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Found 4 results

  1. Banner art by Misaki-chan Synopsis: Characters: Signups: There is no limit to the number of role-players I will allow in this round. In other words, anyone can sign up. Also, there is no special signup process. All you have to do is signup by posting in this topic. Your first post should contain a character bio of some sort. Because this is a special round, I request your character be reasonably close to your actual self. I intend to cut off signups on June 15, 2014, 12:00 AM Mountain Time. This is around a week's time. No events will occur until this time, so the time between now and then should be used to acquaintance yourself with your fellow role-players inside the round context. In other words, meet up and hang out. Do stuff, speculate on whatever you'd like, but remember that no plot-related activity can or will occur until the round actually begins. EDIT: All signups are now closed. If you really still want to join, send me a PM telling me why you should be allowed to join. If your case is particularly pressing, then I will oblige. All standard DCW IRL rules apply. Roleplayers: - Nara-chan - Misaki-chan - Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief - Leiyu Magmatic Skyterror - Ren-kun - Rukia Kurosaki - Henry Gordan - Bain - Tsukiko - Rye
  2. A bag full of stolen diamonds from a heist took interest from many people, including the Payday crew. They'll sold the stolen diamonds for cash. The other faction, who composed of several street gangs are wanted to take the diamonds for themselves. This causing the gangsters and the Payday crew to have a bitter rivalry among them. However they have a problem: the Law Enforcements take interest on the diamond and they'll confiscated the diamond and arrested anyone who involved in the diamonds smuggling. Who will get the stolen diamonds? Either the Gangster or the Payday crew will take the diamonds or the Law Enforcement confiscates the diamonds and arrest them? Background Information Rules: Same as the standard DCW IRL rules but there’s an exception: ) NPCs are limited to five (For the Heisters and Gangsters, it is two.) for each RPers if they want to control it. To do so, you need to PM me. ) Slots available for Heisters (aka the Payday crew): 3 ) Slots available for Law Enforcements: 3 ) Total slots: 10 I request standard stuff, like a generic profile, with your sign-up but it isn’t necessary for signups. If you want to do that, do not sign up through the comments. A character post is required, though. No one post below my post until May 3. Beware!
  3. Setting: Characters: Joshua Alita (dead) Aero Moto (dead) ????? ????? SAISEI Rules: > Standard DCW IRL rules, basically. I'm going to be fairly strict with inactivity this round. That's pretty much all. > No creating NPCs. You'll see why once we begin. How to Sign Up: Let's start the new year off with a bang! Signups start in January 1, 2014, Mountain Time! To signup, PM or leave a comment on my profile. I personally decide who makes it, so it may not be first come first serve... Standard stuff. Note that if you choose to make a background for your character, it has to be a mortal background. (No secret fallen angels this time, sorry.) Also, your character won't remember his/her background at first, so keep that in mind. Anyways, signups will end January 7, 2014, Mountain Time, which means they have already ended! I will still take late signups, at least a few. Roleplayers: - Nara-chan - Misaki-chan - Rukia Kurosaki - Aadikudo - Phantomach the Reaper - Lukyan Hondou - Rye
  4. Setting: Background Information: Characters: Rules: > Pretty much standard DCW IRL rules. There is one exception: > I will be checking for inactivity every 2 days. This does not mean that you will be kicked for being inactive for 2 days. That just means I will note if you happen to be inactive. If the inactivity becomes excessive, I will kick you. But in general, I'll be a bit more lenient with inactivity. What's Happening This Round: There are a few things in the works for DCW IRL, including something I hope gets here before this round begins, but something else that's on my mind is personal NPCs. We haven't seen them around recently, and I want to test them out in this round. I'm going to be quite lax in regards to moderation this round. I gave you guys the setting, now I want to see what you can do with it in 1 month. There won't be any other gimmicks this round, so people that didn't like my previous round can come back and sign up. Please? How to Signup: Signups will now be accepted until October 20, 2013, 12:00 A.M Mountain Time. NO MORE SIGNUPS ARE BEING TAKEN. Signups will be decided through lottery. By random, I will pick a group of people that sign-up through PM or comment on my profile as participants. Everyone has equal chances, regardless of previous experience, skill, or my personal preference. The only thing that will influence your chances is signing up early. That will set your chances at -1. I request standard stuff, like a generic profile, with your sign-up, but it's not necessary for sign-ups. Though, if you plan to do so, please don't signup through comment. And before you ask, yes, I will be using random.org.
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