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tengaku squared

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Posts posted by tengaku squared

  1. @Mohovoricic: Did you get a new laptop?

    Nope, not yet. This definitely is the reason why I was late, and not because I was incredibly lazy...yeah.


    I mean, 7 people should be enough. I think I can safely close down sign-ups and start mixing up lists. They won't come to you guys today, but probably tomorrow or the day after at the latest. I promise! Stay tuned!

  2. ...Well, a little status update. My computer, while it has served a long time, has finally given up fairly recently. I'm currently doing this via phone. I hope this won't affect the schedule, and I should be getting a replacement soon.


    More importantly, with only 3 people, I'm not sure I can conduct the event.

  3. If a Vermouth clone were to be made, I wasn't thinking she'd be identical to the real Vermouth and act as a body double of sorts, but rather that clone Vermouth would grow up and be trained into a strong member of the Organization skilled at disguises and acting.  The reason why they couldn't just try to make twins would be because the unborn child doesn't have any proof of potential.  Vermouth had already demonstrated her immense skill set once she had grown into an adult, and it was only then that it would be logical to start growing a clone of her, from the embryo up of course.

    This gives the statement that Vermouth is considered the boss's favorite a whole new meaning. :V


    It's unfortunate that there's not too much to go on besides a few vague ideas.

  4. Here it is!


    The person says credit isn't necessary.  The original base picture used was a November/December calendar page from either 2009 or 2010, I can't remember which year.  I've been trying to track it down, but to no avail. 

    Thanks a bunch! I'll give them credit anyway (or at least, put a link to there).


    Question: Will it be okay to change my wish list later on (before sign-ups close)?

    Yes, until sign-ups close.

  5. KenhSinhVien-403027-10150437357582918-80

    (Image source)

    DCW Secret Santa Event 2014!


    What? How could this be? It isn't even past Thanksgiving! It's way too early for this!


    I agree, it seems a bit early. But here's a bit of my reasoning on why this is going to get started soon.


    I also ran the previous Secret Santa event for 2013 (link here) and I started it up too late. Due to the strict time constraints, an issue came up during the event and one person did not get their gift on time. Also, because it started up so fast, there were people that wanted to join but just couldn't. I want to get this event started soon so issues can be handled in a less rushed manner, get everyone who wants to participate on board, and give people plenty of time to make their gifts. Just for reference, the 2012 and 2011 events had their topics about this time, and they worked pretty well.


    This event won't work that differently from the other years' events, so if you are curious on how it worked, check out the links in the previous paragraph. With that said, here's some information about this event:


    How to Join:

    In order to signup, just post in this topic. You can also PM me or leave a comment on my profile. Remember that once signups close, gift-giving is mandatory! You can't drop out after signups close, so please make sure that you have time in your schedules to make a gift!


    While you can signup first and post your wishlist (see below) later, I prefer that you do both at the same time. If you signup through PM or comment, please post your wishlist in this topic!


    How to Make a Wishlist:

    Your wishlist is just what it sounds like, a wishlist. It's a way to tell your Secret Santa what you want. Remember that this is only a suggestion, and while most Secret Santas will try to fit your wishlist, others may not or can not. Wishlists are not binding.


    This should consist of at least 3 (and preferably exactly 3) series, characters, or other things that you want to see in your gift. These need not be native to Detective Conan, but try to keep at least one Detective Conan related thing in your list, and if you decide to go for a non-DC character, please note where the character comes from! 


    Note that I said that the wish list should consist of at least 3 things. You can put more than 3 things, but this is just a way for people who simply can't decide between 5 of their favorite series or characters and really want to put down all 5. This is not for people to put down an excessive amount of things. In general, I would keep it to 3. You're more likely to get what you want, and your Secret Santa isn't going to have as many troubles deciding.


    If you want, you can also list what kind of gift you want (music, fanfic, etc.), but your Secret Santa is not necessarily obligated to make that gift


    Here's an example wishlist that I made:

    Ai Haibara

    Accelerator (Toaru Majutsu no Index)

    Kino (Kino's Journey)

    Kazuha Toyama


    I would prefer a fanfic, but if you can't do that then that is completely cool!


    How to Upload Your Gift:

    So you made your gift! Great, but how do you get it to your awesome receiver?


    Well, this honestly depends on what gift you are uploading. Here are a few general guidelines:


    Fanfics/fanart: Either posted here or on another publicly accessible site.

    AMVs: Youtube, preferably, I really can't hold a lot of movie files on my computer.

    Songs: Upload it as an .mp3 file to some public file-hosting website (I'm fond of Mediafire). If you can password-lock it, please give it the password: secretsanta (all lower case, no caps). You can also upload it onto Youtube.


    If you happen to be making a gift that doesn't fit the above categories, or you just have questions, just PM me. We'll find a way.


    Remember that once you upload your gift, please give the link to me through PM! It's no good if I don't have access to it! I'll always send a confirmation PM noting I did get the link, or there were problems with your link, or what not, so keep tabs on your inboxes!


    Any other questions? Feel free to ask! Did I leave out something? Point it out!


    Timeline for this Year:


    Deadlines always expire on the day listed below, at midnight, in Mountain Standard Time. For your convenience, I also highlighted the particularly important dates.


    - ***November 24, 2014***: All signups close! Remember that gift-giving is mandatory, so if you realize that you're going to be too busy this coming month, tell me so I can remove you from the list! I will assign everyone who signs up a person and give them their wishlist through PM by a few days after this date.


    - December 15, 2014: I will begin screaming in this topic and maybe through PM to remind everyone that the deadline for gifts is the following week! REMEMBER THAT THE DEADLINE IS NEXT WEEK, PEOPLE! Something like that.


    - December 21, 2014: Winter equinox! (Though you should be finishing gifts instead of appreciating this small fact. :V)


    - ***December 22, 2014***: Deadline for gifts! Get your gifts in! Barring exceptional circumstances, I'm not going to take any gifts beyond this time. I need to organize all the gifts, and that will take time! Please make this process easy for me so there won't be any hassle before the gift-giving!

    Note that while this is the deadline, I will most definitely accept gifts earlier. While I don't want to encourage rushing, if you have your gift done early then by all means turn it in!


    - December 23, 2014: Stretch! Relax! You turned in your gift, and now it's time to wait while I organize the gifts behind the scenes for your convenience.


    - December 24, 2014: Silence. This is fun, isn't it?


    - ***December 25, 2014***: GIFTS! Here comes all the gifts that you made for each other! The reveals! The surprises! The drama! O, what fun...


    Current signups:


    - kirsch

    - Misaki-chan

    - MeiTanteixX

    - astraculpa

    - Kjehdal

    - Hikari chan

    - Raki

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