
From Detective Conan Wiki
Revision as of 12:17, 28 May 2011 by Conanshinichi (talk | contribs) (User Tags)

Hello ,I am a Meitantei Conan Fan!!! and I got interested in Meitantei Conan after watching it in arabic in Libya , in the holidays. Then I started to watch it in English (Youtube didn't work so i had to watch it in english) and then after episode 30 I got sick of watching it in English (i hated the voices) I decided to watch the episode with Ai Haibara (cause you know , she didn't appear in the English dub). I found it better in 日本語 so I started to watch it in japanese and it was getting near to the end of the holiday so I waited until I went back to UK (where I live) and I didn't watch any episode for a while. Then I watched a video which reminded me of Meitantei Conan and I went to myself and said "I haven't watched Conan for a while." so I started to watch Sub Episodes and that made me obsessed with Conan. ^_^ (BTW I new about Detective Conan World by the Wiki cause I always use it)

I am active quite a lot and I AM MAD ABOUT MEITANTEI CONAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Wiki Page

User Tags

Most of them are based off bulbapedia

60px This user has black hair.
Bad Sing.PNG This user can't sing.
Microphone 60px.jpg This user wears glasses.