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DCW IRL Round 3

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I'm really sorry for those of you who just missed the cut-off... Though, if anyone who was in it last time would be willing to give up their spot so someone who hasn't been in DCW IRL yet, please tell me! Some people would be really grateful!


1. Akai Sera

2. Mohorovicic

3. OTTD Player

4. Anime Girl 4 Eva

5. Misaki-chan

6. Wonderstruck

7. Ren-kun

8. The Banana Assassin

It's usually no big deal if an internet friend slips off for a day, a week, or even months. After all, people have real lives, and on the internet you can slip in and out like a shadow- and with your disappearance, you become forgotten. But one day, this missing, forgotten person makes a reappearance. It's not a reappearance, really. It's just a single status update, one of those links that everyone posts. It's not a website that you recognize, but you decide to click anyways- maybe it's a funny picture or something like that. What you find is a single paragraph, a plea for help that instantly makes your blood run cold.

This is the first day that I've been able to get away, but it won't be long before they catch me. You need to save us, please. I can hear them already- please, you're our only hope. Search the news- it'll tell you everything you need to know. If anyone can help us, it's you guys.


(And that's your plot!

:D I've been missing long enough anyways, it's almost true. :V My AP Chemistry homework kidnapped me... well, not in-story, but that's why I haven't been here. X) Okay people! Now go make up a fun little story for me to screw around with every few days. >:3 I believe the first 8 to sign up get a spot here...? In order to sign up, quote the first part (not the story... just the empty list) and put your name on it. You can (please do) write a story about you personally reading the website. Please tell me why you can't if you can't... It only needs to be like, a paragraph. First come, first serve, good luck! (and apologies to those who missed it this time.) For other rules, go to this thread: http://www.detective...l-info-and-faq/ Or just PM me.)

(EDIT: I messed up! XD I forgot to correct the note... it's supposed to say 'us' instead of 'me' and 'our' instead of 'my.'

;) That way, it's more fun! >:3)

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1. Akai Sera

2. Mohorovicic







(I will never forgive myself if I didn't sign up)

His body felt cold as he read the paragraph. He put his hands together, and put forward a trail of thought. "It's not like her to make a joke this extreme. I maybe would, but not her. Shit." He went over to 'Private Messages', and sent a message to those he trusted. It was short and simple, like he was when he was young.

He grabbed his backpack, and put his phone charger, laptop charger, and his laptop inside. He walked out the door.

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(Okay, I've added the new people to the list and fixed a stupid mistake I made. X)

@Akai Sera: My DS is hopeless with the internet... I'm amazed you were even able to type that. XD

@Moho: Nice start! ;)

@AiSugetsu: Aww... TTwTT Yeah... my AP Chem homework is pretty bad, so that's why I'm a mod. I just have to read stuff and submit every once in a while. XD)

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Misaki sat in the corner of the room alone, the darkness hiding her from view. Her scars from past attempts to escape throbbed as she thought of Aeyra, the girl she had helped escape. Though she wished for the best for her friend, she knew sooner or later she'd be back. They always came back, live or dead.

It was near impossible to escape from here. So when Aeyra, during one of their chats (a piece of brick happened to be loose between the rooms, and hence made it easy to talk through the three inch walls) talked about her plans to escape, she tried to talk her out of it. But no, she would not listen. So instead, Misaki helped her. If that was what her friend wanted, then she would help her as much as she could. Another person helped as well, though she didn't know their name or what they looked like. But Aeyra said they were trustworthy, so that was good enough for her.

Misaki heard the stomping of feet out in the halls as yells of protests echoed out. It was Aeyra. She sighed dejectedly, as her friend had been caught. The door to her room suddenly slammed open, revealing a guard. She was expecting him, seeing how she had helped someone escape. Aeyra was behind him, tied up by some rope. When she saw Misaki, she protested, "Don't take Misaki, please! She had nothing to do with me escaping!"

He ignored the ex-escapee as he marched towards her before grabbing her roughly and began to pull her up. "Come," he ordered, "You're wanted."

She took a deep breath before getting up and waiting as he bounded her wrists together. When he was done, he tugged the rope, so she began following him. Misaki had learned long ago it wasn't worth fighting as it would make the punishment worse. They stopped at a door, the one on the other side of Aeyra's room before going in, dragging her along. The guard jerked the occupant of the room up before tying ropes onto them as well. This time, Aeyra didn't speak, as if she knew trying to was useless. The other person that had helped Aeyra was not fighting back, though she noticed anger in their eyes as they were being bounded.

After picking up their third passenger, they walked down the halls, everything sterile white. After walking for a few minutes, they stopped at a huge wooden door that she had never seen before. That's weird... They aren't taking us to the punishment room? She could see the confusion on the others' faces as well. The guard knocked before waiting a few seconds. He then opened the door and bowed, "I brought the ones you wanted."

They were then shoved into the room, falling to the ground from the push before hearing the door slam behind them. The room looked like one of a CEO's office, full of expensive things. There was a mahogany desk in the back of the big room, and behind it was a black leather chair, its back to them. "So," a deep voice rang out, "You're the ones I've heard about."


Name: Misaki

Age: 15

Nationality: Half Japanese, half white; American

Appearance: Black hair that goes to the bottom of her shoulderblades, brown eyes, thin, 5'7

Personality: realist, cold to the point of hostile towards people she doesn't trust, sarcastic, wants to help others before herself, is nice towards friends/those she trust, likes to get the last laugh

Background info: Misaki was kidnapped a year before the story started as she was walking home from school. At first, she was defient and tried to escape, though never succeeded to even get outside. After a while, she decided it was smarter to wait for the right time before trying. To her, that time has not come yet.

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Erru frowned as she read her email. Since her failure in the kidnapping and mass homicide case, she hadn't taken on any assignments. She was still upset that she hadn't heard from Valther's men or Phi, the only people from that case she was sure were alive. But she was almost ready to put that behind her. "Alright," she sighed, checking out the online news. "Let's see what this is all about..."

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(We have connections from the old one? Cuuuuuz....I kinda...died in the old one. Alright, this Sakila has nothing to do with old Sakila.)

Sakila sighed as she stared at the newspaper clippings on the bulletin board again. Most people probably would have regarded her as a psychotic stalker, but she thought of herself as...well, she wasn't sure.

"Where on Earth could you be..." she thought aloud.

It had all started a year ago. Sakila had been home sick, chatting with her friend Misaki as the latter walked home from school. The last email she got said "I think someone's following me." Of course, Sakila had thought nothing at first. She'd teased Misaki about how she probably had a secret admirer or something. But then, there was no reply.

After a few days, the search began. Headlines screamed out "LOCAL GIRL MISSING" and "WHERE IS MISAKI?"

Misaki was her friend. There was no way Sakila was just going to sit back and wait for her to magically be found. She'd contacted the police at first, but they weren't too helpful.

This new email might be a lead.

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My character:

Name: Peter Lokar (Serb: Питер Локар)

Alias: Adohalv (Serb: Адохалв)

Age: 30

Nationality: Serbian

Appearance: Wears Spyde Track Top-Navy, Track Pants-Navy & Black and blue sneakers. If thing goes wrong, he always brings his Uzi

Background info: Mastermind of the kidnapping scandal. After he kills Amsel, Adohalv was on the run with his cousin which he have a deep trouble with FBI. To lure them away, he and his crew are kidnapping several random people to cover his cousin's movements.

I'll post the story later...

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(Can I as Antagonists?)

New NPC: Sasha (Serb: Саша)

"Можете ли да прочитајте ово?" (Can you read this?) Lokar asked his crew, he gave the E-mail to them

Ово је први дан да сам био у стању да побегне, али то неће бити дуго пре него што су ме ухватили. Треба да нас спаси, молим вас. Могу да их чујем вец молим те, ти си наша једина нада. Претражи вести-то ће вам рећи све што треба да знате. Ако неко може да нам помогне, то је ви момци.

"Молба за помоћ..." (A plea for help) his crew told him ans Lokar asked, "Тако, они покушавају да позове некога ...?" (So, they are trying to call someone...?) his crew replied in doubt, "Ја не знам шта је порука, али они су киднаповани од наше екипе за шта?" (I don't know what's the message, but they are kidnapped by our crew for what?)

"Ја не знам, али ако се зна мој рођак, да их држите док се мој рођак су дошао делу Балкана. Држите их из ФБИ сумњи. Назваћу те после овога ..." (I don't know but if they are know my cousin, hold them until my cousin are arrived in Balkan. Keep them off from FBI's suspicions. I'll call you after this...) Before Lokar hangs up the phone, his crew asked him, "Хеј, шта са Ерру, да ли она покушава да поново осујети ваше планове?" (Hey, what about Erru, did she is trying to foil your plans again?) Lokar shrugged, "Саша ће се побринути о њој ... Збогом!" (Sasha will take care of her... Bye!) he hung up the phone.

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Can I sign up? I was unable to sign up for this during the last round.....I WAS TOO LATE!!!!

So...can I? Can I? awwwplz.gif

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(Oh! Sorry, yeah, I had to leave last night so my post came to an abrupt end. But here's my bio--totally forgot about it.

Name: Sakila

Age: 15

Appearance: Short black bob and dark eyes. Tanned skin. Short--around 5'2"

Nationality: Prefers not to disclose to just anyone. Looks Mexican or South Asian.

Personality: Quick temper. Lazy. Likes to joke and mess around. But serious when the time comes.

Background: Sakila used to PM with Misaki until a year ago, when Misaki disappeared. After the police had given up the search, Sakila secretly took it upon herself to look for her friend and exact a little vigilante justice. She'd also been monitoring Aeyra's disappearance since she thought the two cases were connected. Only a few select people know about her investigation.

Other: Spends most of her days alone in her room trying to find leads and chatting with those who know about the case.)

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My Character: (basing this on myself entirely)

Name: Aster

Alias: 7817.

Age: 13

Appearance: 5'7", hands always in pockets. Usually a single colored long sleeved shirt that extend to half of his hands. Wears sports trousers (mostly) with soccer trainees. (perfect clothes for movement). Wears a steel wrist watch which is water proof. Black hair neatly cut near the ears and back. (sorta like an army cut :V)

Race: Asian

Abilities: Is good at computers, especially in case of tracking cellphones. Is unable to solve codes, but can link given data. Not very good at finding information. Also accurate soccer ball shoots (not as good as Conan's :P)

Personality: Multiple. Common thing: speaks as if there is nothing wrong. Careless. Likes to prank. Anything he does, he does it to an extreme.

I have some other tricks, but I'll reveal them later ;)


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(Okay! Everything seems to be running smoothly so far, but I'd like to repeat what I've added in in my first post (didn't make a post out of it earlier because of school. :P). If anyone would be willing to give up their spot so someone new has a chance to play, please make an effort to do so. (AKA Tell me.) Other than that, please continue to write! ;D)

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Name: Rose.

Age: 16

Appearance: Long chestnut hair often tied into two ponytails. Tanned. Short for her age.

Personality: Short tempered. Likes to fool around and lighten the mood. Can be trusted, and easily trust people close to her.

P.s: [Will post when school's finish.]

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