Akazora 293 Report post Posted September 7, 2015 Noted; thank you! If I like Ocarina of Time I'll probably try A Link Between Worlds next since I know my friend played it and really liked it! Then I might give Majora's Mask a try after that depending on how much I like the series and how much time I have haha and the Zelda thread hasn't been responded to in 2-3 years nor did I recognize any of the people who posted in it so it didn't seem like it'd be worth it to revive it :') Y-you're going to ignore my advice and play ALBW, sequel to A Link to the Past, instead of the direct sequel to OoT, Majora's Mask, which is generally considered one of the best and most popular Zelda games right up there with OoT, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyworld Sword??? (In all seriousness though, you do what you want to do. While I would personally strongly recommend MM over ALBW, if the premise and/or style of the latter appeals to you more then go for it.) -- OMM: Beginning of my third week of classes in college, and I've already caught a really really nasty cold. Goddammit. Doesn't help that I overexerted myself at the gym Saturday night and still feel like a bruised peach. I'm almost not even in the mood to play Alpha Sapphire. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lili 0 Report post Posted September 7, 2015 Am I the only one who ships Amuro and Azusa? I have no clue why, but I just love them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kid the Phantom Thief 252 Report post Posted September 7, 2015 Am I the only one who ships Amuro and Azusa? I have no clue why, but I just love them. Woah! A new face! And yes, yes now I do. ;D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kenzi 146 Report post Posted September 7, 2015 Ha we just talked about him in my Comm class. That 15 year old sure did fool America. here's to never taking the presidential election seriously ever again! cheers! OMM: Eyyyyyyyyy I was walking by an open dorm room, and some guy inside was listening to Garnet Crow's "As the Dew". I just... I don't even.......... whaaaaaaaaa????? (Hey dude, if you're on DCW, I'm in room 411, your floor. Just knock and I'll let you in.) whaaaa?? perfect opportunity missed! you should've barged in and become best friends with the guy! hehe jk Yeah I would find it disturbing, too. From what I understand, since it wasn't you drowning, it probably doesn't have to do necessarily with your psychological state (like implying you feel like dying or you're drowning or something), but about something different. Again, not that I have enough experience or anything... I don't know. well, uh, I most certainly feel stressed "drowning" in schoolwork and deadlines, but not to the point where I'd commit suicide or anything, lol OMM: Beginning of my third week of classes in college, and I've already caught a really really nasty cold. Goddammit. Doesn't help that I overexerted myself at the gym Saturday night and still feel like a bruised peach. I'm almost not even in the mood to play Alpha Sapphire. overexerted yourself at the gym? pshh, what a try-hard kidding, haha Get well soon! Am I the only one who ships Amuro and Azusa? I have no clue why, but I just love them. oh shoot, I almost forgot who Azusa was for a second there geezus, I really need to catch up ...and welcome to DCW! -- OMM: fellow teachers, have mercy on us Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Balthazar Manfredie 226 Report post Posted September 7, 2015 man these kids here on dcw look tired Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A L 217 Report post Posted September 8, 2015 man these kids here on dcw look tired hey old man help us with our homework Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
machine 52 Report post Posted September 8, 2015 OMM: hoodie season is coming Y-you're going to ignore my advice and play ALBW, sequel to A Link to the Past, instead of the direct sequel to OoT, Majora's Mask, which is generally considered one of the best and most popular Zelda games right up there with OoT, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyworld Sword??? (In all seriousness though, you do what you want to do. While I would personally strongly recommend MM over ALBW, if the premise and/or style of the latter appeals to you more then go for it.) -- OMM: Beginning of my third week of classes in college, and I've already caught a really really nasty cold. Goddammit. Doesn't help that I overexerted myself at the gym Saturday night and still feel like a bruised peach. I'm almost not even in the mood to play Alpha Sapphire. As far as I know, you don't necessarily have to play them in order--right? those other forums weren't lying, were they...? It .. It didn't occur to me to read the actual release order and summaries anywhere....... It's not like that's set in stone, if I finish Ocarina of Time and decide I want to move directly onto the sequel, it's not like my previous statement would prevent me from doing so the only thing that would keep me from doing that would be an unfortunate lack of monies and/or time And I hope you get over your cold soon! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Balthazar Manfredie 226 Report post Posted September 8, 2015 hey old man help us with our homework Hell noooooNever liked them Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kid the Phantom Thief 252 Report post Posted September 8, 2015 As far as I know, you don't necessarily have to play them in order--right? those other forums weren't lying, were they...? It .. It didn't occur to me to read the actual release order and summaries anywhere....... It's not like that's set in stone, if I finish Ocarina of Time and decide I want to move directly onto the sequel, it's not like my previous statement would prevent me from doing so the only thing that would keep me from doing that would be an unfortunate lack of monies and/or time You don't have to play them in order, no. I completed Twilight Princess before I (nearly) completed Ocarina of Time. Also, monies? lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akazora 293 Report post Posted September 8, 2015 whaaaa?? perfect opportunity missed! you should've barged in and become best friends with the guy! hehe jk I actually ended up talking to him a bit, and he's an international student with rather impeccable English. I don't see him around ever unless he's in his dorm room though, but maybe we can talk some more at a later time and see if we hit it off. But yeah, he's a DC and Garnet Crow fan. overexerted yourself at the gym? pshh, what a try-hard kidding, haha Get well soon! I-It wasn't my fault, all those upperclassman were so buff and confident looking I didn't want to seem like the obvious freshman soooo...... And d'awwww thanks! I'm feeling almost all better! I just hope I didn't accidentally get you sick through that digital hug, heehee As far as I know, you don't necessarily have to play them in order--right? those other forums weren't lying, were they...? It .. It didn't occur to me to read the actual release order and summaries anywhere....... It's not like that's set in stone, if I finish Ocarina of Time and decide I want to move directly onto the sequel, it's not like my previous statement would prevent me from doing so the only thing that would keep me from doing that would be an unfortunate lack of monies and/or time And I hope you get over your cold soon! Yeah, there's no need to play them in order (otherwise I would have recommended you start with the original NES LoZ, or somehow work your way chronologically through the very confusing and somewhat mishmashed timeline (this is a long video and I don't expect you to watch the whole thing right now, especially since it spoils some games, but it's a fantastic video regardless)), but since OoT and MM run on the same gaming engine and share pretty much the same mechanics, it would probably just be a smoother transition between the two than if you sandwiched a game in between. Not to mention, MM when compared to ALBW is considered the superior game and since you might be limited by time and/or money, I'd suggest going for the more highly acclaimed ones first. And thank you! -- OMM: Day after Labor Day, and suddenly all the work comes pouring in............ rip in peace free time, please please please don't be a stranger... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A L 217 Report post Posted September 9, 2015 overexerted yourself at the gym? pshh, what a try-hard kidding, haha Get well soon! And d'awwww thanks! I'm feeling almost all better! I just hope I didn't accidentally get you sick through that digital hug, heehee. :3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kid the Phantom Thief 252 Report post Posted September 9, 2015 On my mind: Slept ~three hours after I got home from school. How am I supposed to sleep tonight? ): On my mind 2.0: Getting pizza tonight! yeaahhh :3 It's happening! haha MHxKenzi <3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
machine 52 Report post Posted September 10, 2015 OMM: I.. I found this rpg maker game that's has really adorable art and it's sea themed and it apparently gets really messed up towards the end or something idk but I downloaded it and I'm only a couple hours in and I like it a lot so far and I've only run into one spoiler which is good they're so tiny I hope nothing too tragic happens to them no spoilers plz if you know what happens You don't have to play them in order, no. I completed Twilight Princess before I (nearly) completed Ocarina of Time. Also, monies? lol Ok good, that's what I thought haha "Monies" just sounds so much better than "money" and it's an actual word too 8) Yeah, there's no need to play them in order (otherwise I would have recommended you start with the original NES LoZ, or somehow work your way chronologically through the very confusing and somewhat mishmashed timeline (this is a long video and I don't expect you to watch the whole thing right now, especially since it spoils some games, but it's a fantastic video regardless)), but since OoT and MM run on the same gaming engine and share pretty much the same mechanics, it would probably just be a smoother transition between the two than if you sandwiched a game in between. Not to mention, MM when compared to ALBW is considered the superior game and since you might be limited by time and/or money, I'd suggest going for the more highly acclaimed ones first. And thank you! I see, knowing OoT and MM share similar mechanics is a lot more convincing to me than just knowing the one follows the other. I tend to disregard chronological order when it comes to games, especially if each game in a series can stand on its own. When getting into a well established series, I always start off with the most highly acclaimed one and move onto the ones in the series that have similar gameplay. However, since OoT and ALBW are different gameplay wise, I'm still a little tempted to try both and then figure out which gameplay I prefer and then go from there. ...I'll cross that bridge when I get to it though. Regardless of whichever game I choose to go with afterwards, I'll still start with OoT. And though it's unlikely, there's no saying LOZ will even be my cup of tea so perhaps this thinking in advance will all end up being for naught haha. Due to the length of that video and that it contains spoilers, I'll hold off on it for now but thanks for linking it! The fact that there's an almost 40min long video solely going over the timeline makes it sounds a lot more intriguing. When looking around about where to start, I did hear that the LOZ timeline is a little weird so I'll have to look into that later when it's not 4am,,,,, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akazora 293 Report post Posted September 11, 2015 :3 It's happening! haha MHxKenzi <3 I see, knowing OoT and MM share similar mechanics is a lot more convincing to me than just knowing the one follows the other. I tend to disregard chronological order when it comes to games, especially if each game in a series can stand on its own. When getting into a well established series, I always start off with the most highly acclaimed one and move onto the ones in the series that have similar gameplay. However, since OoT and ALBW are different gameplay wise, I'm still a little tempted to try both and then figure out which gameplay I prefer and then go from there. ...I'll cross that bridge when I get to it though. Regardless of whichever game I choose to go with afterwards, I'll still start with OoT. And though it's unlikely, there's no saying LOZ will even be my cup of tea so perhaps this thinking in advance will all end up being for naught haha. Due to the length of that video and that it contains spoilers, I'll hold off on it for now but thanks for linking it! The fact that there's an almost 40min long video solely going over the timeline makes it sounds a lot more intriguing. When looking around about where to start, I did hear that the LOZ timeline is a little weird so I'll have to look into that later when it's not 4am,,,,, Mhm, no problem! I'm glad you're trying to get into LoZ. When you get around to buying and playing OoT, be sure to share your thoughts! -- OMM: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THE YEAR IS 20XX AND THE FUTURE IS NOW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sj2iQyBTQs This gave me chills, oh my gosh... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Balthazar Manfredie 226 Report post Posted September 11, 2015 im all aloooneeee here Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
machine 52 Report post Posted September 12, 2015 OMM 1: ....I finished Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea I really liked it, , , , ,, , , I wish there had been more character development but the cast was surprisingly large (almost 50 characters if I'm recalling correctly) and if every character had gotten a backstory, the game probably would've gotten a good amount of time added onto it so I can't complain too much. I got 4/5 endings though, and the one I missed is one that's only accessible in the middle of the game by losing or fleeing one of the battles so I don't really mind. I liked how you had to get both normal endings before unlocking the true ending too. The normal endings were alright (and by "alright" I mean the one was really messed up and the other was pretty sad) but the true ending really tied things up nicely and no one died or was implied to have died in the true ending which was also nice. And apparently some parts of the fandom refer to the orca character as "Shamu" ......I need to play Mogeko's other games now. I heard Wadanohara's the longest one (I think it took me around 8 or 9 hours to complete but I didn't exactly keep track) so maybe I'll get through one or two of this other games this weekend OMM 2: I haven't watched any anime in almost a month Mhm, no problem! I'm glad you're trying to get into LoZ. When you get around to buying and playing OoT, be sure to share your thoughts! I originally wasn't too interested in LOZ but I started watching a Wind Waker playthrough a little bit ago to just pass the time/use as background noise, but after a couple episodes I realized I was actually kinda interested in what was going and wanted to look into the series a bit more. I'll share my first impressions if I remember to! I technically have enough for it, but ACNL Happy Home Designer and P4DAN come out later this month so I want to sit on my decision a little longer since I can only afford one game at the moment. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rye 122 Report post Posted September 12, 2015 I have a week left to decide what path I'll be taking for the rest of my academic life. Do I want to be a doctor or a corporate executive? I actually aspire to be both, and it really seems incredibly challenging at the moment. The thing is, those two lines of work belong to different academic strands and by choosing one, it would be like giving up the other. This probably would've been a whole lot easier had the government not messed with the basic education system. Well, what's done is done, and I only have a week left to decide. I have a debate coming up on Tuesday. Wish me luck and pray that I do not stutter! =w= Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haibara20 0 Report post Posted September 12, 2015 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akazora 293 Report post Posted September 13, 2015 OMM: I love ya Pokemon Company, but what in the name of all that is holy and pure did you do to Zygarde and Greninja?????????? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maltavite 61 Report post Posted September 13, 2015 Working on my crossover fanfic again Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Metantei Kiddo 147 Report post Posted September 13, 2015 OMM: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THE YEAR IS 20XX AND THE FUTURE IS NOW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sj2iQyBTQs This gave me chills, oh my gosh... Man, I heard about this some time ago and I feel you, it also gave me freaking chills. Brrrr On My Mind #1: Just finished watching a let's play series on Until Dawn yesterday. Gotta say it was just fine for a modern teenagers themed kind of Game. Only character that I really liked was Josh since he was kinda dynamic. Everyone else was meh. On My Mind #2: Hate how internet is throttled so much here. :V Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kid the Phantom Thief 252 Report post Posted September 13, 2015 Hello! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tengaku squared 291 Report post Posted September 14, 2015 Wow, top posters list for me in a long time. Not that it matters. ...MK has 11 posts. Hahahahaha. OMM: LoLK is pretty damn difficult. Stage 5 boss Clownpiece (see current avie) ends runs. Ugh. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maltavite 61 Report post Posted September 14, 2015 Wow, top posters list for me in a long time. Not that it matters. ...MK has 11 posts. Hahahahaha. Congrats for the record... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
machine 52 Report post Posted September 14, 2015 OMM: tfw your game file doesn't save despite it saying it did I've never felt so lied to before Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites