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Detective Conan World

Moonlight Magician

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Status Updates posted by Moonlight Magician

  1. oh seems like a stalker eh? ahahahaha kidding.Nice to meet ya.

  2. Gotta logout now again, sorry and bye~

  3. oh you read it.What's with the laugh? XD

  4. Yea I am, so you don't have to wonder anymore ;)

  5. That's good!Where are you from?

  6. I didn't mean to do that. XD Hey it's time for me to go now again so bye!

  7. I'm not hiding.I just didn't feel to login here but I was visiting.

  8. It's okay enough. :) Ah just hiding in a very deep blue sea.

  9. It's been a long time!How's 2012 so far? :D

  10. oh hello and happy new year to you as well! :)

    Sorry for the late reply.re you having a good time here?

    1. Moonlight Magician

      Moonlight Magician

      After seeing all of his vids, I wanna be like him!Now who wants to do it with me? XD



      I would but saddly I'm to lazy today maybe. Next Time. Lol. Sure that's cool but I got scared when the monster came out behind him >\\~\\\< . Now I'm scaired

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