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Vikshit Ganjoo

Why case closed(detective conan) is not getting dubbed anymore?

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Please continue dubbing Case closed even if it just for one season, the reason why the sales was going down because you stopped at the moment where the series is going to be good. In Season 6 Ai Haibara (Vi Graythorn) makes it's first appearance where they'll explain more about her, that's when the story is going to be more interesting. I spread my word to my friends to watch Case Closed and buying DVD's so the sales can go up, they say this series is amazing. All i'm saying is please dub season 6 even if it's only one season so we can understand more about Vi Graythorn. This series is very popular in different places especially in japan where Detective Conan was Created at. Please FUNimation Accept this give case closed another chance we never know what could happen!

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Well, I fell sorry for you. I like the dubbed episodes in English, there’s no denying, but I think Subtitles are better. You get to learn Japanese, ya know? Plus, the Japanese voice sounds sooooo good. Not being bias, but,... honestly it’s sounds really great. Unfortunately, there are no many websites that have it subbed, sooooo,... yeah... sorry ‘bout that. Am I being an idiot?

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