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Posts posted by Officer Kaoko
Wo...."な" letter...
Naruhodo,,,ehehehe...now,i see how "な" will use...
Demo,kaoko-tantei san...You'll just run away for ramen^^haha..
Lol! Glad you know now
. And what do you mean I ran away from ramen? I ran away because Nami wanted to kill me
. Ah, and if you don't mind, Conan's girlfriend (
)... can you remove my quote from your post? I did some mistake in the lesson
... Even though I edit my post of mistakes, my post in your post will remain the same
. And it's taking quite a space D:
You're welcome
The storyline you made always witty and nice
The ramen looks so delicious
Ah, I am not sure I did a good one just now... the story was kinda lame
. Anyway, glad you like it! (Get to work, Tna
! We are waiting
I'm agree to it...it was so wonderful...^^
Thank you!
This thread is wonderful ^^. I just read a bit of it over and it was very informative and fun <3
Oww, welcome to Japanese Classroom, Kirite
! There's more to it like Cheesus said, so don't be shy to visit often
! I was planning to create a thread like this (or post the lessons) there in DCTP, but I saw there was a thread for 'Ask anything about Japanese here'... so... since there was already a thread about it
How do you say "I see" in Japanese?
Like Conan's girlfriend said
It's 成程【なるほど/naruhodo】- 'I see', it can also be translated to -> That's right!; indeed.
Conan often says them (it is said a lot anyway), or more often (when he hit the bullseye), this one -> そうか, そ 言う 事 か!/sou ka, so iu koto ka! (I see, so that's how it is!)
Tna: カオコ! きのうは, チイススは ヤクザに 殺された/Kaoko! Kinou wa, Cheesus wa yakuza ni korosareta! (Kaoko! Yesterday, Cheesus was killed by the yakuza!)
Kaoko: なるほど/naruhodo (I see).
You can also use;
そう です か/sou desu ka (polite)
そう か/sou ka (plain)
わかりました/wakarimashita (polite)
わかった/wakatta (plain)
"sou desu ka" is similar to "naruhodo", but this is used when you received an answer of your question and to show it to the listener. If you were silence even when the listener answered you, he/she may confirm if you heard of that or not.
Maurice (at a convenience store, after looking for ice cream): すみません, アイスクリイヌが 見つからないん です けど.../sumimasen, aisukuriimu ga mitsukaranai n desu kedo... (Excuse me, I can't find ice cream...)
Parkur: ぜんぶ 売り切れました よ./zenbu urikiremashita yo. (All of ice cream were sold out.)
Maurice: え, ぜんぶ?/e, zenbu? (What, all?)
Parkur: はい, 今日は 暑い です から/hai, kyou wa atsui desu kara. (Yes, because it's hot today.)
Maurice: そう です か, 判りました./sou desu ka, wakarimashita. (I see, it's okay.)
As you can see in above, "wakarimashita" is often used together with "naruhodo" and "sou desu ka". The literal meaning is "I understood", and when it's with "naruhodo", it indicates that you understood the meaning of something or got information that you were looking for. So, you may say "naruhodo" because you got the reason why all of ice cream were sold out. But when you were quite disappointed, perhaps you will not get interested in the reason.
Hope this all helps!
<3 nami
そう です か/sou desu ka (polite)
How do we get the staff to fix this? (I love the onion by the way. Where do you get them?)
Ummm... not sure it could be fix
... I recommend you use the simple one (not the rich text editor version
). Or you could post your Fan-Fiction to www.fanfiction.net, and then link it here
(though I guess that you prefer it here
As for the onions, go here -> http://www.cute-factor.com/imlister.php?cid=onion&type=e&pp=500 (there's a bunch list out of them
). Each emoticon has 3 boxes beneath it, copy-all the forum one, and then paste it to your post
. Glad you liked them
What's this
I kid, I kid
*Looks at the first picture
(for 5 minutes)*
*Looks at the second picture
(for 10 minutes)*
*Looks at the third picture
(for 54 minutes)*
*Looks at the Manga coloring
(for 6 minutes)*
... I love them
! You draw awesome, Kirite
! Post more!
I like how you managed to paint Detective Boys
And wow, the characters looked so cute there
Hiragana: Lesson 21 - 'な' [na]
Kaoko: Hello once again, everyone! I hope you are all are in the best of healths and are in high spirits for today’s lesson. Uh... we have a guest fr today’s lesson... well, you know... she is quite, ehem... famous... her head... is, wanted... for over... 16,000,000... umm...
Nami: ...I didn’t come here to be targetted... where’s the money?
Kaoko: Ehh! But we haven’t started yet! And you didn’t even do anything!
Nami: Sheesh... so, what would you like me to do *rude tone*?
Kaoko: It was a mistake I chose you for today's lesson...
Nami: Seriously, why did you call a pirate over to be a help guy to some ridiculous lesson?
Kaoko: Meanie! You can go home now for all I care. I won’t give you anything because you didn’t help
Nami: Eeehhh! After all the way. ごめん, ごめん! ほんとうに ごめなさい (sorry, sorry! I am really sorry)! What would you like me to do, Kaoko-oneesama~
Kaoko: Huh (変わった)? Ah, well... you see, we are having hiragana ‘な’. And want a bried explanation.
Nami: (I didn’t know that it was just this) Very well, な, in hiragana, or ナ in katakana, is one of the Japanese kana, which each represent one mora. The hiragana is made in four strokes, while the katakana in two. Both represent [na]. な and ナ originate from 奈.
Kaoko: Next is, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind when I tell you to have a word beginning with the character ‘な’.
Nami: Well of course, that would be my name, ‘Nami’. My name refers to the meaning of wave 波/なみ (nami).
Kaoko: Heehh.. Your name suits you to be in the sea.
Nami: Having said so, I have another word.
Kaoko: What is it?
Nami: 涙/なみだ, meaning ‘tear’. I use to cry a lot when I was a kid...
Kaoko: Thanks for your company today. That’s enough talking for today... now, let us move on!
Nami: Well, I’ll have to be going then. Where’s the reward?
Kaoko: You will have to wait till the end of the lesson.
Nami: ...
'な' is romanized 'na' and pronounced ‘na’ as in ‘nap’.
Words with 'な':
'な' at the beginning:
仲間/なかま (nakama -> companion; fellow; comrade; mate; partner)
長い/ながい (nagai -> long; lenghty)
波/なみ (nami -> wave)
何/なに (nani -> interrogative pronoun; what)
なぜ (naze -> interrogative pronoun; why)
泣く/なく (naku -> crying)
涙/なみだ (namida -> tears)
名前/なまえ(namae -> name)
'な' in the middle:
花火/はなび (hanabi -> fireworks)
あなた (anata -> you; formal speech for addressing someone, but common speech for women)
話す/はなす (hanasu -> talking; speaking)
悲しみ/かなしみ (kanashimi -> sadness; sorrow)
同じ/おなじ (onaji -> the same; identical; similar)
うなぎ (unagi -> eel)
~ない (~nai) -> used for negating verb or adjective
We can just simply add ~ない at the end of verb/adjective:-
食べない/たべない (tabe~nai -> not eating)
読まない/よまない (yoma~nai -> not reading)
泣かない/なかない (naka~nai -> not crying)
'な' at the end:
魚/さかな (sakana -> fish)
花/はな (hana -> flower)
粉/こな (kona -> powder)
女/おんな (onna -> woman)
刀/かたな (katana - sword)
雛/ひな (hina -> chick; young bird)
‘な’ also used as a suffix at the end of interrogative sentence:
かな?(ka na?) -> “I wonder...” ('Ka na' implies having mostly made up one's mind)
Stroke order:
Task: You shall write 'な' 50 - 100 times in your textbook. Memorize the shape, the stroke order, the sound, the pronunciation (echo the sound of the character each time you write it down), etc.
*behind the scene*
Nami: You finished, I was holding my patient the whole time. So if you don’t mind...
Kaoko: Well of course, here!
鳴門/なると (naruto)
Nami: What’s this?!
Kaoko: Because of today’s lesson ‘な’, your reward will also have to be something that begins with ‘な’. Ah, and I also made this for you~ ;-)
*Smokes coming out from Nami’s body, flames were showing on her eyes, her stick she was holding was beginning to melt from the heat*
Kaoko: Na-Nami-san...?
Nami: That’s it! You are gonna pay, you cheeky bitch!
Kaoko: Eh, wha- what? What's wrong? Nami-san? *runs away in fear*
Nami: まって (wait)! くそおんな (you damn woman)!
Mmmm~ this is delicious...
Credits: Thanks to Tna-chan who helped with me with the examples~
テナは 大丈夫かなあ/Tena wa daijoubu ka naa (I wonder if Tena is alright.)
ケンニは がんばってくれかなあ/Kenny wa ganbatte kure ka naa. (I wonder if Kenny is doing his best.)
ケンニは どこかなあ/Kenny wa doko ka naa. (I wonder where's Kenny)
仲間/なかま (nakama -> companion; fellow; comrade; mate; partner)
Scheduled email sending.
All Japanese Classroom students will get invitation to forum.
Haha, thanks
! Just to inform you guys that the forum I made is for us to create and discuss projects for our Japanese learning community
. As sharing pictures for our certain lessons, ideas and suggestions for the blog and the courses
, etc. In addition of that, I permit members to create forums in the off topic boards, like Gin requested for the Naruto forum there
. But remember, our main home is here in DCW
May I join?
Of course you can
! Welcome to Japanese Classroom of DCW
ahh...Nothing,i've just realized that it has the "と" letter...I've used it as i have read the lesson...
I think i will wait for the next lesson..
Sorry, haha... I will post the lesson shortly hopefully. I am having Tna to help me with the lessons, like finding the examples and stuff (because I'm quite busy these days, too. Having Tna to help me, we will post the lessons more quickly
). And just to tell you guys that she is doing a great job
Of course you can.
Sorry I haven't been on lately, real life's gotten busier. Looks like Kaoko's got everything under control (so much that I'm probably not needed anymore, lol). I've got exams coming up in the next few weeks so I might be offline for sometime.
Glad to have you back, Kenny! No, you are always needed, 私達は あなたが 大好き なんです から! I have quite few things I wanna ask... but since you said you were busy
... I really didn't want to disturb you
I hope you for the best luck in the upcoming exam
! Gambatte ne, Kenny
, I was always trying to meet you
! I read your posts and they almost kill me from laughter
! They are really are enjoyable to read
. You are fun!
Nice to meet you again
Oh, and welcome to DCW
! I really hope you enjoy it here, and... post your drawings here, too
Have fun here
! And hope to talk to you soon
I thought that way, but now I'm not so sure... I'll wait until it's revealed so I can make my choice!
No, no, no! I changed my mind... after the theories I read in the wiki, I completely change my mind
! Now I believe Okiya Subaru is the real Akai, and Scar Akai is Bourbon.
If it has been revealed, making a choice then is pointless
Welcome back, Xevar
I enjoyed reading a paragraph from your diary.
Your games in the Games' has gained a lot of popularity
I always wonder where you went, glad to have you back
To tell you the truth, I mistook you for a girl before
And I am amuse that you are in love with DCW forum
Anyway, have fun KICKING
I use both. No change.
It goes a problem when you copy-paste
Say, do you use the rich text editor
? Using that it was causes you this problem, switch it to the basic one, then try again
Can i join too..
i know few or moderate word or verbs like:
Suru,shitte,iru and arimasu..
Family calls like
Oniichan,oneechan,odou san and okasan
and other basic words like
kon'nichiwa,hajimemashite,kombanwa,otanjobi omedeto,omedeto gozaimasu,akemashite omedeto gozaimasu,and other basic basic and moderate words....
since i've learning how to be a VOICE ACTOR...
Pretty good ;-). But -> "Oniichan,oneechan,odou san and okasan"
It is 'Otou-san' or did you just typed wrong?
You are welcome
Haha I've just come up with those two characters idea a little bit too late
, すみません
So, the next lesson will begin with "Na"? Then you could use ナルトうずまき for the main character ~ but he's using katakana
Ja, I'll wait for the next lesson
Ummm, I've used 2 characters from Naruto... I wanna use characters from other anime
. xD
I think she is doing 平仮名 (Hiragana). ナ is a katakana. She may teach you な first. She won't use ナルト like in the manga. But she can use なると like this picture:
Wow, maybe we can sum this up in the na lesson
Ah~ you meant narutomaki?
Well, well, Uzumaki Naruto I suggested just for main character of the topic lesson ( な ), like Tenten and Tonton before
Yeah, haha
Shalala itsuka kitTO,though it's from Naruto OP....(i don't know where it is)but it's titled Hotaru no Hikari(ホタルの光)
it depends on the explanation,though "と" is a used for quoting...
it is used as "if,when,and & with...
I have many learned from "TO" letter...^^
. But it's kinda hard to understand what you are trying to get
<3 TenTen
I love Tenten, too. That's why I used her
. Are you also attending the lessons, Parkur? Would you mind me adding you to the list
... Tenten is AWESOME
omg what is this? Is this the official DCW page for learning/teaching Japanese? xD
and wow, Kaoko! : D
This is just a classroom I and my sensei started. But, there's a secret... there'd be more to this community
(sorry, but I can't say any further
, would you like to join, Kaitou-chan
Welcome Nightie! Welcome to the absolute world of terror
... joking, welcome to DCW
You, you better love it here
Hello to us
! Welcome to DCW
Nice to have someone from Antarctica
! I hope you really like it here
Nice to have someone from Jordan
Welcome to DCW
! I hope you really like it here
Welcome to DCW
I am Officer Kaoko at your service
What did you prefer in the old layout?
The information boxes... I personally think it was better to remain in the center. When going to someone's profile, our eyes would always drops in the center first, having to move them to the corner (<- lazy)... I think it's easier to spot having it in the middle
And the Topics and Posts tabs... before, when you go on them, it doesn't expand everything, instead they give you the scroll-down thingie. I think it's more cooler like that
Just PM me your new account and I'll see what I can do! The next time, all you need to do is login using Facebook, then, when you're redirected to the forum it'll ask you to either register a new account (this option's a no no for you) or to link your fb account to an existing account (that's the one you want
Okay, I will send it to you (lol, this is so embarrassing
). And thanks for the info! But at that time, I was only trying to see how does it work to register via Facebook (but I wasn't planning to create a new account
). I was only admiring the new upgrade of DCW forum
so sad
the funeral part made me cry
Thanks for reading
. I am so attached that my story has made someone cry
What a sad ending...
I keep on crying till the end... It's an awesome story! Good job!
Thanks very much! I kinda mistook you for me
. Your name kinda sounds the same, and you also use Emoticons a lot
. Hahaha
I only read the second part, but it looks good. The only thing I can't figure out is which couple this is centered on- Aicon, or ShinRan. Please tell me it was ShinRan and Shinichi sacrificed himself to join her! Please! (I love fics where Ran dies and Shinichi commits suicide or something days later... I'm sadist for my favorite couple, I know. In fact, I wrote a two shot where Ran threw herself off of a cliff...) How'd you keep the spaces in the right places? (that rhymed...) When I copy and pasted my fanfic it mashed some of the words together creating an terrible mess which I still haven't managed to fix... Oh well, nice two-shot whether it was AiCon or Shinran, but it'd be cooler if it was ShinRan...
This is Shiho -> Shinichi -><-Ran fan fic
(only Shiho had feeling for Shinichi. In other words,one sided love between them). But why didn't you read the first part
Here, not long time ago, Ran dies... Shinichi lost all his hope to live. By wanting to avenge Ran's death, he pursued 2 BO members into the building... the building caught on fire, and then that where Shiho barge in to save him. But
... anyway, I recommend you read the first part
And as for how I kept the spaces in the right places... wait, wait...
First, you aren't using rich text editor, are you
To tell the truth I think there isn't any romantic development for the characters of Heiji, the Kid AND Haibara because they are still very popular with a kind of readers who want to see them involved with Conan/Shinichi. We had a lot of confessions in DC since 2 years but nothing about these characters. So I'm not really sure Gosho plans to end them up with someone at the end of the manga.
This is the first time I see someone who considered that
. I always thought that Heiji is in love with Kazuha
Considering what you just said, there's always a possibility. Who would have thought that Chiba would get a girl? And it was just recently. We never know
Good point, I will be a little more optimistic, but still not convinced.
Thats true, it might not happen, probably won't, but who knows whats in the mind of Aoyoma?
Well, I just think they will be a nice couple. There's no good pair for Saguru in Magic Kaito...so why not Shiho?
Indeed. Maybe Gosho, even after Shinichi regain his original form, after the end of the Black Organization the story will still continue (with another title). Imagine Shiho meets Hakuba
~ They will not fell in love at first site, rather Shiho despise of him at first. Then something happens, like... he saves her from danger or something along those lines
. Little by little, she starts to open her heart for him
. That would be so... awesome
In Movie 10, Hakuba was Kid. So technically, they weren't close at all. What's wrong with the Mitsuhiko Haibara pairing? They look so darn cute together!
It's not that I don't like HakubaXAi, it's just that I prefer Mitsuhiko Ai. Ai should just start over and give up Shiho, because while in Shinichi's case Conan doesn't really exist, it's more like the other way around for Ai. It was a good thing for her to shrink, that way, she just start all over again and make friends. Notice that her real childhood wasn't so pleasant (at least probably wasn't pleasant.) So I'm kind of stuck between Hakuba and Mitsuhiko for this. But isn't Akako supposedly Hakuba's GF?
Haibara hasn't declare it that she would like to stay small forever
Say you are 18 and there's a boy at the age of 7 has feelings for you... would you like him as your boyfriend
And Akako has no interest in any men other than Kaito. Hakuba is Kaito's foe... and Akako despise anyone who gets in Kaitou KID's way
This is a game where you have to turn the offensive sentences to one less offensive.
I will first give you a sentence... rude, offensive and... very bad! And you must change it to euphemistic sentence.
For example:
Sentence for today, Kaoko representing
-> Kaoko had killed your brother yesterday
Person 1: Kaoko sent your brother to heaven yesterday.
Person 2: Kaoko...
-> I need to do poops in the toilet
Person 1: I have some business to intend in the restroom
Person 2: I've got something to give to that room.
Person 3: I need to throw up
Person 4: I need to clean up my tummy in the restroom
-> How's your disease?
Person 1: How are you?
Person 2: How's your... err... health?
If you cannot think of anything else, create a new one!
Okay, here I begin~
Who just farted? I will give them a HELL piece of me
Akh, this is still incomplete
... any ideas you guys would like to suggest
Welcome to DCW
! Where are you
Anyway, have a GREAT time
Hi, Emy
I am really glad to have you here. So Detective Conan doesn't broadcast in Sweden? That's... sad
Anyway, I am glad to get to read your intro
Have fun
Hello and welcome to DCW
You have a nice, short and simple intro. I like it!
Same here, I've started reading Detective Conan when I was 6. I still can remember the nightmares I use to have
Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay here
Hi, Angela
Welcome to DCW!
As for you trying to find English episodes more than 130 is more likely impossible because FUNimation had already quited dubbing Detective Conan
By the way, nice poll
I'm pretty sure the Boss has appeared. In an interview, he said the Boss had already appeared in the series at one point.
Well, Gosho did say that but... I can't imagine the boss being one of the main characters
Suggestions (Wiki wish list)
in Wiki discussion
Posted · Report reply
Hi, Chekhov! I will be glad to help, so I will try to take some shots with what I have from the episodes! Which scenes would you like me to take?
Here're some right now ;-):