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Posts posted by machine

  1. My internet keeps getting dns lookup failed and the only sites I can use are this, twitter, google, and youtube. (why? I'm not sure but when I reload them they don't give me an error so..) I can't even look at sites to try to figure out what's wrong orz everything was fine an hour ago too sighs  

  2. Katekyo Hitman Reborn? I've never heard of that series. How is it?

    Haha, I've been wanting to watch Hunter x Hunter along with probably a billion other series ;^;. I really marathon things too much and too quickly. Because of that, I couldn't enjoy series as much as I should. Wow, watching SnK when it was airing? I would've died like that; the cliffhangers are too much xD


    Yeah, it is. I watched everything as it was when it aired, so the movies and OVAs correspond with their airdate (currently at Movie 10 and OVA something). I'm currently in a break; haven't watched it in a month or so. Of course, I might just go into power-through mode because there's some plot development in 10 episodes (thanks to spoilers), but it'll be a lot of work watching more filler. I currently have my hands in Steins;Gate and Fate/Stay Night: UBW, so I don't know when that'll be.


    I liked KHR a lot. It was very generic battle shounen at times though. The first 20 episodes are also almost pointless, they're more slice of life and character building which is fine but they're really hard to sit through. Then later around ep 115 it moves at an even slower pace. One of the episodes I watched only had 6 minutes of actual new content because the rest of recap and an unnecessary 5 minute long ending short. It was also kinda sexist towards the female characters at times (I don't even know how that happened considering how the mangaka is a woman). Like the girls played damsels in distress often and part of their purpose during the one arc was for them to cook and clean for the male characters orz As much as I really liked it, I don't really recommend it unless someone's seen a most of other stuff in the shounen genre because of those flaws :/

    Hunter x Hunter's great though. I don't know how much of a priority other series on your to watch list are but it's one of those series I urge everyone to watch if they have an interest in it. The characters are all really original and it's just written really well--the Chimera Ant arc's one of the best I've ever seen. I started it last year on a whim and it became one of my favorite if not my favorite anime really quickly.

    Yeah, watching snk when it was airing though was quite the experience haha I started watching it the week before the recap ep came out and just having all this hype for a new episode and having a recap episode come out was awful haha. And I remember one week the episode got subbed a few hours later than usual and just dozens of people on tumblr and twitter were collectively freaking out. I can't imagine how crazy it'll be when the second season airs haha.


    I marathon things a lot too. I've recently gotten better at taking them slower but I still marathon things from time to time. That feeling of finishing a series you like really quickly and then not having new material to watch/read is the worst OTL


    You've seen so much DC stuff :o Fillers are pretty annoying, have you already sat through a ton of them already? :/ At least you know you're not too far away from actual plot though. And ooh Steins;Gate and Fate/Stay Night UBW, how are you enjoying those? c:

  3. Haha, I have no idea. I don't follow sports either, so something like this would've easily slipped from my mind.

    Gosh, that sounds really scary. Where I was born, night markets were part of the culture, so a bunch of people ranging from all ages, male or female, would be able to walk around and not be afraid. Now, I don't have to worry about safety either since it's a pretty good town.

    Haha, I know I've been to a lot of cities, especially along the east coast, but I can't remember anything about them //shot. I guess another pro would be the lack of tourists. I prefer nice and comfy over bustling.

    Why not? It's your own state xD


    Oh wow that sounds really nice actually :o I think there were occasionally farmers's markets in the area (south of Cleveland maybe 50 miles or so it starts to become more rural) but there weren't night markets or anything. I think a few cities I've visited had similar things like that and my family and I always enjoyed those. Yeah cities that aren't overflowing with people can be nice, Cleveland's almost like... too empty though. No one feels safe enough to walk around and the city's not really designed to be walkable either. (The places worth visiting are spread out)


    And I have no idea haha. I've been to just about every other city in the state worth visiting but I've never been to Columbus. Aside from it being capitol and maybe the zoo nothing really there ever seemed like visiting haha 

  4. ^Jeez, machine is trying her best to keep this thread on topic while everyone else is spamming like this is an OMM page.


    I know on some forums threads will get locked if they get too off topic so I (unsuccessfully) tried to steer things back on course,,


    New member, and you're already cool in my book for this.


    Not quite sure what I did in particular to do that but yay!?

  5. Dear anonymous,


    I know we haven't talked in 7 maybe 8 years now, not to mention I moved and am now a state away but I still think about you sometimes. Despite me changing schools and later moving I had always hoped we could talk again sometime. If I'm not mistaken a year or so ago I even sent you a friend request on facebook. I'd heard from the neighbors shit had hit the fan for you guys too over the past 2 - 3 years so I hope everything's ok over in your neck of the woods now. Even if not in person, I'm hoping I'll somehow to be at least say something by the time you graduate. I mean, we became friends before we even entered preschool. My early childhood's chock-full of stuff we did. I just wanna say thanks and apologize for whatever I did that angered you. 


    Talk to you in the future hopefully

    -former best friend c:

  6. Haha, 30 episodes is plenty, but when I get into obsession-mode, I marathon it. I finished Code Geass, which had 50 episodes, in a few days. I'm now thankful for my parents. If not for them, i would've finished it in less xD Attack on Titan was finished in little more than one day (since I watched it into 2 in the morning). I forgot my normal pacing for DC though.

    Haha, really? I'm only halfway through xD


    I've done something similar to that before. Back in November 2013, I marathoned all 203 episodes Katekyo Hitman Reborn in a month (I started like Nov 5th and finished Dec 2nd) and a couple months later in January/February I marathoned Hunter x Hunter which at the time had around 115 episodes. (I wanted to enjoy what I was watching so I took it a little slower). 50 episodes in just a few days is a lot though :o If my memory serves correctly in took me about 2 and a half weeks to finish both seasons of Code Geass c: (I watched AoT when it was airing so I didn't get to marathon it) 


    And 400 episodes is still a ton though even if that's only halfway through the series. That's 400+ half an hour episodes (some might have been even longer than that, one of the episodes I've seen was an hour long so I'm guessing other episodes have also been that long too), and I'm assuming you've seen a few of the movies and maybe ova's too. That's a lot of time into any hobby let alone one series c:

  7. Was there a sports team there? One of my sports-fanatic teachers always talked about it, so I thought it was more like on of the bigger cities. Then again, I'm more accustomed to suburban life and the cities I'm used to (like NYC or DC) have a pretty big reputation to keep, so I'd expect more. The only less kept city I've seen is Atlanta, but it wasn't that all that bad either. I'm guessing East Cleveland is like the scarier part of cities? I'm already terrified of walking in any city at night, so I can't imagine what it'd be like to go through a bad neighborhood.

    State capitols are always fun to go to (though I don't like mine). Haha, I'm all for temperate places, but that's a pretty big change xD


    Sports team in Cleveland? There's the Cleveland Indians, Browns, and Cavaliers (baseball, football, and basketball respectively). I doubt he was referring to the hockey team but on the off chance he was there's also the Lake Eerie Monsters. Cleveland's a somewhat big city though, it's just not what it used to be. I didn't keep up much with the sports teams but from what I understand they were average, not necessarily good or bad. And yeah east Cleveland's pretty bad, most of the crime you'd hear on the news would be on that side of town. It's the kinda place you never see people walking around on the sidewalks, you get nervous if the light takes too long to change, and you double check to make sure your car doors are locked. Fortunately I never had much of a reason to go over there. The west side's pretty nice though I may be biased haha

    I've been to quite a few cities (Boston, NYC, Charleston, San Diego, Detroit, and Lexington to name a few) and Cleveland definitely pales in comparison. Cleveland's not a bad city, it certainly has some really nice aspects. It's just the cons outweigh the pros by quite a bit. 

    The few state capitols I've seen a nice though. I've somehow never been to Columbus Ohio though.


    And yeah, I feel like I didn't appreciate Cleveland weather until I moved haha. Sure the weather may be a little unpredictable there but at least it never stayed below 20*F for long periods of time 

  8. Whoops. Double-post, eh? :P

    Welcome to DCW! \o/ quite a lovely name you got there, mate. Hahaha hope you enjoy lurking around the forum and making friends with everyone! :D


    Thank you :D


    30 episodes a week? //shot

    I have a nasty habit of reading spoilers, especially DC spoilers xD I think I spent a few hours on the Wiki, just reading through every piece of info and whatnot, trying to see exactly which episode had them. I started out thinking there's no way I'd go through 700+ episodes, but I gave up skipping around and settled for chronology. Still in the 400s though.

    I've never seen Tumblr's side of this, though Skyechan does have a nice little rewatch project going on. I check DCTP and occasionally the subreddit for updates on DC news. They're pretty handy if you want to know when new episodes are simulcasting, trailers released, and et cetera.


    i..is 30 episodes a week not a lot to some people? I usually just watch whatever airing stuff I'm keeping up with and maybe an additional 5 - 10 episodes of something else so having 30 episodes on top of that seemed like a lot to me ^^;


    Ah I see, that doesn't sound like a good habit haha. It's so tempting knowing the answers to things is just a few clicks away though. The 400s though :o that's quite far along though. 


    From what little I've seen of the DC fandom on tumblr it seems nice, very quiet but friendly. And ah, if/when I get caught up having a site to find news about the series will probably be helpful c:

  9. Decaying? What do you mean?

    Haha, yeah. My teacher who used to live in the Midwest would always say how people here just don't realize how cold it can get, even if we're on the same latitude. Ouch, windchill...

    How's Indianapolis? Is it a nice contrast to the country?


    It's just an older city that's not really being like updated and improved. A lot of abandoned buildings and homes, it's not really a tourism city (how often do you hear "wow I really wanna visit Cleveland!"), east Cleveland's terrifying, however the theater district's nice and there's a couple nice museums, the rock and roll hall of fame's also there, the Cleveland Clinic, and there's a really nice park system. Cleveland's apart of the rust belt, new jobs aren't coming in, it's just not doing as well as other cities.


    Indianapolis from what I've seen is nice though. (I've only driven through it a couple times) It seems newer and well kept. There seems to be more going on there too. I've heard the Indianapolis 500's apparently really big but other than that I don't really know what's there. 


    As for the weather, yeah I would've never expected it to be like that here. It also gets about 10*F - 15*F hotter than Cleveland here in the summer. I just never thought it got this cold this far... well not south but I thought it only got this cold in the upper states and in Canada so it was a huge shock haha

  10. I've never been in Indiana (or Ohio for that matter). Must be pretty hard to go from city to country.


    You're not missing out on much, Cleveland's sadly a decaying city (I can't speak for the other larger cities in Ohio though) and aside from Indianapolis and a few colleges, there's nothing worth mentioning about Indiana. But yeah, it was quite a bit of a change. The big one probably being that I never realized how temperate Lake Eerie kept the Cleveland area. It rarely went below 0*F there but last night in Indiana it went down to -8*F but felt like -25*F with windchill. There's also just not much here. A lot of times we've asked if certain stores or like things to do were in the area we've been told that the closest ones are in Indianapolis. There's not a lot of huge differences it's just a lot of little ones you wouldn't expect to bother you until you're faced with a bunch of them. 

  11. That's depressing.... Oi, I think you should really give your all to make a legacy, in a goodway.

    I wonder how long it would last


    Sorry ^^; I don't really know what kind of legacy I want/would be able to obtain though. I don't want children, and I strive for normalcy/don't want to do like anything extraordinary but the idea of being forgotten almost immediately after I've died is unsettling to say the least. It's just sorta... awful to think about how even if I enjoy my life a ton and accomplish a bunch of personal goals that might all just disappear and be completely meaningless the second I'm gone. o_o

  12. OMM: tfw all your friends have other friends, are doing fun high school things, acting like teenagers, making memories while you're stuck all alone in another state in a new town where majority if not all of the land without buildings is crop fields, and you have an complicated school situation OTL

  13. All my fears are realistic and it's the worse orz So no, I haven't really overcome any of them, I haven't really encounter any of them (yet). They're all just "what if's" Like for example, what if I have to live on the streets, what if I'm someone much larger than me is following me with the intention of hurting me, what if because of my sex I have trouble getting a job, what would I do if I got in a car accident, what if I never grow as a person and because of that have trouble connecting with people, what do I do if I ever have small children in my care and they get hurt, etc etc


    Being an adult sounds horrifying, I am 100% unprepared if any of those situations happen.

  14. I sometimes wonder if I'm going to be forgotten or if I'm already forgotten in a sense. To elaborate I mean like, I don't really want to get married nor have kids, most of my family (who I'm not even close to to begin with) are much older than me (even my older sister's 9 and a half years older than me), so assuming I make it to old age, once I pass will I be forgotten? Most likely. I'm not particularly scared of death itself, I'm curious about what comes afterwards but not scared. I'm more so scared/worried about what will kill me and what happens afterwards. (not in a religious sense but like uh... "I'm dead so now what?") I probably won't have much of a legacy so will I just disappear and stop existing as quickly as I came into existence?

    And the latter part is referring to like old friends/classmates I've had, I wonder how many have forgotten about me. I wonder whose lives I'm no longer a memory of. I'm not bothered by this, it's just a weird thought since I think about my old classmates quite a bit and I wonder how many of them don't remember me but I remember them quite vividly. 

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  15. I'm quite fond of spring, late spring in particular. Like the time between late April and early-mid June. Everything's blooming and turning green, warm sunshine, cool nights, my seasonal allergies screwing me over, school ending, the short rain showers, the air just feels refreshing and almost a little crisp, baby animals, my birthday. 


    idk man I just love spring

  16. Have you seen the first episode of Yuri Kuma Arashi yet?  Love the opening; can't stop watching it.  Have you seen any of Ikuhara's other works?


    I've seen Mawaru Penguindrum and I'm currently watching Utena c: I watched the episode earlier this week, I sorta liked it. It was weirder than I thought I'd be and I'm admittedly a little skeptical but I'm hoping it'll live up to and exceed it's expectations c: Did you like the first episode? And, though I'm not sure why, the opening reminds me of the second penguindrum opening.


    ...and I found this when trying to find the opening on youtube

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