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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by conanshinichi

  1. Can't believe I can still access my account.
    This website was really special to me... one of the first internet communities I was a part of. Thank you DCW

  2. Woah, it surely has been TOO long since I've been on these forums. Hello DCW.

  3. Guys, this is my favourite forum ever, no exaggerating. I hope I can be active more often!

  4. Hey guys, nice day today?

    1. Alpha the Errorist
    2. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Pretty nice. :P Except the weather, it wasn't very nice today.

    3. Hejle


      I was NOICE - also in Denmark, and the weather was enjoyable - KtPT :)

  5. And I'm back again from being inactive for a month. Jeez, why do I keep forgetting about this site :/ Atleast I'm doing better

  6. And I'm back again from being inactive for a month. Jeez, why do I keep forgetting about this site :/ Atleast I'm doing better

  7. Happy Birthday!!!!! have a good one bro ;)

    1. Anti-APTX4869


      ;) been having great time, just depressing how I can't get on here often.


  8. I remember when I was so active in this site. Aah them times. I was also obsessed with Detective Conan, but lately I'm kinda busy with school studies and stuff that I've kinda forgotten about this site.

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      DCW never forgets you! Haha, but it's good to see you back again! Now I just hope you'll stay active. :P

    2. conanshinichi
  9. Starting to watch Detective Conan again. I really miss him lol.

  10. Starting to watch Detective Conan again. I really miss him lol.

  11. Hey guys, I'm back ^^ FOR SURE. Are these forums still active btw?

    1. Arima


      Welcome back! :)

    2. Chekhov MacGuffin

      Chekhov MacGuffin

      Yep, they are active. They are slow though. They pick up when chapters and eps are translated.

    3. CurbsideGirl


      Hi! Welcome back. :)

  12. Hey guys, I'm back ^^ FOR SURE. Are these forums still active btw?

  13. Hey guys, I'm back ^^ FOR SURE. Are these forums still active btw?

  14. Happy birthday Shinichi!

  15. Happy birthday Shinichi!

  16. Happy Birthday Shinichi!

  17. Happy Birthday Shinichi!

  18. Happy Birthday Shinichi!

  19. Happy Birthday Shinichi!

  20. Hey remember me?

    1. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      Been a while. I don't forget faces.

  21. Said this before but. BEST AVATAR EVAH

  22. Hi guys, I'm back. I think i'll be active again for a while, I HOPE!

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Welcome back, conanshinichi! :D Hope you'll be active, as well. :) By the way, how do you like the new DCW?

  23. Hi guys, I'm back. I think i'll be active again for a while, I HOPE!

  24. It's raining Cats and Dogs Here! You can even hear Thunder!!!

    1. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      look out, there's a bichon frise coming at 30 mph!!!

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