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Status Replies posted by panda456

  1. Magic the Gathering is a pretty fun card game :D I played with my friends for a few hours the other day <333

  2. I just got a PS3, so if anybody wants to add me I'm AngryOyster

  3. I just got a PS3, so if anybody wants to add me I'm AngryOyster

    1. panda456


      I have Assassins Creed 3 at the moment but I hope to get more games soon.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. Love how people are celebrating end of Jersey Shore, like MTV isn't going to find another pile of shit that isn't going to captivate morons.

  5. OMG I had near heart failure for three WHOLE FUDGING DAYS!! What in the world happened to DCW?!? Pickle the Caterpillar is EXTREMELY disappointed in you DCW!! (/oAo)/ |________| MY ARMY WILL HAVE TO HEAR ABOUT THIS!!!

    1. panda456


      I got sooo scared when I couldn't get on here D: I didn't know what to do :( Soooo glad it's working though.

  6. Ano Hara is a good anime...Watch It <3333

    1. panda456


      a dead girl who comes back as a ghost to fulfill her last wish, but she doesn't remember what it is so her old friends have to come back together and get over their differences, sounds dumb at first but it was really good.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Happy Thanksgiving Everyboday, Hope You Have A Great Time!!! Eat Lots Of Food <333333

  8. The Hobbit is just a month away from coming out.. YES!!!!

    1. panda456


      I know I'm so excited :D I absolutely loved Lord of the Rings and am very happy for The Hobbit

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Two can keep a secret,if one of them is dead ;))

  10. hello people! i'm a newbie here, what's up?

  11. Alright I'm in serious need of a second opinion. My friend was always hanging out in the dorms and blowing off me and my other friend but when she got banned from the dorms she suddenly wanted to hang out with us and told us she was hurt when we didn't hang out with her. Does this make sense? Who's in the wrong? Please help D:

    1. panda456


      In a way I would love to remain friends with her, but honestly I know she'll do the same thing because of the way she is. Next semester she's allowed back in the dorm and she's already made plans to go back and hang out there. Even if I do tell her what's up she turn it around to make herself the victim...Just how she is.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. I painted a Panda on my pumpkin :3 I love pandas <33333 if you couldn't tell from my username lol

  13. My friends want to make sugar cookies this week cause she has like 4 bags of sugar cookie mix...What am I supposed to do with that many sugar cookies!!??

  14. My friends want to make sugar cookies this week cause she has like 4 bags of sugar cookie mix...What am I supposed to do with that many sugar cookies!!??

    1. panda456


      Alrighty but you'll have to wait since we haven't made them lol :D

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. So I need a topic for my Sociology Paper...not sure what to do.

  16. Do you know how hard it is to find a penpal who is willing to write letters back and forth with you? TT_TT really hard D:

  17. Do you know how hard it is to find a penpal who is willing to write letters back and forth with you? TT_TT really hard D:

  18. What Time Is It??? Adventure Time!!!!!!

  19. I guess my English teacher got in a motercycle accident...o.O did not see her as someone who would ride a motercycle...oh well, at least she only broke her ankle.

    1. panda456


      I don't know she just sent us an e-mail telling us she wouldn't be there so class wasn't happening.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. I still have so many cookies and cupcakes left D: no one in my house wants to eat them :(

    1. panda456


      D: don't be mad!!! I'll make you some more :( just for you :C

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  21. I still have so many cookies and cupcakes left D: no one in my house wants to eat them :(

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