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Detective Conan World

Emiko Seiei

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Status Updates posted by Emiko Seiei

  1. ah so how're things with you? do anything fun lately~? ^___^

  2. so how've you been lately? ^^

    do anything interesting? :D

  3. LOL i know how you feel. homework is terrible.

    I got tons of homework to do as well D;

    but i got mid-winter vacay, so i'ma do hw later xD

  4. haha no~. what i meant was that not smiling would be a waste :)

  5. sounds like loads of fun xD.

    I relaxed too~. because using Saturdays for anything else would be terrible xD.

  6. Mhm~ :D doing something other than smiling is a waste of time xD.

    lol so did you smile today too? :)

  7. Hello! It has been awhile! Too long in my opinion ^^. So how've you been? :D

  8. LOL ikr ! XD

    Saturdays are always great x3

    What did you do for your Saturday? :)

  9. Things are going well I guess :)

    How about you? Happy :D ?

  10. I'm doing fine :D

    what about chu?

  11. Hi ! :D

    and thanks for adding me too ^^

    how are you?

  12. Gawa-kun~ :D haven't talked to you in awhile~

  13. i'll have to read it later :)

    but right now i have to go. ttyl !

    @Kido-kun: You're not asleep yet =___=

  14. lol i see xDD

    haha well i gotta go now.

    ttyl you later Natsumi-chan <3

  15. oh i've nvr heard of that one.

    what's it about? :3

  16. good night Kido-kun ^^

    sweet dreams <3

  17. does he play main roles in other dramas? :3

  18. LOL it should be. and it is.

    im just very lazy to do it xD

  19. yea XD. i dont like doing homework~ :P

  20. really? :D

    lol i guess i'll try to put it at the top of my to watch list.

    how many episodes are there?

  21. lol same. not really talking to anyone else :)

    trying to do a bit of hw. but im lazy xD

  22. so what are you doing right now? :D

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