yōko
Suzuki Hiroko
(The one above Akane's and Michiyo's)

Chūkichi (TALK) 08:50, 3 May 2023 (UTC)

File:Mushanokoji Saneatsu and Yamamoto Koyata in Movie 19.png Chūkichi (TALK) 13:40, 3 May 2023 (UTC)