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Posts posted by machine

  1. OMM: When I first got my cat I think I played with her a little too roughly because now she always attacks my arms if she wants to play and has too much energy. That's fine most of the time because since I'm eternally cold and I wear sweaters/long sleeves but the one day I don't... pain 


    Halloween's been big in Denmark for a good while. I don't know how the Thanksgiving would work, all I've heard is rumors that people have begun celebrating it, though none that I know personally.

    It's just that the US is everywhere, such as in the news, on TV, the internet, etc. so a lot of people learn about its culture and tries it out themselves. It's probably a trend to be 'American'. More and more English words are also being used in everyday talk, and while I find it somewhat annoying, I guess I'll just have to accept it. It doesn't matter what language people speak in, as long as one is able to understand it.


    Huh, I always thought other countries found the US to be really annoying and would maybe even go out of their way to not sound American haha. The holiday thing probably isn't all bad though, kids probably really enjoy Halloween and the few taking advantage of Thanksgiving are probably enjoying their nice, large meal. That integrating English into your native language is probably weird though. With English bringing words in from other languages isn't unusual but in languages that don't really have many loanwords it's gotta be an adjustment. Is it mainly like slang and stuff? Like words that aren't really usable outside casual conversation? 

  2. Dear anonymous,


    I saw you look at me funny while I was waiting in the car for my dad to come back with our pizza. I'm aware I probably looked weird with that vest that's too small over my hoodie, and my glasses peaking out from my hood but it's cold plz no judge. You and your friend also looked pretty. I hope you enjoyed your pizza as much as I enjoyed mine


    Signed, fellow pizza enthusiast 

  3. *is awful at replying in a timely manner* orz


    Penguindrum is my favorite anime of all time, no lie, haha.  A few have come close, but no other anime have moved me or provided an experience quite like Penguindrum has. It's jam packed with symbolism and hidden meanings.  I recommend you rewatch it some time in the future; most people including myself feel it's even better the second time, believe it or not.  I've seen it four times already, and I still notice small details I had missed countless times before.  I didn't like Utena quite as much, though it's probably because Ikuahara was still experimenting.


    As for YKA, the first episode didn't hit me quite as hard as Penguindrum's first episode did, but I really enjoyed it regardless.  Of course, I'm a bit of a Ikuhara fanboy, so I'm probably being a bit biased.  I expect really great things from it.  And yeah, the opening just felt very Penguindrum-esque, down to the song lyrics.


    Yeah, Penguindrum is really something special. It really seems one of a kind. I've yet to find another anime that gave off a similar feel. I do plan on rewatching it eventually. When I finished it I could tell a bunch of it had gone over my head but I appreciated the series a ton because of that. Four times is a lot though :o I can't even bring myself to rewatch a series I really liked most of the time. But then again, Penguindrum is highly rewatchable and is probably meant to be rewatched multiple times so it's probably not too hard to sit through a couple additional times especially if you already really like the show. 

    And yeah YKA definitely felt different than the first episode of both Utena and Penguindrum. Can't quite figure out why though. And do you like the art style in YKA? I'm not particularly fond of it but I don't dislike it either. I didn't notice the lyrics to the opening though. They either weren't subbed or I just didn't pay attention (most likely the latter)


    And did anyone watch the first episodes of Death Parade, Aldnoah Zero season 2, Idolmaster Cinderella Girls, Kancolle, and/or Assassination Classroom? If so, what were your first impressions? c:

  4. My sister and I just discussed this the other day. I've always been curious to find out what drives humans to kill, and their story leading up it.


    I've always found that aspect of it really interesting too. I remember some of the documentaries I watched were in a series called Born to Kill and at the end of them they'd talk about the murderer's past to see if how they were brought up could have possibly lead to how they ended up the way they did or if it was genetic. 

    It'd probably be fascinating to talk to one. Their thought process and lack of empathy... I wonder how that would surface in every day conversation. 


    And while slightly off topic, I also find feral children interesting. Incredibly tragic but interesting nonetheless. They really made me realize just how vital the first few years of life are. So much develops in that time. If you miss that window of a few years, there's not much you can afterwards or rather only so much can be taught if you miss that window. 


    And because I get distracted easily and take an unnecessary amount of time to type replied and didn't refresh my page and I don't know how to add a quote when editing a post:


    @Akazora I've done something similar to that before. About a year and a half ago when doing my homework I used to find serial killer documentaries on youtube and play them in the background. I'd go through about 10 a week and after I while I had to stop because I'd seen majority of the ones I could find haha. I always found the methods they chose to get rid of the evidence quite interesting. Some ways seemed so well thought out that if hadn't been for that one mistake they probably wouldn't have been. It also amazes me that they can get addicted to killing. Something that's utterly unthinkable for majority of the population can be addictive... I imagine there'd be be quite the adrenaline rush with that stuff but addicting... Never would've thought...

  5. I wonder if there are kids in Japan that really like American tv shows and stuff and are super jealous of the fact that we can watch them without subs and on tv. Like if they exist what if they run around saying "bazinga" and stuff. I really hope kids like that exist. 


    On a more serious note though, I'm still trying to figure out if I'm in a situation with gaslighting, if my short term memory's actually just that bad, or if because now that I know what gaslighting is I'm just projecting it into my situation and while it's not what's happening in actuality it's what I see it as. It's just one those things that nags at me somewhat often.

  6. We're hearing a lot from the US here, and many of the US traditions are being celebrated here as well, with Halloween probably being the most popular at the moment. People have begun to celebrate Thanksgiving too. Some stores even did the Black Friday stuff. I don't like it, but ah well.

    As I told Kudo12XX, our crownprincess is originally from Australia, so we are probably more aware of it here.


    Ah that makes sense. And really? Due to how big they are other here I assumed those holidays were also a thing in other countries but it wasn't until a few years ago I learned they weren't. Halloween and Black Friday don't sound too bad though they're probably really weird and somewhat unlikable if you're not used to them. How would the Thanksgiving thing work though? haha

  7. There's the chance of this coming off weird but seeing as there's no psychology thread (or if there is it's either dead or I have to yet to cross paths with it) But does anyone else find serial killers interesting? I have this almost weird fascination with them. It's really interesting to me how all the cases are different and what happened in their past might have caused them to go down a homicidal path.

  8. ^^Forget they exist? How does that happen indeed?


    When I think of English speaking countries/areas I think "oh! the west--Canada, the US, and some parts of Europe" and then Australia's just over on the other side of the world so despite them also speaking English I just forget about them. And as Kudo12XX said, it's not really talked about. Where I live at least, like Canada and the UK are brought up somewhat often and also due to having to sit through multiple years of US history they're kinda hard to forget whereas Australia's just sorta there and out of the way. (and from what I hear also quite terrifying)

  9. I wish the oven in my house would stop getting an error. I just want to preheat it, put something in for five minutes, and stuff my face. And because it's Saturday we can't call customer service or whatever to get it fixed orz

  10. That's great! I'll be watching out for it. Tell us more details if it turns up. xD


    Oh, you have to get stuck with it, then. Whether you like it or not.


    If she actually gets aired I'll see if I can post a link to the episode since I think animal planet posts all of their content online as well( I may be mistaken on that though. I don't exactly keep up with animal planet but when checking for the airing time it looks like they post a good amount of videos on their site)

    And yeah :/ Hopefully if the area I moved to gets more built up the power/wifi lines will be improved and I won't have to worry about losing wifi or power if the weather mildly acts up


    Hey machine, just a friendly reminder: Please don't double-post. Edit your post instead. :)


    I'm sorry OTL I don't now how to edit a post and add a quote nor how to delete one and I didn't realize it until after I'd posted both of them OTL 

  11. I'm still not too far in (pushing 40 ep's currently) but Mouri Kogoro annoys me at times. I don't like how he acts sometimes like how he's kind of a pervert and how he expects Ran to sorta act like a housewife and do all the cooking and stuff. I don't mind him the rest of the time--I even kinda like him sometimes but whenever he behaves like that my tolerance level for how he acts goes way down.

  12. I hope it gets better soon. Yeah, but they should really improve their services. :V


    Thanks. But yeah :/ I can't really complain though because the first company my family tried to get to do our internet said we're not on their grid and the provider we have now is the only not completely horrible company that does service this far out in the sticks. And one of the people my dad works with lives even farther out and instead of actual wifi they have to use one of those hotspot things you can get from whatever cell phone service provider you have. It's annoying at times but we'll take what we can get sighs 

  13. I'm friends with my one teacher from middle school on facebook and she posted that she might be on the Ohio finding bigfoot thing on Animal Planet this coming Sunday. She said that she had her bigfoot story recorded but isn't 100% sure if it'll be aired. ....my middle school teacher might be on tv because of bigfoot


  14. Yeah, I think it's the weather that caused it. So, don't worry. I think things will be fine.


    ..and it's back to not working sighs. The weather is probably the issue though so at least I know it's not something on my end (that more or less makes it more annoying)

  15. It happens to me sometimes. It could be a problem with your Internet Service Provider. Or, Did you try rebooting your modem/router?


    My internet came back to normal about an hour ago. Ever since I moved to a more rural area a few times a month my internet will get really crappy like that. I was going to restart my router if it persisted any longer because my internet acting up usually only up to an hour but it had been acting up for around 3 hours this time. It's been really cold and windy so I'm guessing that's the reason why it was acting funny. The wind alone has knocked out my power before so I know stuff's more sensitive to weather conditions where I live now.

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