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Posts posted by Ainaji
Like i always say i'm going for ShinRan, actually CoAi doesn't make sense for me AT THIS MOMENT, It's true, Ai showed attraction for Conan, but now...i think she only sees him as a friend, and well, Conan obviously only thinks about her as a partner or a good friend xD...And ShinRan for me is the best option, considering that is canon, and the relationship had a development from the beggining, the only bad thing of it is Ran.
Yes, i'm ShinRan and i think that Ran is completely a Mary-Sue, at the beggining she HAD personality, but now sshe is something weird... a mix of a Mary-Sue and a tsundere...that's why i prefer Ai (L) But that doesn't mean i don't like Ran, i just think that she is getting moooore and mooore boring ....T.T(Have you seen the new OP? What in the ...? SHE WAS A PRINCESS X.X)
Clones? There'd be chaos in the DC fanbase XD
Besides, I'd really hate for Gosho to take that route, it's not a very smart idea, I expect more from him than clones or Shinichi/Conan splitting apart. Also, if they were to split apart would their love interest actually change? I mean, they still have the same heart and brain
Conan x Ran x Shinichi (L)
Well....ahem...I think that it would be great if Ayumi ends up with Conan if Ran doesn't end up with him ^^
I.... see.... O_o Poor Ayumi-chan. XD
And I wouldn't doubt that considering I've ran into subs that they have spelled Conan "Konan". XD
Just because it's AyuCon! ^^
(Happy Thanksgiving, guys! ^^)
I also found another artist who does work with AyuCon! ^^
4th one down is work for AyuCon. :3
Such a cute AyuCon pic ^^! ayucon is more kawaii everyday!
if Ran and Shinichi doesnt end up together i would really like Conan to end up with Ayumi! They are such a cute couple
Oh you are so awesome. =w=
Thats not true TAT
Moree Mitsuhiko and Ai stuff minna:
Mitsuhiko x Haibara FTWXDD
Haiii...gomenne minna for not adding you to the list before but i dont have time for the forum TAT....i will try to be more active...but as you can see,now you are added, if someone is left, just tell me
I can't believe you guys are hooking an 18 year old scientist with a 6 year old nobody.... *tactical facepalm*
Hey....really?i'm tired of hearing that! I mean OBVIOUSLY Haibara isn't going to fall in love with a kid(but there is ONE hint....o.o...) and WE don't want her to do it, i mean the relationship wouldnt be serious, at least i want them to end up together when they grow up! When they grow up would it really matter the age gap?? I mean the body age would be the same, and mentally almost too...We love thisnpairing because of their cute and funny moments, and Mitsuhiko's love for her is so innocent x3 So please stop, i mean we respect your pairings(at least i do) i don't go to your pairing threads and write nonsenses, im not asking you to dont give your opinion, if you dislike it give a good opinion, and not this:MITSUAI=PEDOPHILIA :@ or something alike....i mean, you can say you dislike it and all you want but don't say stupid and offensive things....
Ahem...ahem HIIII MINNA
I'm going to leave some cuuuuute MitsuAi stuff
here is the doujinshiii ^^ http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=13813674
If someone can translate it please do
and if someone knows where is the finished version of it, tell us D:
err...pictures xD:
Hope you like it ^^ mitsuhiko x ai ftw!
Ok, you are in IHKF, sorry for not having time for the forum TAToh and i agree with you IHKF ^^
hello minna chann i returned for a lil bit..... well i dunno what happened here AND i dont want to knowwww ^^ Never mind
i will leave some MitsuAi pics ^^
All drawings made by: http://littlehero.bitter.jp/
Please, stay calm here ^^ and good news Mitsuhiko and Haibara will probably have moments in movie 16 ^^
Mitsuhiko x Ai forever xD FTW!!!!
Yup! ^___^
P.S. Please call me Lia like how everyone used to...
OK Lia, you are in ^^
And Edogawa-kun arigato for supporting the club ^^
Not joining.... But... wouldn't this fit better in "General"? And isn't there already a MitsuAi thread...?
There is a MitsuAi thread but like Balthazar said this is a club so...this should be here, right?owo
I JOIN! \o/
OK, You are in
Shiraz.BO Are you joining? ^^
IdentityUnknown I didn't want t do it(mainly because i don't have time) but someone asked me to do it and i finallu agreed ^^ but someone can take the club as the owner if he/she wants uwu we...and if you want you can join ^^
True-tears Ok, don't worry ^^ but please don't do it again D:
Moonlight Magician owo what?
Hi minna-san!!! This is our Mitsuhiko x Haibara fanclub, this pairing needs more love so i decided making a club where we can post amvs, drawings, images, everything about Ai and Mitsuhiko ÒwÓ
So please, Read the rules ^^:
-You have to like MitsuAi to enter
-No offensing anyone
-Talk about MitsuAi, not CoAi or ShinRan But you're allowed to talk of CoAi or ShinRan if you want to justify something about MitsuAi
-Respect the opinions
-For joining you have to say: Haibara-san (it will prove that you read the rules
To like MitsuAi ^^ You can like CoAi and like MitsuAi too, so if you like MitsuAi in some way you can enter
2)Kid the phantom thief
5) angelranchan
7)Â Kaitou Kid Legendary ThiefÂ
8) AiXConan4everÂ
MADE BY:http://littlehero.bitter.jp/ IF YOU USE GIVE CREDIT!
Most of MitsuAi moments are in this viddie, if you are a fan of it or you are interested of knowing more about the pairing you must check it
Wiki page for the cute pairing owo you can edit it freely ^^ (i think...owo)
I think a fanclub is a good idea :)But i dont have time for doing a club TAT i would have made it if i had, but if someone does it i will join
New viddies *O* MITSUHIKO X AI! :3333
And. Mitsuhiko x Haibara lovely pic made by redregret on deviantart x3 SO CUUUTE
O.o i just absented a while and there are some answers
WoW are you doing a drawing ?! I cant wait to see it!! Please tell me if you finish it!
Kim i think like you, Shiho is cute :333
And Antiyoder, btw i think their romantic moments are cute and fun as kids but i dont want to end up together until they grow up, like you said as kids it will be odd and pretty imposible xD
Thank you evryone
r4u! it was wonderful!
Thank you ^^
OMG it's freaking adorable!!!!!! I loved the storyline! Your English is pretty good, some typos and grammar errors here and there, but they didn't take away from the feeling of the story. However, spacing out the lines would make it all easier to read.
Thank you very much, my english is not that good....the spacing is bad because i wrote it in the notebook, i will repair it tomorrow, i have to go sleeping now, arigato ^^
Well this is my first one shot made in english, you know my english is very bad TAT so sorry for the mistakes and i hope you enjoy it ^^
Never Forget
It was a cold night, it was raining, the dead body of Ai Haibara was on the floor of the abandoned building were the final battle against that dark organitation was held. It was all cold and dark, Ayumi couldn't stop crying, Mitsuhiko was shaking Ai's dead body while shouting"Haibara-san, Haibara-san"
They couldn't do nothing, they were alone, the battle has ended but it was the end for Haibara too, even if the police had arrived at the moment it was the end for her,
Ayumi's couldn't stop crying and Mitsuhiko was about to shock
-This can't be happening-said Mitsuhiko while shaking- If only Conan were with us a few minutes ago...Haibara...now wouldn't be....-Mitsuhiko couldn't resist more, and started crying.
12 years later
Haibara woke up suddendly, she was in a completely white room, lying into a bed.
"What am i doing in a hospital" thought Haibara, then she remembered it all the final battle against the Black Organitation, and that strange man shooting her.
"Oh..it's true so that happened"
She looked at herself she was taller and her hair grew a lot, she looked like Shiho Miyano again, the only difference was her blond long hair.
Haibara looked around the room, she saw a teenager sleeping in a chair, he looked simmilar to someone he knew, but she couldn't say who.
Suddendly the door opened, a doctor entered to the room:
-Haibara? so...you...It's a miracle!
Haibara looked surprised to the doctor, he checked her for see if something was wrong, but surprisingly she was in perfect conditions.
-So...Nanjo-san, what happened to me?i only remember...being shooted by someone...after that everything turned so..blurry...
The doctor looked at Haibara.
-Well, we don't know what exactly happened to you, your head was hit and after that your friends came here while you were bleeding-the doctor made a big stop while looking to Ai seriously- Haibara, you have been into a coma for 12 years
Haibara was in shock now, 12 years have passed while she was sleeping, yes, she looked different, but she didn't thought she was going to be 18 years old again.
He looked again at the boy who was sleeping in the chair, maybe he could explain her something
-Who is him, doctor?- She was afraid for the answer she would get, maybe he was a BO member that was waiting her to awake for killing her with his own hands
The doctor smiled politely
-He is Tsubaraya Mitsuhiko, Do you remember him, right?-He said while smiling
Haibara looked surprised, Was that boy Mitsuhiko? He looked like him but at the same time he was different, he wasn't that thin now and he had longer hair, and the most importamnt thing is that Mitsuhiko hadn't forgot her
-Yes, of course, What's he doing here?
The doctor smiled again
-Isn't it obvious? He is waiting you to awake, he has been here since your accident, he only went out of the hospital for going to the university, he even sleeps here, its parents and her sister wanted to forbid him to stay here but he never listen to them. He has been a good help for us, He is always helping me on your daily checking and now is studying for be a neurologist, he said that he wanted to heal you if you didn't awake
Haibara was in shock again, Tsubaraya-kun has sacrificied his childhood and adolescense helping her, and he would have sacrificied his own entire life trying to heal her if she didn't recover.
The doctor stood up
-Well, i leave you alone, i'm sure you have lots of things to talk about, oh, the Kudo family will visit you later, i'm sure Ran and Shinichi would be very happy of your recovering
Shinichi and Ran married? She was happy for Ran, a little sad because he liked Kudo before, it was good that all those feelings disappeared at the end, it was bad she couldn't see the wedding
-Tsubaraya-kun-said Haibara
Mitsuhiko was deeply asleep and he couldn't hear her.
Haibara got out of the bed and walked to Mitsuhiko, She bend down and when her lips were going to touch Mitsuhiko's ear she smiled and said:
Mitsuhiko woke up loudly
-HAIBARA-SAN!? Is it really you- said after he started hugging her while crying
The tears couldn't stop falling from Mitsuhiko's face, he was very happy, the smile that had 12 years ago appeared once again in his face.
-Tsubaraya-kun, don't worry is fine, i'm here now...-said Haibara with a happily and separating from Mitsuhiko
When they calmed down Mitsuhiko started telling her about everything that happened those years, the epic battle against BO, Ran and Shinichi's wedding, Kazuha and Heiji's wedding, Genta becoming a famous chef and Ayumi becoming the new idol or Agasa and Fusae having a kid
-I'm very happy, Tsubaraya-kun-said Haibara with a splendid smile
-Of course, now you recovered, the BO has been destroyered and everyone is happy Ayumis is a idol, Kazuha and...-Haibara put a finger on Mitsuhiko's lips
-Shh, It's not because of those things you said....it's because now i can do this- Haibara got closer to Mitsuhiko and kissed him passionately
Mitsuhiko's head was all red, and Haibara's eyes were closed.
-Mitsuhiko-kun, thank you very much for everything
Mitsuhiko was blushing and he didn't know how to react
-You-you're welcome Haiba...-Haibara stopped him suddendly
-Ai-she said
I hope you enjoyed it and for the ones that didn't get this:
-I'm very happy, Tsubaraya-kun-said Haibara with a splendid smile
-Of course, now you recovered, the BO has been destroyered and everyone is happy Ayumis is a idol, Kazuha and...-Haibara put a finger on Mitsuhiko's lips
-Shh, It's not because of those things you said....it's because now i can do this- Haibara got closer to Mitsuhiko and kissed him passionately
Haibara she could kiss him without feeling guilty because they were at the same age mentally and phisically (remmber Ai has been 12 years into a coma) so they're both 18
see? MitsuAi is possible ^^
OK, It's a non-canon character, but i think Mitsuhiko is better in all ways than Generic.
More Mitsuhiko x Haibara pics *W*
Ai and Mitsuhiko look so cuuute in the last one *W* MITSUAI FTW!
^ Total agreement to the first statement.
Total disagreement to the second statement. I'm sure if he heard the confession, he would have ran away(he's not the genius with words Shinichi (or Kaito, or Hakuba) is.). Oh, scratch that, he did.
so...Do you think he heard the confession?!
Sooo that means...he knows Kazuha loves him
) i hope he tells Kazuha that he loves her too soon TAT
MitsuAi FTW!!! XD
Well.... I will give you a new MitsuAi ( and Baka to Test) amv:
why do you need another character?
Mitsuhiko is kind and gentle, she is fine for Ai
Actually there was another character for Ai
He is Generic
I think Mitsuhiko is better than him....
Hmm...i think i already said it...but the truth is that i think that Kazuha loves him,but Heiji doesnt love her as she loves him.
TAT So bad Heiji ran away...if he heard the confession im sure they would be a couple now TAT
Oh and about Sera paired with Eisuke... There is a vid:
Hot n Cold (again x3)
Hot n' cold
That's quite true as well! Because we all know Shinichi and Ran needed that little push (otherwise we would be stuck with them blushing furiously and fiercely denying liking each other whenever they walked into their classroom... You know, the married couple jeering.) But if it weren't for Conan's shrinking, they wouldn't realizehow hard it is to live without the other. I often try and figure out who has it harder, Ran or Shinichi, and I figure they're about even. Every lie Shinichi tells Ran only drives another dagger into their hearts, for Ran, the dagger is tipped with the poison of sorrow and longing, for Shinichi, the venom of guilt and loneliness. Ran's just about the only person still waiting for Shinichi, waiting with all her heart. Sure classmates may wonder where the heck he went, but only Ran will fiercely try to find out not out of curiosity, but out of necessity. And he'd be stupid not to appreciate that. Stupid not to appreciate that when be does turn back, Ran has still saved his place for him, always has, and that he can slide just that easily back to where he belongs. I mean, come on, who else really misses Shinichi that badly? And ConAi/ShinShi fans, while I respect your standing, the only ConAi/ShinShi stories I've actually enjoyed are ones where Ran doesn't exist- and for some reason those also feel out of character. (for example, Shinichi is not a player) It just doesn't feel right, you know. Like if you take a magnifying glass you'll find some odd cracks and scratches where there ought to be none. For ConAi to work, Shinichi must fall out of love with Ran to truly love Ai, and that's simply not happening.
You're right in everything
I mean Shinichi and Ran are in love with each other and at the moment it isn't going to change, and...What kind of person would Shinichi be if he leaves Ran who has been waiting a LOT for Shinichi? I mean i can't see Shinichi doing something like leaving Ran and going with Ai, and i can't see Haibara hurting Ran.
So it is very difficult for CoAi, but i respect it, of course!
Boss of The Black Organization?
in General
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Anokata is Kobayashi!!!!!:@@ She wants to convert everyone in kids with the APTX and to be the only adult in the world!!!!! that way she can easily control them with the sch!!!!!!!With homework and more homework
Seriously now....i think Anokata will be new character ....i cant think about Agasa or someone in the anime being Anokata...