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Posts posted by Heliotropic

  1. I was wondering about that too when I read that particular chapter! Reminds me of how they horribly censored Terra Formars which was a late night anime, what more with Detective Conan.

    That aside, is Crunchyroll even planning to sub and post all the episodes from the beginning?


    It's possible they could delve into the backlog at some point... but to sub such a backlog is asking for a lot. Maybe if it were more popular, but it's not doing that great on Crunchyroll from the looks of it.

  2. The AMV does pose a problem, but I still hope it could work because I have sooo many I occasionally rewatch on youtube, they always show it in such a nice way that either makes you cry, or keeps you eyes glued to the screen, which is kind of how DC is for me. I still hope I can find one that meets my criteria.

    Thanks again.

    Btw, I love your pic. Komei~ Can't wait for the upcoming episodes where he'll make an appearance along with Kansuke!


    I'm definitely looking forward to the Kawanakajima case. It was my favorite case in the manga last year, so I'm hoping the anime doesn't botch it. I also really like the sound of Kuroda's VA, so I'm looking forward to his debut!


    I don't think your AMV idea is necessarily a bad one, but it would be difficult to really convey what DC is like, especially to a newcomer, and they tend to have quite a few spoilers. Either way, best of luck with that one!

  3. I think there are a couple ways to go about this, but ultimately, you can't really force anyone to get into it if they don't want to.

    I think Detective Conan, at least, can resonate quite well with people in general, so it's not hard to get into, but the episodic nature of the series, even if you just stick by the manga/plot, is a pretty big turn off for some, not to mention the length... I think the series in particular really picks up around Haibara's entrance and peaks around the end of the Vermouth arc. I don't think it'd take too long to watch up until that point if you follow a list... since there is even more "filler" early on. If people don't have an interest in the cases themselves though, I think that's a pretty big indicator that they won't like it.

    The very beginning of the series has some nice set-up and is fast paced too, so it's not going to be much of a mystery of whether or not your friends will like it or not, especially as it only gets better from there, at least to a certain point...


    You could use this list, as I think it covers everything essential, without omitting anything important: http://www.xerblade.com/p/detective-conan-important-episode-list.html


    In regards to animation style, it could go either way. DC has a rather "dated" art-style, but personally, I prefer the old animation that existed in the early 2000s the most. It still has that "old" style to some extent in the newer episodes though, and I don't think people will be too bothered from the transition. It's just something you kind of have to expect given the series is over 20 years old.


    I'm not really sure about the AMVs, as I don't really know if that would be a good way to really capture the series in the first place. It's something that mostly appeals to mystery lovers, so I think the best way for people to get into it is just to watch it themselves, starting from the beginning of course...


    Hope this helps! Take care, and enjoy yourself on DCW!

  4. Text Spoilers 950


    20発の弾丸 13発目 謎の女(cv.天海祐希) 
    FILE950 切り取られた文字 
    第一発見者は、凶器になりそうなものを持っていなかった なぜなのか 
    FUSAE BRANDの文字から、犯人の名前"SENBA"を抜き取り 
    U MASCARA - ASACA = U M R ……うまるちゃん!!!!! 
      次号、作者取材の為 休載です。■第15号につづく■

  5. Kind of old news, but another update from the movie website...




    I guess this is referring to Yuki Amami starring as the guest movie character, and we'll get some background on them in the next issue of Shonen Sunday?




  6. I've got another questions which really confuse me, why is it so easy to infiltrate the BO? so many has done it already and they didn't get caught? ( as soon as I remember).

    Why doesn't Anokate know about Vermouth's traitorous behavior? when she is his favorite and so close to him? is he that stupid? to be deceived by woman? or he does know yet doesn't make anything about it?

    How come the BO couldn't hide it's existente completely? 

    Sine we know that RUM is second in the organization doesn't that make the BO quit small organization? we already know who is second in lead..


    Perhaps you can convince Gosho why introducing so many spies is a bad idea  :P - Let's forget the upcoming movie is going a bit further with this as well... (but at least it's not canon)

    Ethan Hondou was killed trying to protect his daughter's identity. Scotch is dead (apparently killed by Akai, but we really don't know the circumstances of his death), Camel made a blunder and Akai's plans were ruined... Bourbon might have some complications in the future, but only Vermouth seems to be on to him, and she's being blackmailed... Who knows what she'll do. Kir's been suspected quite a bit and is still under close observation after Akai's "death". 



    Vermouth has always been rather secretive. She did have a bit of freedom before, but was reprimanded for it at one point. It's not like she goes completely unpunished.

    Why she is the favorite, it's hard to say... It's implied that they have some type of special connection, but we don't really know what that is yet... I think Gosho only confirmed so far that she wasn't the boss' wife.


    I think with any rather large crime syndicate... There are bound to be some errors. Hiding its existence perfectly is something that'd be relatively hard to do amidst all of these shady dealings... Truthfully, I'm a bit surprised that they don't have more leads (coincidental or not).


    Why does Rum being second have anything to do with the organization's size? We don't even know hardly anything about Rum anyways... just that he's the second, can fit various descriptions, and apparently has a prosthetic eye.

    Code-named members always strike me as being "important" members, but I think there are a ton of dispensable members we won't ever know about. I think if we only look at the code-named members, it does appear small...


    Here's My Summary and Deduction for FILE 948-949:

    17 years ago(Summary):
    * Haneda Kouji Crime Scene(hotel room):
    - Cause of death is declared unkown(APTX4869) but his body has shown signs of struggle
    - plates and crockery broken to pieces on the floor, and a small mirror(that was originally engraved with "PUT ON MASCARA") with missing letters ("U" & "MASCARA")
    - The water tab was left on
    - Haneda was visited by Amanda Hughes before the murder
    - Haneda was tightly holding a scissor
    * Amanda Huges is a very influtential american investor that has contacts within FBI & CIA!
    * Amanda Hughes' Crime Scene was also in a hotel room and it was messy as well
    * Suspect is Amanda's bodyguard, "Asaka":
    - disappeared after the crime
    - Asaka has long black tied hair
    - Asaka is seemingly dark-skinned
    - Relatives/acquaintances don't know how Amanda hired Asaka
    * The president of a real estate company Hiyama Kunishima's Crime Scene(Guest House):
    - Hiyama was initially attacked in another room, then fled to the bathroom, where he was finished off
    - Hiyama was struck on the head and the murder weapon is missing
    - Glass shards from a broken "FUSAE BRAND" glass was found on the floor.
    - the water tab was left on
    - there was a mop inside that was suspected to be the murder weapon until it was proved wrong
    - Hiyama was tightly holding a scissor
    - Paste of honey was found on the wound of the victim
    - After two loud 'Pong' sounds from the roof, a yellow-coloured ball was found outside a mini-window, near the toilet, and another object(presumed to be the murder weapon) was found under the main house. ants were found marching in a single file towards the unknown object.
    - There's a park near the guest house
    * Sweet shop owner Senba Kazutoku is the suspect(the first discoverer):
    - bodyguards found only Yaiba action-figure(with an unattached "cloth") in a plastic bag and a paper with pictures of dolls on Senba, before letting him enter the guest house.
    - his shirt is buttoned on incorrectly and not tucked in well.
    - he hurt his left foot because he claims he stepped on the glass shards when he rushed to the victim
    - his sandal has a clean glass shard pierced through it and the sandal is bloody on the in- and outside
    - he holds on to his right leg when walking because of a previous accident that wounded it
    The murderer is obviously Senba!
    * This is what could have possibly happened:
    - Murder weapon:
    The murder weapon is a jar with honey(frozen(?))! he had brought it in using a trick(which will be explained soon)! after using it to kill(which left a paste of honey on the victim by accident), he started to heat it up a bit by running hot water over the jar in order to liquefy the honey, then he placed it outside the small window so that its aroma can attract the ants that will eventually carry the jar away from the window. Ants can carry up to at least 50 times their weight.
    - The Trick:
    What I think the key points to solving the trick of the murder weapon is "the yellow ball", "the park nearby", "the toys and paper with pictures of dolls" and "the mop"! What Senba did was making a agreement with a kid he found playing in the park. He told the kid to throw the yellow ball, and the honey jar(which might've been frozen in order for it to not break(?)) over the fence at a certain time(from an angle that would make them land close to the small window). The two "PONG" sounds the bodyguards heard was from these two items he asked the kid to throw. What the kid would gain in return was the toys/paper with picture of dolls. the reason he brought an action-figure toy and picture of dolls was because he wasn't certain whether he would meet up with a boy or girl in the park. after they landed close to the window, he used the mop to bring the honey jar closer to the window, before the bodyguard arrived. the reason he threw a yellow ball was so that the bodyguards would mistake the "Pong" sound for a simple accident by kids playing rather than it being related to the case.
    * Thoughts on the murder scene:
    It was discussed before that maybe the missing letters of the "PUT ON MASCARA" mirror was meant to be a dying message. It's possible that Hiyama intentionally broke the "FUSAE BRAND" glass in order to take the letters from it that would make out "SENBA". One possible thing that Okiya and Conan noticed with the sandal pierced with a glass shard is the fact that the glass shard wasn't bloody at all, at the tip that supposedly hit the left foot. That could indicate that Senba faked his accidental injury(hurt himself intentionally) and pierced the glass through the sandal himself in order to hide something. The reason Senba wears his clothes in such an untidy way is possibly because he rushed when he was trying to wear his shirt inside out, in order to hide the victim's blood, but since it's blood we are talking about, it's weird that it wouldn't become visible through a white shirt, so maybe that's unlikely. You wouldn't hold the scissor the way Hiyama/Kouji held it if you wanted to use it to break the glass/mirror, so the scissors' purpose has to be something else. Why the sink was left on is still a mystery to me. Maybe Senba wanted to make sure there wasn't any bits of honey or blood left on sink(after washing the honey jar). Lastly, the motive might have to do with the accident Senba was in a month ago as well as Hiyama approaching Senba's son.
    * Thoughts on what happened 17 years ago:
    Another possiblity one can consider is if Asaka's true identity was Akai's father. Since Amanda had contacts within the FBI, maybe James recommended his old friend Mr. Akai to be her bodyguard. That explains how her relatives/acquaintances didn't know how he was hired, because Mr. Akai wanted keep his connection to Amanda a secret(for security purposes) and even went as far as having a fake name. Akai mentioned that his father was involved, and that his involvement led to Akai joining the FBI. If his father was framed by the BO for the murder of Haneda and Amanda, no wonder Akai grew a grudge against them. As for looks, since Akai used to have long hair, it's possible he inherited it from his father, hence the feminine hairstyle on the news picture.



    Very well summarized. I'm really not sure exactly how he committed the crime, but it's a nice theory. You really put in some effort trying to solve this one  :D


    I'm really looking forward to 950, fun case so far though!


    I read through 948 and 949 pretty quickly, I need to examine them again a bit later tonight  :P

    • Upvote 1

  8. I assumed that when Gosho said the real deal, he meant that Rum will appear fully in the movie, meaning that it won't just be his voice or a silhouette like others speculated.

    That kind of seems like wishful thinking to me... I'm not going to read into it too much, since what he said is rather ambiguous. It just means Rum will be in the movie in some form. Unless Rum does turn out to be a pre-existing character, it's hard to be "optimistic" when we have that hint that was (probably) referring to Lum.


    That would actually be the worst thing ever in the series imo.

    I think it could go either way for me. If they were to reveal his identity in the movie before the manga, I agree. That would be beyond terrible... even if they do show Rum directly, after he's appeared in the manga, I still think it's a really bad decision. Pretty significant spoiler for people exclusive to the anime, and they aren't going to hold off on watching a very hyped movie, and given the current situation, I don't even think it's comparable to M18's "reveal".

    • Upvote 1

  9. New update to the Movie website tonight. Something called the "Black Impact Project" - http://www.conan-movie.jp/bip/index.html









    Apparently, you can also create a personal code-name/profile via the website: http://sp.mco.cybird.ne.jp/cpn/bipgrt/bipgrt_top.php

    • Upvote 1

  10. 949 Text Spoiler translations from Spimer

    File 949: Sweet scent

    Okiya lets out that it was his father and not him who was involved in the case of 17 years ago: when Conan tries asking about his father Okiya instead asks Conan who he really is so Conan doesn't ask anymore.

    The 1st discoverer (owner of a candy shop) has his wounds taken care of and is about to leave yet he's stopped from doing so (presumably by the police). Okiya then asks him whether he stepped into glass with the right foot. The 1st discoverer replies that he stepped into the glass with the left foot and that he'd damaged his right foot in an accident time ago. Nevertheless, they ask the 1st discoverer to recreate his tale of the discovery.

    After the man got checked by the bodyguards on the entrance of the annex he opened the sliding door to step inside yet no-one came out: he called out in a loud voice yet there was no response. 

    He then realized that the bathroom's dressing room door further inside was opened: he peeked inside and found the victim already dead or so he says yet if the door was fully opened then he shouldn't have stepped on the debris: if they are to believe that the door was only a bit opened then it feels odd that the debris weren't stepped by the opened door.

    The 1st discoverer objects that if he'd been the one to attack the victim he should have blood spurts: he takes off his coat but his shirt's buttons aren't correctly set. The back's cuff is popping out of the trousers and despite that he's tightened the tie his outfit as a whole is untidy.

    The forensics finish taking photos of the crime scene and are about to retrieve the debris when Okiya asks the 1st discoverer whether he stepped into the debris barefoot or not: the man answers he was wearing slippers and brings out evidence of that. The forensics carrying the body pass next to the ground and they notice a sweet scent: for some unknown reason the victim's wounds see to have a honey-like paste.

    Megure tells Conan and the other 2 to come out and they are convinced that the man is the culprit yet how he did it and what was the weapon remain unknown: they ask the bodyguards about what the 1st discoverer carried upon coming:

    . A vinyl bag containing a bonus figure to be put in candy
    . His wallet
    . A handkerchief
    . Keys

    And, apart from that there was a color ball like the ones that sell in candy shops that landed in the yard: it was only 1 ball and no-one came to ask for it so they didn't mind it but now that there's this case going on they'd handed it over to the police.

    It was rolling on the ground next to a small window without steel bars, the bathroom's feet but it was a small space in which not even a child could fit in: they add that it was pretty loud when it was rolling on the ground despite its size: Conan and Okiya begin to wonder if the weapon was hidden inside of that ball when Agasa screams at seeing a row of ants. He says that they're cute when they're picture book drawings but he hates the real ones.

    Okiya looks at where the ants head to and finds something that's ended up beneath the edge (of the bathroom?).

    Side-note: "Is the weapon where the ants head to...!? Next issue, the resolution!"

    • Upvote 1

  11. File 949 Text Spoilers: http://nozomi.2ch.sc/test/read.cgi/ymag/1455279836/0-


    FILE949 甘い匂い 




    ・駄菓子につけるビニール入りのおまけフィギュア ・財布 ・ハンカチ ・鍵 
    などとコナンたちが考えていると阿笠が悲鳴を上げる 見ればアリの行列 


    Fujiwara: 949: Okiya says the one affected by events 17 years ago wasn't him but his father. Conan tries to ask about his father but is instead asked about his identity, so he breaks off (the conversation).

    • Upvote 1

  12. I think it was cleared up in an interview not too long ago that the boss does not have an alcoholic code-name, though he is the one to assign the code-names.


    Apparently an informal interview was given by Gosho on Jan 3rd, 2013 to fans. There is no transcript I know about (hopefully something more detailed will pop up to confirm) but reports of what was talked about made it onto Baidu. Usually interviews from there are somewhat suspect, but this info seems to be well regarded because it isn't absurdly revealing, the poster included pictures of the informal meet, and a similar informal interview (linked) was given last year around this time. The Japanese person who was at the previous year’s interview also had commentary on this one. The Chinese and Japanese accounts do not contradict each other, so it is extremely likely the info is accurate.


    今天柯南作者见面会问答 组织消息
    Posted by 我爱贝尔摩得

    Y大蟹酥Y微博消息 大叔说还会有新的组织成员登场
    否认boss是阿笠博士 灰原和琴酒确实有关系,但具体是什么关系敬请期待 怪盗基德不会再和组织有交集 明年20周年可能会画组织相关内容 大boss没有酒名代号,但成员的代号都是大boss起的

    Translation by Conan4869 with edits: Gosho said there [could be] a new member of the Black Organization [appearing], denied Agasa is BO boss. There is a relationship between Sherry and Gin, wait to see what relationship between them. Kaito Kid won't be involved in the BO story anymore. Next year 20th anniversary (Year 2014) he may create a story about BO. BO boss had no codename related to alcohol, but members' codenames are named by BO boss.


    • Likely no big BO confrontation cases will happen in 2013, although the plot with Amuro, Sera, and Akai should go on. Chapter 900 will fall in approx February-March 2014 at the current rate, which suggests Gosho will hold off until 2014 - the 20th anniversary of DC. (For anime watchers, BO cases or cameos often occur on manga file numbers that are multiples of 100)
    • Gosho may be thinking about introducing another new BO member, but he is probably going to clean up some of the current plot first. It will probably be a while before there are any new BO. To put it in perspective, the Nagano case Gosho talked about last year in January still hasn't happened yet. It would make the most sense to introduce a new member in File 900 in 2014 to coincide with the 20th anniversary.
    • We already knew Agasa wasn't the boss and the boss gave out alcohol codenames.
    • No more Kaitou Kid messing up the BO plot!!! <- BEST NEWS
    • I doubt Gosho will clear up Sherry and Gin's relationship. Whenever the issue came up in earlier interviews, he gave pretty much the same answer. The only new development about that mystery since the early Vermouth arc is Gin thinking of Shiho naked again in the train case. Fans have been asking Gosho about the two of them since the Vermouth arc without success, so it must be sensitive and/or something Gosho is saving for later.



    • Upvote 1

  13. I think Yoko Okino is the boss of the organization, in the current of this series there have been more evidence about this chance. Is it possible, do you think? 


    No. I don't think it's possible. Though some people believe that she was intended to originally be Vermouth/Boss, I guess? I'd say regardless of what could have happened, it's not really relevant now.


    At this point it really wouldn't be sensible. I don't think the boss is someone that has seen Shiho in her shrunken state. I think they'd be able to put two and two together fairly quickly and would take some action. Yoko has done none of this.

    Not to mention she's rather young, doesn't appear to be intelligent or as cautious as Vermouth describes the boss to be, and requested that Kir hire a private detective to investigate her stalker problem. Since Kogoro is such a famous detective, that seems like a rather risky move... (and that tracking device incident almost got Kogoro killed)

  14. I've never seen Dragon Ball (sad I know), but considering how the very first episodes were, it's always a bit depressing to see things end up like this.

    I'm hoping they wont censor it all to hell, but who am I kidding? They'll find a way. Que giant beam of light :P - After all, this is probably one of the most "brutal" cases, at least visually speaking since the Bandaged Man Murder Case... Or that's how it comes across to me in the manga, maybe even more so. 

  15. Ahh I only put spoilers, mainly because there might be some people who don't read the manga here. Most my enjoyment for this case was from the first part, but it's not like they really could have done much else here. I already knew I was going to be disappointed going into it. I wonder if they'll ever go back to using red blood...


    I don't think Kuroda's VA has been revealed yet. Maybe Gosho will give us an AC hint in the coming weeks? That would seem pretty typical of him

  16. Unfortunately, I was a bit let down by the second part. The mystery just wasn't interesting enough for 2 part episode, and the culprit was obvious... That said, I still thought it was decent. They threw in a couple more jokes towards the end (not really surprised).

    I liked that Conan was imitating the doll's voice  :P

    It'll be nice to see Heiji, Kazuha, and Yamamura again next week. This marathon of AOs is finally over. 


    I guess we don't have confirmation on whether or not Kawanakajima will be a 3 parter or not (though I assume so since it's 5 files and they'll have to account for some recap)

    I wonder who'll voice Hyoue Kuroda...


  17. File 948 Imgur

    File 948 baidu:


    Translations from presumenothing

    p2: 17 years ago, Kouji, who held 4 shogi titles at the time, went to America for the chess competition. But on the day before the competition, he was attacked by someone unknown in his hotel room and died. The room was quite a mess, it appears that Kouji fought back, and his cause of death is unknown. Amanda Hughes, who was in the same hotel, died in another room on the same day, COD also unknown

    p3: Amanda had been a big fan of Kouji and had interacted with him before. Amanda's bodyguard, whom she called "Asaka", disappeared since that day and was thus the prime suspect. "Asaka's" real identity is still unknown, and no one seems to know how Amanda ended up hiring him
     p3, cont: Haibara hasn't heard of Asaka, but she thinks the possibility of him having been an Org member is high

    p3-4: Conan points out it's weird for Kouji's name to be 2 below his. Haibara says the person in charge of the data probably didn't arrange it by chronological order, but possibly by the victims' blood types instead. Conan asks Haibara how old she is, if the drug he was given existed 17 years ago. Haibara "That's rude, I've told you, haven't I? I'm 18..."

    p4: Haibara says the drug may have been made by her parents, because she remade the drug by collecting the burned remains of the data. Her parents' research facility caught fire, which both destroyed the drug data and killed her parents, though she heard that it was an accident from others in the BO

     p4: Haibara's thought "But, what they truly wanted me to make..." "Was another drug..."

    p4: Haibara speculates that Kouji was killed for coincidentally witnessing Amanda's murder, apparently Amanda had some sort of connections (? not sure what exactly) to the FBI and CIA. Fingerprints confirm that Amanda had been to Kouji's room, probably to have tea

    p5: among the wreckage in the room is the broken mirror with P T ON, Haibara suggests that the PUT ON MASCARA, which a manufacturer had been printing on mirrors to sell with their mascara. Her sister also had one of those mirrors, which belonged to her mother

     p5-6: Haibara is disturbed by the messy state of the room, since the BO wouldn't have left it like that. In fact, Amanda's room had been made to look like nothing happened, as per their usual MO.

    p6: the bathroom tap in Kouji's room was left running. Conan says someone seems to have been regularly uploading the case info online, as if asking for help to solve the mystery.

    p7: Kouji's right hand bear marks of having tightly gripped the small scissors provided in the room, which reminds Agasa of a murder that happened this morning. The victim was gripping a pair of scissors Agasa invented, so Megure asked him to go to the scene

    p8: Okiya (along with his extra nikujaga...) asks to go to the scene with them, saying that there's something about the case that attracted his notice.

    p8: Okiya then says it's alright if Haibara doesn't go, since she can watch the house by herself. Haibara asks if he's leaving her to eat bad cooking alone
    Okiya: Not at all..." "I'm just not good at cooking that dish, that's all..."

    p9: Okiya calls Camel while leaving the house, requesting that he protect her

    p11: victim is president of a real estate company, killed by blunt force trauma, and found holding one of Agasa's scissors

    p12: the glass shards on the floor of the room have patterns and lettering on them, and seems to match another glass on the bathroom counter

    p13-4: Conan notices blood on the glass shards near the doorway, but it turns out to be the first discoverer's blood.

    p16: Okiya asks Takagi if the tap had been left running, and Takagi confirms it

    p16: Okiya (thinking) "So it's as I expected..." Conan "Hey, Akai-san..." "This case... is there something wrong about it?" Okiya "You've noticed it too, haven't you, kid?" "It's far too similar..." "To the case where Haneda Kouji was killed... 17 years ago..." "The one that forced me to join the FBI..." "That case..."
    NB the Chinese translator used 迫使 here, which is forced/coerced according to my dictionary

  18. This file was somewhat unexpected to me... I was hoping the Kouji name would lead to a follow up investigation right after, but Gosho has went off on a tangent lately... I'm quite excited for what may come out of this case, and nice to know we got some more information on the drug. 


    Nice to see Akai back in the picture as well, but the cooking thing still kind of baffles me. Seems like a silly excuse... well, whatever, that's something rather petty to complain about at this point. Case looks like it'll be off to a great start.

  19. I think with Shuukichi's situation it's definitely fine. With that postcard, and the marriage registration form on 947, there's proof.


    With Mary? I feel it's slightly more ambiguous. We do have that AC hint that matches up with the name on the handkerchief, and I'd say the postcards seem to heavily imply he is referring to the MG. Still, there's no definitive proof in the manga yet, so I could see how the change could be regarded as premature. Still, could Mary really refer to anyone else at this point? I've been on and off referring to her as Mary, as well as the MG, so I can't say I'd be against listing her under  Mary for now.

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