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Posts posted by Officer Kaoko
Kaito: xD xD xD
Yup, let's pay it a visit! :-D
Here's an example for of when to say 'いってらっしゃい (itte rasshai)' and 'いってきます (itte kimasu)':
Before Ran went for school, Conan tells her to have a good day (itte rasshai), and she responded that she will be off then (itte kimasu).
行ってらっしゃい【いってらっしゃい】 (itte rasshai): have a good day; take care; see you
行って来ます【いってきます】 (itte kimasu): I'm off; see you later
kaoko san!!!
shashin ga subarashii desu yo! Totemo kirei desu!
watashi wa kyo, itsuka no subarashii koto o manabimashita.
watashi wa motomoto nippon o ikitai'n desu.. demo... saigai no sei de...
doumo arigatou!
Sugoi, Kaitou-kun! Your Japanese is wonderful!
Yokatta~ I'm glad you liked our lessons. It's a pleasure to know that our lesson is benefiting other people.
Im in~
K-Kaito-kun..? You were a girl...?! I thought you were a boy!
I should post on the FORUM!!!!
Doumo! xD
Can i join? i want to be able to speak japanese fluently:
Do i know some japanese words?
Sukoshi na.
Please please please let me join. I'm gonna take notes.
Of course you can join! You think we'd ever say no? xD
Welcome! Don't worry, in our classroom we start from a scratch! Begin with learning the characters first (hiragana and katakana) ~
What do you mean let you join??
No matter what it is!!!You're welcome agree to KKLT!!
Dubs get!
Glad to see Kaoko knows dem Kanji!
What are you referring to, Cheesus? xD
BTW, since the story for the hiragana lessons is getting longer (Tna... just how awesome is your writing skills?! xD), it's a pain to have it all transferred here (you know, the forum codes and such). So I am going to post the link of the blog!
Here goes lesson 30 -> Hiragana: Lesson 30 - ‘ほ’ [ho], ‘ぼ’ [bo] & ‘ぽ’ [po]
Enjoy~ :mrgreen:
I love Kao-chan's member title
That is all
You shall make a poll
@IU but of course
! We should fill the intro with emoticons
! People will find it fun reading it that way! xD
And I also miss you, too. Even though we never actually talked properly
. You are an amusing member
! xD
!! Don;t go!!
It has been nice knowing you, too, Moho/Xtion/Rose
I will never forget you and the support you've given me
. I will always treasure it in my heart
Good bye! I am sure we'll meet again
to mention は(Ha) something becomes a "wa" sound
Like in こんにちは!
ごめん, 言及事が忘れた!
Gomen, genkyuu koto ga wasureta!
Me me... I want to join!!! I only know some words from watching subbed anime and reading manga
thanks in advance
Nihongo kyoshitsu e youkoso!
Posting the lesson soon. ;D
Hiragana: Lesson 29 - ‘へ’ [he], ‘べ’ [be] & ‘ぺ’ [pe]
‘へ’ is romanized (pronounced) ‘he’ as in 'hen'.
Words with ‘へ’:
‘へ’ at the beginning:
蛇 / へび (hebi -> snake)
部屋 / へや(heya -> room)
変な / へんな (hen na -> weird; strange)
平和 / へいわ (heiwa -> peacefulness)
壁画 / へきが (hekiga -> wall painting)
‘へ’ in the middle:
大変 / たいへん (taihen -> very; dreadful)
太平 / たいへい (taihei -> peace)
公平 / こうへい (kouhei -> fairness; justice)
Stroke order:
The character ‘へ’ may also be combined with a dakuten, changing it into ‘べ’ in hiragana, and ‘be’ in Hepburn romanization. With the dakuten added the pronunciation is changed, to ‘be’. へ + " (dakuten) = べ (look below)
‘べ’ is romanized (pronounced) 'be' as in 'ben'.
Word with ‘べ’:
‘べ’ at the beginning:
別に / べつに (betsuni -> nothing in particular)
弁当 / べんとう (bentou -> lunch box)
勉強する / べんきょうする (benkyou suru -> study; learn)
別宴 / べつえん (betsuen -> farewell dinner)
‘べ’ in the middle:
勤勉な / きんべんな (kinben na -> dilligent)
食べる / たべる (taberu -> eat)
せんべい (senbei -> crackers)
食べ物 / たべもの (tabemono -> food)
述べる / のべる (noberu -> state; express; mention)
‘べ’ at the end:
古部 / こべ (Kobe -> City name)
壁 / かべ (kabe -> wall)
鍋 / な べ (nabe -> pot; sauce pan)
延べ / のべ (nobe -> total; stretching)
The character ‘へ’ may also be combined with a handakuten, changing it into ‘ぺ’ in hiragana, and ‘pe’ in Hepburn romanization. Keep it in mind, with the dakuten added the pronunciation is changed, to ‘pe’. へ + o (handakuten) = ぺ (look below)
‘ぺ’ is romanized (pronounced) 'pe' as in pen'.
Word with ‘ぺ’:
‘ぺ’ at the beginning:
ぺこぺこ (pekopeko -> starving)
ぺらぺら (perapera -> fluent)
ぺちゃぺちゃ (pechapecha -> chitchatting)
‘ぺ’ in the middle:
いっぺん (ippen -> perfunctory)
完璧 / かんぺき (kanpeki -> perfectness)
番兵 / ばんぺい (banpei -> sentry)
"O-konnichiwa! Ore wa Nishigawa no Koukousei Tantei, Hattori Heiji. As you may know that I'm Kudou's biggest rival!
Kyou, we're not going to study at class because you're currently in one of incredibly beautiful city in Japan. Yes, Osaka!" he continued. "Let me show you the marvelous cherry blossoms which maybe don't grow in your country."
He and most DCW's Japanese Classroom members had a walk. Their first destination was looking at typical Japanese tree, which they used to call it 'Sakura'.
"Ja, kore wa Sakura no ki da. Sugoi darou?"
"Wow, I usually watched them from television or newspaper. But this is marvelous!" cried Tna astonishingly.
"Yeah, naka naka kirei yo ne?" Kaoko implied, also with amazement.
"Ah, sou sou. You see, right? You will surprise more and more as I show you another hilarious place in Osaka...ARGH!" Heiji suddenly shouted as someone punched his right arm.
"Stop babbling around, Heiji!"
"Ka-Kazuha?" Heiji said in a big surprise. "Nan de omae koko ni...?"
"Any problem with that?" Kazuha gave him a cynical eyes. Looked like she was annoyed because Heiji left her alone.
"Shanaai yo (It can't be helped - Kansai dialect)... She'll mess up my role as a tour guide..." he said in a low voice, wishing the girl who glared at him with notorious eyes would not hear his speaking.
"Nani ga itta?"
"Ahaha- chau, chau..."
"Sumimasen desu ga Hattori-kun, can we go to another destination please?" Tna interrupted those two childhood friends bickering.
"Oh, wari wari- C'mon, ikuso!"
They walked following that Osaka boy and Kazuha-woman wandering the city which literally means 'Large Hill'. Then finally arrived at a white round building which had unique rooftop.
"This is Osaka Dome!" Heiji proudly introduced. "It's a baseball stadium which became the home field of the Kintetsu Buffaloes (Nippon Professional Baseball Team) in 1997."
Not too long they walked around the stadium because there was no match or something currently. Then they entered the bus and ready to leave Nishi-ku or Nishi-ward, ward in Osaka where Osaka Dome located. They headed to Kita-ku, at the northeast of Nishi-ku, afterwards.
"This is another wondrous place in Osaka, Nakanoshima-kouen!" Kazuha suddenly replaced Heiji's role as a tour guide.
"It's the first public park opened by Osaka in 1891, after its foundation as a city," she then continued.
"Oi, why are you interrupting all of sudden?" Heiji protested annoyingly.
"Betsuni," Kazuha shortly implied and asked the others to enter that public park.
"Maybe you're tired already, but be patient please since there are still so many amazing place in Osaka," said Heiji when they entered Chuuoo-ku, located on the southern of Kita-ku.
"No matter. Just explain to us what's the name of that shrine-like?" Kaoko pointed out her finger to the historical shrine-like before them.
"Oh, that's Ozakajou or Osaka Castle, one of Japan's most famous castle and played a major role in the unification of Japan during the sixteenth century of the Azuchi-Momoyama period!" he immediately explained fiery in order to prevent Kazuha took his role again.
"Sou desu ka. I once saw it on Detective Conan," Tna murmured.
"Sou, sou." Heiji and Kazuha implied accordingly. They actually were an interesting couple because they loved arguing each other.
They went to the south of Chuuoo-ku, which was Tennoji-ku. Soon after they arrived, they wandered around this neat beautiful park.
"Nah, kochira wa Tennoji-kouen or you usually call it Tennoji Park. It's a park with botanical garden," Heiji explained. "In this ward, you also can go to Tennoji Zoo,"
They walked again. Not so far from the park, the zoo called Tennoji Zoo, was clearly seen.
"Minna! We're now at Tennoji Zoo. It's opened on January 1, 1915. The zoo features adjacent savannah zones for herbivorous and carnivorous animals which are arranged so that the animals appear to be sharing the same place."
Today's travelling seemed to be still long long way to go. After about forty minutes journey, they finally arrived at the southern ward of Osaka, Sumiyoshi-ku.
"We arrive at Sumiyoshi Taisha (Sumiyoshi Grand Shrine) now. It's a Shinto shrine and the main shrine of all the Sumiyoshi shrines in Japan. "
"Wow, kireeeei... we're quite lucky able to see this great shrine!" said one of Japanese Classroom students.
"Ping pong!" Heiji laughed excitedly. "We're finished here. C'mon, we're going to Osaka Bay at Minato-ku!"
"Ara? Joudan da yo ne, Heiji?" Kazuha disagreed. Her face looked exhausted.
"Joudan ja nai sa... doushite?"
"Can we have a rest a little while? I'm tired...
,” she wiped her sweats with a pink handkerchief.
"Yeah, Kazuha-chan is right," Kaoko implied. "Yet we're hungry..."
Heiji was silent for a moment, but then, "Geez, shaanai... Let's have a lunch! Obento wo motteru? (Do you guys bring your lunch box)?"
"Mochiron!" they all said accordingly while opening their bento.
Two hours later, they eventually arrived at the most western ward of Osaka, which was Minato-ku, side-to-side with Osaka Bay.
"You're now in front of Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan, one of the largest public aquarium in the world!" Heiji asked them all entering the aquarium to see such a splendid view.
"Some popular fishes and marine mammals living here are...
... whale shark...
... ocean sunfish...
… sea otter...
… penguin...
… Pacific White-Sided Dolphin...
… Harbor Seal... and some others," Heiji ended his explanation at that place.
Wandering and looking around the whole Kaiyukan Aquarium, they finally ended their ‘Tour De Osaka in A Day’.
"Ja, that's all from me!" Heiji said when they were already outside the aquarium. "So, what's your opinion guys about Osaka? Beautiful isn't?"
"Geez, you always brag about Osaka, here and everywhere..." Kazuha interrupted, her voice indicated that she was still indignant.
"Hei, you also do the same, right?" Heiji annoyed. "Sore ni, doushite omae okoru mada[/b]?"
"Nandemo nai."
"AGH!" Heiji yelled suddenly soon as Kazuha stepped on his foot and left. "Ano onna..."
"Tonikaku, thanks so much for assisting us today, Hattori-kun," Tna said.
"Yeah, you showed us some magnificent places here," Kaoko added.
"Ahaha- nope. Glad to help," Heiji grinned.
"Oi, minna-san! Koko ni kudasai!" Kazuha yelled and waved her hand. "We're going to close this day by enjoying the ferris wheel!"
They immediately realized that right beside the Kaiyukan Aquarium, there was a big ferris wheel.
"Subarashii!" they were all amazed unbelievably.
"Ah yeah. Good idea, Kazuha. It's called Tempozan Ferris Wheel, opened to public on July 12, 1997. It has a height of 112.5 meters and diameter of 100 meters. This ferris wheel has colored lights that provide a weather forecast for the next day. Orange lights indicate a sunny day, green lights a cloudy day, and blue lights indicate rain."
"Wow, sugoi! C'mon guys, we'll ride that ferris wheel!" Kaoko shouted.
PS: Oh I forgot to show you the Osaka ward map given by Heiji. Kocchi:
(Thanks to wikipedia.com for providing information about Osaka xD ~ Tna Uchiha)
Task: You shall write ‘へ’50 - 100 times in your textbook. Memorize the shape, the stroke order, the sound, the pronunciation (echo the sound of the character each time you write them down), etc.
And after you've done that, write ‘は’, ‘ひ’, ‘ふ’ and ‘へ’ one after each repetitively (は, ひ, ふ, へ, は, ひ, ふ, へ, etc.) 50 times (100 if you have time).
Thanks a lot to Tna for almost everything!
蛇 / へび (hebi -> snake)
I did
When I logged in, I went to intro section to welcome new members when I saw your awesome welcoming post
. I thought it would be more awesome to add in emoticons. So I copied it and did some tic tic
. After putting so many emos, I couldn't wait any longer to see how it would be
. So I picked up old intro thread to test the intro
(I didn't know it would be this awesome
IdentifyUnknown Welcome Intro: Kaemoko Version
~ Still incomplete
~ <3
Er, Edogawa-kun, this is from last year. And I was only freaking out because she actually CAME ONLINE.
Wow? Did you miss me that much
Nga-chan! Those words, I am so touched
! I am glad you liked the lessons
, lol! I will surely create more to help you study! And I will make them as simpler and easy as much as possible
Oh, and welcome to DCW
! I hope you enjoy your stay and have a lot of fun with us
Although, it's really rare to have someone from Russia
One more word; Beware of IdentifyUnknown
See you around soon
Welcome to DCW! It's extraordinarily fun, but just a note, most members here are crazy. Maurice is the founder of this site, and he is a guy
. We have three mods here as well
. They are:
CarpertCrawler: He is a... well, he crawls on the carpert
. He has a twitter here -> he’ll be happy if you follow him
. He is also the main host of the DCW podcast. He is also an admin on the wiki.
Southpaw: Her name is Sara, and is also one of the frequent host on the podcast
Chekhov: A scholar of all things Conan.
Her sharp mind have no limit
! Her brilliant deductions comes before Conan
. Her theories are extraordinary unbelievably unthinkably AWESOME
!! Check her awesome theories here
Currently (at date of post), the member with the largest amount of posts in Mohorovicic
. He is known for changing his username frequently
. The two most popular names so far have been Mohorovicic and xXLeration
. He has a changing sig and avatar, so no, your computer is not going crazy. He changes his member title as well
Officer Kaoko is another member you want to know. She is famous for always putting emoticons in her posts! Her current member title is DCW's Best Dancer
. Er.. no idea why she is a dancer. Just be careful when you get near her, she might bumb you to farest island
! She also has an excellent reputation
If you want to learn Japanese, you can go to a Japanese Classroom thread she and Kenny-sensei started. Continuing lessons and you can ask anything
Let's see, we also have Aeyra, real name Amy Z. She's a math freak
(yes, she does admit this
), and is probably DCW's best source for anything to do with numbers. She constantly harasses Mohorovicic for changing his username so frequently
Chelseaj500. What to say about her? She has an...interesting laugh, one that imitates Akako
. She also writes fanfiction
. She is the author of Into the World of Detective Conan, which some of you may have heard of
Detective Kudo is probably the most experienced out of all of us with deductions
, as he has made absolutely superb ones. If you've got any riddles or mysteries you want to test, he's the guy you go to
Then there's IdentityUnknown. She’ve made the record for quickest to reach 500 posts...and 1000...and 2000...and 3000...and 4000... she writes Fanfiction as tonsostuff. She has the 2nd most posts and she is one of the more active members online. Her identity is, as you may have already guessed, unknown.
There are a lot of other people that you might like to meet
-Meitantei Holmes
-Chekhov (mod)
-Southpaw (mod)
-CarpetCrawler (mod)
-Kid the Phantom Thief
...amongst many others. Everybody from DCW hopes you have fun
*hugs Kaoko-san* you found me pretty fastt, sensei. I'll do my best
. Because I subscribe to most of DCW posts
... I saw the username in my mail box and pretty thought it was you
and when I went to check, I saw your picture.... and... bingo
Here, everyone share their knowledge. You can ask everyone! If someone doesn't know, the other must sure know
! Haha! Ganbatte ne!
Hiragana: Lesson - ‘ふ’ [fu], ‘ぶ’ [bu] & ‘ぷ’ [pu]
ふ, in hiragana, or フ in katakana, is one of the Japanese kana, each of which represents one mora. The hiragana is made in four strokes, while the katakana in one. It represents the phoneme /hu͍/, although for phonological reasons, the actual pronunciation is 'fu', which is why it is romanized fu in Hepburn romanization instead of hu. Written with a dakuten (ぶ, ブ), they both represent a "bu" sound, and written with handakuten (ぷ, プ) they both represent a pu sound.
The katakana フ is frequently combined with other vowels to represent sounds in foreign words. For example, the word "file" is written in Japanese as ファイル (fairu), with ファ representing a non-native sound, fa.
In the Ainu language the katakana with a handakuten プ can be written as a small ㇷ゚ to represent a final p sound. In the Sakhalin dialect, フ without a handakuten can be written as small ㇷ to represent a final h sound after an u sound (ウㇷ uh). (Wikipedia)
‘ふ’ is romanized (pronounced) ‘fu’.
Words with ‘ふ’:
‘ふ’ at the beginning:
不安 / ふあん (fuan -> anxiety)
不思議 / ふしぎ (fushigi -> miracle; wonder)
船 / ふね (fune -> ship)
布団 / ふとん (futon -> bedding; floor bedding)
冬 / ふゆ (fuyu -> winter)
振り返る / ふりかえる (furikaeru -> look back)
‘ふ’ in the middle:
溢れる / あふれる (afureru -> overflow)
重複 / ちょうふく (choufuku -> overlapping; duplication; redudancy)
禍福 / かふく (kafuku -> weal and woe)
空腹 / くうふく (kuufuku -> hunger)
夜更け / よふけ (yofuke -> late at night)
裕福 / ゆうふく (yufuku -> wealth; affluence; prosperity)
‘ふ’ at the end:
祖父 / そふ (sofu -> grandpa)
塗布 / とふ (tofu -> application)
養父 / ようふ (youfu -> step father)
回付 / かいふ (kaifu -> circulated)
毛布 / もうふ (moufu -> blanket)
政府 / せいふ )seifu - goverment)
Stroke order:
The character ‘ふ’ may also be combined with a dakuten, changing it into ‘ぶ’ in hiragana, and ‘bu’ in Hepburn romanization. With the dakuten added the pronunciation is changed, to ‘bu’. ふ + " (dakuten) = ぶ (look below)
‘ぶ’ is romanized (pronounced) 'bu' as in 'bull'.
Words with ‘ぷ’:
‘ぶ’ at the beginning:
武道 / ぶどう (budou -> grape)
ぶしょう (bushou -> lazy)
豚 / ぶた (buta -> pig)
ぶつける (butsukeru -> hit; bump)
ぶつかる (butsukaru -> collide; strike)
文化 / ぶんか (bunka -> culture)
‘ぶ’ in the middle:
自分 / じぶん (jibun -> self; related to oneself)
新聞 / しんぶん (shinbun -> newspaper)
油 / あぶら (abura -> oil)
歌舞伎 / かぶき (kabuki -> Kabuki; Japanese classical drama)
危ない / あぶない (abunai -> dangerous)
動物園 / どうぶつえん (doubutsuen -> zoo)
‘ぶ’ at the end:
呼ぶ / よぶ (yobu -> call; call out)
選ぶ / えらぶ -> (erabu -> choose)
株 / かぶ (kabu -> share; stock; Ltd. )
内部 / ないぶ (naibu -> inside; internal)
遊ぶ / あそぶ (asobu -> play)
The character ‘ふ’ may also be combined with a handakuten, changing it into ‘ぷ’ in hiragana, and ‘pu’ in Hepburn romanization. With the handakuten added the pronunciation is changed, to ‘pu’. Remember it well. ふ + " (handakuten) = ぶ (look below)
Words with ‘ぷ’:
‘ぷ’ at the beginning:
ぷんぷん (punpun -> pervaded)
ぷんぷん (punpun -> intense smell)
‘ぷ’ in the middle:
一分 / いっぷん (ippun -> a minute)
感服 / かんぷく (kanpuki -> admiration; astonishment)
てんぷら (tenpura -> tempura)
扇風機 / せんぷうき (senpuuki -> electric fan)
殺風景 / さっぷけい (sappukei -> dreary; tasteless)
‘ぷ’ at the end:
切符 / きっぷ (kippu -> ticket)
還付 / かんぷ (kanpu -> refund)
順風 / じゅんぷう (junpu -> fair wind)
産婦 / さんぷ (sanpu -> parturient woman)
分布 / ぶんぷ bunpu -> distribution; dispersion)
Task: You shall write ‘ふ’ 50 - 100 times in your textbook. Memorize the shape, the stroke order, the sound, the pronunciation (echo the sound of the character each time you write it down), etc.
And after you've done that, write ‘は’, ‘ひ’, and ‘ふ’ one after each repetitively (は, ひ, ふ, は, ひ, ふ, は, ひ, ふ, etc.) 50 times (100 if you have time).
Thanks to Tna again for providing the examples! :-D
不安 / ふあん (fuan -> anxiety)
you need to fix the illustrations for the stroke order
My bad. Gomen... I was in a hurry :3
Sorry for the late reply, Kaito-kun. But it seems your question has been answered. Feel free to ask anything, we'll gladly answer you! And your Japanese is pretty good! :-D
Thanks to Tna again who provided the massive list of examples and a marvelous story! :-D
Hiragana: Lesson - ‘ひ’ [hi], ‘び’ [bi] & ‘ぴ’ [pi]
‘ひ’ is romanized ‘hi’.
Words with ‘ひ’:
‘ひ’ at the beginning:
日 / ひ (hi -> day, sunshine)
火 / ひ (hi -> fire)
非 / ひ (hi -> fault)
比 / ひ (hi -> fraction, ratio)
光 / ひかり (hikari -> light)
左 / ひだり (hidari -> left)
向日葵 / ひまわり(himawari -> sunflower)
人 / ひと (hito -> person)
一人 / ひとり (hitori -> alone)
姫 / ひめ (hime -> princess)
飛行機 / ひこうき (hikouki -> airplane)
広い / ひろい (hiroi -> wide; spacious; vast)
低い / ひくい (hikui -> low; short; humble)
秘密 / ひみつ (himitsu -> secret)
‘ひ’ in the middle:
お昼 / おひる (ohiru -> noon)
製品 / せいひん (seihin -> products; manufactured goods; finished goods)
正比例 / せいひれい (seihirei -> direct proportion; direct ratio)
部品 / ふひん (fuhin -> parts; accessories)
係りの人 / かかりのひと (kakari no hito -> person in charge)
‘ひ’ at the end:
生活費 / せいかつひ (sekatsuhi -> living expenses)
ぜひ (zehi -> certainly; without fail)
回避 / かいひ (kaihi -> avoidance; evasion)
学費 / がくひ (gakuhi -> tuition; school expenses)
~費 / ~ひ (~hi -> ~ expense; ~ cost)
成否 / せいひ (seihi -> success)
Stroke order:
The character ‘ひ’ may also be combined with a dakuten, changing it into ‘び’ in hiragana, and ‘ba’ in Hepburn romanization. With the dakuten added the pronunciation is changed, to ‘ba’. ひ + " (dakuten) = び (look below)
‘び’ is romanized (pronounced) ‘bi’ as in ‘bin’.
Words with ‘び’:
‘び’ at the beginning:
美人 / びじん (bijin -> beautiful person (woman))
美術館 / びじゅつかん (bijutsukan -> museum)
びっくり (bikkuri -> surprise)
びくびく (bikubiku -> scared; anxious)
微熱 / びねつ (binestu -> slight fever)
美術 / びじゅつ (bijutsu -> arts)
‘び’ in the middle:
郵便局 / ゆうびんきょく (yuubinkyoku -> post office)
航空便 / こうくうびん (koukubin -> airmail)
船便 / ふなびん (funabin -> surface mail)
浴びる / あびる (abiru -> take a bath)
指輪 / ゆびわ (yubiwa -> ring)
寂しい / さびしい (sabishii -> lonely; solitary)
土瓶 / どびん (dobin -> earthenware teapot)
旅人 / たびびと (tabibito -> traveller)
‘び’ at the end:
旅 / たび (tabi -> travel; journey; trip)
首 / くび (kubi -> neck)
お詫び / おわび (owabi -> apology)
誕生日 / たんじょうび (tanjoubi -> birthday)
日曜日 / にちようび (nichiyoubi -> sunday)
~日 / ~び (~bi - ~day)
準備 / じゅんび (junbi -> preparation; preserve)
The hiragana ひ can also be combined with a handakuten (as mentioned in the previous lesson). Handakuten is a small circle that can be placed at the right top of some certain characters (ha, hi, hu, he, ho). And changing the sounds to‘pi’when placed. ひ [hi] + o (handakuten) = ぴ [pi]
‘ぴ’ is romanized (pronounced) ‘pi’ as in ‘pill’.
Words with ‘ぴ’:
‘ぴ’ at the beginning:
ぴかぴか (pika pika -> sparkle; flicker; twinkle)
ぴくぴくする (pikupiku suru -> wiggle; waddle)
ぴりぴり (piripiri -> tingle)
ぴったり (pittari -> right; exactly; neatly)
ぴよぴよ (piyopiyo -> squeak)
ぴかっと (pikatto -> flashing)
‘ぴ’ in the middle:
物品 / ぶっぴん (buppin -> articles; goods)
別嬪 / べっぴん (beppin -> beautiful woman; pretty girl)
鉛筆 / えんぴつ (enpitsu -> pencil)
‘ぴ’ at the end
便秘 / べんぴ (benpi -> constipation)
I am sure you remember yo-on from before. If not, please review Hiragana lesson 7. Hiragana 'ひ' can also be combined with it.
The yoon’s for 'ひ' are:
ひゃ/hya Ex. 百 / ひゃく (hyaku -> a hundred)
ひゅ/hyu Ex. ひゅうが (Hyuuga -> Japanese Family’s name)
ひょ/hyo Ex. 表情 / ひょうじょう (hyoujyou ->
It can also be added in their dakuten or/and handakuten version:
Yoon’s for び:
びゃ/bya Ex. 三百 / さんびゃく (sanbyaku -> 300)
びゅ/byu Ex. 謬論 / びゅうろん (byuuron -> fallacy; mistaken opinion)
びょ/byo Ex. 病院 / びょういん (byouin -> hospital)
Yoon’s for ぴ:
ぴゃ/pya Ex. 八百 / はっぴゃく (happyaku -> 800)
ぴゅ/pyu Ex. ぴゅうぴゅう (pyuupyuu -> rustling)
ぴょ/pyo Ex. ぴょんぴょん (pyonpyon -> hopping; skipping)
Task: You shall write ‘ひ ’ 50 - 100 times in your textbook. Memorize the shape, the stroke order, the sound, the pronunciation (echo the sound of the character each time you write it down), etc.
And after you've done that, write ‘は’, and ‘ひ ’ one after each repetitively (は, ひ, は, ひ, は, ひ, etc.) 50 times (100 if you have time).
Tna: Phew. That was a lot for HI lesson. No, not just HI, but also BI, PI, HYA, HYU, HYO, BYA, BYU, BYO, PYA, PYU, PYO...
I’m dying...
Kaoko: You bet! I thought it would never end
Tna: Yeah
Hinata: Ano...
Kaoko: Ara? Who are you again?
Hinata: Watashi wa Hyuuga Hinata desu~
Tna: Aha! Perfect person for today’s lesson!
Kaoko: Yeah! Today we learn about ‘HI’ characters so you might fit that perfectly!
Hinata: Ano...dou iu koto?
Tna: ‘Dou iu koto’ tte you don’t know why are you here?
Hinata: Hai. Kakashi-sensei gave me a mission to meet Tna-san and Kaoko-san at Japanese Classroom. Sore wa ijou... (That's all...)
Kaoko: Aa ~ sou. Hinata-chan, could you help us teaching the 'HI' lesson? Since your name begins with 'HI' so...
Hinata: Teaching? Oh, well. What kind of subject should I teach?
Tna: Umm...anything, since it still has something to do with our lesson.
Hinata was thinking for couple of minutes until Kaoko broke the silence.
Kaoko: Can we start it off now, Hinata-san?
Hinata: Oh, hai. Konnichiwa, minna-san! I'm Hyuuga Hinata.
She wrote something on board.
日向(ひゅう が) ヒナタ
Hinata: Hyuu from 'Sun' kanji and 'ga' from 'Mukai (way)' kanji. Actually my name is written on Katakana, but I could also write it in Hiragana, so it becomes...
ヒ ナ タ -> ひ な た
Kaoko: Good job, Hinata-san! Anything else from you?
Hinata: Ano...since I am a ninja, I'll teach them my jutsu, but don't worry, it's still related to the lesson. May I?
Tna: Sure!
Hinata activated her eye technique which is only possessed by Hyuuga Clan.
Hinata: Minna-san! This eye technique is called BYAKUGAN (白眼 -> びゃくがん). Literally meaning 'White Eye' because the kanji is taken from '白 (Shiro -> white)' and '眼 (Me -> eye)'
She wrote them down in a board.
Hinata: This is a special doujutsu (eye technique) which have some abilities. First, Byakugan gives the user a near 360º field of vision, except for one blind spot at the back of the neck. Second, it's able to see through solid objects and can use a degree of telescopic sight. But the greatest ability of Byakugan, it's able to see chakra (energy), chakra flow as well as chakra circulation system inside the body with great detail. But, only those from Hyuuga Clan could possess this jutsu.
All students in classroom listened to her very carefully until someone raised his hands and asked,
Student: Hinata-senpai, could you show us how Byakugan will work when facing another Byakugan user?
Hinata: Ah - hai, chotto. I'll call out Neji-niisan, also from Hyuuga Clan. Then we'll show you when Byakugan meets Byakugan. O-chotto matte kudasai~
Hinata was ready to walk out from the class. But when she opened the door knob...
Naruto suddenly came and hang on upside down which made Hinata was totally shocked. Her face suddenly reddened.
Hinata: Na-Na-Na-Naruto-kun?
Not too long after she said that, she immediately fell of the ground. Fainted.
Tna, Kaoko: Hinata-san?!
They shook her body, but it seemed she was really fainted.
Tna, Kaoko: N-A-R-U-T-O K-U-N!!!
Naruto: Dame dame dame! Warukattattebayo~~!
That yellow-haired guy hurriedly ran away, leaving the fainted Hinata and the angry sensei.
日 / ひ (hi -> day, sunshine)
It certainly is hard. But I found some people that are suitable
Ayumi Fujiwara: She had voiced Aoko Nakamori in Magic Kaito's first episode. She is also voices Allen from D. Grayman, and Misaki from Maid-sama.
Junko Noda: The one who voiced Eisuke.
Umm... but I will voe for the first one
. I will still be searching further
Welcome JiJuDJ, Kaoko's lessons are perfect for those like you.
Ow, haha. Thanks, but it's not that perfect though, haha! We put our efforts together, so it's not really just my lesson. xD
And here's our lesson! Sorry for always being late in posting these. Just has gotten more busy in real life. The story is written by Tna-chan! And so also the examples! Thanks a lot Tna! I will be sure to keep posting these as fastest as I can! So we can finish with the hiragana and move on quickly to the next stage!
Hiragana: Lesson - ‘は’ [ha], ば [ba] & ‘ぱ’ [pa]
Hakuba: Konnichiwa, minna-sama! Kyou hiragana no HA wo benkyoshitai! Tna-san to Kaoko-san kochira e ikanai, ja boku wa koko ni iru. Ah- wasurechatta, boku wa Hakuba Saguru, yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
Someone came to the class and coughed. Crossing her hands lazily.
Haibara: In case you forgot, but this is an international classroom, many of them aren't coming from Japan, so please use English.
She glanced at Hakuba sarcastically.
Hakuba: Aha~ gomen, gomen...hontou ni wasurechatta...
*Scratching his not-itchy head*
Haibara only responded with apathetic expression without a single word.
Hakuba: Tonikaku, why does the-first-grader come here all of sudden? We're going to teach everyone who is absolutely years and years older than you.
Haibara: Any problem?
Again, she coldly implied Hakuba's words without any expression.
Hakuba: Betsuni...
Haibara: Well, actually Tna-san and Kaoko-san asked me to share about Japanese language to all members of this classroom since my name begins with “HA”. I bet you're here for the same reason.
Hakuba: Yeah, perfectly right. Ja, could we start the class now?
Haibara: Dame yo. We should wait for another teacher.
Hakuba: Maji ka yo? There's another besides us? Dare?
Haibara: Soon you'll know him. Oh no, maybe you’ve known him. Just wait patiently.
Haibara looked at his watch then sighed.
Hakuba: Why hasn't he come? It's been fifteen minutes late,”
Haibara: If he came on time, then it would be weird.
Hakuba: Ha?
Haibara: So, the great meitantei has no idea about him?
She smirked and scorned him.
Hakuba: Taku....
45 minutes passed. Some students in the classroom complained for the very long delay, but some of them seemed to enjoy chitchatting each other.
An hour later...
“Yo, minna!”
A-not-unfamiliar voice with lazy tone heard. Someone came into the classroom.
Haibara: An hour forty six minutes and twenty seven seconds late. Youkoso, Hatake-san.
Kakashi: Aha- warukatta na. I helped a granny found her way home. On my way here, I ran into two foreign girls wandering away in my love labyrin-
Hakuba: Uso! Ah, so another teacher is you, Kakashi-san?
Kakashi: Ah, sou, sou.
Haibara: Maa, can we start off now?
Kakashi: Yeah, of course. I brought a nice book with me so we can have fun while learning 'HA' lesson!
He put out three books with different color from his ninja weapon pocket.
Hakuba: Icha Icha Paradise? Kakashi-san, they're still underage! Not to mention one of us also far behind the permitted age... I think mine is better...
He glanced at Haibara. But she just sneered at him, silently. He had no idea that she was actually an eighteen year old woman. Hakuba then put out a blue thick novel-like.
Haibara: Sherlock Holmes? Geez~ I'm freakin' out already with so many Holmes' freak around me...
She sighed with a long breath, suddenly she remembered of Kudou Shinichi, the biggest fan of it.
Haibara: Maa, how about mine? Karera no tameni, chanto yori ga ii to omoimasu... (I think it’s more proper to them)
She took out a magazine-like book and showed it off to those two.
Kakashi & Hakuba: EINSTEIN?
Kakashi: We're not going to study science, Haibara...
Haibara: But we're not also going to study ninja arts and detective story, no?
Hakuba: Demo sa, detective story is important to build up their analytical skill...
Cheesus: Ano...can we start now? More than two hours the lesson is being delayed. May I know what's the topic for today?
Haibara: Einstein life story!
Kakashi: Ninja arts!
Hakuba: Detective!
They said accordingly.
Cheesus: OK, OK. Just mingle them into one. So the conclusion is we're going to study "A Detective, who had used to be a mad scientist, was currently learning Ninja Arts".
Hakuba, Kakashi, & Haibara:
Haibara: Soreyori, we now have ‘HA’ and ‘BA’ characters to begin with. What about ‘PA’?
Kakashi: Shinpai shinai...
He suddenly bit his right thumb until its bled and scraped it to the ground.
Kakashi: Kuchiyose no jutsu! (summoned technique)
*PUFF* As the smoke faded away, a dog appeared.
Kakashi: Yo, minna! This is PAKKUN. He’ll help us as the example for ‘PA’ lesson. Well then, let’s begin the class!
‘は’ is romanized ‘ha’.
Words with ‘は’:
‘は’ at the beginning:
八 / はち (hachi -> eight)
蜂 / はち (hachi -> bee)
早い / はやい (hayai -> quick; fast)
走る / はしる (hashiru -> run)
話す / はなす (hanasu -> speak; talk)
離す / はなす (hanasu -> separate; disengage; divide)
鼻 / はな (hana -> nose)
離れ / はなれ (hanare -> apart)
離れる / はなれる (hanareru -> leave)
はさみ (hasami -> scissors)
働く / はたらく (hataraku -> to work)
初恋 / はつこい (hatsukoi -> first love)
刷毛 / はけ (hake -> brush)
‘は’ in the middle:
おはよう (ohayou -> good morning!)
朝飯 / あさはん (asahan -> breakfast)
後輩 / こうはい (kouhai -> junior)
同輩 / どうはい (douhai -> peer; equal; comrade)
浅はかな / あさはかな (asahakana -> shallow)
腐敗 / ふはい (fuhai -> corruption; decay; decomposition)
河畔 / かはん (kahan -> riverside)
やはり (yahari -> still; also; nevertheless)
自白 / じはく (jihaku -> confession; acknowledgement)
野原 / のはら(nohara -> field)
‘は’ at the end:
母 / はは (haha -> mother)
木の葉 / このは (konoha -> foliage; leaves)
爆破 / ばくは (baha -> blast; explosion)
打破 / だは (daha -> defeat)
学派 / がくは (gakuha -> school; sect)
撃破 / げきは (gekiha -> kills; crushing)
Stroke order:
The character ‘は’ may also be combined with a dakuten, changing it into ‘ば’ in hiragana, and ‘ba’ in Hepburn romanization. With the dakuten added the pronunciation is changed, to ‘ba’. は + " (dakuten) = ば (look below)
‘ば’ is romanized (pronounced) ‘ba’ as in ‘bar’.
Words with ‘ば’:
‘ば’ at the beginning:
ばかり (bakari -> only; just; merely)
馬鹿馬鹿しい / ばかばかしい (bakabakashi -> stupid)
爆弾 / ばくだん (bakudan -> bomb)
化け物 / ばけもの (bakemono -> monster; ghost; goblin; phantom)
ばら (bara -> rose)
番号 / ばんごう (bangou -> number)
場所 / ばしょ (basho -> place)
晩御飯 / ばんごはん (bagohan -> dinner)
化かす / ばかす (bakasu -> delude; confuse; enchant)
化ける / ばける (bakeru -> garbled)
瀑布 / ばくふ (bakufu -> waterfall)
‘ば’ in the middle:
今晩は / こんばんは (konbanwa -> good night)
鞄 / かばん (kaban -> bag)
瞬き / まばたき (mabataki -> wink; flicker; twinkling)
小母さん / おばさん (obasan -> auntie)
お婆さん / おばあさん (obaasan -> granny)
しばらく (shibaraku -> for a while)
縛る / しばる (shibaru -> tie; bind)
煙草 / たばこ (tabako -> tobacco; cigarrete)
素晴らしい / すばらしい (subarashii -> great; magnificent; wonderful)
‘ば’ at the end:
言葉 / ことば (kotoba -> words; language; speech)
前歯 / まえば (maeba -> front teeth)
半ば / なかば (nakaba -> middle; half; partly)
束 / たば (taba -> bundle; bunch; sheaf)
乳母 / うば (uba -> nanny)
若葉 / わかば (wakaba -> young leaves; fresh verdure)
The hiragana HA can also be combined with a handakuten. Handakuten is a small circle that can be placed at the right top of some certain characters (ha, hi, hu, he, ho). And changing the sounds to ‘pa’ when placed. ひ [hi] + o (handakuten) = ぴ [pi]
‘ぱ’ is romanized (pronounced) ‘pa’ as in ‘pal’.
Words with ‘ぱ’:
‘ぱ’ at the beginning:
ぱくぱく (paku paku -> to eat in big bites; to eat so quickly)
ぱりぱり (pari pari -> first class; the best)
ぱっと (patto -> suddenly; in a flash)
ぱたん (patan -> knock)
ぱちくり (pachikuri -> blinking with surprise)
ぱちゃぱちゃ (pacha pacha -> sounds of splash water)
ぱらぱら (para para -> sounds of falling rain)
‘ぱ’ in the middle:
いっぱい (ippai -> full)
乾杯 / かんぱい (kanpai -> cheers!)
活発な / かっぱつな (kappatsu na -> active; brisk; sprightly)
潔白 / けっぱく (keppaku -> innocence; purity; rectitude)
すっぱい (suppai -> sour)
やっぱり (yappari -> finally; still; absolutely; also)
一発 / いっぱつ (keppatsu -> one shot)
‘ぱ’ at the end:
[*]河童 / かっぱ (kappa -> water demon)
[*]寒波 / かんぱ (kanpa -> cold wave)
[*]発破 / はっぱ(happa -> blasting; explosion)
[*]葉っぱ / はっぱ (happa -> leaves)
Task: You shall write ‘は’, ‘ば’ and ‘ぱ’ 50 - 100 times in your textbook. To be more simple, just practice to write the original ‘は’. Once mastered, adding a dakuten and a handakuten is a piece of cake! But remember this, memorize the shape, the stroke order, the sound, the pronunciation (echo the sound of the character each time you write it down), etc.
八 / はち (hachi -> eight)
thank you very much
Dou ite shimashite! :-D
I would like to join! xP But i don't know anything about kanji.
Don't worry, we are learning from a scratch! xD
Wow!! I have an app on my iPod that helps me, so I know a few things, but I would love to learn more!! I'll join!!
Sorry for being kinda late in this... D:
Don't worry, being late is not a problem. Welcome!
I would like to start here aswell. I have allready begun studying on my own, so i know about the 15 first letter in hiragana.
Another site I use to learn Japanese: Another place to learn Japanese
Nice! Thanks for the link, and welcome to DCW's Japanese classroom!
Oh great! A place to learn japanese!
I want to learn too! I can only understand the romanji terms now... I have read up abit on Hiragana, but i still cant remember Katagana...
Would it be possible to teach conversational Japanese??? =D
Watashi wa Kaitou Kido~ Rensetsu na dorobou, atarashi "MEMBER" desu~
Watashi hontou no namae wa~ "Amber" desu.
Meitantei Conan wa daisuki desu.
Doshite daisuki desu ka? Kaitou kido sama no okage desu! Kakkoyosugiru desu!
Shinichi to Hei-chan mo daisuki desu kedo, watashi wa Conan wo motto suki desu.
Eh... moshi ue no moji/kotoba doko de machigateiru, watashi o shuusei shite kudasai!
Doumo Arigato~!
I will try to do this in Hiragana next time XD
Wohahaha, nice introduction! Mind if I translate that? xD
Here I go;
Nice to meet you. I am Kaito Kid, related to theft, I am a new member.
My real name is "Amber".
I love Detective Conan. Why do I love it? It's because there's Kaitou Kid! He is so cool!
I love Shinichi and Hei-chan, but I like Conan more.
If I got something wrong (in my paragraph), please correct me!
Thank you very much!
Dou~?! Dou~?!! xD
Would it be possible to teach conversational Japanese??? =D
Not until you have a clear understanding of Grammar, Writing Systems and a wide vocab of Japanese.
It's possible, we can learn the vocabs along with it! :-D
I learned some! Thanks.
Is there another one? xD
We hope to make it soon in the future! :-D
Hello everyone!! I'm new here and is now very much interested in learning Japanese.
Welcome, Jijud! Japanese crassroom wo youkosou! :-D
Let us all guess who is going to voice Sera Masumi
! And sees who has the right guess when the time comes
! I will post my guess later after I do some hearing-research over some voice actress
I wonder what is meant by Haibara and Sera both 'being wolves', the only other 'wolf' references I can think of at the moment are Akai(Okiya
) and their/his comments on the Org being (metaphorically of course) wolves.
...And thanks for the translation~!
Maybe he meant that Haibara and Sera had something to do with the organization (wolves).
Haibara = ex-member
Sera = sister of a traitor ;D or something else.
xD xD
By the way, thanks a lot, whataccount! :-D
Can I do the lessons for カタカナ?
Because I know them all and I can use English-loaned words examples
We haven't finished Hiragana yet, and it's a pleasure to have you help us but, we will see when we finish with the hiragana first.
Were not even done Hiragana :/
Im learning lots of Kanji. Got tons memorized so \o/
i suggest you register on lang-8.com
And Add me as a friend. My name is Cheesus there.
I registered!
Wow, Cheesus, so you now know how to read some of the Kanji?
i would love to join i want to learn some Japanese
i am 100% new
Welcome! We recommend you start with the hiragana first :-D
Anything that seems interesting.
No, the question here is what are you reading now! xD
I'm reading Kaichou wa Maid-sama too! That's where I got my username.
Woah! Nice to hear that! It's actually a very good manga! I love it! The romance is so splendid... the characters are hilariously awesome! I am watching the anime now (just finished reading the manga)! Can't wait for the next issue... too bad we have to wait a month for the new chapters to be released! xD
Haibara will have a face-off with Sera in the future - this plot will not be related to the Bourbon arc -> Mmm, I was waiting for this! Interesting!
Aoyama likes Haibara because he can say stuff he wants to say through her -> Funny :3
Sera is the sister of a major character -> Akai for sure xD
Aoyama forgot his 伏線 (my dictionary says 'foreshadowing, preparation' . . . ? I guess 'plot preparation', but I'm not sure), apparently the anime staff took away papers that included the 'plot preparation' -> What on earth!? xD
Aoyama will not exceed Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Kōen-mae Hashutsujo (a gag series that has 160< volumes and still going) in volume number; the last line already thought out, will be a happy ending - I wish he changes his mind in the end (and try to surpass it xD) :3
A Phantom Lady plot will happen in the summer -> I was waiting for thing¬
Plot related to Takagi and Sato's marriage will happen -> No, not that soon! Dx
Magic Kaito will be updated in the summer -> I guess Gosho intended to finish his work before he retired. And continue the love life of Kaito and Aoko <3
Aoyama wants to retire once he reaches Agasa's age -> I would be 20 by then. Nice way to stop reading mangas... NO! I wish he continues even then :-D His work is the best!
Aoyama feels like it's only been four years since he started Conan -> I feel like it has always been there xD (<- born in a year of Conan's debut)
Oww, thank you so much for sharing this with us! I appreciate it! This is really is interesting... Thanks a bunch, whatanaccount!
Haibara will have a face-off with Sera in the future - this plot will not be related to the Bourbon arc -> Mmm, I was waiting for this! Interesting!
Which manga are you currently reading? :-D
I am currently reading:
Kaichou wa Maid-sama! Chapter 50 (the romance is really interesting)
Gintama (it is extremely entertaining)
Kaichou wa Maid-sama! Chapter 50 (the romance is really interesting)
Kazuha is on the lead
So unexpected~ I voted for her, too!
Japanese Classroom
in Japanese
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You don't have to ask. Just say the word 'I wanna join! \o/' and we'll add you to the list :-D
Welcome in! I hope you enjoy it here ;-)
Sorry for the late reply by the way :V
I did :-D
Well, duh. What do you expect for someone who hasn't studied a thing? If you are just here to bug us, then get lost.