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Detective Conan World

AmiiChan AlSa

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Status Updates posted by AmiiChan AlSa

  1. The last day on 2011.... i get a lot of fun here.... Happy New Year everybody :)

  2. 3th day of my 2 weeks holiday.... ah.. so bored u,u

  3. Long time no here.... Anybody still remember me Q__Q

  4. mksh?

    hehehhehe.... iya donk....

  5. Hwaaaaa!!! My Blog!!! Gosh!!! What's happened??? Q___Q

  6. Hhh..... everuthing become mess :'

  7. gosh.... yay!!! that's good! really good >.<

  8. For me... it's only you....

  9. yeah!

    really? it'll be open??? YAY!!! *jump

  10. Fanfict competition >.< I hope i win... It's about DC :D

    1. Bella


      Oooooo,DC competiton! XD Good luck!

    2. IdentityUnknown


      :o There's a fanfic competition?
    3. AmiiChan AlSa

      AmiiChan AlSa


      thanks.... wish me win!!!

  11. it's open now, for beta of course.... i borrow my friend's account, and that's soooo amazing!!! i really really really want to have my own accounts >.<

  12. iya donk... kan sekolahku keren XD

    oohh... goodluck deh

  13. Learn to let him go.... :D

  14. I've promise... No more tears.....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. harrieth.dc


      PROMISES ARE MADE TO BE BROKEN.. :/comfort...

    3. Mia Ehru

      Mia Ehru

      easier said than done, yet.. I believe sometimes it's not something you can avoid.. whatever turns out to happen, don't blame yourself because of crying, nor try to promise desperately not to do so if you truely need it.. be yourself

    4. AmiiChan AlSa

      AmiiChan AlSa

      shinichi: i mean, tears for him

      jovan: you know... teenage problem

      harrieth: hahahaha.... i hope no...

      mia : hahaha... that's mean i can let him go now...

  15. biasa.... sibuk ama tugas -________-

    gini ini anak RSBI, tugas nya gk kira-kira

    aku gk ada uts loh :D

  16. lupa dulu ngomongin apa .___.

    lg sibuk apa nih skrg?

  17. urwell....

    indonesia too... hahaha

  18. yeah! that's true....

    you know, half oof my life (maybe more) i always imagine to be hogwarts student XD

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