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Posts posted by tengaku squared
I can welcome you too, right? Welcome to DCW! I'm the furthest thing from a newbie here that you'll find here for quite a bit, though hehe.
I don't exactly remember how long I've watched DC, though I'd imagine it would be around 7 years now? Though a point of clarification: only been a fan for 2.
The very same day I get Dark Pit in the mail, you up and change your profile pic to Aya Shameimaru
wtf i thought that was reimu
i feel really stupid
Banned for also having less posts than MK (yeah, that's cheating)Banned for peeking at my profile,
you creep. > -
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
i somehow completely did not notice that you listed this at some point. it's certainly interesting to hear an opposing opinion. as of now, madoka stands as my top anime series of all time, so it's quite interesting to hear what you've said about it.
Damn, reading your thoughts on this got me in a real nostalgic mood.
it's actually a fun ride, i would try it. i mean, if you're in just for the pure old yami yugioh nostalgia, that's long gone, but seeing all those old fusion methods is certainly nostalgic.
OMM: after watching the new yugioh continuity i decided to try to get back into the game and see what i could do.
...what the hell happened, so much stuff changed.
first turn player no longer gets a draw on their opening turn, this is so much like komi from go, where there's a point handicap for the first player. then again, most first turn players end up winning, so this is a welcome balancing.
what is less welcome is that games are like half as long as before. power creep is nasty. raigeki of all things has been removed from the forbidden list (raigeki nukes your opponent's field). even better is that no one seems to be using it because it's too slow for the meta. when a card that wipes your opponent's entire field is too slow, something is wrong. also, it's apparently no longer uncommon to pull off insane stuff like triple quasar, so that's also frustrating.
so, i ended that brief foray with a 1-9 record lol. gusto psychics didn't stand a chance. D:
OMM2: urban legend in limbo is sweet. kasen's got a canon theme now, and it is really really cool. also, turbo granny is hilarious: there is nothing more jarringly contrasting than a buddhist nun riding a motorcycle and running over opponents with it.
all the other themes got remixed, and they are all great (i heard they were mixed by outside groups, which explains mokou kart, which is much different from the normal style; actually, all of the new ost are very much different from the normal zun style). occult a la carte is my favorite ost so far in uLiL.
OMM3: changed my signature. honestly, the inaban gif is so jarring imo with the other gifs in rotation (which are more humorous in nature). also, grabbed the quote off a fanfic i read, i wonder if you can find where it came from hehe.
OMM4: planning on watching inside out at some point, the reviews are absurdly positive, and i've heard very good things about it from my friends.
Banned for having way less posts than me.
i would definitely bet that it would probably have to do with conserving effort with drawing a completely new wardrobe. it's a benefit that the author and animators can use in a series that seems to run on negative continuity.
it's also a small detail, but consider how many chapters/episodes these people have to run through. small details add up --> big stuff. it would save some time, i would imagine.
though obviously the canon reason is:
she enjoys cooking in her uniform
ran is strange.
Though I'm not really sure watching DC really counts in this thread...
if I said I was, it would probably be noteworthy enough to post here lol. i'm behind by like 200 episodes or so now.
that being said, i actually did watch something new:
Yugioh Arc-V
zexal, the yugioh continuity before arc-v, really, really sucked. and it was so bad that it was the only yugioh series that i actually dropped (i watched the original, gx, and 5ds to their conclusion, and 5ds actually stands as a personal favorite of mine).
so i was not coming into arc-v with high hopes, that much is true. and the action fields (the new gimmick introduced in arc-v) felt too much like the writers were trying to cover-up ass-pulls, so i was getting kinda worried.
then fusion summon came back, and i was super shocked. then synchro summon came back, and i was really shocked. xyz summon tagged along for the ride. and for once, the game became much more realistic. for example, the main protagonist actually ends up with a dead hand and has to skip his opening turn because he relies too much on pendulum summon (you set two monsters on the field, and summon as many monsters as you wish as long as all of the levels of the monsters summoned are between the two monsters' pendulum scales), stocked up on high-level monsters, and drew into all the high-level ones and no pendulums. that stuff actually happens.
also, security is much more competent: they actually take down the protagonists! and they also know when they're outgunned, and realize that "hey, can't we just arrest these kids?" and arrest them. so, all in all, arc-v brings back a lot of old nostalgia from all the different summon methods of the past, and that got me interested. forget the new stuff (pendulum and action fields), while also managing to inject some realism into the series.
well, as much realism as possible considering the series is about people battling with cards that summon holographic monsters.
i'm really looking forward to seeing how this series continues to develop. it's not a bad place to start a yugioh watch if you weren't interested before or have since dropped out. there's a lot of interesting divergences from the stock formula and they, for the most part, pay off.
Like P3's not a bad game at all but P4 was a lot easier for me to sink more time into.
p4 brought the ability to pick which skills to pass on in fusion. that's all i care about lol.
(hundreds of resets for the perfect messiah ahahahahahaha)
Lots of people here are MIA right now.
to my credit i visit dcw at least once every month or so. that's pretty good, no? :V
not ded ppl plz
i would definitely tread carefully on the whole lgbt decision, partially as a result of how it was achieved. the decision will definitely not be the be all and end all of this discussion. the aforementioned decision by a local alabama county government is a good example that the fight is not over. there are definitely people that are threatened that their system of belief is being attacked by an unforgiving majority, and those people will cling more desperately with this new decision.
the supreme court decided this issue, not the individual states. most states were pressured by legal systems to instate same-sex marriage laws. while the majority of americans now support the new unions, the people that don't will see this as a systematic attack on their beliefs.
and here is where i might say something a little weird. in the lgbt discussion, i fall on the end that does not support it. i feel distinctly uncomfortable by the supreme court's decision, but will stand by the law - though no legal decision will ever change my opinion. i'm sure there are definitely people that fall in the same category, with varying degrees of extremities: some might be just a little uncomfortable, while others might fall a little more...radical.
what i feel is that as people gradually settle into a new position, they will try to squash out any opposing views - this decision might be an attempt at that, and that's not the way to go. when we put down people with opposing views, they will get more and more steadfast in their beliefs. and we see this happening still today, where the conservatives are gradually clinging more and more to their beliefs. and the validity of those beliefs is a different matter - the point is that trying to suppress the opposing side and refuse to listen to their beliefs, misguided as you might think they be, will only lead to further conflict. avoid the tyranny of the majority - it's a frightening thing.
everyone has a right to believe what they want, regardless of how repulsive they might seem to another. by all means, if you are going to try to convince them, dissolve their beliefs with logic and appeals, not use their belief as a basis for a personal attack.
now, i'm not saying that such stuff is going on here. it is going on, however.
(i barely looked over this when typing it up, probably contradict myself in at least a few points here hehe)
Mohovoricic is an adult with a life and a job
hehe, yes i am -in fact it's a new job now, very happy with it. calling me an adult feels kinda strange to me lol.
but i'm not here for banter, let's get to the meat of the discussion shall we?
Next up is DCW IRL7; some of you may actually be familiar. The concept of DCW IRL is kind of weird, especially from a heavy roleplaying context. You usually try not to get too attached to your character, so you definitely don't make yourself!
ah, good times. i completely concede this point, at least the part about the concept. dcw irl was always kinda weird for me, because it did tend to make the player a little too attached to the character - the character is him, after all. this is why i never completely acknowledged it as roleplay in the strictest sense of the word, as there aren't predefined roles, and consider it more impromptu theatre.
I honestly don't think I would join this roleplay, but that's just my personal preference. I didn't dig too deep into DCW IRL, but what I expect happened is that the original post served as both IC and OOC, then it got so big they made another round, all the way up to fourteen. Like the first forum, the IC and the OOC intermingle. It's not really just a pet peeve, it's just that the separation of OOC and IC is important. How is someone going to follow the story if there's OOC in the IC? Just make two seperate forums.
well, that's unfortunate, we really need the new ppl you know.
honestly, we didn't stop the original post because it got big, we stopped it because it got too messy. the rounds after were created after the original players from the original topic came up with a set of rules (such as the limited time span, which you did compliment, thanks!) and started a bunch of topics. but that's just pedantics, move on?
if there's ooc in the ic? i'm a little confused by this, so i'll put down how i interpreted it and respond to that, and you can correct me if i'm wrong, alright? i saw this as "the banter" overlapping with "the story". i believe that iu and i did both recognize the possibility, and we did come up with a rule to clearly distinct the ooc from the ic. as for why make two separate forums, there really shouldn't be a need to as long as the two are kept distinct, which i have generally noticed that they are. if you take a look, there are a few forums with a lot of activity, and then some with little activity. keeping things too spread out has its own issues and while it does keep organization its often not practical.
but now i want to address something that you seem to be latching onto: RP using DC roles. it's very very important to make the distinction (and you make this and it should be fairly obvious anyway) that DCW IRL does not really follow the standards that most RPs go by. i certainly don't consider it an RP, but i do consider it to be fun. you also make a few points about people needing to "deserve" something (an RP forum, a BO role) and simply neglect the fact that DCW IRL doesn't really take itself that seriously and it isn't really meant to be taken seriously. that's partially why the one month round rule is in place, so that if something goes down the drain there's always something new to start soon and we don't linger too much on mistakes. the fact that we don't take it seriously, that dcw does have other things to prop itself up (like a very extensive wiki) may contribute to the decline of dcw irl but remember that dcw irl was never the focal point of the forum.
as for the fact that this forum isn't dedicated to RP and that dedicated forums are better at RPing and have a more conducive environment, i totally agree. dcw was never a rp forum and it never was meant to be. dcw irl just happened to sprout up in dcw instead of our neighbor dctp or something and that's why it's called dcw irl. and once again, dcw irl isn't something we take terribly seriously, which i mentioned before, so, and this might seem harsh but it is true, we really don't deliver on the whole rp experience because we really don't need to. dcw irl was kinda meant to stay within dcw and it works with dcw members in general, and trying to compare dcw irl to rps out there is like trying to compare the strait of gibraltar to the indian ocean - it's different in terms of scale and purpose and all sorts of differences.
remember that we aren't really trying to make this an rp forum and we really shouldn't.
Most of the people here have a life outside of DCW, and it's understandable that if quality drops with a new mod, DCW IRL is done forever.
i do kinda blame the decline of dcw irl on myself- after all, i hosted the last few rounds, none of which i felt i handled properly and all died before the time alloted for the round. kirsch does make a point that people have lives outside of dcw, and i once again add that dcw isn't meant to be a rp forum and was more of a side experiment - that worked pretty well but didn't stay.
Maybe do things you say we, a bunch of poor excuses of members, should be doing? From what I'm getting after reading your complaint, it seems this is as far as you're willing to go.
plz, don't point fingers - i honestly don't think this is a fair accusation. i don't think belittling us was his intention, though i believe his criticisms are a bit out there considering the nature of dcw irl.
So there you go, that's the situation you guys are in. I think a lot of people don't care, and I'll probably find that out with the next few comments (or lack of comments. . .)
it's a situation i believe we are perfectly willing to keep. i did have a few ideas about branching off dcw irl to a different forum back when dcw irl was quite active, but after some discussion we decided it wasn't the right move. it's not a matter of not caring more as we seem to have come to the conclusion that it wasn't really meant to be.
also, you managed to get the attention of the head mod of dcw irl so i guess that's something?
A: Seems a bit too zoomed out for my taste, but it's just likely because I like having a face focus. 7.5/10
S: Remilia, I like. Not in that art style, though. 8/10
A: 5/10 - I don't recognize that chara at all.
S: 6/10 - I don't open spoilers, and I've seen that banner enough times already.
Ahem. First, though the group this time was small, I'm still glad that people did sign up and eventually allowed me to continue the event. Everyone made the deadline this time, which was an added bonus.
Now then, time for gifts! Let's see everyone's hard work!
First up:
KjedhalKjeldahl! Here is your gift!It appears to be a comic of some sort, with a grim end! Slideshow form here!
This was by MeiTanteixX!
Next up, MeiTanteixX! (those caps are difficult
) You are up!
This was by Kirsch/Santa!
And now, Hikari chan! (no hyphen??) It is indeed your turn!
This was by Misaki-chan!
Speaking of which, Misaki-chan (yes hyphen), it is your turn!
This was by Astraculpa!
Alright! Still got about a halfway to go! Raki's turn is now!
This was by
KjedhalKjeldahl!Second to last, second to last! Let's move! Astraculpa's gift is now!
This was by Raki!
Last but most certainly not least, Kirsch/Santa! Go go go!
This was by Hikari chan!
Finally, everyone! Merry Christmas, and happy holidays to you all!
Thanks for playing Secret Santa this year!
For those of you that are unaware, gifts are due today! Absolutely positively today! I'm sorry I wasn't more active, but this is it!
lesser of two evils??
Heiji and Shinichi: 36
Ran and Shinichi: 14 -
A: 6/10.
S: 4/10. I don't open spoilers in sigs, even if its labeled with fate/stay night. Sorry.
That sounds like a bug. Hmm.
What are you using as a browser?
I may be missing something here, but I genuinely can't find it. Basically every other post looks the same, without the edit option, btw.
I seem to be unable to see the report button.
i don't see any vodka pairings here what is wrong with you mello
Kaito and Shinichi: 9
Heiji and Shinichi: 19
Shiho and Shinichi: 0
Ran and Shinichi: 17
Akai and Shinichi: 5
A: 2/10. Not a fan. Never a fan.
S: 6/10. I don't open spoilers and the image itself is fine but I see it a lot and LHC is kinda...well.
A: no change??
S: 2/10. I don't open spoilers in signatures and I don't intend to start.
Wassup guys? ThatKidWithTheJewfro here!
in Introduce yourself
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Your devotion scares me. ;-;
Welcome to DCW!