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Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief

DCW IRL Round 7: Weasel and Bunny

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"... And then he jumped out of nowhere, scaring the crap outta me!"

As Tony laughed heartily, she made sure to put up a humored face as well even though she didn't see the joke. Misaki twirled her pasta onto her fork, placing the last of the well-made dish into her mouth. Wiping her mouth with her napkin, she noted, "I must say, you were telling the truth when you said this was a good restaurant. Definitely could be better, but for being in a casio/hotel, rather good."


"Have I ever steered you wrong?" he asked, a grin still plastered on his face.


She replied, "No, but that's because most of the time your ideas are not very good ones and I ignore them."


"Geez Cuz," he said, "always going right for the gut, aren't you?"


"Merely telling the truth Tony."

Before Tony could reply, their waiter asked, "Would you like anything else?"


"No thank you," she replied. As she got up, the waiter said, "Ah, wait miss, your bill-"


She flashed her watch, causing them to pale. "A-Ah, yes. Have a good evening then."


With a curt nod, she exited the restaurant with her cousin following close behind. "So Cuz," he asked, "you heading out?"

"Yes, I am. I plan on staying at a different hotel than this one."


"Well, how about I accompany you? Can't let a lady like you go all alone in the dark!"




Suddenly, she could hear her phone buzz in her pocket. Taking it out, she quickly glanced at it before continuing, "I would like that. Thank you."


Misaki could see the slight surprise on his face from her acceptance of his offer. She was a rather independent soul, one that often refused companionship or help, especially when it was being offered because of her gender or age. But, knowing Tony, he was offering because she had done a good deal for him today and only wanted to be of help. So, she let him. After all, it didn't really impact her in any way and if she needed to, she could use him as a human shield. 


So they walked out until they reached her bike. After walking over to the side with the ignition, she stuck her key in and turned it before pressing her foot against the pedal. The bike let out a pathetic sputter, one that shouldn't be happening since she had just gotten her bike fixed. ... Well. I didn't take him as the type to do something like this without any sort of provocation. 


Tony, concerned, asked, "Hey, what's up with your bike Cuz? You normally keep this baby in top condition."


"It seems a certain immature, sexist idiot has tampered with my bike once again."


"Again? What'd he do the first time? And when?"


"He caused me to flip over by stabbing a stick between my spokes while I was driving before taking out the tires because I had shot at his earlier in the day. And this took place yesterday afternoon."


"What?! Cuz, who is this asshole?! Tell me and I'll go set them straight since no one gets away with messing with my cousin!"


"Tony, that is unnecessary. I am perfectly capable of taking care of my own problems. And while a nuisance, it's nothing worth fighting over."


He let out a whining noise. "But Cuzzzz."


"I don't know his name, though he is the F-1 race car driver representative for the Hunt."


He lightened up at the information. "Then I can find him right away and make him learn not to mess with the Mimoris'!"


"Tony, no. I told you, do not fight him. It is a waste of energy. I will take care of this on my own."


"But he messed with one of us! That's not cool!"

"I don't care. I will deal with it."


He let out a pout. "Fine..."


She continued, "However, could you take my bike to TJ's on your way home and pick me up in the morning so I can retrieve my bike?"


He shot her a smile. "Of course Cuz. Anything for you!"

After grabbing her stuff out of the bike's compartment, she said, "You can take it now. I'll call TJ to tell him you're coming."


"Kay Cuz! See you!"


With a wave, she walked away from her cousin, leaving him with her precious bike. Once she was a few yards away, she took out her phone before dialing the familiar number.


"Damn fool! Where you at? Told you to be here an hour ago!"


"Hello TJ."


"Girl! Sorry 'bout that, thought you were your boneheaded cousin."


"That's why there's such a thing called caller ID. To know who's calling."


"Sarcastic, aren't cha? Said I was sorry girl!"


"I was merely stating a fact. But you will be seeing Tony quite soon. He'll be bringing in my bike once again."


"Same guy?"




"Geez girl, you need to report this shit! Much as I love workin' on your ride, it pains me to see it being treated so cruelly!"


"I will do as I see fit."


"Want me to beat 'im up for ya? While I don't normally offer, I'd do it for you 'cause we tight."


"Tony already offered. I refused. I can take care of myself TJ."


"Kay, kay. So whatcha want done?"


"Fix whatever is wrong. Besides that, do as you deem necessary."


"Got it girl! Come get it at noon?"


"OK. I will see you then. Goodnight TJ."


"Night girl~ Sweet dreams~!"


Snapping her phone shut, she made her way to the hotel portion of the large building. She would need somewhere to stay tonight and this was the best option. After flashing her watch to the front desk, they gave her a key to a nice room up on the 20th floor. Once she got upstairs, she placed her stuff on the bed before making her way to the bathroom. She was in dire need of a bath and she was going to have one, especially after the last few days.

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(What I wanna know is what kinda restaurant has sand?)


Sakila watched as her ally checked her phone before she left the restaurant. Her right eyebrow rose slightly before she immediately got right back to business. Good, she knows. Now what to do about that idiot...


Exiting the restaurant, she made her way around the hotel/casino, bored. Her partner was no longer in danger and her "partner" was nowhere to be found. Sakila was passing by an arcade when she saw a familiar face.


I know him. Her acquaintance.


He was talking on the phone excitedly. Sakila was interested.

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(A little slow still I think~ Let's speed things up.)



[somewhere in the headquarters]


"Hey Weasie~ You there?"

"...... I'm here."


"It seems like your hunters are a little slow~ Aren't they?"

"... I think they are doing well... At least compared to previous years."


"That's 'cuz the prey are weak~ And there's soooo many of them~"



"Can't you make them move a little faster? The sponsors are complaining. And you don't want our dear dear~ bunny to win this battle again this year do you?"

"...... Understood."




The lights on the watches of all Hunters beeped.

"Heya all." It was the Weasel. "I've received news that the sponsors are not very amused with your pace. As such, I shall impose a time limit on the kill. One day. One kill. If you do not meet this criteria, I shall disable the watches on you. Well, I'm sure with your abilities, that should be awfully easy. That is all."


The screen of the watches changed to display a timer. 24:00:00.




[same headquarters, same person]

"Heya Bunny~~~"

"Oh Romeo~ Oh Romeo~ Kyakyakya~ HOW ARE YOU ENJOYING THE KILLINGS!? NYAHAHA~ KuFFuuufu~"

"Oh Bunny~ Truthfully, I do enjoy them~ But how bad you are~! You're supposed to be rooting for your peeps~ "



"But you still win half of the time~"



"Oh you sadistic creature~ But that's why I like you~"

"HUMPH, Stop with all these mushy stuff~ YOU PERVERTIC FELLAS CREATED ME IN THE FIRST PLACE~~ Hmmm~ Things are still a little boring eh? I guess I shall go make things more difficult huh~ PUFUFFUFFUUPHH~ Here I go~"






All the watches of the Prey rang like crazy through the town.


"HEYA~ NYAHAHA THIS IS THE BUNNY! I'M here to bring you all some HORRIBLE NEWS again! KYAHAHA~!!!! WELL! I suddenly decided to be EVIL and CAME UP WITH A HORRENDOUS PLAN! And that is... at every 12 midnight, ALL of your watches, WILL RING LIKE CRAZY FOR AN ENTIRE HOUR!!! KYAHAHAHA~! But no sweat, that only means that the hunters will be able to locate you OH SO MUCH MORE easily~ BUT I WILL GIVE YOU A BONUS DURING THAT TIME! What is that you ask~~ Hmmm~ That is, ALL of your watches will show a cursor, POINTING TO THE DIRECTION OF THE HEADQUARTERS!!! WAHAHAHA~ AINT I WONDERFUL?! Well, let's see... THERE IS STILL A FEW HOURS TO MIDNIGHT. YOU MIGHT WANNA DECIDE ON WHAT YOU WOULD DO~~~ ENJOY THE REMAINING TIME~ BUAIZZZZ!"


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Autumn was walking on the street, her fear of the game turning into excitement by the minute. she was walking with the other girl whose name turned out to be Kai. Although Autumn was feeling much better, she feared that someone would suddenly prance upon her friend and harm her. Autumn always put others' safety as her priority. Every once in a while, she would glance at that earring, as if expecting it to do something.

It was quite hard to find a place in another world you had never known. Just as the two girls seemed to start finding their way out, their watches started beeping like crazy. Autumn sighed. She wasn't surprised at anything anymore.

She could hear other beeps in the distance, so she looked around to see if she could spot any other "prey" like her.

She saw a boy on the other side of the street, probably a couple of years older than her. He did not appear to have that alertness and nervousness like the other "prey" did. He just stared there as if he was bored, as if he couldn't hear his watch beeping.

The beeping stopped and the crazy bunny started blabbering. As Autumn listened to him, she noticed people glancing at her and her friend. Some only stopped for a moment then continued to walk, but some kept standing. She thought she glimpsed someone in the alley behind them.

How... disgusting, she thought when the bunny had explained the "horrendous plan". What kind of... thing would do this for pleasure? When he had finished blabbering, she turned to Kai to tell her something. But before she could, she looked up to find that they were surrounded by three men with watches on their hands.

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"Who're you supposed to be?"




Sakila had interrupted his phone call and he promptly hung up, glaring at her.


"So? What do you wa--hey! You're prey! How'd you get all the way in here? Heh! You're in trouble now! My cousin happens to be in the hunt and she'll mop the floo--"


"Mimorin, right?"


"Mimorin?" he parroted. "Did you just give her a pet name?"


"I give everyone names. So far, there's Megane, Sakuranbo, Mimorin, and of course, The Idiot."


"I have no idea what you're talking about, but just wait until Cuz gets wind of this!" He whipped out his cellphone and called her.


Sakila couldn't hear what was being said on the other end, but she smirked as she watched his reaction.


"Hey Cuz! You won't believe this! I found prey! Yeah, at the hotel! No idea how she got in here though. What? Yeah. Um, yeah, she is. How do you know--yeah she's wearing black clothes. What? WHAT?! Partner?! What partner?! But I--but you--but--so what do I do? Aw man! And I really wanted to--Fine! I got it! Don't worry, Cuz, you can trust me. Yeah. Okay. Later."


He looked back over at her suspiciously. "I don't know what you're up to, but I don't know where Cuz is and even if I did, I wouldn't tell ya."


"That's fine. I actually wanted to talk to you."




"You recently offered to set someone straight for messing with your cousin? Well, I know that someone and I've gotten quite tired of him. I refer to him as The Idiot. You probably know him as the F-1 driver."


"You know where he is?! Take me to him right now! He's gonna wish he was never born! No one messes with the Mimoris!"


"Of course. But will you be able to take him on alone?"


"Hey, you're right! I should probably call TJ back."


Sakila waited around the arcade as the one called Tony set up his plans. As they waited for the one called TJ to show up, Sakila decided to find some means of transportation. Just as a precaution.


She quickly ran out to the parking lot. Sakila looked around and spotted Misaki's now useless bike. That's not gonna get us anywhere... Sakila then found the Ferrari she'd arrived here in. I've always liked Ferraris...


She walked up to it and took out a shining silver item from the folds of her cloak. She shoved took turns shoving the various keys on the keychain she'd stolen from The Idiot. The seventh key finally clicked. After double-checking the ride for any problems, Sakila went back to the arcade to find that more than just TJ had arrived.


"This the girl?"




"Name's TJ. Heard ya got some info on the one who messed with my girl."


"I do indeed. Are these your...friends?" Sakila gestured toward the ten or so men armed in one way or another behind him.


Tony and TJ grinned and Sakila took that as a 'yes'. "Follow me, then."


Sakila led the group up to the sixth floor to the room next to hers. "He's in here," she said. "Wait a second."


Sakila knocked on the door and heard a faint "Who is it?" from inside. "Sakila," she replied. "We've got trouble."


Aleksander opened the door and came face to face with the group. "What's this?" he asked, surprised. Sakila only smirked and said, "Sorry, Idiot, I was on Misaki's team the whole time. Now meet her friends." The men shoved past her into the room and closed the door behind them. Sakila cringed slightly at the immediate sounds of violence before heading downstairs.


She was about to find her real partner when a familiar beeping stopped her in her tracks.


"HEYA~ NYAHAHA THIS IS THE BUNNY! I'M here to bring you all some HORRIBLE NEWS again! KYAHAHA~!!!! WELL! I suddenly decided to be EVIL and CAME UP WITH A HORRENDOUS PLAN! And that is... at every 12 midnight, ALL of your watches, WILL RING LIKE CRAZY FOR AN ENTIRE HOUR!!! KYAHAHAHA~! But no sweat, that only means that the hunters will be able to locate you OH SO MUCH MORE easily~ BUT I WILL GIVE YOU A BONUS DURING THAT TIME! What is that you ask~~ Hmmm~ That is, ALL of your watches will show a cursor, POINTING TO THE DIRECTION OF THE HEADQUARTERS!!! WAHAHAHA~ AINT I WONDERFUL?! Well, let's see... THERE IS STILL A FEW HOURS TO MIDNIGHT. YOU MIGHT WANNA DECIDE ON WHAT YOU WOULD DO~~~ ENJOY THE REMAINING TIME~ BUAIZZZZ!"


Many of the hotel guests stared at her and Sakila looked around for any nearby hunters. Finding none, she ran to the parking lot and took out her phone.


"Yo, Mimorin? We might just have a problem. And I really need your help!"

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Misaki let out a content sigh as she soaked in the bath, the hot water soothing to her muscles. It was rare she took baths, but when she did, she thoroughly enjoyed them. Though she had planned to stay in longer, a familiar ringtone rang out from the bedroom. The small smile that had rested on her lips turned into a frown as she quickly wrapped a towel around herself before going over to the nightstand to get her phone and answer it. 


"Hello Tony."


"Hey Cuz! You won't believe this! I found prey! Yeah, at the hotel! No idea how she got in here though."


Most likely her. Best make sure though.


"She has short, messy hair, correct?"


"What? Yeah. Um, yeah, she is. How do you know-"


"Black clothing?"


"-yeah she's wearing black clothes."


Thought so. She must do a better job hiding from the masses.


"I see. She is my... partner.


"What? WHAT?! Partner?! What partner?! But I--but you--but--so what do I do?"


"Leave her be."


"Aw man! And I really wanted to-"


"Tony. You are to leave her. Do you understand?"


"Fine! I got it! Don't worry, Cuz, you can trust me."


"Good. Goodbye Tony."


"Yeah. Okay. Later."


Snapping her phone shut, she began to start drying off as she headed back to the bathroom to get dressed, put some make up on and do her hair. While it was late, she always liked to look the best she could. 


A half hour later, she was ready and was about to go downstair when her watch started to project a voice. 


"Heya all."


It was the Weasel. "I've received news that the sponsors are not very amused with your pace. As such, I shall impose a time limit on the kill. One day. One kill. If you do not meet this criteria, I shall disable the watches on you. Well, I'm sure with your abilities, that should be awfully easy. That is all."


The screen of the watches changed to display a timer. 24:00:00.


She stared at the watch for a moment, watching as the seconds ticked away. Criteria's annoying, though more than manageable.


Without wasting a second more at looking at her watch, she made her way downstairs. She figured that if her side had been given a new twist, the other side would get one as well. Especially since the sponsors were not amused at the pace. If that was the case, likelihood was that she would be getting a phone call from Sakila any-




She answered right away. In the background, she could hear a a rather loud beeping sound, but before she could say anything, the girl spoke.


"Yo, Mimorin?"


She deadpanned. "Do not call me that."


The girl ignored her statement. "We might just have a problem. And I really need your help!"


"Where are we meeting?"


"Parking lot."


"And what is that annoying beeping sound?"


"I'll explain when you get here."


"Fine. I'll be down soon."


Without saying goodbye, she hung up as the elevator doors opened. It didn't take her long to find the girl, since the annoyingly loud beeping was ringing throughout the parking lot. "I'm here," she said as she approached Sakila.


"Hey," she replied. "So, you have any idea how to help me out with my problem?"


"Depends. What exactly is the problem?"


"Every day, midnight to one AM the watch will beep continuously. However, it'll point us to the HQ."


"So what exactly do you need help with?"

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Aleksander opened the door and came face to face with the group. "What's this?" he asked, not surprised but acting like one. Sakila only smirked and said, "Sorry, Idiot, I was on Misaki's team the whole time. Now meet her friends." The men shoved past her into the room and closed the door behind them. Sakila didn't enter.


"Shit. Not in here."


"Oh you wanna fight ok then. Aleksander grabbed his metal pipe as they attacked. He swung it to another mans face and he fell down.

The second one and bigger one dodged it. Aleksander started to back to his backpack. The man followed but stopped when he saw Aleksanders hand holding P90.

"I guess you got bulletproof vest. But luckily to me, bad luck to you, I got bullets that CAN penetrate your vest. Now tell me where is Misaki and I'll not kill you two."


"She is took room from this hotel." the bigger one said.


"Ok. I believe you." Aleksander said. "But I need to stop you two. Maybe I could..."

He took metal can from his backpack. And one gas mask. 


"Here open it." he said as he threw it to then. "It's only sleeping gas."


Both were unconscious as he tied them up and walked out.

He had noticed that he didn't got his keys

"Se pikku hôro. Mie tapan sen."


He was in the parking lot where he saw Sakila in his car talking to Misaki.

"I need to get them out of it."  He thought as he started to dial the number of the guard of the parking lot.




Both girls started to run to the phone.

"I'm Sakila" she said as she took the phone.


"Hello... hello... TJ..."


"No, not TJ. It's me and as you can guess, I'm still free." Aleksanders voice laughed.


"How did you know where am I" She asked.


"Well, look the car."


Aleksander was grinning and waved to the girls.


"Who is now idiot? YOU TWO ARE!"


Aleksander quickly drove off. As he was far enough he checked the car for tracking device.

As he found one, he threw it on the roof of truck driving next to him.

Then he was of.

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The men seemed to close in upon them. Autumn stared anxiously, and took a glance at her friend. What was that? She was smiling?

Okay, maybe she got a plan, Autumn thought.

Suddenly she felt a familiar weight on her head.

A crow? No, not now of all times.

One of the men began to smirk. But before his lips could curve upwards Kai kicked him in the stomach.

Oh, so she's doing that, Autumn thought. But it's wrong to hurt people... She shook that thought away. Autumn, this is the hunt, she thought to herself. Either hurt or get hurt, kill or get killed.

All this thinking had happened in a moment, so Autumn was able to beat up the man standing on her left side. The crow standing on her head took of when she moved. She punched the man's face, kicked his stomach, than kicked his legs so he dropped on the floor before be could fall unconscious. But she moticed her friend was faster and had already taken care of the third man.

"Wow, you're pretty fast," Autumn told her as they quickly walked away, "twice as fast as I am."

"What do you mean? You beat up two of them while I beat one."

"Of course you-" Autumn stopped. She looked in front of her and saw that boy from earlier walking ahead of them. He glanced back and noticed them looking at him. Then he started running, disappearing from their sight.

"You think he did it?" Kai asked her.

Autumn thought for a moment. "Well, he was on the other side of the street, so why else would he be here?" Then she added, "And by the way, don't you think those men were surprisingly pretty weak?"

Kai shrugged. "Anyway, we have something more important to take care of."

Kai glanced at the paper that was still in her hands, then to her left. There was the hotel.

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TJ shouldn't be asking for Sakila. He doesn't know her.


They looked towards the person in unison before Misaki noted, "You realize this is quite likely a trap since TJ would call my phone if he wished to reach us?"


"Of course. But it's best to make him think we're falling for his trap, isn't it?"


"That would be a good course of action."


So the two girls headed over to the man holding the phone. "I'm Sakila" she said as she took the phone and put it on speaker so the she could hear.


She made sure to pause before continuing, "Hello... hello...? TJ...?"


"No, not TJ. It's me and as you can guess, I'm still free," the idiot laughed.


Of course. So predictable.


"How did you know where I was?" Sakila asked, obviously feigning surprise.


"Well, look the car."


They directed their gaze to the car, where the idiot was grinning and waving.


"Who is now idiot? YOU TWO ARE!"


Without saying another word, he drove off in a flash, leaving a blank-staring Sakila and a slightly-frowning Misaki. After a minute of silence, she said, "Let's go back inside. No point standing outside."


As they began to walk back in, she noticed her bike still in the parking lot. "Why is my bike still in the parking lot? It should be in TJ's garage."


"Ah... Um..."


".... You told them where the idiot was, didn't you?"


"I might have..."


"Were you aware I told them not to go after him?"


"... Yes."


Before the prey could realize what had happened, she was pulled closer to the hunter. Her fingernails pressed into the skin as Misaki said, her voice taking a deeper tone than usual and her face unreadable, "Listen, if I say not to do something, you are not to do it or help it be done. Do you understand? Failure to do so in the future shall result in extermination of our... partnership."


The girl paused before giving a nod. "I'm glad we've come to an agreement," she continued as she released her arm.


"Now, are TJ and Tony in his room?"

"Last I saw them, they were."


"Let's go there then. Knowing how the idiot works, they're probably still there. So show me the way."


And so they headed up to the room, where they found the two unconscious, with a pool of blood slowly spreading out underneath TJ. With a gentle jab from her shoe, they began to stir. "Ughhh..." one of them groaned as the two began to sat up.


Misaki squatted down to meet them at eye level, analyzing their injuries and everything nearby. As she began to untie them, she said, "You two came in, deciding it was wise to go against what I told you to do, but before you could hit him, the idiot used a metal pipe and hit TJ in the face, though you should have been able to dodge it since you've been through worse from your gang days."


"Hey!" he interrupted. "He caught me off guard, ok?"

"Or you are getting rusty. Afterwards, Tony was likely threatened with something, probably with a gun, and was forced to tell him where I was since there's no way he'd know where I was otherwise. Afterwards, he gave you the metal canister, filled with sleeping gas, which knocked you two unconscious. Once you were out, he tied you up. Based off the evidence I can see, I assume I'm correct."


Tony nervously confirmed, "Yeah..."


She gently began to dab at TJ's face with her handkerchief, causing the man to wince, as she said, "Well, while I understand that you had to tell him where I was in fear of your life, I still disapprove of the fact that you two disregarded what I said."


Misaki continued, her voice becoming darker, "From now on, you are not to go after him. He is mine."


TJ said, curious at the usage of a tone of voice he hadn't heard in years, "Damn girl, what did he do?"


"He implied that I was an idiot and was dumber than him."


"Shit, does he have a death wish or something?" Tony added in.


Sakila asked, "How did he get a death wish from calling Mimorin a name?"

Her cousin let out a snort. "Mimorin?"

Misaki shot him a look, causing him to shut up. TJ explained, "This girl here has a thing about havin' her intelligence insulted, especially towards people who disrespect her as well. Last time it happened, it was when I wanted out of the gang five years ago and Cap, the leader, said no. My girl decided to help a bro out and had a chat with the gang. He told her off and called her a stupid bitch, she took out his eye and almost killed him. Would have too had we not stopped her. As a result, I got out and she managed to get the gang shitting bricks whenever she came in the area."


The girl stared at her for a second before saying, "... Wow."


"Yeah," Tony continued for his friend, "Cuz rarely loses her temper, but insulting her intelligence is something that blows her top really quick. Though Unc ragged on her really hard afterwards when she did. I don't think I had ever seen him as angry as I saw that day. She ended up being grounded for a week. No one could see her, not even the family. Though the family sure as hell didn't want much to to do with her since-"


"There is no need to share unnecessary information," she cut in. "I did as I saw fit and I continue to stand by my decision."


"Hey, we ain't complaining," TJ said, hands up defensively. "You got me out girl and I'll always be grateful for that."


Misaki got up from her crouch before grabbing Tony's keys from his pocket and heading to the door. "I'm heading out for a while. Need to do some hunting," she said. "Borrowing your car since you failed to get my bike fixed like I asked."


"But it's almost 1 AM!" Tony replied.


"Still got time to catch someone before the beeping stops," she continued. "Sakila, take those two up to my room and take care of their injuries. You know where it is. Here's the key." The girl threw the key to her.


And without another word, she left, heading downstairs to the parking lot. Once she was outside, she could hear the faint shrills of the preys' watches. Sticking the key into the car's ignition, she turned it and began to drive. Misaki let open a window, finding the breeze coming from it pleasant. As she left one hand on the steering wheel, her other hand found its way up to the small container around her neck. She gently stroked the metal a few times before letting her hand fall as she took slow breaths in. And out. In. And out.


I must stay in control. I must.

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"Well, I guess you two are coming with me," Sakila said with a strange smile.

"I get the feeling we're about to be hooked up to torture devices," Tony said wryly.

"Oh, kiddo. You are in no position to talk." Sakila flicked him on the forehead and and grinned when he let out an "Ow!"

"...Stupid little..."

Sakila ignored this as they made their way to the elevator and up to the 20th floor. The music was slightly annoying and Sakila found herself tapping her foot impatiently.

"...Can't believe that idiot got away."

"Oi, Crackhead—"

"Just because I got hit in the head you call me "crackhead"?"

"—trust me, he didn't. Turns out bombs are Mimorin's best friends."


"Oh, it's just that before we left the car, we found some of his equipment inside. I'm not sure what she did but she activated a bomb that's set to go off in...oh, three minutes? It's in the trunk so it won't kill him, but his ride will be busted."

"And then he'll be trapped with no salvation from Cuz! Sweet."

"Very sweet, indeed," Sakila agreed as the elevator door opened with a ding.

Off in the distance, the Idiot's car's trunk exploded and a certain someone was not too far behind.

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(Damm. I always should say if I got something with me. But Misaki carries timers with her?)

Aleksander crawled out from his wrecked Ferrari.

"Poor horse, maybe I should bury her." he said.

He heard car closing in so he took his backpack with him and jumped off road.

Misaki stepped out from the car.


"She looks angry. No furious."


"I said you are tempered girl." Aleksander said when he rose out from bush.


"DON'T YOU CALL ME TEMPERED!" Misaki shouted to him.


"A-aa. Relax" Aleksander said when he shot sedative sting to her.


He saw her becoming dizzy and so he walked to her and roughly hold her against the car wreck and injected more drug.

Then he put her into the back-seat of her car and drove off.


He stopped in front off hospital and ran to emergency clinic.


"I need help. I found unconscious girl from street." he said with some panic in his voice.


"OK show her to me." Nurse said to him taking bed with her.

As he had done everything he headed to car shop to get his lotus.

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(Heya guys. This round is going to come to an end. Please kindly try to end this round by next week Friday. If there's no ending by then, I'll just kill off everyone and end this. :V)


An alarm rang through the entire headquarters.

"Ah~ What do we have here?" Romeo (the organizer who spoke in the airship) stared into the surveillance screen. "Looks like some of the rats actually found our headquarters within the hour, Bunny."

"Argh. They're actually pretty good! Hahaha! Wonder what those hunters are doing? Weasel~ I don't suppose your hunters are fighting each other again?"


"That's not a problem my dear Bunny~ Our sponsors seem to enjoy it anyhow, even if they seem to deviate from our original plan. The purpose for the games is to satisfy the desires of our sponsors AND of course our hunters~ Also the shops that our hunters visit will get so much publicity that they might get a dramatic increase in customers after the release of this year's hunt. The sales of the games also top the charts every year even when it is heavily priced. The games is also a huge deterrent for crime. People will think twice about committing crime and thus keeping the criminals at bay. That is how important the games are. However to continue with the ridiculously expensive games, we'll need the support of our sponsors. Even I am unable to support the entirety of the games alone. The sponsors are what keeps the game going. We need to try our best to keep them pleased. However, we have to do something about these rats... I need to prolong the games as much as possible."

The Weasel sighed. "I'll take care of this then."

"Thanks Weasie~ Ah while you're at it, tell the hunters that I want some of them to head to the headquarters and prevent any more rats in yea?"

"... Got it."

"Nyahahaha~ Didn't think some of my bunnies were these tough! Kufufu~ I will go meet my bunnies now~ ja~"

"Heh That cunning rabbit. He must have planned for this. Hmp. Though I already knew this would happen. That bunny loves stuff like this.... Well, I'll relax and see how goes~"


The watches for the hunters once again beeped.

"Alright another announcement hunters." The Weasel was still very calm. "Prey have appeared at the headquarters. Looks like you slacked off. Oh. And looks like one of you have ended up in the hospital. Hope that one ain't done in by the prey. Anyway, I will need some capable hunters to head to the headquarters as prey are gradually swarming in. The games will end when any one prey managed to find our organizer. It means you guys lost. Well, not that it matters to me but it will affect your performance and credibility and it would end the games prematurely. Summary, buck up. That is all. And don't forget to come to the headquarters."


The watches were still beeping for the prey, but it suddenly stopped.

"Heyaaaaaas~ it's me again~!!! Not surprised now are we? Never mind that! I have some good news! We have a couple of you already snooping around our headquarters!!! Kyahaha!!! Didn't think ANYONE of you could do such a good job!! Kyohohoho!!! My my, if they managed to find our dear dear Romeo, you guys would be FREEEEE~~~ isn't that AWESOME!? Oh but that is ONLY IF they manage to find him~ Remember he's in an AIRSHIP~~~ oh I've just reminded you that didn't I? WAHAHAHA SORRY ROMEO~ ANYWAY... Oh. wait... I'VE JUST RECEIVED NEWS THAT OUR BUNNIES IN THE HEADQUARTERS HAS JUST BEEN DEALT WITH. BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME!!! KEHRHEHEHEHE~! Oh but you still have erm... TEN MINUTES~! Not that you can do much but... GOOD LUCK OR TRY AGAIN TOMORROW~ BUAIBUAIZZZZ~"

The watches then continued beeping.

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Misaki felt far more in control once she took some deep breaths. You are in control. Nothing else. You.


In the distance, she could see the road lit up by a flaming car. Figuring it was the idiot's car (she had, after all, made sure to activate something in the back of his car at Sakila's suggestion), she sped up just a little to get the the wreckage sooner. She wanted to talk to him, and if it meant causing him to lose his car, so be it. His behavior, from attacking her unprovoked to cruelly beating up people she thought decently of, was less than acceptable and she was going to tell him that. 


She watched from the car for a moment as he stared at the flames dance on his now-ruined car before getting out, allowing the door to shut loudly so he would know of her presence without needing to waste words. At the sound of the slamming car door, he picked up his bag before heading to the side of the road.


"I said you are tempered girl," he said when he came closer. She could see the soot and burns covering him.


"Don't call me tempered," she replied, making sure to raise her voice so she could be heard.


"A-aa. Relax," he defensively said before shooting a dart of some sorts at her. It buried itself in her shoulder, causing a light wave of dizziness to fall over her, though she held her ground and didn't sway. 


Misaki knew she had to do something. He was trying to knock her out, or worse, and she needed to retaliate or else. And honestly, she wasn't going to take any of his crap anymore after calling her an idiot and shooting her with a sedative before asking any questions.


Dramatically, she spun to turn her back to the idiot, making it look like a heavy wave of drowsiness was befalling her. Before he could see what she was doing, she snapped open the container around her neck and got out one of the small silver needles while making sure not to accidentally stick herself with it. 


She got ready as he roughly pinned her against her car. As he injected a syringe into her neck, she grabbed his wrist, making it look like she was trying to fight back. He emptied the liquid into her bloodstream while she pricked his palm with the needle hidden in her hand, knowing full-well that he would later be suffering rather annoying symptoms, including but not limited to coughing, nausea, fever, rash, pain in different areas of the body, and lack of energy.  


While not fatal, the poison injected was a pain to find and to get rid of. It would take the doctors at least a day to figure out what was wrong due to labs along with several more for getting rid of it and recovery. In short, the idiot would be out of commission for at least five days, if not more. Of course, had he been given the golden needle, also tucked inside the container, first before being pricked by the silver one, the symptoms would have been less severe and had acted more as a relaxant than anything. 


Her vision blurred, and while she couldn't see anything clearly she could see a small dot of blood form on his hand. I got him. Good. 


Taking one last conscious breath, she allowed herself to succumb to the drug, the world around her quickly fading to black.




The first thing she saw when she awoke was white, a crisp difference from the black she had been seeing just moments ago. As the world slowly came back into focus, a nurse bent over and smiled, "Good, you're awake."


"What happened...?" Misaki asked, starting to feel a headache pound in her head.


"A man, a nice one who was blonde and around your age, brought you in and said he found you on the street unconscious. It was very nice of him, since he could have left you there and who knows what could have happened then!"

"I'm sure you also think it was very nice of him to be the one to knock me unconscious," she retorted, the pounding headache clashing with the voice of the overly cheerful nurse, causing her normally dormant sarcastic nature to rise to the surface.


The nurse was taken aback by her comment, but replied, "Ah, well you're being kept here overnight for-"


"Get me some AMA forms."



"Now. And please tell me where my items are."


Obviously intimidated by her tone, they quickly pointed to the table next to her, where her things were neatly folded and stacked, before scurrying off to get her the proper paperwork. Once they had left, she took out the IV they had given her carefully before stepping out of the hospital gown they had given her and into her normal clothes. Looking around the room, she could see she had been given a private room, likely because they had seen her watch on her wrist. 


Before Misaki could pick up her phone and call her cousin to get picked up (after all, it was very unlikely the idiot left the car in the parking lot for her), her watch began to loudly beeped. A low growl left her mouth as she rubbed her head, still pounding.


"Alright another announcement hunters. Prey have appeared at the headquarters."


That was quick.


"Looks like you slacked off. Oh. And looks like one of you have ended up in the hospital. Hope that one ain't done in by the prey."


Merely by an idiot. One that will be emptying his stomach contents very soon.


"Anyway, I will need some capable hunters to head to the headquarters as prey are gradually swarming in. The games will end when any one prey managed to find our organizer. It means you guys lost. Well, not that it matters to me but it will affect your performance and credibility and it would end the games prematurely. Summary, buck up. That is all. And don't forget to come to the headquarters."


And with that, the message ended. Without wasting another minute, she got her cell phone before dialing up Tony's phone. After a few rings, he answered. 


"Misaki! Where are you? We've been waiting for a while now!"


"Hospital. Judging from where I was when I was knocked unconscious by the idiot, it's likely Midora General."



"Tony, I have a pounding headache right now. So please do not complain."


"Do you want us to pick you up?"


"I would like that. I assume that the idiot either left your car or took it."


"He better have not!"

"Lower your voice Tony. Headache."


"Sorry. Well, we'll be there in ten to fifteen minutes."


"I'll be waiting."

As she hung up, the nurse came back with the AMA forms and a pen, which she signed promptly. Once she made sure she had forgotten nothing and got some pain killers for her headache, she made her way out to the entrance. By now the group should be close enough to be arriving any moment. So she stood outside, the cool night air brushing against her as she popped a pill into her mouth.

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Kai looked down at the address in her hand. She looked up at the hotel.

"Guess this is it.." 


She pushed the front door open and walked right in.


Suddenly, their watches stopped beeping. The bunny's voice started rambling on about stuff.


So someone's already at HQ..She glanced at Autumn. We should be going there too..Then she thought of Kuro-chan and took a deep breath. But....


She propped herself at the front register desk. There was a plump lady there, reading the paper.

"Excuse me..?"


The lady looked up with bored eyes. 

"Could you tell me what room my friend..." She looked back down at the piece of paper in her palm. "Misaki Mimori is?"




"Could you please tell me in which room my friend Misaki Mimori is?" She repeated her question, this time with a more serious tone.


The lady seemed reluctant to answer, so Kai sighed and flashed her beeping watch at her. The lady's eyes widened.


"Sh-She's in room 2013.." She stuttered.


Kai smiled. "Thank you," She replied before going to the elevator, Autumn right behind her.


"20th floor, huh.." it was the highest floor in the hotel. She pressed the button and waited.


"So," She began, looking for something to say while they were lifted up.




The doors opened.


...That was...quick..


In walked a man dressed in a trench coat.


Oh. Nevermind..it was only the 7th floor..


With the man in the elevator, Kai and Autumn stayed quiet....except for their watches. Kai had almost gotten used to their beeping, but in the small closed space, the beeping seemed freakishly loud.


The man looked at them from the corner of their eye, especially at Autumn's who was right beside him. All of a sudden, the man lashed out at her

with a knife and held her in a headlock, the knife inches from her throat. He smirked. 


Kai gasped and felt herself freeze. She returned that man's evil smirk with a look of hatred. "Are you a hunter..?" She asked him.


"What do you think?" He pressed his blade against Autumn's throat. The timer on his watch flashed. 00:05:00


Kai's thoughts ran through her head. I'm guessing the timer has something to do with his killing...which means he has 5 minutes to kill a prey...I need to save Autumn!


"I'm not sure about that, but what I am sure about is..." She suddenly leaped at him with a great ferocity and kicked him between his legs. He cried out and in that split second, loosened his grip. "You don't ever hurt my friend..!"


Autumn tried to push her way out, but he tightened his hand right before she could free herself.




Right then, the doors opened. It was the 20th floor. There was a huge window with a big view outside. There was something black outside it. As she looked closer, she realized it was a crow.


Autumn's eyes widened when she saw the crow. "Run.." Autumn managed to say, struggling under the man's grip.


"Never." Kai jumped at the man again, but this time, the man grabbed her wrist. "Not so fast, missy!" He laughed.

Suddenly, she felt something by her ear. It was burning hot. "Ahh!" It was her earring. Using her free hand, she undid her earring and looked at it. The red stone was glowing. This time, she held it at the end, and pushed the earring on his face. "ARGHH!" He screamed, his hands loosening and going up to cover his face. "You little...!"


Kai turned and regained her distance. Autumn finally got free as well, and she ran outside the elevator. The earring was still glowing, and the man, having recovered a bit from the burn, started walking towards them. "You will not get away..." He growled.




There was someone there. Autumn gasped. "Sakila!?"


Kai turned and saw Kuro-chan with two other guys. "What..What are you doing here??" Despite the situation, she couldn't stop herself from smiling.


Outside, a crow screeched.

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Aleksander stopped. He jumped out from his car. He puked. He heard his watch. *BIIB*BIIB*

He only heard words prey, HQ and swarming. 

He glanced his left wrist and shouted:"PERKELE"

"She injected something into me. What ever."


He now knew where the HQ was. And he had shot one prey in the last 30 minutes so no worry.

He didn't feel well, but still he had driven in worse condition than now.


He was closing the HQ. 

"Those two are prey" he thought as he shot them.


His plan was to have good place at the main entrance of the HQ to kill everyone with watch. He didn't any more care was it prey of hunter.


He found good place to hide from those who were going to enter. But he could see from there.

But he was tired so he took some drug. He knew that after it wear off he couldn't even raise his hand. 

"So I got 4 hours to do it." 


But before it he placed some bombs to side entrances.

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"Hurry up. And grab her stuff, too."

"You know, I don't see you doing any heavy lifting."

"Right, leave the heavy lifting to the short prey girl with black makeup and overly-powdered face. Great idea. Not to mention the beeping watch that already draws attention. What if I have to duck?What if I--"

"Alright! I get it ...Shut up." Sakila heard a grunt as Tony picked up the large black bag filled with equipment.

She shut the door to the room and made her way to the elevators, which were fortunately close. As if on cue, the one closest to them opened and Sakila stopped in her tracks, seeing who it was.


"Wh-What are you doing here?"

"M-Megane?" She grinned. "Made it here right on time, I see." Then she noticed it. In the elevator, a man had Autumn in his grasp.

"Tony! She's an ally!"


Tony pulled out an extra Glock from Misaki's bag and pointed it at the man in the trench coat. "Let her go," Sakila demanded.

"Yeah, right! You shoot, and she's done for!" He turned his attention to Tony. "What are you doing anyway?! Aren't you loyal to Mirdora? What are you doing helping prey?"

Had he not noticed TJ yet? He was only addressing Tony. Sakila discreetly looked to her right. TJ was hiding behind the wall adjacent to the elevator door. A slight bit of blood had seeped through the bandages wrapped around his forehead. He nodded at them slightly.

"This practice is sick! Aren't we all human?" This from Kai.

"You things aren't human! You're not even from Mirdora, you aliens!"

A pipe came out of nowhere and banged against the far wall. The man in the trench coat turned his attention from everyone else for just a second and Tony immediately pulled the trigger. The bullet grazed his cheek which was already somewhat burned--from what, Sakila didn't know. But it startled him enough and he released is hold on Autumn who slipped out and kicked his feet out from under him. Kai, who was close, immediately offered a kick to the face, knocking him unconscious.

"Come on!"

TJ, who'd been the one to throw the pipe, appeared, and helped Tony drag the prone man out from inside the elevator. The two propped him up against the wall. Quickly checking his clothes, they found a two pistols and a knife. Sakila offered them to the girls. "We're gonna need some firepower."

The five went down to the parking lot and got into TJ's Jeep.

"Where are we headed?" Kai asked as she got into the back with Sakila and Autumn. She looked a bit unsure about the two Midorians sitting up front, but was smiling nonetheless.

TJ started up the Jeep an pulled out onto the main road.

"Well, I guess the headquarters would be the best place to head to. Our watches will point in its general direction for a few more minutes."

"Here." TJ pulled out a GPS system. "Compare it to this."

"Tony, are there any buildings around here that could constitute a headquarters?" Sakila passed him the device and let him view her watch.

"Uh, well... in this direction. I guess the best bet would be the New Mirdora Acute Films Inc. office building. It has a lot of facilities on the side as well. Whatcha think TJ?"

"Yeah," he said simply as he made a sharp turn. Sakila fell back in her seat and turned to the girls.

"Have you guys had anything to eat yet?" She opened Misaki's equipment bag which they'd stocked with food from the mini-fridge.

For a while, the only sounds in the Jeep were those of people eating. Sakila was just finishing up a packet of peanuts when Tony spoke up. "How do you think Cuz is doing?"

"Dunno," came Sakila's reply.

"Girl's tough. Doubt she'll get into too much trouble."

It fell silent again.


"Say, how come I'm the only one without a nickname?"

Ring. Ring.


"Darnit, where's my phone? ...Misaki? Where are you? We've been waiting for a while now... That--... Do you want us to pick you up?... He better have not!... Sorry. Well, we'll be there in ten to fifteen minutes."

"What happened?"

"HE STOLE MY RIDE," came from between gritted teeth. Sakila rolled her eyes.

"I meant to Mimorin."

"Oh. She's in the hospital. He knocked her unconscious, but she's good now. We need to pick her up. TJ."

"On our way there."

Once they reached the hospital, aptly named Mirdora General, Sakila jumped out and stretched. It was a hot night and she took off the cloak to revealing a baggy black t-shirt. "Mimorin, over here."

Th girl made her way over and Tony offered her shotgun, jumping into the back with the prey.

"Headed to the HQ?"

She doesn't miss a beat, does she?


"Alright. TJ, stop for a second."

The Jeep slowed to a stop. "Why, girl?"

Misaki rolled down the window and took out a gun. Aiming at one of the nearby people with a beeping watch, she shot and rolled the window back up.

"He looked familiar," Tony remarked.

"Yeah, he's one of the Mirdorian prey. Th pedophile who was targeting this area two years ago. Scum like him don't deserve to live anyway. Plus, I needed to kill someone."

Sakila, Autumn, and Kai looked down at their watches, which had stopped beeping. "Guess time's up."

"But we know where the HQ is."

"Off to the New Mirdora Acute Films Inc. office." TJ drove off.

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Kai smiled to herself. She felt pretty much accomplished, given that she'd been the one to finally knock the guy out. Plus, she found Kuro-chan again. 


"You okay?" She nodded to Autumn, who was rubbing her neck. A faint red mark had appeared where the guy held her.

"Mm," Autumn smiled and nodded. "I'm fine."


Kai returned the smile and rolled her own window down, letting the wind blow through her hair.


The car resumed its usual silence.


Misaki, or 'Mimorin', as Kuro-chan had called her, turned the radio on. "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay rang out, and TJ cranked up the volume so it blasted.

"I never knew you guys had these songs here!" Kai grinned.


"What are you talking about? This is a classic!" Soon the car was filled with singing, and it was almost as it they weren't in a life-or-death situation after all. 


"In 50 meters, turn left. Then, you have reached your destination," The GPS suddenly voiced loudly with its robotic voice. It was almost drowned out by the radio.


"Turn left, turn left!" Kai shouted and laughed as TJ veered a sharp left, barely making the turn.


"Woohoo~!" Autumn said eagerly. "We're almost there!"


"Finally!" Kuro-chan poked her head out of the window. Outside, it was all dark and black. In the near distance, a neon light glowed "NEW MIRDORA ACUTE FILMS INC.".


The Jeep turned onto its parking lot and came to a stop.


"Let's go!"

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Somewhere in the shadows, a conversation was taking place.

"Bunny. Are you there?"

"You called, my lady?" The bunny appeared on the screen.

"Yes. How's everything going now?"

"Quite successfully if you asked me~ kekeke~ By the wayyyy, I have news. Great news my lady."

"Oh? Is it ready?"

"Yes it isssss~ The distortion rate is high and safe enough to commence next steppppppuuu~~~~"

"I see. I'm grateful Bunny. Lets commence our next step then. How many markers do we have left?"

"Two my lady. I have chosen the ones quite likely to survive according to our calculations. Unfortunately one of them dieddddd and only two are le-"

"What's wrong Bunny?"

"One more marker diedddd... Gahhhh! The calculations are going crazyyyy!"

"How about the last one?"

"Let me checkkkk... It's heading towards the HQ at a pretty fast pace. I suppose it obtained a car or transport."

"That's not good. I can't have it killed. Contact Laurence immediately."

"Understood! What will I have Laurence doooo my lady?"

"Protect the marked individual in secret and bring it to me."

"What if it has partners? Do I kill them or???"

"If that's the case, ascertain their willingness to cooperate and bring them along to me."

"Alrighty then! I'm off~!"


"There it issssss. Wait a seccc.. Gahhh!!! Why is our markerrrrr with a hunter???!!!!"

"Calm down Bunny." A man with long hair tied up in a ponytail spoke. "This could be interesting."

"Whawhawhatiffff that hunter decides to kill it!!! That's our lastttt marker!"

"If the hunter wants to kill them, they'll be dead by now. Not happily singing some oldies while getting a ride to the HQ."


"You'd better not speak too much here. Although I have blocked all channels for spying devices, we can't be hundred percent certain no one's listening in."

"Al-alrighty... But you know... All hunters signed a contract and they belong to the hunter society. No matter how strong they are, theyll have to consider the words of the main organizer."

"There could be exceptions... Like me?"

Bunny coughed. "You think everyone's like you??? All hunters join the games because they have desires but I'm sure it's nothing like yours. And don't forget, the orders is to eliminate as many hunters as possible."

The man shrugged. "Well, lets see what the girl can do then before I decide.."

The man pulled out a pistol, aimed and shot. The bullet missed the girl in black by a hair's length and straight into the hunter's shoulder.

"Humph. Not my specialty, but I guess I'm pretty awesome in guns too."

"Think you'd better watch out. The girl's shooting back..."

"Geez... Thought she's in dance? What's with knowing how to shoot?" The man plopped down to dodge the rounds.

"That could be said for you as well... Laurence..."

"Keh." The man pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and shoved it into a special gun. He then shot it towards the girl. "Hmmm that should settle it. Will wait for their answer then."

"You sure that's alright???"

The man shuffled his hair in response. "No prob."

(Decided not to wait after all. :V)

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Misaki sat, rather bored, as the car filled with everyone singing along to songs she had heard, but never felt the need to learn the lyrics of. Waste of memory space. So instead, she began to stretch her limbs as much as she could (though making sure not to hit Tony next to her). Finding her leather coat was restricting to what she could do, she quickly shrugged it off, fully revealing the white tank top before going back to stretching. By now, the sedative was mostly worn off and the headache had eased back quite a bit though she still felt the need to have her limbs stretched so they could work at full capacity.


After a few more minutes, she stopped and instead leaned back in an attempt to sleep. She had had a rather long day and the trip was just making it longer. She wouldn't be able to work at her best if she didn't rest, so she thought it'd be the best course of action. So, after putting the safety on her Glock and taking it off her belt to lie next to her along with straightening out the layers of clothing she wore, she took deep breaths and tried to calm herself enough to sleep. Just as her eyes began to flutter shut, the GPS said, "In 50 meters, turn left. Then, you have reached your destination."


"Turn left, turn left!" one of them shouted and laughed as TJ veered a sharp left, barely making the turn. She frowned, not happy with the fact that she couldn't get any sleep, but nonetheless wordlessly put her Glock where it belonged and put her coat back on.


"Woohoo~!" the other said eagerly. "We're almost there!"


"Finally!" Sakila poked her head out of the window to see the sight in the distance. Shining brightly in the darkness of the night was a neon light that read "NEW MIRDORA ACUTE FILMS INC.".


The Jeep turned onto the parking lot and came to a stop.


"Let's go!"


One by one, they all slid out of the car before making their way to the building. Walking behind Sakila, Misaki thought she heard a faint bang, as if it was a gunshot. This theory was proven true as a stabbing pain attacked her left shoulder. She jerked, recoiling in the pain before quickly pulling herself together and grabbed her gun from her belt. Though it hurt like hell to move her left arm so she could take off the safety, she didn't say anything as she sent several bullets into the direction of which the gunshot had likely originated from before waiting for a few seconds. No shots were returned. 


The idiot didn't shot me. This was a deliberate shot. It was meant to hit my shoulder. That's not something that he could ever do. Perhaps another hunter? Possible. They might have mistaken us for prey, especially since we came as a rather large group and decided to shoot. But they only shot once, at me. A hunter wouldn't do that. They'd shot until we were all dead on the ground. Plus, deliberate shot. Hunters aim to kill, not wound. Or, attempt to wound.


"Holy cow! Misaki, are you ok?"


She snapped out of her thoughts, giving herself a second to process the question before answering, "Yes. I am fine."

"But you're bleeding!"

A questioning sound came from her lips as she looked down at her shoulder. A liquid was quickly spreading, turning her white tank top red. "Damn," she muttered, a disapproving tone obvious in her voice, "This is now ruined. I should have remembered that this type of vest does this..."


"Girl, did you just say vest?" TJ asked. "As in, bullet proof vest?


"Yes," she replied. "Vest. You didn't realize I was wearing one?"

"Well how the hell would we know?! You had it on under your clothes and didn't tell us!"


"But the chances of being shot at is high since it's the Hunt. And I can't have myself being wounded from a bullet. It could interfere with my career. So while shopping on the first day, I got one that was thin enough that it wouldn't reduce my movements too much and also protected me."


"So what about the blood?"

"Fake. Some vests do that so your attacker thinks you're bleeding so you can get the upper hand. It's a good idea."


"Geez... I wish you told us before though. You scared us half to death!"

"I saw no reason to."


"By the way," Tony asked, "I know this probably isn't the time-"


"Then why ask?"

"BUT... How do you know how to shoot a gun? As far as I know, you never learned from anyone."


"Well," she explained, "I read about the mechanics of a gun as well as other books relating to the topic when I was around 16. I memorized it all. Afterwards, in order to practice my marksmanship, I played FPS games."


"... So in short, until you joined the Hunt, you'd never actually shot a gun?"



"Damn girl! How do you do that?"


"I'm good at applying what I know."

"But still! That's not something most people can do."

"I'm not most people. Also, TJ, may I borrow your shirt? This tank top is getting rather uncomfortable to wear and I'd much rather get out of it in exchange for something else that isn't my bulletproof vest. And I know you wear a tank top as well underneath your clothes."


"Sure girl, take it," he said as he began to pull the tee-shirt off his body to hand to her.


After quickly saying thank you, she stripped off her coat and tank top (slightly wincing in pain while doing so), leaving only her blue bulletproof vest in sight on the upper half of her body. After replacing the broken blood packet with a spare she had been keeping in her pocket and wiping away any leftover "blood" off of herself, she slipped the baggy shirt over her head and onto her body. The fact that it didn't frame her body like most of her other clothes did bothered her, so she quickly tightened the shirt by scrunching up one side of the shirt and tying it off with her spare hair tie.


"We should get going," she said once she had put her clothes in the car. "No point wasting time."

The rest agreed, and so they made their way closer to the building as Misaki popped an aspirin into her mouth.


They had only traveled a few feet when a piece of paper managed to hit Sakila right between the eyes. Her head leaned back a bit from the impact before she peeled the piece of paper off of herself. Opening it up, she silently read the contents. 

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(Sorry, sorry. That's my cue.)

Sakila loved the wind in her face as she poked her head out the window. Most of the people in the Jeep were singing along to the music. But Sakila wasn't too keen on singing aloud. She has enough of that back home. Her coworker loved to burst out into song whenever and wherever. Sakila thought about him and her mother. What were they doing? Was her mother trimming the roses outside their house? Had her coworker set up shop already? Was he chasing away all the hot boys by coming on too strong as usual?

Sakila sighed and held on to the window tightly as the Jeep jerked. The New Mirdora Acute Films Inc. sign came up not too long after. "Finally!" Sakila shouted. She jumped out of the Jeep with everyone else,

Misaki right after her.

Suddenly, something whizzed by hair and before long, she heard the sound of impact. Turning around, she found blood leaking out of Misaki's shoulder. The girl immediately retaliated and fired a few bullets of her own in the general direction, but the shooter seemed to be gone.

As everyone asked how she was, Sakila stepped back and watched as Misaki slipped out of her soiled t-shirt, revealing a busted blood bag. Interesting, thought Sakila.

After she was ready, the team headed out again, but this time, it was Sakila's turn to be shot at. Thankfully, only with paper. The piece of paper landed right between her eyes and she peeled it off with a frown. Opening it up, she read the message to herself silently before reading it aloud to the whole group:

"Wanna know more about the truth? Meet me in the HQ 2nd story AV room. Bring the prey along.


"Well," Sakila said as she looked at the three Mirdorians in the group, "Know anyone called Laurence?"

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