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Detective Conan World

Chekhov MacGuffin

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Posts posted by Chekhov MacGuffin

  1. Apologies for the double post but the plot synopsis has been posted at the Movie 20 website and ANN




    On a dark night, the Japanese police is raided by a spy. Different countries' intelligence agencies—such as England's MI6, Germany's BDN, and America's CIA—as well as the FBI's secret files are going to be taken, but public safety officers lead by Tooru Amuro arrive just in time. The spy steals a car and escapes. The spy and Amuro are then locked in a dead heat on the highway, and just as it is about to cause an accident with multiple cars, the spy's car is hit by FBI agent Shuichi Akai's rifle bullet and falls of the roadway.

    The next day, Conan and his friends go to a newly-remodeled aquarium in Tokyo. Under the main attraction, a Ferris wheel, Conan finds an attractive woman alone and injured. Her left and right eyes are different colors.

    But the woman is in a state of amnesia where she doesn't even remember her own name, and the cellphone she's carrying is broken. Conan and his friends promise to help her regain her memory, so they stay with her.

    Throughout all this, Vermouth is watching behind the scenes. Afterwards, she pulls out a silencer and speaks into an attached intercom, "It's as planned, Gin."


    It sounds like the plot of the classic Episode 24: The Mysterious Woman With Amnesia Case

    • Upvote 3

  2. As for the Ramen Restaurant, again, it's a Jodie=Vermouth/Subaru=Bourbon like hint, to me. Yes, Gosho's been dragging things since September 2007 (or April 2003, if you want to take it even further), but having something like what happened in File 929 shown in the way it was, to me, a clear misdirect. Why not show Shukichi putting Yumi on hold and confirming that he is not only the middle brother, but the one in contact with Masumi, if you're going to show such a scene that screams he is the middle brother but keep the question unanswered? It's so blatantly, "Hey, look! He's definitely the one!... but we're going to leave things open..."


    That's been like the entire Bourbon arc. Masumi sleeptalking on the train "Shuu-nii" but not confirmed to be Akai's sister until very recently, Okiya with Shuuichi's eye on the mystery train but not confirmed until The Scarlet Showdown...

  3. @DCUniverse.

    Wouldn't that change be made because haoris (or whatever shogi players wear during tournaments) have a white lining on the inside?
    Professional shogi players typically have several different color outfits (Meijin match clothes), so there is no reason to assume that is Shuukichi's only outfit and that he doesn't have a lighter haori, or some other outfit with sleeves like that.

    When it comes to clues, the strongest clue so far is when Sera tried to call her middle brother in the Ramen Restaurant.

    The middle bro -- the one who has apparently been calling Masumi -- is the ramen lover who introduced her to the restaurant - and the one who matches Yumi's description as a ramen lover with stubble and glasses and sloppy clothing.

    Shuukichi and the middle bro are "weirdly in sync" as Conan noted. If Shuuichi was calling Masumi while Yumi was calling ShuuKichi they wouldn't be in sync with the hangups (unless Shuuichi was also calling Yumi too with Shuukichi's voice and literally everything would be super weird and awkward about that setup.) Remember Gosho plays fair with his mysteries, so there would have to be another clue to explain why the two of them synced up for some other good reason - not "oh it was just a coincidence *laughs*~"

    Yumi also so very conveniently said Shuukichi was named "Chuukichi" to Sera. (Callback to the Shinichi/Kinichi situation?) That kind of convenience only makes sense if Gosho was trying to keep Masumi from realizing she and Yumi are referring to the same person.

    Apologies for linking 2 full pages. Pretty much all of these two pages is relevant to the point I am making, so cropping wouldn't have helped anyone.

  4. Because 'mare' also means 'female horse' so with that pun nightmare is also a 'female horse of the night'.


    That horse looks like a mix between Ponyta and Epona.

    I can't decide if that pun is hilarious or terrible. I can see CSIS on one part of the spoiler images, so it looks like we are going to get some more intelligence agencies. I bet the Canadians, Germans, and English are happy they are getting some representation.

  5. I am with Heliotropic on this one. It also makes the intelligence agencies look incompetent too, should all those codenamers be spies. It stretches my suspension of disbelief beyond breaking. That many groups with state-level resources and they can't take the BO down? It's simply impossible.


    So maybe they can't find the boss, but that much manpower could destroy the entire BO infrastructure to the point where the Organization becomes totally impotent. All those agencies combined could simply blitz the Organization at the hideouts they know about and and capture most of the medium level codename agents and the not codenamed ones, and maybe some of the executive ones as well. With their combined investigative powers they could easily track down most of the cash, weapons caches, sponsors, shell companies, laboratories, etc. The boss maybe escapes, but they will have gotten 90% of the Org and ruined its operation and the boss's plans. Without legs or a body, the head is useless. And good luck if the boss tries to rebuild, because everyone will be alerted and on the lookout.

  6. She was most certainly there. Shukichi? I'm not so sure.


    What if Shuichi/Subaru has been the one in contact with Masumi and advising her by phone with cases? What if Shukichi is the middle brother, but never met Shinichi/Conan?


    I don't think the Shuichi theory works out after Yumi's Ramen case. There are too many hints for Shuukichi being the middle bro right now. The only hint that might point to Subaru contacting Masumi by phone is chapter 800's showdown where Amuro, Masumi, and Okiya were all seen on a phone with unknown parties. Since then, no more clues that could be interpreted as phone interactions between Masumi and Okiya have appeared. There have been a lot for Shuukichi, most notably the Masumi Yumi hangup during the Ramen case and Masumi's description of her middle bro and his personality. If Okiya was involved with Masumi by phone I would expect more clues to have appeared by now.


    The hints that Shuukichi was at the sea meeting are 1) He knows about the wizard (text to Masumi in the bowling alley case) and 2) Shuukichi immediately treats Conan as a skilled detective with no prompting or testing in his intro case.


    The second point is important because I think Shuukichi figured out Conan is Shinichi because he met Shinichi as a boy during the sea meeting. His memorization skill allows him to remember Shinichi's face from back then. Most of my middle bro theory is now highly outdated (with no plans to reupdate), but this part is still relevant. To abridge...


    After Sera texts her brother Conan's picture without telling him about her suspicions about Conan's true identity, the brother then asks if she met the Wizard. It seems non-coincidental for the middle brother to bring up the Wizard right after Sera reveals to him she met Conan. Unlike most people, the brother easily acknowledges that Conan is a brilliant detective. (860.16) ...

    Masumi has neglected to tell her brother that she knows Conan is Shinichi, so the brother is probably not aware that she knows Conan's secret identity. Thus, he may have asked her that in order to probe if she knows Conan's identity without revealing that he himself already knows Conan is Shinichi.

    • Upvote 2

  7. With him knowing that Akai and Sera are related, I think dodging around the answer would be pointless if he is talking about Shuu.

    Just to make sure we are on the same page, I am asserting that Conan could be using Masumi's prior testimony that Mom, Masumi, Shuuichi all look alike to reach the conclusion that the girl is the mother. In order to reach that conclusion, Conan needed to know that Masumi and Shuuichi were siblings for sure, and he got confirmation just last chapter, thus making this line of thought relevant. While Sera's parentage seems totally obvious to us viewers, if you check the list of clues that Sera was Akai's sister, most of them were things Conan was not aware of: the name clue, Andre Camel and James Black finding her familiar, Sera chasing Scar Akai, sleeptalking on the mystery train, etc. I don't think hiding Conan's conclusion from the reader is pointless because if Conan came out and said what he thought at this stage, it would ruin the mystery girl's identity.


    That said, Haibara is also a good candidate because it would back the popular sisters theory.

    • Upvote 2

  8. File 940 Summary by Spimer

    File 940: Scattered Testimonies

    Genta, 7th floor:

    Short person, number "2" on the clothes, clothes are of gray color similar to Haibara's clothes

    Mitsuhiko, 5th floor:

    Large build, man-like running style, think grey clothes

    Ayumi, 4th floor:

    Normal back, slightly higher than Agasa, bright grey clothes. Woman (somehow).

    All 3 suspects wear grey clothing but with different logos: the freeter's reads "Beika", the housewife's brooch reads "6" and the chef has the Tokyo Spirits (TS) logo.

    The cheft's worried about athelete's foot and wants to go back: according to another report, it'd seem they'd had trouble with the victim.

    The weapon doesn't have fingerprints, none have discarded gloves and none have blood spurts. 

    The DBs then start checking their own testimonies.

    Genta talked about a basketball club, so they check a sports store: Haido High's came to pick their new uniforms and the clerk took a photo of them. But when Genta rushed through yelling "outta the way!" they couldn't see the culprit. Due to international basketball rules, the numbers 1, 2 and 3 aren't used. So it shouldn't be possible that Genta mistook them as basketball players. 

    Conan checks the photo again: Genta and Ayumi say "it's not a selfie" so they then go to the toy store where Ayumi had her photo taken: they don't want to wait for the elevator so they go down the stairs.

    There they see another store's clerk carrying a mannequin: Mitsuhiko says he saw the culprit seemed to flee by slipping through a row of them in the 5th floor: but their height is mixed so they can't be used as height comparison: there was a white signboard placed there so Mitsuhiko missed the culprit's face.

    The toystore clerk had lost a contact on that moment so they couldn't see much of what happened either.

    Ayumi says that the culprit had stopped in front of the stairs' landing window and was doing a gesture like trying to take off something stuck beneath the left foot. But when Ayumi was about to see the culprit's face she got her view blocked by a bunch of students on a school trip and lost sight of the culprit: she doesn't know what school they belonged to. 

    Nevertheless, Conan looks like he's got an idea of the solution.


    Genta was with a bunch of basketball players picking out clothes, so by comparison everyone else is going to look short. Also there are many mirrors in a sports clothing store, so an S could easily become a 2. Genta's self-picture appears to have been taken in a mirror, but I can't tell for certain since the art at the edge of the panel is a bit grainy.


    Mannequins generally are very petite, so if anything Mitsuhiko would see a fatter and slightly taller man by comparison.


    Ditching clothes on the mannequins and picking up new clothes makes sense. If any of the suspects have clothes that are ill-fitting, that is suspicious. They would have to remove the stickers and tags though. A sticker from new clothes could be the thing which was stuck to the culprit's shoe.


    I am not sure about Ayumi's running like a woman (women and men running look the same to me, except for matters of weight and stride length), but it could have something to do with the thing stuck to the culprit's shoe or if he was carrying something that could be mistaken for a purse that would alter his form.

    Ayumi took her picture differently than the others because she was not holding the camera. Either she set her phone down for a delayed picture, or had someone else photograph her.


    It's pretty weird that the culprit would have brought a knife to stab someone in a mall. That's about the worse possible location. It must have been spur of the moment.


    I'll need to see the file though before I can draw any conclusions.


    Also I must take back what I assumed about the continuation of Conan's line being " rather, Sera looks like that girl". It seems the most accurate translation is "She looks a lot like Sera, no wait, more than that girl resembling Sera..." (領域外の妹と名乗る... 世良によく似た... いや... あの子世良というより..... )." It does appear that Conan has someone else in mind. Haibara is one guess, Shuuichi is another. Both are good guesses. Since Masumi made a big deal of Mom, Me, Shuuichi all look alike, Conan could be following that line of thinking to its logical conclusion. He could also be seeing the similarity to Haibara if Elena and Mary are sisters.

  9. Wow, that bit about Ai's mother dying right after she is born is actually very useful info because it clears up some timing issues and also clarifies how much Ai would remember about her parents (e.g. nothing except what her parents left as mementos like the voice tapes). It also confirms that the Miyanos made the very strange choice to conceive a daughter already knowing they were going to disappear and then leave her in the hands of the Black Organization. (Assuming Shiho was a planned pregnancy. Shiho could be an accident or the product of someone else's choice forced on Elena, if you get my drift.) Elena seemed to be kind and empathetic, so leaving her kids in the care of a murderous den of criminal freaks is seriously out of character for her.  It would make some sense if Elena was planning to leave the organization with the help of some law enforcement agency and take her kids with her - perhaps by staging a faked death accident, but actually died for real instead because it was botched, or she was betrayed.


    It also brings to mind a theory someone brought up on DCTP some years ago which proposed that Shiho is Elena Miyano, shrunken with total amnesia. To that theory's credit Amuro did say that Elena and Shiho look alike. Personally I am going to have to see Elena's face before I get on board with that theory. (Elena could have the Akai eyes if she is Mary Akai nee Sera's sister for instance).


    Conan's line of thought -- Mary resembling Masumi is wrong, it's Masumi who resembles Mary -- is a very clear indicator that he thinks Mary is Sera's mother. Conan self corrects because children get their appearance from their parents, not vice versa. If Conan thought they were just similar looking relatives, there would be no need for him to make the extra effort to correct himself.


    Also this case is totally a redux of Sato's marriage arrangement case, and definitely a shoutout to the current "what does Rum actually look like" problem.

    • Upvote 2

  10. Here is a copyedit something from my wiki talk archives about the informant:

    TLDR: There were two informants. One was Vermouth who was asked by the boss to keep tabs on Akai. The other went in the hospital on Vodka's orders after Kusuda vanished to see how many FBI were around, but that person was not Camel or another spy embedded in the FBI. BO had no spies infiltrating the special Japanese FBI brigade at time of Red vs Black.
    Gin's first informant was Vermouth looking for Akai's car. The second was someone Vodka sent into the hospital to scope the place out after Kusuda disappeared. Gosho was being intentionally vague about the whole informant thing because he was actively encouraging the idea Camel was a BO spy up until he revealed that he was working with Akai on a secret plan instead. It is in the same vein as James Black making Akai sound like Gin in his first appearance.

    Here is how I reached my conclusion about the two informants.


    Vermouth: Vodka asks Gin in file 603 on page 5 if he had any calls from the informant. Gin's exact lines are "I haven't gotten anything from the informant... Anyway, according to that person's (ano kata) instructions, that plan is just to be extra sure; however, I haven't been counting on the informant from the beginning." Now, fast forward to when Gin berates Vermouth for being slow finding Akai's car because he parked far away. (603.8) "You're late Vermouth... that was a direct order from that person, right?" Vermouth being the informant perfectly matches up with Gin's lines:

    • The order was from the boss
    • Vermouth's info on Akai’s whereabouts was "extra"; the core of Gin’s plan was Vodka, Chianti, and Korn with the thermographers scanning the vans.
    • Vodka was wondering why the informant was delayed, and Vermouth was delayed because she could not find Akai at first.
    • Vermouth initially had not found Akai, so the informant had no information (not gotten anything).
    • Gin was not counting on Vermouth's info because the opponent was Akai, and Gin had correctly predicted Akai anticipated being searched for and would make it difficult for the BO to find him.

    The reason why Gosho was being exceptionally vague here is because he wants everyone to think Camel might be a spy. It was part of the mystery.

    The other guy: The second informant is the one Vodka mentioned sending into the hospital after Kusuda ceased contact in 599.2. Of course this informant was made out to be Camel when he appeared later. Later it was revealed that Akai called Camel in, not Vodka. We still have no idea who Vodka sent in, but it would not have been a very difficult mission. Based on what was reported to Vodka, the informant's main responsibility was to find out if and how many FBI were lurking in the hospital, how they were arrayed, and what sort of resources they had with them (vans in the parking garage for instance). If there were a lot of FBI in a defensive formation, then Rena is hidden there. This informant could obtain this information by wandering around pretending to be a visitor or patient.

    I think it is very unlikely for the BO to have had a spy in the particular FBI group which was protecting the Rena at the hospital during Red vs. Black. (Thus Camel is not a spy)

    • If there was a traitor in the FBI, Rena's holding location would have been known and thus there was no need for Vermouth to interrogate the child and act like she had found out new information - who would she need to fool when she is reporting it to her fellow Black Org members?
    • Gin would not needed to deduce which van Rena was being held in. Sure, the Black Org could have followed all three at first to keep up appearances, but it was clear Gin did not initially know which van Hidemi was in and then deduced it on his own when he heard from Vermouth that Akai that was following the second van - a bluff.
    • Conan appeared in front of the whole assembly of FBI during the strategy meeting of Red and Black. If a traitor has witnessed that, Conan would have been investigated if not killed ("accidentally" if that was the case) soon after Red vs. Black. If Conan was investigated, this would have likely led to the uncovering of Haibara Ai, as the people connected to Conan would be investigated. She could easily be spotted by someone tailing Conan to school while studying his movement routine for example.
    • Upvote 2

  11. I am a fan of keeping it simple. From the start of Bourbon's appearance to the end of his final conflict demarcates his arc. The Cellphone arc only exists because there was a gap between Vermouth's final conflict and Kir's first appearance. That's not the case with the Bourbon arc where Bourbon was still a threat the whole long drawn out time.


    Maybe best solution is to call this whole arc the "Bourbon and Akai" arc, adding Akai for both Shuuichi's death and his family's appearance.

  12. True

    But Akai will be in it, they are bringing back kir ( strange to me ), the FBI will be there. All in all this has the potential for big money

    And 18 had great boxoffice results. I did not like 18, and i think this one will be full of unreal action which im not a fan of in dc movies


    I think that Movie 20's plot will be about someone who has obtained data on all the law enforcement spies inside of the Black Organization - a reverse of Movie 13. I'm not sure which agency (FBI, CIA, Japanese Secret Police) will be the source of the leak. For whatever reason this person isn't just handing it over to the Black Organization - maybe they want to sell it, or maybe they have some weird grudge and just want to kill spies. I don't know. The FBI needs to stop this person before this data is leaked to the Black Organization at large. Kir is in the movie because her info is on the list.


    Seeing as how the rumor was that he had a prosthetic eye, it would be sensible to me that it's much more subtle, like Goudzou's appearance in MK1412, otherwise the rumor would be that Rum has two different colored eyes, and not a fake (whether they could recognize it or not). You'd think that someone with would choose a fake eye of the same color.

    I don't think Rum's fake eye will be subtle. How would everyone know and agree he has one if it wasn't immediately obvious?

  13. I think Vermouth disguised as Araide in order to go after Shiho. That is Vermouth picked Araide as a target because she already knew where Ai was from the very beginning and planned to get close. (It makes the most sense that Vermouth saw Ai and Conan at the party, and then searched around Shinichi's friends because she recognized him and found Agasa's place.) Her hunt for Ai in her office - pretending not to know where Ai was until later - was for the FBI's benefit because she knew she was being spied on and needed time to find out who all the FBI members were so she could get their names and addresses (she said she was doing this in the Showdown).

  14. Also forgot to mention that it was done early in the anime. Still kind of weak, but the staff may allowed this add on to be a hint for the then planned short series ending...

    Episode 54 had a rating of 19,10%. The second season had seen already high ratings continue to increase. The manga was at or just before Haibara's introduction. There was no way anybody at TMS was thinking about prematurely ending Conan at this time.

  15. Huh? Conan promise he won't make Ayumi cry? When was that?

    On a second though, I think that happen but don't remember when.

    It was during the Vermouth arc I think.


    Personally I think Every bad guys will either dies or in jail, not escape. Including Vermouth-regardless of how gray she might be.

    Bad guys taking each other out are likely (poor Vermouth) Because I can't imagine the good guys in this series kill for justice.

    people that showed killed people on screen will not escape, since death is serious business in DC (take in account the detective drives murderer to suicide things)

    If any of the good guys do killing, it will be pure defensive: To prevent someone else from dying only. And even then there may not be any killing done by the protagonists, because Gosho seems to think that all murder is bad, even when meant to protect someone else: Masumi was made to be wrong for trying to get a hostage taker in a suicide jacket shot for example.

    The post I couldn't find about Vermouth because DCTP had an outage was the one where I said she will 1) die sacrificing herself for Silver Bullet and Angel, or 2) she escapes the final confrontation alive and unarrested, but steals an antidote from Haibara so that she could age to her true age and then die as she was meant to because she feels it is the right way.

    • Upvote 1

  16. I have some random posts about this on DCTP...


    Team Shin-chan has three not-dead people: Shinichi, Shiho, and Akai, and two traitors: Amuro, Kir (and sort of Vermouth, maybe). Assuming that none of these will be discovered, does this mean the showdown with the boss is going to be repetitions of team Shin-chan sending out a not-dead person/traitor combo and then the boss going "I have a counter for that because I was paranoid!" before finally succumbing to repetitive tactics when temp antidote Shinichi takes the field?




    I think Gin is going to die in the final clash, and chances are he will do so trying to take somebody down with him. (Shiho or Shinichi are likely). Fire, explosions, or collapsing structures are likely to be involved. I think the literary need to cement him as the strongest opponent second to the boss will mean no one person's bullets or actions will be able to take him down completely, which is probably a good thing because a lot of characters owe him some payback. His Porsche may join him in death, because everyone loves expensive car destruction. Bonus points if the Porsche is used to crash a helicopter.




    My current favorite theory with no evidence to support it whatsoever is that the boss has been stuck in the body of a child for 50 some-odd years due to an accident/experiment/miscalculation that also caused Vermouth to stop aging too. He doesn't let anyone see him or hear his voice (besides Vermouth) because it would undermine his authority. The FBI and CIA can't pin him down because no one expects a child mastermind. It would be a pretty damn cool twist and a great final opponent for Conan because he has to trap a mirror of himself in a way that convinces adults, only his doppelganger has decades of experience and the force of the Organization to back him.(This idea is elaborated on in Chek's theories at DCTP's story discussion board)




    I seriously doubt Conan/Shinichi and pals are going to "raid the enemy base." Conan (it will most likely be primarily Conan's intellectual effort) is going to very cleverly trap them by manipulating events so they turn out to his liking. The boss and the rest of the org meanwhile will be doing the same. Shinichi might not even have all his facts lined up going in, but he will somehow manage to pull it out in the end with something jawdropping in its cleverness.

    How I think the end will work out.
          I imagine it will go down like a slightly more epic version of the confrontation with Vermouth; Conan will spend the majority of the time laying the plan and figuring out how to use the information accumulated over the course of the series to his advantage. Finally, there will be some triggering event that will cause Conan to put the plan into motion; perhaps the B.O. found out something or is threatening something sacred (like Ran). Conan will probably be flying by the seat of his pants at this point. The action will begin after that with both sides seeking to outmaneuver the other using whatever the triggering event is as a framework/setting.
          To avoid making the manga too mature, Gosho will "protect" Conan's pals and teen friends by having them primarily contribute in ways that don't involve them maiming people or getting too heavily into the line of fire. The police, the FBI, and Kogoro will be taking and giving out the real injuries on the protagonist's side.
        I expect that Conan will start cashing in some of his trump cards now. (Kir being a mole; Akai being alive, etc. whatever ones he has going in) Despite Conan's best efforts, everything will fall apart and look hopeless as the boss takes everything in stride and dominates the intellectual playing field with his own cunning traps. It will look pretty grim for Conan. The climax will probably be when Conan (not Shinichi but Conan), seemingly backed into a corner, reveals that the organization walked into his completely amazing, out-from-left-field trap. All of Conan's mysterious actions that didn't fit previously suddenly fall into place. Now is a good time for Conan to reveal his true identity. (Expect Ran to be party to the conversation somehow.) The Syndicate's last ditch struggle will probably involve something blowing up. This will provide a convenient karmic finish for the badguys who are unlikely to get carted off to prison, like Gin. Vermouth will probably have had the opportunity to interfere and ruin Conan's master plan completely, but she will have chosen not to for her own reasons. She may even have helped a little.
          When the dust has settled, Haibara will complete the antidote and Shinichi and Ran will be together and have their long awaited sappy love confession. (I hope Ran gives him a much deserved slap or fist to the face for lying all this time to her.) Conan/Shinichi will cry. (I'm not sure when or what the situation will be but it is bound to happen.) Also, Ai will genuinely smile, shocking the heck out of everyone including me. She may or may not take the antidote herself. (I think not personally.) I wonder if Ai will have confessed to Conan as well during the course of events? (If so, Conan probably had no idea it was coming.) I'm not sure Kaito Kid will even have a role in the end.

    I think the boss had some relation to a case involving Mouri Kogoro or his family at some point in time, possibly related to why Kogoro became a police officer, or is a Mouri himself. The reason why is because it would be odd story-structure wise to not have all of the three main characters (Kogoro, Ran, Shinichi) significantly involved in the final plot, Gosho likes to connect people in the past (childhood friends, past meetings prior to storyline via school or job, but also coincidental [Heiji-Shinichi, Kaitou Kid-Shinichi, Akai-Vermouth-Ran-Shinichi, Yukiko-Kaitou Kid-Vermouth, Agasa-Miyanos, etc.]), and the Mouri family non-romance history is noticeably blank.




    Vermouth and Jodie still have unfinished business with each other. I imagine the two of them will have their own version of a rematch. Also, I expect Yukiko will play a role, either indirectly by creating a disguise for someone to help out or directly since they two have an unresolved past with one another. If Kaito Kid is going to have a part in the takedown of any B.O. member, it will be Vermouth. (I don't think Kaito will though...) My guess is Vermouth will come cleanly out of the confrontation though, because she is going to need to resolve the "why does Vermouth seem to be betraying the org by not informing them about Conan and Ai" subplot. Also there are "Vermouth's connection to the Miyano's", "Vermouth's aging wonkiness", "Why does Vermouth flip Ai out more than other Org members?", and "Why is Vermouth the boss's favorite?" subplots as well that hasn't been touched on that will need to get wrapped up near the end. I think Shiho Miyano will be involved here. I think Vermouth's part of the final confrontation will emphasize the past of the org, it's research goals, and Vermouth's connection to Ai through her parents rather than the identity of the boss. I think Vermouth is either going to escape or will die by her own action or inaction, with the possibility of her betraying the org in the process rather than Jodie taking her out.

    Gin's role in the final confrontation will almost certainly be figuring out that it was Conan who has been causing the damage, but not necessarily his identity as Shinichi. Almost every time Gin appears in a confrontation so far, a hint is dropped for him about Conan's interference. Gin just hasn't pieced them together yet, and he will almost certainly be the one who will. Expect him to go after Conan with a vengeance. Also subplots related to him are "his relationship with Shiho", and "his past and motives for working in the org". Akai's vendetta with Gin will almost guarantee an epic matchup between them. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they both take each other out, if only that I would feel really bad for Jodie who would be left behind again... I don't think Shiho will play much of a roll in the confrontation, other than as Gin's target or maybe having a conversation at gunpoint with him. A lot of people have pointed out in the "how will Gin die" thread that Gin is unlikely to get carted of in chains...

    Akai will definitely have role in the close to the end if his Okiya disguise is not revealed at the finale of the Bourbon arc. My guess is that Conan will use him and Kir if Kir is still unknown as a mole as a trump card against the org, but while "causing the org damage" will not be the "critical hit" Conan hoped because the boss has mad intelligence/caution/anticipation skills. My guess is that Conan's plan will appear to go to hell in a handbasket, but then it is revealed at the end that in easily overlooked insignificant details Conan had been laying the foundation for a master plan.
    I think Kogoro and Ran and probably no one else will be Conan's primary "helpers" in the confrontation with the boss. I also think a temporary antidote will be involved as well which will invoke the Conan=Shinichi reveal.



    This one edited some.


    After the final confrontation, Shinichi takes the permanent antidote and he and Ran get together.  Ran will definitely cry. They'll finally kiss or at least try to.
    Ran will have saved Shinichi at some point during the final confrontation. She will also have been made a damsel in distress.


    Kogoro will get a shining moment.


    If Kogoro knew Shinichi was Conan, we find out Kogoro was hitting Conan every time he was looking too smart as a warning, not because he hated kids. Maybe he suspected Conan was Shinichi all along and simply played the role because he was waiting for Shinichi to reach a point where he could tell Kogoro the truth.


    Shiho may take a temporary antidote for purposes of the last battle but she never takes the complete version because she wants to remain as Ai Haibara.

    The detective kids figure out/directly observe Conan was Shinichi and are made to keep quiet about it because deaging shouldn't become known to the world. Ayumi cries. Haibara gets revenge on Shinichi for this somehow per the promise she made about not making Ayumi cry.  

    Vermouth either betrays the org by either helping Shinichi at some point in the last fight or more likely pseudo-betrays by choosing inaction during a particular situation which allows Conan to get a key advantage. She either dies or escapes. I favor escaping. Maybe she will steal a permanent antidote from Haibara and age properly. I don't think Jodie will get her.

    Vodka gets arrested.

    If Akai and Shiho never had their talk at the end of the Bourbon arc and Akai is not dead now, they have their chitchat now.

    Heiji actually figures out what those weird feeling towards Kazuha mean. She will call him an idiot multiple times.

    Kaito Kid doesn't get caught nor has much contribution to the finale.

    Kogoro and Eri may or may not get back together, but they'll have a talk and resolve some of their differences. They'll have a comedic argument during this however.




    I think each of the major factions (FBI, Police, Hattori) will chip something in on the final sprint to the end. The "final showdown" so to speak will probably only involve the core characters; however, Gosho leads in to the org showdowns in the form of an "investigation phase": cases where incidentally Conan gathers hints and tries to piece the picture together. My guess is that each major party will chip in some necessary observation or clue during the "investigation phase" to help Conan assemble the final puzzle. This way, everyone gets to help out, but avoids cluttering the storyline with too many people at the same time. An alternate way would be to have an extended final showdown which is broken into sections where different groups of characters are important, culminating in a "final final showdown" where only the core characters take part. ...Or some combination of both...




    Haibara will stay as Haibara in the end even though I don't think she would run away from her crimes if she took the antidote. The primary reason I think she will stay small is because she has no one to go back to as Shiho, but has made a lot of contacts as Ai; Shiho has no future, but Ai does.




    DCTP just went offline so I will have to search for more posts later.

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  17. Well, he's dead. Was would be better to use.


    Middle School Masumi's reaction to Scotch shows that he's just a stranger.


    According to the timeline, >14-15 years ago Masumi and the middle brother start using the family name Sera instead of Akai. I'd say that's a likely point for when Mr. Akai died. That would be when Masumi is 1-3 years old. She might not remember her father. We only know he is dead because Sera thinks he is. For all we know he could told his family to pretend he was dead when he went off on a deep cover mission, or Masumi was told he was because she was so young and wouldn't understand.


    Conan points out that they should be able to see who did it on the security camera.
    but the band members had set up a selfie stick camera to record themselves playing

    Rumi also entered the room and can be seen moving the keyboard piano around


    The guitars switch by the time the dolly is rolled by. That's what it looks like to me.

  18. My first reaction on seeing Scotch's image is that he has eyes like Shuukichi. You know, sort of like how Akai's dad is supposed to look like.





    Don't tell me it's another Ethan Hondou situation...

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