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Detective Conan World


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Posts posted by machine

  1. I know English as it's my native tongue, I'm currently learning German (hoping to pick up some Swiss German in the process) and that's about it. I tried teaching myself French and Mandarin before but I got bored so I didn't get very far. Then I know some Korean from liking kpop and some Japanese as well because it just sorta comes with being an anime fan. 

  2. I am just now realizing how gross the garlic bread I used to really like a year ago is.



    Okay. Kinda.
    Honestly, I dunno what is the difference between 3D printed food and the real ones when it comes to nutrition factor. There are 3D printers that can create food. They've been invented recently, I believe.


    I think part of it is knowing the food doesn't come from natural sources and that it wasn't grown or raised 

  3. White holes aren't proven yet. They are like the other end of black holes. Anyways, Black holes aren't proven too... we haven't observed them directly, yet. We observe black holes indirectly, in the present.

    Anyways, they are still theories.

    For the humanity leaving the Earth, we have no choice really. Plus, I'm up for preserving the earth once we leave the planet.

    And for the food and water thingy, honestly, it's true. Since human population keeps growing. The only thing that can really cure this is if we move into space and find a new livable habitat... plus the 3D printer will be a great help. But humans are so gratified by the "pleasure-now-work-later" and also most high ranking people plan for short term not long term coz they are like, "I honestly dont care. I wont be alive at that time, anyways."


    ...still so complicated orz But with 3D printers what kind of... stuff would the food be made out of? They can't just make edible ingredients out of thin air can they? o_o


    OMM: I need a haircut... 

  4. I love space documentaries. Especially, about aliens <3

    Anyways, black holes aren't really that complex. Earth MIGHT get swallowed by the sun... depending on some factors.

    I'm pretty certain that we will leave earth someday... Kinda sad.


    The way they talked about black holes sounded really complex at least orz They also talked about how white holes might be a thing and how those would be the exact opposite of black holes and expel stuff rather than destroy or whatever black holes do exactly to anything that gets sucked into them. It is kinda sad how humans will probably permanently leave Earth though. I wonder what they'll due for food/water once that happens though since they're bound to run out sometime.

  5. Watched two space programs back to back despite being really tired. My brain hurts--why are black holes so complex orz If the Earth gets swallowed by the sun once it dies and starts expanding everything that's ever happened will disappear and have been for naught unless we leave the planet orz Granted that's billions of years off but ohmgyod 

  6. What even...? I'm sorry, we can't be friends.

    (jk :P)




    never ever have i heard this from a person who is not allergic to peanut 


    But it's consistency and texture though,, tumblr_inline_nfinyaCj9d1qk5qve.gif  It's so weird it feels like thick too and hard to swallow and nnO. Just the smell of it makes me feel kinda sick  tumblr_m42qtuDuo21r58lid.gif

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