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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by CarpetCrawler

  1. Rayman Origins is only $6.79 on Steam right now. Tempting...

  2. I'm sorry, but the Game Grumps are fucking awful.

  3. Scooby-Doo! Night of 100 Frights is the best Scooby-Doo game.

    1. ccrogers15


      I liked the one with the electric dude on PS1.

  4. Dwight Schrute as manager is what rainbows and sunshines are made of.

  5. Guys do you think if I was a Let's Play superstar the internet would take me seriously

  6. Usually when I admit I loved "A Pup Named Scooby Doo" is when people tell me, "OK, I'm sorry Josh, we cannot be friends anymore."

  7. Why are people doing crossovers of My Little Pony with The Binding of Isaac

  8. Addendum: Didn't make the cut. Oh well.

  9. OMG, kill me now. I had Dr. Fetus in The Binding of Isaac and I DIED. Because I had a major hard time killing the zombies. ARGH.

  10. Seriously, VVVVVV is not a game you do a talking Let's Play for.

  11. Going to try and sign up for the latest YouTube Reacts... would absolutely love to get involved!! Stay tuned, true believers~!

  12. http://t.co/BCxpLjwZSI RT @CureVylash: any game before the n64 was pretty awful

  13. Hate on Bill Maher all you want but his latest New Rules is something that I think everyone can agree on: http://t.co/WZPYi5UXJq

  14. Yep, today won't be my day. Cool.

  15. Glad that I caught this just in time. A sale on Steam for Braid for only $2.50, and the offer was ending in under a minute!!

  16. Hey, drone folk, instead of worrying over something that won't ever happen, maybe we should worry about this instead? http://t.co/ssa1zUsCL9

  17. Enough already, Comcast, what's with the spotty connection today?!

    1. ccrogers15


      Because comcast is S*itcast.

      I use to have them, but they were terrible.

      Constant downtimes, and they freak on the most simple thing. I downloaded a GAME PATCH from an official game site, and they sent me piracy warning in the mail. X_X

    2. CarpetCrawler


      Yep. Sounds like good ol' Comcast to me.

      They were the first folks to readily crack down on their own users with the recent passing of CAS. It would help if the only other game in town wasn't AT&T.

  18. It aggravates me because the game was so amazing before the stupid DLC just ruined it.

  19. There's such thing as a little too much, and Community did its job with that little decision.

  20. Hot damn, multi-grain Club crackers are GOOD!!

  21. It's double talk so it could mean anything, so I'm not going to say if Taylor insulted the two of them just yet or not. Let's wait and see.

  22. they made a porn parody of welcome back, kotter wtf is wrong with people

  23. I really want to watch The Blues Brothers because I fucking love that movie and it's been way too long!!

  24. Well, guess it's back to VVVVVV for a little while.

  25. For the record, none of my friends are at all like that. But it truly was something that needed to be said.

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