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Detective Conan World

Erza Scarlet

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Erza Scarlet last won the day on December 14 2013

Erza Scarlet had the most liked content!

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104 Excellent


About Erza Scarlet

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  1. Happy late birthday! Sorry I missed it. Been playing more games, anticipation of my laptop coming, and watching stuff. Oh and doing my Cross-stitch.

    1. Show previous comments  75 more
    2. kfnnapa
    3. Erza Scarlet

      Erza Scarlet

      If you say so ^^

      Calling me 'Erza' would be fine~~~ =D and I guess I'll just call you...E. Woyld that be fine? (you should know the reason why E :x)

      I can't view it on opera mini, but I'm going to check it once I get to the computer~ =)

    4. kfnnapa


      I guess I'm E because of my real name.

      And that's okay, I'll just continue solving my square 1 until I get bored. ^_^

      Its really a pain to even mix up.. o.O

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