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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by IdentityUnknown

  1. Then I still won't. :V

    Gonna run. Might be back, depending.

  2. No can do. :V And answer my question.

  3. *shrugs* I just can't stay away, huh. It's a weakness of mine. There were some people I just couldn't quite leave behind.

  4. Nice! I'm sure you'll have fun. :)

    Gotta dash. I'm really not supposed to be on.

  5. Life is okay. I got my laptop back from Apple which was a plus, but I lost all my files. I've also been craving the need to write recently. Nothing special. You?

  6. Sorry, I've been busy!

    And yeah, it's been a while.

  7. Hey, Hano, this is your last day to post on DCW IRL. If you don't post today, you'll be kicked from the thread.

  8. :V

    Gonna go. Bye. o/ Don't get tossed out too many windows while I'm gone.

  9. :x Sure it is, Defenestrate. Sure it is. :x

  10. :x Not sure how and not even sure which picture you're talking about, so... :x

  11. ::) *innocent* Would it matter oh so much if I did?

  12. From your incessant stalkers that are fans of yuri? :V

  13. :V I'm debating if that's a good thing or a bad thing. :V

  14. Fine, impatient childish grownup, answer it. :V

  15. ...Fine, impatient child, answer it. :V

  16. Actually, don't answer that.

  17. :V Of course. Why didn't I guess that? :V

  18. *shrugs* Could be worse. You seem to be in a good one.

  19. *facepalms* Alright Defenestrate. Go along and play with your buddies who were also thrown out.

  20. Sure, that's your new name, Defenestrate.

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