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DCW IRL Round 3

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Aster saw Aeyra's status update. He began to speculate where she could be. Was rescuing her all that was needed? or maybe there was something else to take care of as well. He would need confirmation from someone who knew Aeyra very well. He sent an identical message to three accounts belonging to Chelsea, IU and Mohovie.

"Do you have any idea about Aeyra?"

He would have to wait for a reply from someone before he moved. Aster began to search for the recent news as well as some old news for missing persons. There was certainly more to this that met the eye. The fact there were more people with Aeyra gave Aster a headache. Were they kidnapped at the same time or randomly? how many from where and being kept where?

Aster opened his cupboard. He took one drawer out, and reached inside. There was a lock in which he inserted the key. Grabbing the handle, he pulled open a hidden drawer from behind which only contained one dark blue bag. It would contain all he'd need except for food when going abroad to America.

[i'll have to make do with this. Some error occurred on the web and a much better starting got lost <_<]

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Name: Ren

Age: 18


-Height: 5'9"; Spiky Black hair, Large Brown Eyes; Extremely pale; Fit; Facially looks younger than his actual age; Usually wears hoodies, jeans and turf soled soccer shoes; Wears glasses occasionally.

Race: Asian


-Positive Traits: Optimistic to a fault; Benevolent; Has a caring nature; Mature.

-Negative Traits: Optimistic to a fault; Passive; Secretive; Has a hard time saying no.


Physically stronger than the average folk; Agile and has exemplary stamina; Fairly skilled in soccer and playing the violin; Good at information gathering.

(Ugh headache... -__- Will post story later! (: )

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Lokar (Adohalv) are walking towards Misaki and he stared at her, "Тако, ја вас знам, јер си скоро мртав када покушавате да побегну ова срања!" (So, i have know you because you are almost dead when you are trying to escape this shit!) he puts his Uzi at the table and took a cigars from the table, he glared at her "Прво, ја и мртав-Амсел су отмицу вас и ваше 'Фриендс' само за наш задовољства. Али зато што нешто није у реду, мој рођак добио у болници, а ја извадио Амсел за ово ... Дакле, отети ти и остали све док мој рођак је дошао на Балкан. Немојте учинити нешто глупо, или нећете га пали сад." (First, I and dead-Amsel are kidnapping you and your 'friends' just for our pleasure. But because something wrong, my cousin got hospitalized and I took out Amsel for this... So, I kidnap you and others until my cousin are arrived at Balkan. Don't do something stupid or you wont fell it now)

He turned to his crew and he told him, "Доведите ова девојка..." (Bring this girl...) and he told the other, "Одлажите скупи ствар и промените га са оружја. Ја мрзим све" (Dispose the expensive thing and change it with armaments. I hate it all)

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Alright, clarification.


I'd like them to remain this way as it simplifies things a great deal more and asks you to think a little further. Also, the chances of you being kidnapped twice are fairly low. If you continue on this way it'll end up being much more complicated than necessary.

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[ ^ Yeah I believe Erru would kill Adohalv if he was here. xD I just have mine as a continuation because I have the same character. My ds and a bio don't mix well... xD ]

Erru skimmed article after article, searching for some mention of Aeyra's past. "There has to be something going on..." Erru frowned, debating whether telling her boss would be a good move. She didn't want a failed intervention like her last assignment... She nearly lost her job as it was.

"Let's see..." Erru hacked the IP address of the message, tracing its destination to several users. Aster was the first she found. Erru typed out her memo, sending it out to the addresses she'd traced.

"I am Erru Natake of the Federal Bureau of Investigation." She didn't feel the need to tell these people that she was only a 17 year old member of the training core and had nearly been booted from the ranks for becoming too involved in a case and almost getting herself killed...

"I am aware of Aeyra's situation, but I don't know her personally and need to collect information to attempt to locate and rescue her and multiple others from unknown captors. Any information is welcome and appreciated, and I suggest that although involving civilians is dangerous, ill-advised, and may cost me my position, we come together as a group to present our reconnaissance and plan the rescue. Please contact me at the address above. (Erru Natake)"

She leaned back after pressing 'send' and sighed, "That was either the key to solving this case or a very bad move on my part..."

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(Just to let you all know, I completely lost track of the second DCW round and have almost no idea what all you guys are referring back to. :3 I don't need you all to rewrite everything, but it would probably be better for everyone in terms of understanding the plot if we just started this anew without referring back to the old plot, okay? Just read IU's post a few above mine: that's what I hope you guys will be doing. Not everyone was in the last DCW IRL round and they have no idea what you guys are talking about. (AKA me. *cough* :P) Now for me to mess things up a little. You guys can do whatever to my character- I'm not actually participating. X) Just don't kill her, okay? Because then I'll have to control one of you. :P And I'm sure none of you want that. XD)


"Someone would think they were smarter than that," said one of the kidnappers, smiling. Next to him lay a girl lounging on a couch, stretching and getting herself comfortable. "You made a smart choice, Aeyra."

"Of course I did," the girl said smugly, laughing. "Do you think I have a death wish or something? And after all, I think this mission is important. Everyone we need is about to start their hunt for me... And I'll lead them right into this trap."


(BTW, I'm always very vague because I don't want to be writing the storyline- whoever gets here first technically can interpret it any way they can. Just be reasonable- obviously, none of you heard it. (well... maybe Misaki did.) But some of you could suspect that something fishy is going on... After all, who actually has time to create a website when they're on the run? ;))

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(Well, since I want to write, I'll go along with what OTTD wrote for now. If we decide to not have such deep connections with the last DCWIRL plot, then we can just ignore this. In fact, if this makes no sense, we can ignore this. And also, apologizes in advance to OTTD if I portrayed your character wrong.)

The man from behind his desk turned around in his chair, revealing a man she had never seen before. He stared right at her before speaking in Russian rather angrily. He slammed a gun onto the desk and got out a pack of cigars from the desk as his stare turned into a glare. More angry Russian words followed as he spoke to the two people that had somehow appeared into the room. Secret entrance maybe? Or perhaps I'm losing my touch in noticing such obvious things like people....

He pointed at her before saying, "Доведите ова девојка..."

She had long grown tired of this man in general, but him speaking to her in a language she didn't understand was pissing her off. "Listen," she said, "I have NO freaking clue what you are saying! If you're speaking to me, then do it in English."

He gave another glare before saying, this time in English, "You ruined my game. So now you must pay. We wait for my cousin in Balkan. You come with us."

When he said this, Misaki stepped back as she yelled, "What game?! I have no clue what you are talking about!"


Misaki stared blankly at him. Her mind went blank. What the heck is this guy talking about?! I've never tried to kill myself, nor was I a part of this guy's sick game! Maybe he has me confused for someone else...? She searched her mind for events that had happened a year and a half ago. Thankfully, before she had entered this place, she kept caught up in the news. Then it hit her. She spoke as the realization came to her, "Death Trap Case. You think I was in that?"

He glared as he said, "So you finally remember."

She responded, "Everyone died in that case! EVERYONE!"

"Except for you."

"I WAS-"


The room because quiet as the two stop speaking. During this break in noise, she rushed through the knowledge of the case that she had. Let's see.... There were many victims. Nine of the victims were kidnapped a day or two before. Rest were believed to be people who helped with the crime. One of the victims, young boy, was found elsewhere. But irrelevant. I need to figure out why this guy is so bent on thinking I was a part of the incident....

In her head, she flipped through the mental images of the people that had been killed. She had remembered them all since they were in the news for at least three months after the incident. No, no, no, no, no, no, n- Of one of the people she had thought of, she noticed a small resemblance to herself. Or, at least, what she looked like a year ago. She didn't really know what she looked like now. Now that I think about it, the girl had the same name as me, didn't she? The pieces all came together as she realized what had happened.

Misaki looked the man in the eye and said, "You have the wrong person. The girl you're looking for is dead. She really did die from her self-inflicted wound."

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{Well, Rye hasn't replied yet, so I guess I'll just keep going with my character before I kill myself or something~)

"Dear Ms. Erru,

I don't trust FBI. I don't trust cops. I don't trust authority in general.

But I have information you may need.

I've been friends with Misaki for a while. I was the last person she contacted before disappearing. After the police gave up their search and presumed she was dead, I continued the search alone. I've been keeping an eye on Aeyra as well.

Any info you need, I'll provide on one condition: we can have connections to authority but no authority should be involved. Do we have a deal?



P.S. Who are our partners in this case? ;)"

Sakila got up from her desk and grabbed her purse, heading out the door.

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(Misaki-Chan: Thanks, but anyway he is Serbian not Russian. And he not wearing suits...)

Lokar then got a call, "Да? Како је о мом рођаком?" (Yes? How's about my cousin?). His soldier told him, "Он је још увек у несвести. Мораш нешто?" (He still unconscious. You got something?) "Не, али ћу покушавају да остави-" (No, but I will try to leave-) Lokar's words were off as his crew, wearing maroon sweater and black pants slammed the door open, panting, "Господине, ФБИ пратите свој позив и неко шаљете поруку на њих. Вероватно Аеира" (Sir, the FBI are tracking your call and somebody are sending the email to them. Possibly Aeyra)

Lokar shocked, "Морате бити погрешно" (You must be wrong) his soldier shrugged, "Не, господине су пратите свој телефон од јуче и да су се овде" (No, sir they are tracking your phone since yesterday and they are will be here)

Lokar cursed, "Ј***..." (F***) he then took a G3 w/ C-Mag, Red-Dot Sight, and Auto-Fire. He then began to call his hitman, Sasha

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Erru smiled as her inbox told her she had a message from Sakila. After reading it quickly, she clicked 'reply,' typing,

"Thank you. I do not intend to involve my superiors, as open government involvement could endanger the kidnapped. The IP Address of the post was in Florida.

(OOC: I don't know if there's a planned place, so I just picked a U.S. state...)

I suggest we contact and meet with the others who know her outside of Tampa International Airport."

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{Gotta wait for Akai Sera or Misaki to post...}

As Lokar wants to phone Sasha, he got an E-Mail message. The message reads:

Здраво, јавите ми на Тампа на Флориди међународном аеродрому, а онда да ме у вашој кући.

Останите Безбедан, Стаи Аливе

Сасха Младић

(Hello, please pick me at Tampa international airport at Florida and then bring me to your house. Stay Safe, Stay Alive. Sasha Mladic)

ПС: Ако се ствари крене наопако, покушајте да их одврати, а ако то не успе, да их убију ... (P.S: If things goes wrong, try to dissuade them and if this not work, kill them...)

He then packs his G3 in a bag and looked to Misaki and he told his crew in English, "Keep this girl. If she do something suspicious, shot her in the head... " Lokar then get out from his house, accompanied by his man. He was wearing white track jacket and maroon track pants and he was Russian. Lokar and his crew are running into a modified green Corvette C6 and they are go into Tampa airport to pick Sasha up.

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(The things in italics are thoughts)

Having received no reply from anyone or succeeding by searching for Aeyra by news, Aster was getting impatient. He knew his annoying nature would make him the worst possible candidate for sharing the information. Slinging his backpack on his shoulder, Aster quietly exited his house, but not before sending an email to his friend SF.

Opening DCW in another tab for a final check, he checked that another message had appeared. Seeing that it was from another user, Aster was amused. Only the FBI or CIA can trace this address. Of course the message has to be redirected towards his real address. Aster was not a part of it, but many people he knew were either in the army or intelligence agencies, national and international.

Viewing the message, Aster curiously bit his nail(bad habit of his) as he read it. Well well, the chances of this Erru being a young agent were very high. No one else would hide something from their superiors, and clearly Erru had some talent with computers. What if the message was caught in an FBI censor? or was she using a home address? Aster wasn't smart enough to trace her back.

Instead, he wondered if Erru knew the multiple captors and the fact there were several other missing people. Surely the FBI would have someone working on that case. If Erru was willing to reveal his or her identity to him, that would mean no one is currently working on the case except for the people Natake is gathering.

Erru Natake, you need not to worry. I'm not a civilian either. I'm someone who will make things worse than anything else if my identity is discovered by the FBI. He typed back:

I am a friend of Aeyra's. Regrettably I don't know anything about where she is now because I moved to another country. I don't have any information about her, but she's an asian, chinese I think. I want to do anything I can to save her, even if it costs me my life.

And send. Now if the she intercepts this message the way I expect them to, then I've got a plan. Aster then dialed a number on his phone. "Wasay? I heard your brother worked for the SkyWays airlines..."

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[Can someone offer me a little info about whats going on, Please. Or just explain more in your posts. P.s, I'm not trying to act bossy or anything, but, Please make sure you continue writing in this. We don't wanna run of time like in the last round and confuse each other, Make it simple as much as you can. Because, we're NOT writing riddles in here. 'kays? <3]

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[Can someone offer me a little info about whats going on, Please. Or just explain more in your posts. P.s, I'm not trying to act bossy or anything, but, Please make sure you continue writing in this. We don't wanna run of time like in the last round and confuse each other, Make it simple as much as you can. Because, we're NOT writing riddles in here. 'kays? <3]

As far as I know, Misaki is currently being kept by OTTD Player. (I don't know which is their character among so many NPCS) and they are headed toward the international airport where Sakila and Erru will appear. Mohovie could just be standing infront of his house with his stuff since the post was so vague. You and ren-kun haven't started yet. Aeyra's move was a trap for everyone to begin searching for her.

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May I kindly remind the players of this round that each person is limited to one NPC, the storyline is completely different, and honestly, not everyone can be an FBI agent or of higher status.

Also note, at the current time, Aeyra is in charge of the length of the round. It's her decision. Aeyra, could you please post a time and date by Saturday so that the players know how much time they have?

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May I kindly remind the players of this round that each person is limited to one NPC, the storyline is completely different, and honestly, not everyone can be an FBI agent or of higher status.

Darn. Am I included in those? I'm just centering my character around myself. .>3> And I only plan to bring forth one NPC, if any other sub-characters are mentioned it is very likely they won't be mentioned again.

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Being considerably new to the forums, Ren couldn't help but feel curious as to why Aeyra, a girl who he has talked to a couple of times, posted such an ominous status update. The fact that she had been missing for quite a while certainly did not help matters. Whether it was some kind of sick joke or a real cry for help was yet to be determined. Ren was leaning towards the latter which was odd since he was the one person who would never think anything negative until it was proven to be. He just felt a sense of uneasiness about the status and he couldn't explain why.

Ren was starting to brush the message off as a mere prank concocted by Aeyra. After all, it was all too convenient for her to create an entirely new website when she's supposed to be running for her life. He stood up and flexed his arms, the thought of the haunting message already slipping from his mind. He was just a civilian anyway, though granted his dad has strong connections to the CIA, and he wouldn't be able to do much to help no matter how badly he wants to. He just got back from his violin practice and already he was getting bored. It wasn't until he randomly refreshed his DCW tab that Ren's eyes perked up with interest.

There was a message from someone claiming to be a member of the FBI. The content of the message was very clear and straightforward. Always quick to trust, Ren instantly was jolted with the fact that what Aeyra laid on the table was pretty much the truth considering if Erru was indeed an FBI agent. Faced with a decision that might endanger him and his family's rep, Ren clicked on the address provided in the message unsure of what to type. Finally reaching a conclusion, Ren proceeded to type quickly: "I don't know how you traced me but I'm volunteering my assistance to track down and rescue Aeyra. You might need extra manpower and I can definitely provide help with funds and uh... money matters..."

Ren pressed send not knowing what else to say. He was sure he sounded awkward and he didn't even know if he'd receive anything back but his impulsive tendencies won him over and there's no turning back. He grabbed his blank credit card, something he never touched before, and his emergency backpack. He texted his parents to let them he would be out, it was certain that they most likely would not read it anyway and they wouldn't even notice that he's gone due to their work commitments. He bolted out his door and ran into his youngest brother. Giving him a quick kiss on the forehead, Ren said goodbye and slipped into a car where his driver was waiting. He clutched his phone with trembling hands patiently waiting for the message reply. He instructed the driver to keep driving until Ren told him to stop since he didn't know where to go yet. Ren glanced out the window, seeing looming dark clouds and sighed. His impulses have won again.

(I got carried away... haha)

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Sakila got off the plane with a sour expression.

Misaki, you better be grateful. Sigh... I hate flying.

She pinched the bridge of her nose and waited for the nausea to leave her system before exiting the gate. She adjusted her blue t-shirt and put on her black fedora. Sakila waited for Erru at the entrance.

A man came up to her, asking if she was DeAnna or Daria or something and she quickly shooed him away. She sent Erru a text, letting her know her location. Finally seeing someone similar to Erru's description, Sakila walked over, hefting her heavy purse to her other shoulder.

She was surprised to see more than one face....

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Darn. Am I included in those? I'm just centering my character around myself. .>3> And I only plan to bring forth one NPC, if any other sub-characters are mentioned it is very likely they won't be mentioned again.

I'm just reminding people to keep the number limited. Problems with the first round included that everyone just 'somehow had connections.' While it is true that you probably do have connections, the chances of you getting in touch with them are slim. Slimmer still are the chances you are an agent or that you have fancy gadgets to hand out at will.

Right now, it's fine, but I ask that there be no more agents or members of secret societies excluding the kidnappers. Aeyra can include her opinion regarding this.

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I'm just reminding people to keep the number limited. Problems with the first round included that everyone just 'somehow had connections.' While it is true that you probably do have connections, the chances of you getting in touch with them are slim. Slimmer still are the chances you are an agent or that you have fancy gadgets to hand out at will.

Right now, it's fine, but I ask that there be no more agents or members of secret societies excluding the kidnappers. Aeyra can include her opinion regarding this.

I see. Must try to keep it rational. Now we gotta wait for Erru.

PS: Is godmodding allowed? if yes then to what extent?

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I see. Must try to keep it rational. Now we gotta wait for Erru.

PS: Is godmodding allowed? if yes then to what extent?

People voted to allow godmodding for minor conversations and minimal action. There's no way to set definite boundaries so you'll have to regulate yourselves. The mod will determine what is taking it too far and I believe that you should get three strikes (up to mod) before you are given a consequence.

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(Personally, I'm not too eager with all this FBI stuff (because it's DCW IRL... and I thought it was supposed to stay within realistic limits... woops for me.) and I have no idea what the previous storyline is so I, for one, am extremely confused with all your references. If possible, please try to separate future posts from the previous storyline. I am pretty sure I said that in my last post, but nobody seemed to see it. :/ I don't want to have to bring down my fist, but please try to use your own judgment to what's reasonable and what's not. I personally don't like all of these secret agencies- that's what kind of led the first DCW IRL group to its doom. Too many NPCs, too many groups, and just too much confusion. It's better to keep it so there is only one group and everyone is not trying to come up with some secret Deux ex machina. I don't have time to type up something to mess you up right now, but I will give a deadline. Let's try and finish this by Sept. 30th, okay? ;) That's about twenty more days!)

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(Er, if anyone needs any info...

I'm a normal everyday civilian whose friend was kidnapped. I'm just out for some vigilante justice. I have no connection to the old DCW IRL. And the man that came up to me has nothing to do with the story. I was just being descriptive and stuff~ but I'll stop that, I think it's a little confusing, sorry. I have no NPC at the moment and I have tricks up my sleeve but nothing too drastic to change the plot.

Also, when Rye replies, I plan to die anyway. Just building up a character before killing them off.)

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