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Detective Conan World

Officer Kaoko

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Status Updates posted by Officer Kaoko

  1. Today I remember that I am a prosecutor *evil smirk*.

  2. Hiragana lesson 42 is now available! Gambatte ne, mina-san! The next lesson shall be up soon <3 http://t.co/e7XGRipd

  3. Hiragana lesson 43 is now available! With this, we had finish with the 'ra' group~ http://t.co/QC2nVnig

  4. Spoiler Alert! I haven't had the chance to watch it but, is it true that Ran died in the drama? How? Why? How did it happen? :o

  5. Hiragana lesson 44 is now available! Just 2 more characters to go, and we are through with hiragana! http://t.co/E6Zmpo29

  6. Another Japanese lesson, yet more to come! This one's about Numbers & Counting. It tells you how to count from 0... http://t.co/uKDW0bOU

  7. Book Review: Japanese Verbs, Saying What You Mean http://t.co/8ExThcQ6

  8. Yet another one about clocks and time! http://t.co/M0bs2eN0

  9. I was so moved! It was so touching... the lion and his two owners TT^TTNo use... I- I can't hold my tears!! http://t.co/n1ZFYVIy

  10. Hiragana lesson 46 - ‘ん’ [n] is now available! This is the final character of Hiragana characters! We'll begin... http://t.co/LfkRuR1P

  11. [Kaoko's Mini Story] How Many Alarms Do ... | Lang-8 http://t.co/RtaHohis #lang8

  12. [book Review] Young Samurai #2 – The Way of the Sword#Book #Review #YoungSamurai #History http://t.co/dSMcGfsM

  13. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/y2VJxDj5 Korean Pizza CM (Pizza Etang)

  14. I uploaded a @YouTube video http://t.co/mLG1QT45 Detective Conan 130 Preview (Remastered)

  15. I've uploaded an @YouTube video http://t.co/sUc0ejrA Detective Conan 644 Preview

  16. The Desperate Toilet Poll~ Please vote! <3 http://t.co/GhKmNykn

  17. Yes, I live in Morocco, my father is Moroccan, my mother is from Indonesia... I don't know French because Ijust moved to Morocco about one year ago. I know about 3 languages... English, Arabic and Indonesia, and now I'm studying Japanese... hehe

  18. Aku juga dari indonesia...

  19. You have a good reputation there! Hehe >_<

  20. Yo! Miss you~ I was wondering... "Shuuichi Akai hasn't been active lately... strange", hohohoho! Glad you are back~

  21. I'm from Indonesia too!

  22. Yo! Shuichi-san! May I have your Facebook account please~ if you don't mind!

  23. Ah~ thanks for accepting~

  24. Yo!! My mother is Indonesian~ She's from Jakarta too~ Nice to meet you!

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