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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by CarpetCrawler

  1. oh my god I was so tired last night I just checked my watched items on eBay and there was an Ernest movie on there, what the fuck man

  2. I have a Steam account now, guys, anyone interested in adding me lemme know~!

    1. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      Arr I be interested!

  3. It's really sad that she actually had to tweet that.

  4. How many lousy daytime talk shows before television executives realize that no one wants daytime talk shows anymore?

  5. But why is that terrible signature of mine your sig. :V I swear my handwriting is not usually that sloppy. ;____;

  6. OMG Michael Bublé has an amazing cover of "I've Got You Under My Skin". *____________*

  7. First of all, have a happy birthday, and secondly, letting you know that I will respond to your e-mail soon.

  8. Is there something that's not Comcast or AT&T that's actually available here? Because honestly both really suck.

  9. Hey YouTube/Google, trust me, if I want to use my full name on my account I'll let you know, you don't have to nag me every few days.

    1. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      I don't think anyone wants that

    2. Chekhov MacGuffin

      Chekhov MacGuffin

      No kidding. The only people who get snared by this is underagers who don't know better ... and then can get stalked. Anon is best policy on the internet unless you are doing real business.

    3. A L

      A L

      I use proxies.

  10. So basically 90% of the things I retweet come from @ChipCheezum.

  11. What's with the trend of parents humiliating kids as punishment? They realize that studies have shown this to be counter-productive, right?


  13. For the record there are few things that smell worse than a sloppy dog.

  14. Ben wears the basketball goggles I wore when I was on the basketball team. Good lord. #ParksAndRecreation

  15. Inexcusable how lousy my connection is right now, five cut outs in the past hour.

  16. People who are cynical about every little thing irritate the shit out of me.

  17. Not surprised over THQ folding, this was a long time coming.

  18. Great news for Parks and Recreation fans, the show is one of the few stable comedies NBC has anymore, it's a definite for renewal.

  19. I should watch V, I used to LOVE that mini-series and it hasn't been since Junior High.

  20. At first I had a heart attack, but then I actually read the article. Atari files for bankruptcy: http://t.co/pZBILhgC

  21. Wow, the price of Mega Man Soccer went down a crapload. Sad face.

  22. I wish I had a horror movie buddy to watch horror movies with. ;_____;

  23. Why do Conservatives post comments on Huffington Post articles? That's like a member of PETA posting on a McDonald's page. What's the point?

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