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Akazora last won the day on June 16 2024

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293 Excellent

About Akazora

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  • Birthday 04/07/1997

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  1. also checking out your favorite movies-- HOT FUZZ HECK YEAH its so good

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    2. hopes


      shaun of the dead is also super good!!! i really liked it. haven't yet seen the world's end, but that's because my friend who adores simon pegg and urged me to watch them wants me to wait to see it until i can watch it with her. and yeah, snow day here too!! it's quite the blizzard we're getting, huh?

    3. Akazora


      Ah man, from your other post I gathered that we're both high school seniors and that we live close enough to be hit by the same winter storm. Gosh, you've been gone for so long I'd kind of forgotten things about you, haha. The blizzard only grazed me here in Jersey. Just felt like a normal snow day, nothing historic. How about where you are?

    4. hopes


      yepppp!! ooh jersey, i'm from nh. same actually -- we didn't need to have a snow day, to be completely honest. would've been fine without it, but it's always nice to have the day off!!

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