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The BO originates from America?

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Well this is just a theory, though after thinking about the identity of Anokata, I realized something really interesting.


The FBI, CIA, M16, CSIS, BND, and PSB (And I'm guessing even more) are all involved in the case of the Black Organization. From this, we can understand many things, though I'll highlight possibly one that people might miss.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation is an American national security force focusing on domestic affairs. There would be no point in the FBI being stationed in Japan as they only focus on issues within America, foreign threats are dealt with by the CIA.


The M16 are a British national security force focusing on foreign affairs, while the M15 focus on domestic affairs.


Now the only reason the FBI would be involved is if the threat originated in America. The M16 being involved and not the M15 (They might still be involved, no evidence they aren't but likely not) prove that it wasn't just one security organization asking for help from others, since the M15 would also be involved (To an extent) as well.


I haven't thought more in depth of this but I'm sure it could help in finding whoever Anokata is. For instance, he'd might be someone who can speak English or he might be a foreigner (I heard he's confirmed Japanese so not sure on that though). 


Any thoughts in the comments are appreciated. I didn't really think this through all that much; I might have missed something important.

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I wouldn't be surprised if the boss has a Western connection, but the Nanatsu no ko song is a dead giveaway the boss spent a good deal of time in/was raised in Japan. Nobody outside of Japan is familiar with that tune. All known confirmed facts about the boss are listed on the wiki page. If it's not there, it's probably a rumor. The boss's nationality has not been confirmed at this point.


To be fair, the FBI may only be involved with the BO because the BO extended its reach from Japan to the United States (and possibly other countries like England), and caused criminal trouble that attracted the domestic agency. The FBI may not have realized right away they were dealing with an international mafia-like organization. Also the FBI actually has overseas offices attached to embassies, including one in Japan. They help with crimes that cross national boundaries.

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