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Detective Conan World

Major Plot Hole in Detective Conan?

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So I recently watched the movie "The Raven Chaser" (The one with Irish) and he found Conan's Identity to that of Shinichi Kudo's via finger prints. Now if you watch the end of Episode 504 (Spoilers) where Jodie asks the police officer (I forget his name) to identify the finger prints on the phone to see if they match the ones on the body the officer says "Your finger prints, Conans, and the prints that match the body were found. 


Conclusion: In the end if the finger prints matched Conan's wouldn't it of pulled up Shinichi's profile instead? Therefore meaning the police officers must have known Shinichi = Conan. That or its a major plot hole or am I just dumb? 


I know the movie "The Raven Chaser" is just a "filler" but regardless. Wouldn't the same DNA / logic apply to the actual story line?


I'm unaware if a thread like this has popped up or not.  

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They were just trying to see if the fingerprints on the cellphone matched Conan's, they weren't trying to identify who the fingerprints actually belonged to.

Basically, Conan gave them his fingerprints and they compared it to the ones on the cellphone. Since they were indeed his, there was no further investigation needed. 

None of them were entirely concerned about his identity either since the murder case was much more significant at the time.


I believe it is fairly difficult to pinpoint the person who the fingerprints belong to without some form of comparison--they would need a set of Conan's and Shinichi's fingerprints in order to confirm that Conan is Shinichi after all (which is how I speculate the Black Organization was able to find out). 

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They were just trying to see if the fingerprints on the cellphone matched Conan's, they weren't trying to identify who the fingerprints actually belonged to.

Basically, Conan gave them his fingerprints and they compared it to the ones on the cellphone. Since they were indeed his, there was no further investigation needed. 

None of them were entirely concerned about his identity either since the murder case was much more significant at the time.


I believe it is fairly difficult to pinpoint the person who the fingerprints belong to without some form of comparison--they would need a set of Conan's and Shinichi's fingerprints in order to confirm that Conan is Shinichi after all (which is how I speculate the Black Organization was able to find out). 

I guess that could be the case. Although, they would still have Shinichi's in the database I mean he did solve a bunch of cases when he was Shinichi and (I would assume) its pretty common to have ones finger prints taken before. So they should still be in the police database? idk lol

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