Detective Boys

From Detective Conan Wiki
Revision as of 01:00, 18 October 2010 by CaseClosed14 (talk | contribs)


The Detective Boys (Also Known as The Jr Detective league in the English Adaption) is the group that Conan along with Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko formed early in the series after they find a Treasure map to Italian Gold that was stolen by a group of thieves. The Group has gone almost everywhere together including camping, going into the city, and going on field trips with Dr Agasa. Even Though Conan Plans on getting his normal body back, he enjoys having the time he has with the group of young detectives, conan even said in the 6th movie, The Phantom of Baker Street, That he couldn't go anywhere without them. When Haibara joined up she became like a big sister to Ayumi and Love intrest of Mitsuhiko (Which she knows about). Dr Agasa plays the part of a Guardian for the young group of Detectives, always telling them useful information and giving them riddles to solve, but he does scold them all if they do something that is dangerous. The Group consists of 5 members with there being 3 guys and 2 girls.



See also