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Officer Kaoko

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Posts posted by Officer Kaoko

  1. Alright, I've just gotten a reply from Kaoko that her life is busy at the moment and she can't come on here as much as she used to. But she will continue with the project. Until then, hello to all of you new members...

    Haha. Yeah, hi again! ^^

    Can i still join this?

    Of course. Everyone are welcome to join! ^^

  2. Nice, Maurice! It's understandable ali_053.gif.

    how will the gamers feel about this

    This is what I want to hear, too ali_069.gif.

    Well, I think it's a good idea. Considering how most of us are able to get our post count very high through posting there ali_097.gif (it's been a long time since I stopped :V). I wanted to suggest this long ago...

    And the change to the display name is also good. It gets confusing when members change their name, and I won't be able to recognize them till some times later th_053_XD.gif.

    • Upvote 1

  3. Uh... Well, it seems like you weren't the only one, no? Anyway, you could still have just made it a status.. :/ And.. DON'T CRY, SIS!! <-- The SIS was RANDOM!! SO!! Just IGNORE me! Yup, in fact, just ignore me every time I say something RANDOM!! XD Yay~!! :D

    What's wrong with having it here e0765523.gif? This is a chatroom after all 071.gif~

    Aw... D: Don't worry about it... FEEL BETTER KAOKO!!

    Thanks, Akakata efb50fe2.gif!

    Obviously what happened was that the other Kaoko died, but not before people were able to take some of that Kaoko's DNA...


    Seriously ali_069.gif!? T-that means I am not an original 0eeeff42.gif!!? I was based from that Kaoko 4fd9f2d3.gif?!

    • Upvote 1

  4. Uh, why'd you start a thread 'bout that... óÒ Really, couldn't you just have made it a status..? ¬.¬

    I wanna know the secret behind 'Kaoko'. I thought it was the name that I and only me invented 064.gif... or at least beside the company of screw drivers 0eeeff42.gif. I thought... I thought... muwaaaaaahahaaaaa 33c4b951.gif...

  5. Thanks, Kenny-sensei! Your translation is awesome ali_031.gif! So, it's not necessary to translate it literally? I mean... even it's the specific words are not there? Mind if I get you the next page ali_074.gif? ^^

    Wait, wait... I'll go and get it soon. *grins*

  6. For Kaoko-chan. Sorry if this wasn't what you were thinking of @n@. I'm in a big rush lately. I'll send you this sketch for now~ I'll finish it up once I have more time ok?


    Ohh.. Kirite-chan!! Thank you, thanks a lot 074.gif!! I can't express my gratitude enough ali_072.gif... but just to tell you I am really happy and very grateful yociexp109.gif!! This is beyond my expectations JFBQ00184070402A.gif! I am especially so happy that you drew this for me ali_047.gif <33

    And of course the drawing is so awesome! Since they look awesomely cool (their ninja clothes ali_040.gif) and super cute (in kirite-chan's style of drawing th_095_.gif, chibi versions th_053_XD.gif). And I also love the title you chose for the picture ali_081.gif!! <33

    Love you ali_027.gif! <33

  7. Go ahead. (Oh yeah, you can drop the sensei part since I haven't done sh*t lol)

    xD No, lol. It's just because no one is asking any questions at the moment. ;-)

    But here, I have something to ask~

    About the continuation of that Japanese story. It's been a long time xD


    と、 雪が 言いました。

    『わたしも、 早く とけて 水に なり、 とおくへいって あそびたいけど。』

    と、 上を 見上げます。

    『竹やぶの かげに なって、 お日さまが あたらない。』

    と、 ざんねんそうです。

    Here's the romaji:


    to, yuki ga iimashita.

    "watashi mo, hayaku tokete mizu ni nari, to'oku e itte asobitai kedo."

    to, ue wo miagemasu.

    "takeyabu no kage ni natte, ohisama ga ataranai."

    to, zannen sou desu.

    Here's my English translation:

    "I am sorry" said the snow,

    "I also want to dissolve into water as soon as possible, so I can go far away and play, but."

    the snoew looks up.

    "thanks to the shadow of the bamboo forest, the sun won't hit me."

    so, it was rather a disappointment.

    It's a lame translation, I know 1b38f9e2.gif. I want your translation for this cd08785a.gif.

    Oh, and... the title of the book -> こくごに上たんぽぽ.

    Can you translate that, too. Please 088.gif?

  8. If you can get the hang of hiragana, katakana will be a cinch. They're all the same letters pronounciation-wise, but they're just written differently and they're used only for nouns.

    Listen to Kenny! :D

    The worst way to learn a new language is by memorizing it. You have to learn and understand it like how you understand english (or whatever your first language may be). It takes time (and often an appropriate environment) but it isn't as hard as your brain makes you think it is.

    Yeah... I don't take a special time memorizing anything. It will eventually stick to your mind whenever (and how frequent) you hear/see/read them! :D

    May I join? I know about zero Japanese. (but I know what a lot of kanji mean because they're just Chinese characters. However, I only know how to pronounce a few like 'ryuu' (dragon) and 'tsuki' (moon) but there are so many different ways to pronounce things that I get confused.) I'm going to try to learn Japanese, Chinese, and work on my Spanish this summer. (haha... And learn to draw, write more, study up Algebra II/Trig, AP Chem, read stuff for Honors English, biology... Oh boy. Summer's going to be tough.. I'm not even in high school yet..)

    Well, of course, Ayera-chan! Welcome in! Your knowledge of kanji will be very helpful! xD

    No romaji. There's 5 points off of your final grade.


    When I typed in romanji the rules said "ONLY ROMANJI ALLOWED". Ask Kaoko-san >_<

    Well, I thought that some people don't have Japanese system installed in their machines so they can't view the Japanese characters we write. That's why I thought it would be better to put in romaji as well... umm, and I didn't say 'only romaji allowed' xD I said, 'it would be better to type in romaji, too'.

    Oh, and, Kenny-sensei. There's something I wanna ask again :-D! Wait, wait... let me get the things.

  9. yup

    No, I am not.

    New section created especially for this?

    Never thought this thread could have grown so big...

    Hehehehe. I asked Maurice for this :-D He agreed that it should be made into a section. ;-)

    Glad to see you back, Kenny! :D

    then where is she from?:huh:

    You don't have to know : P

    This is not a place to talk about me. If you are not here to attend, then don't come.

  10. Here you can talk in Japanese and practice what you learnt.

    Here're the rules:

    1. Avoid using English as much as possible. Only do it when you can't express the things you want to say in Japanese.
    2. Only Romanji are permitted in this thread. For a more advanced level (member who knows hiragana, katakana, and some kanji. Also requires amount knowledge of Japanese grammar and the vocabulary), go to this thread -> yet to be created
    3. When correcting other members, use soft words, and avoid violence.
    4. Enjoy¬
      Watashi wa Kaoko desu th_113_.gif. Yoroshiku ne th_102_.gif <3
    • Upvote 1

  11. First of all, I feel bad for to have to repeat my writings xD

    But anyway, it's just like having it with me whenever I go : D So everybody would be able to read it and benefit from it \o/ (I hope)!

    Getting Familiar With The Japanese Language - Introduction

    Konnichiwa, minna. Kochira Kaoko-desu~

    (Hello, everyone. Kaoko here~)

    Here, I will be posting lessons and teach you Japanese language in a fun and amusing way~ \o/

    But before we get into serious lessons. I want you to get familiar how the Japanese language works~

    Here, we would like to introduce the beginning of our learning system. In order to learn you need to be familiar with the Japanese language, or at least to know the basic how the language works. After knowing the basics, it’ll be easy to get yourself around and you’ll learn faster.

    The Japanese language is actually very simple but so unlike English that many English speakers find it difficult to learn Japanese. The goal of this Getting Familiar With Thge Japanese Language course is to help you study the basics of the Japanese language and to teach you how to learn Japanese in a way that is, hopefully, fast and easy to understand.

    You might think that Japanese is hard, and you lose confidence... but if you think the opposite, it’ll turn the other way round. Just take it easy and relax. If you don’t understand, try reading it again and again till you get the hang of it. You are also free to ask any of us, and we’ll definitely help you with pleasure!

    In order to learn you need:-

    To think like a Japanese person: You need to think like a Japanese if you want to learn their language. Put English aside (or any language you have). Don’t compare Japanese with your native language (it’s the same thing if you learn other languages as well), it’ll just get you confused and will make things harder and far more complicated. Especially beginners and who have yet just started learning.

    Confidence: You will also need confidence. In fact, not just that but in everything you do. In order to move forward you will always need some confidence in yourself. You can’t do things if you don’t have any confidence.

    Don’t give up too easily either, never give up! Even if things gets difficult, try reading it again and again until you understand, or/and you can ask any of us; either for help, for explanation, etc. We’ll try our best to make you understand and make to be able to do it. So need to worry! We’ll always be there for you :)

    And since this is DC community, I would like to have DC set as examples from now and then (in the upcoming lessons and courses)~ : D

    Thread under construction...

  12. Could you please add me to the list. After all, I'm already a member of the super-awesome forum: http://japaneseken.freeforums.org/

    Sorry, Hano! I hadn't update the list in awhile D: *goes and updates*

    Sorry for disturbing the lesson tongue.gif.

    Maybe some of you frequently have heard about Aisatsu. What is Aisatsu?

    あいさつ or romanized as 'Aisatsu' is a common greeting that Japanese people usually said. This is the very first thing that the beginner should do when learning Japanese, because Japanese culture highly regards the courtesy.

    Take a look at this page for more information -> Aisatsu/Greeting in Japanese smile.gif

    Oh yeah, and feel free to register on forum. Hano-kun made such an awesome games there laugh.gif

    Don't forget to also post it in your blog :D

    i wanna join... i know some words of Japanese's language ~ i love watching their dramas and anime~ may i..?

    WOOOOOOOOT! Welcome in¬ <3 If you are a beginner who yet hasn't begin any Japanese course, start from here -> Getting Familiar :-D

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