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Status Updates posted by InuLoverNr1Hitomi

  1. It feals really good to be back! I'll see what I can do to post around more.^^

  2. School's starting tomorow! I'm drop dead nervous!>.<

    1. yoyo


      my school will start after 3 weeks but I wish that the school be today not tomorrow because I adore my school :D

  3. Hi! Sorry I haven't been on for a while. (feals like forever!>_>)

  4. Hello, sorry I haven't been around for a while. But to my defence I can say that I've become really popular on deviantart, since I got so much time to work with pictures and such!! (LOL);P

  5. Gosh!! I haven't been around for like ages!! DAMN!!!>.<

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. InuLoverNr1Hitomi


      I'll try! Truth is: I was fealing sort of embarest for being on here. I dunno why! Just happened!D:

    3. Aeyra


      Hitomi-chan!! Nice to see you back! ^^

    4. InuLoverNr1Hitomi
  6. Goodnight! And if you get it tomorow.. then good morning! Lol!:DD

  7. Did you forget already?? We're neighbors! It's 00:36 here! I'm not tired though, Lol!^^ I respect that you are, though. Sleap tight!:D

  8. Hi guys! I'm not dead! I've just had the best week in my whole teen-age life!!:D Without going further into that I'd like to say that I am going to work harder from now on! With requests and tuff! Check out my deviant art page. I will have allot to upload!! BYE!!!:DD<3

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Oooohh!! :D That's great!! ^_^ And I'll check it out!! :D And by the way, my name on dA is "Nekanith".. :):P Anyway, bye~!! <3 :P I gotta go to bed now.. =_=

    2. hopes


      Yay!! :D Nice!!

  9. We did! And I got allot of exersice to!

    She should come over more often!XDD

  10. Like I said: "My best friend is coming over"

    I've been really bisy showing her around and stuff. It wouldn't be nice of me to be online when she's here. She just left yesterday. We had a great time, though.

    I apresiate your consern!^^ <3

  11. Sorry! It doesn't work!:(

  12. My bestie from Uppsala in coming over in two weeks! I'm so excited!!:D

  13. Huh! How do I do that??? o_O

  14. But, thanks anyways!^^

  15. Apearentley, I can't use it because my trial period expired. T_T

  16. Awesome! Thanks! I'll go se how it works, K?:D

  17. You said you'd check out my dub videos on youtube. But it's ok if you forgot!^^

  18. So asicly a canon is an official pairing??

    (In that case I don't think that many pairings are canon. In alot of cases the characters never tell eachother how they feal.)

  19. What's a canon?? It's a word I've been hearing alot lateley, but I don't know what it is.:(

    1. Moonlight Magician
    2. Aeyra


      It means 'with the storyline'. AKA ShinRan is canon, SatoTakagi is canon, but HeiShin would be non-canon. ConAi is non-canon as well.

  20. Well, I'm making DC-dub videos, and put them on youtube.

  21. I uploaded my second vid, and I'm working on my third. But I caught a cold, so I can't speak! T-T

    1. hopes


      Aw... DX Get better!! What video??

    2. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Aww.. :( Get better soon, Neighbor!!! ;(

  22. I'm glad to hear that!^^

    When I was new here (I still am) I had a really hard time finding everything. I also ended up writing alot of emberasing stuff.^^

  23. Newbie here ey?

    How are thinks going??:)

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