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Detective Conan World


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Posts posted by machine

  1. I read the article and yup, true. Seems like genetics still play a strong role though but not compared to environmental factors.

    Haha, just realized that sociopathy is the same with anti-social personality disorder.

    It's kinda scary coz sociopaths aren't afraid to lie and manipulate people and they have a very little empathy. Just my worst nightmare.

    Anyway, do you study psychology stuffs to? It's kinda one of the awesomest science field. It really helps improve oneself and you can use it for self-defense.


    Yup, their lack of empathy and views on manipulating people makes them interesting to me though. The fact they can do certain things without a second thought that most people can't even bring themselves to think about themselves doing is so fascinating to me. And no, what little I know regarding psychology I learned from just being curious. It's more of a loose hobby for me. I'm more interested in meteorology than psychology too so I don't know how many psychology courses I'll take/be able to take once I reach college.  


    My inspirations have honestly been the people in books, history and anime. I didn't confide to anyone in my family nor do, I just obeyed because I was the youngest. I used to be a very dependent person but I didn't really depend on my family emotionally.


    My parents are first generation immigrants so it's hard for them to empathize with problems we tend to have around here.

    Communication between my parents and me is always an issue so the only people I'm able to confide in are my friends and sister.

    Otherwise, I'm usually on my own. When that happens, I vent on a Word document and save it for future reference.


    I also have that.. situation? predicament? ,,,thing? not quite sure what to call it but my family's not emotionally open either. Showing any emotion (especially strong emotion) never went over well and usually resulted in being told I was overreacting or throwing a tantrum. I don't think I confided in someone until 9th grade when my depression was at it's pique and one internet friend begged me to tell her. She got (and still occasionally gets) the brunt of my venting which while I feel very bad about I'm also incredibly grateful for. She's currently prepping for college though so if I have a bad day my only option is to write it down in what by definition is probably considered a diary though I just like to refer to it as the thing that keeps me sane when I need it to haha

  2. Was on tumblr, saw a post about some of the comments on the Yowamushi Pedal wikia, had that "what if mine got included" thought for a second, scrolled down, ....there it is, forth one from the bottom. I still hate that bicycling bishie

    I cannot believ-


    not sure if when linking tumblr posts you're supposed to link to the post on your own blog or the original post ...I will use this opportunity to show off my blog theme I guess

  3. I'm still quite new to DC but episode 43 has been favorite episode by far. I love Shinichi's parents and how after hearing about his predicament they both agreed to mess with him on such an elaborate scale haha. I hope they show up in future episodes because I'd love to see more of them.

  4. Now I'm jealous, hahaha. Don't think we have any of those here though, or at least I haven't seen any.. hmm


    Yeah they don't seem to be very popular which is unfortunate since tobogganing's a really fun winter activity. I just wonder if the maintenance for the chutes and them only being able to operate from November - March is enough to dissuade people from building them. They also seem to be the thing you have to look out for. If you don't know there's a tobogganing place nearby you probably won't ever notice since, at least the one where I lived, wasn't advertised much at all and was in hidden in the local parks system. 

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