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Posts posted by machine

  1. wah, that seems like tons of fun! It's been a while since I last slid down like that..


    Yeah it's a really enjoyable experience since you can't get speeds that fast on regular sledding hills. There's usually a chalet on the same property too so afterwards you can go buy some hot chocolate and warm up by the fire c:

  2. ^Whatever that is. haha


    You don't know what tobogganing is? :o It's like sledding but better. The toboggan chutes will be built on a hill and the chutes themself will be icy.  So when you go down you pick up quite a bit of speed. The ones where I used to live could get speeds up to 50mph. The chutes look like this. It's basically just a fun way to kill time on a winter afternoon

  3. He's actually one of my favorite characters, haha.

    The show would be so much more boring without him. Kogoro is a comical character that can contrast greatly with the serious atmosphere of the show at points. I actually don't mind his pervertedness or how he treats Ran--it all adds to the humor. However, that doesn't make him entirely useless; he does have some redeeming qualities. Kogoro has morals and a pretty decent sense of what is going on around him, so he's usually there to help whenever a loved one is in danger.


    I take it you might be offended by his actions or character?


    Yeah, he certainly does add a lot to the show in multiple ways, and because of that I can't dislike him completely. I don't know if his behavior bothers me enough to say I'm offended by it but it certainly keeps me from fully liking his character  -_-

  4. I wonder where I'll be in 5 years.... Hopefully doing well, possibly living on my own, maybe attending college through a foreign exchange program. Maybe I'll even be bilingual by then and have better drawing skills. That'd be cool. At the very least I'll no longer be a teenager which is more or less a plus. 

  5. hmm...


    -embrace the fact that a weight will have literally been lifted off my shoulders 

    -probably get attached to my new found height and go back to being salty about how short I am the next day

    -go out in public to see if I'd be treated any differently 

    -make the highest pitched noise I can to see if I having a deeper voice would make a difference compared to doing the same thing with a higher voice

    -be shirtless just because

    -see if getting a 5 o'clock shadow is as annoying as I hear it is

    -get on public transportation and proceed to sit with my legs far apart just for the hell of it

    -ngl I'd take a lot of selfies 

    -and I'd try on so many suits--probably learn how to tie a tie too


    ...that's about it. I'd probably do a few other things as well but those are the main ones I can think of.

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  6. This is pretty much the thread for every science stuffs.

    I think the biggest influence is the environmental thingy. Parents especially. (Separated or not, what they teach their child and etc.) Honestly, many people put parents as just minor influence compared to others when the truth is, it plays the biggest role in people's life.

    Then there's genetics but seriously, it plays a minor role.


    I agree. I came across this article a couple months ago which I found really interesting and shows that childhood is extremely important in more ways than one. 

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