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Nyu is Emiko's crazy friend who she hangs out with daily. Nyu is a very blunt, tom-boy girl who makes Emiko laugh all the time. Emiko's life is constantly threatened by Nyu, and she is repeatedly insulted by her(and slightly abused...). Yet, they are somehow very good friends and somewhat close. Nyu tends to give very vague and general information about things, so Emiko doesn't really depend on Nyu for homework help. However, Emiko does like talking to Nyu when she is bored or wishes to talk about/get suggestions on anime or music. Nyu specializes in all things anime and music because she spends a lot of her time on it. Nyu also has the stomach of four cows. She LOVES food. It's a topic she could on for hours about. Thanks to Nyu, Emiko knows the names of many yummy (and very gross) foods. Emiko enjoys being with Nyu because she can go to her when Emiko doesn't feel like talking about girly stuff. Emiko also has a ton of fun messing with Nyu, and likes to tease her. It is also amusing for Emiko to make fun of Nyu's weird irrational fear of large boobs. Basically, Nyu is Emiko's most blunt friend who she can relax around due to Nyu's ungirly-ness.
Nyu is Emiko's crazy friend who she hangs out with daily. Nyu is a very blunt, tom-boy girl who makes Emiko laugh all the time. Emiko's life is constantly threatened by Nyu, and she is repeatedly insulted by her(and slightly abused...). Yet, they are somehow very good friends and somewhat close. Nyu tends to give very vague and general information about things, so Emiko doesn't really depend on Nyu for homework help. However, Emiko does like talking to Nyu when she is bored or wishes to talk about/get suggestions on anime or music. Nyu specializes in all things anime and music because she spends a lot of her time on it. Nyu also has the stomach of four cows. She LOVES food. It's a topic she could on for hours about. Thanks to Nyu, Emiko knows the names of many yummy (and very gross) foods. Emiko enjoys being with Nyu because she can go to her when Emiko doesn't feel like talking about girly stuff. Emiko also has a ton of fun messing with Nyu, and likes to tease her. It is also amusing for Emiko to make fun of Nyu's weird irrational fear of large boobs. Basically, Nyu is Emiko's most blunt friend who she can relax around due to Nyu's ungirly-ness.
Ai is Emiko's best friend on DCW. She introduced DCW to Emiko, and has helped her with everything Emiko has asked about DCW. Thus, Emiko claims that Ai is a superly awesome friend! Ai can be quite negative by choice, and Emiko finds that odd. However, Emiko still loves Ai none the less. Ai and Emiko goes way back (sixth grade). Emiko loves Ai's sense of humor too. At lunch time, Ai would tell the funniest stories that made everyone super happy. That's why when Emiko found out about Ai's sad side, she was very surprised. However, Emiko is shooting positive beams/rays at Ai and is slowly melting her depressed side. Emiko thinks Ai is very pretty, and was surprised that she is taller than her because Ai used to be shorter than Emiko. Emiko wishes to grow as fast as Ai, but can't. Emiko also enjoys Ai's help because Emiko is a very clueless person, and needs someone like Ai to guide her. Ai is also Emiko's sensei! She is her sensei because Ai is super smart and knows a whole bunch more stalking techniques than Emiko. Emiko loves Ai because she is such a great friend, and understands Emiko very much; much more than the average person. Ai is a very trust worthy person, and Emiko is glad she met someone like Ai. Also, if Emiko didn't meet Ai than she would've never have found DCW, and that would be just terrible!
Ai is Emiko's best friend on DCW. She introduced DCW to Emiko, and has helped her with everything Emiko has asked about DCW. Thus, Emiko claims that Ai is a superly awesome friend! Ai can be quite negative by choice, and Emiko finds that odd. However, Emiko still loves Ai none the less. Ai and Emiko goes way back (sixth grade). Emiko loves Ai's sense of humor too. At lunch time, Ai would tell the funniest stories that made everyone super happy. That's why when Emiko found out about Ai's sad side, she was very surprised. However, Emiko is shooting positive beams/rays at Ai and is slowly melting her depressed side. Emiko thinks Ai is very pretty, and was surprised that she is taller than her because Ai used to be shorter than Emiko. Emiko wishes to grow as fast as Ai, but can't. Emiko also enjoys Ai's help because Emiko is a very clueless person, and needs someone like Ai to guide her. Ai is also Emiko's sensei! She is her sensei because Ai is super smart and knows a whole bunch more stalking techniques than Emiko. Emiko loves Ai because she is such a great friend, and understands Emiko very much; much more than the average person. Ai is a very trust worthy person, and Emiko is glad she met someone like Ai. Also, if Emiko didn't meet Ai than she would've never have found DCW, and that would be just terrible!

Revision as of 02:24, 26 February 2012

Emiko H. Seiei


Japanese name: 恵美子セイエイ
English name: Emiko Seiei
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 3" or 160cm
Date of birth: January 13
Relatives: Anime Girl 4 Ever (spirit sister)
Meitantei Kudo (older brother)
Nicknames: Emiko/Emiko-chan (various)
Emi-chan (various)
Em-chan/Em (various)
Emmy-chan (Elizabeth Antoinette)
Mii-chan (anime girl 4 eva)
Seiko-chan (various)
Miko (Jovan and Mabel)
Koko/Koko-chan (Detective Rohit)
Sei-chan (Dorothy-chan)
Sensei/Eko-chan (xXEdogawa-kunXx)
Aliases: Ichihana Takuyaki
First appearance: August 21, 2011
Appearances: Numerous

Emiko is Emiko, and Emiko wouldn't want it any other way~.


Emiko is generally a happy person. Apparently, she thinks that a positive attitude for anything will make everything okay. Some people find her too positive, and quite odd. Emiko is also perverted. She openly admits this fact, and doesn't seem very ashamed of it. To her, she is who she is, and she doesn't care what others think about her. Emiko is also quite conceited, and thinks of herself as a god. Even if you admit her flaws (clumsy, weird, zoned out, bad memory, huge procrastinator, etc.), Emiko will still think that she's awesome. That's how weird she is. Also, Emiko is absolutely obsessed with anime, and has the tendency to fall in love with really hot anime guy characters. Some people think Emiko is creepy too. Furthermore, Emiko is very funny and can make many people laugh. Emiko also is a very good listener (and major talker) who is said to give out good advice and can be very helpful. Emiko is in short, a very happy, fun-loving, girl who is a major otaku.


Emiko was born somewhere in Pennsylvania. Later, when she was about six months old, she moved to Las Vegas, Nevada. Emiko spent a total of 10 years of her life there until she moved to some place in the east coast. Her father is Taiwanese. Her mother is part Vietnamese and Chinese. Thus, Emiko is 3/4 Chinese and 1/4 Vietnamese. However, despite this, she can only speak English. Emiko is not very happy with the fact that she can only speak one language.



Science is Emiko's favorite subject. She finds it fun to do experiments. The subject in general is just super enjoyable to her. Emiko has a natural curiosity about how the world works, and science explains a lot of that kind of stuff. She loves how with every answer found, she is stuck with more questions. Her least favorite type of science though is Earth science. Not very difficult, but very annoying to learn. She also doesn't like chemistry because it involves the use of her memory, and Emiko doesn't have a good memory. Emiko's favorite topic in science is robotics engineering. Partially because her goal is to one day make a gundam[1].


Emiko loves math. A lot of people are bored when it comes to math, but Emiko isn't...Well truth be told, she sometimes is, but most of the time she loves it. Math is all absolute. There's always a defined answer, so it's very easy. The hard part is just applying you knowledge, and being able to solve it. Emiko loves it when she gets a difficult problem because the feeling she gets after she solves it is like nothing else in the world. Sounds kind of crazy when it's math, but it's true. She feels like she accomplished something when she solves that difficult question no one was able to get. Emiko does admit that math can get boring at times or slightly difficult, but she loves the subject anyways.


Emiko loves anime. She likes to call herself an otaku, but nowadays with school and everything she hasn't watched much anime lately. That makes Emiko very upset because she loves anime. However, she's not as crazy about anime as her friends. (She is capable of having a conversation that's not about anime). Emiko loves anime because it is just so incredible and fun. The stories and lessons in the animes are just amazing and so intriguing. Anime includes all sorts of things in them, unlike some regular TV shows. Anything seems possible. The main characters just don't seem to die even after being flown into a wall or beaten to a pulp. There are some with magical powers. Magic that is far better than pulling a rabbit out of a hat. Anything and everything seems possible and cooler in anime, and that's what Emiko loves about it.


Emiko is a blogger, and loves to blog. She finds it very fun and it helps to get relieved of stress sometimes. Emiko enjoys comments, and love hearing about people's opinions about her blog. A lot of people say her blog is funny and interesting, and that makes Emiko really happy. Blogging started out as a way of increasing Emiko's creativity ability and writing skills, but it has now turned into a hobby of some sort.

Relationship Analysis


Nyu is Emiko's crazy friend who she hangs out with daily. Nyu is a very blunt, tom-boy girl who makes Emiko laugh all the time. Emiko's life is constantly threatened by Nyu, and she is repeatedly insulted by her(and slightly abused...). Yet, they are somehow very good friends and somewhat close. Nyu tends to give very vague and general information about things, so Emiko doesn't really depend on Nyu for homework help. However, Emiko does like talking to Nyu when she is bored or wishes to talk about/get suggestions on anime or music. Nyu specializes in all things anime and music because she spends a lot of her time on it. Nyu also has the stomach of four cows. She LOVES food. It's a topic she could on for hours about. Thanks to Nyu, Emiko knows the names of many yummy (and very gross) foods. Emiko enjoys being with Nyu because she can go to her when Emiko doesn't feel like talking about girly stuff. Emiko also has a ton of fun messing with Nyu, and likes to tease her. It is also amusing for Emiko to make fun of Nyu's weird irrational fear of large boobs. Basically, Nyu is Emiko's most blunt friend who she can relax around due to Nyu's ungirly-ness.


Ai is Emiko's best friend on DCW. She introduced DCW to Emiko, and has helped her with everything Emiko has asked about DCW. Thus, Emiko claims that Ai is a superly awesome friend! Ai can be quite negative by choice, and Emiko finds that odd. However, Emiko still loves Ai none the less. Ai and Emiko goes way back (sixth grade). Emiko loves Ai's sense of humor too. At lunch time, Ai would tell the funniest stories that made everyone super happy. That's why when Emiko found out about Ai's sad side, she was very surprised. However, Emiko is shooting positive beams/rays at Ai and is slowly melting her depressed side. Emiko thinks Ai is very pretty, and was surprised that she is taller than her because Ai used to be shorter than Emiko. Emiko wishes to grow as fast as Ai, but can't. Emiko also enjoys Ai's help because Emiko is a very clueless person, and needs someone like Ai to guide her. Ai is also Emiko's sensei! She is her sensei because Ai is super smart and knows a whole bunch more stalking techniques than Emiko. Emiko loves Ai because she is such a great friend, and understands Emiko very much; much more than the average person. Ai is a very trust worthy person, and Emiko is glad she met someone like Ai. Also, if Emiko didn't meet Ai than she would've never have found DCW, and that would be just terrible!


Luka is Emiko's weird anime obsessed friend, who amuses Emiko very much. They bring out each other's weirdness, and are a oddly happy duo. For some reason, Emiko is very comfortable around Luka and is capable of being super perverted or crazy or stupid (or all) in front of Luka without having to care about appearances or anything of the sort. They both have a similar sense of humor, and can go on laughing like maniacs forever (longest time recorded was about 45 minutes straight). With the capability of reading each other's thoughts, they can often have silent or coded conversations very easily. When they argue, people are very entertained. Mostly because the insults they come up with are super insanely crazy. For example, one time Emiko called Luka "A giant green hulk woman who climbed up the empire state building and got shot by superman like a fail ant." No one understands how that makes sense, but it still caused an eruption of giggles. One time they argued about whether or not yams were yellow or orange. The argument lasted a week. It was a tie (because they can be both). They both end up laughing so much during arguments that it's easy for them to forgive and forget. Let's just say they're really good friends.


She is a happy, bubbly girl who seems totally innocent, but is actually very wrong minded(pervert alert). She is almost the complete opposite of Emiko. Yet, they are great friends. Emiko enjoys takling on the phone with Rin a lot. Rin also helps remind Emiko to study because Emiko never does since she is a very lazy person. (Rin ends up calling Emiko late in the night, and forces her to study despite how sleepy Emiko is.) Rin is also very religious and stereotypical (plus a little bit of a hypocrit). Sometimes that bothers Emiko because it causes Rin and her to not see eye to eye some of the time. However, Emiko knows Rin is a good person, and likes to hang out with her nonetheless. Rin and Emiko can talk on the phone for hours, and are both shocked at how much they can talk. Emiko can never have a normal conversation with Rin that doesn't include anything perverted. It makes Emiko laugh a whole lot though. Without Rin Emiko would probably fail a lot of tests, be less happy than she is now, and probably laugh a whole lot less.


Katrina is another one of Emiko's real life friends. Katrina is a super funny girl who has recently gained an addiction for Hetalia. She is a total anime addict like Emiko, and favors Cananda from Hetalia. Katrina sends her tons of hilarious and high quality videos of super epic stuff. Without Katrina, Emiko would have nothing to do doing her free time, and wouldn't be very updated with things. Katrina is amazingly smart, and gets super good grades. Emiko is jealous of Katrina's high intellect, and admires her as a senpi-like figure.


Ryuuji changed his name to ParkHyunSeok~; which is such a pain to type XD. So Emiko is just going to stick to calling him Ryuuji. Anyways, Ryuuji and Emiko are close :D. Emiko loves how unique this guy is ! He's so different, and weird, and unusual but in a good way~. Everything he does is so cute too ^__^. Emiko really likes Ryuuji :D. He's very understanding and kind ! He can really make a her laugh too, even when she forgets how to smile. Ryuuji truly deserves happiness <3.

Anime Girl 4 Eva

Emiko is proud to say this is her soul sister! She calls her Eva-chan, and enjoys talking to this girl so very much. These two have quite a bit in common. They both are anime addicts, love cheese pizza, and etc. Emiko loves this girl <3. She's so supportive and super super nice. Not to mention really awesome too :D. Eva-chan is one of Emiko's close friends on DCW. They haven't talked much recently because both are kind of busy. But that only makes their conversations together more special ^__^.

Meitantei Kaitou

This guy is incredibly sweet ! And Emiko absolutely loves talking with him :D. She calls him Kido-kun. He's always so positive and happy. Emiko admires how he's always smiling. She can't help but smile too when she's talking to him. His positive attitude can really rub off on you. Kido-kun can be really caring and a good influence too. He always makes sure Emiko eats and goes to sleep on time because she has a habit of doing both really late XD. Emiko hopes to talk to him more and that they can stay friends for a long time.


Emiko calls him Gawa-kun because she thinks it sounds cute. The two of them have just started talking to each other recently, and have already become good friends! Emiko is glad to gain a new friend. Gawa-kun is a really nice person, and fun to talk to. They both have an interest in tennis. However, Emiko has never played real tennis, while Gawa-kun has. He is also the first person who thought she was younger than she actually is; which made Emiko happy and not old! Gawa-kun is a very interesting person, and Emiko can't wait learn more about him!


  • Green is Emiko's favorite color
  • Emiko likes cake
  • Emiko is afraid of sock monkeys due to childhood nightmares
  • Emiko is allergic to milk
  • Emiko has a blog[2]
  • The "H" in Emiko's name stands for "Happy"
  • Emiko's sister irl is the only left handed person in the family
  • Emiko is agnostic

See Also