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Posts posted by Officer Kaoko
Annnnddddd... I'm lost. =P
BTW, I think Bourbon used to be Okiya but then Akai came in and kicked his butt. Then Akai took up Okiya.
Lots of flaws in that theroy, but yeah. just my two cents. ;P
Wow, what you said kinda makes sense to me
Well, I believe Bourbon is Okiya Subaru, and the scar Akai is the real Akai
Sorry, but I think Ran suits to be with Shinichi better
. It may be good for Haibara if she gets Conan, but it wouldn't be good for Conan to have her
. Haibara is just too cold for Conan... I mean, she is sarcastic. Although, I like her better than Ran
But I like reading Shiho x Shinichi fan fic~
If anyone, I believe FBI knows Conan's true identity (even though they never went direct with it). I also believe Okiya Subaru knows his identity. Beside them, I couldn't think of anyone else.
I don't think the boss has ever made his appearance yet. Well, I would like to see how he looks like...
And I wonder how his personality is~ He kinda reminds me of Kira. And Vermouth kinda reminds me of Misa Amane, L as Shinichi, Wataru as Agasa, etc.
Umm, now... isn't this taken from one of the openings? I believe that this scenario is suppose to be picturing episode 1 or 2 when Shinichi has just shrunk and was standing in front of his house. It's kinda hard for me to put it into words, but this picture... is saying like; When Ran went to Shinichi's house to look for him, instead of Shinichi she saw the strange little boy. It's like saying -> what if that scene (or the story) was changed a little? What will Ran do if she were to see Shinichi in that state? Akh, it's just too hard to say it >.<
But anyway, I think it is indicating something like that
And I don't think Ran would beat Conan there. At that time, he hasn't yet taken a bath with her! xD
And sadly, they even sexually assault their own daughter. :<
Curse on them! They deserve an utter punishment for their crimes
Say, have you heard of Joseph Fritzl
okay, time for sensible reason
Ai/Shiho's father is Atsushi Miyano
Note I didn't say I agree on Gin being Shiho'f biological father... otherwise, it'll be crazy if that turned out to be true
. I don't believe the theory of Gin being Ai's former lover either... even though it may be true, I can't imagine it to be mentioned/declared/announced.
i really don't think that they are father and daughter.
i mean how many fathers do u know who are Hell Bent on killing their daughters
Almost everything is possible in this rotten world. There've been many news lately about fathers abusing (and killing) their daughters.
That's Vermouth in the the disguise of the serial killer. He was killed later... claimed to be a suicide. But Conan (and maybe the FBI) believed it was the Black Organization's doing.
I hope that helps ;-)
you were detective kaoko? and the preview thing is a good idea,i just didn't know if we could. Thank you for your feedback :grin:
Yup, I am also Detective Kaoko. And Shuu use to make fun of me saying I am Donkey Kong because of the same initials
And you are welcome! I am sure it is not a problem since it's only episode's previews (it's just advertising; like previewing a movie for people to buy the original pack
). How about we ask Maurice ;-)?
Thanks DK!
You are welcome
That reminds me of my old initials
yea your welcome shuu, i was begining to think no one noticed the schedule except southpaw :smile:
I did notice! I read it, and I really do appreciate your effort
. Oh, and if possible, you could also list them with links of their previews ;-).
I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be a good idea for the sales of the manga. Most of the japanese readers are waiting for the couple Ran and Shinichi.
And Gosho said he loves the childhood friends pairings so there is no chance he changes his mind about it. And Ran seems to be his favorite female character (he often says Ran is his favorite in interviews (like in Super digest Books)) with Yukiko (who looks like Fujiko from Lupin).
I agree with you in many ways!
But anyway, nobody answered the question about this topic: people who think Ai and Conan loves each other, what are the scenes in the manga that make you think about it. That would be interesting if you could develop your opinion.
I believe Shuu was one of the voters. And detectiveRGB was the other... (not really sure). However, you don't have to take them seriously ;-). It's just too hard for them to believe in reality
Gosho!!! PLEASE MAKE TWO SEPaRATE ENDINGS!!! PLEASE!!!! I'm begging you!!!! A shinran and a Conai!!!
Dream on, Shuu!
Or, if you want... you can join Kiel's forces... we have everything ready. Including guns, bazookas, war trunks, bombs, and more weapons yet to come! We will be invading Gosho's apartment in 2015
Kaoko-chan, thanks for listing me as a member
TO for anime characters maybe I could give some
Tomoyo Daidouji (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Kanji -> 大道寺 知世 / ともよ だいどうじ (Tomoyo Daidouji)
Touya Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Kanji -> 桃矢 木之本 / とおや きのもと (Tooya Kinomoto)
May it could be helpful
Wow, Tna-chan... thanks a lot! But... I already did the 'to' lesson. And the 'to' character I chose was Tonton
. But I really do appreciate your effort
Can i be a student,too??
Of course you can
. Anyone who are determined to learn Japanese are welcome to join
You may want to follow us in Blogger -> http://japanese-ken.blogspot.com
And like us in Facebook -> http://www.facebook.com/pages/Japanese-Ken/145766895483785
Begin with our first lesson
! -> http://japanese-ken.blogspot.com/2011/01/introduction-to-japanese-characters.html
But who knows, maybe they will you know fall in love???
I totally agree! Everything is possible ;-)~ Who would ever think Shiratori would end up with Kobayashi? That was a twist~ And it's not very late for hope.
Wow, this is just so amazing!! Thanks a lot for this awesome update, Maurice
But... I prefer the old profile's layout
Oh, and Maurice... I accidentally or rather unintentionally created a new account using my Facebook. Is it possible to delete it?
I was trying to check out the cool features of the new forum when I... clicked on register and connected to Facebook. Although I did cancel it before I pressed submit. And when I was checking the members' list... I see a member with my name
kaoko~chan... ok sorry, i just re-read it cuz i'd even forgotten what it was about...
but i find the exchange between them off a bit... i feel she should still be all mature, and not act too surprised...
like when she gets the room... she should look around without any hint of a smile, then slowly a slight grin spreads across her face as she whispers, "It's not that bad."
She isn't the type to have an embarrassing convos with shinichi like that
i think she's more likely to smirk and say, "Why Shin~chan, I'm so glad you're my little brother now. You get to call me onee-san now <3" of course she's joking around with him, so she's not in her personality at this moment, other than the fact that she's making fun of him like usual...
he should turn a little red at this, but be saved when he gets a call about a case...
as he leaves... she sees her family in the night sky or stars... or wherever... and then a tear rolls down her face which she quickly wipes away. then with a face full of resolve, she sets off on her own adventure of a lifetime ^^
Wow, Kiel-chan... that's the best idea ever
Crap, I should have made her more of a witch dammit! All I was trying to do that time was to try and make Shiho-chan as adorable as much as possible
. Okay Kiel-chan... I love your idea
.. I am going to change this as soon I have the free time
Ah, really
? Thanks, but... what exactly do you mean
Which explanation? XD
aaa Kaoko and her japanese
Haha XD, I just can't keep myself calmed down seeing somebody else with the same interest
Hiragana: Lesson 20 - 'と' [to] & 'ど' [do]
Kaoko: Konnichiwa, minna! How are you doing today? I hope you are all in your high spirits and ready for the course.
Today's lesson is the for the final T Section's character, 'と'! と, in hiragana, or ト in katakana, is one of the Japanese kana, each of which represents one mora. Both represent the sound [to], and when written with dakuten represent the sound [do]. Ah, I forgot! We also have a guest today... Our character for today’s lesson is...!!
*Oink, oink...*
Kaoko: Eh
? *Turns to look* TONTON!!??
'と' is romanized 'to'.
Words with 'と':
'と' at the beginning:
友達/ともだち (tomodachi -> friend)
時/とき (toki -> time)
時計/とけい (tokei -> watch, clock)
取る/とる (toru -> to take, to obtain)
所/ところ (tokoro -> a place, a scene, a site; an address)
と言う/という (to iu -> said, called thus)
止まる/とまる (tomaru -> to stop)
迚も/とっても (tottemo -> very, exceedingly, awfully)
'と' in the middle:
勤める/つとめる (tsutomeru -> to work; to be employed)
それとも (soretomo -> or, or else)
例え/たとえ (tatoe -> an example, a simile, a metaphor)
例えば/たとえば (tatoeba -> for example, for instance, such as)
中東/ちゅうとう (chuutou -> Middle East)
'と' at the end:
外/そと (soto -> outside)
そっと (sotto -> softly, gently)
旅人/たびびと (tabibito -> traveler)
もっと (motto -> more; even more; longer; further)
Stroke order:
The character 'と' may also be combined with a dakuten, changing it into ‘ど’ in hiragana. With the dakuten added the pronunciation changes to 'do'. と + " (dakuten) = と (look below)
‘ど’ is romanized ‘do’, and pronounced ‘do’ as in ‘door’.
Words with 'ど':
'ど' at the beginning:
どこ (doko -> where)
どうぞ (douzo -> please (go ahead); help yourself; certainly you may)
毒/どく (doku -> poison)
'と' in the middle:
留まる/とどまる (todomaru -> to stay)
鉄道/てつどう (testudou -> railway)
'と' at the end:
のど (nodo -> throat)
粘土/ねんど (nendo -> clay)
Task: You shall write 'と' & 'ど' 50 - 100 times in your textbook. If you want, like with the previous lessons, write 'と' 70 times and 'ど' 30 times. Memorize the shape, the stroke order, the sound, the pronunciation (echo the sound of the character each time you write it down), etc.
After you finish with that, write 'た', 'ち', ‘つ’, ‘て’, and 'と' one after each repetitively (た, ち, つ, て, と, た, ち, つ, て, と, etc.) 50 times (100 if you have time).
Finish! We finished the T Group! Let’s move on to N Group!
友達/ともだち (tomodachi -> friend)
Wow, that's cool! You draw well
I love the coloring!
Ah, and I am interested in the Kanji you wrote
. It looks fabulous
! You are also studying Japanese?
lolz.... shinichi has a sis ...haha can u believe it?
Yah!! Am I suppose to believe it
comparing with the anime or manga it is totally IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Professor Agasa adopts her
This is a fan-fic, man~ Anything is possible in the FIC-FANDOM!
Yumi doesn't have one
Ayumi can just die.
Halfly joking
And she will never have one. She will remain alone....forever...
She can have Genta.
Don't you think they would be a nice couple? I mean, they're both half British, right?
Oh, I can just imagine them together...
I'm going for this! They look somehow perfect in a way. xD
Yay! Another supporter!
Oh, and they do, they do!
no, i don't think it could or would ever work out
Wah... why
I feel they look good together, and it's not too late for hope! Besides, Akako hasn't even made a show in DC, so why not? I don't support ShinShiho or AiCon or whatever other people like to call it.
You think? Thanks!
Oh, and Akako did show up twice in DC
LOL! AiCons will get angry... I like reading Shinichi and Shiho in fan-fics and such. But if the fact Gosho would really end the series Shinichi x Shiho... I would have to disagree
I think Hakuba is the less interesting character in DC universe. He's only here as a guest and it seems Gosho doesn't plan to develop the character in another way.
In my opinion, even if I don't like him, I think he has a better role in Magic Kaito universe. Gosho doesn't need to involve him more in the DC story. I would prefer Gosho develop more the MIB characters and the main plot (seems to be a dream... T__T)
And I think Haibara deserve better than just a empty character as a potential boyfriend.
LOL! Well, I somehow think the same way, too. He might seem boring but who knows? Maybe there's more to him than just his sarcastic side ;-).
You said that Saguru is just a guest in DC...Well, I agree with that. But I believe Gosho will never leave some character without a pair. And that Saguru is too full of himself...uhm, sometimes, I see Ai as like that...
I agree. For instance Chiba, who might have thought that he will be paired with someone random.
In my opinion, a relationship between Shiho and Shin wouldn't be more mature and adult in DC universe. And if you don't understand why I say that, I would like you show me some couple without a childish relationship. Even ErixKogoro and YusakuxYukiko are very childish in their couple. So I can't imagine that would change for another character.
I would agree with that because DC is a "Love Comedy" after all (like Gosho calls it). But I think this is true for the "Regulars" only. And I think Hakuba is not the same kind of guest as Heiji or Shiratori. He only appeared 2 or 3 times in DC.
And look at the Kid. He IS a regular but he doesn't have any girlfriend in DC universe. We saw Aoko once so we MAY imagine she is his childhood friend and is the girls he loves. But we never saw her twice. So there is no real proof.
Anyway I still think Gosho wanna keep Hakuba for MK so I don't imagine him having a girlfriend.
I agree on 'a relationship between Shiho and Shin wouldn't be more mature and adult in DC universe'. Haibara putting red pepper in Conan's pants, isn't that childish? She often teases Conan, too...
Maybe Gosho intends to save Kaitou's love story in Magic Kaito?
Naruto, character. Pick one. And talk like him/her. Now.
Ara, ara... fine xD
Well done, Kaoko-chan. Your Japanese learning material goes really interesting!
Now, time to go back to Konohagakure and choose one character you'd like to portray or otherwise Hokage will regard you as a missing nin
Thank you! I hope to get it more interesting later on ;-)
My favorite female character would be Hinata... but I am not that shy. I want to have a character that I can easily impersonate... so I think I will pick SHIZUNE (she's one of my favourites, too)!
I am new here. So please be kind to me!
Hello, everyone! Sorry for my long absence to this club. I am hoping I would be more active from now on~ Seems like it has been very fun lately. I want to share a lesson I had wrote, I included a character from Naruto
. See here -> http://japanese-ken.blogspot.com/2011/01/hiragana-lesson-19-te-de.html
I think a little edit is in order...
Ah, sorry. I was kinda tired yesterday... There, I edited it.
Thank you for pointing it out by the way ;-).
Hiragana: Lesson 19 - 'て' [te] & 'で' [de]
Kaoko: Hehe, I thought I would do some entertaining once in awhile, so I invited a guest to join us for today’s lesson. And of course, she also has a connection to our today’s subject. And her name is... TENTEN!
Tenten: Hi. How are you guys doing? You see, I have two ‘te’s in my name... that’s why Kaoko invited me for today’s lesson. よろしく お願いします ね~
Kaoko: Plus! She will be our guide.
Tenten: Hai! 頑張るよ! So, mmm.. you are dealing with the character ‘te’, right?
Kaoko: Yes. Mind explaining it to us?
Tenten: Sure. て, in hiragana, or テ in katakana, is one of the Japanese kana, each of which represents one mora. Both represent [te]. How its written and how it is pronounced is really easy to remember. We’ll cover it in a moment.
As we are here, you may also want to hear some of my name’s trivia. Tenten, "Ten", in Japanese means heaven or heavenly. So in this case, it means "heavenly, heaven". "Tenten" can also mean, "little by little" in Japanese, "this and that", "here and there", or "dot". It is also a possibility that my name insinuates "Ten out of Ten," a reference to my skill in hitting targets-
Kaoko: You are going off-topic.
Tenten: あ, ごめん.
Kaoko: Oh, can you name anything that begins with ‘te’, Tenten?
Tenten: Mmm, the first thing (or word) that comes to mind would be ‘敵/てき’. Meaning ‘enemy’, it could also mean ‘opponent’. That reminds me... I once had a opponent who is so strong... her name also begins with ‘te’.
Kaoko: Woah, ほんとう です か?
Tenten: Yup. Her name is Temari. I had a match with her in the chuunin exam... but, I- I was defeated.
Kaoko: Tenten...
Tenten: まあ いい. I have some photos of the event. いっしょ に 見ましょう?
Kaoko: Sure!
This panel has decided our destiny (see my wonderful name?).
We confronted each other, ready for the match.
This was just so embarrassing... but as you can see,
I was defeated...*sigh*
Kaoko: Wait, wait... seeing your name again, it was written in Katakana...
Tenten: What's wrong with that?
Kaoko: But we are having a Hiragana lesson here...
Tenten: まあ いい, at least they had learnt some useful facts.
Kaoko: But, but...
*Closing for the time being*
'て' is romanized 'te'.
Words with 'て':
'て' at the beginning:
手/て (te -> hand)
敵/てき (teki -> enemy)
手紙/てがみ (tegami -> letter)
天気/てんき (tenki -> weather)
点/てん (ten -> dot; point; mark)
帝国/ていこく (teikoku -> empire)
照る/てる (teru -> to gleam; shine; sparkle)
てんぷら (tenpura -> a Japanese dish made from seafood, chicken, or vegetables dipped in batter and deep fried)
天井/てんじょう (tenjou -> ceiling)
'て' in the middle:
最低/さいてい (saitei -> least; lowest; worst)
お手洗い/おてあらい (otearai -> toilet; restroom)
迚も/とても (totemo -> very; exceedingly; awfully)
'て' at the end:
だって (datte -> but; however; still; even though)
Stroke order:
The character 'て' may also be combined with a dakuten, changing it into ‘で’ [de]. With the dakuten added the pronunciation is changed, to 'de'. て + " (dakuten) = で (look below)
‘で’ is romanized (pronounced) ‘de’ as in ‘demo’.
Words with 'で':
'で' at the beginning:
です (desu -> expresses politeness toward the listener)
でも (demo -> (particle で [de] + も [mo]) even; but; however)
電気/でんき (denki -> electricity)
電話/でんわ (denwa -> telephone)
出る/でる (deru -> to appear, to come forth, to leave)
'で' at the end:
まで (made -> untill; as far as; up to)
腕/うで (ude -> arm; skill)
Task: You shall write 'て' & 'で' 50 - 100 times in your textbook. If you want, like with the previous lessons, write 'て' 70 times and 'で' 30 times. Memorize the shape, the stroke order, the sound, the pronunciation (echo the sound of the character each time you write it down), etc.
And after you are done write 'た', 'ち', ‘つ’ and 'て' one after each repetitively (た, ち, つ, て, etc.) 50 times (100 if you have time).
Thank you very much for attending.
See you guys again next time! And good luck with
your homework!
手/て (te -> hand)
Akai Shuuichi's Death Theory!
in General
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Well, that may be true
. I half-believe he provided a bullet proof in his hat.