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Detective Conan World

Emiko Seiei

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Status Updates posted by Emiko Seiei

  1. yup ! :D smiling lots nowadays.

    how about you? ^__^

  2. yes really~.

    I wouldn't lie to you, Kido-kun :)

  3. aw I feel touched <3 :'D

    my week was terrible without you too~ :<

  4. why was your week boring? D:

  5. Natsumi-chan ~ <3 !

    sry for late reply ^ ^;

  6. how are you~? :D

    sry for late reply ^ ^;

  7. Hi! :D

    sry for late reply ^ ^;

  8. ah well i gotta go now~. hope we can talk again laters :D

  9. Al says sorry~. He hopes you can forgive him.

  10. nothing much. about to have a scary movie marathon soon :D. what about you?

  11. aww im so sorry i made you stay up that late D:

    and okayy. you should sleep! good night~ <333

  12. so what are you doin' now~? ^__^

  13. of course not ^__^. I could never get angry at you <3 :D

  14. LOL I feel the same way about my dad XDD

    and byess. Talk to you laters ! :D

  15. Yea~ dads can be like that XDD. LOL but you just gotta love them at the same time <33

  16. LOL XD Mine too !! The worst is that my dad keeps forgetting his wallet. so many times, we had to drive all the way back home to go get it xP. w/o money you cant really do anything ~

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