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DCW IRL Round 3

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(Personally, I'm not too eager with all this FBI stuff (because it's DCW IRL... and I thought it was supposed to stay within realistic limits... woops for me.) and I have no idea what the previous storyline is so I, for one, am extremely confused with all your references. If possible, please try to separate future posts from the previous storyline. I am pretty sure I said that in my last post, but nobody seemed to see it. :/ I don't want to have to bring down my fist, but please try to use your own judgment to what's reasonable and what's not. I personally don't like all of these secret agencies- that's what kind of led the first DCW IRL group to its doom. Too many NPCs, too many groups, and just too much confusion. It's better to keep it so there is only one group and everyone is not trying to come up with some secret Deux ex machina. I don't have time to type up something to mess you up right now, but I will give a deadline. Let's try and finish this by Sept. 31st, okay? ;) That's about twenty more days!)

I'm going to keep my character simple. There will only be brief mentions of an organization because it is not the FBI/CIA, something else much less confusing. I don't know what a Deus ex Machina is, but I'm trying to get to Aeyra first before any of the others, so I'll only be using analogies, or traps by words.

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Erru typed quick responses to Aster and Ren, telling them of the airport rendezvous. Closing her computer, she frowned.

Without authorization, she couldn't carry any firearms, especially when headed to an airport. She grabbed her pocketknife as she received a message from Sakila, headed out the front door. "I'm leaving," she called, even though no ome else lived there. With a quick smile dissolving into a serious expression, she replied to Sakila.

"I will be there momentarily. Please be on alert for any suspicious people or groups I have no way pf determining whether our messages have been observed."

With that she made her way to the meeting-place. A hand in the pocket that held her knife, she crossed the parking lot, looking for anyone she knew was supposed to be there.

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Aster stood at the entrance of the airport. It had been 2 hours since he had arrived here. Dressed in his usual attire, which got him many stares, and a backpack, he waited for Erru, the white stick of a lolipop showing out of his mouth. In front of him was a parking lot, with many cars going in and coming out. There were a lot of people, but he could not determine which one was Erru. His best bet was someone, a young girl looking left and right as she exited the parking lot towards his side. He decided to quietly follow her.

Is that her?

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Lokar and his henchmen are arrived on the airport, on his dashboard there's two Kiparis and one modified AUG HBAR if thing is goes wrong. His men asked, "Хеј, где је Саша ће возити послато Ти је возио два седишта аутомобила, човече!" (Hey, where's Sasha will ride on? You drove the two-seat car, man!) "Знам! Зато морамо да тражи неке брз аутомобил! Он је стигао у десет минута!" (I know! That's why we gotta search some fast car! He's arrived in ten minute!)

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Upon receiving the reply of the supposed FBI Agent, Ren immediately relayed his instructions to his driver and eased into his seat. His nerves were definitely taking over him little by little and all he could do at that moment was to take deep breaths to somewhat alleviate the overwhelming feeling. Ren took his eyeglasses off of its case and put them on. His intuition was going crazy and he felt like they might come in handy.

Before Ren knew it, his driver was already searching for a space in the massive parking lot of the airport. Ren took another deep breath before giving himself a pep talk. He couldn't remember the last time he was that nervous. It was understandable, he had never been to an airport by himself before, let alone possibly be in a dangerous mission without anyone he actually knew. But this was a chance to break the mundaneness of his routine life and he couldn't possibly just sit back without at least trying to help. Aeyra was someone he didn't know that well but that was a non-factor when helping someone.

Ren got out of the car and started to walk towards the airport before rushing back to the driver's window and smiled. "I forgot to greet him but can you wish your son a happy birthday for me? I promise to bring him cake when I get back." ...if I get back. Ren pushed the thought away and waved goodbye to the driver then finally entered the airport's main building. There were an endless wave of people going about which made Ren gulp. How was he supposed to find Erru with zero information to go on? Ren quickly regained a cool head however and proceeded to search for anyone that might resemble an FBI agent... whatever that meant. Due to Ren not paying attention of what's ahead of him, he literally ran into someone which almost made him lose his balance and fall over. Ren stared at the person he bumped into, a boy who exuded sort of an aloof vibe which contrasted with what seemed to be lollipop on his mouth. Remembering that there was a thing called manners, he scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly. "I'm really sorry. Tt's my fault. Are you okay?"

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(I better start.. )


Another amazing day, good enough to be in Rose's Journal! Yaaay. Rose thought, she just came home from school. She threw her bag on the floor, and laid on her bed. "Who am I kidding, this was the longest day I ever had. Boring indeed. " She whispered to herself, sighing. She picked up her iPhone, and was suprised that there was no new messages. Weird. Usually TONS of messages are waiting for me?!! She decided to browse her favorite forum, one of the best forums in her opinion. It was detective Conan world, or DCW for short. While she was browsing and surfing, scrolling up and down, she noticed Aeyra's status. "The... Heck?" Rose muttered in a I-can't-believe-this tone.

She read it again, making sure she wasn't just imagining things or something. But it was clear, those words..;

“This is the first day that I've been able to get away, but it won't be long before they catch me. You need to save us, please. I can hear them already- please, you're our only hope. Search the news- it'll tell you everything you need to know. If anyone can help us, it's you guys.” Were written on Aeyra's page.

What news?

Rose got out of her room. "Dad?! Where's the newspaper?" She shouted. "In the shelf of the living room" He replied. She ran to the living room, took the newspaper and read it. It was right there, in the headlines, in big black letters....


( Continue later! <3)

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The moment Aster started to follow Erru, he bumped into someone. He felt that this person had a solid build, and nearly lost his balance. He must be a soccer player. Aster looked at him, the person was nervous. Interfering four eyes.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. Are you Okay?"

"No, I'm not Okay. My name is John Smith." Aster lied, but the expression on his face was serious. Seeing the embarassed expression on the strangers' face, he quickly added "I'm fine. Here." He handed the person a cherry flavored lollipop. As expected, while the person looked at the lollipop Aster watched the person he suspected was Erru, out of the corner of his eye. Then he spoke quietly,

"I'm Erru Natake of the FBI. I'm still part of the training core, so I don't have my badge yet."

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Erru spotted a girl standing near the entrance, guessing she was Sakila. She looked around as two people behind her collided and spoke, trying to determine the security of the area.

A two-seated car caught her eye, and as it passed, she heard the driver speaking a familiar foreign language... the only kidnapping she'd been involved in had been perpetrated by a Serbian Organisation, so she was instantly suspicious of the man behind the wheel. Erru froze, breathless, as she tried to suppress thoughts of the men she'd fought.

Forgetting to approach Sakila, she watched the car's path for a moment, judging which way it would head. "Alright..." Erru broke out in a run across the midway of the parking lot, cutting through parking spaces and dodging honking cars.

When she had outpaced the speed-limit-abiding car she turned, swerving herself into its path. "Stop!" she ordered, holding out her arms and blocking its path.

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"How close are they?" asked Aeyra curiously to her kidnapper. She didn't really consider him that anymore, seeing that she wasn't being held captive as much as being made a comrade, but it didn't change the fact that he had yanked her from home at midnight and stuffed her in some van and held her in a prison for about a week. "Are you going to use that now?"

"Perhaps," he answered, smirking. "After all, that will stir up quite a fun commotion, don't you think?" He pressed a small red button, and the sound of a distant explosion filled the air.


(Use your imagination folks. X) Sorry it's lame and short for twister... I have a chapter test for AP Euro tomorrow and a bunch of homework.)

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(Akai Sera: Lokar and his crew are Serbian, not Russian)

(And I are the protagonists...)

"Дакле, по чему се Аеира?" (So, how is Aeyra?) Lokar asked, his man told him "Је она у реду. Сам разговарао са њом. Како би било Сасха? Да ли је он стигао?" (She's fine. I talked with her. How about Sasha? Did he arrived?)

Lokar looked around and he told his man, "Срање, неко нас гледа! Назваћу те касније. Муцх љубави, брате..." (Shit, somebody is watching us! I'll call you later. Much love, brother...) his man smiled, "Видимо се касније, брате. Се надам је ваш рођак је безбедан и здрав. Збогом!" (See you later, brother. I hope your cousin is safe and sound. Bye!) Lokar hangs up the phone and he readied his modified G3 as his henchmen are took the Dual Kiparis.

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One of the men grabbed her from behind, rather roughly at that, and held her arm tightly. The men in the room gave a grunt of understanding towards their leader as he walked out. Now that the Russian (or what was to be assumed to be Russian) mafia mob boss dude had left, she looked around to get a better feel of the place. After all, she was probably going to be here for a while.

As she scouted the area, she noticed right away that the other two with her, Aeyra and the other person were gone. She actually felt a little worried, not for the other person of course but for Aeyra. She knew what happened to people if they cross the line that the person behind everything made. As her head filled with what terrible things could be done to her friend, she felt a little sick. It's been a while since she's actually cared about the wellbeing of someone other than herself. As she realized the mental hole she was digging for herself, she tried to stop thinking about it.

Focus Misaki! Worrying about Aeyra will get you nowhere. She made it out (even if she got caught) and was out for longer than anyone had ever gone. She'll be fine. For now, worrying about the problem on hand is more important....


(@OTTD, whoops, sorry about that =X)

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"What the..." Sakila had just reached the person she'd suspected of being Erru when they ran off towards a random car.

Uh... okay, then.... Maybe that wasn't her? She began scouting the area again when she overheard the conversation of the two boys behind her.

"I'm Erru Natake of the FBI. I'm still part of the training corps, so I don't have my badge yet."

Sakila turned around, shocked. What in the world is going on?

"I'm sorry, but did you just say YOU were Erru?" The boys turned toward her. She continued, "because I've spoken to Erru and...she's a GIRL."

Just as one of them was about to respond, the ground started shaking suddenly. Sakila grabbed on to the nearest pillar to steady herself. She immediately turned towards the east where she saw fire erupting and smoke everywhere. Screams filled the air and people started to run. A woman in flames collapsed to the ground, her flesh almost melting off of her.

An explosion?!

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A Girl named Aeyra, is kidnapped?!

Rose picked up her iPhone, sent a message to Aeyra. “Just, where are you?! Give me details! Anything would do!” She typed, and clicked 'Send'. “Hey dad!” Rose shouted. “Tell mom I'm gonna be late for tonight. Or maybe I'll be in my friend Tiffany's place. Don't worry about me.” Rose continued, She ran out of the house without waiting for a respond and get inside her car.

10 minutes later, she revived a response from Aeyra. “The others will tell you. Try asking Erru, I can't tell you anything or I'll get caught again.”

“Damn.” Said Rose. She sent a message to Erru, and was suprised that the reply was fast.


( Your turn Shina, what'd you write in that message, I can't think of anything. XD )

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Aster was a little shocked at the arrival of this new person. He inwardly smirked. Well, even I didn't think it would go this well. An explosion sounded all of a sudden and hell broke loose. Aster stood rooted to his spot, calmly observing the chaos while sucking on his lollipop. Fate's a b--ch, I'll say. He glanced to his side and his eyes caught sight of his Erru suspect standing in front of a car, blocking it's path.

(Now I must wait for Ren-kun's response. >_<)

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(Akai Sera: Edited....)

Lokar looked to the woman which she blocked his car and he told his man, "Шта ти је? Да ли сте то погрешно?" (What the f---? Did you do wrong?)

His man got an idea "У реду, ми смо превише изложени. Ја ћу покушавају да јој преговарају! Ако си изгледао ФБИ, иди гласно..." (Alright, we're too exposed. I'll try to negotiate her! If you looked FBI, go loud...) he then hid his dual Kiparis and stepped out.

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[Akai Sera: Just call Serbian Mob/ Mafia instead Serbian Organization (Odd....)]

His man walked to the guy where her blocking Lokar's car, snickered "Hey, man! You are blocking our way!"

Lokar are ignoring his man as he hearing his song: Desert Rain. "Thing's wont screwed now..."

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The stranger's response took him by surprise but not because his words were unexpectedly cold. The surprise most likely stemmed from the intense eye contact the guy sort of trapped him with. Ren couldn't look away. What Ren felt to be a standstill of a moment was shattered with the mere image of what seemed to be a cherry lollipop in front of his face. He took the lollipop from the stranger but he was still in some kind of a dazed trance.

"I'm Erru Natake of the FBI. I'm still part of the training core, so I don't have my badge yet."

Ren blinked multiple times before completely registering what the other boy told him. He was someone Ren wouldn't have suspected to be an FBI trainee. Never. Nonetheless, Ren smiled and started to speak. "But I-..."

"I'm sorry, but did you just say YOU were Erru?" His words were cut off by an booming and distinct female voice which made him turn back to its source. She continued, "because I've spoken to Erru and...she's a GIRL." The girl, whose energy was noticeably more imposing than the two boys, looked like she was randomly grasping a pillar before Ren realized himself that the ground was shaking. Never one to panic under pressure, Ren tried to go over where the girl was to help her steady herself but it proved to be unnecessary since the shaking stopped almost as soon as it started. Oddly enough, the guy claiming to be Erru seemed to be unfazed, a poker face still present on his face. It wasn't too long before shrill voices of screaming people filled his ears. It was safe to say that there was mass panic unfolding right before his eyes. Ren kept his eyes fixed on the two individuals that would most probably be his companions but his gaze was shifted to a little girl hugging a pillar obviously struggling to stay afoot.

Without thinking things through, Ren bolted to where the girl was and picked her up in one swift motion, losing sight of the two people he had been keeping an eye on in the process. Ren ran with the people alongside him and made it out of the building with the little girl and fortunately spotted the two people. Exactly after making it to where the supposed FBI agent was, a hand as heavy as a stone placed itself on his shoulder. "Where do you think you're going?" A booming voice asked from behind him.

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(Note: Well guys I'll probably edit this later, because my next post is something in which I manipulated another person's NPC for my own purpose. I must get permission from them first before proceeding any further, allowed that the mod approves ofc.)

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Erru crossed her arms, glaring at the man who'd spoken. "I have reason to believe you are involved in illegal activity. Why are you driving a two-seated car in the arrival entrance of the airport?" She stood her ground as the explosion victims panicked. "I'm not moving until you give me an explanation that alleviates the aforementioned suspicion..." She stared coldly ahead, her adrenaline having calmed and her lips pressed tightly together in an ambiguous expression.

(Rose~ We're at Tampa International Airport)

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(Good job so far! I have nothing to type right now, because homework is a killer and you guys are doing just fine. :3 Keep up the good work!)

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