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Chekhov MacGuffin

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Posts posted by Chekhov MacGuffin

  1. Huh, this web of who knows who is proving to be very tangled. I'm with Uchiha and Balthazar on guessing that Sera's brother (Shuukichi?) might have known Scotch or Date. Based on expressions and body language Amuro doesn't seem quite ready to warm up to Masumi, but at the same time there's no reason to continue a grudge.


    The Akai family must have been very separated from each other. Whatever Daddy and Mommy Akai were doing is the past must have generated some very pressing reason to raise their family to be difficult to link to one another.

    The murder is a strangulation, but the line doesn't go all the way around the neck (at least on the vic's left side). When Gosho draws strangulation marks he generally follows some specific rules. For a strangulation were the person is simply overpowered, the cord marks make an almost complete 360 around the neck, with a small gap between where the cord marks don't touch (or mark one goes over the other) on the side the culprit is standing. For strangulation where the victim has their back pinned against something, such as a chair, the mark usually only makes a 180 or slightly more around the front of the neck. Methods involving mechanical strangulation (i.e. using the power of a mechanical window) or strangulation from a distance are more likely to be the 180 type because of limitations in the way such traps can be set up. That is cords which give a 180 mark make a U shape because the ends are being pulled from the same direction rather than a complete O where the ends are being pulled in almost opposite directions.


    At this point I can't tell if it's the first 360 type and the point where the culprit was standing was on the victim's back left (where the blank spot on the camera was), or if it was a 180 pin-type with the point of pull from behind. Since all the suspects are women, I am going to to guess overpowering is less likely and a pin more likely, but this isn't a sure point.


    There are marks on the neck that might be Yoshikawa lines, indicating the victim was aware of being strangled and could claw at her neck. If so, she should have corresponding damage on her fingers. Regardless, those type of marks indicate the victim's neck bled on the murder weapon, so a bloody cord-type weapon will be decisive evidence. I imagine finding the murder weapon is going to be an issue, with all the guitar strings and whatnot hanging around and since nothing was spotted right off in this first chapter.

    • Upvote 1

  2. It varies. Some of the tricks are realistic. Others are prone to failure and lucky circumstances. Some are pretty bizarre and probably wouldn't work in real life without someone noticing. A lot of the locked room tricks where the door is locked from the outside are possible in real life. I have tried a few of them. There was one involving a hotel room lock bar and scotch tape in the manga which left behind a tiny bit of tape and a sticky residue as evidence, but when I tried it for myself, I left no evidence on the bar at all.


    About the tea and the snake venom, there is at least one scientific paper looking at the effectiveness of tea on venom that says there are positive benefits. However, no medical group I have seen recommends doing anything beyond cleaning the affected area with soap and water. The problem is that any liquid you pour on the bite won't penetrate into the bitten tissue, so most pour-X-on-the-snakebite recommendations are more wives tales. I live in a place with many poisonous snakes, and the typical first aid instructions are to make sure the person holds still while waiting for medical attention to arrive. The perosn must stay calm to keep the heart rate down, and the bitten area must be kept immobile with a loose stick splint and well below the level of the heart to keep the venom from spreading and affecting internal organs. If you have a snakebite kit, you use that instead while waiting for medical attention to arrive. Also take off any rings or tight anything because those will get trapped and cause the skin to split open if swelling starts.

    • Upvote 1

  3. Re: this whole phone conversation


    Keep in mind that tech turnover in DC follows real life time passage, not in-comic time passage because Gosho doesn't want his characters to appear old-fashioned. If they are upgrading phones in line with real-life phone schedules, then there really is no problem. (Although it becomes much harder to match phones.)


    I'm not convinced that Gosho is being very careful about drawing the phone models. Before making conclusions on Shuu and bro's phones, I think you all should also evaluate the attention-to-detail and art progression of other characters's phones (Ran, Conan, Ai) as controls because we know they aren't switching models all that frequently.


    Two phones is fine, but three? Even for an FBI agent who's faked his death, that's a bit much.

    People who routinely use burners (because they are doing illegal things and trying to evade law enforcement monitoring) may switch as frequently as weekly or monthly. After Amuro's showdown with Okiya, Shuu should probably switch his phone just in case Amuro did some DC magic hacking ahead of the showdown.

  4. Clicked the last one and read a few lines and I’m already puzzled.


    This says that between nicknamed agents there is no hierarchy, they’re all on the same level. I always thought Vodka was Gin’s sidekick, though? The wiki also kind of puts Rum/Gin/Vermouth on a higher level.


    That was one of things I tried to deal with in the BO wiki article. That one statement seems to contradict everything else seen in the canon and official guidebooks, which I noted. We have evidence to support ranking like Amuro needing to ask for permission to see the files on Akai's death, the FBI acknowledging the existence of executive agents, Rum being the number 2 (there should be no rank), and Akai being asked to work under Gin (not equal to him) when codenamed....

    • Upvote 3

  5. Im not entirely sure about the changes this person is making here. 

    Should these episode titles be changed from what they were?


    As for episodes like "The Missing Scream of Munch", can the title even be 

    changed around like that? I thought that "Scream of Munch" was the name 

    of the painting and it is missing. Meaning that "Munch's Missing Scream" would

    be inaccurate????


    Also some of the changed episode titles were changed to a way that does not 

    reflect the wiki naming scheme of putting given name first. ex: Shinichi Kudo rather than Kudo Shinichi

    Two of the changes below now have Haibara Ai and Kudo Shinichi, which would be

    inaccurate to the rest of the wiki. 


    I did not want to "undo" anything without seeking approval. 





    I remember in my early days getting in an edit war about eastern vs western name order, and was rightfully overruled and told to use Japanese names with western order like we do for the rest of the pages. As for the others, I'm not sure. Usually I heave this sort of thing up to Skyechan.

  6. I am super thrilled for the anime. I have checked out the manga and it wasn't half bad. I think Ace Attorney is the sort of game that translates well into animation.


    I am sad that Dai Gyakuten Saiban has not been confirmed for Western release. The news is that AA6 will have priority. DGS in English may still have chance, but it will be likely after the release of the whole trilogy (assuming the Japanese sales are good enough). TBH, I think DGS is more promising than AA6....

  7. Detective Conan's find-where-the-culrit-has-hid-the-cyanide cases have made me more aware of how I can spread lab chemicals with my fingers. If Person A opened the fridge with a little osmium tetroxide on their gloves, Person B could get it on their bare hands if they peeked in the fridge later to make sure they had enough left-over buffer to run another experiment. It's not a critical issue because the daily-use chemicals are mostly harmless, but I am now more proactive about observing places where both gloved and barehanded people touch and cleaning them regularly, like the edges of tables, the microscope focus knob, or the sink faucets.


    Places where they enforce strict glove rules to segregate areas and items that can and can't be touched barehanded seem to be the most effective at preventing accidental spread. It works better when one whole room follows the same rules rather than part of a room.

  8. also, if you want, I can upload them elsewhere if it would be easier

    I just use photobucked for my own convince since for me it is a quick way

    of getting photos, getting the quick link, and then getting them to a forum


    do I need to explain the point three that I wrote above? or are you just trying to figure out how to write it better?

    I recommend imgur highly. It lets you batch upload quickly, which is what I did with the postcards and doesn't make downloading hard.

  9. I will add the car and upload some of your pictures if you don't mind. I have done all but point three on the Akemi one. I am still trying to figure out point three.


    Ugh, photobucket. That site makes saving pictures so obnoxious. It doesn't let you right click and you have to enable a million scripts to see the image. I'm going to have to try something else because I don't want to printscreen and crop 15 times.

  10. I was thinking about something that could be added to the episodes infoboxes, in those that consist of two parts or more. Like sometimes different episodes of the same arc use different ending songs (I'm not sure if it has happened with openings as well). In the infobox, when you write the closing song you can put just one link- I tried writing more than one and it wasn't possible without making it look really ugly.


    The one episode in which I know it happens is Conan and Heiji's Deduction Magic, which uses June Bride as the ending for the first episode and Sekai Tomete for the other two. I'm kind of sure there might be more. Would it be possible to modify the episode infobox or write more than one link for the closing song? Personally I think the page should mention both songs and not just the one which appeared in the first episode of the arc.

    I'll try to do something.

  11. In no other case except that of Vermouth have we had some many clues and then got fooled,

    Eh, Vermouth's arc used the same mystery tactics as Kir's and Bourbon's. True, the clues were harder to spot and fewer in number, but you definitely could see the writing on the wall from a ways out. Once you got the feeling Jodie was not Vermouth but was actually hunting her instead (the biggest easy to spot clue was the fact that Jodie chose a high school position, not elementary school where Haibara and Conan were), then suspicion fell sharply on Araide. The big difference was that it was the first arc mystery where the reader had to hunt for a BO, so readers didn't have the learned experience yet. Also there were no internet forums to collaborate on back then, like edogawa proboards or early stage DCTP.

  12. This might have been mentioned earlier but Gosho somewhere (Sherry's soliloquy probably) said that RUM had already appeared before the kawanakajima or whatever case, therefore, if kuroda did not appear before(probably not, because he was in coma for 10 yrs) he is probably not a suspect.

    I said as much on DCTP, but I am worried that Gosho's quote about Rum appearing before refers to a one-off gag panel where he had a character called Lum from another Shounen Sunday manga appear as the newest Black Organization member Rum.



    so who is the most likely suspect at the moment?

    I have no suspects at the moment. Kuroda is the "too suspicious so he's a good guy" archetype. There was that one-eyed guy from the last Magic Kaito case, but he was too dumb and uncool. There are some other intelligent characters who have appeared recently, but they are either accounted for as other plot important characters (e.g. Shuukichi = akai middle bro) or haven't done anything suspicious (e.g. Koumei). Basically I'm waiting for something to actually happen (The Rum arc equivalent of Okiya moving into the Kudo house or Scar Akai appearing at Teito bank) that would signal the plot is afoot.

  13. Oh my god

    More then 3 suspects, awesome

    My bets are on extra dead people.

    Because it's a Heiji case I expect someone to fall to their death or get set on fire, or both at the same time. Cruel and unusual is par for a Hattori showing.

    Also did Kogoro just eat a wild mushroom? That's not very smart. Maybe the mushrooms in Asia are kinder, but eating a wild mushroom without a proper ID stateside can easily lead to a nasty death.

  14. By the way I just looked at your name and realized who you were! If I were to do this would you want to help out?

    My good mic is out of commission, so I'm not in a good position to host or guest. I'm not a very experienced postcaster anyway. I cringe every time I hear the old casts where I was a guest.

    I would focus on getting caught up with manga stuff if possible since there would be interest in Rum arc discussion. Consider soliciting advice on what people want to hear and what to keep and change of the old show format. Maybe draw up a test topic agenda for one episode.

    You are also going to need some audio editing software. I don't have any recs but you can probably find someone who knows. Try recording just yourself talking about Conan/mystery stuff for 5 minutes and splice an intro in just to get an idea of the work involved and how to carry a show as host.

  15. but the fact that Shinichi reveals tricks/exposes their nature doesn't make him a wizard/magician—a wizard doesn't even need tricks, if we go by Akako, as she literally does what shouldn't be possible with no tricks involved, or truth to be exposed, while magicians utilize those tricks, like Kaitou Kid. Unless this is an ironic name for Shinichi/Conan, I don't think she's referring to him.

    This is an overly literal meaning of the word wizard. Are you maybe not a native English speaker? "Wizard" in English not only refers to the magical being that performs sorcery, but it can also refer to someone who highly skilled and can put on a performance. A math wizard is someone who solves difficult equations with grace and style, almost like they have magical insight. (Wizard also has this double meaning in Japanese as far as my dictionary tells me. There is a Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney soundtrack title for when Phoenix is stomping somebody in the courtroom called "The Courtroom's Magician." Masumi is an English speaker anyway.) When Shinichi used "Shiranpuri" in Red vs. Black to make everyone but the culprit sit down, you can call that moment a "spell" from a detective wizard. Shinichi also has the habit of turning the culprit's tricks into his own performances like they are acts in a magic show, like having Takagi hide invisibly in a pool and then suddenly appear on command, or make Sera appear from a chest of fruits. Wizard absolutely fits Shinichi's "explain the trick, reveal the culprit" style, especially if you are an impressionable child like Masumi. With the right sort of trick in the past case of waves, I can definitely see Shinichi doing something that appears to be magical to show the truth.


    About the rest of your post, you've made a bunch of suggestions but haven't tied them together into a coherent theory. It was like reading a stream of consciousness rather than organized thoughts. Maybe I can help you sort it out by spinning the argument around: 1) Do you have any evidence that shows Conan is not the Wizard? 2) If the Wizard is the unknown child, do each of the wizard clues and their timing make sense?


    Edit: To make life easier, can anyone help me list the chapters where wizards are discussed (Post Sera)?

    Manga Volume 81, File 11 (861), pg 15-16: "Just like Magic" Middle bro asks if Sera has met the wizard. "You could say so"

    Manga Volume 83, File 2 (874), pg 8: "The Red Past" Sera's purpose in coming to Japan is to meet the Wizard once more.

    Manga Volume 86, File 1 (905) Ran has a flashback. Child Sera says "You are a wizard, right?"

    • Upvote 1

  16. I'm not so sure that "the wizard/magician" is Shinichi/Conan. Isn't he the one who always says things about magic not existing, and exposing the secrets behind magic tricks? Is there some meaning about them naming Shinichi/Conan "the wizard/magician?"

    There are a lot of hints but the most obvious one is from the bowling alley case

    In a PS, Masumi's middle brother asks if she "has already met the Wizard?" Masumi turns towards Conan when thinking of the answer "You could say so". There is also Ran's memory of a young Masumi calling somebody a wizard. If Ran heard it, undoubtedly Shinichi will have been somewhere with her.

    Most people have speculated that Shinichi acquired the nickname from his solving the case in his past during the sound of waves incident where he and Ran met Masumi and Mary.

    Wizard itself probably refers to some case solution where Shinichi demonstrated the trick and the truth was revealed like magic - that's one of Shinichi's favorite way of doing things.


    ... even when Masumi's reason for coming to Japan must have to do with MG... she said that she'd come to Japan to meet the "wizard/magician..." which makes MG the "wizard/magician," right?

    "Even when Masumi's reason for coming to Japan must have to do with MG" is a pretty huge assumption. For all we know, her reason for coming to Japan is because she wants Shinichi to solve her mother's case. Maybe she was looking for her older bro at first, but then settled on Shinichi's help when she couldn't make contact. Maybe she saw Conan on the news/Shuuichi's pictures and realized that Shinichi may have been affected by the same problem as her mother and wanted to find out the truth.


    Then there's the middle brother's use of the name—Masumi didn't know that he'd met Shinichi/Conan before... how could they have an agreed nickname for him, then?

    Because Masumi gave Shinichi that nickname after the incident in the past with the sound of waves. Ran has a memory of young Sera at that time calling someone a wizard. Middle Bro/Haneda was probably there at the time of the incident, or heard about the incident from Masumi later. Mary was probably there at the incident because Ran believes she met the mystery girl sometime in the past. At that age, where Masumi looks 6-7, Haneda would still be in high school and would be with his mother still.

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