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Detective Conan World

Meitantei xXTahmmyxX

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Status Updates posted by Meitantei xXTahmmyxX

  1. Bloody mages are just as good :)

  2. Yay!! I finally found a violin player!! What are some of the music you've played?

  3. Good!

    Wait I just saw your interests, and please tell me you really do play the violin!! *^^*

    Because I play it too!!! <33 But I'm only on a level 3, I'm learning ^^

  4. Hahahaha :3 You really are like a magician.

    After all, they never tell their secrets! ^^

  5. Of course your awesome! Only an awesome person will have 254 friends, be born on the same number day as me, have over 35,000 profile views, over 1,000 posts, al in the course of 4 months, and love Three Days Grace! *^^* Now that, is awesome!

  6. HAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!! You made me burst out laugh, because I should be saying that to you!! You;re hylarious! I joined before you did!! Wait a minute.. How do you get so many posts and friends in that short amount of time??

  7. Then, you're not much younger than me!! I'm only 13. How are you? <-- Couldn't come up with anything better to say.. Haha.. ^^'

  8. I hope the viruses get better.

    Well, I mean I hope the PC gets better... cause it'd be bad if the viruses did... ??? Haha, sorry It's morning and I'm so confused..

  9. That's so cool! I love islands! But I'm a little bit scared of water for some reason.

    Your profile views are now at 36,222! It just went up 1,000 from two days ago!! *^^*

  10. HAHAHA.. And then the teacher is walking your way and your like OH NOOO!!! and then as soon as she gets there you close the tab and the tab under it is a perfectly safe website :) HAHA I love this...

  11. I live in the state Georgia.

    Where do you live in Denmark?

    Well, not the address, cause that'd be like stalking you....hahaha..

  12. Oh, so you're going to a math camp?

    I just love it when I know there's wi-fi somewhere! ^^

  13. I should be the one to thank you for sharing your imagination and creativity with us!

  14. Wow! There really is a time difference!

    When I asked you it was... around ...

    3 PM.. I think that's 15:00?

  15. Anyways,

    How are you?

    Oh.. what time is it in Denmark?

  16. Just waiting for Skip Beat Chapter 177, Bokura Ga Ita chapter 66, and Kimi Ni Todoke to come out...

    1. Lovestruck


      LoLz u mention all the animeZ I hate (:

  17. Good,

    Have you read Akakata's Fanfic?

    It's really good *^^*

  18. I'm reading chapter 2 now!!

  19. Ehhh??!!

    All the way in Europe??

    I've always wanted to visit Europe.. for the beautiful buildings and stuff.

  20. Haha. I like the crossed FanFic you wrote.

    I think everyone was really in character. I can't wait to hear more! :3

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