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Posts posted by Valkyrie

  1. pandai apanyer? ko patut tau gak kan yg skolah kat malaysia ni memang ada subjek bahasa arab...

    Aku tak skolah kat skolah biase pe... Aku ingat Bahasa Arab tu kalau nak ambik boleh, tak nak pun boleh.

    Skolah aku Sekolah cina. :P Aku blaja bahasa Cina, tak Bahasa Arab.

  2. kamu x pe la... kita takut la result Bahasa Arab lepas cuti ni. dh la susah!!! 33.gif

    Bahasa Jepun senang je hafal pahal Bahasa Arab susah nk hafal??? 34.gif

    Kau blajar Bahasa Arab??? :blink: WAH! BAGUS NYE! Nis pandai seh... :P

    Bahasa Jepun senang ke??? Aku rase Bahasa Arab lagi senang. Alif, ba, ta... :lol:

    Hey semue! :D Apa khabar semue? Baik tak? :)

  3. Dear anonymous,

    Honestly? Stop this talk of suiciding. STOP. You have a bad life, we know. Your parents insult you and nag at you everyday but then again, whose parents don't? You say I have no idea how your life is and you're right. I don't. But what I do know is that you are taking everything too harshly. So what if you are not top of the class? So what if your parents are being jerks? There's always another day where everything will get better and you just have to live to reach that day. Dying won't help.

    You tell EVERYBODY that you are going to die and then, you don't. Then, you apologise but do it again. I really want to ask you if you really mean it when you say you won't do it again. Because, to me, it really seem that you want somebody to either push your off the building or to pull you back in. So which is it? I don't really understand you. You keep everyone on their toes, praying that you won't do anything stupid and then, when we are relieved that you didn't commit suicide, you say that you are again.

    And you say nobody cares for you and that you have no social life. Open your eyes girl! You have FRIENDS and they all CARE for YOU. When you are sad, there is someone there to make you smile and when you have no money to eat, there is someone there to buy you lunch. When you say that you want to commit suicide, there are so many of us who tell you not to. And when you go to school even during the holidays cos you don't wanna be at home with your parents, there is always someone who is willing to forgo their own holidays to sit with you and keep you company.

    You know that I will always be there to stop you from commiting suicide. I prevented that THRICE already. You rage at me, but do you see me stopping? I will never stop. I won't let you. I might be selfish, trying to keep you alive so that I won't suffer a heartache, but I really don't want you to die for something that will end soon. You have probably another 80 years ahead of you so PLEASE, don't kill yourself for something that happened in your first 16 years of your life.

    I really don't know why I am writing such a long post about this. You are never going to read this anyway. But by any chance you do, I really hope you start to see that there is more to life than just studies and parents. There is always a shining star, even in the greatest darkness. Hold onto that star, that ray of hope, and never, EVER let it go.

    ~Your friend for life

  4. Dear anon,

    Thanks... but you wouldn't understand. Not completely anyway.

    I know that I shouldn't judge them but I just can't care any longer. I just want to shut down any sort of emotions and just live to survive, ignoring everyone else and just caring for myself.

    I'll think about it but I am still going to leave forever once I'm legally adult-enough to care for myself. I don't want to return after that.


  5. Dear mom,

    You don't like my gift? Fine, whatever. It's Mother's Day and you're scolding me for getting you a terrible gift. And stop spouting your nonsense about how you have not asked me for a roof over your head or asked for money to pay for your stupid luxuries. I think you totally forgotten that my brother was the one who paid for the house and the bills while I pay for the groceries and vehicles with whatever money I have.

    And you. What do YOU do? Why, you spend all your money on shopping for YOURSELF and never once spared a thought about us, who are still young but still have to pay for your incessent spending.

    So you know what, you can refuse the gift and throw it in the garbage. I'm sick and tired of your attitude and I won't stand by it any longer.

    I can't wait till I'm 18. I'm leaving and never going to turn back. You and dad can rot in the hell house for all I care.

    ~Your daughter that's only by blood but not by heart.

  6. If you are not me than that make me me and me you to you therefore you wish for me but I am unavailable :P JK

    I wish for SOAPS!

    I wasn't talking to you. :P

    I wish for a new motorbike... <3

  7. Dear Anon,

    Since you aren't my student, will I get killed if I say that highlighted sentence? :P


    Dear you,

    No. I already thought the better of it. :P If I killed you or my teacher, I have one less awesome person in my life. :lol:


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